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T 10.

1 Transformers
by Prof. Guntram Schultz

1st Edition, April 2003

LEYBOLD DIDACTIC GMBH . Leyboldstrasse 1 . D-50354 Hrth . Phone (02233) 604-0 . Fax (02233) 604-222 . e-mail: info@leybold-didactic.de
by Leybold Didactic GmbH Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Technical alterations reserved

T 10.1 Contents
1 2 2.1 2.2 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 7 7.1 7.2 8 Introduction Safety Precautions and Measurement Notifications Safety Precautions Measurement Notices Experiments with the Single-phase Transformer Voltage and Current Transformation Short-circuit Voltage and Sustained Short-circuit Current Voltage Behavior with Resistive Load, Evaluating Efficiency Voltage Behavior with Inductive or Capacitive Load Experiments with the Single-phase Toroidal Core Transformer Voltage and Current Transformation Short-circuit Voltage and Sustained Short-circuit Current Voltage Behavior with Resistive Load, Evaluating Efficiency Voltage Behavior with Inductive or Capacitive Load Experiments with the Single-phase Autotransformer Voltage and Current Transformation Short-circuit Voltage and Sustained Short-circuit Current Voltage Behavior with Resistive Load, Evaluating Efficiency Voltage Behavior with Inductive or Capacitive Load Experiments with the Three-phase Transformer Transformer in Yy0 Star-Star Circuit Transformer in Dy5 Delta-Star Circuit Transformer in Yd5 Star-Delta Circuit Transformer in Yz5 Star-Zigzag Circuit Experiments with the Scott Transformer Transformer in a Scott Circuit Transformer in a V Circuit Practice Questions


5 7 7 7 9 10 11 12 14 17 18 19 20 22 25 26 28 29 30 33 34 38 41 44 49 50 52 55

T 10.1 1 Introduction


One of the essential advantages of alternating current, including three-phase current, over direct current lies therein that this form of electrical energy can be economically produced in large power plants then transmitted over long distances at high voltages with relatively low losses and finally converted to a user-acceptable voltage level for the consumer. This is all made possible by transformers. Transformers of all kinds that are built to handle power from less than a Watt to over a gigawatt. Three-phase transformers are used exclusively for large power requirements while smaller power requirements are often adequately served by single-phase designs. Single-phase transformers will be examined first to illustrate just how transformers work. The law of induction is fundamental to the way that a transformer works. This law states that a voltage will be induced in a coil that is exposed to a periodically changing magnetic field. Since a transformer is generally employed to connect two differing voltage levels, it is necessary to have both sides uniquely designated with indexes. Typically the side intended as the input is designated the primary side and labeled with the index 1. The side of the transformer to which the load is connected is designated the secondary side and labeled with the index 2. According to the law of induction, if the number of turns in the windings are represented by N1 and N2 then the relationship between respective voltages for an ideal transformer will be: V1 N1 = V2 N2 The voltage conversion ratio is the most important rating for a transformer. If one disregards transformer losses, then the apparent power must be the same on both sides. This can be used to derive a ratio for the currents as follows: I1 N2 = I2 N1 The higher transmission voltage is made, the smaller the current will be for the same amount of conducted power. This allows high-voltage lines to be utilized that have a smaller conductor cross section which, in turn, is more economical. In addition to a transformer's transformation ratio there are other factors which also determine the operational behavior of a transformer. These are nominal apparent power, no-load current, shortcircuit voltage, and efficiency. The experiments to be performed here will use one transformer with a laminated core and another transformer which has a toroidal core, each of these will have two secondary windings. The operational behavior for both types will be similar; differences arise only in their short-circuit voltages and no-load current. Furthermore, a distinction must be made between the physical structure differences for "isolating transformers" and "autotransformers". Isolating transformers have absolutely no galvanic coupling between its windings whereas the autotransformer is formed by two, series-connected, parts of a single winding. One portion of the winding, referred to as the common winding, is common to both sides. The other portion of the winding, referred to as the auxiliary winding or series winding, together with the common winding forms the high voltage side. Voltages can be transformed up or down with an autotransformer. Its overall potential power output is referred to as its throughput rating. Its transfer from input to output winding is in part galvanic and part inductive. The greater the galvanic portion contributes to the amount of power transferred, the smaller the inductive portion will be. It is this inductive portion, also referred to as "nominal power" that determines the physical size of the transformer. This means that the savings of copper and iron, in comparison to a transformer with separate windings, becomes larger as the difference between input and output voltages becomes smaller. The experiments to be performed here will use an autotransformer that has multiple taps.

T 10.1


The distribution grid for electrical power primarily uses three-phase transformers. Like single-phase transformers, these three-phase versions can also be wound as isolating transformers or as autotransformers. Even designs with three windings per phase are commonplace. Such transformers allow, for example, one generator to simultaneously feed two different voltage levels of a power grid. A three-phase transformer can be envisioned as the interconnection of three single-phase transformers. Though this allows various circuit configurations for primary and secondary sides to be realized, one of these configurations will result in the optimal solution for the given application. For the star circuit, a voltage applied to a single winding is V V 'N = N , 3 whereas for the delta circuit it is VN that is the nominal voltage. This means that the star circuit's overhead for isolation is less, but does require conductors with larger cross-sections due to the higher currents to be handled. Another configuration, primarily used for the low voltage side of local transformers, is the zigzag circuit (a.k.a. interconnected star connection). It is formed by the series connection of two different phases of the secondary windings. Connection symbols are used for identify different circuit configurations. The letter "D" or "d" is used to identify a delta circuit, "Y" or "y" for a star circuit and "z" for a zigzag circuit. The capital letter is used for the primary side and the lowercase letter for the secondary side. These letter codes are followed by a code number that describes the lagging of phase-to-phase voltage on the low-voltage side opposite the high-voltage side in multiples of 30 (comparable to the numbers on the face of a clock). If the neutral point of a star or zigzag configured winding is brought out, then this is identified by the letter "N" or "n" (depending on transformer side). The most common circuit configurations are Yy0, Dy5, Yd5 and Yz5. Single-phase loads can only be connected to the transformer when the neutral point is brought out. The individual phase leg windings are differentiated with the letters "U", "V", and "W". A code number preceding these letters designates the winding's number (1: primary winding, 2 and, when present, 3: for secondary windings). A further code number after the letter establishes the begin (1) and end (2) of the winding. Whereas a transformer's connection symbol is virtually meaningless in symmetrical configurations, they are decisive for behavior where asymmetrical loads and faults are concerned. The three-phase transformer used in these experiments possesses three separate windings per phase that can be interconnected freely. Behavior will be investigated for both symmetric as well as asymmetric load conditions. The so-called "Scott transformer" represents a special variation of the three-phase transformer. It permits the creation of a special circuit for producing two alternating voltages from a single three phase system. The two AC voltages represent independent systems which exhibit a 90 phase shift between them. Experiments will also be conducted with this type of transformer.

T 10.1 2

Safety Precautions and Measurement Notifications

Safety Precautions and Measurement Notifications

2.1 Safety Precautions

Voltage-free metal components (e.g. housings) are to be connected with a PE ground conductor according to VDE regulations (Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker, which translates to Association of German Electro-technical Engineers). Power supply voltage is to be turned off when making any change to the experimental setup.

2.2 Measurement Notifications

The power supply voltage to single-phase transformers under investigation is to be connected via an isolating variable transformer (726 85) that provides an AC voltage in the range of 0 ... 260 V. For three-phase transformers, power supply voltage is to be provided via the three-phase variable transformer (725 442 D) that has a voltage range of 0 ... 400 V. Voltage and current measurements are to be made with RMS meters (727 10). Simple voltmeters and ammeters can also be used as an alternative. Notices about the proper measurement ranges are included in equipment lists for individual experiments. A measurement instrument capable of providing results within a tolerance range of 0.05% of measured value (or better) is recommended for investigations of voltage behavior in conjunction with resistive, capacitive and inductive loads. The unit configuration diagrams always show the RMS meter devices. An oscilloscope (e.g. 575 211) is required in order to visualize the characteristic phase shifts that take place between the high and low voltage sides of the three-phase transformer. This is to be connected to the test object via an isolation amplifier (735 261). The details of utilizing the isolation amplifier and the oscilloscope are to be taken from their respective operating instructions. It is recommended that transformers to be investigated are first loaded with nominal current for a few minutes before making measurements. This is done to ensure that they have reached their operating temperature so that reproducible results are achieved. On the other hand, one should be careful not to place other devices (e.g. measuring instruments) directly above the test object or resistive loads. This is because of the heat dissipated by these test objects and resistive loads.

T 10.1 3

Experiments with the Single-phase Transformer

Experiments with the Single-phase Transformer

Study Goals:
After carrying out the experiments, the student will be capable of: connecting a single-phase transformer and then demonstrating the significance of the terms "voltage transformation", "current transformation" and "no-load current" with appropriate experimental circuits. setting up a measurement circuit for determining short-circuit voltage and sustained shortcircuit current and then be able to measure these values. investigating a transformer's voltage behavior when it is connected to a resistive load and determining its efficiency as a function of the load. investigating and interpreting a transformer's voltage behavior when it is connected to an inductive or capacitive load.

Equipment List:
1 single-phase transformer 1 variable transformer 0 ... 260 V / 4 A 1 resistive load 1 inductive load 1 capacitive load 1 set of 10 safety connectors, black 1 set of 10 safety connectors, green/yellow 1 set of 32 safety experiment cables 1 set of 10 safety experiment cables, green/yellow 1 power factor meter 3 RMS meters as an alternative to the RMS meters: 2 voltmeters 0 ... 400 V 1 ammeter 0 ... 1 A 1 ammeter 0 ... 2.5 A 733 97 726 85 732 40 732 42 732 41 500 59 500 591 500 851 500 852 727 12 727 10

Fig. 3.1:

Arrangement of Units for Single-phase Transformer Experiments

T 10.1

Experiments with the Single-phase Transformer

3.1 Voltage and Current Transformation

Set up the circuit as shown in Fig. 3.1.1.

Fig. 3.1.1: Circuit for Measuring Voltage Transformation in a Single-phase Transformer

The transformer to be investigated is to be operated with no-load for this. Turn on the circuit and select the voltage V1 = 230 V on the variable transformer that powers the circuit. Measure the noload current I0 of the test object and the voltage across each of the secondaries V2 and V3 (between terminals 2.1 and 2.2, and 3.1 and 3.2, respectively). Also measure voltage V23 between terminals 2.1 and 3.2, with the two secondary windings connected in series (by connecting terminal 2.2 with terminal 3.1). Result: I0 = 0.18 A, V2 = 121 V, V3 = 121 V, V23 = 243 V

Reference the voltages V1, V2 and V3 to the turn counts N1, N2 and N3 of their respective windings: Result: V V1 V = 0.564 V , 2 = 0.565 V , 3 = 0.565 V N1 N2 N3

Formulate an equation for voltage transformation ratio from the above data: Result: V1 N1 V N = and 1 = 1 V2 N2 V3 N3

Change the circuit to match Fig. 3.1.2 in order to determine the current transformation ratio:

Fig. 3.1.2: Circuit for Measuring Current Transformation in a Single-phase Transformer

Set the resistive load to a value of 100% and turn on the circuit. Again select the voltage 230 V on the variable transformer that powers the circuit. Reduce the load's resistance value until rated 10

T 10.1

Experiments with the Single-phase Transformer

current flows in the secondary side of the test object (see specifications on front plate). Measure the corresponding current on the primary side. Result: I1 = 0.72 A, I2 = 1.36 A

Reference the currents I1 and I2 to the turn counts N2 and N1 of their respective windings: Result: I1 I = 3.36 mA , 2 = 3.33 mA N2 N1

Formulate an equation for current transformation ratio from the above data: Result: I1 N2 = I2 N1

3.2 Short-circuit Voltage and Sustained Short-circuit Current

This experiment is intended to investigate the transformer's behavior when the secondary winding is shorted. Short-circuit voltage and sustained short-circuit current are also determined. Set up the circuit as shown in Fig. 3.2.1.

Fig. 3.2.1: Circuit for Measuring Short-circuit Voltage

A transformer exhibits different values for short-circuit voltage depending upon whether one or both of the secondary windings are loaded. The higher of these values results when both windings are loaded. The rated current for the primary side is required for this measurement. This was established during the previous experiment. Beginning from zero, slowly increase the voltage of the variable transformer until the current flowing in the primary side reaches its rated value; then read the corresponding voltage Vsc. Result: Vsc = 8.7 V

The value for Vsc is the short-circuit voltage. When this is referenced to the corresponding nominal voltage, then that is the relative short-circuit voltage vsc. This value is usually expressed as a percentage. Determine the relative short-circuit voltage of the single-phase transformer under test: Result: vsc = 3.8 %


T 10.1

Experiments with the Single-phase Transformer

Sustained short-circuit current is that current which flows after transient reaction has died out when nominal voltage is applied to the primary side. Since this has a very high value it cannot be measured directly. Therefore calculate its value from the secondary side's rated current and the relative short-circuit voltage with the help of the equation I Iss = 2N 100 % v sc Determine the test object's sustained short-circuit current: Result: Iss = 35.8 A

3.3 Voltage Behavior with Resistive Load, Evaluating Efficiency

Change the circuit to match Fig. 3.3.1.

Fig. 3.3.1 Circuit for Investigating Voltage Behavior with Resistive Load and for Evaluating Efficiency

Three separate resistors are to be connected in parallel to increase current handling capability. First set the resistive load to a value of 100% and turn the circuit on. Set the variable transformer to maintain a voltage of 230 V. Change the load according to the settings prescribed by Tab. 3.3.1. For each setting, measure the corresponding values for current I1 and power factor cos on the primary side as well as voltage V2 and current I2 on the secondary side. When load currents I2 are over 1.4 A, these measurements should be made expeditiously in order to avoid overloading the transformer! After the measurements have been taken, calculate the effective power on the primary side with the equation

P1 = V1 I1 cos ,
effective power on the secondary side with the equation

P2 = V2 I2 ,
from the above results, derive a value for efficiency with = P2 , P1

and complete the table below. Be careful about the current handling capabilities of the secondary winding!


T 10.1

Experiments with the Single-phase Transformer

R/% I1 / A

100 0.24 0.66 122 0.19 36.4 23.2 63.6

90 0.24 0.67 122 0.20 37.0 24.4 66.0

80 0.25 0.70 122 0.23 40.3 28.1 69.7

70 0.26 0.72 121 0.27 43.1 32.7 75.9

60 0.28 0.79 121 0.34 50.9 41.1 80.9

50 0.34 0.84 121 0.47 65.79 56.9 86.6

40 0.41 0.88 121 0.63 83.0 76.2 91.9

30 0.54 0.93 120 0.92

20 0.58 0.94 120 1.00

15 0.70 0.95 120 1.22

10 0.94 0.97 119 1.66

cos V2 / V I2 / A P1 / W

115.5 125.4 153.0 209.7 110.4 120.0 146.4 197.5 95.6 95.7 95.7 94.2


P2 / W /%

Tab. 3.3.1: Voltage Behavior and Efficiency for a Resistively Loaded Single-phase Transformer

How large is the power factor when the transformer is loaded to its rated current value? Result: The power factor is about 96 %.

Draw a single graph that contains the measured values for voltage V2 and efficiency as a function of load current I2:

Fig. 3.3.2 Secondary voltage ( ) and efficiency ( ) as a function of load current for a resistively loaded single-phase transformer.

Where does efficiency reach its maximum? Result: With a resistive load, efficiency produces a very flat maximum. It lies in the range of secondary currents between 1 and 1.3 A.


T 10.1

Experiments with the Single-phase Transformer

3.4 Voltage Behavior with Inductive or Capacitive Load

Both secondary windings are to be connected in series in order to transfer more power. This permits load-current-invoked changes to secondary voltage to become more distinct. Replace the resistive load with an inductive load and change the circuit to match Fig. 3.4.1. Here too, the inductive load elements are to be connected in parallel to increase current handling capability. The power factor meter is no longer needed.

Fig. 3.4.1: Circuit for Investigating Voltage Behavior with Inductive Load

Set the transformer powering the circuit for 230 V and maintain this value during the measurement. First measure no-load voltage in the secondary side. Take measurements for secondary current and secondary voltage with inductive loads set to the values prescribed by Tab. 3.4.1. Perform the measurements expeditiously, particularly when small inductive load values are used, as these cause a rather high current load! Furthermore, the circuit's supply voltage should be turned off prior to making each change to the inductive load. This is done to prevent large voltage surges when the secondary circuit is opened. Lindiv. / H Ltotal / H I2 / A V2 / V open open 0 241 6.0 2.0 0.35 240.5 4.8 1.6 0.42 239.5 2.4 0.8 0.85 238 1.2 0.4 1.72 235.5

Tab. 3.4.1: Voltage Behavior for an Inductively Loaded Single-phase Transformer

Replace the inductive load with a capacitive load and then repeat the above measurement series appropriately for values of capacitive load as specified in Tab. 3.4.2. These values of capacitance are to be created by connecting appropriate capacitors together in parallel. Begin the measurements with no-load on the secondary side and maintain a supply voltage of 230 V. C / F I2 / A V2 / V open 0 241 4 0.30 242 8 0.65 243 12 0.95 244 16 1.25 245 20 1.55 246

Tab. 3.4.2: Voltage Behavior for a Capacitively Loaded Single-phase Transformer


T 10.1

Experiments with the Single-phase Transformer

Draw a single graph containing the measured voltage values for both measurement series. Represent these values as a function of the load current:

Fig. 3.4.2: Secondary voltage of a single-phase transformer as a function of load current when inductively ( ) loaded and when capacitively ( ) loaded.

What characteristic differences does a transformer exhibit as load current is increased when it is connected to a resistive, inductive, or capacitive load? Result: When connected to a resistive or inductive load, secondary voltage decreases as load current increases. When connected to a capacitive load, secondary voltage increases with increasing load current.


T 10.1 4

Single-phase Toroidal Core Transformer Experiments

Experiments with the Single-phase Toroidal Core Transformer

Study Goals:
After carrying out the experiments, the student will be capable of: connecting a single-phase toroidal core transformer and then demonstrating the significance of the terms "voltage transformation" and "current transformation" with appropriate experimental circuits. setting up a measurement circuit for determining short-circuit voltage and sustained shortcircuit current and then be able to measure these values. investigating a transformer's voltage behavior when it is connected to a resistive load and determining its efficiency as a function of the load. investigating and interpreting a transformer's voltage behavior when it is connected to an inductive or capacitive load.

Equipment List:
1 single-phase toroidal core transformer 1 variable transformer 0 ... 260 V / 4 A 1 resistive load 1 inductive load 1 capacitive load 1 set of 10 safety connectors, black 1 set of 10 safety connectors, green/yellow 1 set of 32 safety experiment cables 1 set of 10 safety experiment cables, green/yellow 1 power factor meter 3 RMS meters as an alternative to the RMS meters: 2 voltmeters 0 ... 400 V 1 ammeter 0 ... 1 A 1 ammeter 0 ... 2.5 A 733 98 726 85 732 40 732 42 732 41 500 59 500 591 500 851 500 852 727 12 727 10

Fig. 4.1:

Arrangement of Units for Single-phase Toroidal Core Transformer Experiments


T 10.1

Single-phase Toroidal Core Transformer Experiments

4.1 Voltage and Current Transformation

Set up the circuit as shown in Fig. 4.1.1.

Fig. 4.1.1: Circuit for Measuring Voltage Transformation in a Single-phase Toroidal Core Transformer

The transformer to be investigated is to be operated with no-load for this. Turn on the circuit and select the voltage 230 V on the variable transformer that powers the circuit. Measure the no-load current I0 of the test object and the voltage across each of the secondaries V2 and V3 (between terminals 2.1 and 2.2, and 3.1 and 3.2, respectively). Also measure voltage V23 between terminals 2.1 and 3.2, when the two secondary windings are connected in series (by connecting terminal 2.2 with terminal 3.1). Result: I0 = 0.015 A, V2 = 121 V, V3 = 121 V, V23 = 241 V

Reference the voltages V1, V2 and V3 to the turn counts N1, N2 and N3 of their respective windings: Result: V V1 V = 0.31 V , 2 = 0.32 V , 3 = 0.32 V N1 N2 N3

Formulate an equation for voltage transformation ratio from the above data: Result: V1 N1 V N = and 1 = 1 V2 N2 V3 N3

Change the circuit to match Fig. 4.1.2 in order to determine the current transformation ratio:

Fig. 4.1.2: Circuit for Measuring Current Transformation in a Single-phase Toroidal Core Transformer


T 10.1

Single-phase Toroidal Core Transformer Experiments

Set the resistive load to a value of 100 % and turn on the circuit. Again select the voltage 230 V on the variable transformer that powers the circuit. Reduce the load's resistance value until rated current flows in the secondary side of the test object (see specifications on front plate). Measure the corresponding current on the primary side. Result: I1 = 0.70 A, I2 = 1.36 A Reference the currents I1 and I2 to the turn counts N2 and N1 of their respective windings: Result: I1 I = 1.82 mA , 2 = 1.82 mA N2 N1

Formulate an equation for current transformation ratio from the above data: Result: I1 N2 = I2 N1

4.2 Short-circuit Voltage and Sustained Short-circuit Current

This experiment is intended to investigate the toroidal core transformer's behavior when the secondary winding is shorted. Short-circuit voltage and sustained short-circuit current are also determined. Set up the circuit as shown in Fig. 4.2.1.

Fig. 4.2.1: Circuit for Measuring Short-circuit Voltage

The toroidal core transformer exhibits different values for short-circuit voltage depending upon whether one or both of the secondary windings are loaded. The higher of these values results when both windings are loaded. The rated current for the primary side is required for this measurement. This was established during the previous experiment. Beginning from zero, slowly increase the voltage of the variable transformer until the current flowing in the primary side reaches its rated value; then read the corresponding voltage Vsc. Result: Vsc = 5.5 V

The value for Vsc is the short-circuit voltage. When this is referenced to the corresponding nominal voltage, then that is the relative short-circuit voltage vsc. This value is usually expressed as a percentage.


T 10.1

Single-phase Toroidal Core Transformer Experiments

Determine the relative short-circuit voltage of the single-phase toroidal core transformer under test: Result: vsc = 2.4 %

Sustained short-circuit current is that current which flows after transient reaction has died out when nominal voltage is applied to the primary side. Since this has a very high value it cannot be measured directly. Therefore calculate its value from the secondary side's rated current and the relative short-circuit voltage with the help of the equation I Iss = 2N 100 % v sc Determine the test object's sustained short-circuit current: Result: Iss = 56.7 A

4.3 Voltage Behavior with Resistive Load, Evaluating Efficiency

Change the circuit to match Fig. 4.3.1.

Fig. 4.3.1 Circuit for Investigating Voltage Behavior with Resistive Load and for Evaluating Efficiency

Three separate resistors are to be connected in parallel to increase current handling capability. First set the resistive load to a value of 100% and turn the circuit on. Set the variable transformer to maintain a voltage of 230 V. Change the load according to the settings prescribed by Tab. 4.3.1. For each setting, measure the corresponding values for secondary current and secondary voltage as well as the primary side's values for effective power P1 and power factor cos . After the measurements have been taken, calculate the effective power on the primary side with the equation

P1 = V1 I1 cos ,
effective power on the secondary side with the equation

P2 = V2 I2 ,
from the above results, derive a value for efficiency with = P2 , P1

and complete the table below. Be careful about the current handling capabilities of the secondary winding!


T 10.1

Single-phase Toroidal Core Transformer Experiments

R/% I1 / A
measu red

100 0.12 0.97 120 0.20 26.8 24.0 89.6

90 0.13 0.97 120 0.22 29.0 26.4 91.0

80 0.14 0.97 120 0.24 31.2 28.8 92.2

70 0.16 0.98 120 0.28 36.1 33.6 93.2

60 0.19 0.99 119.5 0.34 43.3 40.6 93.9

50 0.24 0.99 119 0.43 54.6 51.2 93.6

40 0.33 1.0 118.5 0.60 75.9 71.1 93.7

30 0.48 1.0 117.5 0.88 110.4 103.4 93.7

20 0.52 1.0 117 0.96 119.6 112.3 93.9

15 0.66 1.0 116.5 1.22 151.8 142.1 93.6

cos V2 / V I2 / A P1 / W

calcul ated

P2 / W /%

Tab. 4.3.1: Voltage Behavior and Efficiency for a Resistively Loaded Single-phase Toroidal Core Transformer

How large is the power factor when the transformer is loaded to its rated current value? Result: When loaded to its rated current, the efficiency of a single-phase toroidal core transformer is about 94 %.

Draw a single graph that contains the measured values for voltage V2 and efficiency as a function of load current I2:

Fig. 4.3.2 Secondary voltage ( ) and efficiency ( ) as a function of load current for a resistively loaded single-phase toroidal core transformer.

Where does efficiency reach its maximum? Result: The course of the efficiency curve is very flat; it does not produce a distinctive maximum.


T 10.1

Single-phase Toroidal Core Transformer Experiments

4.4 Voltage Behavior with Inductive or Capacitive Load

Both secondary windings are to be connected in series in order to transfer more power. This permits load-current-invoked changes to secondary voltage to become more distinct. Replace the resistive load with an inductive load and change the circuit to match Fig. 4.4.1. Here too, the inductive load elements are to be connected in parallel to increase current handling capability. The power factor meter is no longer needed.

Fig. 4.4.1: Circuit for Investigating Voltage Behavior with Inductive Load

Set the transformer powering the circuit for 230 V and maintain this value during the measurement. First measure no-load voltage in the secondary side. Take measurements for secondary current and secondary voltage with inductive loads set to the values prescribed by Tab. 4.4.1. Perform the measurements expeditiously, particularly when small inductive load values are used, as these cause a rather high current load! Furthermore, the circuit's supply voltage should be turned off prior to making each change to the inductive load. This is done to prevent large voltage surges when the secondary circuit is opened. Lindiv. / H Ltotal / H I2 / A V2 / V open open 0.00 120.5 6.0 2.0 0.17 120.4 4.8 1.6 0.21 120.3 2.4 0.8 0.42 120.2 1.2 0.4 0.85 120.1 1.0 0.33 1.05 120 0.8 0.27 1.3 119.8 0.6 0.2 1.7 119.5

Tab. 4.4.1: Voltage Behavior for an Inductively Loaded Single-phase Toroidal Core Transformer

Replace the inductive load with a capacitive load and then repeat the above measurement series appropriately for values of capacitive load as specified in Tab. 4.4.2. These values of capacitance are to be created by connecting appropriate capacitors together in parallel. Begin the measurements with no-load on the secondary side and maintain a supply voltage of 230 V. C / F I2 / A V2 / V open 0.00 120.5 2 0.08 120.6 6 0.26 120.9 10 0.40 121.2 14 0.55 121.5 16 0.64 122

Tab. 4.4.2: Voltage Behavior for a Capacitively Loaded Single-phase Toroidal Core Transformer


T 10.1

Single-phase Toroidal Core Transformer Experiments

Draw a single graph containing the measured voltage values for both measurement series. Represent these values as a function of the load current:

Fig. 4.4.2: Secondary voltage of a single-phase toroidal core transformer as a function of load current when inductively ( ) loaded and when capacitively ( ) loaded.

What characteristic differences does the transformer exhibit as load current is increased when it is connected to a resistive, inductive, or capacitive load? Result: Here too, secondary voltage decreases as load current increases if the load is resistive or inductive but secondary voltage increases with increasing load current for a capacitive load. However, appropriate to the smaller relative short-circuit voltage es, the dependency on load is less.


T 10.1 5

Single-phase Autotransformer Experiments

Experiments with the Single-phase Autotransformer

Study Goals:
After carrying out the experiments, the student will be capable of: connecting a single-phase autotransformer and then demonstrating the significance of the terms "voltage transformation" and "current transformation" with appropriate experimental circuits. determining the throughput rating and nominal power of an autotransformer from the data provided on its rating plate. setting up a measurement circuit for determining short-circuit voltage and sustained shortcircuit current and then be able to measure these values. investigating a transformer's voltage behavior when it is connected to a resistive load and determining its efficiency as a function of the load. investigating and interpreting a transformer's voltage behavior when it is connected to an inductive or capacitive load.

Equipment List:
1 single-phase autotransformer 1 variable transformer 0 ... 260 V / 4 A 1 resistive load 1 inductive load 1 capacitive load 1 set of 10 safety connectors, black 1 set of 10 safety connectors, green/yellow 1 set of 32 safety experiment cables 1 set of 10 safety experiment cables, green/yellow 1 power factor meter 3 RMS meters as an alternative to the RMS meters: 2 voltmeters 0 ... 400 V 1 ammeter 0 ... 1 A 1 ammeter 0 ... 2.5 A 733 99 726 85 732 40 732 42 732 41 500 59 500 591 500 851 500 852 727 12 727 10

Fig. 5.1:

Arrangement of Units for Single-phase Autotransformer Experiments


T 10.1

Single-phase Autotransformer Experiments

5.1 Voltage and Current Transformations

Set up the circuit as shown in Fig. 5.1.1.

Fig. 5.1.1: Circuit for Measuring Voltage Transformation in a Single-phase Autotransformer

The transformer to be investigated is to be operated with no-load for this. Turn on the circuit and select the voltage V1 = 230 V on the variable transformer that powers the circuit. Measure the noload current I0 of the test object and the voltage across each of the secondaries V2 and V3 (between terminals 2.2 and 2, and 2.1 and 2, respectively on the load side). Result: I0 = 0.1 A, V2 = 115 V, V3 = 241 V

Reference voltage V1 to turn count N1 + N2, the voltage V2 to turn count N1 and the voltage V3 to turn count N1 + N2 + N3 of respective windings: Result: V3 V1 V = 0.352 V = 0.352 V , 2 = 0.352 V , N1 + N2 N1 N1 + N2 + N3

Formulate an equation for voltage transformation ratio from the above data: Result: V1 N1 + N2 V1 N1 + N2 = , = V2 N1 V3 N1 + N2 + N3

Change the circuit to match Fig. 5.1.2 in order to determine the current transformation ratio:

Fig. 5.1.2: Circuit for Measuring Current Transformation in a Single-phase Autotransformer


T 10.1

Single-phase Autotransformer Experiments

Set the resistive load to a value of 100% and turn on the circuit. Again select the voltage 230 V on the variable transformer that powers the circuit. Reduce the load's resistance value until rated current flows in the secondary side of the test object (see specifications on front plate). Measure the corresponding current on the primary side. Result: I1 = 1.38 A, I2 = 2.72 A

Reference the currents I1 and I2 to the turn counts N1 and N1 + N2 of their respective windings: Result: I1 I2 = 4.22 mA , = 4.16 mA N1 N1 + N2

Formulate an equation for current transformation ratio from the above data: Result: I1 N1 = I2 N1 + N2

The throughput rating PT for a single-phase autotransformer is defined as the product of input voltage and input current in nominal operation:

PT = V1N I1N
The portion of this power transferred to the load which is developed inductively is the so-called nominal power PN. For the transformer circuit above, this amounts to: PN V = 1 2N PT V1N Both of these power values are commonly given as apparent power. Determine the throughput rating and nominal power of the single-phase autotransformer for the condition that (as above) the input side is formed by terminals 1.1-2 and the load side is formed by terminals 2.2-2: Result: throughput rating PT = 230 V 1.36 A = 313 VA 115 V nominal power PN = 1 313 VA = 157 VA 230 V


T 10.1

Single-phase Autotransformer Experiments

5.2 Short-circuit Voltage and Sustained Short-circuit Current

This experiment is intended to investigate single-phase autotransformer behavior when the secondary winding is shorted (jumper terminals 2.2-2 together). Short-circuit voltage and sustained short-circuit current are also to be determined. Set up the circuit as shown in Fig. 5.2.1.

Fig. 5.2.1: Circuit for Measuring Short-circuit Voltage

The rated current for the primary side is required for this measurement. This was established during the previous experiment. Beginning from zero, slowly increase the voltage of the variable transformer until the current flowing in the primary side reaches its rated value; then read the corresponding voltage Vs. Result: Vsc = 5.5 V

The value for Vsc is the short-circuit voltage. When this is referenced to the corresponding nominal voltage, then that is the relative short-circuit voltage vsc. This value is usually expressed as a percentage. Determine the relative short-circuit voltage of the single-phase autotransformer under test: Result: vsc = 2.39 %

Sustained short-circuit current is that current which flows after transient reaction has died out when nominal voltage is applied to the primary side. Since this has a very high value it cannot be measured directly. Therefore calculate its value from the secondary side's rated current and the relative short-circuit voltage with the help of the equation I Iss = 2N 100 % v sc Determine the test object's sustained short-circuit current: Result: Iss = 113.81 A


T 10.1

Single-phase Autotransformer Experiments

5.3 Voltage Behavior with Resistive Load, Evaluating Efficiency

Change the circuit to match Fig. 5.3.1.

Fig. 5.3.1 Circuit for Investigating Voltage Behavior with Resistive Load and for Evaluating Efficiency

Three separate resistors are to be connected in parallel to increase current handling capability. First set the resistive load to a value of 100% and turn the circuit on. Set the variable transformer to maintain a voltage of 230 V. Change the load according to the settings prescribed by Tab. 5.3.1. For each setting, measure the corresponding values for secondary current and secondary voltage as well as the primary side's values for effective power P1 and power factor cos . After the measurements have been taken, calculate the effective power on the primary side with the equation

P1 = V1 I1 cos ,
effective power on the secondary side with the equation

P2 = V2 I2 ,
from the above results, derive a value for efficiency with = P2 , P1

and complete the table below. Be careful about the current handling capabilities of individual transformer windings! R/% I1 / A
measu red

100 0.16

90 0.16 0.89

80 0.16 0.91

70 0.18 0.91

60 0.21 0.93

50 0.26 0.94

40 0.38 0.96

30 0.48 0.97

20 0.52 0.97

15 0.65 0.98

10 0.89 0.99

5 1.52 0.99

cos 0.88

V2 / V 115.3 115.3 115.2 115.2 114.7 114.5 114.4 114.3 114.3 114.0 113.2 111.5 I2 / A 0.17 0.19 32.8 21.9 66.9 0.21 33.5 24.2 72.2 0.25 37.7 28.8 76.4 0.32 44.9 36.7 81.7 0.42 56.2 48.1 85.6 0.65 0.85 0.94 1.2 1.7 2.95

P1 / W 32.4
calcul ated

83.9 107.1 116.0 146.5 202.7 346.8 74.4 88.6 97.2 107.4 136.8 192.4 328.9 90.7 92.6 93.4 95.0 95.0

P2 / W 19.6 / % 60.5

Tab. 5.3.1: Voltage Behavior and Efficiency for a Resistively Loaded Single-phase Autotransformer


T 10.1

Single-phase Autotransformer Experiments

How large is the power factor when the transformer is loaded to its rated current value? Result: The power factor is about 95 %.

Draw a single graph that contains the measured values for voltage V2 and efficiency as a function of load current I2:

Fig. 5.3.2 Secondary voltage ( ) and efficiency ( ) as a function of load current for a resistively loaded single-phase autotransformer.

Where does efficiency reach its maximum? Result: This type of transformer also does not produce a distinctive maximum.

5.4 Voltage Behavior with Inductive or Capacitive Load

Replace the resistive load with an inductive load and change the circuit to match Fig. 5.4.1. Here too, the inductive load elements are to be connected in parallel to increase current handling capability. The power factor meter is no longer needed.

Fig. 5.4.1: Circuit for Investigating Voltage Behavior with Inductive Load


T 10.1

Single-phase Autotransformer Experiments

Set the transformer powering the circuit for 230 V and maintain this value during the measurement. First measure no-load voltage in the secondary side. Take measurements for secondary current and secondary voltage with inductive loads set to the values prescribed by Tab. 5.4.1. Turn off the circuit's supply voltage prior to making each change to the inductive load. This is done to prevent large voltage surges when the secondary circuit is opened. Lindiv. / H Ltotal / H I2 / A V2 / V open open 0.00 115.3 6 2 0.16 115.2 4.8 1.6 0.20 115.1 2.4 0.8 0.40 115 1.2 0.4 0.81 114.8 1 0.33 0.98 114.6 0.8 0.27 1.25 114.4

Tab. 5.4.1: Voltage Behavior for an Inductively Loaded Single-phase Autotransformer

Replace the inductive load with a capacitive load and then repeat the above measurement series appropriately for values of capacitive load as specified in Tab. 5.4.2. C / F I2 / A V2 / V 0 0.00 115.3 2 0.08 115.4 4 0.15 115.5 8 0.30 115.5 12 0.45 115.6 16 0.60 115.7

Tab. 5.4.2: Voltage Behavior for a Capacitively Loaded Single-phase Autotransformer

Draw a single graph containing the measured voltage values for both measurement series. Represent these values as a function of the load current:

Fig. 5.4.2: Secondary voltage of a single-phase autotransformer as a function of load current when inductively ( ) loaded and when capacitively ( ) loaded.


T 10.1

Single-phase Autotransformer Experiments

What characteristic differences does the transformer exhibit as load current is increased when it is connected to a resistive, inductive, or capacitive load? Result: The answer given for this question with respect to the single-phase toroidal core transformer also applies here.

Now repeat a few sample load values for some of the experiments with resistive, inductive and capacitive loads but this time with a jumper across terminals 2.2-2. This will cause an upward transformation of the input voltage. Here too, be careful about the current handling capabilities of the components! Result: Even for upward transformation, the secondary voltage of the single-phase autotransformer behaves like a transformer with separate windings.


T 10.1 6

Three-phase Transformer Experiments

Experiments with the Three-phase Transformer

Study Goals:
After carrying out the experiments, the student will be capable of: connecting a three-phase transformer in various types of circuits (connection symbols) and then determining their respective values for voltage transformation, current transformation and no-load current. investigating the behavior of the transformer when connected in various connection symbols to balanced and unbalanced loads. proving phase rotation between upper and lower voltage sides for individual connection symbols on the basis of appropriate test circuits. The most frequently used connection symbols for three-phase transformers and their respective voltage transformation ratios are presented in Tab. 6.1: Schematic Symbol Side 1 Side 2 Phasor Diagram Side 1 Side 2 Tranformation Ratio V1 V2 N1 N2

Connection Symbol



N1 3 N2


3 N1 N2


2 N1 3 N2
Conventional connection symbols for three-phase transformers and their respective phase-tophase transformation ratios. The dots in the schematic symbols indicate the respective winding's line end.

Tab. 6.1:


T 10.1
Equipment List:

Three-phase Transformer Experiments

1 three-phase transformer 1 3-phase voltage 400/2.5 A 1 softcase 42PU 400 V 1 resistive load 1 set of 10 safety connectors, black 1 set of 10 safety connectors, green/yellow 1 set of 32 safety experiment cables 1 set of 10 safety experiment cables, green/yellow 1 dual channel oscilloscope 303 1 four channel isolation amplifier 3 RMS meters as an alternative to the RMS meters: 2 voltmeters 0 ... 400 V 2 ammeters 0 ... 1 A

733 90 725 442 D 725 572 732 40 500 59 500 591 500 851 500 852 575 211 735 261 727 10

6.1 Transformer in Yy0 Star-Star Circuit

Fig. 6.1.1: Arrangement of Units for Experiments with a Three-phase Transformer in a Yy0 Star-star Circuit

Set up the circuit as shown below, whereby only one secondary winding is needed:

Fig. 6.1.2: Circuit for Investigating the Three-phase Transformer in a Yy0 Star-star Circuit

On the three-phase 400 V / 2.5 A voltage supply select a phase-to-phase voltage of 400 V and turn on the circuit.


T 10.1

Three-phase Transformer Experiments

One after the other, measure the three no-load currents I01 through I03 on the primary side as well as the phase-to-phase voltages between terminals 2U1-2V1, 2V1-2W1 and 2W1-2U1 on the secondary side: Result: I01 = 0.08 A, I02 = 0.084 A, I03 = 0.083 A, V2U12V1 = 216 V, V2V12W1 = 216 V, V2W12U1 = 215 V

Calculate the connection symbol Yy0 transformation ratio from the measured voltages and compare these to the value in Tab. 6.1 where the ratio is formulated on the basis of turn counts. Note that the primary winding turn count for connection in star circuits exhibits the value N = 1 = 768 . N1 3 Result: V1U11V1 400 V N 768 = 1.85 = = 1.85 , 1 = N2 415 V2U22V2 216 V The transformation ratio as measured for no-load conditions matches the transformation ratio as derived from turn counts.

Change the circuit to match Fig. 6.1.3 in order to determine the current transformation ratio:

Fig. 6.1.3: Determining Current Transformation Ratio for a Three-phase Transformer in a Yy0 Circuit

Set the resistive load initially to a value of 100 % and turn on the circuit. Here again, the threephase 400 V / 2.5 A voltage supply should be set to a nominal voltage of 400 V. Reduce load resistance until rated current flows in the secondary side of the test object. Measure the corresponding current on the primary side. Result: I2 = I2N = 0.45 A, I1 = 0.27 A

Formulate the current transformation ratio from the above data and compare this to the value which is calculated from Tab. 6.1: Result: I2 N 768 = 1.67 , 1 = = 1.85 I1 N2 415 The current transformation ratio value resulting from the measurement is only of a qualitative significance since the small load presented to the transformer here is heavily influenced by no-load current.


T 10.1

Three-phase Transformer Experiments

In the following, the three-phase transformer's behavior is to be investigated under unbalanced load conditions. First remove the connection between the test object's terminal 2W1 and the resistive load so that a two-line load exists. Change the value of load resistance (beginning with a value of 100 %) until rated current again flows in the secondary side of the test object. Measure the three primary side currents Iprim1, Iprim2 and Iprim3 as well as the three star voltages on the secondary side. Result: I2 = I2N = 0.45 A, Iprim1 = 0.25 A, Iprim2 = 0.27 A, Iprim3 = 0.08 A, V2U12U2 = 120 V, V2V12V2 = 120 V, V2W12W2 = 124 V

Change the circuit to match Fig. 6.1.4 in order to investigate the transformer under single-leg load conditions:

Fig. 6.1.4: Investigation of Three-phase Transformer under Single-leg Load Condition (Yy0 Circuit)

Change the value of load resistance (beginning with a value of 100 %) until rated current again flows in the secondary side of the test object. Measure the three primary side currents Iprim1, Iprim2 and Iprim3 as well as the three star voltages on the secondary side. Result: I2 = I2N = 0.45 A, Iprim1 = 0.24 A, Iprim2 = 0.13 A, Iprim3 = 0.12 A, V2U12U2 = 121 V, V2V12V2 = 123 V, V2W12W2 = 122 V

Change the circuit by connecting the test object's primary side neutral point with the supply voltage's neutral point and then repeat the above measurement of the three currents on the primary side as well as the three star voltages on the secondary side. Result: I2 = I2N = 0.45 A, Iprim1 = 0.28 A, Iprim2 = 0.07 A, Iprim3 = 0.08 A, V2U12U2 = 121 V, V2V12V2 = 125 V, V2W12W2 = 126 V

What characteristic difference is evident in comparison to the previous measurement? Result: The primary side current that flows in leg L1 no longer needs to be drawn from legs L2 and L3. The neutral conductor handles this now.


T 10.1

Three-phase Transformer Experiments

An oscilloscope is needed to assess the phase rotation relationship between primary and secondary sides of the transformer circuit used here. The oscilloscope is to be connected to the test object by way of a isolation amplifier. Change the circuit to match Fig. 6.1.5 for this assessment.

Fig. 6.1.5: Assessment of Phase Rotation between Primary and Secondary Voltages of a Three-phase Transformer in a Yy0 Circuit

Ensure that the output of the three-phase 400 V / 2.5 A voltage supply has the correct (clockwise) phase sequence prior to beginning with the measurement. If available, you may wish to use the phase-sequence indicator PHASECOP 2 (727 300) for this purpose. Connect the test object's primary voltage to isolation amplifier's channel A; the secondary voltage to channel B. These voltages are phase-to-phase voltages! The voltage levels at the isolation amplifier's outputs are to be connected to the two oscilloscope inputs so that they can be displayed simultaneously. Apply nominal voltage to the test object's primary and simultaneously display the primary and secondary voltages.

2 1
Fig. 6.1.6: Primary (1) and secondary (2) voltage curves of a three-phase transformer in a Yy0 circuit. (2.00 V/ DIV., 5 ms/ DIV.)

Determine the phase shift between the two voltages by the time delay between their zero crossover points. Result: The two voltages are in phase with each other. This corresponds to state "0" for the connection symbol.


T 10.1

Three-phase Transformer Experiments

6.2 Transformer in Dy5 Delta-Star Circuit

Fig. 6.2.1: Arrangement of Units for Experiments with a Three-phase Transformer in a Dy5 Delta-star Circuit

Set up the experimental circuit as shown below where, here too, only one secondary winding is needed. Be careful to ensure that the line ends of windings are connected according to Tab. 6.1 !

Fig. 6.2.2: Circuit for Investigating the Three-phase Transformer in a Dy5 Delta-star Circuit

On the three-phase 400 V / 2.5 A voltage supply select a phase-to-phase voltage of 400 V and turn on the circuit. One after the other, measure the three no-load currents I01 through I03 on the primary side as well as the phase-to-phase voltages between terminals 2U2-2V2, 2V2-2W2 and 2W2-2U2 on the secondary side: Result: I01 = 0.08 A, I02 = 0.07 A, I03 = 0.07 A, V2U22V2 = 214 V, V2V22W2 = 214 V, V2W22U2 = 215 V

Calculate the connection symbol Dy5 transformation ratio from the measured voltages and compare these to the value in Tab. 6.1 where the ratio is formulated on the basis of turn counts. When connected in delta, the primary winding has a turn count equal to N1 = 1330. Result: N1 1330 = = 1.85 719 3 N2 The transformation ratio as measured for no-load conditions matches the transformation ratio as derived from turn counts. V1U11V1 400 V = = 1.85 , V2U22V2 216 V


T 10.1

Three-phase Transformer Experiments

Change the circuit to match Fig. 6.2.3 in order to determine the current transformation ratio:

Fig. 6.2.3: Determining Current Transformation Ratio for a Three-phase Transformer in a Dy5 Circuit

Set the resistive load initially to a value of 100 % and turn on the circuit. Here again, the threephase 400 V / 2.5 A voltage supply should be set to a nominal voltage of 400 V. Reduce load resistance until rated current flows in the secondary side of the test object. Measure the corresponding current on the primary side. Result: I2 = I2N = 0.45 A, I1 = 0.275 A

Formulate the current transformation ratio from the above data and compare this to the value which is calculated from Tab. 6.1: Result: N1 1330 = = 1.85 719 3 N2 The current transformation ratio value resulting from the measurement is only of a qualitative significance since the small load presented to the transformer here is heavily influenced by no-load current. I2 = 1.64 , I1

In the following, the three-phase transformer's behavior is to be investigated under unbalanced load conditions. First remove the connection between the test object's terminal 2W2 and the resistive load so that a two-line load exists. Change the value of load resistance (beginning with a value of 100 %) until rated current again flows in the secondary side of the test object. Measure the three primary side currents Iprim1, Iprim2 and Iprim3 as well as the three star voltages on the secondary side. Result: I2 = I2N = 0.45 A, Iprim1 = 0.11 A, Iprim2 = 0.29 A, Iprim3 = 0.20 A, V2U12U2 = 121 V, V2V12V2 = 120 V, V2W12W2 = 124 V


T 10.1

Three-phase Transformer Experiments

Change the circuit to match Fig. 6.2.4 in order to investigate the transformer under single-leg load conditions:

Fig. 6.2.4: Investigation of Three-phase Transformer under Single-leg Load Condition (Dy5 Circuit)

Change the value of load resistance (beginning with a value of 100 %) until rated current again flows in the secondary side of the test object. Measure the three primary side currents Iprim1, Iprim2 and Iprim3 as well as the three star voltages on the secondary side. Result: I2 = I2N = 0.45 A, Iprim1 = 0.16 A, Iprim2 = 0.18 A, Iprim3 = 0.07 A, V2U12U2 = 120 V, V2V12V2 = 123 V, V2W12W2 = 123 V

The oscilloscope is used again here to assess the phase rotational relationship between primary and secondary sides of the transformer circuit. Change the circuit to match Fig. 6.2.5 for this assessment.

Fig. 6.2.5: Assessment of Phase Rotation between Primary and Secondary Voltages of a Three-phase Transformer in a Dy5 Circuit

Ensure that the output of the three-phase 400 V / 2.5 A voltage supply has the correct (clockwise) phase sequence prior to beginning with the measurement. If available, you may wish to use the phase-sequence indicator PHASECOP 2 (727 300) for this purpose. Connect the test object's primary voltage to isolation amplifier's channel A; the secondary voltage to channel B. These voltages are phase-to-phase voltages! The voltage levels at the isolation amplifier's outputs are to be connected to the two oscilloscope inputs so that they can be displayed simultaneously. Apply nominal voltage to the test object's primary and simultaneously display the primary and secondary voltages.


T 10.1

Three-phase Transformer Experiments

Fig. 6.2.6: Primary (1) and secondary (2) voltage curves of a three-phase transformer in a Dy5 circuit. (2.00 V/ DIV., 5 ms/ DIV.)

Determine the phase shift between the two voltages by the time delay between their zero crossover points. Result: The time delay between zero crossover points is 8.3 ms. At 50 Hz this corresponds to a phase shift of 150. This indicates that a vector group with code number 5 is actually implemented.

6.3 Transformer in Yd5 Star-Delta Circuit

Fig. 6.3.1: Arrangement of Units for Experiments with a Three-phase Transformer in a Yd5 Star-delta Circuit


T 10.1

Three-phase Transformer Experiments

Set up the experimental circuit as shown below where, here too, only one secondary winding is needed.

Fig. 6.3.2: Circuit for Investigating the Three-phase Transformer in a Yd5 Star-delta Circuit

On the three-phase 400 V / 2.5 A voltage supply select a phase-to-phase voltage of 400 V and turn on the circuit. One after the other, measure the three no-load currents I01 through I03 on the primary side as well as the phase-to-phase voltages between terminals 2U2-2V2, 2V2-2W2 and 2W2-2U2 on the secondary side: Result: I01 = 0.08 A, I02 = 0.06 A, I03 = 0.08 A, V2U22V2 = 125 V, V2V22W2 = 124 V, V2W22U2 = 124 V

Calculate the connection symbol Yd5 transformation ratio from the measured voltages and compare these to the value in Tab. 6.1 where the ratio is formulated on the basis of turn counts. Note that, when connected in a star configuration, the turn count for the primary winding has the value N = 1 = 768 . N1 3 Result: N1 1330 V1U11V1 400 V 3 N1 = = = 3.2 = = 3.2 , V2U22V2 125 V N2 N2 415 The transformation ratio as measured for no-load conditions matches the transformation ratio as derived from turn counts.

Change the circuit to match Fig. 6.3.3 in order to determine the current transformation ratio:

Fig. 6.3.3: Determining Current Transformation Ratio for a Three-phase Transformer in a Yd5 Circuit


T 10.1

Three-phase Transformer Experiments

Set the resistive load initially to a value of 100 % and turn on the circuit. Here again, the threephase 400 V / 2.5 A voltage supply should be set to a nominal voltage of 400 V. Reduce load resistance until rated current flows in the secondary side of the test object. Measure the corresponding current on the primary side. Result: I2 = I2N = 0.45 A, I1 = 0.16 A

Formulate the current transformation ratio from the above data and compare this to the value which is calculated from Tab. 6.1: Result: N1 1330 3 N1 I2 = 2.8 , = = = 3.2 I1 N2 N2 415 The current transformation ratio value resulting from the measurement is again only of a qualitative significance since the small load presented to the transformer here is heavily influenced by no-load current.

In the following, the three-phase transformer's behavior is to be investigated under unbalanced load conditions. First remove the connection between the test object's terminal 2W2 and the resistive load so that a two-line load exists. Change the value of load resistance (beginning with a value of 100 %) until rated current again flows in the secondary side of the test object. Measure the three primary side currents Iprim1, Iprim2 and Iprim3 as well as the three leg voltages on the secondary side. Result: I2 = I2N = 0.45 A, Iprim1 = 0.06 A, Iprim2 = 0.19 A, Iprim3 = 0.16 A, V2U22V2 = 120 V, V2U22W2 = 124 V, V2V22W2 = 122 V

The oscilloscope is used again here to assess the phase rotational relationship between primary and secondary sides of the transformer circuit. Change the circuit to match Fig. 6.3.4 for this assessment.

Fig. 6.3.4: Assessment of Phase Rotation between Primary and Secondary Voltages of a Three-phase Transformer in a Yd5 Circuit

Ensure that the output of the three-phase 400 V / 2.5 A voltage supply has the correct (clockwise) phase sequence prior to beginning with the measurement. If available, you may wish to use the phase-sequence indicator PHASECOP 2 (727 300) for this purpose. Connect the test object's primary voltage to isolation amplifier's channel A; the secondary voltage to channel B. These voltages are phase-to-phase voltages! The voltage levels at the isolation amplifier's outputs are to be connected to the two oscilloscope inputs so that they can be displayed simultaneously. 43

T 10.1

Three-phase Transformer Experiments

Apply nominal voltage to the test object's primary and simultaneously display the primary and secondary voltage waveforms.

Fig. 6.3.5: Primary (1) and secondary (2) voltage waveforms for a three-phase transformer in a Yd5 circuit. (2.00 V/ DIV., 5 ms/ DIV.)

Determine the phase shift between the two voltages by the time delay between their zero crossover points. Result: The time delay between zero crossover points is 8.3 ms. At 50 Hz this corresponds to a phase shift of 150. This indicates that a vector group with code number 5 is actually implemented.

6.4 Transformer in Yz5 Star-Zigzag Circuit

Fig. 6.4.1: Arrangement of Units for Experiments with a Three-phase Transformer in a Yz5 Star-zigzag Circuit


T 10.1

Three-phase Transformer Experiments

Set up the experimental circuit as shown below where both secondary windings are needed.

Fig. 6.4.2: Circuit for Investigating the Three-phase Transformer in a Yz5 Star-zigzag Circuit

On the three-phase 400 V / 2.5 A voltage supply select a phase-to-phase voltage of 400 V and turn on the circuit. One after the other, measure the three no-load currents I01 through I03 on the primary side as well as the phase-to-phase voltages between terminals 2U2-2V2, 2V2-2W2 and 2W2-2U2 on the secondary side: Result: I01 = 0.08 A, I02 = 0.06 A, I03 = 0.08 A, V2U22V2 = 373 V, V2V22W2 = 370 V, V2W22U2 = 372 V

Calculate the connection symbol Yd5 transformation ratio from the measured voltages and compare these to the value in Tab. 6.1 where the ratio is formulated on the basis of turn counts. Note again that, when connected in a star configuration, the turn count for the primary winding has the value = N1 N1 3 = 768 .

This type of circuit configuration requires that the secondary's turn count amounts to the sum of turn counts for windings 2 and 3, i.e. the value

= 830 N2
must be applied. Result: V1U11V1 2 N1 1536 = = 1.068 = 1.072 , V2U22V2 3 N2 1438 The transformation ratio as measured for no-load conditions matches (within the context of measurement accuracy) the transformation ratio as derived from turn counts.

Change the circuit to match Fig. 6.4.3 in order to determine the current transformation ratio:

Fig. 6.4.3: Determining Current Transformation Ratio for a Three-phase Transformer in a Yz5 Circuit


T 10.1

Three-phase Transformer Experiments

Set the resistive load initially to a value of 100 % and turn on the circuit. Here again, the threephase 400 V / 2.5 A voltage supply should be set to a nominal voltage of 400 V. Reduce load resistance until rated current flows in the secondary side of the test object. Measure the corresponding current on the primary side. Result: I2 = I2N = 0.45 A, I1 = 0.44 A

Formulate the current transformation ratio from the above data and compare this to the value which is calculated from Tab. 6.1: Result: I2 2 N1 1536 = = 1.068 = 1.022 , I1 1438 3 N2 The current transformation ratio value resulting from the measurement is again only of a qualitative significance since the small load presented to the transformer here is heavily influenced by no-load current.

In the following, the three-phase transformer's behavior is to be investigated under unbalanced load conditions. First remove the connection between the test object's terminal 2W2 and the resistive load so that a two-line load exists. Change the value of load resistance (beginning with a value of 100 %) until rated current again flows in the secondary side of the test object. Measure the three primary side currents Iprim1, Iprim2 and Iprim3 as well as the three phase-to-phase voltages on the secondary side. Result: I2 = I2N = 0.45 A, Iprim1 = 0.32 A, Iprim2 = 0.51 A, Iprim3 = 0.19 A, V2U22V2 = 356 V, V2V22W2 = 365 V, V2W22U2 = 367 V

Change the circuit to match Fig. 6.4.4 in order to investigate the transformer under single-leg load conditions:

Fig. 6.4.4: Investigation of Three-phase Transformer under Single-leg Load Condition (Yz5 Circuit)

Change the value of load resistance (beginning with a value of 100 %) until rated current again flows in the secondary side of the test object. Measure the three primary side currents Iprim1, Iprim2 and Iprim3 as well as the three phase-to-phase voltages on the secondary side. Result: I2 = I2N = 0.45 A, Iprim1 = 0.32 A, Iprim2 = 0.24 A, Iprim3 = 0.08 A, V2U22V2 = 362 V, V2V22W2 = 368 V, V2W22U2 = 362 V


T 10.1

Three-phase Transformer Experiments

An oscilloscope, which is connected to the test object by way of an isolation amplifier, is used here to assess the phase rotational relationship between primary and secondary sides of the transformer circuit. Change the circuit to match Fig. 6.4.5 for this assessment.

Fig. 6.4.5: Assessment of Phase Rotation between Primary and Secondary Voltages of a Three-phase Transformer in a Yz5 Circuit

Ensure that the output of the three-phase 400 V / 2.5 A voltage supply has the correct (clockwise) phase sequence prior to beginning with the measurement. If available, you may wish to use the phase-sequence indicator PHASECOP 2 (727 300) for this purpose. Connect the test object's primary voltage to isolation amplifier's channel A; the secondary voltage to channel B. These voltages are phase-to-phase voltages! The voltage levels at the isolation amplifier's outputs are to be connected to the two oscilloscope inputs so that they can be displayed simultaneously. Apply nominal voltage to the test object's primary and simultaneously display the primary and secondary voltage waveforms.

Fig. 6.4.6: Primary (1) and secondary (2) voltage waveforms for a three-phase transformer in a Yz5 circuit. (2.00 V/ DIV., 5 ms/ DIV.)

Determine the phase shift between the two voltages by the time delay between their zero crossover points. Result: The time delay between zero crossover points is 8.3 ms. At 50 Hz this corresponds to a phase shift of 150. This indicates that a vector group with code number 5 is actually implemented.


T 10.1 7

Scott Transformer Experiments

Experiments with the Scott Transformer

Study Goals:
After carrying out the experiments, the student will be capable of: connecting a transformer in a Scott circuit and then determining its respective voltage transformations and no-load current. investigating the behavior of a transformer in a Scott circuit with one and two phase loads on the secondary side. assessing the phase shift between the two independent voltage systems on the secondary side with the aid of appropriate measurement circuitry. operating the Scott transformer in a so-called "V circuit" as a three-phase transformer for balanced loads.

Equipment List:
1 Scott transformer 1 3-phase voltage 400/2.5 A 1 softcase 42PU 400 V 1 resistive load 1 set of 10 safety connectors, black 1 set of 10 safety connectors, green/yellow 1 set of 32 safety experiment cables 1 set of 10 safety experiment cables, green/yellow 1 dual channel oscilloscope 303 1 four channel isolation amplifier 3 RMS meters as an alternative to the RMS meters: 2 voltmeters 0 ... 400 V 2 ammeters 0 ... 1 A 733 93 725 442 D 725 572 732 40 500 59 500 591 500 851 500 852 575 211 735 261 727 10

Fig. 7.1:

Arrangement of Units for Experiments with a Scott Transformer


T 10.1 7.1 Transformer in a Scott Circuit

Set up the experimental circuit shown below:

Scott Transformer Experiments

Fig. 7.1.1: Circuit for Investigating the Scott Transformer with No-load

On the three-phase 400 V / 2.5 A voltage supply select a phase-to-phase voltage of 400 V and turn on the circuit. One after the other, measure the three no-load currents I01 through I03 on the primary side as well as the phase-to-phase voltages between terminals 2U1-2U2, 3V1-3V2, 2U1-2U3 and 3V1-3V3 on the secondary side: Result: I01 = 0.090 A, I02 = 0.094 A, I03 = 0.094 A, V2U12U2 = 248 V, V3V13V2 = 249 V, V2U12U3 = 124 V, V3V13V3 = 125 V

Formulate the Scott circuit's transformation ratio from the above voltage measurement values. Result: 400 V 400 V = 1.61 and = 3.23 248 V 124 V

In the following, the behavior of the transformer in a Scott circuit is investigated with one and two single-phase loads. To accomplish this, enhance the circuit to match Fig. 7.1.2.

Fig. 7.1.2: Circuit for Investigating the Scott Transformer under Load Conditions

Behavior when connected to a single-phase load will be investigated first. Change the value of load resistance (beginning with a value of 100 %) until rated current flows in the secondary side of the test object. Measure the three primary side currents Iprim1, Iprim2 and Iprim3 as well as the two secondary side voltages V2U12U2 and V3V13V2. Result: I2 = I2N = 0.68 A , Iprim1 = 0.20 A, Iprim2 = 0.34 A, Iprim3 = 0.53 A, V2U12U2 = 232 V, V3V13V2 = 249 V


T 10.1

Scott Transformer Experiments

What do you notice about the primary side currents and the voltage on the secondary winding that has no load? Result: The single phase load causes unbalanced currents on the primary side. The voltage across the secondary winding that is not loaded is practically unaffected by the load on the second winding.

Now change the circuit so that both secondary windings are loaded with their rated currents. Do this by connecting the second single resistor in the resistive load to the output 2U1-2U2 of the Scott transformer. Repeat the measurement made above. Result: I2 = I2N = 0.68 A , Iprim1 = 0.53 A, Iprim2 = 0.53 A, Iprim3 = 0.53 A, V2U12U2 = 232 V, V3V13V2 = 233 V

What do you notice about the primary sided currents? Result: The balanced current in the two secondary windings produce a symmetrical load in the Scott transformer's primary side.

An oscilloscope is needed to assess the phase rotation relationship between the two secondary voltages of this transformer circuit. The oscilloscope is to be connected to the test object by way of a isolation amplifier. Change the circuit to match Fig. 7.1.3.

Fig. 7.1.3: Assessment of Phase Shift between the Two Voltage Systems on the Secondary Side of a Scott Circuit

Connect the test object's secondary voltage 1 (between terminals 2U1 and 2U2) to channel A on the isolation amplifier; secondary voltage 2 (between terminals 3V1 and 3V2) to channel B. As for the previous experiments, apply nominal voltage to the test object's primary side. Display the waveforms for the two secondary voltages simultaneously.


T 10.1

Scott Transformer Experiments

Fig. 7.1.4: Waveforms for the two independent secondary voltages of a Scott Circuit (2.00 V/ DIV., 5 ms/ DIV.)

Determine the phase shift between the two voltages by the time delay between their zero crossover points. Result: The time delay between zero crossover points is 5 ms. This corresponds to a phase shift of 90.

7.2 Transformer in a V Circuit

The current test object can be operated on three-phase supply power as a common transformer with separate windings. To accomplish this, a so-called "V circuit" must be used since the upper and lower voltage sides each contain only two windings. Note that the V circuit is only suited for balanced load conditions! Set up the experimental circuit as shown below:

Fig. 7.2.1: V Circuit Demonstration for a Three-phase Transformer

On the three-phase 400 V / 2.5 A voltage supply select a phase-to-phase voltage of 400 V and turn on the circuit. One after the other, measure the secondary side's three phase-to-phase voltages (between terminals 2U2-2U1, 2U2-3V1 and 2U1-3V1): Result: V2U22U1 = 252 V, V2U23V1 = 250 V, V2U13V1 = 249 V

Calculate the transformer's transformation ratio from these voltage measurements and compare this to the value on the rating plate.


T 10.1

Scott Transformer Experiments

V1U11U2 400 V = = 1.60 V2U12U2 250 V


measured transformation ratio:

400 V = 1.73 400 V 3 The secondary voltage measured for no-load conditions is somewhat higher than that which is specified by the rating plate. transformation ratio per rating plate:

Change the circuit to match Fig. 7.2.2 in order to determine the current transformation ratio:

Fig. 7.2.2: Determining Current Transformation Ratio for a Transformer in a V Circuit

Set the resistive load initially to a value of 100 % and turn on the circuit. Here again, the threephase 400 V / 2.5 A voltage supply should be set to a nominal voltage of 400 V. Reduce load resistance until rated current flows in the secondary side of the test object. Measure the corresponding current on the primary side. Perform measurements on the other two secondary currents to ensure that a balanced load exists and then measure the three corresponding currents on the primary side. Result: I2 = I2N = 0.68 A, Iprim1 = 0.48 A, Iprim2 = 0.46 A, Iprim3 = 0.47 A

Formulate the current transformation ratio for the transformer in its V circuit and compare this to the reciprocal value of the voltage transformation ratio. Result: I1 0.47 A = = 0.69 I2 0.68 A The reciprocal value of the measured voltage transformation ratio is 0.63. The deviation is essentially the influence of no-load current that results in an increase of current on the transformer's primary side.


T 10.1 8

Practice Questions

Practice Questions
Why do both voltages of a single-phase transformer behave proportionally to their respective turn counts while their current values are inversely proportional? The two sides of a transformer have power equilibrium (when losses are disregarded); i.e. the product of voltage and current must be the same for both sides. How is short-circuit voltage defined for a transformer? This term describes the voltage (at nominal frequency) across the primary side which is necessary to produce rated current flow in the secondary side when the secondary winding is shorted. What are the pros and cons of a large value for short-circuit voltage? A transformer with a high value for short-circuit voltage (i.e. a relatively large short-circuit voltage es) tends to limit current in the event of a short-circuit. This is advantageous. The disadvantage is that, in normal operation, its secondary voltage is very dependent on load current. Why is short-circuit voltage typically expressed as a relative value (based on nominal voltage)? This makes transformer short-circuit voltage values for different voltage levels easier to compare. What does the term "sustained short-circuit current" mean? Sustained short-circuit current is that current which, in a steady state, flows in the primary side when nominal voltage is applied to the primary side and the secondary winding is shorted. What are the essential differences between transformers with a conventional core and those with a toroidal core? No-load current is significantly smaller in the toroidal core transformer, as opposed to a transformer with a conventional core. This is because its design does not have an air gap. It also exhibits a lower short-circuit voltage due to its smaller dispersion (leakage). Furthermore, windings can be wound on the entire core length of a toroidal transformer so that it makes an overall savings in weight and volume possible. What determines the efficiency of a transformer? Efficiency is primarily a matter of how much losses are incurred in copper and iron. What limits the amount of power that can be transferred over a transformer? Winding currents increase with increasing power transfer. These increased currents result in increased resistive losses (in the form of heat). When the load becomes too great, the transformer will overheat and ultimately be destroyed. What are the essential differences between autotransformers and transformers with separate windings? When the difference between primary and secondary voltage is not too great, then an autotransformer can be used to achieve significant savings in copper and iron. The disadvantage of an autotransformer is that it does not provide galvanic isolation between primary and secondary windings. It may therefore never be used as a safety isolating transformer.






7) 8)



T 10.1

Practice Questions

10) What is to be understood under the term "connector symbol" for a three-phase transformer? The upper and lower voltage side windings of a three-phase transformer can each be configured in star (Y), in delta (D) or in zigzag (Z) circuits. The combination of two (one for primary and one for secondary) of these configurations is considered to be a connector symbol. The configuration of the upper voltage winding is designated with a capital letter, the lower voltage winding is designated with a lowercase letter. The amount of phase shift between the voltages of the upper and lower voltage sides is identified by a code digit that represents a multiple of 30. 11) What is the meaning of so-called "winding points" on a schematic diagram? Winding points mark the lead (starting) ends of windings that are located on one leg and continuously wound in a single direction. This information is important when, for example, it is desirable to configure a particular vector group for three-phase transformers. 12) Why is it advantageous to connect the high voltage side's neutral point in a Yy0 circuit to the neutral line of the supply grid? If a single-phase load is placed on the transformer then the current for this leg of the primary winding does not have to flow back through the other two (unloaded) legs. This return current is handled by the neutral conductor. 13) What are the advantages of the delta connection; what advantages does the star connection offer? Economic aspects pose the primary considerations for picking a particular circuit configuration. The star circuit is preferred for high voltages since less insulation is required than would be for a comparable delta circuit. On the other hand, the delta circuit is better where high currents are involved because smaller copper cross-sections can be selected. 14) Where is the zigzag circuit used? Transformers serving the low voltage grid must often handle heavily unbalanced loads. The zigzag circuit equally supplies each leg of the low voltage winding as a distribution from two legs. Transformer connected in this configuration can be fully loaded on one leg. 15) What must be observed when connecting two three-phase transformers in parallel? Both transformers must exhibit the same connection symbol (vector group) and have at least similar short-circuit voltage values. Furthermore, their nominal powers should not be too divergent. Only then can an even distribution of the load across both units be guaranteed. 16) How can the phase shift between upper and lower voltage sides be measured? One needs an oscilloscope with which the voltage waveform of one high voltage side phase can simultaneously be displayed with its corresponding low voltage side phase. The time delay between zero crossover points will reveal the amount of phase shift. 17) What is the so-called "Scott circuit" used for? The Scott circuit makes it possible to create two independent single-phase systems out of one three-phase system. The phase shift between the two secondary voltages is 90. 18) What is the so-called "V circuit" used for in three-phase systems? A V circuit can be implemented with only two winding legs on each side of the transformer that is connected to the three phase legs. The V circuit is only feasible for balanced loads and is primarily used in voltage transformers for measuring instruments.


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