Casca Program2008

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CASCA 2008 – Carleton University / Université Carleton



5:00 - 7:00 pm Opening Ceremony & Reception / Ouverture et Réception

Tory Building Foyer (3rd Floor / 3ième étage)

7:00 - 9:00 pm Registration / Inscription

Tory Building Foyer (3rd Floor / 3ième étage)
(Registration will continue until Saturday at noon) / (Inscription jusqu’au samedi midi)

7:00 - 9:00 pm Documentary Film Presentation / Présentation du film documentaire:

Weaving Worlds: Navajo Tales of How the West Was Spun

with Nicole Horseherder,
Member of Black Mesa Weavers

Room/Pièce: Azrieli Theatre 302


8:00 am - 5:00 pm Registration - Tory Building Foyer (3rd Floor / 3ième étage)

9:00-10:30 am Concurrent Sessions / Sessions parallèles

I. A.1. Intersecting Religious and Ethnic Diversities: Beyond the “Secular City” I
Organizer(s) / Organisation: Deirdre Meintel - Université de Montréal and Géraldine
Mossière - Université de Montréal
Chair / Présidence: Géraldine Mossière
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 210

Diversity and Invisibility: The Religious Landscape in Quebec

Deirdre Meintel - Université de Montréal

Neo-shamanism in Montreal: Hybrid Religious Identities

AmélieNormandin - Université de Montréal

Druids in Quebec: A Modern Ethnic-religious Revival

Anna Luisa Daigneault - Université de Montréal

Modernity, Hybridity, and Religious Creativity in a Multicultural Metropolis: Exploring

Contemporary Paganism in Montreal
Rosemary Roberts - Université de Montréal

The Global and the Local: An Umbanda Temple in Montreal

AnnickHernandez - Université de Montréal

I. A. 2. Hidden from View? Ethnography in Museums and the Art World I

Organizer(s) / Organisation: Frances Slaney – Carleton University
Chair / Présidence: Frances Slaney
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 240

Networks of empowerment: museums, arts and ethnography

Nuno Porto - University of Coimbra (Portugal)

Museum Dialogues
Trudy Nicks – Royal Ontario Museum

The Museum as Multiversity

Anthony Shelton - Museum of Anthropology, UBC

The Exhibit and the Iceberg: Ethnography, Museums and the Written Record
Andrea Laforet – Canadian Museum of Civilization

I. A. 3. Mediated (Imagi)nations 1: Beyond Benedict Anderson
Organizer(s) / Organisation: Samah Sabra - Carleton University and Julie Gregory -
Queens University
Chair / Présidence: Samah Sabra
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 208

Reconsidering Imagined Communities: Some Theoretical Considerations

Darryl Leroux - Carleton University

Nationalism and Transnationalism Among China's English Speakers

Eric Henry - Cornell University

Imagined Commodities: Video Game Localization and Transnational Experts

Rebecca Carlson - Temple University

Plurality in the Newsroom? Reconsidering Liberalization in India

Somnath Batabyal - University of London

Recuperating National (Dis)Continuity: Entanglements of Mediascapes, Ideoscapes,

Ethnoscapes, and Genderscapes in Imagining Communities
Julie Gregory - Queens University

I. A. 4. Teaching Workshop: Current Issues in the Teaching of Anthropology I.

Organizer(s) / Organisation: Pauline McKenzie Aucoin - University of Ottawa
Chair / Présidence: Pauline McKenzie Aucoin
Room/Pièce: Paterson Hall 303

The Ethnography of Local/Global Dynamics

Alan Smart – University of Calgary
Poetry, Counter-memory, and Transitional Justice in Post-Conflict Societies.
Brenda Carr Vellino - Carleton University

The Opportunities and Challenges of Integrating Anthropological Perspectives in

Multidisciplinary Teaching in Peace and Conflict Studies.
Christina Clark - Saint Paul University

Teaching About and Belonging to Unstable Societies

Frehiwot Tesfaye – York University

Teaching about/with White Myths about the Inuit

John Steckley - Humber College, Toronto

I. A. 5. Roundtable: SSHRC Research Ethics and Anthropology

Chair / Présidence: Claudio Aporta – Carleton University
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 236

Towards a 2nd Edition of the TCPS (Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research
Involving Humans)
Therese DeGroote – Interagency Secretariat on Research Ethics

Daphne Winland – York University
John Galaty – McGill University
James Waldram – University of Saskatchewan

I. A. 6. Auto-ethnographies and Initiations

Organizer(s) / Organisation: Megan Cotton-Kinch - York University

Chair / Présidence: Megan Cotton-Kinch

Room/Pièce: Tory Building 206

Rites of Passage: Transforming the Living-Self into a Device of Deathcare

Anthony Seet - York University

A "Non-Commissioned Man": Gender and Initiations in the Canadian Army

Megan Cotton-Kinch - York University

Auto-Pilot: On Aviation and Access

Melissa Atkinson-Graham - York University

Ongoing Memories as Insider: Tales of a Fraud Detection Analyst

Jessica Coelho - York University

I. A. 7. Ethnography of Performance/Performing Ethnography

Chair / Présidence: Paul Schissel - Carleton University
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 202

Participant Death and Ethnographic Performance

J. Dylan Turner – City University of New York

“A Dollar on Two Legs”: Anxieties of Whiteness among Gringo Ex-Pats and Backpackers in
Cusco, Peru
Joelle Reid - York University

This Field Which Is Not One – On Queering Anthropologies

Michael Connors Jackman - York University

Muai Thai and the embodiment of fighting forms in a rural Thai household.
Paul Schissel - Carleton University

Thwarting Binarisms: Performing Racism in Postsocialist Poland

Magdalena Kazubowski-Houston - Trent University

I. A. 8. Le Sujet : Établissant et Repoussant les Frontières
Chair / Présidence : Vincent Mirza - Université de Montréal
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 234

Le « sujet soviétique » comme image inversée du sujet libéral

Jean-Michel Landry - Université Laval

Mesure de la mortalité et certification des décès périnataux dans le Québec contemporain: une
anthropologie critique.
Samuel Beaudoin – Universite Laval

Crise, identité et travail temporaire au Japon

Vincent Mirza - Université de Montréal

I. A. 9. Valuing Political Economies: Power and Agency in Everyday Life

Chair / Présidence: Kathleen Gordon - Memorial University of Newfoundland
Room/Pièce: Paterson Hall 201

The relation between the New Rural Economy & The Ontario Landowners Association: An
ethnographic perspective
Graydon Gibbins - University of Toronto

Performing Piety and Islamic Modernity in Rural Turkey

Kimberley Hart – Buffalo State College

Cash, Credit and Microentrepreneurs in Bolivia

Kathleen Gordon - Memorial University of Newfoundland

Female Agency, Resistance and Communication in the Egyptian Coptic Orthodox Immigrant
Community in the Greater Toronto Area
Rachel Loewen – McMaster University

All the Complexities are Swept Under the Rug: Problematizing Gladys Reichard's Ethnographies
about Navajo Weavers
Kathy M'Closkey - University of Windsor

10:30-11:00 pm Refreshments / Rafraîchissement

Tory Building Foyer (3rd Floor / 3ième étage)

11:00-12:30 pm Concurrent Sessions / Sessions parallèles

I. B. 1. Intersecting Religious and Ethnic Diversities: Beyond the “Secular City” II

Organizer(s) / Organisation: Géraldine Mossière and Amélie Normandin – Université de
Chair / Présidence: Amélie Normandin
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 210

Two Ways of Being Muslim in Montreal: A Comparative Study of Two Montreal Muslim
Serge Maynard - Université de Montréal

The Role of a Religious Community for Minority Adaptation Outside the Metropolis: Being
Muslim in Saguenay/Lac-St.-Jean
Yannick Boucher - Université de Montréal

Between Sociability and Religiosity: The Paradoxes of Mosque Frequentation in Montréal

Marie Nathalie LeBlanc – Université du Québec à Montréal and Josiane Le Gall – CSSS de la
Montagne and Université du Québec à Montréal

Religious Diversity and Ethnic Diversity: Identity Dialectics among Muslims in Montreal
Géraldine Mossière - Université de Montréal

Religious Transmission: Young Muslims in Quebec

JosianeLe Gall - CSSS de la Montagne and Université du Québec à Montréal

I.B. 2. Hidden from View? Ethnography in Museums and the Art World II
Organizer(s) / Organisation: Frances Slaney – Carleton University
Chair / Présidence: Frances Slaney – Carleton University
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 240

Identifying Blind Spots: Competing or Complementary Interpretations of Material Culture?

Stacey Loyer – Carleton University

Treasuring Museums. Museumification strategies in Western Cameroon

Silvia Forni - Royal Ontario Museum

Bringing Heritage Home: Aboriginal Perspectives in Western Repositories

Ruth Phillips – Carleton University and Heidi Bohaker – University of Toronto

Histoire des wampums "latinisés" confectionnés par les Hurons et les Abénaquis de 1650 à
1700 : de la parole donnée à l’objet d’échange
Muriel Clair - Université du Québec à Montréal

I. B. 3. Mediated (Imagi)nations 2: (Re)Conceptualizing Media

Organizer(s) / Organisation: Julie Gregory - Queens University and Samah Sabra -
Carleton University Chair / Présidence: Julie Gregory
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 208

Imagining Apartheid’s Identities and Communities

Marc Kosciejew - University of Western Ontario

Re-defining and Re-enforcing the Nation: Ethnographic and Media Analysis During Trinidad
and Tobago's 2007 Election

Sacha Geer – McMaster University

We’re here, but are we really queer? Homonormativity and the De-politicization of GLBTQ
Oren Howlett - Carleton University

Gender as Medium of Exclusion? The Politics of Gendered Washroom Spaces

Meredith Pilling - York University

I. B. 4. Teaching Workshop: Current Issues in Anthropology II

Organizer(s) / Organisation: Pauline McKenzie Aucoin - University of Ottawa

Chair / Présidence: Pauline McKenzie Aucoin

Room/Pièce: Paterson Hall 303

Teaching about Tourism

Julia Harrison – Trent University

Field as Classroom, Classroom as Field: Teaching strategies in anthropological field studies.

John Galaty – McGill University

Integrating Gender and Sexuality into Mainstream Anthropology Courses

Glynis George – University of Windsor

If What You Say is True: Strategies for teaching about and through white supremacy
Ken Montgomery - Wilfred Laurier University

I. B. 5. Anthropological Perspectives on Latin America

Organizer(s) / Organisation: Yonelis Legra Noa and Chantelle Leblanc - University of
Chair / Présidence: Yonelis Legra Noa
Discussant: Lindsay Dubois – Dalhousie University
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 206

Going Organic?
Chantelle Leblanc - University of Toronto

Sowing the State

Aaron Kappeler - University of Toronto

"Hay que tener fe": Remittances and the Politics of Cuban Migration
Yonelis Legra Noa - University of Toronto

I. B. 6. Ethnography and/of Emotions

Chair / Présidence: Maya Shapiro - York University
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 234

Towards an ethnography of tension
Penny McCall Howard - University of Aberdeen

Feeling ethnographic, the politics of emotion in the anthropological process

Maya Shapiro - York University

A Novel Approach: Ritual Ethnography of the Extreme, the Fieldworker Playing Deep
Sebastien Desprès - Memorial University of Newfoundland

Ethnographic Empathy: Negotiating Suffering as an Outsider Inside

Jill Allison - Memorial University of Newfoundland

I. B. 7. Engaged anthropology: neo-liberal governance and the environment

Organizer(s) / Organisation: Krystyna Sieciechowicz and Sandra Bamford – University of
Chair / Présidence: Sandra Bamford – University of Toronto
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 202

Mikisew F.N. v. Canada (2005) and some inexact responses

Krystyna Sieciechowicz – University of Toronto

Ethnographic notes on environmental governance and the Maya land rights movement in
southern Belize
Jim Stinson – University of Toronto

Governmental Rationalities and Nation State-Indigenous Relations in the James Bay Region -
from Mercantilist Partnerships to Neo-liberal C-governance
Harvey Feit – McMaster University

Environmentality and Community Subjects

Rosemary Coombe – York University

I. B. 8. Engagement and Entanglement

Chair / Présidence: Louise de la Gorgendière – Carleton University
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 236

Solidarity, in little pieces

Tom O'Neill - Brock University

Issues in Ethnographic Research: The insider/outsider dilemma

Rukhsana Hasan – Fatima Jinnah Women University

Careful they might think you're an advocate

Ophelia Rubinich - OCR Consulting

Ruptured Bodies: Researcher Accountability and 'Vulnerable' Populations
Jill Le Clair - Humber College Institute

Ruptures and Entanglements in the Representation of Oguaa's Stool Succession

David Thorsen-Cavers - ready for a tenure-track position

I. B. 9. The Cultural Politics of Health

Chair / Présidence: Jen Pylypa – Carleton University
Room/Pièce: Paterson Hall 201

The Experiences of Immigrant Physicians and Nurses in Canada: What Can Ethnography Teach
Jen Pylypa - Carleton University

Filipino ‘Nursing Medics’: Why are Doctors Retraining as Nurses in the Philippines?
Joanne Lazarus – Carleton University

The cure for cancer: conspiracy theories and cultural criticism

Leigh Hayden - McMaster University

I. B. 10. L’Ethnographie Engagée : Les questions politiques et méthodologiques

Chair / Présidence : Ann-Louise Davidson – Carleton University
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 204

L´ethnographie comme outil de developpement sociopolitique

Wilma Leitao - Université Fédéral du Pará (Brésil)

Trajectoires d’intégration résidentielle d’adultes aux prises avec une déficience intellectuelle et
défis de la recherche-action collaborative.
Ann-Louise Davidson - Carleton University

La notion de transfert de représentations : l'exemple yorùbá des aspects culturels de l'infortune

Gilles-Félix Vallier - C.E.S.I. (France)

L'oeil pour le dire. Le développement du photo-journalisme au tournant du 21e siècle en Inde.

Gopesa Paquette - Université Laval

12:30-2:00 pm Lunch / Dîner

2:00-3:30 pm Concurrent Sessions / Sessions parallèles

I. C. 1. Intersecting Religious and Ethnic Diversities: Beyond the “Secular City” III
Géraldine Mossière -Université de Montréal and Amélie Normandin - Université de
Chair / Présidence: Marie Nathalie LeBlanc

Room/Pièce: Tory Building 210

Uniting Religious Traditions through Ethnicity and Culture? The Dynamics between Catholic
and Hindu Sri Lankan Tamils in Montreal
Mélissa Bouchard - Université de Montréal

Nourishing Identity: Ethnic Identity and Symbolic Food of a Vietnamese Buddhist Temple
Anaïs Détolle - Université de Montréal

The Baha’i Faith: Transcending Ethnicity in Favour of Global Unification

Gabrielle Désilets - Université de Montréal

Kadampa Buddhism and Religious Tolerance: the Kankala Center of Montreal

Catherine Laurent Sédillot - Université de Montréal

I. C. 2. Hidden from View? Ethnography in Museums and the Art World III
Organizer(s) / Organisation: Frances Slaney – Carleton University
Chair / Présidence: Ruth Phillips – Carleton University
Discussant (for Panels I-III): Moira McCaffrey – Canadian Museum of Civilization
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 240

The Huron-Wendat Aesthetic Tradition: Hidden By its Label as “Craft”

Anne de Stecher – Carleton University

Taking the Africa Out of African Art

Christopher Steiner - Connecticut College

Saints’ Relics in European Museums

Frances Slaney - Carleton University

I. C. 3. Nature Matters: Tracking the Cultural Politics of Nature and Difference I.

Organizer(s) / Organisation: Shubhra Gururani -York University

Chair / Présidence: Shiho Satsuka – University of Toronto

Room/Pièce: Tory Building 208

Mobilizing Nature: On Eco-Tourism and Land Politics in Fiji.

Pauline McKenzie Aucoin - University of Ottawa

Foxes, Gauchos, and Hidro Aysén: Patagonian Nature and its Predators in Chilean Anti-Dam
CarlotaMcAllister - York University

What is this land for? How the Stoney First Nation Remakes Banff National Park
Shauna McGarvey - McMaster University

Modeling Proteins, Materializing “Life Itself”: Rendering Nature’s Materiality in the Field of
Structural Biology
Natasha Myers - York University

The Threat of the Yrmo: The Political Ontology of a Sustainable Hunting Program
Mario Blaser - York University

I. C. 4 Violence, War and Conflict Resolution

Chair / Présidence: Anita Agrawal – Carleton University
Room/Pièce: Paterson Hall 303

South Asian Women Discuss their Experiences About Life After Domestic Violence
Anita Agrawal - Carleton University

Beyond the Technical: Ethnography and Conflict Resolution

Gabriela Aguero and Christopher Hrynkow - University of Manitoba

Imagining and Creating Peace: Civilian Peace Initiatives in Colombia

Ana Fonseca – Carleton University

I. C. 5. Ethno-graphy in times of flux and instant connectivity

Organizer(s) / Organisation: Gabriela Vargas-Cetina - Univ Aut Yucatan

Chair / Présidence: Steffan Igor Ayora-Diaz

Room/Pièce: Tory Building 236

Ethnographies of international educational programs and international programs of ethnography

Francisco Fernandez Repetto - Univ Aut Yucatan

Creating a Legal Presence for their Colectividades: Foundational Myths and Immigrant Identities
in the Associations of South Americans in La Plata
Aranzazu Recalde - Université de Montréal

Gastronomy and the Writing of Yucatecan Identity

Steffan Igor Ayora-Diaz - Univ Aut Yucatan

Writing on urban music in the 21st century: Studying Trova in Yucatan, Mexico
Gabriela Vargas-Cetina - Univ Aut Yucatan

I. C. 6. Crossing Boundaries and Healing Ruptures: working from the nexus of

Anthropology and Sociology
Organizer(s) / Organisation: Gerald Morton - Carleton University

Chair / Présidence: Neil Gerlach – Carleton University

Room/Pièce: Tory Building 206

Emerging From Dark Places: Exploring the Contours of Prisoner Ethnography
Justin Piché - Carleton University

Posting Up: Understanding how differences between structural and post-structural interpretations
of Foucault inform the Anthropology of Development.
Gerald Morton - Carleton University

The Rituals of Environmental Politics of Canada

Charles Gibney - Carleton University

There and Back Again: Mapping Bourdieu's Reflexivity from a nascent state, to a bridging tool
between theory and practice, and beyond.
Christian Caron - Carleton University

I. C. 7. Engaging with Possibility: Anthropological Articulations of Hope 1

Organizer(s) / Organisation: Kathryn Mossman - McMaster University and Stacy
Lockerbie - McMaster University
Chair / Présidence: Stacy Lockerbie
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 202

Aspiring for Alternatives: The Case for Hope in Anthropology

Kathryn Mossman - McMaster University
Hope in the Communication of Sensation and Affect
Evadne Kelly - McMaster University

Expecting Otherwise: Deconstruction, Hope, and Homogenous, Empty Time

Udo Krautwurst - University of Prince Edward Island

Political Economies of Hope: Patients’ Organisations, Science and Biovalue

Carlos Novas - Carleton University

Hope, Fear, Affect and the In-betweenness of Dying Children

Rafael Wainer - University of British Columbia

I. C. 8. Engaged Ethnography?
Organizer(s) / Organisation: Brian J. Given - Carleton University

Chair / Présidence: Brian J. Given

Room/Pièce: Tory Building 234

Anthropology and the Muse: Performance, experience and authenticity

Nicholas Packwood – Sunnybrook

Engaging with Diasporas: Ethnographic Research Challenge and Reward

Michaela Ecaterina Vieru – Carleton University (Canadian Studies)

Fans of Japanese Rock Music in 'Virtual' and 'Real Life' Contexts
An Nguyen – University of Western Ontario

Thick Description, Transpersonal Symbols and the Reproduction of Tibetan Cultural Experience
in the context of Cultural Genocide
Brian J. Given – Carleton University

I. C. 9. Opportunities, Constraints and Challenges of Doing Ethnographic Research in

Militarized Conflict Zones and Refugee Camps
Organizer(s) / Organisation: Shukria Dini and Wenona Giles – York University
Chair / Présidence: Wenona Giles
Room/Pièce: Paterson Hall 201

Troubling the Front-line of Combat: the Household as a Militarized Space of Research in

Alexandra Marie Baril – York University

The Challenges of Researching on Women’s Organizations Operating in War-torn Societies: The

Case of Somalia
Shukria Dini – York University

Re-Bridging the Space Between Us: A Feminist Research as a Participatory Practice

Naoko Ikeda – York University

Quantum Ethics
Paula Popovici – York University

I. C. 10. Anthropology, First Nations, and Collaborative Research

Chair / Présidence: Diana E. French – University of British Columbia, Okanagan
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 204

Volunteers Grow Community (Knowledge)

Christine Schreyer* - University of Alberta
* 2007 Salisbury Award Winner

Anthrologue: collaborative ethnography

Peter Loovers - University of Aberdeen & Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute

Collaborative Ethnography: Building Reciprocal Relationships with Aboriginal Communities

Sadie Donovan - Simon Fraser University

Deconstructing 500 Years of Colonized and Violent Social Fields Through Finding the Native
American Paradigm in Ethnographic Research of Canada's First Peoples
Paula du Hamel Yellow Horn – Carleton University

When to Ask or Not to Ask: That is the Question

Diana E. French – University of British Columbia, Okanagan

3:30-4:00 pm Refreshments / Rafraîchissement

Tory Building Foyer (3rd Floor / 3ième étage)

4:00-5:30 pm Concurrent Sessions / Sessions parallèles

I. D. 1. Intersecting Religious and Ethnic Diversities: Beyond the “Secular City” IV

Organizer(s) / Organisation: Deirdre Meintel - Université de Montréal and Géraldine
Mossière - Université de Montréal
Chair / Présidence: Deirdre Meintel
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 210

Living room religion: “Undocumented” Assistance for Brazilians in Toronto

Katherine Brasch - Wilfrid Laurier University

Identity Transmission to Children in a Situation of Conversion to Islam

AméliePuzenat - Université Paris 7

The Spiritual Migration of Western Expatriates to India: Religious and Cultural Detachment
Nadia Giguère - Université de Montréal

I. D. 2. Feminist Anthropology Confronts Disengagement

Organizer(s) / Organisation: Pamela Downe - University of Saskatchewan and Robin
Whitaker - Memorial University
Chair / Présidence: Pamela Downe
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 240

Engaging Disengagement in Vanuatu : “Modest Witness” or “Nomad”?

Jean Mitchell - University of Prince Edward Island

Feminist Anthropology Again: Negotiating (Dis)Engagement in the Context of HIV/AIDS and

PamelaDowne - University of Saskatchewan

Feminist Anthropology and the Changing Faces of Feminisms

Glynis George - University of Windsor

Productive Tensions or Tense Productions?

Robin Whitaker - Memorial University

Sometimes Challenging, Sometimes Reproducing

Julia Murphy - University of Calgary

I. D. 3. Nature Matters: Tracking the Cultural Politics of Nature and Difference II.

Organizer(s) / Organisation: Shubhra Gururani -York University

Chair / Présidence: Shiho Satsuka – University of Toronto

Room/Pièce: Tory Building 208

Shubhra Gururani - York University

An Ethnographic Study: Canadian Farmers and Agricultural Drought

Michelle Borowitz - University of Alberta

‘The Ice We Want Our Children to Know’: Documenting Inuit sea ice use in Canada
Claudio Aporta - Carleton University

I. D. 4. Discursive Entanglements and Linguistic Ruptures: The Politics of Ethnographies

of Language
Organizer(s) / Organisation: Barbra Meek - University of Michigan and Diane Riskedahl -
University of Toronto
Chair / Présidence: Barbra Meek
Discussant: Regna Darnell - University of Western Ontario
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 236

Linguistic Sovereignty
Barbra Meek – University of Michigan

Distinctive Features: Orthographic representation and challenges to linguistic authority

Mindy Morgan - Michigan State University

Negotiating Expertise and Moral Intent: Language and Ethnography in Quebec and its Tamil
Sonia Das - University of Michigan

Lebanese political discourse: Beyond the borders of official rhetoric

Diane Riskedahl - University of Toronto

I. D. 5. Roundtable: Does anybody still do that?: Thinking about anthropology in the

Public Service
Organizer(s) / Organisation: Lorne Holyoak - Strategic Policy and Management Branch,
Department of Canadian Heritage
Chair / Présidence: Lorne Holyoak
Room/Pièce: Paterson Hall 303

Rachel de Vries - Integration Branch, Citizenship and Immigration Canada

Virginia McGowan - Offender Programs & Reintegration Branch, Correctional Service Canada
Julie Sunday - Priorities and Planning Division, Justice Canada
Josephine Smart – University of Calgary

I. D. 6. Engaging with Possibility: Anthropological Articulations of Hope II
Organizer(s) / Organisation: Stacy Lockerbie - McMaster University and Kathryn
Mossman - McMaster University
Chair / Présidence: Kathryn Mossman
Discussant: Petra Rethmann - McMaster University
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 202

Hollywood and Hope?

Stacy Lockerbie - McMaster University

Sacred Sites of Hope and Nostalgia within Great Britain

Vanessa Sage - McMaster University

Wish-Images and Political Action: Hopes and Practices of Territorial Autonomy Among the
First Nations of Quebec and Mexico
Martin Hebert - Université Laval

Cultivating Hope in Times of Ecological Crisis: Organic Farmers and the Embodiment of
Mary Richardson - Université Laval

I. D. 7. Engagements with the Past: Exploring the Politics of Continuity and Change
Organizer(s) / Organisation: Laurie Zadnik - University of Toronto and Dan Holbrow -
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chair / Présidence: Laurie Zadnik
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 206

Making Time at Borobudur: Traditions of Heritage in Java

Dan Holbrow - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Parodies of the Past: Celebrating Papua New Guinea’s National Independence in a Madang
Laurie Zadnik - University of Toronto

Indigenous sovereignty and disease historiography in the Brazilian Amazon

Christian Frenopoulo - University of Pittsburgh

Indigenous Republicanism and Repudiated Pasts in the Andes

Peter Gose - Carleton University

Past participle: the spectre of history in a Colombian border city

Amy McLachan - Vanderbilt University

I. D. 8. The Boundaries of Ethnography: Exploring Representation

Chair / Présidence: Robert Adlam - Mount Allison University
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 234

Is it ethnography?: Locating internet-based, ethnographic research on HIV&AIDS activism

Deborah Simpson - University of Sussex

(Re)writing the Written: Finding Ethnographic Informants in Contemporary Chicana Fiction

Laura Waddell - McMaster University

When ethnography is just one of the forms of representation

Robert Adlam - Mount Allison University

Tourist Photo-Taking: Thinking About Processes of Tourism and Development in China

Robert Parungao - Concordia University

"On Thursdays we worship the banana plant": encountering Hinduism in a Canadian suburb.
Janet E. Gunn – University of Ottawa

I. D. 9. Explorations in Medical Anthropology

Chair / Présidence: Pia Kontos - Toronto Rehabilitation Institute
Room/Pièce: Paterson Hall 201

Tacit Knowledge: Challenging What Counts as Evidence in Evidence-Based Medicine

Pia Kontos - Toronto Rehabilitation Institute

“I think I’ve been co-opted”: The perils of transdisciplinary research in medical anthropology
Charles Mather, University of Calgary

Material Culture and Ethnography: Biomedical Ideals and Practice in Contrast on a Hospital
Unit Amanda Van Steelandt - University of Calgary

What can one hope for, when a human being lives with the label of intellectual disability?
Ann-Louise Davidson - Carleton University

I. D. 10. Politics, Citizenship and Engagement

Chair / Présidence: Janet McLaughlin – University of Toronto
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 204

Engaged Anthropology: The Powers and Perils of Praxis

Janet McLaughlin – University of Toronto

The Quiet of Chaos: Bandhs in Nepal

Sarah Flanagan - McMaster University

Citizens of the Camp and the World: Education and Subjects of Power

Elizabeth Guerrier – York University

“You were lived”: Contested Memories and ‘Nostalgia’ in Postsocialist East Germany
Christine Suck – University of Western Ontario

5:30-5:45 pm Refreshments / Rafraîchissement

Tory Building Foyer (3rd Floor / 3ième étage)

5:45-6:45 pm Weaver-Tremblay Award and Lecture / Conférence Weaver-Tremblay

Recipient / Destinataire:Dr. Harvey Feit, McMaster University
Room/Pièce: Azrieli Theatre 302

6:45-8:00 pm Reception / Reception -- Azrieli Theatre Foyer


8:00 am - 5:00 pm Registration - Tory Building Foyer (3rd Floor / 3ième étage)

9:00-10:30 am Concurrent Sessions / Sessions parallèles

II. A. 1. Doing Research with Ethnic Minorities in China: Lessons from the Field I
Organizer(s) / Organisation: Hope MacLean and Marie-Françoise Guédon - University of
Chair / Présidence: Marie-Françoise Guédon
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 210

Yellow Frog and Blue Dragon in Shangri-la: Naxi Cultural Tourism in Lijiang, China
Hope MacLean - University of Ottawa

Tourism and the Nature of Authenticity

Anne-Marie Gaston - University of Ottawa

Experiencing Culture Shock: "Who are these Aliens Anyways?"

Shelley Rabinovitch - University of Ottawa

Abstract Impressions of Religious Behaviour in China

Angela Sumegi - Carleton University

II. A. 2. Women Anthropologists: From Academia to the Field - CASCA Women’s

Network 25th Anniversary Session
Organizer(s) / Organisation: Christina Holmes - Dalhousie University

Chair / Présidence: Christina Holmes

Room/Pièce: Paterson Hall 303
NB – this is to be followed by the Women's Network Roundtable in the next session

Happy Mother's Day: Balancing work and family life as a junior faculty member
Dawn Grimes-MacLellan - St. Mary's University

Starting a Family & Academic Career in the Pre- and Peri- Union/Maternity Leave Era
Susan Walter - St Mary's University

The Scent of Political Ethnography: Preparations for Fieldwork in Post-Genocide Rwanda

Susan M. Thomson - Dalhousie University

II. A. 3. Land, Cultural and Political imagination, and Indigenous Futures in Remote
Communities in Canada and Australia: A Comparative Perspective 1
Organizer(s) / Organisation: Sylvie Poirier - Université Laval and Nicolas Peterson -
Australian National University
Chair / Présidence: Nicolas Peterson

Room/Pièce: Tory Building 208
Translating Rights
Colin Scott - McGill University

The Anathema of Aggregation: Towards 21st Century Self-Government in the Coast Salish
Brian Thom - University of Victoria

A Legal Victory for the Dene Tha?

Jean-Guy Goulet - Université Saint-Paul

Policy, Values and the Struggle for Control in Remote Aboriginal Communities: A Western
Desert Case
Bob and Myrna Tonkinson - University of Western Australia

Sociality and Self-Management: Government Largesse as Trojan Horse

Gaynor Macdonald - University of Sydney

II. A. 4. From Reflexivity to Action: Toward a History of Anthropological Engagement

Organizer(s) / Organisation: Kiven Strohm - Université de Montréal
Chair / Présidence: Bob White - Université de Montréal
Discussant: Bob White – Université de Montréal
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 202

Activist Anthropology, a Question of Moral Appeals?

Petra Rethmann - McMaster University

Politics and Fieldwork during the Time of Jambanja on Zimbabwean Farms

Blair Rutherford - Carleton University

Rights as Politics: Examining the Normative Grounds of an Engaged Anthropology

Kiven Strohm - Université de Montréal

II. A. 5. Confidence and Confidentiality

Organizer(s) / Organisation: Rhiannon Mosher - York University and Alicia Grimes -
York University Chair / Présidence: Rhiannon Mosher
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 240

Where Resides the Confidence in Institutional Cont(r)acts?

Alicia Grimes - York University

Research/Policy/Anthropology: Translation Anxieties

Laurie Baker - York University

The Ethics and Problematics of Shaking Hands With the Grieving

Anthony Seet - York University

Contested fields: negotiating the cultures of ethics
Ian Shelton - Dalhousie University and Rhiannon Mosher – York University

II. A. 6. Ethnographic challenges

Chair / Présidence: Anne Irwin – University of Calgary
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 236

The Strange Case of Ethnography and International Relations

Wanda Vrasti – McMaster University

Military Ethnography and Embedded Journalism: Parallels, Intersections and Disjuncture

Anne Irwin - University of Calgary

“Thinking with the Heart”: Ethnography as a Way of Knowing

Amanda White - University of Ottawa

Photographs as Ethnographic Site: The voyage of the S.S. Walnut, 1948.

Lynda Mannik - York University

Doing military ethnography: self and space on a Canadian army base

Karen Samuels - University of Calgary

II. A. 7. Critical Anthropology: Possibilities and Perils

Chair / Présidence: Data Dea Barata - University of Northern British Columbia
Room/Pièce: Paterson Hall 201

Australia's apology to the Indigenous People through the lens of ethnography

Marianne Hoyd - University of Sydney

The Political Correctness of the Contemporary Subject

Dominique Legros - Concordia University

Managing “Our” Resources: Devolution, Authority and Local Autonomy in Co-Management in

Tara C. Goetze - McMaster University

Ethnographic Representations and Generational Rupture: Contesting Images of the Horn of

Data Dea Barata - University of Northern British Columbia

Breaking Down Blockades: A Critical Discourse Analysis of the National Aboriginal Day of
Craig Proulx - St. Thomas University

II. A. 8. Politique, Mémoire, et Mobilisation
Chair / Présidence : Annie Laliberté – Université Laval
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 206

Le Campement autogéré : innovation, contestation et préfiguration

Geneviève Olivier-d'Avignon - Université Laval

Monumentalisation en Bosnie-Herzégovine d'après-guerre. Réconciliation et prise de parole

Fabienne Boursiquot - Université Laval

«Les tortues sont notre avenir». Conservation et rapports à l’environnement à El Cuyo, Réserve
de la biosphère de Ría Lagartos, Yucatán, Mexique
Andréanne Guindon - Université Laval

Coopération internationale, médias et construction d’un espace-temps « post-génocide » au

Annie Laliberté, Université Laval

II. A. 9. Historical Articulations: Translations, Memories, and Forgetting

Chair / Présidence: Richard Preston – McMaster University
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 234

The search for Gorst: us and them in the 1670s

Richard Preston – McMaster University

Métis identity, geographic mapping, and ethnography

Peter Larivière – Carleton University

‘Incidental’ ethnographers and intellectual (dis)connections: Catholic missionaries amid the

‘savages’ in Canada (17th c.) and Indochina (1880-1930)
Jean Michaud – Université Laval

Cultural Recovery Through an Abenaki Text Analysis: What is a Wizard?

Paul René Tamburro – Thompson Rivers University

“Former” hunter-gatherers: construction and deployment of ethnographic categories in

anthropology, administration, and activism in East Africa
Scott Matter - McGill University

10:30-11:00 am Refreshments / Rafraîchissement

Tory Building Foyer (3rd Floor / 3ième étage)

11:00-12:30 pm Concurrent Sessions / Sessions parallèles

II. B. 1. Doing Research with Ethnic Minorities in China: Lessons from the Field II.
Organizer(s) / Organisation: Dr. Hope MacLean – University of Ottawa and Dr. Marie-
Françoise Guédon - University of Ottawa
Chair / Présidence: Dr. Hope MacLean
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 210

The Tourist as Witness: Observing Unofficial Expressions of Religious

Lucie DuFresne - University of Ottawa

Reflections on Negotiating Meaning During Intercultural Heritage Projects with China

Gabriel H. Jones – University of Ottawa

Assessing Two Contemporary Anthropologies

Linnea Rowlatt – University of Ottawa

Les politiques locales et le développement touristique dans trois communautés ethniques

minoritiaires du Yunnan
Martin Kalulambi – University of Ottawa

II. B. 2. Roundtable - 25 Years of the CASCA Women's Network II.: Remembering our
Past and Supporting Future Generations of Women in Canadian Anthropology
Organizer(s) / Organisation: Heather Howard - Michigan State University and Pauline
McKenzie Aucoin - University of Ottawa
Chair / Présidence: Heather Howard
Room/Pièce: Paterson Hall 303

II. B. 3. Land, Cultural and Political Imagination, and Indigenous Futures in Remote
Communities in Canada and Australia: A Comparative Perspective II
Organizer(s) / Organisation: Sylvie Poirier - Université Laval and Nicolas Peterson -
Australian National University
Chair / Présidence: Brian Thom
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 208

Beyond Wolf and Sahlins: The Dene Hunting Economy as a Practice of Freedom
Michael Asch - University of Victoria

On the Persistence of Sharing: Personhood and Egalitarian domestic Moral Economies

Nicolas Peterson - Australian National University

Re-Canvassing Culture: Artistic Economy and Autonomy in a Remote Aboriginal Community

John Carty - Australian National University

“We are from Yuendumu”: Transformations in the Understanding of the Relational Self in
Relation to Place of Residence in Aboriginal Australia
Yasmine Musharbash - University of Western Australia

Réflexions sur la notion de guérison communautaire chez les Innus (Est du Québec) : sens de la
« communauté » et relations intergénérationnelles
Alexandra Beaulieu - Université Laval & Université Lumière Lyon 2

II. B. 4. Photographie, film et multimédia en anthropologie : quelles théories, quelles

utilisations, à quelles fins et avec quelles éthiques?
Organizer(s) / Organisation: Karoline Truchon - Université Laval
Francine Saillant - Université Laval
Chair / Présidence: Karoline Truchon - Université Laval
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 234

« Mon Afrique à moi » : analyse multi-voix numérique d'un projet pour jeunes dans un HLM de
Karoline Truchon - Université Laval

« Je me présente » : le contrôle de leur image par les membres d'une communauté jongueira au
Pedro Simonard - CÉLAT, Université Laval

Rap Chemistry: A call for an intercultural conscious film editing

Alexandrine Boudreault-Fournier - University of Manchester

II. B. 5. Ethnography and the Problem of Place in Global Modernity

Organizer(s) / Organisation: Wendy Russell - Centre for Global Studies, Huron University
College and Sheila Gruner - OISE
Chair / Présidence: Wendy Russell - Huron University College
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 240

Displacement or Territory: Contemplating Place in Institutional Ethnography

Sheila Gruner - OISE/UT

Tracing Global Shadows: Towards anthropological approaches for understanding the

interactions between place-making and transnational capitalism
Jack Kennedy - University of Western Ontario

Global Modernity and the Place of Community in Nishnawbe Aski Territory

Wendy Russell - Centre for Global Studies, Huron University College

Transnational Transformation: Palestinian cyberactivism and the Right of Return

Jasmin Habib – Wilfrid Laurier University

II. B. 6. Interrogant l’Ethnographie

Chair / Présidence : Isabelle Bohard – Université de Montréal
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 206

Le prétexte de l’ethnographie
Isabelle Bohard - Université de Montréal

L’anthropologie (du retour) chez soi

Alexandra Jivan, Université Laval

Ethnographier les silences

Karine Vanthuyne - EHESS, IRIS

Les bureaucraties: l'Autre impossible?

Michèle Barrière-Dion - Université de Montréal

II. B. 7. Engagement and Ethnography

Chair / Présidence: Lisa Philips – University of Alberta
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 202

Engagement, Entanglement and Essentialization: Hidden Dangers of Hidden Worlds

Sebastian Braun - University of North Dakota

Ethnographers in Sheep's Clothing: Assumptions and practices in contemporary ethnography

Tabitha Steager - University of British Columbia Okanagan

The afterlife of ethnographies

Lisa Philips - University of Alberta

The Ethnographic Advantage: Crafting Voice with the Voiceless

Pamela Cushing - King's University at Western

Politically Charged, Politically Correct: Preparing for landmines during fieldwork in the
Jennifer Long - University of Western Ontario

II. B. 8. Canada and Afghanistan: Entanglements and Ruptures

Organizer(s) / Organisation: Salman Hussain and Emily Simmonds – York University
Chair / Présidence: Malcolm Blincow – York University
Discussant: Ian Cosh (York University)
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 236

Canadian Policy Discourses of Humanitarian Intervention: Entanglements of the Expectation

Emily Simmonds – York University

Encountering the Big 'D': Development Discourse and Drugs in Afghanistan

Salman Hussain – York University

Local-level Political Ethnography: Its Ongoing Relevance to the Canadian Occupation in
Malcolm Blincow – York University

II. B. 9. Making Sense of Medical Knowledge in an Aboriginal Context

Organizer(s) / Organisation: Ebba Olofsson – McGill University

Chair / Présidence: Salinda Hess – Concordia University

Room/Pièce: Paterson Hall 201
Discussant: Salinda Hess – Concordia University

They leave their stories everywhere: Perspectives on TB in Nunavut

Helle Moeller - University of Alberta

Weaving Knowledge Translation Through Participatory Research

Jonathan Salsberg - McGill University

Going to the hospital and not knowing why: The Inuit Tuberculosis Evacuees in the 1940’s-
Ebba Olofsson - McGill University and Tara Holton – Jewish General Hospital

II. B. 10. Roundtable: Book Publishing in Anthropology

Chair / Présidence: Blair Rutherford – Carleton University
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 204

Anne Brackenbury – University of Toronto Press (Higher Education/Broadview Press)

Vivian Berghahn – Managing Director, Berghahn Books
Katherine Clark – Edwin Mellen Press
Peter Gose – Carleton University
Winnie Lem – Trent University
Sandra Bamford – University of Toronto

12:30-2:00 pm Lunch / Dîner

2:00-4:00 pm Concurrent Sessions / Sessions parallèles

II. C. 1. Doing Research with Ethnic Minorities in China: Lessons from the Field III
Organizer(s) / Organisation: Hope MacLean and Marie-Francoise Guedon - University of
Chair / Présidence: Dr. Hope MacLean
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 210

Accessing Chinese Ethnic Minority Research through the Back Door

Lorne Holyoak – Heritage Canada/Patrimoine Canada

From Canadian Expo 67 to the Chinese Garden of Ethnic Minorities

Cheryl Gaver – University of Ottawa

Nationalities in China: The cultures of Indigenous peoples, Chinese political systems and
administrative structures
Qiang Li - University of Ottawa

Dialogue avec l’anthropologie chinoise / Dialogue with Chinese Anthropology

Marie-Francoise Guedon - University of Ottawa

II. C. 2. The Travels and Travails of Gender

Chair / Présidence: Susan Walter – Saint Mary's University
Room/Pièce: Paterson Hall 303

Reconfiguring Gender in Urban Honiara, Solomon Islands

Michaela Knot - Concordia University

Icons and Anxieties: "The Modern Indian Woman" and Economic Disillusionment in Semi-
Rural Uttarakhand, India
Megha Sharma Sehdev - McGill University

Cooperation and Confrontation: Men's and Women's Roles in Northwest Coast Societies
Susan Walter - Saint Mary's University

An International Affair: Harlequin Romance and the Discourse of Globalization

Jessica Taylor – University of Toronto

‘I want love to be arranged!’ Courtship and marriage aspirations of young people in Gujarat,
India, an ethnographic study.
Katherine Twamley - City University, London

II. C. 3. Land, Cultural and Political Imagination, and Indigenous Futures in Remote
Communities in Canada and Australia: A Comparative Perspective III
Organizer(s) / Organisation: Sylvie Poirier - Université Laval and Nicolas Peterson -
Australian National University
Chair / Présidence: Jean-Guy Goulet
Discussant: Sylvie Poirier - Université Laval
Discussant: Harvey Feit - McMaster University
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 208

“It Is Hard To Be Sick Now”: Diabetes and the Reconstruction of Indigenous Sociality
Françoise Dussart - University of Connecticut

Exploring New Indigenous Landscapes of Health and Identity

Naomi Adelson - York University

Rires, humour et dérision dans les pratiques de guérison rituelle chez les Atikamekw

Laurent Jérôme - Université Laval & Université de Metz
II. C. 4. Learning About Communities and Cultures Firsthand: The Challenges and
Rewards of Course Ethnographic Projects
Organizer(s) / Organisation: Marcia Ostashewski - Nipissing University and Carly Dokis -
University of Alberta
Chair / Présidence: Marcia Ostashewski
Discussant: Carly Dokis - University of Alberta
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 204

Teaching/Learning Anthropology: Ethnography as Critical Pedagogy

Marcia Ostashewski - Nipissing University

Learning about Communities and Cultures Collaboratively: A Powwow Ethnography

Sarah Buckingham, Deborah Cole, Stacey Lynn Gudmundsson, and Sophia Lazarus– Nipissing

Complementing Classroom-Based Learning: Practicing Ethnography, Exploring Medical

Yolanda St. Amour - Nipissing University

Complex Relationships: Learning Through Ethnography

Shannon O’Connor and Virginia Hope - Nipissing University

II. C. 5. Urban multilingualism and the notion of context

Organizer(s) / Organisation: Kathleen Riley – Concordia University
Chair / Présidence: Kathleen Riley
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 236

Multilingual practices in Montreal

Patricia Lamarre – Université de Montréal

Language ideology and heteroglossic footing in a multilingual metropolis

Kathleen Riley – Concordia University

Bilingual and bicultural identities among Inuit in Ottawa

Donna Patrick – Carleton University

“Weh yuh get dat kink in yuh hair?” Negotiating African Canadian Identity on TV Primetime
Jacqueline Peters – Concordia University

Language repertoires and the middle-class in urban Solomon Islands

Christine Jourdan – Concordia University

“Mi no whiteman, I mean”: thwarted bilingualism in a Pacific university

Angeli Johanne – Concordia University

II. C. 6. What is "Canadian" Anthropology?
Organizer(s) / Organisation: James Waldram – University of Saskatchewan

Chair / Présidence: James Waldram

Room/Pièce: Tory Building 240

Canadian Anthropology is ... Worth Protecting!

James Waldram - University of Saskatchewan

Canadian Anthropology is ... Canadian Identity Writ Small?

Regna Darnell - University of Western Ontario

Canadian anthropology ,,, did you really say “Canadian”?

Marie-France Labrecque - Université Laval

Canadian anthropology is ... a product of university politics

Alan Smart - University of Calgary

Canadian anthropology is ... a labour process like any other and should be studied as such
Gavin Smith - University of Toronto

II. C. 7. Ethnography: Methodological & Theoretical Inquiries and Dilemmas

Chair / Présidence: Daniel Rosenblatt – Carleton University
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 206

Bordering the Sacred: Displacing Decolonization?

Claire Poirier – Dalhousie University

The Use of Peer Research in Community Based Research

Brenda Roche – Wellesley Institute

Speaking out of the Ordinary: The Event and the Everyday in Institutional Ethnography
Christopher Hurl – Carleton University

On Ethnographic Wayfaring: accumulated histories in rural Saskatchewan

Justin Armstrong – McMaster University

Breaking down the Doors: The problems with native ethnography at the gravesite of Jim
Kathleen Riddell – McMaster University

What’s at stake in ethnography?

Daniel Rosenblatt – Carleton University

II. C. 8. Insiders/Outsiders: Ethnographic Analyses
Chair / Présidence: Michel Bouchard – University of Northern British Columbia
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 234

Non-Western Anthropologists: Research among Peers in Turkey

Esin Egit - City University of New York

Halfieness and Multisitedness: Reflections on Doing Fieldwork in Poland and Canada

Kinga Pozniak - University of Western Ontario

What Good is a Guest? Honour and Hospitality in a Closed Corporate Community

Antonio Sorge - University of Prince Edward Island

Ritual and Development in Andean Landscapes

Marieka Sax - Carleton University

Piracy, Ethnic Chic, and Symbolic Economies in Lima, Peru

Brandon Rouleau - University of Western Ontario

Can The Ethnographer Go Back Home? The Challenges of Conducting Anthropological

Research When the “Other” is “You”
Michel Bouchard – University of Northern British Columbia

II. C. 9. Traveling Cultures: Transnational Ties, Potentialities and Ruptures

Chair / Présidence: Allan J. Ryan – Carleton University
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 201

First Nations Peoples Diasporas: An Emerging Form of Transnational Identity

María Cristina Manzano-Munguía - University of Western Ontario

On Uneasy Ground: Contextualising Oral Testimony

Mary Smith – University of East London

A “Multi-” Research Approach

Linda Scarangella - McMaster University

Dislocating lives: Caribbean women migrants’ stories of rupture and continuity

Robbyn Seller - McGill University

Real Research in Virtual Contexts

Melissa Stachel – University of Western Ontario

Cinematic Diplomacy: Tracing the Travels of a Canadian Aboriginal Film Festival

Allan J. Ryan – Carleton University

II. C. 10. Roundtable: The Peril, politics and prospects of tourist ethnographies
Organizer(s) / Organisation: Susan Frohlick – University of Manitoba and Julia Harrison –
Trent University
Chair / Présidence: Susan Frohlick
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 202

Shiho Satsuka – University of Toronto

Lisa Cooke – York University
John Hutnyk – Goldsmiths, University of London
Ken Little – York University
Susan Frohlick – University of Manitoba
Julia Harrison – Trent University

4:00 - 4:30 pm Refreshments / Rafraîchissement

Tory Building Foyer (3rd Floor / 3ième étage)

4:30-6:00 pm II. D. 1. Keynote Address / Discours d’ouverture

Room/Pièce: Minto Case 2000 (Bell Theatre)
(Interprétation simultanée du français)

“Ethnography in an Era of Permanent War” /

<< L’ethnographie à une époque de guerre permanente>>

Professor Catherine Lutz, Department of Anthropology and Watson Institute of International

Affairs, Brown University


8:00 am - noon Registration - Tory Building Foyer (3rd Floor / 3ième étage)

III. A. 1. Public Issues Anthropology and the Ethnography of the Quotidian I : Studying
Organizer(s) / Organisation: Harriet Lyons – University of Waterloo
Chair / Présidence: Harriet Lyons
Room/Pièce: Paterson Hall 201

Heartwood Place: building a sustainable community - A successful example

Consuelo Griggio - University of Waterloo

Why Anthropologists Don’t Study the Police…and why They Should

Scott Moore - University of Waterloo

Purls of Wisdom: Women’s Crafts and the Women (and Men) Who Make Them
Kayleigh Platz - University of Waterloo

NHL Commodification : Effects on Young Players

Matthew Theoret - University of Waterloo

III. A. 2. Authority, agency and bodies: sites of encounter in the anthropology of regulation:
Part I: from Field to Regulator
Organizer(s) / Organisation: Janice Graham - Dalhousie University and Christina Holmes
- Dalhousie University
Chair / Présidence: Janice Graham
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 208

Regulating Boundary Objects: Adapting the ‘scientific view’ of genetically modified organisms
(GMOs) to regulation.
Christina Holmes - Dalhousie University

Claims-in-the-Making: an anthropological study of regulatory techniques

Elizabeth Toller - Dalhousie University

Regulating clinical trials of traditional medicines at Health Canada

Jennifer Cuffe - McGill University

Multiple rationalities in evidence-based decision-making

Mavis Jones - Dalhousie University

Drug review at Health Canada: evidence, practices and interactions.

Robyn Lim - Health Canada

III. A. 3. Recherche dans la Caraïbe: Les générations face aux questions sociales et
culturelles, d’hier à aujourd’hui (moralités locales et globales)
Organizer(s) / Organisation: Marie Meudec - Université Laval and Geneviève Poirier -
Université de Montréal et Université Laval
Chair / Présidence: Marie Meudec
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 206

L'écrivain antillais et la cité: une "extension du domaine de la lutte" ?

Katell Colin - Université d'Ottawa

Soleil, Sexe et Vidéo : la comédie populaire aux Antilles

Françoise Naudillon - Université Concordia

Les dimensions morales de la conversion religieuse aux Églises protestantes à la Martinique

Susie Gagnon - Université Laval

Moralités et pratiques de guérison à Ste-Lucie, l’obeah en question.

Marie Meudec - Université Laval

III. A. 4. Ethnography of Place, Meaning and Movement I

Organizer(s) / Organisation: Karl Schmid - York University and Pauline Aucoin -
University of Ottawa
Chair / Présidence: Willow Scobie (University of Ottawa)
Discussant: Deborah Pellow – Syracuse University
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 210

A phenomenological look at British Columbia First Nations Traditional Territories

Christine Elsey - University College of the Fraser Valley

Designing landscapes fit for striving: the aesthetic politics of a UNESCO World Heritage site in
Buddha Gaya, India
David Geary - University of British Columbia

An archaeology of meaning for nature, place and garden tours

Pauline Aucoin - University of Ottawa

III. A. 5. Food, Property and Power

Organizer(s) / Organisation: Birgit Müller - LAIOS-CNRS Paris

Chair / Présidence: Birgit Müller

Room/Pièce: Tory Building 202

Producing Paradoxes: Negotiating property and food production in contemporary Cuba

Sabrina Doyon - Université Laval

Into the Hands of the Many: Production and Power in Rural Russia

Liesl L. Gambold - University of Dalhousie

Constructing the Rural Subject: Nicaraguan ‘Peasants’ from Sandinism to Néo-liberalism

Birgit Müller - LAIOS-CNRS Paris

Recovering agency: organic farming as both social movement and livelihood

Mary Richardson - Université Laval

III. A. 6. Pour le centenaire de Claude Lévi-Strauss / For the Lévi-Strauss Centenary

Organizer(s) / Organisation : John Leavitt – Université de Montréal
Chair / Présidence: John Galaty – McGill University
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 206

Race et Histoire and the New World Order

Guy Lanoue – Université de Montréal

Lévi-Strauss et la genèse de l'Unesco

Jorge Pantaleón – Université de Montréal

Revisiting "The Local and the Universal"

Eric Schwimmer – Université Laval

"The Music of What Happens": Lévi-Strauss and Poetics

John Leavitt – Université de Montréal

III. A. 7. Critical Engagement, Critical Articulations: Ethnographies from South Asia and
the South Asian Diaspora I
Organizer(s) / Organisation: Glynis George - University of Windsor and Nicola Mooney -
University College of the Fraser Valley
Chair / Présidence: Nicola Mooney
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 240

Gender, Culture, and Citizenship in Transnational Arranged Marriages among Jat Sikhs
Nicola Mooney - University College of the Fraser Valley

Citizenship, Culture and the Experiences of ‘older’ Tamils in a Diasporic, Multicultural Context.
Glynis George - University of Windsor

Changing Legal Identities: from India to Canada

Karine Bates - Université de Montréal

III. A. 8. For Goodness Sake: Performances, Embodiments and Subjectivities of Virtue

Organizer(s) / Organisation: Mary-Lee Mulholland - University of Calgary and Maggie

Cummings - University of Toronto
Chair / Présidence: Maggie Cummings

Room/Pièce: Tory Building 236

Discussant: Maggie Cummings - University of Toronto

Virtue and Virility: Feminine and Masculine Alcohol Consumption in Western Ukraine
Maureen Murney - University of Toronto

The Jewelry of Virtuous Submission: Reiterative Bodily Acts that Materialize the Virtuous
Muslim Body in Thanvi's Heavenly Ornaments
Usamah Ansari - York University (as read by Huma Ansari)

The Terror and the Beauty of Virtue: The Controversy of Miss Mexico's Cristera Costume
Mary-Lee Mulholland - University of Calgary

Virtuous Marriages, Unspeakable Memories: Performing the ‘Pussy Cat’ in Post-Apartheid

South Africa
Mieke DeGelder - University of Toronto

III. A. 9. Historical Perspectives on Animals in Literature

Organizer(s) / Organisation: Sima Aprahamian and Karin Doerr – Concordia University

Chair / Présidence: Karin Doerr

Room/Pièce: Tory Building 234

Balakian's Black Dog of Fate

Sima Aprahamian – Concordia University

Bear Experience: The Power of Ursus Major in Cree Thought

Diane George – Carleton University

The Significance of Mice in Kafka's Last Story

Karin Doerr – Concordia University

10:30-11:00 am Refreshments / Rafraîchissement

Tory Building Foyer (3rd Floor / 3ième étage)

11:00-12:30 pm Concurrent Sessions / Sessions parallèles

III. B. 1. Public Issues Anthropology and the Ethnography of the Quotidian II: Sex, Food
and Violence
Organizer(s) / Organisation: Harriet Lyons - University of Waterloo

Chair / Présidence: Harriet Lyons

Discussant: Andrew Lyons – Wilfrid Laurier University

Room/Pièce: Paterson Hall 201

Gender, Animals, and Dominance: The Sacrifice of Being Human

Jill Johnson - University of Waterloo
Ritualized and “ordinary” violence: can one help us understand the other?
Kim Campbell - University of Waterloo

Sex and gender diversity in Gay Pride Parades: A Challenge to Routinization ?

Kevin Nixon - University of Waterloo

III. B. 2. Authority, agency and bodies: sites of encounter in the anthropology of

regulation: II: From patients to prisons
Organizer(s) / Organisation: Janice Graham and Christina Holmes - Dalhousie University

Chair / Présidence: Janice Graham

Room/Pièce: Tory Building 208

The parallel public health system: information sharing, knowledge advocacy and the rise of the
Harriet G. Rosenberg - York University and Richard Lee - University of Toronto

Street Sex Work in Winnipeg: Talking Against Stigma and Regulation

Dianne Grant - University of Manitoba

Artifice and the Aboriginal Street Gang “Crisis” in Canada: Locating Disorder at the Confluence
of Race, Gender, Geography and Generation.
Kathleen Buddle-Crowe - University of Manitoba

Hyper-Regulation, Total Institutions, and Ethnography

James B. Waldram - University of Saskatchewan

Regulatory Pathways, from the field to the street

Janice Graham - Dalhousie University

III. B. 3. La recherche dans la Caraïbe : Les générations face aux questions

méthodologiques, théoriques et empiriques. Santé et migration.
Organizer(s) / Organisation: Geneviève Poirier - Univesité de Montréal et Université Laval
and Marie Meudec - Université Laval
Chair / Présidence: Geneviève Poirier
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 206

Mondes magiques et mondes invisibles à la Barbade

Geneviève Poirier - Université de Montréal et Université Laval

Le VIH/sida dans la région caraïbe et les populations immigrantes : études et perspectives de


Joseph Lévy - Université du Québec à Montréal

Processus migratoire et gestion du risque d’infection au VIH chez les jeunes femmes d’origine
Viviane Leaune - Direction de la santé publique de Montréal

Stratégies et comportements des femmes haïtiennes au regard des décisions internationales prises
en matière de santé sexuelle et reproductive
Murielle Jean-Baptiste - Université Laval

III. B. 4. Ethnography of Place, Meaning and Movement II

Organizer(s) / Organisation Karl Schmid - York University and Pauline Aucoin -
University of Ottawa
Chair / Présidence: Karl Schmid
Discussant: Deborah Pellow – Syracuse University
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 210

What matters at the cottage

Julia Harrison - Trent University

Bazaar story: understanding a place when it has moved location

Karl Schmid - York University

III. B. 5. Ethnography in Discursive Sex-‘scapes’: Subjectivities, Sexualities, and Public

Organizer(s) / Organisation: George Paul Meiu - University of Chicago
Chair / Présidence: David Murray – York University
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 202

Guitar Envy: Masculinity and Rock ‘n’ Roll Dreams in Air Guitar Nation
Jay Sosa - University of Chicago

“Free Condoms are like Cheap Clothes, They Tear Quickly”: Competing Discourses About
Condom Promotion in Namibia
Nicole Rigillo - Saint Mary Hospital, Montreal

The Transnational Love Affair: White Women's Writing and Kenyan Men
George Paul Meiu - University of Chicago

III. B. 6. Pour le centenaire de Claude Lévi-Strauss / For the Lévi-Strauss Centenary

Organizer(s) / Organisation : John Leavitt – Université de Montréal
Chair / Présidence: John Galaty – McGill University
Discussant: Regna Darnell – University of Western Ontario
Room/Pièce: Paterson Hall 303

The Rough and the Refined: Levi-Straussian Permutations in Contemporary Anthropological
Theory and Practice
John Galaty – McGill University

On mythologiques and the sin of desiring completeness

Marie-Françoise Guédon – Université d’Ottawa

L'oeuvre de Claude Lévi-Strauss dans cinquante ans : qu'en restera-t-il ?

Pierre Maranda – Université Laval

III. B. 7. Critical Engagement, Critical Articulations: Ethnographies from South Asia and
the South Asian Diaspora II
Organizer(s) / Organisation: Glynis George - University of Windsor and Nicola Mooney –
University College of the Fraser Valley
Chair / Présidence: Glynis George
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 240

Applied Ethnomusicology as South Asian Ethnography: Performing and Teaching Music at a

Mumbai NGO.
Denise Nuttall - Ithaca College

Feminist Theatre in Chennai: Performing Possibilities

Preethy Sivakumar - York University
Cosmologies of Harm, Medicines for Discord: Northern Pakistani Women’s Negotiation of

Interpersonal Enmity and Everyday Health

Emma Varley - University of Toronto

III. B. 8. Anthropology and/of Government

Organizer(s) / Organisation: Kendra Coulter – University of Windsor
Thomas Wilson –Binghamton University, State University of New York
Chair / Présidence: Kendra Coulter – University of Windsor
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 236

Neoliberal Socialism? Devolution, Culture, and Economic Policy in Wales

William Schumann – Arkansas Tech University

Europeanization and Local Government in Ireland

Thomas Wilson – Binghamton University, State University of New York

Building a Politically-Engaged Anthropology of Government

Kendra Coulter – University of Windsor

III. B. 9. Aboriginal Healing
Chair / Présidence: Sheila Grantham – Carleton University
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 234

The experience of Inuit nurses and nursing students educated and practicing in Western settings
Helle Møller - University of Alberta
Cultural Competency & Aboriginal Health: “Aboriginality” as Cure
Michelle Wyndham-West - York University

Researching with Respect

Sheila Grantham - Carleton University

From Plague Narratives to “Toxic Talk”: Reflections on Discursive (Re)constructions of First

Nations’ Health in Historic and Contemporary (Con)texts
Christianne V. Stephens - McMaster University

12:30-2:00 pm Lunch and CASCA AGM / Dîner et CASCA AGA

(Lunch is provided / Déjeuner fourni)
Room/Pièce: Tory Building 360

2:00-4:30 pm III. C. 1. Plenary Panel / Présentation en séance plénière

“The Promise and Perils of an Engaged Anthropology” /
« Les promesses et les dangers de l’anthropologie engagée »
Room/Pièce: Minto Case 2000 (Bell Theatre)
(Simultaneously interpreted in English or French /
interprétation simultanée de l'anglais au français)

(Re)Writing (with) Monster Mothers: Learning Narrative Theory from Women Convicted of
Killing Their Children
Charles Briggs – University of California, Berkeley

Heightened engagement and transformation in the field: Reflections on the ‘practical’ side of
ethnographic practices among the Dene Tha
Jean-Guy A. Goulet – Saint Paul University

L'engagement, une question épistémologique

Francine Saillant – Laval University

Walking the Talk : The Skillful Means to Collaborative Inquiry and Social Engagement
Jacques Chevalier and Daniel Buckles – Carleton University

Defusing Hostility: Reflections on Raising Contentious Issues in Conservative Settings

Catherine Kingfisher – University of Lethbridge



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