Week 6: July 1

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Week 6: July 1

Introduction Start up and review last week 5min Present review of the skills learned to date 10min 0:15


Physical, Skills, Riding Sense Following a wheel 20min Switching lead 20min


Post Ride

Session 1: CLINIC

Dynamic activation 7min Easy ride 6min Break 2min 0:30

Easy ride 15min

Questions, discuss upcoming week 5min

Session 2: INTENSITY

Session 3: LONG RIDE

Other Training

Coach's Comments

1:16 1:25 1:30 Ride all out Dynamic for 2min, activation then ride Easy ride 10min easy 3-4min. 41min Easy ride Repeat that 15min 4-6 times 0:25 0:49 1:30 Long slow Easy ride Easy ride distance 10min 10min 2h40min 0:10 2:50 3:00 Continue on building the set of inner core training a few days a week. Include ab roll-outs, supine bridges, prone planks, trunk curl-ups, back hyperextensions, knee curl-ups, and of course, push-ups and pull-ups. Get more into the Hatha yoga and return to build up the floor postures. The intervals continue this week but a little longer time. Push through these and feel the benefit come on the longer rides in coming weeks. All the skills sessions should be merging together into a new sense of confidence on the bike. All the work together now may be resulting in need for changes in the saddle position.

9 My First Fondo Training Guide 2013 Powerful Good Society

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