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OCSPP Harmonized Test Guideline - Series Index

Series 885Microbial Pesticide Test Guidelines

OCSPP1 Guideline No. (Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OPPT-2009-0159 @ As of August 2012 Other Reference Numbers Guideline Names OPPT OPP OECD Date Issued Feb-96

EPA Pub No.

Final 885 Test Guidelines

885.0001 Overview for Microbial Pest Control Agents none 150A none 712-C-96-280

Group AProduct Analysis Test Guidelines.

885.1100 885.1200 885.1250 885.1300 885.1400 885.1500 Product Identity Manufacturing Process Deposition of Sample - Nationally Recognized Culture Collection Discussion of Formation of Unintentional Ingredients Analysis of Samples Certification of Limits none none none none none none 151A-10 151A-11 151A-11 151A-01 151A-13 151A-15 none none none none none none 712-C-96273 712-C-96293 712-C-12-027 712-C-96294 712-C-96-295 712-C-96-296 Feb-96 Feb-96 Apr-12 Feb-96 Feb-96 Feb-96

Group BResidues Test Guidelines.

885.2000 885.2100 885.2200 885.2250 885.2300 885.2350 885.2400 885.2500 885.2550 885.2600 Background for Residue Analysis of Microbial Pest Control Agents Chemical Identity Nature of the Residue in Plants Nature of the Residue in Animals Analytical MethodsPlants Analytical MethodsAnimals Storage Stability Magnitude of Residues in Plants Magnitude of Residues in Meat, Milk, Poultry, Eggs Magnitude of Residues in Potable Water, Fish, and Irrigated Crops none Feb-96 153A-1 none 712-C-96-299 153A-4 712-C-96-300 none none Feb-96 153A-6 712-C-96302 none none Feb-96 153A-7 712-C-96303 none none Feb-96 153A-8a 712-C-96-304 none none Feb-96 153A-8b 712-C-96-305 none none Feb-96 Document incorrectly says publication Number ends in "-304". 153A-9 712-C-96-306 none none Feb-96 153A-10 712-C-96-307 none none Feb-96 153A-11 712-C-96-308 none none Feb-96 none Feb-96 153A-01 none 712-C-96309

Group CToxicology Test Guidelines.

885.3000 885.3050 885.3100 885.3150 885.3200 885.3400 885.3500 885.3550 BackgroundMammalian Toxicity/Pathogenicity/Infectivity Acute Oral Toxicity/Pathogenicity Acute Dermal Toxicity/Pathology Acute Pulmonary Toxicity/Pathogenicity Acute Injection Toxicity/Pathogenicity Hypersensitivity Incidents Cell Culture Acute Toxicology, Tier II none 152A-1 none 712-C-96314 Feb-96 none 152A-10 none 712-C-96315 Feb-96 152A-11 712-C-96-316 none none Feb-96 152A-12 712-C-96-317 none none Feb-96 Document incorrectly says publication Number ends in "-318". 152A-13 712-C-96-318 none none Feb-96 152A-15 712-C-96-320 none none Feb-96 152A-16 712-C-96-321 none none Feb-96 152A-20 712-C-96-322 none none Feb-96 Page 1 of 3

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OCSPP Harmonized Test Guideline - Series Index

Series 885Microbial Pesticide Test Guidelines

(Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OPPT-2009-0159 @ As of August 2012 1 Other Reference Numbers Date OCSPP EPA Pub No. Guideline Names Issued OPPT OPP OECD Guideline No. 152A-21 712-C-96-323 885.3600 Subchronic Toxicity/Pathogenicity none none Feb-96 Document incorrectly says publication Number ends in "-232". 885.3650 Reproductive/Fertility Effects none 152A-30 none 712-C-96-324 Feb-96

Group DNontarget Organism and Environmental Expression Test Guidelines.

885.4000 Background for Nontarget Organism Testing of Microbial Pest Control Agents none 154A-1, 154A-2, 154A-3, 154A-4, 154A-5 154A-16 154A-17 154A-18 154A-19 154A-20 154A-21 154A-22 154A-23 154A-24 154A-26 154A-27 154A-28 154A-29 none 712-C-96-328 Feb-96

885.4050 885.4100 885.4150 885.4200 885.4240 885.4280 885.4300 885.4340 885.4380 885.4600 885.4650 885.4700 885.4750

Avian Oral, Tier I Avian Inhalation Test, Tier I Wild Mammal Testing, Tier I Freshwater Fish Testing, Tier I Freshwater Aquatic Invertebrate Testing, Tier I Estuarine and Marine Animal Testing, Tier I Nontarget Plant Studies, Tier I Nontarget Insect Testing, Tier I Honey Bee Testing, Tier I Avian Chronic Pathogenicity and Reproduction Test, Tier III Aquatic Invertebrate Range Testing, Tier III Fish Life Cycle Studies, Tier III Aquatic Ecosystem Test

none none none none none none none none none none none none none

none none none none none none none none none none none none none

712-C-96-329 712-C-96-330 712-C-96-331 712-C-96-332 712-C-96-333 712-C-96-334 712-C-96-335 712-C-96-336 712-C-96-337 712-C-96-342 712-C-96-343 712-C-96-344 712-C-96-345

Feb-96 Feb-96 Feb-96 Feb-96 Feb-96 Feb-96 Feb-96 Feb-96 Feb-96 Feb-96 Feb-96 Feb-96 Feb-96

Group EEnvironmental Expression Test Guidelines.

885.5000 885.5200 885.5300 885.5400 Background for Microbial Pesticides Testing Expression in a Terrestrial Environment Expression in a Freshwater Environment Expression in a Marine or Estuarine Environment none none none none 155A-1,2 155A-10 155A-11 155A-12 none none none none 712-C-96056 712-C-96338 712-C-96-339 712-C-96-312 Feb-96 Feb-96 Feb-96 Feb-96

Available electronically at

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OCSPP Harmonized Test Guideline - Series Index

Series 885Microbial Pesticide Test Guidelines

OCSPP1 Guideline No. (Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OPPT-2009-0159 @ As of August 2012 Other Reference Numbers Guideline Names OPPT OPP OECD Date Issued

EPA Pub No.

DRAFT 885 Test Guidelines

Please note, those guidelines labeled as "Public Draft" are are not yet available in final form. Although you may consult these guidelines, please check with the appropriate office before you use a draft guideline to generate data for submission to EPA under FIFRA, FFDCA or TSCA. None.

What does "[Reserved]" mean? We use the phrase "[Reserved]" in the title column as a placeholder whenever the number has been assigned, but the FINAL Guideline has not yet been issued.

Note - Guidelines issued before April 22, 2010, refer to "OPPTS" because the office name changed from "Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances" and "OPPTS" to "Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention" and "OCSPP." This name change does not otherwise affect the Guidelines.

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