Model Ars

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Sub Code Subject Dept

: CU 9211 : ARS : ECE

Max.Marks Time Sem / Year

: 100 Marks : 2.005.00 PM : I /I

PART A (10 x 2 = 20 marks) 1) What is Line current distribution? 2) Enumerate any four CAD tools for Antenna analysis? 3) State Huygens Principle 4) What are the merits of offset feed reflector antenna? 5) What is meant by grating lobe? 6) What are FNBW and HPBW? 7) What are the different configurations of micro strip antennas? Draw them. 8) Enumerate the most commonly preferred substrate materials for micro strip antennas. Mention their features? 9) Write the deign equations of bi-conical antennas. 10) What is antenna factor? PART B (5 x 16 = 80 marks) 11) a)i) Define and explain the parameters of an antenna? (8) ii) Compute the directivity of monopole antenna? (8) OR b) i)State and explain Lorentz reciprocity theorem for receiving antennas? (8) ii) Give short notes on BAZOOKA Balun and Mobile phone antennas? (8) 12) a) i) Explain field equivalence principle for aperture antennas? (8) ii) Compute the far electric field component using Fourier Transform Technique, for an antenna, assuming aperture dimensions and aperture distributions are known (8) OR b) i)Distinguish horn antenna from parabolic reflector. (8) ii) Bring out the design details of pyramidal horn antenna? (8) 13) a) i) Explain the radiation mechanisms of broadside antenna array and end fire antenna array with neat sketches. (8) ii) Derive an expression for antenna array factor and explain the significance (8) OR b) i) Derive an expression for Steering vector of phased array antenna and explain its significance? (8) ii) Give an account of beam forming networks for phased array antenna? (8) 14) a) i) Explain the radiation principle of rectangular patch antenna with a neat diagram (8)

ii) Explain in detail the various feed techniques for micro strip antenna with neat diagrams. (8) OR b) i)Derive an expression for input impedance of a rectangular patch antenna(8) ii) Design a rectangular micro strip antenna using a substrate with dielectric constant of 2.2, h=0.1588cm so as to resonate at 10 GHz. (8) 15) a)i) Derive FRIIS transmission formula and hence deduce an expression for gain of an antenna(8) ii) Design a log periodic antenna array to cover a frequency range of 84 to 200 MHz and to have a 7.5 dB gain. Compute the required elemental lengths and spacings for optimal working (8) OR b) i) Draw a net block diagram for antenna radiation pattern and gain measurement. Explain the procedure in detail (8) ii) Explain the design aspects of anechoic chamber (8)

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