God's Unusual Ways: Live Loved, Tom

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meets at the Farm Centre, 420 University Ave.

Charlottetown, PE Sunday mornings 10:00 am - 12:00 PM

June 2, 2013

Gods Unusual Ways

For the past month Ive been sharing a series of messages titled Gods Unusual Ways. My objective is to highlight the many and varied ways that God has historically chosen to interact with his creation. The foundational verses for this series can be found in Isaiah 55:8-9. For my thoughtsare not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares theLord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. God thinks and acts differently than we do. He thinks and takes action in vastly superior ways than we do. There are many benefits to having a personal and intimate relationship with God Almighty; one of them is that we have the option to yield our thoughts and ways to his thoughts and ways. Thats one way that we can live supernatural lives in the power of the Holy Spirit. So far weve taken a look at Gods Unusual Ways in the lives of Moses, Gideon, Abraham and David. We view their lives through the lens of history and see them as unique and extraordinary. I think we sell God and ourselves short when we do this. Before God intervened in their lives these were ordinary men, just like you and I. Moses was a murder hiding in exile, Gideon was a coward hiding from is enemies, Abraham was an old man and David was just a kid tending sheep on a hillside. The powerful message of their lives is that God showed up and the ordinary became extraordinary in his hands. Its Gods way, its what Jesus did in choosing his disciples. Its the model for how he works in our lives to this day. I encourage you to repeatedly yield your thoughts and ways to Gods and watch what he can do with the likes of us.

Serving This Sunday

Greeters Lindsay Metzger & Shelagh Campbell Worship Team TBA SPEAKER Tom Zawacki Communion Preparation Bernice Gallant OFFERING COLLECTION Russel McCabe, Tom & Jill Shultz Sound TBA Media TBA Toddler Ministry Julie Corrigan & Olivia Wigmore CHILDRENs Ministry Rebecca Read Prayer Ministry Teams TBA Clean Up - TEAM C WILL REQUIRE ASSISTANCE Deb & Steve Price, Ferne MacEwen (will be absent), Lisa Taylor, (will be absent), Patsy Doiron (will be absent), Justin Perry, Tom Banks.

Live Loved, Tom

Charlottetown Community Church & Surrounding Community The Presence of God That we Live Loved That we Live Love That we Live Supernaturally Jane Watts niece Healing, prompt medical care & comforting peace. Trevena MacLeods mother Healing, freedom from pain, lifted spirits & support for her and her family. Melanie Taylors daughter Jessica Healing and lifted spirits. Jack McAskill Healing & recovery, lifted spirits & support. Donna MacDonald Healing, freedom from pain, lifted spirits & support for her and her family. Lori McDonalds friend Jen Healing from cancer, lifted spirits & support for her and her family. Karen Gallants grandson Oliver Healing and support for him and his family. Tracey Demeulenaere and her daughter Kelsey. Healing and recovery from Kelseys open heart surgery, support for her and their family. Marsha McAndrews father Bazil Healing and relief from pain related to back surgery. Marsha McAndrews mother Blood pressure to become more normal and comfort while dealing with stress.


CHURCH FINANCES Four Week Average Giving: $2,315.96 Four Week Average Needed: $2,000.00 Lets keep praying for God to supply all we need! MEDIA HELP We need additional Media Help with running video projector on Sunday mornings. Please contact Tom if you are interested. NEXT ELDERS MEETING Saturday, July 13 The elders are: Wayne & Natalie Simmons, Errol & Shelagh Campbell, Greg & Debbie MacKinnon, Garfield & Brenda MacDonald and Tom & Nadine Zawacki. Please feel free to contact us anytime with your thoughts, questions or ideas. WORSHIP TEAMS EVENT Saturday, June 1st 6:00 p.m. For current worship team members and those interested in joining a worship team. Tom to share worship values. Time to play together. MOMS & TOTS GROUP

YOUTH GROUP Postponed for the Summer. MENs GROUP Postponed LADIES GROUP Postponed

A Charlottetown Community Church Group

10:00 AM, Wednesday mornings Contact Michelle Barton or Trevena MacLeod for location LADIES BOOK CLUB STARTING UP AGAIN SOON!

Sundays 9:15 - 9:45 a.m. in the Farm Centre boardroom (second floor to the right at the top of the stairs). Anyone interested is welcome to join.

WORSHIP TEAMS If you have been thinking that you would like to take part in or lead worship on Sundays please contact John McDonald on Facebook, by email at johnperogie@gmail.com, or call or text at (902) 213-0504.

The Sunday morning service requires a large number of volunteers. If you can help, put a note on the Facebook page, sign one of the sheets in the lobby, or mention it to Church Kidz If you are interested in volunteering in Childrens one of the leaders. Positions we are often looking to have help with are: OFFERING Ministry, contact Laurie MacPhee. If you COLLECTION, GREETERS, WORSHIP TEAMS, are interested in working with the Toddler CLEAN-UP TEAMS, KIDZ CHURCH & Ministry, contact Marsha McAndrew. TODDLER MINISTRY, PRAYER MINISTRY
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NEED TEACHERS & HELPERS! See Laurie MacPhee , Carolyn Read or Marsha McAndrew


4 Words That Changed My Career

(from http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4829.Donald_Miller/blog)

by Donald Miller

If you havent noticed, its been about 4 years since Ive released a new book. During that time, its been tough going. Ive started and nearly completed two books, but to be honest, they didnt shine. I didnt want to release them because, well, they werent good enough. I wouldnt say I struggled with writers block because I kept to my discipline and wrote thousands upon thousands of words. They just werent great. Still, I found myself getting worried. I love to write and want to continue writing but I was stuck. I couldnt tap into that old flow I used to feel. But gratefully God intervened. Ive a psychologist friend who, after hearing me speak at a conference, pulled me aside. At the conference I talked about how Id written 1/4 of a novel and thrown it away because it wasnt good enough. He said, Don, I think I know your problem. Youre being too careful. When you first started as a writer, readers loved your work because you said what you felt, you took huge risks. Now, youre always so careful. We miss the Don who wasnt careful. Those words nailed me. He was right. I was being too careful. All the criticism and praise and attention had seeped into my brain and I started writing to stay alive, not to express what I felt and believed. I suddenly had something to lose and when you have something to lose, you start being careful. The sad thing is when were careful, we are actually being affected by fear. People are careful when there is a risk. But nobody respects somebody who is too careful. People love writers who give us permission to be ourselves and to express our feelings. Sure, they may fail every once in awhile, but we admire their freedom all the same. So, how are you being too careful? Are you too careful in your sermons? Does one elder control you like a puppet on a string? Are you too careful in your songwriting? Are you afraid to be called a fool? Are you too careful in your pursuit of a woman? Maybe she needs you to take a risk. You know what? If youre too careful, theres a good chance you wont leave a mark on the world. Now theres something to fear.


Habitat for Humanity PEI looking for volunteers Habitat for Humanity is always looking for volunteers to help with the construction of homes, in the ReStores, on their committees and in the affiliate offices as well. If you are interested in becoming part of their volunteer team, or would like more information, please contact Emily at (902) 367-3041 or volunteer@habitatpei.ca

CAN SUNDAY DONATIONS FOR THE FOOD BANK Weekly, a box is placed in the lobby to collect donations for the Food Bank or for families that we recognize are in need. Any non-perishable items are greatly appreciated.

Charlottetown Community Church

Part of the Vineyard Network in Canada P.O. Box 1081 Charlottetown, PE C1A 7M4

Pastor Tom Zawacki (902) 892-5001 communitychurch@pei.aibn.com www.charlottetowncommunitychurch.com

If you would like to get something in the newsletter (prayer request, FACEBOOK announcement, etc.), please email it to communitychurch@pei.aibn.com Joining the Charlottetown Community Church Facebook group is the fastest way to get up to the minute news, prayer byWednesday of each week. requests and get in on discussions. Check it out today!
Our desire is to be a community of grace that presents Jesus in a relevant way reaching our city and beyond with the love of God.

Our Mission is Possible:

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