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Week 11: August 5 Recovery week

Introduction Start up and review last week 5min Set the groundwork for session today 10min 0:15


Physical, Skills, Riding Sense Group cornering 20min Sitting-on 20min


Post Ride

Session 1: CLINIC

Dynamic activation 7min Easy ride 6min Break 2min 0:30

Easy ride 15min

Questions, discuss upcoming week 5min

Session 2: INTENSITY

Session 3: LONG RIDE

Other training

Coach's Comments

1:10 1:25 1:30 Ride all-out Dynamic for 6min, activation then ride Easy ride 10min easy 15min, 33min Easy ride then repeat 20min once again 0:30 0:57 1:30 Easy ride Long slow Easy ride 10min distance 2h 10min 0:10 2:10 2:20 Back to savasana in the Hatha yoga this week. You should be finding a new peace and sense of self for making it through to a new lifestyle. In the gym this week try a single set of each exercise for as many repetitions as you can, then leave it. This is the break before the final build of training for the event. All the training to date has led up to the push through next week. Put forth all your effort for the two weeks, each building up form the highest to date last week. This will cap off the training youve put in and make it all worthwhile.

14 My First Fondo Training Guide 2013 Powerful Good Society

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