Pcs - United Strikes Can Beat The Tories - Outside London - 290513

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n 26 JuNE George Osborne will reveal his Comprehensive Spending Review.

We already know that seven government dapartments will be hit with further cuts of 8 to 10 percent. Each time the Tories announce further spending cuts we know that it is ordinary working people who will suffer. The Tories are playing a game of divide and rule. While the millionaires in the cabinet look after their tax-avoiding pals, they are sticking the boot in to the most vulnerable people. Were told that its the immigrants and the benefit scroungers that are the problem not the bankers and the bosses who made this mess. PCS is at the forefront of leading the fight against austerity. Our strike on Budget Day20 March, which kicked off our current rolling programme of strikes, was a strike for everyone across the trade union movement. We struck for all those who want to see the Tories beaten.


communities. Millions of people face cutswe have to push for the union leaders to unite the fights. Together we are stronger. It was good that there were discussions about the prospects of a general strike at the TUC but words need to become actions.

Dont let them divide us...


Strikers at the Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

During the last strike PCS members in HMRC at Euston Tower went from the picket line to occupy the local Starbucks with PCS Starbucks pay your taxes placards.


On 27 June, thousands of teachers will begin rolling regional strikes starting in the North West of England. We need to be out with the teachers where we can. Firefighters in the FBU, transport workers in the RMT also look set to strike and there is the possibilty of strikes by postal workers. We can force the government to back downit will take stepping up the strikes and fighting for further coordinated strikes with other trade unions.


The group strikes must be giving the bosses something of a headache! But we need to make sure that we pull the sectional action back together and bring out everyone united. Its great that PCS conference last week voted for another national strike at the end of June. This weeks culture sector strikes in the museums and galleries are important in highlighting the issue of low pay. On Friday 31 May there is a one day strike across the Department for Transport, BIS and the Department for Education. The National Lighthouse board will also be on strike. Next weeks rolling regional strikes in the HMRC and DWP are an escalation of the current dispute and are a fantastic opportunity to highlight the issue of tax justice. The real parasites are the owners of high street stores like Starbucks, those owned by Phillip Green and the vast companies like Google who all make millions through tax avoidance. Once HMRC workers have finished picketing it would be easy to take the protest to a high street store!

Strikers in the DWP should invite benefit justice campaigners, Disabled People Against the Cuts (DPAC) speakers and anti-bedroom tax activists to come and join and speak on the picket lines and strike rallies. What the Tories fear most is united opposition to their attacksand thats exactly what we need to fight for. Unfortunately, weve also seen how Ukip are growing as a political party through racist scapegoating of migrants. In the wake of the horrific murder in Woolwich, racists and fascists like the EDL and BNP are seeking to exploit the divisions. PCS members should make sure they are a part of protests against EDL and BNP mobilisations attempting to split our

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