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greystone books
two thousand thirteen

g r e y s t o n e s ta f f

Rob Sanders

Nancy Flight
Associate Publisher & Editorial Director

C a r ra Simpson
Publishing Operations Manager

Jessica S u l l i va n
Art Director

S h i ra ro s e Wilensky
Production Editor

J e n n i fe r Gauthier
Sales Manager

A n d re a Damiani
Marketing & Rights Coordinator

Zo e Grams
Marketing & Publicity

Greystone Books Ltd.

Suite 201, 343 Railway Street Vancouver, bc v6a 1a4 tel | 604-875-1550 x fax | 604-875-1556
design by Jessica Sullivan

The new greystone

Greystone Books was started in 1993 by Rob Sanders as
an imprint of Douglas & McIntyre Ltd. The imprint initially comprised the recently acquired assets of Western Producer Prairie Books, a Saskatoon, Saskatchewanbased regional publisher, which Sanders headed for thirteen years. Nancy Flight joined Greystone Books almost from the beginning, and she helped shape the program until it became entangled in the problems facing the parent company in late 2012. Heritage House Publishers from Victoria, British Columbia, at the instigation of owner Rodger Touchie, led the charge to acquire all Greystone assets in order to keep the Greystone publishing program going. Touchie and Sanders have now become partners in Greystone Books Ltd., the new Vancouver-based company, which will continue the twenty-year tradition of publishing non-fiction books of high literary, design, and production quality. Books will feature nature, science, the environment, sustainability and other ethical issues, outdoor and recreational pursuits, and exceptional literary expressions of personal passions.

ad ve ntu r e s

in a
C lo i s t e r e d life

And Then There Were Nuns

Adventures in a Cloistered Life Jane Christmas

And Then There Were


With insight and humour, bestselling author Jane Christmas describes her experiences living in four convents to discern whether she is, as she puts it, nun material.
Jane Christmas is the author of Incontinent on the Continent, What the Psychic Told the Pilgrim, and The Pelee Project.
Rights held | North America, Australia &
New Zealand, English; World, German

Jane Christmas
Bestselling author of What the Psychic Told the Pilgrim

September 978-1-55365-799-6paperback 978-1-55365-800-9epub $19.95

Between the Pipes

A Revealing Look at Hockeys Legendary Goalies Randi Druzin
In these unforgettable portraits of twelve of the best goalies of all time, journalist Randi Druzin reveals the exploits and traits that made each one unique. Goalies included: Terry Sawchuk, Glenn Hall, Jacques Plante, Gump Worsley, Johnny Bower, Bernie Parent, Ken Dryden, Ron Hextall, Patrick Roy, Ed Belfour, Dominik Hasek, and Martin Brodeur.
R andi Druzin is the author of The Complete Idiots Guide to Women in Sports.
Rights held | World, all languages

October 978-1-77100-014-7paperback 978-1-77100-015-4epub $19.95

New books 2013

Birdfinding in British Columbia

Russell Cannings Richard Cannings
Veteran naturalist and birdfinder Richard Cannings and his son, Russell, a gifted birder in his own right, use their combined knowledge and expertise to guide readers to the best birding sites in the province.
Russell Cannings is a field biologist and was named Canadas top birder by Macleans. Richard Cannings is a consulting biologist and the author of An Enchantment of Birds and, with Sydney Cannings, British Columbia and The B.C. Roadside Naturalist.
Rights held | World, all languages

June 978-1-77100-003-1paperback 978-1-77100-004-8epub $29.95

The Burning Question

We Cant Burn Half the Worlds Oil, Coal, and Gas. So How Do We Quit? Mike Berners-Lee Duncan Clark
Foreword by Bill McKibben
Fascinating, important and highly recommended Al Gore

We cant burn half the worlds oil, coal and gas. So how do we quit?



The Burning Question explains that carbon emissions are still accelerating upwards and argues that tackling global warming will mean persuading the world to abandon fossil fuel reserves worth many trillions of dollars. The question is whether that can be done.
Mike Berners-Lee is a leading carbon consultant and author of How Bad Are Bananas?, one of the bestselling green books of recent years. Duncan Clark is a Guardian environment journalist and author of The Rough Guide to Green Living.
Rights held | North America, English

Mike Berners-Lee Duncan cLark

foreword by Bill McKibben

October 978-1-77164-007-7paperback 978-1-77164-008-4epub $19.95

Choosing Hope
A Mothers Story of Love, Loss, and Survival G i n n y D e n n e h y with S h e l l e y F r a l i c
Candid and deeply moving, this account of a mother who loses her son to suicide and, eight years later, her daughter to a heart attack conveys a message of hope in the wake of unspeakable tragedy.
Ginny Dennehy maintains her childrens legacy through the Kelty Patrick Dennehy Foundation, which helps bring attention to teenage depression and suicide. Shelley Fr alic is a veteran Vancouver Sun journalist.
Rights held | World, all languages

May 978-1-77100-034-5paperback 978-1-77100-035-2epub $19.95

Down the Drain

How We Are Failing to Protect Our Water Resources Ralph Pentland Chris Wood
In this authoritative review, Canadian policy expert Ralph Pentland and award-winning journalist Chris Wood explore how governments have failed to protect Canadas water and propose measures to improve our performance.
R alph Pentland is acting chair of the Canadian Water Issues Council at the University of Toronto and a member of the Forum for Leadership on Water. Chris Wood is a journalist and the author of Dry Spring: The Coming Water Crisis of North America .
Rights held | World, all languages

June 978-1-926812-77-9hardcover 978-1-926812-78-6epub $32.95

Easy Hiking around Vancouver

An All-Season Guide Jean Cousins
This perennially popular guide describes the most beautiful and easy hikes around Vancouver and includes such helpful information as full trail descriptions, easy-to-follow maps, and indexes indicating duration and difficulty.
Jean Cousins is the author of Easy Cycling around Vancouver and Nature Walks around Vancouver.
Rights held | World, all languages

May 978-1-77100-024-6paperback 978-1-77100-025-3epub $19.95

The Endangered Species Road Trip

A Summers Worth of Dingy Motels, Poison Oak, Ravenous Insects, and the Rarest Species in North America Cameron MacDonald
Crammed into a minivan with wife, toddler, infant, and dog, Cameron MacDonald sets out to observe North Americas rarest species.
Cameron MacDonald is a wildlife biologist, and his writing has appeared in the Globe and Mail , the Georgia Straight, and elsewhere.
Rights held | World, all languages

June 978-1-55365-935-8paperback 978-1-55365-936-5epub $19.95

Feet, Dont Fail Me Now

The Rogues Guide to Running the Marathon Ben Kaplan
In this week-by-week training program, National Post running columnist Ben Kaplan explains how to go from couch potato to marathon runner in one year without losing your cool.
Ben Kaplan writes about running and music for the National Post and
Rights held | North America, English

December 978-1-77100-073-4paperback 978-1-77100-074-1epub $19.95

Fishing the River of Time

T o n y Tay l o r
As the author teaches his eight-year-old grandson the art of fly-fishing on the Cowichan River, a lifetime of memories, thoughts, and stories unspools in peaceful reflections by the waters edge. An insightful book about life, relationships, and the natural world
Tony Taylor taught paleontology at universities in the U.K. and Australia before helping set up environmental policy in British Columbia.
Rights held | North America, English

April 978-1-77100-057-4paperback 978-1-77100-058-1epub $19.95

The Girl with No Name

The True Story of a Girl Who Lived with Monkeys Marina Chapman with Ly n n e B a r r e t t- L e e
This is a riveting account of a girl who was abandoned in the Colombian jungle and lived with monkeys, was subsequently sold into slavery, spent several years as a street child, and was finally rescued and sent to live in safety in Bogota.
Marina Chapman now lives in England and plans to donate her share of the profits from the publication of this book to charities that combat human trafficking, child slavery, and abuse in Colombia. Lynne BarrettLee is the author of seven novels and has ghostwritten several works of non-fiction.
Rights held | Canada, English

April 978-1-77100-117-5paperback 978-1-77100-118-2epub $22.95

Little Ship of Fools

Sixteen Rowers, One Improbable Boat, Seven Tumultuous Weeks on the Atlantic Charles Wilkins
In this dramatic and hilarious story of risk, survival, and the importance of our connections to the planet, sixteen men and women, including sexagenarian Charles Wilkins, row across the Atlantic and experience rationed food, extreme sleep deprivation, and lifethreatening seas, among other misadventures.
Charles Wilkins is the author of In the Land of Long Fingernails, among other books of non-fiction.
Rights held | World, all languages



16 rowers, 1 improbable boat,
7 tumultuous weeks on the Atlantic

(of )

ll charles wilkins rr

september 978-1-55365-878-8paperback 978-1-55365-879-5epub $21.95

The New B.C. Roadside Naturalist

A Guide to Nature along B.C. Highways Richard Cannings Sydney Cannings
Now updated and expanded, this is the authoritative guide to the landforms, vegetation, and animal life along the major highways of British Columbia and southern Yukon.
Richard Cannings is a consulting biologist, and Sydney Cannings is a zoologist. Together, they are also the authors of British Columbia: A Natural History and Geology of British Columbia.

february 2014 978-1-77100-054-3paperback 978-1-77100-055-0epub $22.95

Rights held | World, all languages

The Inspiring Life and Legacy of Milton K. Wong edited by E l i z a b e t h W o n g Joanna Wong Alden E. Habacon
A collection of personal stories by Milton K. Wongs closest collaborators, revealing the impact of his vision, leadership and compassion and uncovering the mystery of his gift for igniting social innovation with human potential.
Elizabeth Wong runs the Wong family businesses and continues to support Miltons endeavours.Joanna Wong runs Flow Creative, a marketing agency with offices in Beijing and Vancouver. And Alden E. Habacon is a diversity and inclusion specialist, an international speaker, and a consultant.
Rights held | World, all languages

The InspIrIng LIfe and Legacy of MILT o n K . Wo n g

October 978-1-77100-440-4hardcover $50.00

The War on Science

Muzzled Scientists and Wilful Blindness in Stephen Harpers Canada Chris Turner
Award-winning journalist Chris Turner details the assault on science that has characterized the Canadian government since Stephen Harper won a majority in 2011.
Chris Turner is a journalist and the author of The Leap: How to Survive and Thrive in the Sustainable Economy and The Geography of Hope: A Tour of the World We Need .
Rights held | World, all languages

October 978-1-77100-431-2paperback 978-1-77100-432-9epub $19.95

The Power of We Day

Moving the World from Me to We Craig Kielburger Marc Kielburger
Foreword by Mikhail Gorbachev

Me to We distributed by Greystone Books The Power of We Day: Moving the World from Me to We compiles heartwarming stories, inspiring words, and stunning photos of icons and famous social activists, and celebrates the remarkable young people committed to making the world a better place.
Cr aig and Marc Kielburger are worldrenowned childrens rights activists and founders of the international charity and educational partner Free The Children, the social enterprise Me to We, and the annual youth empowerment event We Day.
Rights held | World, all languages


October 978-1-927435-11-3hardcover $29.95

Sex, Scandal, and Suffering Behind the Symbol of Perfection D e i r d r e K e l ly
In this controversial look at the brutal backstage existence of some of the worlds most celebrated ballerinas, Deirdre Kelly argues for a rethinking of the worlds most graceful dance form.

november $19.95 978-1-77164-000-8 978-1-926812-67-0 epub

Rights held | North America, English

A Geography of Blood
Unearthing Memory from a Prairie Landscape C a n d a c e S ava g e
Winner of the 2012 Hilary Weston Writers Trust Prize for Nonfiction, Savage offers both a shocking new version of plains history and an indelible portrait of the eloquent landscape of southern Saskatchewan.
Published in partnership with the David Suzuki Foundation

October $19.95 978-1-77100-321-6 978-1-926812-69-4 epub

Rights held | World, all languages

Roll On
Rick Hansen Wheels Around the World Ainslie Manson
I l l u s t r at e d by R o n L i g h t b u r n

Lively text and enchanting illustrations combine to tell the remarkable story of Rick Hansens Man in Motion World Tour and all the big dreams it inspired.

October $12.95 978-1-77100-268-4 978-1-926812-49-6 epub

Rights held | World, all languages

Ne w-Format Reprint s

Publishing Alliances
Dav i d S u z u k i F o u n dat i o n
Almost from the beginning of Greystone Books first life, dsf has been a valued publishing partner. That relationship has supported a great deal of Greystones most important environmental publishing, and were pleased that it will continue and be even stronger as we begin our new life.

Me To We
Were also happy that our relatively young relationship with Me to We, part of Free The Children, will continue. This group of passionate young men and women are committed to helping children all around the world, and were pleased to assist them in spreading their good work.

Author Highlights & Recent Awards

And of course, there are our authors. We have way too many great authors to list them all here, but we have been extremely fortunate to publish some wonderful thinkers and writers over the past twenty years. People like David Suzuki, Candace Savage, Charlotte Gill, Andrew Nikiforuk, Mike Berners-Lee, Julie Angus, Brian Brett, Wayne Grady, Merilyn Simonds, Allan Casey, Wade Davis, Anita Albus, Harry Thurston, Lorna Crozier, Jane Christmas, and Paul Quarrington are representative of the many good authors we have worked with. Good authors lead to positive critical response, and our awards success is worth reviewing.


Most recently, Candace Savages A Geography of Blood, a haunting portrait of the Cypress Hills and the dark secrets they hold, won the 2012

Hilary Weston Writers Union Prize

for Nonfiction.
In 2011, Charlotte Gills portrayal of her years as a tree planter, Eating Dirt, received many accolades. It won the B.C.

National Award for Canadian Non-Fiction for 2011, the Hubert Evans Non-Fiction Award, and the cba Libris Non-Fiction Book of the Year. It was also named a Globe 100 Best Book.
Also in 2011, The Atlantic Coast, an authoritative and fascinating exploration of the natural history of the east coast

Anderson Award for Best Science Writing, the Evelyn Richardson Memorial Award for Non-Fiction, and the Dartmouth Book Award for Non-Fiction.
Andrew Nikiforuks books have been major successes. In 2011, Empire of the Beetle, which exposes the startling connec-

of North America, by Harry Thurston, won the Lane

Globe 100 Best Book. His critical examination of the Alberta oil sands, Tar Sands, won the prestigious Rachel Carson Environment Book Award for 2009.
tions between beetles and humans, was a In 2010, Allan Caseys ode to Canadas freshwater system, Lakeland, won the Governor Generals Award for Non-Fiction, and David Carpenter won the 2010

Saskatchewan Book

Award for his meditation on hunting, A Hunters Confession.

Brian Bretts irreverent and illuminating book Trauma Farm, about his experiences tending a small island farm, won

Writers Trust of Canada Non-Fiction Prize, the B.C. Booksellers Choice Award, and the IPPY Awards Bronze Medal in the Environment category. It was also an Amazon Top 100 Book and a Globe Top 100 Book.
numerous awards, including the 2009


Were pleased to have kept most of our relationships with our distributors and sales agencies and to be adding the Heritage Distribution Group for Western Canadian Special Sales.

Canada National Trade Distributor Harper Collins Canada

Tel: 416-321-2241/800-387-0117 Fax: 416-321-3033/800-668-5788

British Columbia: Lower Mainland

Aydin Virani Tel: 604-417-3660/Fax: 604-539-7760

British Columbia: Central & Northern

John Kitura John Tel: 604-818-7614

Tel: 604-881-7067/800-665-3302 Fax: 604-881-7068/800-566-3336

Western Canada Special Market Distributor Heritage Group Distribution

Cory Manning Tel: 403-271-3145 Fax: 403-249-2968

Eastern Canadian Sales Hornblower Books

Karen Stacey Tel: 514-704-3626/Fax: 800-596-8496 Neil MacRae Tel: 514-217-2350/Fax: 1-800-596-8496

Saskatchewan & Manitoba

Lisa Pearce Lisa Tel: 204-489-4409/Fax: 204-487-4036

General Orders and Inquiries

United States

Toronto & Southwestern Ontario

Roberta Samec Tel: 416-461-7973/Fax: 416-461-0365

Publishers Group West/Perseus Distribution

Tel: 800-788-3123/Fax: 800-351-5073

Toronto, Eastern Ontario & Atlantic Canada

Laurie Martella Tel: 416-461-7973/Fax: 416-461-0365

Perseus International


Tel: 212-581-7839

Western Canadian Sales Heritage Group Distribution

National & International Accounts
Don Gorman Tel: 250-370-9964/Fax: 250-370-1905

For more information about U.S. or international orders, please contact

Ebooks are available from all

major ebook distributors.

Rights & Permission inquiries should be sent


British Columbia: Islands

John Walls Tel: 250-888-2569


Greystone Books
g r e y s t o n e b o o k s . co m
a f f i li at ed w i t h t h e h er i tage grou p

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