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Week 1: May 27

Introduction Introduce & Ice-Breaker 15min Basic safety, etiquette, & mechanical 15min 0:30

Warm-up Dynamic activation 8min Easy ride 12min Break 5min 0:55 Dynamic activation 8min Easy ride 10min 0:18

Session 1: CLINIC

Physical, Skills, Riding Sense Bike fit 8min Practical safety & etiquette 5min Mechanical 8min 1:16 Brisk ride aiming for 17km OR 35-40min


Post Ride

Easy ride 9min

Questions, return forms, final admin 5min 1:30

1:25 Easy ride 10-22min

Session 2: INTENSITY

Session 3: LONG RIDE

Other Training Coach's Comments

0:58 1:20 Long slow Easy ride Easy ride distance 10min 10min 70min 0:10 1:20 1:30 This is the week to start on full body fitness. If you take a whole approach including basic strength, body-weight movements, and Hatha yoga, your body will be better prepared and adapt and recover more responsively. Long slow distance riding is conversation pace and not strained. These rides will give you the basic aerobic stamina needed in the weeks to come. Dont face these the barriers to succeed these are the time to learn to enjoy cycling for what it is.

4 My First Fondo Training Guide 2013 Powerful Good Society

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