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1/1/2012 Vol. I, part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

The Journey Now, Begins - Volume I (Part 1)

By Tony of the Kilvert family

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

I dedicate this book to you, my dearest and only Brother. Rest In Peace

Richard Ronald Kilvert

Richie 30th May 1975 23 July 2011

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

On the day of his funeral I could not bring myself to say these words that I had prepared for him so I give them out to the world now so they may affect as many as possible with the love we felt for all of humanity perpetually trapped in this illusionary world we call Earth. Thank you.

Honour Speech
I wanted to say a few words on this occasion as we all gather here today to give Richard what he would have always wanted, a good send off. God bless each and every one of you for coming here today, you have our deepest gratitude from all of our family. Richard or Richey (his friends called him) as most of you know was my only brother. Anyone who knew him as he really was knew he was a true gentle giant. He is so incredibly missed by his closest friends and dearest family who all love him with all of our hearts. Richard was as most here know was only (36) when he was called back. How many times have we heard the words It is alwa ys the good ones that die young? In Richies case this has now been proven true yet again but not simply being the Good Richard was the Best. I have lost count of the times he has helped me in so many ways as others here today are recounting how he helped them. In every case, this is who Richard was; he was always the person you could rely on for anything. While he was here, he was my rock. It would be totally impossible for me (personally) to have hoped for a better brother, this is what he was sent here to do and this is what he did, to the utmost he was able, every single time. He would do everything he could to make others happy going to any lengths to do so, putting himself last every time. You did a brave and honourable thing in coming here to take on such a difficult task in the first place and together with all these souls today I commend you my brother. Karma, (I say to you all, is an integral part all life here, whether for the good or bad, we do) and as such Richard will now be rewarded for all his kindest, unselfish, genuine actions, as do all souls, bar none. In closing, Richard would want me to say here and now there are many lessons to life and one of these is to understand we do not die so to speak but merely pass over to greater things, when it is our time. If death was the end, there would indeed, be little point to life, would there not? We really do go on, and on, and on. We are; Pure Infinite Consciousness. Lastly, I would like to list some of the many things I will personally remember of him, his Commitment to his closest and dearest friends, Smile, sense of humour, courage and strength, totally unwavering support always, generosity, kindness,

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

at-tentativeness to others issues and concerns, loyalty but there is so much more to detail so I will stop here. Oh One thing I will and can, never forgive him for is his misguided love of the channel 4 TV show shameless Im afraid this one is forever beyond, even me. (Utterly Shameless!) On behalf of your greater family Richard. God Bless you Brother, son, farther, uncle, cousin and alike. The Truth! is you always were an angel and now you are free to stand with god in the realms whence we all came from again, and again, as before knowing the real meaning of life, the truth. Rest in Peace Richard. Love You Always Tony End, for now The following was cut out from the Speech as a last minute edit. Having said this I would like to take a moment to describe how his crossing has been Viewed by a professional we know, whom is adept at this kind of thing. His name is Michael Rice and among other things he is a world famous Bio-Architect and celebrated Shaman. I would like to relay a short excerpt of Richards crossing, as described by Michael himself. Michael meditates and tunes in to Richard, as he watches the events occur. He states what he sees in the following words:I am standing on the edge of a cliff. Extending in front of me is a tight rope, which reaches across to the far side another cliff edge. I look down and there is a greenish river running fast to the right. To my left I see two suns setting. My eyes extend out and I perceive a man walking along the tightrope, holding a long balancing stick. It is Richard. I levitate slightly and move in the air towards him. I approach and maintain a distance of about six feet or so and just observe. There is a sense of concentration and focus this man is maintaining a good balance and forward motion to the other side. I look left and right, and see small little points of energy dancing and pushing on either end of the balancing stick, and get a sense they are trying to affect the balance somehow. I cannot tell if these energies are seeking to support him in the balance or hinder; but there is a feeling that this passage need not necessarily be this tricky. I am handed some scissors and instructed to cut up the back of his shirt to the neckline; it falls away, revealing his back. I place both hands on his shoulder blades and feel an intense heat building under them. I can really feel the charge field or plasma building up in my hands. I remove my hands and see two white protrusions rise up and grow. They unfold and continue to grow until I see two stunning white wings reaching out with great majesty and grace. I watch as he gently flaps them and rises up from the rope line and drops the balancing stick

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

below. From there he glides over the rest of the way to the cliff edge beyond. I see a green hexagonal crystal structure (like a church or temple) coming into form, with a doorway opening before him. He floats in there and the door closes. I am now also in there with him. I see his wings fold back and he turns and sits in a reclining chair positioned in the centre of the room. The green crystal walls begin to soften and form a screen and I watch as the chair (or room?) begins to rotate and images with associated feeling, thoughts and extended contexts begin to play on the walls much like a 3-D projection. The information is multi-dimensional but appears here as mostly visual. This is a life Review, and I feel privileged to witness it. There are several personal family messages next (all incredibly accurate) but following this, the viewing concludes with the statement:With that he looks at me again, smiles, nods and his wings beat and then he soars up out of sight. It is breath taking. I return with a sense of profound gratitude and humility for the opportunity to witness such a momentous sight. All is now well. Thank you Love Michael Rice Bio-Architect and Shaman 26th July 2011 I thank you Mike for your words, they mean so much to our family to know.

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

There has been interference in the making of this book on several occasions so please be sure to search for the title of the link if it appears to be missing. The search will more often than not find another copy of the document that appears to be missing. Claire Talks With Tony Kilvert might have to watch via google

Introduction. So What Is It All About? The Journey.

P. 11 P. 15 P. 16

The initial intro to the book. Discussing whats really been going on here. The realisation of what I have learned explained. The Truth about Anti-Gravity and Freely Available Energy. The Truth about Anti-Gravity and Freely Available Energy. The Truth about Anti-Gravity and Freely Available Energy. Top 10 Strange UFO Encounters. UFOs Are Teslas Flying Saucers - A Super Weapon Now Ready for WWIII. Save the Males / Red Symphony. The Struggle for World Power X-RAY OF REVOLUTION. Plan for European Economic Government Was Brainchild Of Nazis. OFFICIAL RECORDS FROM INTERNATIONAL RED CROSS PROVE "HOLOCAUST" WAS A FRAUD! A FACTUAL APPRAISAL OF THE HOLOCAUST" BY THE RED CROSS The Truth about Anti-Gravity and Freely Available Energy

Subject of Chapter: Official Line on Subject:

P. 17 P. 18

Research Overview on Subject: P. 19

Articles Associated: Articles Associated:

P. 24 P. 52

Articles Associated: Articles Associated: Articles Associated: Articles Associated:

P. 62 P. 67 P. 70 P. 71

Articles Associated:

P. 76

Articles Associated:
Overview with Conclusion:

P. 78 P. 84

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Articles Associated: Articles Associated: Articles Associated: Suggested Addl Research

P. 87 P. 104 P. 118 P. 122

NOVA Online: Time Travel. Deadly time vortex appears over Antarctica. Highly Respected Ex Vatican Bishops Testimony - Vatican Control over the world. The Truth about Anti-Gravity and Freely Available Energy

Throughout this book there are Blue Highlighted and underlined areas. Click on them as they are articles and videos for more research. If they do not take you to the area then you need to cut and paste the name and put into the search engine to find the article or video.

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

There are 3 stages to the truth and there can be only one truth
1 Ridiculing it.

2 Being, In Violent opposition to it.

3 Accepting it as the Truth. Which one of these stages are you at?

More to the Point would, YOU like to

Wake Up Now? Before its too



Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

I have MANY other reasons for wrighting this book; not least of these is the fact, we are all in very, very serious trouble!

Hold On Tight!
Initially, this book is an attempt to explain some of the things I have found out about the world in which we live, and in the process to help explain or help to show others the truths that have in most cases, been hidden very, very carefully, in plain sight. There are so many aspects to this world that reach into every conceivable area of all our lives both known and unknown knowledge, but it is in the understanding of consciousness itself we see the systems that truly, control us. These will need to be broken in the end, in order to shake off the chains we find ourselves bound under. Make no mistake we have to have almighty courage in this titanic struggle in order to even begin to understand and eventually to break the Bonds of our Slavery for the first time setting ourselves FREE. The second point is to ask all of you who read this book to question everything you think you know. In order to do this you will have to readdress the world you believed you lived in and accept the truth that we are living in a living matrix called the Construct. To be more precise, The Great Work has been so, so carefully constructed over thousands of years by a well-known group, the Masons and it can now be known by its correct name as the true Luciferian Construct under the direction it turns out, of the ancient group of (so called) warriors on behalf of Lucifer himself. Apparently, as we will see he is pleased with the result and coming BACK to rule over it, once the final pieces are in place. This is one of the reasons WHY the capstone on the dollar bill (for example) is floating above the unfinished Pyramid. Like everything already around you, after reading this book you will be able to see and understand it for the very first time with your own eyes, and it is called, The Truth. The information we will look into here is merely the tip of the proverbial iceberg but none the less it is a start. I have no idea how hard this book is going to be but I know in every fibre of my being it has to be done, as I do not know anyone else who can nor has the will to write it. I also

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

wish to apologise to all of you that read this book as it will and has to, fundamentally change the way you see the world around you forever. I ask you to read this with a very, open mind and to go out onto the internet and search out the subjects detailed in order and join us all in connecting the dots, waking your sleeping friends and spreading this message so we can again, take back our world forever. We definitely can not to allow them finish their pure (what is termed as) Evil completion of their Luciferian Construct I will show you is real and very, dangerous to everything we hold dear in (what is supposed to be) a moral freethinking society. We as a people have been undermined and tricked into a very complicated situation that holds a plan for full and total domination of the entire human race (by our own actions) not just over our lives but our entire existence even over our souls! I wish to GOD I was not saying this but there is only One correct TRUTH and this, so far, is as close as I can get to it. Im not suggesting here I know it all as I do not but if you take a look at what Im showing you I am sure you will agree with the information I will present, at least to a point. You have to see it to believe it. If you wont look, you wont see. We cannot, allow them to construct, the totally and utterly controlled prison planet for all of our future generations to suffer under forever more (and I mean absolutely every word.) Always bear in mind just how sure are you that you will not have to live on Earth again? We will look into this in a later part of the book but the science and information all pans out and is inherently interconnected with all other subjects. Sorry to pop your bubble but the question needed to be asked and the answer is yes, you will. Not to mention your own children and childrens, children will have to suffer in what we leave behind today if this pure evil plan is ever, ever completed and make no mistake, it is almost finished, all over the world! The only thing left for them to do is crash the worlds economys, install marshal law and at the same time install the CHRISTOS (Christ Operating System) into place to rule over all of us through their New World Order pre designed plans.


Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

What I intend to do with this book is to approach as many aspects of truth as possible. I am not interested in giving out false information and this is the actual basis of the problems in the world today. There is far too much deceit and confusion and in this book I try, (wholeheartedly) to get to the real information so will frequently refer to the word Truth. I do this because the information provided here is as close to the reality known as actual fact of each issue, commonly referred to as the Truth. All of the topics we will look into here will push the boundaries of reality and will give most people an understanding they could never have possibly imagined could be true especially to the degree set out. I will attempt to give the best examples of information while also providing the research material to back up each point so the reader can see how I came to understand the issues. At every possible opportunity I will provide additional links to other peoples work, research material, studies and any other connected relevant information on the subject being discussed. I very much encourage people to dig deeper into these topics as is required. There is NO topic that is out of bounds. If there are boundaries they will cloud the TRUTH! There is fundamental truth but to understand it on any level, you have to look at all the issues in order to conceive of whether they are true or not as well as to what extent. To merely accept what you have been told is the basis of the problem and this is the most important point of the book. For one, to repeat the party line endlessly will never help you whether or not there is any validity in the issue. In order to Understand the Big Picture you will have to see the fact there are pieces of the puzzle to put together in the first place. Once the pieces are pointed out and can be conceived as real truths, then one can set about understanding how one piece of information is directly or indirectly, connected to the others. Once you are aware of the facts you can move on to connect them all together which will then and only then, allow you to understand how it all works and why. Much of the following information will be presented to you in a basic Format. I have looked at many aspects of ho w to approach this book due to the complicated issues and what it will mean to begin to understand how and what is going on in the world as well as why. In order to start I will choose a variety of topics to focus on as a basic skeleton for

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

connecting the information into what I term as a Three Dimensional Picture of how all of these pieces fit together. When we have this framework we can set further information into place and begin filling in the blanks. I have also been collecting lots of articles from many sources for years on these far reaching topics so I need to point out you will find articles from many other people in this book and it is not my intention to take credit for their work. I am referring to these documents, articles, occasional images and other things provided such as graphs. I am putting forward these things and at each time I am indicating they are the authors and will supply the link to the original documents and it is not my work so I can take no credit for these. I simple produce these to aid the reader to understand the bigger picture as we go and provide others opinions that (in most cases) corroborate the information or reality as it is and/or appears. Additionally, in these cases I cannot go into researching all of the background research the authors have done, as I will be here writing this for the rest of my life (however long that is after publishing this.) I hope I have made this point clear so moving on to getting the overall picture. There will be areas and topics most readers will take one look at and will be so far away from current understanding, they most probably turn off right away. This is a shame but you can lead a horse to water but cant make it drink. If the reader wishes to understand the information they will have to learn to take a step back and look into the abyss once in a while. I am hoping the reader can at least make an attempt to try and prove the information wrong (I know full well you will not succeed) but please by all means try. All of this information provided is meant to be in all of our best interests and to be portrayed to you in the best possible way even though it is a very hard hitting study. As you work your way through you will find the same information I found which can be argued in a way but when the reader begins to comprehend the magnitude of what all of the information spells out in the end, it will prove out as totally true and very, very real. The facts will speak for their selves in the end, whether or not you wish to be one of the readers who will understand them is entirely up to you. The Format I have chosen to use is the same regarding all of the issues to make it a little easier to read and understand the information and topics that

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

we will deal with. The way I have separated each topic into sections is to get straight to the point. I am not attempting to construct a novel but am trying to break it all down so that it can be understood without too much of a problem. The information will go straight for the jugular and not mess about with niceties. Getting straight to the point is what it is all about and there is no comfort blanket in this book. I wish the reader well and intend to follow this book with further books, which will go into more detail later. The information is the key to all of this and we do not have any more time to waste. We have gone far too far with this screwed up world and it is time to wake up the sleepers now, whether they want to wake up or not. I can only tell you the truth as I have learned/found it so the rest is up to you. In detailing other peoples work I cannot correct them on points they may not be aware are incorrect and at the same time I may be wrong with some points but the information is the best I can do right now. I hope the reader can examine and grasp what is laid out here, for me this is the game changer we all needed and hoped to see. If people listen and understand we can truly escape, if not I dare not say. The first part of the Format will of course be the Subject Matter. The second will be the Official Line which can be interpreted to mean the current mainstream understanding of the subject (as in the governments official line) or the scientific, historic or other mandated view (as taught in the main stream.) In short I mean the accepted view of the masses as being currently thought of as fact on the information regarding the subject matter (topic.) Once this is established, we will look into and research the information on the said subject (topic) then move on to the Research Overview where we can then compare the fact side of the information based on the information we have looked into, in order to establish a sensible conclusion. Once we have examined research we can move on to the Overview with Conclusion. When a result (fact or fiction) is derived on the validity of the subject (topic) we can then move into a deeper look at what it all means if indeed this is the case as demonstrated. If there has been a twist in the truth regarding the facts then this naturally leads into the question of why? This is now where we can examine as to why the information we have been told is a lie and misleading so what are the implication/s for this. Once we have completed these, we can get into the real truths which is where things get really interesting in connecting the

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

dots (having now looked into all of the data needed to reach the conclusion.) Finally, we can then put the information into a bizarre but coherent understanding of how it all fits together in order to fit it into the Bigger Picture in the form of the Overview with Conclusion. The final section to the format is Suggested Additional Research Resources and speaks for itself. I would like to suggest the reader try to look at the first issue then work through all of the information (in order) until they are satisfied there is a level of reality going on, where they can then, really, comprehend the subject being covered within themselves. If you cannot accept the information provided I would then ask you to enter into the Additional Research Resources until you can ascertain an acceptable understanding of each issue until you do get it so to speak. The reason I ask this is so you will be in a better position to finish the book more quickly. The importance of this will be so self-evident by the time you finish all of the information contained in the book I guarantee you will begin to understand the importance of the work laid out here. Please Copy and Paste the Titles into a search engine if the links appear to be broken. I will explain the information in the following format so you can grasp the basics of what is being conveyed in the simplest possible way. This is done to divide the information and the contexts in which it is presented in the simplest form I could come up with so I hope it will be sufficient to convey the message as clearly and directly as is possible. I have chosen the following format for this reason:Example: Format for Chapters. Subject of Chapter. Official Line of Subject. Research Overview on Subject. Overview with Conclusion. Suggested Additional Research Resources.

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Most of the reason we never looked in depth before is that we were already conditioned (unbeknown to most) against looking in the first place, we all thought we knew the correct answer already. We have been conditioned due to the fact we would just not believe these subjects could possibly be true having been taught that way all of our lives and would think that looking at these subjects would be quite ridiculous if fact. Newsflash, we have been quite wrong, as you will see. When we have delved into these topics and self-educated, we will now stand a chance at getting to the truth of each subject, and then connect the numerous pieces of information together into that Big Picture. This really is where the Penny Drops and we will be awestruck but will then Get It. They, (The Powers That Be) will be Cutting off the Links to the Videos so please download and as importantly upload them as fast as possible so they can be found by search engines! (Please use the original names and Dont Change Them as it will confuse the search engine on the topic.)

So What Is It All About?

This is one of the biggest questions there is as you can appreciate. There are many factors to this but initially in order to even begin to answer this question we firstly need to examine the truths about this world we find ourselves in. This is the initial point to the book. We need to start the journey with the facts and fictions of reality versus what we perceive to be the real world around us and why things are the way that we believe they are this way, as detailed. In the beginning I had NO idea of what I was to learn and where it would lead to just like most people but I could never have possibly imagined what I was going to find out and consequently, was going to happen in finding out. On this note, many brave and courageous people have stepped up to the plate in the past and paid with their lives for it. Whistle-blowers like the ones on the Project Camelots web site (for just one) and so many more are no longer with us due to the fact they tried to

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

put some of this together. Inventors of amazing technologies and the most admirable well-meaning advocates trying to improve our world have been snuffed out. There are many reasons for this as I will point some out as we go but rest assured I have the best reasons for doing this and we should all as a race of sentient human beings (with free will) know the truth of just what is going on and why. If we fail to make the correct connection here to the real reality of this world we WILL, make no mistake, be enslaved by our lack of understanding and low level of consciousness. We HAD ALL BEEN WARNED every step of the way (If only we had the eyes to see it before) and I will attempt to spell it out for you as best I am able to.

The Journey
Here we go, hold on tight. Many years ago, as detailed I began to look into one weird subject. To answer the question as to why I would have to say that intuition was the main driving reason. I had a recurring thought in my head but kept brushing it off as not worth my time to look into (I was too busy with trying to set up a business and paying the bills like most people.) When I look back now I think how stupid I was for not looking sooner than I did but regardless. As soon as I started to look into the facts I was totally astounded with what was staring back at me! It was reality. For the first time in my life I was just in awe at the magnitude of what I found out, in the truth as well as the search for it! Whenever I thought I was at the point I understood the whole thing (which took many, many years) I was struck with a further revelation over and over again. For what its worth no one can fully understand the whole thing. Firstly, please dont allow the subject matter to put you off looking into it. This is paramount to tying it all together in its fuller context. If you cant look you will never be in a position to understand, this I promise you wholeheartedly. Before we start this journey I would like you to see this as an appetiser, so to speak (Moon Rising - (Full Disclosure Version) by Jose Escamilla) Ok so, now I have your attention what was this weird subject I was looking into initially? The documentary introduces the Moon

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Rising Documentary and takes you on a journey through the space program from the Kennedy speech on going to the moon and touches on the long list of cover-ups regarding the subject. The documentary for the first time goes deeper into the fact we have full colour images of the moon and way more than that. It demonstrates there is a cover up of this fact and so much more to the point there has been a whitewash of the entire subject in the form of the real hidden evidences we (humans) currently have at our disposal. The documentary points out the bases, structures, towers, power plants and ancient technology and much more all over the moons surface. Basically, it is an expos of the facts versus the fiction and the conclusions thereof. The program shows beyond a doubt NASA has gone to the most extreme lengths covering over the truth on the most important story of the true history of the human race itself. Moon rising brings forth whiteness testimony from the astronauts who went there and what they really found when they got there. Many individuals give their testimony and by the end of the program you are left in no doubt there is a cover-up of sorts and then demonstrates just what is being hidden. This is an excellent program that goes to the deeper areas of the subject uncovering one aspect after another in exposing the lies we all bought as the truth all of our lives. 5-2 Illuminati ET/Spiritual Conspiracy: Aliens created Humans as a slave race And see Illuminati ET/Spiritual Conspiracy: Jordan Maxwell on Aliens and Illuminati 1. Subject of Chapter: The Truth about Anti-Gravity and Freely Available Energy.

I began to look into whether or not there was any truth in this subject and if so why are we not using it? Boy what a trip I was about to go on. For the purposes of this book and bear in mind there are so many subjects I will have to deal with I am only going to go into several examples. The ones I will choose will be the best of a small bunch but you will find all the initial information you need to look into in order to establish a sensible conclusion. As mentioned earlier in the book further information will be provided in the last section after each topic is discussed.


Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

2. Official Line of Subject:

The Truth about Anti-Gravity and Freely Available Energy.

What is the official line on this one well I think you can work it out as whenever someone mentions the U.F.O. or free energy topics people beginning to crack a smile as of course they already know the answer dont they? Oh thats just rubbish its NOT real comes the comment for the most part. If this is your initial opinion that is a typical normal response for the most part, as you would seem to be exhibiting the very same reactions as you have been pre-programmed with, as I have detailed. This being said, do you have the courage to look or are you one of the people who just wont go there? Its your call and entirely your choice however if not I suggest you choose another book to read as you will need it to go back to sleep with and this link might help you a little in the process. Here is a little something for you to help you drop off so, nighty night and sweet dreams. ("Sean the Sheep" on youtube) Otherwise you can be one of the truly aware individuals and take the leap into the unknown Deep Black world and see what technology and much, much more we really do have out there, up there as well as far out there! (Bill Cooper Explains it all - Wake Up) Red pill or Blue pills anyone? (Now for real.) Bill Cooper was an incredible guy who went to great lengths to expose the real issues of the depth of the lies we have all bought into. I would ask right now that if any of these links go to a dead link you might have to search for the information I am pointing out. In his lectures he explains all of the initial information you will need to begin to wake up the people around you. Just before serious readers delve into these topics I would like to hope I am safe to assume we all know a set of two magnets with similar poles pointing together at a close range push away from each other right? We have heard of a magnetic levitating train in Tokyo called the Maglev? Ok. What about lightening? Is this not a perfect example of free energy in action or dose some Guy in the (Shadow) government hide the secret electricity bills the population of earth pays to the sun in order to pay it to shine its light on this little planet in (paper money) every year? Is there

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

even a secret government and are the worlds politicians telling us the truth about anything? We will look into all of these topics and so much more in the simplest way I have come up with and the answe r certainly is NO they are not telling you, Jack, and what they are telling you is totally wrong. Please Note I will be posting links to other peoples work so please note I give them full credit and more than this I have the deepest regard for their efforts, as they are the ones who helped me to wake up. This book is intended to guide people to the important aspects of the truth and not to try and take credit for their hard work and efforts. I will also be posting single links to their published works freely available on sites such as you tube and Google. (Please note: - the single link will on most occasions lead to other parts of their interviews so ensure you have checked for further parts to get into the big picture.) Many of the links will lead you to other associated information on these topics so please ensure you complete each section before returning to the book for the next part of the information. I would ask everyone again, to copy and download this and other important information (where legally possible) on ALL of these topics and store them on CD-DVD disks, for a VERY good reason. This is an information REVOLUTION. The information will be NEEDED when the Internet is restricted and censored as is rapidly happening in the USA and UK now since the London riots, even more so. It will NOT stop there as I will show you they have pre-planned all of what they are rolling out in secret for a very good reason. They are trapping us all quite literally into a total control grid of truly epic proportions! You will see this for yourself. 2012 Prepare for the Alien Invasion? First Contact? 3. Research Overview on Subject. The Truth about Anti-Gravity and Freely Available Energy. Ok. One of the first guys I found who detailed his information was a professor Jonathan Searl. His story in very brief terms was he had

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

developed an energy-generating machine called the Searl effect generator. His information can be found on his web site here and after careful evaluation/consideration/research it turns out to be totally true. ( I suggest you begin to start with the story set out on the link provided and research him yourselves. Since the inception of his device there has been many other tests and demonstrations, especially in Russia that have proven this technology out fully. There are too many of these systems that work, to mention, as you will see in the last links under the additional research section on free energy. One of the products of his device (while operating) is to generate excess electrical energy in the process of revolving above a certain speed. Be forewarned, a second by product of this device is when it spins much higher it absolutely produces Antigravity he lost the first two units by them punching holes through his roof and carrying on out into space! For the second (anti-gravity) example we can look at agent called John Hutchinson. His story involves the action of firing radio waves at various kinds of material/s object/s to induce levitation, twisting, integration of one object literally into another and other effects including anti-gravity. He has been hounded by the P.T.B. for decades including them stealing all of his research and equipment several times over and much more. The Canadian scientist was changing the mass of the objects to allow them to levitate and physically loose mass (among other effects.) (UFOs Energy System by John Hutchinson) For some further snippets, check out some of his information on this series of documentaries. Please remember, because it is on You Tube does not mean it is, or is not real. You will have to use your judgment on the information and discern the truth for yourself but first you must look. (John Hutchinson and Nancy Lazarian: Cleaning the waters of the Gulf of Mexico) Other realities that have been proven in his trials include cleaning some of the waters off Mexico by beaming harmonic frequencies into the waters when Deep Horizon managed to create the BP oil disaster, oops, not by accident either but more on this later. So with this whom else shall we ask, well how about the USA Disclosure Program headed by Dr Stephen Greer. (The disclosure project: Web Site)

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& (Full Disclosure: Full Version Press Release) This last link contains the following information from the most trusted officials inside the US Military program. Some of which were in charge of the USAs Missile Defence Systems and had the nuclear code keys to launch ICBMs (Inter Continental Ballistic Missiles) at the time of the encounters! Well thats kind of trusted is it not? They state on the web site the following:- On Wednesday, May 9th, 2001, over twenty military, intelligence, government, corporate and scientific witnesses came forward at the National Press Club in Washington, DC to establish the reality of UFOs or extra-terrestrial vehicles, extra-terrestrial life forms, and resulting advanced energy and propulsion technologies. Since then there are more than 100 similar calibre witnesses to these events and much more information. Here we will detail some of the more well-known individuals who are involved in this area of reality. The weight of this first-hand testimony, along with supporting government documentation and other evidence, will establish without any doubt what so ever, the reality of these phenomena. This information was released but not mentioned by our fully bought and paid for media (more on this later.) There have been many more such calls for the disclosure of this information over the years and the deeper you look the more you will find. There are reasons they are not telling you! I hope to show you why this is the case and what is the implication of not acting on the information provided here. Here is snippet and just 1 example. (UFO Sightings Incredible UFO Footage Dec 25 2011) The reason why this is hidden we will look at later in the book. Lets take a look at a brilliant interview on this is by Michael Shratt who has spent decades ploughing thru some of this secret Black Project world examining technologies and what has happened to them to date as well as the results that came out of these projects. (Project Camelot Productions Interviews Michael Schratt) Once you have seen even the, (not implemented commercially) but admitted and released to the public archives, level of the technology we have, you will then be in a position to ask the blatantly obvious question as to why we are not employing even some small benefits from them today? Even if we were only allowed be able to use some of it for cheaper air travel for one example. We paid for this stuff to be developed did we not? Well you will probably already be astounded having got to this point but you really have not seen anything

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at all, YET. The answer is they dont want you to have any of it and in fact quite the opposite is more accurate to the truth as I will show you is indeed, the case and thats a fact. If the credibility of the source is what people are looking for in order to understand it then I present here, the information in the form of a documentary put together by an incredible guy. Although he is led around in circles and hits brick walls all over the place it is in itself a great example of the blocks and dead ends professional individuals will encounter going into this field if you even try to approach these UFO topics without the need to know. From 1987 to 2001, Nick Cook was Aviation Editor of Jane's Defence Weekly. For those of you who dont know, Janes Defence is THE worlds leading defence journal sent out to the majority of countries armed forces, Military, top level businesses and anyone who is remotely involved in these industries around the world. They report on the inner workings of the defence industry (public sectors) and have direct access to the so-called highest sources in the industry as a whole. Here is a sample from the following documentary series together with a brief description. From 1987 to 2001, Nick Cook was Aviation Editor of Jane's Defence Weekly, the international defence journal. He is currently the magazine's Aerospace Consultant. His exclusive stories for Jane's have included reports on Russian secret weapons and a second classified operation to rescue US hostages in Iran. He is also a regular contributor to the Financial Times and the Wall Street Journal and writes extensively for other United Kingdom and international media. In his 18 year career, he has visited the world's leading defence establishments and has gained access to numerous top secret military facilities and bases in the US and former Soviet Union. As a regular commentator on defence and security issues, his views and analysis were sought by UK, US, and other world news media during the 1991 and 2003 wars against Iraq and major conflicts in between. The documentary Billion Dollar Secret (black projects) again, the information about this sector will at the very least help you understand this area a little more in depth. (Billion Dollar Secret (Black Projects) 1 of 11)


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There are so many examples of truly astounding technologies I am going to have to narrow down to the few examples I can think of as being the best ones. The following example is from a retired US official called Bob (Robert) Dean and presented in the interview section of project Camelot. It briefly details the fact that when he served in the military he was handed a report decades ago on the UFO subject (among other secrets) and he details his response to this information and what the Brookings report laid out the "Implications of a discovery of extra-terrestrial life," (both here and elsewhere.) (Red Ice Creations - Bob Dean "NATO's Assessment of Alien Life and the Impact of Disclosure) As detailed in this second interview (Project Camelot - Bob Dean "The Coming of Nibiru") it clearly points out the fact we have this technology and in fact (as it turns out) have had it for a very, very long time. There was a further report the report from Iron Mountain which detailed the reasons why we are not allowed to have access to this tech. In the report it is discussed why the possibility of peace breaking out in the world would be the deathblow to the current way we live our lives on earth. This one listed above is one of two interviews on the Camelot site so check the archive under his name and you will get to the other interview, which is even better. This video is approximately 5 years old but details how things are unfolding here today. (Iron Mountain Blueprint to Tyranny Full Rare Video) At this point I will introduce you to some of the reports that have been disclosed on the whole subject in the past with the link provided: Top 10 Strange UFO Encounters


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by Valleys of Neptune1
The topic of UFOs is one on which everyone has an opinion. From the strong believer to the condescending sceptic, everyone has deep rooted beliefs regarding the subject. Some believe UFOs are travellers from other planets or dimensions. Others believe them to be experimental military aircraft. I have picked stories from different countries and areas to show that people have been reporting the same characteristics and attributes in UFOs and Extra-Terrestrials for decades upon decades, and very often these stories were reported long before the seed of UFO awareness was planted in the mind of the public, through TV, film and literature. I, personally, believe that, in the future, the existence of intelligent ExtraTerrestrial life in the universe will be seen to be self-evident, and people will look back and laugh at the ignorance of the past, much in the same way we do today when we remember people used to think the earth was flat, or that it didnt orbit the Sun. Slowly but surely scientists are beginning to agree that it is mathematically impossible for intelligent life not to exist with our planet in the endless expanse of the universe, and the trillions of planets it contains. We truly live in exciting times, as day by day, more and more is discovered about the Cosmos to show this to be empirically true. Ill leave you with the words of the pioneer of Americas Apollo Space program, the great Wernher Von Braun. You must accept one of two basic premises: Either we are alone in the universe, or we are not alone in the universe. And either way, the implications are staggering.


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The Bowling Green Apparition

During the night of the 12th of February 2010, lifelong paranormal sceptic Roy Shaw was walking his dog in Devon, England. Wandering through the quiet streets of his neighbourhood, he began to approach his local Lawn Bowling club, when he was startled by an odd object hovering high up in the sky. Hazy and distant at first, it began to descend slowly and move nearer in his direction. Circular in shape, it suspended itself above the bowling club and Shaw entered the grounds to get a better look at the object. He watched in amazement as it zigzagged around, before landing on the far side of the green. He was astounded to make out a 100ft long space craft, with blue and red lights streaming along its underside. At this point a 4ft high white apparition exited from the ship and floated towards him across the lawn. It was about 4ft high and seemed to be translucent and moved very slowly towards us. I was transfixed because it made a droning noise, which sounded like my, my repeated over and over he later told newspapers. His dog, Sydney an animal he stated is normally very placid began growling and bearing its teeth at the spirit. At this point, Mr Shaw ran for his life, with such haste he twisted his ankle in the process. Another dog walker in the area claims to have seen the ship dart off into the sky at a 45 degree angle. Funnily enough, Mr Shaw still claims to be a paranormal sceptic, even after this bizarre encounter. Above is a sketch of the UFO he saw.

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UFO with an Accent


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A woman telephoned RAF Wattisham, in Suffolk, England, on November 21st, 1989, in a distressed manner to report an encounter she had the night before with a strange man in her area. At around 10.30pm, the woman was walking her dog near a sports field when she was approached by a man with a Scandinavian type accent dressed in light brown overalls that resembled a flying suit. A recently released report from the National Archives about the case reads. He asked her if she was aware of stories about large circular flattened areas appearing in fields of wheat, and then went on to explain that he was from another planet similar to Earth, and that the circles had been caused by others like him who had travelled to Earth. The man went on that theyre visits were friendly but was ordered not to make contact in case they were seen as a threat. He said he disobeyed his orders as he felt it was important for contact between our people and his to occur. They talked for 10 minutes until he suddenly ran back in the direction he came. The woman, realizing the gravity of her situation and the strangeness of what had just occurred, ran home in a panic stricken state. Whilst doing so, she heard a thunderous buzzing noise, growing in haste and volume behind her. She turned to see a large spherical object, glowing a brilliant orange and white, rise from the trees and eventually disappear up into the atmosphere. The MOD notes attached to the file described the case as one of our more unusual UFO reports. The operator who took the womans call described it as a genuine call.


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The Wyoming case

In 1974, Carl Higdon was hunting in Medicine Bow National Forest, Wyoming. Taking aim and firing at an Elk something strange happened; his bullet seemed to move in slow motion. As he went to retrieve the bullet a sudden strange feeling came over him. Turning around, he saw a humanoid over six feet tall which he described as having a black

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jumpsuit, a wide belt decorated with a six-pointed star and emblem of yellow. It had straight hair standing out from his head, no eyebrows, bow-legs and long arms ending with rod-like appendages instead of hands. The being asked him if he was hungry and gave him four pills, telling him if he ate one he wouldnt be hungry for 4 days. The humanoid then pointed to him, and in an instant he found himself encased in a transparent device and wearing a helmet. Two more humanoids appeared, carrying the 5 elk Higdon had previously hunted; which were now stiff and in an unnaturally frozen state. He was told he was going to their home planet, some 163,000 light-years away, and subsequently arrived there in a flash. On the planet he said there were many buildings that resembled the Seattle Space needle, and the planets sun was of an intense heat. His next memory was of being back in Medicine Bow Park, with 2 and a half hours having elapsed. He staggered in a deranged state unable to find his truck, eventually finding it 3 miles away. He radioed the Sheriff, who found him at midnight exhausted and frantic, shouting They took my elk. After being taken to the local hospital and examined, they found all his vitamin levels were miraculously high, and tuberculosis marks he had on his lungs had vanished. Higdons wife and 2 other people in the area saw green and red lights in the sky on the night of his abduction.


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The Western France Case

George Gatay was a well-respected local man in the town of Nouatre, in western France. A veteran of WW2, he fought with the French Resistance in Luxembourg against the Nazis. On the 30th of September, 1954, he was in charge of an 8 man crew working on a construction site. Whilst working he felt a peculiar drowsiness come over him. He felt compelled to walk, although he did not know where or why, as if some unknown force was guiding him. When he stopped he was in sight of an unknown being some 30ft away on a hill. He described it as having an opaque glass helmet, grey coveralls and short boots. He also noticed a rod like weapon in its hand and a square shaped electronic device on its chest. The creature stood in front of a dome shaped object which hovered 3ft above the ground. The craft also had a cupola shape on top, with blade like devices protruding from its highest point. In total awe of what he was looking at, Gattay stood in a paralyzed silence.

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As he gazed in amazement, something even stranger happened. He stated Suddenly, the strange man vanished, and I couldnt explain how he did it, since he did not disappear from my field of vision by walking away, but vanished like an image one erases. Then I heard a strong whistling sound which drowned the noise of our excavators. Soon the object rose by successive jerks, in a vertical direction, and then it too was erased in a sort of blue haze, as if by a miracle. Gattay then ran back to the site to report what he saw, and noted that at his first attempt to do so he was overcome with an unshakable feeling of stillness. After greeting his workers with a panicky Have you seen something!? Two of his workers concurred with his account, claiming to have seen a flying saucer and a man dressed like a diver in front of it. His seven co-workers complained of feeling inexplicably drowsy during the event, and George Gattay himself suffered headaches, loss of appetite and insomnia for the full following week.


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The Winchester Woman

In a Top 10 list of strange UFO stories, this one really is strange. The local Councillor for Winchester in Hampshire, Mr Adrian Hicks was in the town centre on a busy Saturday afternoon during the early months of 2004. After having lunch in his local bar and purchasing a few books from a book store, he noticed something odd about a woman walking through the rural towns main street. Her clothes were somewhat unusual, and everything about her didnt add up. The way she moved and her general demeanour gave off a strange impression which singled her out from the crowd. He followed her with his eyes for a few moments and

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came to the incredible realization that he wasnt looking a t a human at all but an extra-terrestrial. It was staggering; I am not usually l ost for words but was that day. He watched her for around 9 minutes, walking ahead of her twice and noticed a tutu like piece of clothing around her waist and a thick head of bright blonde hair. She was a humanoid walking with a penguin like gait. She had very large oval eyes and was twirling her hands in a circular motion. She seemed friendly and totally at ease with us. She wasnt scared; she was smiling, and seemed to be en joying herself among us. Hicks was startled when she stopped 7 feet away from him when he uttered What the fuck is that? under his breath. She walked very slowly up the High Street. I remember she was very interested in the clock over Lloyds Bank. She was taking it all in. He has stated that several people noticed her without paying any extra attention and spotted some people taking pictures of her, though no pictures have ever surfaced. Hicks believes that the encounter is to do with a much larger Alien presence in Winchester, due to the secret US and British operations in a nearby base. An orthopaedic technician with over 35 years of experience, Hicks kept his encounter secret for 5 years in order to secure his place in local government, revealing his story only after securing election as a Liberal Democrat Councillor. He spent 400 of his own money for an artist to perfect her image, which can be seen above. He now lobbies for the government to come clean about its dealings with UFOS.


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The Silbury Hill Case

During July 2009, an off duty police Sergeant was driving along the A4 motorway during the early hours of the morning. At around 5.a.m, whilst passing Silbury hill, an area long renowned for its druid precedent, UFO sightings and mystical attributes, he noticed 3 exceptionally tall men standing in a field examining a recently made crop circle. He noticed they had shining blonde hair and were dressed in white coveralls with their hoods down, which reminded him of forensic detectives. Intrigued by such a bizarre spectacle, the sergeant parked his car and approached the men. From a distance of 400 yards he shouted at them, but his attempts fell on deaf ears and he was ignored. Upon entering the field, however, the 3 men became aware of his presence and simultaneously turned toward him before making off at a miraculous speed heading southward away from the hill. He followed them for a few seconds, but realized he was no match for their pace and watched in awe as they strode off in

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superhuman strides. After glancing away for a second, the sergeant looked back in the mens direction to see they had completely vanished. They ran faster than any man I have ever seen. Im no slouch but they were moving so fast. I looked away for a second and when I looked back they were gone he told Andrew Russell, the UFO investigator he has chosen to communicate through in favour of remaining anonymous. Walking back to his car, he felt something akin to a static electricity echoing throughout the field. The crops began to ripple and sway in time with a crackle that was pulsing all around him, and he developed a massive headache. I then got scared. The noise was still around but I got an uneasy feeling and headed for the car. For the rest of the day I had a pounding headache I couldnt shift. He contacted his colleagues at Wiltshire Police and they released this statement. The police officer was apparently off duty when this happened so we have no comment to make because it is a personal not a police matter. On the night followin g the sighting, residents of the area reported seeing an unmarked Helicopter hovering for 3 hours over the field were the encounter took place, a sequence that has followed UFO and crop circle reports in the area with increasing frequency. The sergeant continues to remain anonymous.


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The Zimbabwe Encounter

On the 14th of September, 1985, there had been reports of UFOs in the skies over Zimbabwe. Two days later at the private Ariel Elementary in Ruwa, 20km from the capital, Harare, 62 school children between the ages of 5 and 12 spotted a glowing ball in the sky during the schools morning break. They watched as it hovered around, appearing and disappearing for a short while before it gradually descended to the ground and landed 100ft away from the school in a bushy area off limits to the children. A small man, standing around 3ft tall with long black hair, large eyes and a slim neck exited the craft and began to walk towards the children. The schools teachers and staff were indoors attending a meeting at this point, which left the children unsupervised. As he moved in their direction he suddenly disappeared in mid step, reappearing on top of the craft, where he silently stared at the children for a few moments, before re-entering the ship and soaring off at an incredible speed. Many pupils

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were terrified due to African folklore stories which talk of demons and vampires that kidnap children and devour them. The only adult present in the playground was a parent running a tuck shop near the school entrance, which the children descended upon in stampede like fashion to relate their extraordinary tale. The schools headmaster, Colin Mackie, contacted the now late Cynthia Hind, who in her time was Africas foremost UFO investigator. She interviewed the pupils and asked them to recreate drawings of what they saw. Around 35 sketches and drawings were produced, which were all strikingly similar in their depiction of the man and his ship. Upon interviewing the children, Hind became convinced of the stories authenticity. One child told her I swear by every hair on my h ead and the whole Bible that I am telling the truth. The consensus was reached among the parents, school staff and Hind that the pupils were in fact telling the truth; as such a lie would be far too complex for children of a young age to conceive and uphold. On a more bizarre note, the older children told Hind they thought they were being communicated to by the man and his stare, which warned them that the planets natural beauty and resources were being ravaged and polluted beyond repair. Those thoughts came from the man, the mans eyes a shaken 12 year old told Hind. A drawing one of the pupils produced can be seen above.


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The Livingston case

On the 5th of November, 1979, Robert Taylor, a forester employed by the Livingston Development Corporation, left his house at 10.30am to check on some saplings he had planted at Dechmont Law, a secluded, forested hill just off the M8 motorway. Accompanied by his dog, he parked his pickup truck at the beginning of a forest trail and preceded the rest of the way on foot. Turning a corner and coming onto a forest clearing, Taylor was greeted by an unbelievable spectacle. Suspended in mid-air was a silent and motionless spherical object, which he recalled measuring around 20ft across by 12ft high. Made of a material he likened to black sand paper, a row of small circular windows ran around the centre of the object. A ring also protruded along the same course, sitting just below the portholes. Parts of the object were transparent and seemed to morph, which gave Taylor the impression the object was trying to make it self invisible, or had the capability to do so. As he went to walk toward the object, two smaller spheres covered in metal rods (which reminded him

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of old navy mines) ejected from the primary object and began to roll towards him. Attaching themselves to each of his trouser legs, they emitted an acrid, stifling smell which made him gag for air and lose consciousness. He awoke to find himself face down in the grass, with the UFO long gone and his dog running around barking wildly. Attempting to summon the dog he realized he had lost his voice, and, trying to rise to his feet, he came to the horrible realization he couldnt stand or walk either. Crawling and staggering back in the direction of his truck, he regained the functions in his legs and voice, but accidentally ditched his truck in wet mud after trying to drive in such a dazed and shaken state. He stumbled and lurched home, and upon arrival his wife thought he had been assaulted as he stood swaying in their doorway: his face grazed, his trousers badly torn and his clothes caked in mud. She called the police and an investigation revealed some interesting facts. The section of land in which he encountered the UFO was covered in peculiar indentations, none of which matched any forestry equipment or vehicles that were being used on the Law. The tears on his trousers were forensically examined and were discovered to have been pierced by an unknown implement, with the nature of the tears determining that whatever tore his trousers had attempted to lift him in an upwards direction. Taylor never gained financially or in any other form through telling his story, which never changed from when it first came to light in the 70's up until his death at 89, in 2007.The Livingstone case remains unsolved to this day, and is the only UFO case in the UK which has resulted in a criminal investigation. Above is an artists impression of what Taylor encountered.


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Marconi Systems

Marconi Systems was a defence and aeronautics engineering firm, contracted by the British government to design and manufacture visionary, top of the line weapons systems and military craft. Now extinct due to its merger with British Aerospace and eventual acquisition by BAE Systems, the firm was never far from controversy and back handed scandal. During the 1980's, reports of an unusual amount of suicides among Marconis employees who worked on top secret projects gathered widespread media attention in the UK. Twenty Five engineering experts, scientists and digital communication specialists succumbed to suicide and accidents over a 6 year period, between 1982 and 1988. A large majority died just before their contracts with Marconi were up, or when they were on the verge of transferring to another defence systems company. Among those the public were supposed to believe committed suicide were; Shani Warren, a 26 year old personal assistant in a biochemical subdivision of Marconi, who was found at the bottom of a lake with her legs bound, her mouth gagged, a noose around her neck and her hands tied behind her back; Richard Pugh a 37 year old digital communications expert, who was found with his feet tied, a plastic bag over his head and a rope coiled round his neck and body four times; Alistair Beckham, a 55 year old software engineer who supposedly committed suicide by going into his garden shed , connecting his body up to a series of live electrical wires and frying himself to death, and Vimal Dajhibai; a 24 year old software engineer who was in his last week of work for Marconi. His death was ruled a suicide by jumping off a

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suspension bridge in Bristol. Friends said he spoke of his happiness at securing a new job and saw no reason for him to end his life. The coroner ruled a needle sized puncture wound found on his buttock was caused by his fall. Many researchers uncovered whispers that the deaths were related to revolutionary infrared radar technology being developed by the company, and the Stars Wars defence initiative, which Marconi played a significant part in, due to Americas literal colonization of British defence innovations, a situation that continues to this day. Looking at these deaths its clear that security was something that Marconi took ve ry seriously, and that they were willing to go to unthinkable measures to keep its capabilities and inventions top secret. An important and strategic Marconi complex was situated in the small English town of Frimley, complete with a testing zone, a manufacturing plant and company headquarters. Given what we already know about them, if an intruder were to penetrate deep within the premises, it would rank at the top of the site security alert scale, and thats exactly what happened in 1976, although this was no ordinary intruder. A security guard doing his patrol at night was passing through the bases Old House, a structure that housed the company directors office and a treasure trove of top secret information on Britains Radioactive, Nuclear, Infrared, Sonar, Ballistic and Aviation capabilities. While walking down one of these corridors, he noticed a blue light emitting from underneath one of the doors. The guard was aroused and drew his gun, as nothing but classified files in locked Cabinets was meant to be on the other side, and the only person who was authorized to be in the building was him. He burst into the room, and was met with a horrifying and epochal sight. In the corner, perched over an open filing cabinet, rifling through mountains of Top Secret documents, was none other than an Extra Terrestrial. Described as being humanoid, and wearing some form of headlight which emitted the blue glow, it quickly turned toward the guard and erased itself in a blue haze right before his eyes and disappeared. Shrieking in terror, the guard ran out of the building to a security outpost, where he informed his colleagues of his encounter and the Complex went into lock down. The following morning the guard was taken away by 2 military psychiatrists, never to be seen by anyone on the site again.

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The Virginia Case

In recent years, the Varginha case has garnered just as much attention and controversy among hard-core UFO enthusiasts as Roswell has among the general public. Many attempts have been made to thoroughly investigate the case and make conclusive findings. The 2002 book UFOS over Brazil by American UFO expert Dr Roger Leir, is the closest so far, and his interviews with military officials, hospital surgeons and a wide array of civilian witnesses will form the basis of this account. The NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) tracked an uncorrelated, unidentified object soaring above the western hemisphere on the 13th of January, 1996. It entered Brazilian airspace and the CINDACTA (acronym translates as the Integrated Air Traffic Control and Air Defense Centre) were contacted, who in turn alerted the Brazilian Army command at Tres Coracoes, giving the instruction that all wings of the Brazilian military were to be put on high alert. Rumours of mass UFO sightings began sweeping throughout southern Brazil in the days that followed, and events made a significant development on the 20th of January, when witnesses in a rural town in the state of Minais Gerais reported seeing a Submarine shaped craft cruising 20ft above the ground, which appeared to be damaged or malfunctioning. Moving at a rickety, slow pace and emitting some form of smoke, it was heading in the direction of Varginha. At daybreak on the 21st, strange

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creatures were seen wandering around the town in an incapacitated and horribly confused state. Villagers erupted into frenzy and notified the police and fire brigade, telling them the town had been overrun by monsters from Indigenous folk tales and even the Devil himself. The army was quickly contacted and according to several witnesses 2 of the creatures were captured without resistance, with one being subsequently shot dead and the other being transferred to the Hospital Humanitas to receive treatment for the injuries it sustained during the crash. The Orthopaedic Surgeon Leir interviewed said he was instructed by armed officers to begin a surgical scrub and prepare to perform a fracture reduction on plainly a leg. Leir interviewed the other surgeons and assistants that attended the surgery, who all stated the operating theatre was sealed except for one entrance which was manned by armed officers, who were unaware of what was in the theatre. The flow of military officials and hospital personnel into the room was strictly monitored, with only a small essential team of staff being allowed inside. Corrective surgery was performed on a fracture of the femur of its upper thigh, with members of the Brazilian Army S-2 military intelligence division being present at the surgery. The bipedal creature was described as being around 5ft, with massive red eyes, a thin neck and dark brown skin which looked wet but was dry to the touch. It also had 3 bony protuberances on 3 sections across its head, and from its anatomy alone its sex was indeterminable. All attempts made to communicate verbally with the creature were of no consequence and its wound healed completely within 24 hours. After surgery the surgeon turned to see the aliens eyes fixated upon him. He then began to feel hammer- like blows to his head and chunks of information began to pound and cram his mind, which he described as being like Thought grams. The surgeon has never revealed the full extent of what the Alien told him, but among other things it told him that its race fe lt sorry for humans, because we are largely detached from our spiritual selves and are unaware of the amazing things we can accomplish, that its race already have. It was then taken out of the room by the officers, along with all X-rays, documents and test results that pertained to it. The surgeon complained of headaches for the 2 weeks following the event and was reduced to a quivering wreck when telling this aspect of the story to Leir. Two days later, several witnesses saw US military cargo planes at Sao Paolo Airport, which were presumed to be collecting the crashed craft and

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its occupants. The story was picked up in its most basic form by The Wall Street Journal, who ran it on their front page as a story as centrally dealing with a downed unknown object in Brazil. While some people will perceive the story as baseless and futile nonsense, there is much evidence on the contrary. Ubirajara Rodriguez, an attorney and Varginha UFO case expert obtained a copy of the death certificate of a Corporal Marco Cherez, an officer who died three weeks after he supposedly touched the creature with his bare hands. His death certificate states the cause of death as being from a Toxic substance and an Ebola Type Disease although the full report of his autopsy has never been revealed. In the weeks that followed the event, a surprise visit was paid to Brazil by Warren Christopher and Daniel S.Goldin who were, at the time, the US Secretary of State and Director of NASA, respectively. Leir was shown several authenticated documents concerning agreements between Brazil and America which allow any material coming from space that is found in Brazil to be turned over to the government of the United States. To top it off there are literally hundreds of Witnesses across Varginha, from all walks of life. Police officers, school teachers, peasant farmers and government employees: they are all united under the belief that extra-terrestrials crash landed in their city at the turn of 1996, and they all witnessed it with their own eyes. But if you think the case is strange, you should take a look at the explanation Major Eduardo Calza gives as the cause of all this UFO hysteria surrounding Varginha. It was an expectant Dwarf couple and a mentally handicapped dwarf he told investigative journalist Bruce Burgess during an interview for his documentary The Brazilian Roswell. What do you believe? End of this Report.


Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Some of the changes we could make in this world would come about due to many factors just one of which is, if we had free energy we would not need to pay for energy of any kind, which would make money obsolete (potentially) and travel FREE! This report can be found here. (Report from Iron Mountain Part 1) Another outcome of this technology would be free travel off this planet and this is the big one, not the fact we would not have to pay (although they use money as one on of the main tools in the constructs toolbox) its all about control of the whole planet and us as the human race. They have to control US ALL Period. If we got to go out and explore the stars we would find out we are not alone and never have been thus we would start to interact and learn from these other races plus begin to gain incredible technology. Some of the other effects would be we would have to understand how we have all been tricked into religions and what has really been happening down here and out there while we were asleep and so much more. Would you like to travel the stars instead of a 9-5 slavery system trying to pay off excessive mortgage payments and massive taxes without the occasional bailouts that are being paid to the Industrial Military Complex that hides all this away from us? There is your answer, we are ALL locked down on a literal, prison planet and when you finish this chapter alone you will be able to see (one section of this system) yourself without any doubt. We will then move to the other sections (walls of the prison) as to understand how these really work and what truly lies behind them. Ok just before we move on I wanted you to ask yourself if you believe your own eyes or not? It really makes little difference either way as these things are really here period. I am now going to show you a real link to what appears to be the millennium falcon craft star wars was based on (and NO I am NOT JOKING) it is sitting at the bottom of the ocean! The story was from a ship that was looking for some rare champagne, lost at sea on a sunken cargo ship that went down. They were searching for this wreck when they came across this huge metal object and proceeded to map its contours and this is what they found. (The Millennium Falcon Found off the Coast of Sweden) Later in the book I will explain how all of these things tie in to each of the other issues. Just to get the point across this is not the first time buried ships have been found by a long way. UFO crashes have always occurred and they are

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covered up and dismissed as swap gas and alike. They are real so you will just have to get over it and I suggest quick! (2012 Prepare for the Alien Invasion? First Contact) Unless you dont believe this might just have any basis in any form of reality at all. (Planetary Defence Coordination Office Proposed to Fight Asteroids) This is apparently footage of a craft coming down and looks just like that to me. (UFO Crashes in New Mexico) More? (Ufo Crash and Military Retrieval in Russia: Old Footage) ("Flying Saucer" development in Russia) (Russian Helicopter pulling a UFO 2011) & (UFO 2011 Best Evidence? Thanks@Thekeysersoze111) To point to but a few examples. (UFO Base in Brazil) There has been a public ridicule program running in order to keep a lid on the fact that the technology is real and we are way more advanced than you can possibly imagine. This is now rapidly coming to light but the way they want it to come to the surface. (UFO Alien Interview Area 51 Majestic12 alien EBE-2 pt3) We will get back to this subject later on as we join the dots further as we go deeper into some of the associated facts. As you may have noticed in an interview earlier they plan to say that we are being attacked by UFOs and need to go to war against them. This will not be the truth but a total and utter fabrication and distortion of the facts as detailed here in the interviews of Rick Clay. (Rick Clay & 2012-RIP 2) Time will tell how this all pans out, but it will main ly depend upon our awareness. To move on to another example lets look at Otis T Carr and Ralph Rings exploits in the field of making and testing their very own UFOs that worked and were demonstrated. (Resonant UFO) Ralph Ring and Otis T Carr) and (Project Camelot Interviews Ralph Ring) these guys got together and actually built a working space ship in 1959! Get a load of this one. All based on Nicola Tesla Technologies and using sacred geometry, which incidentally is the key to pretty much EVERYTHING together with harmonics and symbolism as I will attempt to demonstrate you later on in a very big way. (Aquamarine Dreams: Ralph Ring and Otis T Carr) Nicola was a total genius but has been left behind in the lies of this construct we live in today as what he saw in nature all around him were the secrets of how things really worked. Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic:

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) (10 July 1856 7 January 1943) was an inventor and a mechanical and electrical engineer. Born in Smiljan, Croatian Krajina, Austrian Empire, he was an ethnic Serb subject of the Austrian Empire and later became an American citizen. Tesla is often described as the most important scientist and inventor of the modern age, a man who "shed light over the face of Earth". He is best known for many revolutionary contributions in the field of electricity and magnetism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Tesla's patents and theoretical work formed the basis of modern alternating current electric power (AC) systems, including the polyphase power distribution systems and the AC motor, with which Nicola helped usher in the Second Industrial Revolution. Contemporary biographers of Tesla have regarded him as "The Father of modern Physics" and "The man who invented the twentieth century" as well as "the patron saint of modern electricity." Cutting a long story short Tesla also discovered how to convert ambient air temperature trapped in our atmosphere of earth (by our north south magnetic fields) or magnetosphere, into freely available electricity, which was his dream for all of the peoples of the world. ( The Tesla Prophecy and Suppressed Science) I could go on for hours just with this guy but we have to get on with the other points. (Nikola Tesla unlimited free energy forever They dont want you to know about) There are many others who have conquered these two issues but I will focus on just a few more for now. Merhran Keshe discusses the details here (Red Ice Radio - 9.6.2011 - Iran's Flying Saucer & Plasma Reactor Technology) but if you go to his web site while listening you will learn he has demonstrated some amazing natural science experiments and goes through them here (Merhan Keshe Foundation) and (Merhan Keshe - The Universal Order of Matters) Nuclear engineer Mehran Tavakoli Keshe gives information about his new book: The universal order of creation of Matters. He explains it this way on his web site. [The principles of gravity and these principles also apply on the interaction inside the neutron between Matter, Antimatter and Dark Matter. The neutron is mainly composed by these three fundamental Matters. Till now it was assumed that the neutron was composed by three quarks, one upper and two down. Tiny magnetic fields are the real fundamental particles originating from a

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cosmic magnetic soup. Fields of similar strength can entangle in a dynamic pack]. Three packs of such with different strength make the three basic types of Matters (Antimatter, Dark Matter and Matter), and they can interlock to make the Initial fundamental Plasma or Neutron. This neutron can decay into plasma of a proton and plasma of an electron, and both still contain parts of the Matters trinity of the original plasma. They have each an individual, and together an overall, magnetospheric condition which is ruled by Magnetic and gravitational fields strengths. This is similar to the inward Gravitational and outward Magnetic fields of Earth. Based on these new first principles prototype reactors were build, with amazing results, like creating lift and motion without burning fuel, and achieve fusion in a simple way. Now it becomes possible to create at any point-of-demand in an affordable way vast amounts of energies (like electricity and heat) and motion, and matters like water, food and new materials, and to develop new space technology.] He also discusses many other aspects of what his technologies can really do including producing force fields and much more when you take the time to study his information. He demonstrates if this tech ever got to go public, billion dollar fighter planes would be out of date in a split second thus will collapse the arms industry in one foul swoop. (Tesla, The Great Pyramid and Free Energy Vortex Energy Part 20 of 22) Whole Series of these. (The Whole Series of 22) (Welcome to Keshe health applications) Ok, as you can see we are getting down to some solid information here are beginning to get the idea that this is actually really possible. Well it is TOTALLY real. It has all been hidden away from us the slave masses. In a recent report one of NASAs Ex. Employees made this interview as follows: (NASA Whistleblower: Alien Moon Cities Exist) Kool, where shall we go next, how about a very good documentary that comes to mind is from here to Andromeda. (From Here to Andromeda 2 of 28) They explore the areas of sustainability, UFOs, space propulsion theory, spirituality, and human ethics on their journey to solve the greatest riddle in the universe: How can you travel faster than the speed of light and go anywhere in the universe in minutes? Is it possible that Einstein was wrong? Find out why so many UFO's are suddenly appearing all over the

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

world. Are they here to teach us? Are they here to help humanity make a quantum leap? What do World Governments know about UFO's? Will humanity find a new home in the universe? This is a documentary where the idea of the reality of anti-gravity is explored in some depth. There is a good overview of all of the information on this subject but in particular I recall one of the gents who gave an interview on this subject, as he was part of the black operations machine in his younger years. He demonstrates some of examples he learned in the program in real time for us here. He clearly points out it now up to us to break free of this control system and until we do we will never know what the real possibilities for mankind actually are. So, how far have we really gone? Boyd Bushman (Ex Senior scientist of Lockheed Martins skunk works) was in charge of one of the military Black Projects at Wright Patterson air force base, which is known to unofficially exist in the 60s. This program was using nuclear powered flying saucers perfected from previously crashed craft of the past (E.g. Roswell 1947 for example as there are many others.) In this documentary actual examples are demonstrated as to how to manipulate gravity for real. These are programs (paid for by the tax payer who receives next to zero benefits from any of them) where the areas of research are hidden from all of the public eye and even the individuals involved for the most part are subject to what is known as compartmentalisation. This can be explained by the example of being told you will work on a section of a program without knowing just what other work is and has been done by other members on same project. In effect, this will cut you off from knowing just what the combined or collected efforts of you and your colleagues will amount to or the resulting outcome of the program. These programs normally result in being classified as secret or higher as we will look into next. On a last note here, Ben Rich, the "Father of the Stealth Fighter-Bomber" and former head of Lockheed Skunk Works, had once let out information about Extra-terrestrial UFO Visitors Are Real! (Extraterrestrial UFO's are real: Ben Rich Lockheed Skunk Works CEO Admits) Next on this subject lets look at Hitler, yes Hitler! How in the world can you say this I hear you gasp, well its quite easy really as this is the truer version versus fiction remember. Hitler was working on many hidden secrets both before and during the war as depicted (as detailed so called

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Fiction) in the Indiana Jones films. Remember raiders of the lost arc anyone? There are links here guys I promise you so bear with me. In point of fact Hitler was sending out expeditions all over the world trying to track down items of historical interest such as the arc of the covenant, the Holy Grail, the crystal skulls and even to extra-terrestrials both out there and on earth! (Thule - Vril - Paperclip) Why on earth did he go to all of this trouble if there was nothing to any of these things? Common sense explains there is hidden information on all of these subjects. It is known today as occult (which means) hidden. Initially lets look at the historical facts for this claim. (The Hunt For Hitlers Scientists - Documentary) Not only did Hitler hunt down these secrets he did in fact find most (if not all) of the answers to them and this is very important. What happens if you were to find for example a piece of technology you dont know how to use? Well this is the point you need to have the information on what they really are as well as how to use them. If you dont have this its next to useless. The artefacts are ancient technological devices and knowledge, which have/s been hidden from mankind for thousands of years as well as what they are and the kind of science that makes them work. What has happened in fact with regards to Hitler was nothing like what you have learned but as far from it as you can possibly imagine. Hitler had a mission (which is a heck of a story in itself) but to try and stick to the basics lets look at what he was after. One of his highest goals was not what you were told which is the atomic bomb but in fact, Anti-Gravity, free energy and other, hidden secrets. (HITLER AND THE HOLY GRAIL (1/6)) The link (gives some basic historical idea of Hitlers expeditions) covers some of the information but you will never get to the truth without looking deeper into any subject. Having said this back to the energy and antigravity issue we began with regarding Hitler and his aspirations. One of the programs he was working on was the infamous Nazi Bell program. (Nazi Ufo The Bell Documentary part 1) This was deemed higher security than even a Top Secret classification, as you will find in the documentary. There are some people who are aware of how this all fits and why but there is far more information to study on this one alone

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and I will give the reader an example of how deep we can go into any particular subject as follows. I personally conducted an interview on some of this Hidden and Secret which means Occulted information that has been kept from the masses. The interview includes the real truth about the Ancient Pyramid Technology here for Sky TV channel 201 (and to my amazement yes, it was aired!) < I did however get a Black military helicopter and MIB on my case afterwards though for reference.> It mentions many secrets including that Hitler actually found the Holy Grail and this really IS it. (Tony Kilvert - The Pyramids, the holy grail, hidden knowledge) The main page of the web site can be found here. (Rich Planet - Home Page) I can also offer this link, which begins to go into some of the physics or fundamentals behind the fact of why the Holy Grail works and some of the sacred geometry behind the shapes and materials integral to it. (Les Brown - The Physics of Crystals) As ever, there is much more to it all but its an example. In the interview I also cover the fact that free energy is totally real and the fact you are actually sitting IN it and it is and always has been all around you. Again, we have been monumentally fooled into believing it was not true but you have to see it with your intellect and feel it with your body as warmth. It is stored in the form of ambient air temperature from the sun, which is trapped in the atmosphere by the functions of our north and south poles as (Nicola Tesla discovered and tapped into.) (Nikola Tesla - Mad Electricity part 1 of 5) I suggest you think on this matter for a moment if you still do not understand it. This is a basic overview of Tesla but there is so much more as I mention so it will have to be enough to give you and overview. This link is not essential but non-the less some good information but as ever, please note, not All of it is exactly as indicated. With a subject this huge we need to build up the puzzle, as I keep pointing out. There are many pieces of disinformation out there so you have to be discerning and look at it as an overall picture. Here is an article from Pakalert press on Nikola Teslas energy systems and UFOs.


Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

(UFO's are Tesla's Flying Saucers - A Super weapon now ready for WW3) UFOs are Teslas Flying Saucers A Super weapon now ready for WW3 Werner von Braun was in Los Alamos, New Mexico around 1937 testing Teslas saucer-technology which then developed into a wonder weapon-program of the Nazi Germany. by Christian Soderberg (for The Daily Mail recently reported about flying saucer projects in Nazi Germany and Hitlers plans to use these wonder weapons to attack England and USA. The article talks only about jet-propulsion saucers, but the Germans were also building real anti-gravity saucers based on inventions of Nikola Tesla (1856-1943).

UFOs or flying saucers are man-made, not alien space ships

Following the wave of UFO sightings in early 1950's, Professor Giuseppe Belluzzo (1875-1952), a scientist-engineer and a former Italian cabinet minister, who apparently personally worked in one of these German-Italian flying saucer projects in the 1940's, was quoted in Italian and American newspapers saying: There is nothing supernatural or Martian about flying discs, but they are simply rational application of recent technique. ..some great power is now launching discs to study them. You can read more about Professor Belluzzos saucer project here and here.


Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Nikola Teslas flying stove

..You should not be at all surprised, if some day you see me fly from New York to Colorado Springs in a contrivance which will resemble a gas stove and weigh as much. and could, if necessary enter and depart through a window. Thus Nikola Tesla wrote to a Westinghouse Electric Company manager in 1912. In some books about Tesla and his inventions, this description of his box like flying machine is told to be about his helicopter-like flivver. Actually Teslas flying stove used an electro-propulsion system, which was to be powered by external power stations and Teslas wireless transmission of energy-system or with a power generator inside the craft. In a 1911 article from The Sun Tesla describes his flying machine: Dr. Nikola Tesla leaned back against his chair at the Waldorf last night and talked calmly of airships without planes, propellers or any of the other gear of the now familiar aeroplanes hurtling through space at tremendous speeds or driving more slowly carrying great loads, and in either case always as safely as the most prosaic of wheeled vehicles. How about aerial navigation? Dr. Tesla was asked. He considered for a moment or two and then replied with great deliberation: The application of this principle will give the world a flying machine unlike anything that has ever been suggested before. It will have no planes, no screw propellers or devices of any kind hitherto used. It will be small and compact, excessively swift, and, above all, perfectly safe in the greatest storm. It can be built of any size and can carry any weight that may be desired The Sun, New York Tesla Promises Big Things In a 1911 New York Herald article Tesla specifically explains that his flying machine is not a conventional airplane, nor a lighter-than-airairship ( a Zeppelin-type). He also tells us that his flying machine is not affected by winds or holes in the air, and that it can be held ..absolutely stationary in the air, even in a wind, for great length of time. ..starting from section: Ten Horse Power to the Pound

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Anyone familiar with the operation principles of the so called conventional airplane understands that Nikola Teslas flying machine described in these 1911 quotes has to be an anti-gravity craft, so a real flying saucer. According to William Lyne, the author of the books Pentagon Aliens and Occult Ether Physics: Teslas Hidden Space Propulsion System and the Conspiracy to Conceal It, Werner von Braun was in Los Alamos, New Mexico around 1937 testing Teslas saucer-technology which then developed into a wonder weapon -program of the Nazi Germany.6 After WW II this secret Tesla saucer -program travelled back to US along with von Braun who started also working on the US rocket and space programs. The Smoking Gun: An F.B.I. Report of a Tesla saucer A proof of a German electro-propulsion (anti-gravity) flying saucer comes from FBI reports. In 1957 a Polish immigrant offered his help to the FBI to explain the car engine stalling UFO sightings of the 1950's, and shared his experience as a WW II POW working at a prison camp at Gut Alt Golssen near Berlin. In the report he tells that while going to work to a nearby area in 1944, they started to hear a high pitched noise similar to a large electric generator and their tractor engine stalled which they couldnt get starting again. They didnt see any machinery nearby but when the noise stopped, they could get their tractor starting again. Few hours later working in the same area, he saw a vehicle slowly rising vertically from behind a tarpaulin-type wall around 50 feet high, surrounding a circular area of 100-150 yards in diameter.. ..This vehicle [...] circular in shape, 75 to 100 yards in diameter, and about 14 feet high, consisting of dark gray stationary top and bottom The approximate three foot middle section appeared to be a rapidly moving [...] producing a continuous blur similar to an aeroplane

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propeller, but extending the circumference of the vehicle. The noise emanating from the vehicle was similar to the noise previously heard. The engine of the tractor again stalled [...] the noise stopped, after which the engine started normally. Un-insulated metal, possibly copper, cables one and one-half inch to two inches in diameter, on and under the surface of the ground, [...] were observed A photocopy of this FBI report can be found in Hitlers Flying Saucers: A Guide to German Flying Discs of the Second World War (on this chapter) a book by Henry Stevens. ..the Chinese also have Teslas anti-gravity propulsion-technology. Because the global war industrial complex (banker-industrialist cabal) wants Teslas inventions to remain a secret they have produced propaganda for decades to make people believe the flying saucers are of extra-terrestrial origin, but theyre not. It also seems that most of the super powers of our planet are aware of this technology. There was an article in China Daily a while ago about the Hangzhou-UFO which made an airport to close down for a while. The source on the matter to China Daily said that the UFO was related to Chinese military. The information that the Hangzhou UFO was connected to Chinese military was also reported by ABC News.

..Producing energy over-unity

One more reason for the banker-industrialist cabal to keep Teslas flying machine hidden away from the public is that it apparently used(uses) over-unity-technology to power itself. ..and naturally the cabal dont want people to have clean and FREE energy because they would make very little money this way. Tesla talked quite often about extracting energy from the Ether (dynamic light bearing ether) but because most of Teslas notes and papers were confiscated by US authorities after his death in 1943, these over-unity-generators are mostly treated as a myth or as bogus science, because ..There is undisputed scientific consensus that perpetual motion would violate either the first law of thermodynamics, the second law of

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thermodynamics, or both. (Wikipedia). ..But naturally, there can be errors in these man-made laws. One of these over-unity-generators is mentioned by Tesla as his particle beam-device. He tells us that this high potential electro-static generator ..can be made self-existing be suitable connections. Self Existing means this generator produced ALL the energy it needed to operate itself (..and more). This generator ran on air (..perhaps liquid air) and it was hermetically sealed so the same gas was used over and over again (..and the air was probably re-liquefied after the combustion process). William Lyne explains the operation of this type of generator on page x.(preface) in his book Pentagon Aliens. All the generator needed was an external energy source to start it up, after which it ran till someone stopped it or because of a mechanical failure. This Tesla mentions in his correspondence with Sava Kosanovic, March 1, 1941 ..I add that in the station one must have a small generator or battery of 30 volts for activation I also believe this particle beam invention of Nikola Tesla is the device from which they developed the device that they use to make crop circles. End of article.

This link is about 5 hours long so it will take a while to go down this rabbit hole but there is some good stuff in there. (Your World IS Changing. 1/51) As the link points out your world is changing whether or not you are ready Im afraid. You can wise up or get trapped its your call. This is a brand new, brilliant video put together by the creator of 7/7 ripple effect covering some of the issues I am detailing here entitled The Natzi Banksters Crimes-Ripple Effect just in case something happens to the link. ((part 1 of 6) The Nazi Bankers' Crimes - Ripple Effect)

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Ok, back to this WW2 note again, I will provide you with an example of the detail we can go into on all of these issues but Im doing this to provide one and only one example. There is no possible way I could do this for every single topic, as there is too much information to go through. There is much additional information on the whole Hitler subject and what was involved behind the scenes contrary to what you are aware of in the mainstream. For an example though, who has ever heard of Josslyn Victor Hay, 22nd Earl of Erroll? Well I am not surprised you have not in the slightest but he was a prominent British colonial politician, knew the real cause of the Second World War and had the stature to be heard. Winston Churchill ordered the Secret Service (Special Operations Executive) to kill him. What "ugly" secret would make the British government kill a British citizen and pass it off as an unsolved murder? < Note: He also ordered the UKs initial Official UFO cover up way back then! More on this later. > Significantly the conspirators chose the code name "Operation Highland Clearance" for Erroll's murder. The brutal eviction of Scottish tenants from their farms in the early 1800's is a fitting symbol for the dispossession of the human race by the New World Order, which the Second World War did so much to advance. (The Life and Death of Lord Errol: The Truth Behind the Happy Valley...) The popular version of the murder is depicted in the 1987 movie "White Mischief" starring Charles Dance as Lord Erroll and Greta Scacchi as Diana Broughton. Erroll's body was found in the early morning Jan. 24, 1941 kneeling in the front passenger foot well of his car with a bullet wound behind the ear, murdered execution style. Erroll, a widower was having an affair with a married woman Diana Broughton and had dropped her at her home nearby after midnight. Suspicion was cast on Diana's much older husband Sir Henry Broughton, who was tried but acquitted. The murder, which took place in Nairobi Kenya, was portrayed in terms of the decadence of white settlers far from the London Blitz. The murder would have remained unsolved but for a retired SOE insider who, informed of a terminal disease, gave the information to a colleague

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Tony Trafford who composed a 100-page memo. Trafford, since deceased, gave it to an author, coincidentally named Errol Trzebinski who was writing. At 6 foot 2" with chiselled Nordic looks, Lord Erroll was a natural leader, heir to an ancient Scottish lineage, organized and intelligent, an excellent speaker with a photographic memory. A member of the Kenyan colonial legislature, he held the post of Military Secretary with important military and intelligence duties. "Operation Highland Clearance" involved more than 100 people. In the early stages of the war, why did the Churchill government have to silence this man forever?


Essentially Hitler was not interested in a world war. His design was to conquer the USSR in a loose "Nordic" alliance with England. Erroll belonged to the "Cliveden Set" a powerful section of the British elite that supported this alliance. Churchill's backers, the privately owned Bank of England funded Hitler as a means to intimidate Stalin, destroy Germany and have a world war. War enables them to concentrate power and wealth in their hands and slaughter national elites who might interfere with their plan for world dictatorship. They used the Cliveden types to fool Hitler into thinking England approved of his plans. Like proud protgs, the Nazis entertained the English and gave them information on their military build-up. The Nazis were set up. This is the real meaning of the "Policy of Appeasement." When Hitler realized he had been double-crossed, he may have taken his revenge on the Jews. The Cliveden Set divided into two groups, those who were aware of the trap, and those who were not. Erroll was one of latter who sincerely believed Hitler represented a bulwark to Communism. When the war broke out, Erroll did his patriotic duty. But he knew too much. He was aware of how the Crown bankers had used Hitler and he spoke of it within range of MI-5 assets. Errol's father, Victor Hay, was the British High Commissioner in the Rhineland. At age 20, Errol was the private secretary to the British

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Ambassador in Berlin. He spoke German and French fluently, knew the Prince of Wales, and was part of the European aristocracy. His diplomatic career hit the rocks in 1924 when he married a twice-divorced woman eight years his senior. He followed her to Kenya where she had a large estate won in a divorce settlement. They had a daughter. Erroll visited England and kept in touch. He joined Oswald Moseley's Fascist party but later quit. He was a close friend with the Duke of Hamilton who was a lynch pin in the Bank of England's plan. In May 1941, three months after Errol's death, Rudolf Hess, the Deputy Fuhrer, flew to Scotland to present Hamilton with a generous peace proposal. Both men were homosexuals. Hess was Hitler's homosexual lover in the Landsberg Prison and helped him compose "Mein Kampf." Hess may have been Hamilton's lover. Certainly Hamilton had an affair with Albrecht Haushofer, the son of Hess' mentor Karl Haushofer, who originated the concept of lebensraum. (See the book by Kevin Abrams & Scott Lively, "The Pink Swastika", online Chapter "Homo-Occultism") Hitler was created by a largely homosexual occult secret society that spanned British and Nazi elites. This was called the Thule Society in Germany and the Order of the Golden Dawn in England. Winston Churchill, a Druid, was part of this occult scene. (He was also a friend of Edward VIII, considered a Nazi sympathizer.) But the Nazis branch was not aware of the hidden English agenda. Erroll was silenced because he was an opponent of Communism, and could discredit Churchill and the British war effort. (See Churchill's homosexual connection.)

On Sept 7, 1940, a group of highly placed persons including Douglas Douglas-Hamilton, the Fourteenth Duke of Hamilton, met in Scotland and decided to terminate Jocelyn Hay, Lord Erroll. The matter was handed to the SOE on Sept. 12 to be handled by their Cairo station. Jock and Diana Broughton were MI-5 assets who entered Kenya in Nov. 1940 to discover Erroll's intentions and to involve him in a love triangle that would obscure the real purpose of his murder. In December another agent-couple entered Kenya and on the night of the murder, pretended

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

to have engine trouble, and requested a ride back to town for the female who shot Errol. There were radio-controlled teams following Erroll. Trezebinski's retired SOE contacts try to put a slightly different spin on events suggesting Erroll was murdered because "ex-appeasers " in the establishment including "the Duke of Hamilton, senior figures in Chamberlain's last cabinet, close friends of Edward VIII and Edward himself" would be embarrassed by what Erroll knew. (p.280) An insider told her Rudolf Hess, Lord Moyne and Erroll shared knowledge of some "ugly" secret. Jewish terrorists ostensibly murdered Lord Moyne in 1944. Other Cliveden members who died mysterious and premature deaths were Lord Rothermere (1940), Sir Harry Oakes (1943) and the former Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain who died of "cancer" in Nov. 1940 six months after leaving office. Churchill jailed hundreds of others. According to the insider, the "ugly secret" is "not that Churchill had discovered the conspiracy [to ally with Hitler] and had been enraged but that he had been part of it" i.e. he had played Hitler. The other spin is that Churchill had been sincere about an alliance and was worried about exposure. (p.296) He would have had to make peace with Hitler if the bankers had not inveigled the US to intervene. Related "Bankers Engineered US WWII Intervention"

The ultimate ugly secret is that the USSR was a creation of British Freemasonry, financed by the Bank of England. They lost control of Stalin and created Hitler to menace him. But Stalin would have had to do something terrible for the British to have joined Hitler. Russian Communism was one half of their NWO Hegelian dialectic. We see it today in the form of arbitrary state power, repression and indoctrination. You can bet that whenever a country is being ostracized as a pariah state, its real crime is asserting its independence from the NWO. It's no coincidence that the "axis of evil," Iraq, Iran and North Korea do/did not have Rothschild-run central banks.

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

As Erroll's fate makes clear, intelligence agencies work for the central bankers, not for the countries they pretend to serve. They are used to eliminate any genuine threat to the banker's monopoly over credit and power. I want to make clear that I have no sympathy for Hitler who wanted to subjugate Russia and enslave its people. The real point of this article is that the central bankers have empowered a bizarre cabal of gangsters, perverts and misfits to create wars and mayhem. For example, chaos relieved Winston Churchill's chronic depression. At the beginning of World War One, he confessed: "Everything is tending to catastrophe and collapse. I am interested, geared up, and happy. Is it not horrible to be built like this?" These monsters are our leaders. Subverted by the Luciferian cult, Western society has little moral authority. Our moral bankruptcy is masked by material prosperity but this will not last. Thus, they are erecting a police state while the intelligentsia and masses can still be bought. Banking with Hitler documentary for an example. (Banking With Hitler - Documentary) End of this article

On the Hitler note to sit you firmly on the edge of your seat. (Iron Sky Unofficial Extended Trailer) Chew this one over and try not to laugh too loudly but I would not go to the bank with waiting till 2018! For good measure we were all lied to about world war two, the reasons for it and what happened behind the scenes (The Nazi-Zionist Connection - The Final Solution to Adolf Hitler) and there is still so much more to this issue. Hitler was well into the occult and the victims werent gassed to death either, this is another myth claimed fact. (Masonic Lodges & Satanic Rituals Exposed) Regarding my comments on this Luciferian cult running the system/s of the world I will let them explain it a little more clearly for you. This will explain why there is a battle going on down here and what the ultimate goals are here, in brief terms. Again this is not for the faint hearted but this is as they explain for you their Elites religion. (The First Family of Satanism 1) I will point out I am not a Christian advocate either as I see this as just yet another religion control system to

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

bind your mind and eventually your soul. One thing I would like to point out is there is some truth to all religions and this is mixed in with false information to confuse the truths. (David Icke Exposes Illuminati Music Industry) More on all this later, as ever. This Is NOT For The Faint Hearted so skip this unless you know you can deal with what you can see!> Then again, neither is this book. (Heavy Viewing -Evil Acts-Ritual Ceremonies) Ritual burning alive of (Humans - Sacrifices) I applaud your willingness to look into this if you did so. You will need the strength later in this book rest assured but if you add the three links together you are looking at some of the truths at work behind the scenes of our world and just what kind of people are running things at the moment. This is what we the people have to change. I have to point out here I am aware of more details to this whole Hitler issue and what we are told of the number of victims and much more information on the (party line version of the whole incident) or the holocaust. I go further into details on this later as it is a massive story itself as are most of these topics. This is some more of the inside information I have come across regarding the whole Hitler war machine they use to keep us fighting their wars and dividing the peoples of the world against each other with, (or to Re-Legion) pitting the masses against themselves. Below is part of a conversation on WW2 from the time and it is, self-explanatory. by Dr. J. Landowsky--with commentary

Red Symphony
by Dr. J. Landowsky; translated by George Knupffer - Peter Myers, December 31, 2003; update November 26, 2006. My comments within quoted text are indicated {thus}. You are at Henry Makow put an image file of pp. 27-56 of Red Symphony on his site at However, this is the first time that the full text has been placed on the internet, as a text file, and therefore easily searchable. I know of no way of proving the veracity of

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

this material. But it does bear on the fact that Communism seems to be continuing, despite the fall of the USSR. Open Borders, Gay Marriage (sex-soviet.html), the World Court, "Hate" Laws which suppress open discussion, these are the signs. The Kyoto Protocol is another; whatever its merits, it is an instrument of World Government. These are policies of the Trotskyist/Fabian/Green "New Left". Public ownership is not a feature; yet the Trotskyists in Australia published a book calling for Free Trade. The leaders of the demonstrations against Capitalism, themselves urged the dismantling of the protective economy we used to have: "Perhaps the worst aspect of the adoption of protectionism as a policy for fighting unemployment is that it is seen as a substitute for a class-struggle approach" (Socialism or Nationalism, p. 29): xTrots.html. The booklet called Hitler's Secret Backers, by "Sidney Warburg", like the statements attributed to Ravoksky in Red Symphony, attests that Western bankers gave money to Hitler to help him get into power. In Red Symphony, "Rakovsky", interrogated by Stalin's agents in 1938, states that the reason for this was that these Jewish bankers, having established Bolshevism, had found it stolen from them by Stalin, a "Bonapartist" akin to Napoleon (p. 36). The bankers were trying to promote International Communism, Trotsky being their man; Rakovsky himself was in their camp. But Stalin was promoting National Communism. That system had to be brought down, so that International Communism could be restored. The means of bringing it down was by assisting the rise of Hitler. Hitler's Secret Backers says (in the commentary part at the end) that the bankers did not think that Hitler would implement his rhetoric about excluding Jews. They disagreed with the anti- German boycott inaugurated by the New York Zionists, and felt that this induced Hitler to institute harsh measures against Jews. In Hitler's Secret Backers, the bankers' motives are stated as being, not connected with Trotsky, but anger at France for its insistence on continued

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

German repayments to it in Gold, as per the Treaty of Versailles. These payments were keeping Germany paralyzed, and with it the European economy. But it could be argued - if the booklet be genuine in some way that this is merely the excuse the bankers told to their courier, "Sidney Warburg". Hitler's Secret Backers is available at In Red Symphony, Rakovsky states that Jewish Bankers gave money to Hitler to help him get into power (p. 36), knowing that he would attack the Soviet Union (as laid out in Mein Kampf). These donations were anonymous; Hitler had no idea that the source was Jewish Finance. In keeping with the strategy of Revolutionary Defeatism, Stalin would fall, upon losing the war, as the Tsar had fallen after losing World War I, and Trotsky would be restored to power (p. 36). They changed their minds because Hitler's destruction of the Soviet Union would mean (they decided, after seeing him in power) not the restoration of Trotsky, but the abolition of Communism altogether; whereas their aim was to keep Communism going. Despite this switch, they still hoped to erase the Stalinist "National" variety: "we shall succeed in taking it over and then converting it into real Communism" (p. 37). The interrogator says to Rakovsky, "if your defeatism and the defeat of the USSR has as its object the restoration of Socialism in the USSR, real Socialism, according to you Trotzkyism, then, insofar as we have destroyed their leaders and cadres, defeatism and the defeat of the USSR has neither an objective nor any sense. As a result of defeat now there would come the enthronement of some Fhrer or fascist Tsar." (p. 11). Rakovsky agrees with this assessment; the Moscow Purges thus provides a rationale for the bankers' change of plan. In keeping with this change, Rakovsky says, they want Stalin to propose to Hitler the partition of Poland. As a result, Hitler would find himself at war with the West, and eventually in a war on two fronts. In the late 1930s, Trotsky was a fugitive. After writing The Revolution Betrayed in Norway in 1936 (it was published in 1937) trotsky.html,

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Trotsky was forced to leave Norway, and found refuge in Mexico. Pressure from Stalin persuaded most governments to refuse him entry. Even the United States, with Roosevelt in power, shut its doors. This would cast doubt on Red Symphony's claim that Roosevelt and Trotsky were leading figures in the same conspiracy. However, the US Government wanted to maintain diplomatic relations with the Soviet Government, especially since Hitler was in power in Germany. Two years after the alleged interrogation in Red Symphony took place, Stalin had Trotsky murdered thus ensuring that no restoration could occur. Whilst Trotsky's murder is well known, Stalin's murder is covered up, because it involves Jewish politics: death-of-stalin.html. There are two anachronisms in Red Symphony. It says it is a record of interviews which took place in 1938, but mentions the World Bank (p. 24), which was not established until 1944. However, the League of Nations had predecessor organizations: The League of Nations: A Primer for Documents Research. Red Symphony also speaks of "the Commonwealth" (p. 39); but surely it was known as the "British Empire" in 1938? However, Carroll Quigley wrote in The Anglo-American Establishment that 'the Rhodes secret society' (p.4) 'publicized the idea of and the name "British Commonwealth of Nations" in the period 1908-1918' (p.5). quigley.html Lionel Curtis, a leading ideologist of the Empire, and a member of Rhodes' secret society, published in 1916 a book titled The Commonwealth of Nations: An Inquiry into the Nature of Citizenship in the British Empire, and into the Mutual Relations of the Several Communities Thereof, PART I (MacMillan and Co, London, 1916). curtis1.html Red Symphony points out that Point 6 of Wilson's 14 Points welcomed the USSR into "the society of free nations", and offered it assistance, thus undermining the "White" side during the Civil War.

Red Symphony says the Jewish financiers promoting "real" Communism (not Stalin's Bonapartism) are "Spinosists", followers of the natural

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

mysticism of Baruch Spinosa. This is a reformulation for our times, of Jewish religious philosophy; Hegelianism is a vulgarised version of it. Spinoza established the atheistic variant of the Jewish religion: spinoza-pantheism.html. (1) Red Symphony (2) Hitler manipulated by Bankers whose agenda he didn't understand Henry Makow (3) Isaac Deutscher on the possibility that Hitler's war would lead to Trotsky's return (4) David North on the Consequences of Trotsky's Defeat (5) Rakovsky's evidence at the Moscow Trials (6) On Trotsky's second wife, Natalya Sedova (7) Rakovsky's credibility at the Moscow Trials (8) Illuminatus and the Illuminoids - "Rowan Berkeley" on Red Symphony (9) Trotsky in Norway, accused of co-operating with the Gestapo (10) Trotsky calls Stalin a Bonapartist (11) A Dating Anomaly RED SYMPHONY by Dr. J. Landowsky As translated by George Knupffer Christian Book Club of America P.O. Box 900566 Palmdale, CA 93590-0566 First Printed 1968 Reprinted 2002

The material here given is a translation of Ch. XL of a book, which appeared in Madrid in Spanish as "Sinfonia en Rojo Mayor," and is now past its 11th Edition, produced by Editorial E.R.S.A. under the well-known publisher Senor Don Mauricio Carlavilla, who has very kindly agreed to this English translation and publication. As soon as possible the full book of over 800 pp. will follow. The given chapter is of immense importance. It is here translated from a Russian edition as well as from the Spanish. It is a complete material on its own. The translator's own book on "The Struggle for World Power" also deals with the whole problem of super-power and global enslavement through

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

the masters of both, usury- Capitalism and terroristic Communism, which are both the tools of the same forces and serving the same purpose. The book has been published in Madrid in Spanish by Senor Carlavilla as "La Lucha por el Poder Mundial." In the present work we see this whole story brilliantly described and proved by one of the major exponents of the subversive take-over of the world, Christian G. Rakovsky, one of the founders of Soviet Bolshevism and also a victim of the show trials just before the last war under Stalin. This is a document of historical importance and nobody who wants to be well-informed should fail to read and recommend it. Not to know the thesis here described is to know and understand nothing concerning the chief events and prospects of our time. In the Spanish book Senor Carlavilla explains the origin of the material in question. He says: "This is the result of a painstaking translation of several copybooks found on the body of Dr. Landowsky in a hut on the Petrograd front (Leningrad) by a Spanish volunteer. "He brought them to us. In view of the condition of the manuscripts, their restoration was a long and tiring job, lasting several years. For a long time we were not sure if they could be published. So extraordinary and unbelievable were his final disclosures that we would never have dared to publish these memoirs if the persons and events mentioned had not accorded fully with the facts. "Before these reminiscences saw the light of day we prepared ourselves for proofs and polemics. We answer fully and personally for the veracity of the basic facts. "Let us see if anyone will be able to disprove them ..." Dr. Landowsky was a Russianized Pole and lived in Russia. His father, a Colonel of the Russian Imperial Army, was shot by the Bolsheviks during the 1917 revolution. The life-story of Dr. Landowsky is astonishing. He finished the Faculty of Medicine in Russia before {p. 2} the revolution and then studied two years at the Sorbonne in Paris, and he spoke fluent French. He was interested in the effects of drugs on the human organism, to help surgeons in operations. Being a talented doctor, he carried out experiments in this field and had achieved considerable results. However, after the revolution all roads were closed to him. He lived with his family in great need, earning a living by chance jobs. Not being able to

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

publish learned papers in his own name, he permitted a more fortunate colleague to publish them in his own name. The all-seeing NKVD (secret police) became interested in these works and easily discovered the real author. His speciality was very valuable for them. One day in 1936 there was a knock at the doctor's door. He was invited to follow, and he was never again allowed to re-join his family. He was placed in the building of the chemical laboratory of the NKVD near Moscow. He lived there and was forced to carry out various jobs given him by his masters; he was a witness at questionings, tortures and the most terrible happenings and crimes. Twice he was abroad, but always under control, as a prisoner. He knew and suffered much, especially as he was a decent and religious man. He had the courage to keep notes of what he has seen and heard, and he kept whenever possible such documents and letters as passed through his hands, hiding all this in the hollow legs of his table in the chemical laboratory. So he lived until the Second World War. How he came to Petrograd and how he was killed is not known. The document given below is an exact recorded report of the questioning of the former Ambassador in France, C.G. Rakovsky during the period of the trials of the Trotzkyists in the USSR in 1938, when he was tried together with Bukharin, Rykoff, Yagoda, Karakhan, Dr. Levin and others. Insofar as the accused Rakovsky made it clear, having in mind the sparing of his life, that he could give information about matters of very special interest, Stalin gave orders to his foreign agent to carry out the questioning. It is known that Rakovsky was sentenced to be shot, like the others, but was reprieved and given 20 years of prison.
Very interesting is the description of the above-mentioned agent. This was a certain Ren Duval (also known as Gavriil Gavriilovitch Kus'min), the son of a millionaire, very good looking and talented. He studied in France. His widowed mother adored him. But the young man was carried away by Communist propaganda and fell into the hands of their agency. They suggested that he should study in Moscow, and he gladly accepted the proposal. He passed through the severe school of the NKVD and became a

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

foreign agent, and when he wanted to change his mind, it was too late. They do not let people out of their grip. By the exercise of will-power he reached the "heights of evil," as he called it, and enjoyed the full confidence of Stalin himself. The questioning took place in French by this agent. The doctor was present in order to put drug pills unnoticed into the glass of Rakovsky, to induce energy and a good mood. Behind the wall the conversation was registered on apparatus, and the technician who operated it did not understand French. Then Dr. Landowsky had to translate {p. 3} into Russian, with two copies, for Stalin and Gabriel. Secretly he dared to make a third carbon copy, which he hid away. ****

I returned to the laboratory. My nervous system bothered me and I prescribed myself complete rest. I am in bed almost the whole day. Here I am quite alone for already four days. Gabriel enquired about me every day. He has to reckon with my condition. At the mere thought that they could again send me to the Lubianka (Moscow HQ of the secret police) to be present at a new scene of terror I become excited and tremble. I am ashamed of belonging to the human race. How low have people fallen! How low have I fallen! These lines are all I was able to write after five days following my return from the Lubianka, when trying to describe on paper the horror, and thereby interrupting the chronological order of my notes. Landowski - Red Symphony - Christian Rakovski (Comments by Peter Myers)

End of Article. WOW, if this doesnt tell us where we are headed, I dont know what will! We will go into several aspects of Hitler (as both historic and Occulted examples) through the book (for very good reasons) but I will leave the subject (after this next article) and pick up later on this subject. Just to make the reader aware at this point Government actually means to Govern the Mental and Im sure you can work the meaning of this out for yourselves...

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

There is a famous book called War is a Racket by a General Smedly Butler. (War is a Racket) As I recall coming across quite a while ago and this is a very important book with a very true message. I mention this for many reasons but will stick to the following article as it is all linked in, as always.

Plan For European Economic Government Was Brainchild Of Nazis
Economic Terrorists Seek United States of Europe Paul Joseph Watson Prison Wednesday, September 7, 2011

European globalists are committing another act of economic terrorism by exploiting the euro debt crisis in a bid to create a United States of Europe, with European Council president Herman van Rompuy announcing he is ready to spearhead the group, a move that frighteningly parallels plans by top Nazis, many of whom went on to found the EU, and their mission to build a continent-wide economic government. EU leaders are fear mongering over the consequences of member states abandoning the single currency, warning that a euro collapse would lead to martial law and even civil war. Their solution is to hand themselves

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

even more power to create a common economic policy that all member states would be forced to follow at the expense of their national sovereignty, a de facto financial government for the whole of Europe. European Council president Herman van Rompuy said yesterday that he was ready to run for a second term as European Union president, to lead a United States of Europe, reports the Irish Independent. Mr Van Rompuy has announced he is willing to take on the unfinished Eurozone debt crisis with new powers setting an economic government in Brussels. Simultaneously, British Prime Minister David Cameron last night said that Britain must let Eurozone countries move towards a United States of Europe with a common economic policy, reports the Daily Mail. The Prime Minister admitted he was not sure whether Germany and other countries had the political will to prevent a break-up of the single currency, but insisted they must be allowed to try even if that meant closer integration. The move to exploit the debt crisis in order to completely eviscerate the economic sovereignty of every EU member by forming a central economic planning committee, a United States of Europe, to which all countries are beholden, is not merely an act of economic terrorism; its a chilling throwback to identical proposals that were the brainchild of top Nazis. Plans to create a federal European economic government in the name of mandating fiscal responsibility and avoiding a repeat of the turmoil in Greece chillingly mirror blueprints concocted in the 1940s as a means of preserving fascist power at the end of world war two by men who were responsible for founding the EU in the first place. As we have exhaustively documented, the European Common Market, the precursor to the European Union, was a brainchild of top Nazis in the 1940s who wanted to preserve fascist power in the event of defeat in world war two. US Military Intelligence report EW-Pa 128, also known as The Red House Report, details how top Nazis secretly met at the Maison Rouge Hotel in Strasbourg on August 10, 1944 and, knowing Germany was on

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

the brink of military defeat, conspired to create a Fourth Reich a pan-European economic empire based around a European common market, precisely what the new Economic government proposal backed by the likes of Cameron and van Rompuy calls for. Wealthy Nazi industrialists like Alfried Krupp of Krupp Industries and Friedrich Flick, as well as front companies like BMW, Siemens and Volkswagen, set about the task of building a new pan-European business empire. According to historian Dr Michael Pinto-Duschinsky, (an adviser to Jewish former slave laborers), For many leading industrial figures close to the Nazi regime, Europe became a cover for pursuing German national interests after the defeat of Hitler. The continuity of the economy of Germany and the economies of post-war Europe is striking. Some of the leading figures in the Nazi economy became leading builders of the European Union. The foundations for the EU and ultimately the Euro single currency were laid by the secretive Bilderberg Group in the mid-1950s. Bilderbergs own leaked documents prove that the agenda to create a European common market and a single currency were formulated by Bilderberg in 1955. One of the groups principle founders was H. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, a former Nazi SS officer.

But the ideological framework for the European Union goes back even further, to the 1940s when top Nazi economists and academics outlined the plan for a single European economic community, an agenda that was duly followed after the end of the Second World War. In his 1940 book The European Community, Nazi Economics Minister and war criminal Walther Funk wrote about the need to create a Central European Union and European Economic Area and for fixed exchange rates, stating No nation in Europe can achieve on its own the highest

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level of economic freedom which is compatible with all social requirementsThe formation of very large economic areas follows a natural law of development.interstate agreements in Europe will control [economic forces generally]There must be a readiness to subordinate ones own interests in certain cases to those of [the EC]. How different is Funks call for governments to subordinate their economic interests to those of Europe compared with Jose Manuel Barrosos insistence that EU member states should be forced to institute structural reforms under pain of financial sanctions? The similarity is frightening. Funks co-authors echoed his sentiments. Nazi academic Heinrich Hunke wrote, Classic national deadcommunity of fate which is the European economyfate and extent of European co-operation depends on a new unity economic plan. A new unity economic plan, this is precisely what Cameron and Van Rompuy are proposing centralized financial control over the economies of Europe ruled by Brussels. Fellow Nazi Gustav Koenig observed, We have a real European Community task before usI am convinced that this Community effort will last beyond the end of the war. In 1940, Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels ordered the creation of the large-scale economic unification of Europe, believing that in fifty years time [people would] no longer think in terms of countries. Just 53 years later, the European Union in its current form was established. So you have one of Hitlers most loyal Nazi allies calling for Economic unification of Europe, and now former German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer is demanding the establishment of a financial oversight body with the teeth to assert control over the finances of member states. Even on the face of it, the fact that the EU, which began as a free trade area, is now seeking to have its unelected members directly control national economies, is completely dictatorial, authoritarian, and represents the anti-thesis of any notion of democracy or representation of the people of Europe. Add the fact that the exact same agenda was

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

pursued by one of the most notoriously criminal and barbaric regimes in history and surely alarm bells should be ringing? Other top Nazis who called for the creation of a pan-European federal economic super state include Ribbentrop, Quisling and Seyss-Inquart, who spoke of The new Europe of solidarity and co-operation among all its people will findrapidly increasing prosperity once national economic boundaries are removed. Most of the individuals who hold the reigns of power in the European Union are not Nazis; indeed, they probably believe themselves to be fair-minded liberals working for the greater good. However, the European Union by its very nature is totalitarian, because it seeks to remove power from national governments accountable to their electorate and centralize it into the hands of supra-national entities that are accountable to nobody but themselves. It also seeks to remove the right of free speech for anyone in a position of influence who criticizes this agenda. The fact that the EU was a brainchild of top Nazi economists and industrialists, formulated as a means of preserving dictatorial power and then implemented by former Nazi working under the auspices of the Bilderberg Group in 1955, proves that the entire European Union system is poisoned with a legacy and a raison dtre of totalitarianism. The additional knowledge that the European Union is now pursuing identical economic policies to those voiced by top Nazis, several of whom went on to found the EU in its embryonic stages, is a chilling reminder of how fundamentally anti-democratic and fascist the EU is becoming as it swallows up more power from member states and appoints itself as the supreme dictator of an entire continent. The European Union will fight tooth and nail to protect the single currency from collapsing because, as top Bilderberger and Harvard professor Kenneth Rogoff made clear in a recent Financial Times piece, the future plan for a globalized currency system is wholly dependent on the survival of the Euro, which would almost certainly be destroyed if the Greeks or any other member state were to default and ditch the single currency.

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

The euro experiment has also brought us to a crossroads in the whole international monetary system, wrote Rogoff. Will our grandchildren inherit a world with a huge number of national currencies, or a very small number of multi-country currencies? End of Article There are many reasons for this next point but I want to qualify where the document came from and the details of the information. I am putting this article in for your own evaluation this is all. You are adults and can make your own minds up but only when you take a look at the information provided. My point is if Im writing a book on the truths that have been hidden from our eyes and minds, we will have to go places and learn things that we might not be comfortable with however we dislike it, especially (as you will see) we have all been totally lied to all of our lives. We have been and are totally subject to a most incredible hoax and the joke is unfortunately, on US the earth bound collective of the Human Race. Now it is up to us to learn the magnitude of the lie. This is going to be one of the hardest things to do simply because when you look closely it is truly awesome to behold. I appreciate it may seem like Im jumping from one topic to the other but they do indeed interact with one another. You may well not see where I am coming from either yet but this again is where I ask you to bear with me on this whole issue. You should at very least have been able to see that if you take the time to look into some of these facts and drill down a little you will in fact learn a whole lot more detail on each and every topic you delve into. Whether, this pushes your boundaries of belief or not, it is still a fact that (the devil is in the detail!) It is just a matter of if the reader is prepared to look deeper into any topic to see it. We have to free our minds before we are totally trapped down here. The Article mentioned above.


Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family



For years, Jews have told people around the world that six million of them were systematically murdered in German "Concentration Camps" during World War 2. Anyone disputing this claim has been viciously smeared as a hateful anti-Semite. Countries around the world have even jailed people for disputing the claim that 6 Million were killed.

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Here now, for the entire world to see is a scanned image of an Official International Red Cross document proving the so-called "Holocaust" never happened. Jews around the world intentionally lied for the purpose of gaining emotional and business advantages for themselves. They committed wilful, criminal FRAUD upon millions around the world! "The Holocaust" is the greatest lie ever told. Millions of dollars have been paid out to "holocaust survivors" and their descendants for something that DID NOT HAPPEN. This is intentional, criminal fraud on a scale so massive that it is almost incomprehensible. Above is the scanned image of the Official Death Total report from the International Red Cross. "The Holocaust" is the greatest lie ever told. Millions of dollars have been paid out to "holocaust survivors" and their descendants for something that DID NOT HAPPEN. The claim of a "Holocaust" was intentional, criminal fraud on a scale so massive as to be almost incomprehensible. I call for criminal prosecution of individuals and groups who filed false lawsuits to obtain holocaust reparations and financial damage awards, for perpetrating deliberate fraud upon Courts. I call for the removal of Holocaust references in History books and educational materials. I call for the removal of Holocaust Memorials worldwide. It is long overdue this intentional fraud be halted and those who perpetrated it be brought to justice for 60 years of vicious lies and financial fraud. Remember also where and who killed Count Bernadotte.VC A FACTUAL APPRAISAL OF THE "HOLOCAUST" BY THE RED CROSS. by No Evidence Of Genocide Friday, Jan. 28, 2005 at 7:09 AM No Evidence Of Genocide This article has status - HIDDEN - due to it's racist and anti-semetic content - Nazis fuck off! - TBIMC
The Jews And The Concentration Camps: A Factual Appraisal By The Red Cross.

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

There is one survey of the Jewish question in Europe during World War Two and the conditions of Germany's concentration camps which is almost unique in its honesty and objectivity, the three-volume Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross on its Activities during the Second World War, Geneva, 1948. This comprehensive account from an entirely neutral source incorporated and expanded the findings of two previous works: Documents sur l'activit du CICR en faveur des civils dtenus dans les camps de concentration en Allemagne 1939-1945 (Geneva, 1946), and Inter Arma Caritas: the Work of the ICRC during the Second World War (Geneva, 1947). The team of authors, headed by Frdric Siordet, explained in the opening pages of the Report that their object, in the tradition of the Red Cross, had been strict political neutrality, and herein lays its great value. The ICRC successfully applied the 1929 Geneva military convention in order to gain access to civilian internees held in Central and Western Europe by the Germany authorities. By contrast, the ICRC was unable to gain any access to the Soviet Union, which had failed to ratify the Convention. The millions of civilian and military internees held in the USSR, whose conditions were known to be by far the worst, were completely cut off from any international contact or supervision. The Red Cross Report is of value in that it first clarifies the legitimate circumstances under which Jews were detained in concentration camps, i.e. as enemy aliens. In describing the two categories of civilian internees, the Report distinguishes the second type as "Civilians deported on administrative grounds (in German, "Schutzhftlinge"), who were arrested for political or racial motives because their presence was considered a danger to the State or the occupation forces" (Vol. 111, p. 73). These persons, it continues, "were placed on the same footing as persons arrested or imprisoned under common law for security reasons." (P.74). The Report admits that the Germans were at first reluctant to permit supervision by the Red Cross of people detained on grounds relating to security, but by the latter part of 1942, the ICRC obtained important concessions from Germany. They were permitted to distribute food parcels to major concentration camps in Germany from August 1942, and "from February 1943 onwards this concession was extended to all other camps

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and prisons" (Vol. 111, p. 78). The ICRC soon established contact with camp commandants and launched a food relief programme which continued to function until the last months of 1945, letters of thanks for which came pouring in from Jewish internees.

Red Cross Recipients Were Jews

The Report states that, "As many as 9,000 parcels were packed daily from the autumn of 1943 until May 1945, about 1,112,000 parcels with a total weight of 4,500 tons were sent off to the concentration camps" (Vol. III, p. 80). In addition to food, these contained clothing and pharmaceutical supplies. "Parcels were sent to Dachau, Buchenwald, Sangerhausen, Sachsenhausen, Oranienburg, Flossenburg, Landsberg-am-Lech, Flha, Ravensbrck, Hamburg-Neuengamme, Mauthausen, Theresienstadt, Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, to camps near Vienna and in Central and Southern Germany. The principal recipients were Belgians, Dutch, French, Greeks, Italians, Norwegians, Poles and stateless Jews". (Vol. III, p. 83). In the course of the war, "The Committee was in a position to transfer and distribute in the form of relief supplies over twenty million Swiss francs collected by Jewish welfare organisations throughout the world, in particular by the American Joint Distribution Committee of New York" (Vol. I, p. 644). This latter organisation was permitted by the German Government to maintain offices in Berlin until the American entry into the war. The ICRC complained that obstruction of their vast relief operation for Jewish internees came not from the Germans but from the tight Allied blockade of Europe. Most of their purchases of relief food were made in Rumania, Hungary and Slovakia. The ICRC had special praise for the liberal conditions which prevailed at Theresienstadt up to the time of their last visits there in April 1945. This camp, "where there were about 40,000 Jews deported from various countries was a relatively privileged ghetto" (Vol. III, p. 75). According to the Report, "'The Committee's delegates were able to visit the camp at Theresienstadt (Terezin) which was used exclusively for Jews and was governed by special conditions. From information gathered by the Committee, this camp had been started as an experiment by certain leaders of the Reich ... These men wished to give the Jews the means of setting up a communal life in a town under their own administration and possessing

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almost complete autonomy. . . two delegates were able to visit the camp on April 6th, 1945. They confirmed the favourable impression gained on the first visit" (Vol. I, p. 642). The ICRC also had praise for the regime of Ion Antonescu of Fascist Rumania where the Committee was able to extend special relief to 183,000 Rumanian Jews until the time of the Soviet occupation. The aid then ceased, and the ICRC complained bitterly that it never succeeded "in sending anything whatsoever to Russia" (Vol. II, p. 62). The same situation applied to many of the German camps after their "liberation" by the Russians. The ICRC received a voluminous flow of mail from Auschwitz until the period of the Soviet occupation, when many of the internees were evacuated westward. But the efforts of the Red Cross to send relief to internees remaining at Auschwitz under Soviet control were futile. However, food parcels continued to be sent to former Auschwitz inmates transferred west to such camps as Buchenwald and Oranienburg.

No Evidence of Genocide
One of the most important aspects of the Red Cross Report is that it clarifies the true cause of those deaths that undoubtedly occurred in the camps toward the end of the war. Says the Report: "In the chaotic condition of Germany after the invasion during the final months of the war, the camps received no food supplies at all and starvation claimed an increasing number of victims. Itself alarmed by this situation, the German Government at last informed the ICRC on February 1st, 1945 ... In March 1945, discussions between the President of the ICRC and General of the S.S. Kaltenbrunner gave even more decisive results. Relief could henceforth be distributed by the ICRC, and one delegate was authorised to stay in each camp ..." (Vol. III, p. 83). Clearly, the German authorities were at pains to relieve the dire situation as far as they were able. The Red Cross are quite explicit in stating that food supplies ceased at this time due to the Allied bombing of German transportation, and in the interests of interned Jews they had protested on March 15th, 1944 against "the barbarous aerial warfare of the Allies" (Inter Arma Caritas, p. 78). By October 2nd, 1944, the ICRC warned the German Foreign Office of the impending collapse of the German transportation system, declaring that starvation conditions for people throughout

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Germany were becoming inevitable. In dealing with this comprehensive, three-volume Report, it is important to stress that the delegates of the International Red Cross found no evidence whatever at the camps in Axis occupied Europe of a deliberate policy to exterminate the Jews. In all its 1,600 pages the Report does not even mention such a thing as a gas chamber. It admits that Jews, like many other wartime nationalities, suffered rigours and privations, but its complete silence on the subject of planned extermination is ample refutation of the Six Million legends. Like the Vatican representatives with whom they worked, the Red Cross found itself unable to indulge in the irresponsible charges of genocide which had become the order of the day. So far as the genuine mortality rate is concerned, the Report points out that most of the Jewish doctors from the camps were being used to combat typhus on the eastern front, so that they were unavailable when the typhus epidemics of 1945 broke out in the camps (Vol. I, p. 204 ff) - Incidentally, it is frequently claimed that mass executions were carried out in gas chambers cunningly disguised as shower facilities. Again the Report makes nonsense of this allegation. "Not only the washing places but installations for baths, showers and laundry were inspected by the delegates. They had often to take action to have fixtures made less primitive, and to get them repaired or enlarged" (Vol. III, p. 594).

Not All Were Interned

Volume III of the Red Cross Report, Chapter 3 (I. Jewish Civilian Population) deals with the "aid given to the Jewish section of the free population," and this chapter makes it quite plain that by no means all of the European Jews were placed in internment camps, but remained, subject to certain restrictions, as part of the free civilian population. This conflicts directly with the "thoroughness" of the supposed "extermination programme", and with the claim in the forged Hss memoirs that Eichmann was obsessed with seizing "every single Jew he could lay his hands on." In Slovakia, for example, where Eichmann's assistant Dieter Wisliceny

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was in charge, the Report states that "A large proportion of the Jewish minority had permission to stay in the country, and at certain periods Slovakia was looked upon as a comparative haven of refuge for Jews, especially for those coming from Poland. Those who remained in Slovakia seem to have been in comparative safety until the end of August 1944, when a rising against the German forces took place. While it is true that the law of May 15th, 1942 had brought about the internment of several thousand Jews, these people were held in camps where the conditions of food and lodging were tolerable, and where the internees were allowed to do paid work on terms almost equal to those of the free labour market" (Vol. I, p. 646). Not only did large numbers of the three million or so European Jews avoid internment altogether, but the emigration of Jews continued throughout the war, generally by way of Hungary, Rumania and Turkey. Ironically, post-war Jewish emigration from German-occupied territories was also facilitated by the Reich, as in the case of the Polish Jews who had escaped to France before its occupation. "The Jews from Poland who, whilst in France, had obtained entrance permits to the United States were held to be American citizens by the German occupying authorities, who further agreed to recognize the validity of about three thousand passports issued to Jews by the consulates of South American countries" (Vol. I, p. 645). As future U.S. citizens, these Jews were held at the Vittel camp in southern France for American aliens. The emigration of European Jews from Hungary in particular proceeded during the war unhindered by the German authorities. "Until March 1944," says the. Red Cross Report, "Jews who had the privilege of visas for Palestine were free to leave Hungary" (Vol. I, p. 648). Even after the replacement of the Horthy Government in 1944 (following its attempted armistice with the Soviet Union) with a government more dependent on German authority, the emigration of Jews continued. The Committee secured the pledges of both Britain and the United States "to give support by every means to the emigration of Jews from Hungary," and from the U.S. Government the ICRC received a message stating that "The Government of the United States ... now specifically repeats its assurance that arrangements will be made by it for the care of all Jews who in the present circumstances are allowed to leave" (Vol. I, p . 649).

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Biedermann agreed that in the nineteen instances that "Did Six Million Really Die?" quoted from the Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross on its Activities during the Second World War and Inter Arma Caritas (this includes the above material), it did so accurately. A quote from Charles Biedermann (a delegate of the International Committee of the Red Cross and Director of the Red Cross' International Tracing Service) under oath at the Zndel Trial (February 9, 10, 11 and 12, 1988). The above is chapter nine from the book "Did Six Million Really Die?" For the entire book "Did Six Million Really Die?", click here.

End of Article


Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

4. Overview with conclusion:

The Truth about Anti-Gravity and Freely Available Energy.

I have picked some of the examples I refer to and make no mistake there are many, many more. List them you ask? I cannot go into all of them as when you look you will see even just a few sites are showing numbers into the hundreds if not more designs but do some research on Cold Fusion, Electrolysis, Rodin Physics (as in Marco Rodin who we will detail later), Vrill Power, and permanent magnet generator systems to name a few. If you wish to see a really good example, watch this next link and think about the force of two powerful magnets pushing away from each other. Its that simple yes. Here is a magnetic motor system in operation and the designer is kind enough to dismantle it for us after the demonstration to show you there is nothing untoward going on to trick any of the assembled witnesses. I would like to think the reader is actually getting the point where it is now understood they have been lied to as this is totally the case. Indeed very badly tricked not just on this issue either but on nearly every subject from medicine, science, history, false flag attacks, chemistry, government, politics, law, religions practically everything you can name is all based on LIES. Make NO MISTAKE this is real. (Tesla Komt na 100 jaar toch weer om de hoec) Sorry its not in English though. As Nicola did if we do look closely to Nature free energy is at work everywhere in the form of our own biosphere. It is Nature itself moving water as rain in rivers and moving around the world in the form of wind but most glaringly of all in our sun. It is stored in the form of wood in the trees and all living matter on the earth. Why did you eat breakfast this morning? What a spell we have all been under my friends! Just think of the magnitude of all this. Its totally staggering and this is a complete understatement! The fact is evidence is totally overwhelming when you look for the truth, its time to throw everything you thought you knew into the dustbin and begin your new life in the light with the truth and not the Official Party Line Repeaters. If I still have not got you convinced there is plenty of videos and other evidence on you tube to keep you happy, just type the term conspiracy (which in itself is another double blinding term) and enjoy your slumber by carrying on ignoring the truth or check this out (A Practical Guide to Free Energy Devices) This should keep you busy

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

for a few years to come (trying to prove it all wrong.) However I would much prefer you understood the overall situation and finishes the next part of the book for all our sakes, while we still have the time and a free Internet which will not last that long at all. So for those of us that have understood so far, there is technology in all these areas that we have been lied to about and we have not been told the truth about our true capabilities, histories and as I will show so much more. If so, we can carry on getting closer to putting it all together I would say there is something more than a little weird going on here. Free energy is not real I hear you say? If it were, why am I paying for my electric company with most of my cash then? Because you bought into the Lie as we all did, myself included, until I looked closer. Over and above this and even more importantly this it means we do not just have free energy means available we also have antigravity that has been hidden away from us all. Can you see the implications coming to into mind? So what else is going on here then, (should now spring into mind,) well lets take a look and read on. Lets take another look at the Official programs. NASA has been pulling our plonker for dec ades now pretending to be a serious organisation with honesty and integrity yet at the same time hiding mankinds biggest secrets to our history not just here but also in space! NASA was initially staffed by ex-Nazi scientists from Germany after the war (Look up the US project paperclip and the CIA.) There are military and other agencies (enter researcher Garry, McKinnon) that have been hiding the truth about the fleets of ships we already have out there and we have had them for a VERY long time. The CIA and the Nazis reveals a CIA program known as Operation Paperclip, about how over 4,000 former Nazis went to work for the U.S. government, without the publics knowledge, to help fight the Soviet Union. Reinhard Gehlen, an intelligence officer for Hitlers General Staff, was tapped to head the U.S. intelligence program in West Germany to spy on the Russians. At the same time, former Nazi scientists and engineers were welcomed onto American soil. But the extent of these operations is only now becoming clear: (The CIA and the Nazis: The Secrets They Don't Want You to Know) They had all of this for decades even if you look on the face of the subject as far as some of the rumours go. As they say there is no smoke without fire and there is some truth to the fable as in most cases. (Secret Access: UFOs on the record) What is even more

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

astounding is yet to come! For arguments sake I will add Garys interview for you detailing our fleets of off world ships and information of the Non-Terrestrial Officers (Humans) who are operating and running them. Just for the heck of it, heres Gary himself. (Gary McKinnon: Hacking the Pentagon) This is the key information he found out and this is why they are going after him with such pressure. The one thing we have to do is learn for ourselves and not rely on what you are told blindly. Additionally, you cannot, for the most part un-learn so the way they can control you is via information. They are currently trying to send him to a USA prison for finding out and discussing it publicly. Ask yourself the question why they would be bringing all of this pressure to bear (as in attention to themselves) if there was not something they were hiding from the public. There is and they dont want to have to compete with the public as they have all of this technology and far more already! The bankers and Elites dont want you to come and muscle in demanding they confess to the fact there are advanced technologies which could change the world for the better because that will collapse their plans for us all as Slaves/Goyim/Sheeple to and for their system, for good. Dont worry if you cant see it yet there is much more to look into at this point and as GOD (the prime and true creator) is my witness we will look. ((part 3 of 6) /the Natzi Bannkers' crimes - Ripple Effect) So the question is what are you going to do about it? Are you going to sit up and take note or sit in the corner and do nothing till they break down your door? (Documentary: I Am Fishead) Quite thought provoking isnt it. Lets get back to the subject so we can move on. Im now going to throw in some pictures from other sources so lets take a look at some of this. (Nasa Scientists Open Up) If you listen to what this guy is saying you will hear about time travel, incredible advanced technology, the fact that once we get up there we will/did find/found incredible advanced technologies left by other advanced life forms and/or even/ us ourselves, to help us understand. There are many routes to the truth and I can only propose some potential answers to these and other questions but I will endeavour to do just that. The Billy he refers to in the clip is Billy Meiers. (The Pleiadian Mission - Billy Meiers UFO Case 1 of 12) Mars

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information is included as well as all the other planets in our solar system (the elites, bankers and military (in the form of the Shadow Government) have been joy riding to for GOD only knows how long (as time itself is another issue we have been misled on as well as so many other things.) Here is a snippet on the Time issue. Here is quite a good article on understanding some of the aspects of time, which we will need to get clear for our understanding of what is really going on and will go much deeper into this later on in the book.

NOVA Online: Time Travel

Hassan Jarane/Workbook Stock/Getty Images How Time Works Does time change speed? Curiosity Project: History of Measuring Time Quiz From millennium-skipping Victorians to phone booth-hopping teenagers, the term time travel often summons our most fantastic visions of what it

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

means to move through the fourth dimension. But of course you don't need a time machine or a fancy wormhole to jaunt through the years. As you've probably noticed, we're all constantly engaged in the act of time travel. At its most basic level, time is the rate of change in the universe -- and like it or not, we are constantly undergoing change. We age, the planets move around the sun, and things fall apart. We measure the passage of time in seconds, minutes, hours and years, but this doesn't mean time flows at a constant rate. Just as the water in a river rushes or slows depending on the size of the channel, time flows at different rates in different places. In other words, time is relative. But what causes this fluctuation along our one-way trek from the cradle to the grave? It all comes down to the relationship between time and space. Human beings frolic about in the three spatial dimensions of length, width and depth. Time joins the party as that most crucial fourth dimension. Time can't exist without space, and space can't exist without time. The two exist as one: the space-time continuum. Any event that occurs in the universe has to involve both space and time. In this article, we'll look at the real-life; everyday methods of time travel in our universe, as well as some of the more far-fetched methods of dancing through the fourth dimension. Real time travel in action Gavin Hellier/The Image Bank/Getty Images

Time Travel into the Future If you want to advance through the years a little faster than the next

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person, you'll need to exploit space-time. Global positioning satellites pull this off every day, accruing an extra third-of-a-billionth of a second daily. Time passes faster in orbit, because satellites are farther away from the mass of the Earth. Down here on the surface, the planet's mass drags on time and slows it down in small measures. We call this effect gravitational time dilation. According to Einstein's theory of general relativity, gravity is a curve in space-time and astronomers regularly observe this phenomenon when they study light moving near a sufficiently massive object. Particularly large suns, for instance, can cause an otherwise straight beam of light to curve in what we call the gravitational lensing effect. What does this have to do with time? Remember: Any event that occurs in the universe has to involve both space and time. Gravity doesn't just pull on space; it also pulls on time. You wouldn't be able to notice minute changes in the flow of time, but a sufficiently massive object would make a huge difference -- say, like the super massive black hole Sagittarius A at the centre of our galaxy. Here, the mass of 4 million suns exists as a single, infinitely dense point, known as a singularity [source: NASA]. Circle this black hole for a while (without falling in) and you'd experience time at half the Earth rate. In other words, you'd round out a five-year journey to discover an entire decade had passed on Earth [source: Davies]. Speed also plays a role in the rate at which we experience time. Time passes more slowly the closer you approach the unbreakable cosmic speed limit we call the speed of light. For instance, the hands of a clock in a speeding train move more slowly than those of a stationary clock. A human passenger wouldn't feel the difference, but at the end of the trip the speeding clock would be slowed by billionths of a second. If such a train could attain 99.999 per cent of light speed, only one year would pass on board for every 223 years back at the train station [source: Davies]. In effect, this hypothetical commuter would have travelled into the future. But what about the past? Could the fastest star ship imaginable turn back the clock?

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

The stars above Flagstaff, Ariz., provide a backward view through time. Dan and Cindy Duriscoe/FDSC Time Travel into the Past We've established that time travel into the future happens all the time. Scientists have proven it in experiments, and the idea is a fundamental aspect of Einstein's theory of relativity. You'll make it to the future; it's just a question of how fast the trip will be. But what about, travel into the past? A glance into the night sky should supply an answer. The Milky Way galaxy is roughly 100,000 light-years wide, so light from its more distant stars can take thousands upon thousands of years to reach Earth. Glimpse that light, and you're essentially looking back in time. When astronomers measure the cosmic microwave background radiation, they stare back more than 10 billion years into a primordial cosmic age. But can we do better than this? There's nothing in Einstein's theory that precludes time travel into the past, but the very premise of pushing a button and going back to yesterday violates the law of causality, or cause and effect. One event happens in our universe and it leads to yet another in an endless one-way string of events. In every instance, the cause occurs before the effect. Just try to imagine a different reality, say, in which a murder victim dies of his or her gunshot wound before being shot. It violates reality as we know it; thus, many scientists dismiss time travel into the past as impossibility. Some scientists have proposed the idea of using faster-than-light travel to journey back in time. After all, if time slows as an object approaches the speed of light, then might exceeding that speed cause time to flow backward? Of course, as an object nears the speed of light, its relativistic mass increases until, at the speed of light, it becomes infinite. Accelerating an infinite mass any faster than that is impossible. Warp speed technology could theoretically cheat the universal speed limit by propelling a bubble of space-time across the universe, but even this would come with colossal, far-future energy costs. But what if time travel into the past and future depends less on speculative space propulsion technology and more on existing cosmic phenomena? Set a course for the black hole.

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What's on the other side of a black hole? StockTrek/PhotoDisc/Getty Images

Black Holes and Kerr Rings Circle a black hole long enough, and gravitational time dilation will take you into the future. But what would happen if you flew right into the maw of this cosmic titan? Most scientists agree the black hole would probably crush you, but one unique variety of black holes might not: the Kerr black hole or Kerr ring. In 1963, New Zealand mathematician Roy Kerr proposed the first realistic theory for a rotating black hole. The concept hinges on neutron stars, which are massive collapsed stars the size of Manhattan but with the mass of Earth's sun [source: Kaku]. Kerr postulated that if dying stars collapsed into a rotating ring of neutron stars, their centrifugal force would prevent them from turning into a singularity. Since the black hole wouldn't have a singularity, Kerr believed it would be safe to enter without fear of the infinite gravitational force at its centre. If Kerr black holes exist, scientists speculate that we might pass through them and exit through a white hole. Think of this as the exhaust end of a black hole. Instead of pulling everything into its gravitational force, the white hole would push everything out and away from it -- perhaps into another time or even another universe. Kerr black holes are purely theoretical, but if they do exist they offer the adventurous time traveller a one-way trip into the past or future. And while a tremendously advanced civilization might develop a means of

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

calibrating such a method of time travel, there's no telling where or when a "wild" Kerr black hole might leave you. Imagine space as a curved two-dimensional plane. Wormholes like this could form when two masses apply enough force on space-time to create a tunnel connecting distant points.

Wormholes Theoretical Kerr black holes aren't the only possible cosmic shortcut to the past or future. As made popular by everything from "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" to "Donnie Darko," there's also the equally theoretical Einstein-Rosen bridge to consider. But of course you know this better as a wormhole. Einstein's general theory of relativity allows for the existence of wormholes since it states that any mass curves space-time. To understand this curvature, think about two people holding a bed sheet up and stretching it tight. If one person were to place a baseball on the bed sheet, the weight of the baseball would roll to the middle of the sheet and cause the sheet to curve at that point. Now, if a marble were placed on the edge of the same bed sheet it would travel toward the baseball because of the curve. In this simplified example, space is depicted as a two-dimensional plane rather than a four-dimensional one. Imagine that this sheet is folded over, leaving a space between the top and bottom. Placing the baseball on the

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

top side will cause a curvature to form. If an equal mass were placed on the bottom part of the sheet at a point that corresponds with the location of the baseball on the top, the second mass would eventually meet with the baseball. This is similar to how wormholes might develop. In space, masses that place pressure on different parts of the universe could combine eventually to create a kind of tunnel. This tunnel would, in theory, join two separate times and allow passage between them. Of course, it's also possible that some unforeseen physical or quantum property prevents such a wormhole from occurring. And even if they do exist, they may be incredibly unstable. According to astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, wormholes may exist in quantum foam, the smallest environment in the universe. Here, tiny tunnels constantly blink in and out of existence, momentarily linking separate places and time like an ever-changing game of "Chutes and Ladders." Wormholes such as these might prove too small and too brief for human time travel, but might we one day learn to capture, stabilize and enlarge them? Certainly, says Hawking, provided you're prepared for some feedback. If we were to artificially prolong the life of a tunnel through folded space-time, a radiation feedback loop might occur, destroying the time tunnel in the same way audio feedback can wreck a speaker. Brandtner and Staedeli/PhotoDisc/Cosmic String We've blown through black holes and wormholes, but there's yet another possible means of time travelling via theoretic cosmic phenomena. For this scheme, we turn to physicist J. Richard Gott, who introduced the idea of cosmic string back in 1991. As the name suggests, these are string like objects that some scientists believe were formed in the early universe. These strings may weave throughout the entire universe, thinner than an atom and under immense pressure. Naturally, this means they'd pack quite a gravitational pull on anything that passes near them, enabling objects attached to a cosmic string to travel at incredible speeds and benefit from time dilation. By pulling two cosmic strings close together or stretching one string close to a black hole, it might be possible to warp space-time enough to create what's called a closed time like curve. Using the gravity

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

produced by the two cosmic strings (or the string and black hole), a spaceship theoretically could propel itself into the past. To do this, it would loop around the cosmic strings. Quantum strings are highly speculative, however. Gott himself said that in order to travel back in time even one year, it would take a loop of string that contained half the mass-energy of an entire galaxy. In other words, you'd have to split half the atoms in the galaxy to power your time machine. And, as with any time machine, you couldn't go back farther than the point at which the time machine was created. Oh yes, and then there are the time paradoxes.

Time Travel Paradoxes

As we mentioned before, the concept of travelling into the past becomes a bit murky the second causality rears its head. Cause comes before effect, at least in this universe, which manages to muck up even the best-laid time travelling plans. For starters, if you travelled back in time 200 years, you'd emerge in a time before you were born. Think about that for a second. In the flow of time, the effect (you) would exist before the cause (your birth). To better understand what we're dealing with here, consider the famous grandfather paradox. You're a time-travelling assassin, and your target just happens to be your own grandfather. So you pop through the nearest wormhole and walk up to a spry 18-year-old version of your father's father. You raise your laser blaster, but just what happens when you pull the trigger? Think about it. You haven't been born yet. Neither has your father. If you kill your own grandfather in the past, he'll never have a son. That son will never have you, and you'll never happen to take that job as a time-travelling assassin. You wouldn't exist to pull the trigger, thus negating the entire string of events. We call this an inconsistent causal loop. On the other hand, we have to consider the idea of a consistent causal loop. While equally thought-provoking, this theoretical model of time travel is paradox free. According to physicist Paul Davies, such a loop

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

might play out like this: A math professor travels into the future and steals a ground-breaking math theorem. The professor then gives the theorem to a promising student. Then, that promising student grows up to be the very person from whom the professor stole the theorem to begin with. Then there's the post-selected model of time travel, which involves distorted probability close to any paradoxical situation [source: Sanders]. What does this mean? Well, put yourself in the shoes of the time-travelling assassin again. This time travel model would make your grandfather virtually death proof. You can pull the trigger, but the laser will malfunction. Perhaps a bird will poop at just the right moment, but some quantum fluctuation will occur to prevent a paradoxical situation from taking place. But then there's another possibility: The future or past you travel into might just be a parallel universe. Think of it as a separate sandbox: You can build or destroy all the castles you want in it, but it doesn't affect your home sandbox in the slightest. So if the past you travel into exists in a separate timeline, killing your grandfather in cold blood is no big whoop. Of course, this might mean that every time jaunt would land you in a new parallel universe and you might never return to your original sandbox. Confused yet? Welcome to the world of time travel. Explore the links on the next page for even more mind-blowing cosmology.

Travelling Through Time

By Clifford Pickover Posted 10.12.99 What is time? Is time travel possible? For centuries, these questions have intrigued mystics, philosophers, and scientists, and the subject of time has been central to the worlds many diverse religions and cultures. Here, futurist Clifford Pickover looks at the history of the baffling concept of time and explains why we shouldn't discount the possibility of travelling through it.


Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

We have an everyday sense of time, but what exactly is it? The question is as hard to answer as whether or not time travel will ever be possible. Enlarge Photo credit: RTimages/iStockphoto Can the flow of time be stopped? Certainly some mystics thought so. Angelus Silesius, a sixth-century philosopher and poet, thought the flow of time could be suspended by mental powers:

Time is of your own making; its clock ticks in your head. The moment you stop thought time too stops dead. The line between science and mysticism sometimes grows thin. Today physicists would agree that time is one of the strangest properties of our universe. In fact, there is a story circulating among scientists of an immigrant to America who has lost his watch. He walks up to a man on a New York street and asks, "Please, Sir, what is time?" The scientist replies, "I'm sorry, you'll have to ask a philosopher. I'm just a physicist." timetravel.wmv

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Time's past
Most cultures have a grammar with past and future tenses, and also demarcations like seconds and minutes, and yesterday and tomorrow. Yet we cannot say exactly what time is. Although the study of time became scientific during the time of Galileo and Newton, a comprehensive explanation was given only in this century by Einstein, who declared, in effect, time is simply what a clock reads. The clock can be the rotation of a planet, sand falling in an hourglass, a heartbeat, or vibrations of a cesium atom. A typical grandfather clock follows the simple Newtonian law that states that the velocity of a body not subject to external forces remains constant. This means that clock hands travel equal distances in equal times. While this kind of clock is useful for everyday life, modern science finds that time can be warped in various ways, like clay in the hands of a cosmic sculptor. Today, we know that time travel need not be confined to myths, science fiction, Hollywood movies, or even speculation by theoretical physicists. Science-fiction authors have had various uses for time machines, including dinosaur hunting, tourism, visits to one's ancestors, and animal collecting. Ever since the time of H.G. Wells' famous novel The Time Machine (1895), people have grown increasingly intrigued by the idea of travelling through time. (I was lucky enough to have chats with H.G. Wells' grandson, who told me that his grandfather's book has never been out of print, which is rare for a book a century old.) In the book, the protagonist uses a "black and polished brass" time machine to gain mechanical control over time as well as return to the present to bring back his story and assess the consequences of the present on the future. Wells was a graduate of the Imperial College of Science and Technology, and scientific language permeates his discussions. Many believe Wells' book to be the first story about a time machine, but seven years before 22-year-old Wells wrote the first version of The Time Machine, Edward Page Mitchell, an editor of the New York Sun, published "The Clock That Went Backward."


Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

The first edition of H.G. Wells' classic science-fiction story about time travel debuted in 1895 and has been republished dozens of times since. Enlarge

One of the earliest methods for fictional time travel didn't involve a machine; the main character in Washington Irving's "Rip van Winkle" (1819) simply fell asleep for decades. King Arthur's daughter Gweneth slept for 500 years under Merlin's spell. Ancient legends of time distortion are, in fact, quite common. One of the most poetic descriptions of time travel occurs in a popular medieval legend describing a monk entranced for a minute by the song of a magical bird. When the bird stops singing, the monk discovers that several hundred years have passed. Another example is the Moslem legend of Muhammad carried by a mare into heaven. After a long visit, the prophet returns to Earth just in time to catch a jar of water the horse had kicked over before starting its ascent.

Time travel is possible

Today, we know that time travel need not be confined to myths, science fiction, Hollywood movies, or even speculation by theoretical physicists. Time travel is possible. For example, an object travelling at high speeds ages more slowly than a stationary object. This means that if you were to travel into outer space and return, moving close to light speed, you could travel thousands of years into the Earth's future. Newton's most important contribution to science was his mathematical definition of how motion changes with time. He showed that the force causing apples to fall is the same force that drives planetary motions and produces tides. However, Newton was puzzled by the fact that gravity

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

seemed to operate instantaneously at a distance. He admitted he could only describe it without understanding how it worked. Not until Einstein's general theory of relativity was gravity changed from a "force" to the movement of matter along the shortest space in a curved space-time. The Sun bends space-time, and space-time tells planets how to move. For Newton, both space and time were absolute. Space was a fixed, infinite, unmoving metric against which absolute motions could be measured. Newton also believed the universe was pervaded by a single absolute time that could be symbolized by an imaginary clock off somewhere in space. Einstein changed all this with his relativity theories, and once wrote, "Newton, forgive me." Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, which was much broader than one iconic equation, fundamentally changed our understanding of time and space. Enlarge Photo credit: Steve Cole/Photodisc

Einstein's first major contribution to the study of time occurred when he revolutionized physics with his "special theory of relativity" by showing how time changes with motion. Today, scientists do not see problems of time or motion as "absolute" with a single correct answer. Because time is relative to the speed one is travelling at, there can never be a clock at the centre of the universe to which everyone can set their watches. Your entire life is the blink of an eye to an alien travelling close to the speed of

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

light. Today, Newtonian mechanics have become a special case within Einstein's theory of relativity. Einstein's relativity will eventually become a subset of a new science more comprehensive in its description of the fabric of our universe. (The word "relativity" derives from the fact that the appearance of the world depends on our state of motion; it is "relative.") There is strangeness to the cosmic symphony that may encompass time travel, higher dimensions, quantum super space, and parallel universes. We are a moment in astronomic time, a transient guest of the Earth. Our wet, wrinkled brains do not allow us to comprehend many mysteries of time and space. Our brains evolved to make us run from sabre-toothed cats on the American savannah, to hunt deer, and to efficiently scavenge from the kills of large carnivores. Despite our mental limitations, we have come remarkably far. We have managed to pull back the cosmic curtains a crack to let in the light. Questions raised by physicists, from Newton to Kurt Gdel to Einstein to Stephen Hawking, are among the most profound we can ask. Once the subject, mainly of fiction writers, time travel is being seriously considered by physicists such as Stephen Hawking. Enlarge

Photo credit: WGBH Educational Foundation Is time real? Does it flow in one direction only? Does it have a beginning or an end? What is eternity? None of these questions can be answered to scientists' satisfaction. Yet the mere asking of these questions stretches our minds, and the continual search for answers provides useful insights along the way.

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

The future of time travel

Various researchers have proposed ways in which backward and forward time machines can be built that do not seem to violate any know laws of physics. Remember that the laws of physics tell us what is possible, not what is practical for humans at this point in time. The physics of time travel is still in its infancy. While all physicists today admit that time travel to the future is possible, many still believe time travel to the past will never be easily attainable. Don't believe anyone who tells you that humans will never have efficient technology for backward and forward time travel. Accurately predicting future technology is nearly impossible, and history is filled with underestimates of technology: "Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible." (Lord Kelvin, president, Royal Society, 1895) "I think there is a world market for maybe five computers." (Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943) "There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in their home." (Ken Olsen, president, chairman and founder of Digital Equipment Corp., 1977) "The telephone has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us." (Western Union internal memo, 1876) "Airplanes are interesting toys but of no military value." (Marshal Ferdinand Foch, French commander of Allied forces during the closing months of World War I, 1918) "The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay for a message sent to nobody in particular?" (David Sarnoff's associates, in response to his urgings for investment in radio in the 1920's) "Professor Goddard does not know the relation between action and reaction and the need to have something better than a vacuum against which to react. He seems to lack the basic knowledge ladled out daily in high schools." (New York Times editorial about Robert Goddard's revolutionary rocket work, 1921) "Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?" (Harry M. Warner, Warner Brothers, 1927)

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

"Everything that can be invented has been invented." (Charles H. Duell, commissioner, US Office of Patents, 1899) Wouldn't it be a wild world to live in if time travel devices played important roles in the development of humanity like the computer and the telephone? Mathematicians dating back to Georg Bernhard Riemann (1826-1866) have studied the properties of multiple connected spaces in which different regions of space and time are spliced together. Physicists, who once considered this an intellectual exercise for armchair speculation, are now seriously studying advanced branches of mathematics to create practical models of our universe. Science fiction spurred humans to go to the moon. Can it spur them to invent a time machine? Enlarge Photocredit: NASA

Science-fiction stories about space travel have already inspired humans to travel to the moon. Similarly, will time-travel stories inspire us to create real time-travel mechanisms? Will we ever find a way to overcome the Einstein speed limit and make all of space-time home? I wonder what humanity will discover about space-time in the next century. Around four billion years ago, living creatures were nothing more than biochemical machines capable of self-reproduction. In a mere fraction of this time, humans evolved from creatures like Australopithecus. Today humans have wandered the moon and have studied ideas ranging from general relativity to quantum cosmology. Who knows into what beings we will evolve? Who knows what intelligent machines we will create that will be our ultimate heirs? These creatures might survive virtually forever, with our ideas, hopes, and dreams carried with them. There is strangeness to the cosmic symphony that may encompass time

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

travel, higher dimensions, quantum super space, and parallel universesworlds that resemble our own and perhaps even occupy the same space as our own in some ghostly manner. Stephen Hawking has even proposed using wormholes to connect our universe with an infinite number of parallel universes. Edward Witten is working hard on superstring theory, which has already created a sensation in the world of physics because it can explain the nature of both matter and space-time. By realizing that the fundamental laws of physics appear simpler in higher dimensions, string theory can unite Einstein's theory of gravity with quantum theory in ten dimensions. Our heirs, whatever or whoever they may be, will explore space and time to degrees we cannot currently fathom. They will create new melodies in the music of time. There are infinite harmonies to be explored.

More Great Links

NOVA Online: Time Travel Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking

Cleland, Andrew. Personal interview. April 2010. Davies, Paul. "How to Build a Time Machine." Penguin. March 25, 2003. Davies, Paul. Personal interview. April 2010. Franknoi, Andrew. "Light as a Cosmic Time Machine." PBS: Seeing in the Dark. March 2008. (March 1, 2011) me-machine.html Hawking, Stephen. "How to build a time machine." Mail Online. May 3, 2010. (March 2011) AWKING-How-build-time-machine.html "Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking." Discovery Channel. Kaku, Michio. "Parallel Worlds: A Journey Through Creation, Higher Dimensions, and the Future of the Cosmos." Anchor. Feb. 14, 2006. "Kerr Black Holes and time travel." NASA. Dec. 8, 2008. (March 1, 2011) Sanders, Laura. "Physicists Tame Time Travel by Forbidding You to Kill Your Grandfather." WIRED. July 20, 2010. (March 1, 2011)

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

End of Article

Before we go into deeper areas please take a look at this second article for honest and factual consideration of the possibilities here. If you still are not pretty much convinced you need to start checking out the scientific proofs of this reality. Focus your mind to the point and remember if the universe out there is BILLIONS, TRILLIONS of years old then what could have been discovered by other races in this time? You must also ask yourself what is reality? What does all of the matter around us consist of? What you need to do is delve into all of these facts to get to the answers as I dont have the time to go into all of these issues here. Again time is of the essence and we have to get the message out we have been lied to all our lives. We have to spread the word to our fellow human beings here.

Deadly time vortex appears over Antarctica
Posted by EU Times on Apr 21st, 2011
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Sector of Erupting Anomalies.

Disturbing news has been leaking out from the giant continent at the bottom of the world. Some scientists manning lonely outposts under the drifting and shifting aurora are nearly paralyzed with fear. Their clipped reports are being reviewed by astonished superiors back in the home countries. Russian researchers posted near the giant South Pole sub-glacial Lake Vostok have reported eerie anomalies and incidents over the past few years that sometimes seem to border on the frayed edge of creeping madness.

Artificial structure found two miles under ice

During April 2001 one of the worlds great secrets was revealed: an ancient structure or apparatus that lay encased miles under the hard Antarctic ice was detected by a roving spy satellite. The US military

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

immediately moved to quash the reports and the mainstream news media dutifully complied. Despite the news blackout, reports still surfaced that a secretive excavation project had commenced on the heels of the discovery. Some European countries formally protested the excavation by the US military. Excavation deep into the ice...What's down there? If its something the US military has constructed down there, then theyre violating the international Antarctic Treaty, said an aide to Nicole Fontaine, at the time he was the European Parliaments French president. If not, then its something thats at least 12,000 years old, which is how long ice has covered Antarctica. That would make it the oldest man-made structure on the planet. The Pentagon should heed the calls of Congress and release whatever its hiding. The federal government and the Pentagon ignored the calls.

High technology and strange events

US Air Force's incredible Sub terrene giant earth borer. Soon after, some military observers noted that robotic devices were being shipped to the South Pole and speculation erupted about the belief by some that the US Air Force had transported their mammoth nuclear-powered tunnel boring machine, the Subterrene, on a C5-A to a secret Antarctic base. The Subterrene, a cylindrical vessel that is said manned with a crew of four to six, is capable of subterranean travel and has undergone tests in Nevada, Colorado and New Mexico. Designed to bore through hard rock strata, drilling into the ice would be like a laser cutting through a marshmallow. Who Will You Marry? Click Here For Your Free Psychic Reading Earth borer: like a laser cutting through a marshmallow. Following the frenzied events, of early 2001, the news broke of a mysterious medical emergency that forced an evacuation of unnamed personnel during the depths of the Antarctic winterthe first event of its kind during the dangerous South Pole winter season.

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Shortly after that the region was shaken by an unusual earthquake. Seismologists located the temblor at the epicentre of the buried structure in East Antarctica. Yet still the military resisted making any comment. A magnetic anomaly formed, intensified, and spread to the vicinity of the Russian Vostok base. Russian researchers were shocked and puzzled. Meanwhile, the American military airfield buzzed with activity as flights came and went at a dizzying pace. Heavy machinerysome pretty exotic appeared on the bleak Antarctic ice sheet. Unverified reports claimed that the nuclear-powered earth borer Subterrene arrived.

Subterranean sent to explore prehistoric machine?

Finally, the American and European media were pressing hard for some believable answers when 9-11 occurred and the US was suddenly under terrorist attack. Domestic and international focus immediately shifted from the Antarctic to New York City and Washington, D.C. The mysterious events in Antarctica were forgotten.

2002: TV crew disappears

A California TV crew filming in the Antarctic went missing in November 2002. Supposedly, a video discovered among the crews personal effects by a special U.S. Navy SEAL rescue team tasked to find the filmmakers confirmed earlier reports of a huge artefact buried under the ice a prehistoric machine that may be of alien origin. The U.S. government said it will seek to block the airing of a video found by Navy rescuers in Antarctica that purportedly reveals that a massive archaeological dig is underway two miles beneath the ice, stated a press release that appeared briefly on the studio productions website.


Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Time vortex erupts

As one bizarre event followed another, a research team of US and UK scientists accidentally came across a mind-numbing discovery. While working on a joint weather research project, the team witnessed the creation of a spinning vortex of time. US physicist Mariann McLein allegedly testified that she and her colleagues became aware of a spinning gray fog in the sky over their heads. They initially dismissed the phenomenon as merely part of a random polar storm. The spiralling vortex, however, did not disperse. Stranger still, despite gusts of wind and briskly moving clouds overhead, the weird spinning gray fog remained stationary.

Intense Magnetic Anomaly

Deciding to explore the odd phenomenon, the group took one of its weather balloons and attached a meteorological instrument to it that calibrated temperature, barometric pressure, humidity, wind speed and a scientific chronometer to record the times of the readings. After attaching a cable to the balloon, and securing the other end to a winch, they released it. The balloon and instrument package soared upwards and were immediately sucked into the gaping maw of the swirling vortex. The balloon and instruments disappeared.

Tunnel to the past

After a several minutes, they decided to retrieve the balloon. Despite some difficulty with the winch they succeeded in bringing the balloon back to earth and checked the instruments. McLein stated that everyone was stunned by the readout on the chronometer. It displayed a date decades in the past: January 27, 1965. McLein claimed the experiment was repeated several times with the same result. Later, she said, the entire episode was reported to military intelligence and passed on to the White House. Presumably the strange vortex phenomenona highly magnetic tunnel to the pastwas code

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

named The Time Gate by military intelligence. Is there a magnetic time tunnel to the past? As the phenomenon was generated in the same general vicinity as the discovery of the giant apparatus deep under the ice, its thought the two may be related. If indeed a magnetic time vortex is appearing and disappearing over Antarcticaand if the phenomena is not natural, but generated by some unknown technology deep under the icecapit may reveal the physics of time and could potentially allow control of the past and by implication the future. If true, its no wonder the military is so intensely interested and so closed-mouthed about it. End of Article As you can see on the above article there are real time anomalies happening naturally on the earth and this is not a science fiction fantasy and it does happen. There are many strange incidents of so called time travel occurring for example here are a few other interviews and examples with extremely compelling evidences. For a laugh before we start (cant say as I blame him though.) (Wall Street Wizard Claims Hes from the Future) We must now address (as I have researched this also) if there ever was or ever will be, time travel technology it would HAVE TO mean we or they already have access to it (in a paradox) right now (as detailed in many areas from the Vatican to the CIA) and are using it! And here is another Kicker they have been using it! (Andrew Basiago: Time Travel and Project Pegasus At Free Your Mind Conference) I understand this is a massive leap in your consciousness but we need to know if this is indeed the case. I have come across so many different counts of this that there are far too many individual accounts confirming this that for me (someone who has spent over a decade researching it all) its not even an issue anymore. This being the case, the rest of this book will make much more sense. We

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

are all unknowingly building our collective prison planet construct for all of our future generations. Right NOW so (The Ether (Disconnecting you from the Spirit World)!) Please Wake Up and Spread the WORD of this to others as we need as many souls awake and aware of this situation as humanly, possible. (Inside Secret Government Facilities 2010 Documentary) (Art Bell) Time Technology & Research-Pt1 & (Art Bell) Time Technology & Research-P2 Art Bell Time Experiments. PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT TIME TRAVELER EDWARD CAMERON Edward Cameron on same. David Lewis Anderson - Time Travel: Journeys Into Time (Preview) Documentary link David Lewis Anderson Time Experiments Preview. David Lewes Anderson _ UFO's, Time Travel and Teleportation and the Philadelphia Experiment Time link Dr D Lewis Ufos and time link. Vatican Sitting on Time Machine? Vatican Chronovisor. Philadelphia Experiment - Al Bielek 1 of 16 Philadelphia Experiment Documentary . The Philadelphia Experiment & Montauk Project 1 of 10 Details of Philly with participants Rainbow and Phoenix Projects. Web Site giving details of this technology and much more. THE MONTAUK PROJECT !! SURVIVOR SPEAKS !! MANHATTEN PROJECT Montauk survivor tells his story (wild information) links to Evil and Illuminate with reptilian prospective linked in. Also mentions council of 300. Theres much more to all of this information and in digging into these topics we will have to go very much deeper to find out. I hope you can begin to understand; we have a situation where we have some extremely serious issues to deal with here and the fact theres much more to all of this than you can possibly understand at the moment. For a conscious opinion from the people that have really studied these things I must suggest you begin to take on board the following lectures as the majority of the information has been verified and there most certainly IS a very grave scene confronting us all. Please listen to the outlining information from the following experts in their respective fields. These guys have just done lectures in Amsterdam at the Breakaway Civilisation

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Expo and these are their opinions on the matter. Not mine. ( Richard Dolan at SECRET SPACE PROGRAM Conference April 2011) And if you dont want believe me here is a former hea d of defence! (UFO AND ALIENS ARE REAL SAYS FORMER CANADIAN HEAD OF DEFENCE) Over and above all this, the government officials have admitted these UFOs are real. (US Government ADMITS UFOS - Alien contact disclosed in Press Conference) Vatican also admits it (Vatican Official Declares Extraterrestrial Contact Is Real) Now lets listen to Peter Levendas presentation followed by the after speakers but they all provide proof positive from documents to historical facts of the existence of Hi-Technology way beyond our use down here on the ground and the fact we do indeed have a Breakaway Civilisation situation so we need to deal with the fact. I propose with the facts there is a group of controlling families keeping us all down on Earth as slaves and honestly its time it stopped now. We also need to bear in mind with the kind of seriously advanced technologies they are sitting on we can only stand a chance of winning on mass. We MUST refuse to cooperate with their plans and act to raise others consciousness as soon as possible. The name of this collective is ZION and that they do not just have a plan but (many plans) to deal with US as the sheeple. In order to get it we need to know what IT is. (Peter Levenda at SECRET SPACE PROGRAM Conference April 3 2011) Here is Timothy Good with a very good presentation again. Timothy is also a world-renowned researcher in this field. (Timothy Good at SECRET SPACE PROGRAM Conference April 3 2011) Jim Marrss is next with his own flavour of events as he sees them. (UFO's Aliens NAZI's SECRETS IN IRAQ NEW WORLD ORDER Jim Marrs Part 1 of 8) Richard Dolan (Red Ice Radio - Richard Dolan - Secret Space Program & Breakaway Civilisation) as well, as Richard Hogland is also very close but has some big issues wrong at the moment. As detailed no one has a handle of quite the scale of this as yet until they look at all the other issues laid out and linked together and theres still to many to put down here now and little time to do that. (Richard Hoagland - Hyperdiamentional Elections & 2012) Note: He is VERY wrong about Obama. Obama is leading us all into perpetual war, as are the other puppets and now blindingly FAST! NEWS: He has just activated the U.S. FEMA camps

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

in preparation for what is about to happen. trouble here and need to act quickly.

We are now in very serious


One point I will say is they have studied these areas and not tried to link in all of the other information into place as I go so please bear this in mind as we link it all. It is only by putting all the pieces together that will lead to a clearer picture. Only the honest information and facts of all of these things can lead you to the truths. Zero, compartmentalisation with big chunks, of zero lies! So now you know we have a situation down here with an out of our hands control system designed to lie to us and keep the secrets away from us all. We are all sentient human beings and we have the right to know the truths here. We have to say NO MORE NOW! We cannot just sit on our rears and let them do this to our children and indeed us / our future anymore. It has to stop and the truth must come out into the light of day. Our actual Souls have a weight of 22 Grams and we are trapped in Earths atmosphere upon Death so we re-incarnate down here. My research has shown me that it is true beyond any doubt that we will be re-born into the world we leave behind, whatever mess it is in when we go. It does not have to be in a mess if we take back control and quickly. For a brief example look at the book of the dead where the (heart is weighed) which represents the soul, against a feather representing the 22/3 Grams. This is (to my understanding) one of the tests to see if we are able to move on after death and if not we will have to reincarnate here again and again and again. ( I am mentioning this here due to the fact I happen to know much more about this than I have time to go into. I was told personally by a verifiable off world contact I know. That in order for the breakaway civilisation to procreate they need to be in the local vicinity of our earths atmosphere (if they wish to bring into being) Earth bound souls (more to this but its selectively via the use of Magic.) This goes way beyond what you could imagine but it all pans out in the end. I wish I had time to go into all of these factors but I am intuitively picking up we do not have much time left now. I have learned to try to listen to my inner self as you might now imagine after reading some of this book. All I can say to finish this point is the PTB are using the oldest and deepest

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

satanic magic to re-incarnate particular souls they wish to bring back or through. In order to do this they must separate us from the knowledge of reality and keep the secrets hidden from the populations of the world. Otherwise the game is up. I am very much aware this will seem totally wild when you first hear it but (think about this ability and the Dali-Lama) once you look deeper you will be able to understand it as fact. Put simply. Is there symbolism on your money and other documentation? Yes. What is this symbolism? Satanic. So they really do use satanic magic then. Yes in the main stream. So all you need to know is what else they can really do in this limitless universe we are in and indeed, a part of. Think about it (open your minds!) There is most definitely hidden information kept away from us all. Note: I did not, and could not tell all these people what to say so, Im just informing you of some of the information I have found, as are they. In no way can I be held accountable for their opinions but I concur with many of them as a whole but not always, in full. I have simply compiled their works to indicate an awareness of the situation we are in. One other thing you must now understand is that if ANY of the above is true we have FAR-reaching and incredibly advanced technology in ALL fields not just the subject of what I set out to find answers to. Think about it for a moment if they have this, what else do they possess? What possible alternatives could they also be hiding? Add to this once they initially got off world what other advanced technologies did they find and who else have been rubbing shoulders with on other worlds? Imagine the extent of older technologies from other races scattered out there in space! I will even propose (based on my level of research) they can do everything you could possibly imagine and much more. We could not even build one of the pyramids today with all of our knowledge and machines! Our job is now to remember what we have forgotten and free ourselves from these controllers running us all into the ground and this time around, PERMINANTLY. Moving on to what we were meant to achieve as human beings. David Adair is someone else you should check out and this will astound you unless you are aware of the kind of information already and even if you are I am sure you will really enjoy the following brief interview (David Adair area 51 Informer Part 1 of 5) from his background to his experiences

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

as he describes to you in great detail in this short interview he has released as of 2009. Here he begins to go into much more detail on the whole event as he experienced it. In the clips he describes how he was taken into the subterranean secret bunkers under area 51 and what he was shown down there. I would suggest you remember some of the details in this clip before you move on to the next link. (David Adair - The "Other" Space program - Part One) If you already get it please skip the last link. The following clip details the 2001 Disclosure program and some of the information on this issue. As you will see David was asked not to speak at the 2001 Disclosure, as his information was more than the public in general could handle at the time according to Stephen Greer and I must admit it was quite easily too much for the public to handle at that time. (U. F. O. Discloshure Project - Full Version) If you think you can handle more info on these kinds of events try Timothy goods latest Interview on Veritas Radio (Timothy Good on VERITAS: Need to Know: UFOs, The Military and Intelligence - 1/6 ) Captain Mark Richardss tale as a space pilot in a deep black projects. Do a little research on his wife as he is in prison on trumped up charges because he released information on his trip to Saturn on another conscious ship and went public as he felt the people should know the truth. (Jo Ann Richards on VERITAS: The Secret Military Space Program - - 1/5) Also see this other Veritas interview she did not long ago. (AFTDRK Radio-Secret Space-Jo Ann Richards-Pt 2.) Before we move on you must understand the fact all of this has been hidden from you the people and the fact is we have all of this technology but we have to Choose to take it back. We are sentient human beings being disempowered by the day. If you can accept this understanding you will solemnly know albeit, with a heavy heart, we are being LIED to quite blatantly. If this is indeed the case you should feel in your heart we are being corralled into perpetual banker bailouts and unlimited perpetual poverty, when we could have been travelling the stars with our children all along. If we act as a race and take heed of this information we still can do. Do you want you and your children to (be chipped at birth) follow you into a total slave world or an unlimited future potentially, forever? Your call and your actions will cast your vote or ye shall know them by their deeds/actions. I rest my case. We have to stand up and be counted

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

now before it is too late. I will get to what we can do later in the book but we can start to influence the outcome peacefully straight away by passing on a copy of the book to your friend. Any information and technology that can liberate us from diving forward mindlessly into a new world order police state has been hidden so we would not wake up to the fact we are all in/on this prison called Earth when if all of this information came to light we could be liberated by the TRUTH in an instant. Just think of this for a second, if only the rest of the populous knew this information! How the world would change overnight! Awesome! This was a very informative event 2011 Awakening & Transformation Conference next. (Jon Kelly 2011 Awakening & Transformation Conference) Please, bear in mind the link I have posted is in the public domain (or to be more accurate, has been put out on the (Tell Lie Vision) and so is subject to the control system and its controllers and we (in this book) are going to go way past this constructed information they have contrived for us all. (The Worlds First Time Machine - 1/5) On this Time topic you might like to check out these people, Andrew D Basgio exposing the once secret CIA teleportation and time travel programs and the details surrounding whats supposed to be going on inside these deep black programs. This is a very telling interview and my personal research has proved to me it is pretty much correct. (PROJECT PEGASUS: Disclosing time-travel-stargate technology in US Military. Part 1 of 5) Al Bielek who worked on these programs for the secret military programs in the past explains some of the issues and what happened to him. This is testing information so brace yourself and try to get your mind around it as best you can for now. There are some truths to all of it but there is also some disinformation as always. We have to kiss many frogs to understand it all and this is my attempt to help you do that but it is not easy by any stretch of the imagination and without doubt, this will stretch your mind. (2-1 Illuminati ET/Spiritual Conspiracy: Aliens are here-Cover up by Government) I will post some further links to Ai in additional information section for your review. The other witness is Eisenhowers great granddaughter Laura! ( Interview/ Laura M.

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Eisenhower - Mind Control, UFOs, ETs, New World Order, Illuminati) Just for good measure there is the interview she explains all of her information disclosing secret Mars programs, time travel information backing up Al Bielek among other things. It all fits if you try to absorb the magnitude of what you are learning here. Just take deep breaths and slowly move on. Also on this topic is the fact that our governments top officials were given technologies for seeing through time in the form of the Looking Glass Technology. This was done precisely because the direction (we are being led into under the New World Order) is steering us currently into a complete catastrophe for the entire human race, for good and if we all sit back and allow it to happen. (Project Camelot Interviews Dan Burisch Part 4 (June 2007)) & (Teleportation Disclosure (1/14) Andrew D Basiago on project Pegasus) Where do you think the makers of Star Trek, Close Encounters, E.T., Star Wars (see link to the real millennium falcon in additional research at the end of this chapter,) all got their ideas from? We go into this later but basically the information and ideas were scripted to them via Military and the Zionist controlled film industry who set up these networks in place to sell us the information as Science Fiction and not real. Think again! (StarWars Episodes 4 to 6 at This is what they have really been hiding from us all of our LIVES! We have all been had very badly mislead and not just on this topic either. This link is from a Russian scientist who has officially proved time can be altered and it all fits when you have looked into all of the information sufficiently. (Experiments on the change of the direction and rate of time motion) By no means are these the only examples. When you finish this book go back to check out some others but please finish the book first. Where then is all of this is going? (Who Runs the World. 1/5) Well we need to understand our lower level rulers initially before we can move on in depth on the real deal working behind the scenes! (David Icke - Payday Monsanto Economic Slave!) There is much more to come on this later on. (The Zionist Story.) The intro sequence to any of the documentaries by UFO TV fi lms on you tube is basically true as in the quote The Future is Now. It is if we take it back. Take Note of the FBI Warning! They will use this against

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

us in the future to justify copyright and other illegalities as a means to control the future use of the films they put out in the past. They are doing the same thing with child abuse but we need to cover this separately. The only thing I will say is while they demonise actions on the face of it, in the dark they practise them thereby dividing the people and poisoning all of our minds in the process. Once this is all in place they will use these very reasons to restrict all of our freedoms of the people and use these things against us while behind the scenes practising the very same deeds and much worse. This is how it unfortunately works. They need to tell us about some of these things now (so we go along with it) as it is coming out as part of their plan but when its over and they have everyone chipped they will make it illegal to have this material and remove the information like the tide coming in and going out. Comes in, fulfils their requirements then, and goes out removing the information from the populous at the bottom of the heap while making it illegal to look into the subjects ever again. Its their M.O. (Method of Operation.) Banker and control systems (Final warning: a history of the new world order) & (our armed forces an insider speaks out) We will look into this later as we tie it all in together but for now we have to move on. Ok, now to begin to put all this together and to drill down to the meat and the point of the book we now have to see who these controllers are. There is more detail in (Part 2) of the book but lets take a trip to see who these controllers are. We get the impression the Vatican seems to be at the top of the list down here when you fit the pieces together so who answers to the Vatican? (Satanism in the Vatican Confirmed, x Jesuit priest blows the whistle) Consequently who dose the Vatican answer to further up? Well, the real wizards of Oz of course! Here is a glimpse into this deep dark world. (Unhidden Agendas: Exposing The Wizards of Oz) We will need a little trip down the wormhole to get to the other end of this but for a snippet we can see in the document below it appears to be the Zionists! Yes I said appears to be and not IS, having said this like the Vatican answers to these Zionists they in turn serve and answer to their highest leaders. I will save the best for last as will be looking into this a little deeper yet. You have to travel to the top of these secret societies and again to the highest echelons before we get to Lucifer himself. The eye of the pyramid at the top and as yet not fully seated firmly on the pyramid. (Think Dollar Bill.) They are telling you what they are doing to us if you

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

listen to all of the very blatant, in your face, information they are constantly putting it out but for the most people are not getting the bigger picture. (Decoding The Past | Secrets Of The Dollar Bill - Part 1/5) As I have detailed there is a lot we need to go into to crack the biggest story ever in the hidden history of the entire human race. Incidentally, d o you know why we are the human race? Because we are in the end phase now of quite literally a race against the ultimate Evil establishing total and utter control over ALL OF US! It is quite literally a race to see who is going to win here. We are an experiment from our inception as a race of people whom have experienced millennia to see how far away from the love, light, harmony and the truth we could possibly endure and yet to see if we are spiritually capable of overthrowing all of the negative confines or bonds we have been put under, yet still break free before it is too late. It will be too late if they get their way make no mistake on that one. Put another way, we have to emerge and overcome the Dark Agenda and choose to rescue ourselves before it is finally, over. Sitting around wishing, praying or waiting to be saved is not what will happen but the exact thing that got us into this mess. This was the idea behind religions of all faiths; it relies on prayers and NO ACTION so placin g the religious into a state of non-action or paralysis. Pretty clever, no? If you would like an example of this I will show you. Listen to the words Fools, Fools, Fools and I will show you where these words came from. (Bohemian Grove Ritual - Audience watching - NWO Members?) The Satanist Elites ceremonies they hold every year at Bohemian Grove which incidentally is exactly where we are going later on in the book. Why? Because its true, they attend and perform the cremation of care to absolve themselves from elements of Karma thats why. They know what they are doing to us and they do it because we sit and let them like fools! Bush Speech (We are aware that this clip has been assembled but it does have truth in it and in reality this is the way it is.) Ok, for now lets get back to the program. I will go into greater detail at the end of the book but this is essentially it, in a nutshell. The following is a link to a two hour radio program with a very highly respected Ex-Vatican bishop's testimony that (as far as he is aware) behind the scenes the Vatican Control the world (but as you have read this book so far you already understand more than him.) While you are listening to this you might like to see for yourself the pope being obviously scolded directly

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

by one of the leading Zionist Rabbis in the following embedded document below the next link. (Highly Respected Ex Vatican Bishops Testimony-Vatican Control over the world) The Power of Prophecy document will give you a real insight into how this is all mapped out and how power is abused for their own ends and our downfall which is what they want. Its the age old story of good and evil, yin and yang, the list goes on and on.


Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Double Click To Read The Rest Of The Above Document.


Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

We will have to look into some of the deeper history before we get to the real in depth truths and can start right now with the following documentaries. The Khazarian Conspiracy (The Khazarian Conspiracy, Part 1 of 12) & As background if needed, we need to see The Khazarian Supremacy Documentary. This cuts into the grass roots and actions of the empire behind the scenes as tip of what is really going on and how all countries are playing out the separate scenarios all to lead to ALL OUT WAR on all sides for the human race. (The Khazarian Supremacy 1/13) They view us sheeple as the lambs to be led into the slaughterhouses. How the bankers truly think about us the sheeple for real, we will get to why later but this is the tip of it, again there is much more we need to understand as to why they see us this way but it is complicated to say the least. (The Banker) & (The Banker 2) They have a roll out program unfolding right now Dont get fooled! Its the plan; Project Blue Beam is also part of it so you need to understand it to get it. I wish it were simpler to explain but its not. (Are You Ready?) These things are all planned decades in advance but this time it has had much longer than that and I know this will not make sense right now but there are many things people are seeing that they do not understand yet. That is the purpose of this book, just to help your understanding of it along. It will take time for people to get to grips with what is coming but the sooner we all do, the better chance we stand of coming out the other side. (Video: Predictive Programming and the Human Microchiping Agenda) Some of the things you will also need to know is that none of these events are happening by chance (or by accident) and I can explain but we will have to do it step by step as we go (NEW WORLD ORDER WARNING IN PLAIN SIGHT!!!!!) 1st Haiti (Haiti/Chile EarthQuake H.A.A.R.P. 2010) 2nd The BP Gulf Oil Spill (The Mysterious Deaths of Nine Gulf Oil Spill Whistleblowers) 3rd Fukushima Tsunami and Nuclear Plant Meltdown (MAC2C-Fukushima Meltdown/HAARP-Richard C. Hoagland-Pt.1) 4th Chinese Earthquake disaster (China Earthquake caused by HAARP WEAPON?) 5th The testing ground was New Orleans (Hurricane Irene created by the US Government! How You Ask? Chemtrails and HAARP) and there is much more to come.

I would like to point out lastly that if you try to label all this, as

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Conspiracys you are deluding yourself or you have not looked into these things but merely glanced at the information on the surface that has been provided for you to evaluate (TV.) This is a Fact. Having said this lets take a look (thoroughly) at some of those proposed theories of the past and see what has emerged in the current day and we will see how you feel after that. (33 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True, What Every Person SHOULD Know) Bye, Bye Illusion and say hello to reality now lets get on with it Boys and Girls please. (Human Healing Foundation) Titled we are the ones we have been waiting for. As I have indicated thru ought the book we are awakening to a new understanding of ourselves at this time in history so there are going to be many aspects of the truth we will have to see to understand. The very first thing we will have to do is look at all kinds of information in order to understand how it all fits together. From my point of view these times are very inspiring as long as we all do our best to get this information out there so that others can help in waking the human race to its true potential. Look at all of the information provided here from a point of view that once we are prepared to accept this information then we will be allowed to learn from it. Once this is done, we will have passed the tests needed for our true enlightenment to begin and we will start using all of this technology but this time for the purposes of the betterment of human kind and not as a tool to its determent and enslavement.

("WHERE" are the TERRORIST you ask? DAMN IT!!! 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. LQQK no further!!!) (IN DEPTH PROOF ~ FAKE "War on Terror" FULL)


Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

5. Suggested Additional Resources.

The Truth about Anti-Gravity andFreely Available Energy.

Some simple videos and examples of some of the best short UFO Images I have come across in searching starting with NASAs own images of some of the alien (and other) craft in our Earths atmosphere. Note: even though you might think these things are beyond our capabilities to manufacture you need to finish the book before trying to get this. ist=PL18484901B0BBAC31&playnext=2 ces-proof-of-civilization-on-earth-s-moon hurl=bx%3Don%26kn%3DUniversity%2BPhysics%2B%2BNOT%2B% 2528%2522print%2Bon%2Bdemand%2522%2BOR%2B%2522printed% 2Bon%2Bdemand%2522%2529%26ph%3D2%26podclr%3Don%26podr fn%3Don%26sgnd%3Don%26xpod%3Don CNN: Dr. Ronald Mallett's Time Travel Machine They have always had it. This is where we keep repeating the same mistakes and don't learn from them so we are kept in a time "loop" and trapped here to re incarnate again and again. Refer to page 103. Now thats some powerful weather balloon and swap gas in action Try this and its just a tiny, tiny bit.


Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Something to think about while you are evaluating this information. &playnext=1&list=PLAD114C3355682D5B Link to underwater Millennium Falcon found, .again. Perhaps they just forgot it was there or must have lost it again after the star wars movie. Lol. They are showing you there are truths in the movie! IN YOUR FACE. A good prospective in my opinion as labelled the truth. I agree totally with Jordan on these points (Astrotheoligy.) Think that is funny try this! I jest not, but are you going to believe its all fiction? There are so many crash sites its stupid. Remember they never tell all of the truth just enough to get certain information across as is needed. (Prime Directive, Protocol.) Long subject addressed later in the book. playnext=1&list=PLC9A4FAB418EB84A6

Government Secret Craft Images

Bill Cooper Radio Program very old but important (Re-Legion)

I understand Re Legion as to re-train the peoples into new = Re Legions = Legions I am not about to be realigned into any camp but I look at God as the prime creator of which we are each a part.

Secret Space
5-5 Secret Space, Volume 2, Illuminati 1 of 4

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

5-6 Secret Space, Volume 2,Illuminati 2 of 4 5-7 Secret Space, Volume 2,Illuminati 3 of 4 5-8 Secret Space, Volume 2,Illuminati 4 of 4

Free Energy Documentary Race to zero point ero-point-1-6_webcam

The Disclosure Project

Watch the May 9, 2001 Press Conference at: Watch the 2 Hour Witness Interview DVD at: Watch the 4 Hour Witness Interview DVD Part 1 at: Watch the 4 Hour Witness Interview DVD Part 2 at:

Professor Jonathan Searls Details


Al Bielek
2-10 Al Bielek- Intro + Secret technology 2-11 Al Bielek- Nazis, aliens and Mars

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

2-12 Al Bielek- Illuminati alien technology 2-13 Movie: "Secret Space 2-14 Al Bielek-more on Illuminati alien tech 3-6 Phil Schneider:Alien bases/Black budget I 3-7 Phil Schneider:Alien bases/Black budgetII 3-8 P. Schneider:Alien bases/Black budgetIII

Lifter Technology Antigravity easily explained by Stan Deyo and presented with computer animation. Enjoy More-

The Camelot Library (for example)

An Excellent list of informative videos I came across while researching this information Some of the links have been disabled but do a search under the name of the subject (or the title I listed under here) and you will find a further link to the original information intended. I have looked at these and 90% at least in the past contain some good information to evaluate.


Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Hitler Related Articles in more detail as examples from Red Ice Creations Radio (for example of how deep this goes)
The Occult History of the Third Reich (1998) Was Hitler into Astrology and the Occult? British Secret Service convinced of Hitler-astrology link (Subscription) British 'studied' Hitler's stars New World Order Astrologers Wartime Psychics Nazi occultism Himmler's secret quest to locate the 'Aryan Holy Grail' Occult Warfare JFC Fuller's Army Did Bormann Run Hitler for the Illuminati? Was Hitler a "British" Agent? Stalin's Secret Files On Hitler Illuminati Used Appeasement to Trick Hitler
Hitler didn't want world war Network of top scientists helped 'Angel of Death' Mengele The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics Are World Wars Orchestrated? Hitler's Gestapo Chief Became Top Truman Advisor Project Paperclip: Dark side of the Moon The "Ugly" Cause of World War Two Bankers Engineered WWII US Intervention The Balfour Declaration & the Treaty of Versailles Red Ice Creations Radio - T Stokes - Churchill, Hitler & the Occult, WWII & NWO Astrologers Red Ice Creations Radio - Greg Hallett - Hitler Was a British Agent & New Zealand Corruption Red Ice Creations Radio - Jerry E. Smith - Secrets of the Holy Lance Related "Was Hitler a British Agent?" also "The Real Churchill" by Adam Young Article from: The Balfour Declaration & the Treaty of Versailles Henry Makow


Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Nazi Bell

This just might set you free

I wish to introduce someone whose research has the potential to change your future if you act on it and that is your choice. Here is the bio. I am Katherine Renee, the chosen and given name of the Two Spirit being born Keith Thompson where that name was stolen through deception by the holy Trinity of Rome, London and DC City States via the Birth Certificate Registration/Death Certificate on June 15th, 1964, on the anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta. A Gemini-Dragon from Belfast, Ireland/Eire making a life of singer and songcatcher amidst many other things from which to earn and learn from. Mine is the bloodline and DNA of the family nobility of the Thompson Clan with the motto of Nosce Te Ipsum meaning Know Thyself and sharing those initials as well. I was born to do what I do and I had and have much to live up to, to maintain the honour, peace, love and integrity of that role which I chose. I was launched headfirst into the game on September 1st, 2010 where I was "born again" after returning the BIRTH CERTIFICATE on camera with the court video judge bows to sovereign where hiding or flying under any radar was no longer an option, I simply decided to get louder and prouder where my purpose was simple as well; to serve all as the lowest of low servants thus guaranteeing me the highest purpose as a co-creator. I shall not yield. Did Katherine say turn in your birth certificate? Did I hear this correctly? You can find Katherines documents she used on under documents and other radio programs and Thursdays from 3 to 5pm EST and The research in this book can change our future if applied with wisdom through consciousness. Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness brings research far and wide into a place of understanding and knowledge.

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (1) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Tony gives credit to all the named and unnamed authors and video experts that have produced much of the referenced work in part 1 of Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness. Many have given their lives literally to help the human race see the Light and open them to Cosmic Consciousness. Consciousness and Love will be what it takes to set us FREE! Credit is also given to Seamus at for creating the authors impression of Cosmic Consciousness in art that is on the front cover. Love and Light is the Way Home. Thank you for reading this book, its my gift to you all, please spread the information like wildfire. Final Comment I would like to Thank :Sandra-Karen: for all of her help and efforts to bring this series to you the public. She has worked tirelessly and without reward due to the fact she understands the importance of the E-Book Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Thank you Sandy Love and Light. Tony.

This book is freely given and there is a way to donate on the web site for those who believe there should be an exchange of energy ~
Volume I (Part 2)

To receive: Volume I (Part 2) of Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness go to


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