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Tsunami warnings months prior Tohoku Tsunami Tesla ""flicker"" attached to a ste al link ToPWNu candlestick

com/photos/gillender/5020914593/ Tesla has been called everything from a genius to a quake. /photos/gillender/5021522808/ The fact remains that the alternating current elec trical system now used worldwide was his conception, and among other inventions he perfected a remote controlled boat in 1897; only a few years after the discov ery of radio waves. This device was publicly demonstrated at Madison Square Gard en the next year to capacity crowds. In 1896, Tesla had been in the United States for 11 years after emigrating from his native Croatia. After a disastrous fire in his former laboratory, he moved t o more amenable quarters at 46 Houston St. in Manhattan. For the past few years, he had pondered the sigificance of waves and resonance, thinking that along wit h the AC system, there were other untapped sources of power waiting to be exploi ted. The oscillators he designed and built were originally designed to provide a stable source for the frequencies of alternating current; accurate enough to "s et your watch by." He constructed a simple device consisting of a piston suspended in a cylinder, w hich bypassed the necessity of a camshaft driven by a rotating power source, suc h as a gasoline or steam engine. In this way, he hoped to overcome loss of power through friction produced by the old system. This small device also enabled Tes la to try out his experiments in resonance. Every substance has a resonant frequ ency which is demonstrated by the principle of sympathetic vibration; the most o bvious example is the wine glass shattered by an opera singer (or a tape recordi ng for you couch potatoes.) If this frequency is matched and amplified, any mate rial may be literally shaken to pieces. A vibrating assembly with an adjustable frequency was finally perfected, and by 1897, Tesla was causing trouble with it in and near the neighborhood around his loft laboratory. Reporter A.L. Besnson wrote about this device in late 1911 or e arly 1912 for the Hearst tabloid The World Today. After fastening the resonator ("no larger than an alarm clock") to a steel bar (or "link") two feet long and t wo inches thick: He set the "flicker" in "tune" with the link. For a long time nothing happened; vibrations of machine and link did not seem to coincide, but at last they did an d the great steel began to tremble, increased its trembling until it dialated an d contracted like a beating heart; and finally broke. Sledge hammers could not h ave done it; crowbars could not have done it, but a fusillade of taps, no one of which would have harmed a baby, did it. Tesla was pleased. But not pleased enough it seems: He put his little "flicker" in his coat-pocket and went out to hunt a half-erect ed steel building. Down in the Wall Street district, he found one; ten stories o

f steel framework without a brick or a stone laid around it. He clamped the "fli cker" to one of the beams, and fussed with the adjustment until he got it. Tesla said finally the structure began to creak and weave and the steel-workers came to the ground panic-stricken, believing that there had been an earthquake. Police were called out. Tesla put the "flicker" in his pocket and went away. Ten minutes more and he could have laid the building in the street. And, with the s ame "flicker" he could have dropped the Brooklyn Bridge into the East River in l ess than an hour. Tesla claimed the device, properly modified, could be used to map underground de posits of oil. A vibration sent through the earth returns an "echo signature" us ing the same principle as sonar. This idea was actually adapted for use by the p etroleum industry, and is used today in a modified form with devices used to loc ate objects at archaelogical digs. Even before he had mentioned the invention to anyone he was already scaring the local populace around his loft laboratory. Although this story may be apocryphal , it has been cited in more than one biography: Tesla happened to attach the dev ice to an exposed steel girder in his brownstone, thinking the foundations were built on strudy granite. As he disovered later, the subtrata in the area consist ed of sand; an excellent conductor and propogator of ground vibrations. After setting the little machine up, he proceeded to putter about the lab on oth er projects that needed attention. Meanwhile, for blocks around, chaos reigned as objects fell off shelves, furnitu re moved across floors, windows shattered, and pipes broke. The pandemonium didn't go unnoticed in the local precinct house where prisoners panicked and police officers fought to keep coffee and donuts from flying off de sks. Used as they were to the frequent calls about diabolical noises and flashes from Mr. Tesla's block, they hightailed it over. Racing up the stairs and into the lab, they found the inventor smashing the "fli cker" to bits with a sledgehammer. Turning to them with accustomed old-world aplomb, he apoligized calmly: " Gentle men, I am sorry. You are just a trifle too late to witness my experiment. I found it necessary to stop it suddenly and unexpectedly in an unusual way. However, If you will come around this evening, I will have another oscillator attached to a platform and each of you can stand on it. You will I am sure find it a most interesting and pleasurable experience. Now, you must leave, for I have many things to do. Good day. (Actually, another story is r visitor to the laboratory, prise and pleasure, extoling e inventor's warnings to get e effects and ran stiffly to related of Tesla's good friend Mark Twain, a regula standing on the vibrating platform to his great sur its theraputic effects while repeatedly ignoring th down. Before long, he was made aware of its laxativ the water closet.)

One source has it that the device "bonded to the metal on an atomic level" and T esla was unable to get at the controls, but it seems more likely that the wild m ovements of the girder, combined with the panic that he might bring the neigborh ood down, moved Tesla to this unsubtle action. He later mused to reporters that the very earth could be right conditions. The detonation of a ton of dynamite at nd forty-nine minutes would step up the natural standing uced until the earth's crust could no longer contain the He called his new science "tele-geodynamics." Newspaper artists of the time went nuts with all manner of fanciful illustrations of this theory. Tesla's fertile imagination posited a series of oscillators attached to the eart h at strategic points that would be used to transmit vibrations to be picked up at any point on the globe and turned back in to usable power. Since no practical application of this idea could be found at the time that woul d make money for big investors or other philanthropic souls, (one can't effectiv split in two given the intervals of one hour a wave that would be prod interior.

ely meter and charge for power derived in this way) the oscillators fell into di suse. In the 1930s, Tesla revived the idea of tele-geodynamics to create small, realt ively harmless temblors to relieve stress, rather than having to wait in fear fo r nature to take it's course. Perhaps this idea did not remain the idle speculation of a scientist whose star had never been on the ascendant since the turn of the century, and we occasional ly experience the devious machinations of invisible "earthquake merchants" at th e behest of the unseen hands who wish to experiment on and control the populace.

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