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In practical terms, HTML is a collection of platform independent style that define

the various component of world wide web document. HTML was invented by Tim
Berners-Lee while at CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle physics I Geneva.

HTML Version

This guide reflects the most current specification – HTML version 4.0 plus some
additional features that have been widely and consistently implemented in browser.
Future version and new feature for HTML are under development.

HTML Documents

What an HTML documents Is

HTML document are plain text (also know as ASCII) files that can be created using any
text editor. You can also use world processing software if you remember to save your
document as “text only with line breaks”.

HTML Editors

Some WYSIWYG editors are also available (e.g., Claris Home Page Mill, both
for windows and Macintosh). You may wish to try one of tem after you learn some of the
basic of HTML tagging. WYSIWYG is an acronym for “what you see is what you
get”; it means that you design your HTML document visually, as if you were using a
world processor, instead of wiring the markup tags in a plain-text file and imagining what
the result page will look like. It is useful to know enough HTML to code a document
before you determine the usefulness of a WYSIWYG, editor, in case you want to add
HTML feature that you editor doesn’t support.

Tags in HTML

Explained an element is a fundamental component of the structure of a text

document. Some examples of element head, table, paragraphs and list. Think of this way;
you use HTML tags to mark the element of a file for your browser. Element can contain
plain text, other element, or both. To deno0te the various elements in an HTML
document; you use tags. HTML tags consist of a left angle bracket (<), a tag name, and a
right angle bracket (>). Tags are usually paired to start and end the instruction. The end
tag looks just like the start tag except a slash (/) precedes the text within the brackets.
HTML tags are listed below. Some elements in an attribute, document,
Tags Description
<HTML> …</HTML> Declares the web page written in HTML
<HEAD>…</HEAD> Delimits the page’s head
<TITLE>…</TITLE> Define the title(not displayed on the

<BODY>…</BODY> Delimits the page’s Body

<Hn>…</Hn> Delimits a level n heading
<B>…</B> Set…Boldface
<I>…</I> Set…in italics
<UL>…</UL> Bracket an unordered(bulleted) list
<OL>…</OL> Brackets a numbered list
<MENU>…</MENU> Brackets a Menu of <LI> items
<LI> Start of a list item
<BR> Force a break here
<P> Start a paragraph
<HR> Horizontal Rule
<TABLE>…</TABLE> Define table in HTML.if border attribute

<CAPTION>…</CAPTION> Define a the caption for the title of the


<TR>…</TR> Specifies a table row within a table

<TH>…</TH> Define a table header cell
<TD>…</TD> Define table data cell
<PRE>…</TRE> Preformatted Text; do not reformat
<IMG SCR=”…”> Load an image here
<A HERE=”…<</A> Defines a hyperlink
NOTE: HTML is not case sensitive. <Title> is equivalent to <TITLE> or <title>. There
are a few exceptions noted in Escape Sequence below not all tags are supported by all
World Wide Web browsers. If a browser does not support a tag, it will simply ignore it.
Any text placed between a pair of unknown tags will still be displayed, however.

The Minimal HTML Document

Every HTML document should contain certain standard HTML tags. Each
document consists of head and body text. The head contains the title, and the body
contains the actual text that is made up of paragraph, lists, and other elements. Browsers
expect specific information because they are programmed according to HTML and
SGML specifications.
Required elements are shown in this sample bare-bones document:
<TITLE> A Simple HTML Example</TITLE>
<H1> HTML is Easy to Learn <H1>
<P> Welcome to the world of HTML
This is the paragraph. While short it is
Still a paragraph! <P>
<P> and this is the second paragraph. </P>
The required element are the <html>, <head>, and <body> tags (and their
corresponding end tags). Because you should include these tags in each file you might
want to create a template file with them
To see a copy of the file that you browser reads to generate the information in
your current window select View Source (or equivalent) from the browser menu (Most
browser have a View menu under which this command is listed) the file contents, with all
the HTML tags are displayed in a new windows
Tools Use - Notepad, Internet Explorer

Web Page: A document or file is created and can be access by Web browser is called
Web page. It includes text, graphics, sound, animation, and video, that is shared with
anyone who find the page, each page can have link to other pages of the some side or to
the pages of there site also known as Hyperlinks
A Web Site is a group of related Web page. The web site address is the Master
Address and the individual web pages are like subdirectories to that root directory.
Web page can be build by the tool like HTML (hyper Text markup Language) or
XML (Extensible Markup Language), Java and Pearl are the programming language that
can be used to add dynamics to a web page.

Web Site : A word wide web site is simply a collection of inter link web pages. Web
pages need not be related. By its nature, the web marks it possible to link any number of
item, including others pages. A page might have links to other pages containing photo,
items, cartoons, or just about any thing. Because of inherent diversity fund in the web to
suggest that a site is a related group of documents would be big mistake, the pages in turn
would be document inside the folder.

Home Pages: It is merely a collection of inter linked pages? Each site has a home
page, the official page access point into the site. From the homepage, You can get an
overview of the site and begin exploring it. A properly designed home page is, in essence,
like hospitable, host. It invites you in and tells you about all the things you can see and do
during your visit.
It is the most important page of any sites, the starting point for your journey.

Element of www: The www is world wide hypermedia system the www provides an
integrated view of the of the Internet using Client/ Server architecture. Clients are
programs that help you sought out information while servers are the programs that find
information for the client. WWW servers are place all around the globe. The web uses a
writing technology called “hypertext”. Hypertext uses links, also called Hyperlink, they
provide the user the choice to continue in the document or follow the link while leading.

WWW: The www is hypertext networked information system developed at CERN by

“Tim Barnes Lee”. He was working at the European Particle Physics Laboratory (CERN)
at Geneva, Switzerland, www invented in 1989. He wrote the first Web Server at the
client running under Next step including the definition s for the URLs, HTTP (It is a
protocol, which is used to transmit and received web documents) and HTML. Web
provided another service called URL.Which defines a URL mechanism for data resident
on anywhere on the Internet. The program that provided contact to a www site is called

Web Browser:
Web browsers: Browser is special kind of software required to access the web. It provides
a screen that allows us to easily display web pages and navigate the web. Browser
understands only HTML. HTML is the programs written in HTML are displayed in a web
The Browsers can be divided into these two categories:
(1) Text only
(2) Graphical

A text only browser allows you to see web pages without any image, art or page structure
e.g. Linux. Your can say in other words look at ASCII text on the screen.
Graphical web browser like internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator etc. Since
images, graphics and multimedia audio files are large in size.
Theses web browses provide many features of any word processor like open, Saving a
file, Printing, selection etc. Mostly this web browser software are available for free.
Explorer comes free with their operating system Win XP or Win NT. Web browser
supports not only web documents but also other internet source like FTP, Telnet and
There are a number of web browsers available now. The three most popular web
Browsers are Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer and NCSa Mosaic.
Which is additional information that is included inside the start tag? For example, you
can specify the alignment of images by including the appropriate attribute with the image
source HTML code. Tags that have optional attribute are noted below.

Web Server: - A web server does a great deal of work in making web pages and sites
available to browsers. They are the linking mechanism between you and web; between
people and pages.
A web server consists of special hardware and software that makes it possible to carry
browser requests. The browser is considered a client, since it asks to see or use certain
document located on the internet.

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