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6.1 Introduction

Design of a Simply Supported Beam Design of a Cantilever Beam Design of a Continuous Beam Design of a Beam with Overhang Summary Answers to SAQs



This unit is meant to design different types of beams based upon the mechanics of reinforced concrete and principles involved in design & detailing processes- such as safety and serviceability requirements discussed in Units 1 to 5. Through the design of a simply supported beam, a cantilever beam, a continuous beam and a beam with overhang, analysis, design and detailing have been explained in a systematic sequence.

After going through this unit a-student will be able to design & detail all types of beams, One will learn the following :
a a

sequence to be followed in the design of beams, analysis of beam, and structural design & detailing of beams.



Design a simply supported beam of 6 m clear span. The beam is supported on 375 thick wall and loaded with a super-imposed dead weight of 16 kN/m as well as a live load of 12 kN/m. Use M 15 concrete and Fe 250 steel.


Thumb Rule
lef D lying between --to10 Assuming le,
lef 20


6 + 0.375 = 6.375m to start with

lCf 6 . 3 7 5 ~ 1 0 " and taking D = - = = 638 10 10

Figure 6.1 : A Simply Supported Beam


From Control of Deflection Criteria dl:

1, f

KBK,K?K, where KB= 20 For M 15 concrete and Fe 250 steel, the amount of balanced section steel = 1.32% and correspondingly K , = 1.3

K2=K,= 1
Substituting these values in the above equation

Adopted D = 800 and.d = 800 - 40 = 760

1 b = 400 (i.e. lying between -rd 3

2 to - rd of D) 3


From Moment of Resistance Consideration


Total DL

Total DL + LL Design Load, w u= 1.5 x 36.0
= 36.0 kN/m

= 54.0 kN/m

Maximum B. M., Mu =
(vide Figure 6.2)

! ! ! d d - 8


6.3752 = 274.32mm 8


wU=54 kNm

Design and Detailing of Beams

Figure 6.2 : S. F. D. and B. M. D. for the Beam

or, d =

274.32 x l o 6 0.148 x 15 x 400 lesser of

= $55.8 c 760

Now ler =

(i) 6 + 0.375 = 6.375 m, and (ii) 6 + 0.76 = 6.76 m

Thus le, = 6.375 m

Check for b from Lateral Stability Consideration (0
60h = 60 x 400 x lo-' = 24m >> le, (6.375m), and



250 x 4002 760

= 52.632 m >> le, (6.375 m)

or, 274.32 x lo6= 0.87 x 250 x As[ x 760

A,, x 250 400 x 760 x 15

S : or, 9.06 A

165300AS1+ 274.32 x lo6 = 0

or, As,='1846.38 mm2

Limit State Metbod

1'033.6mm2 < 1846.38mm2

~ U I Z . U> ~1Ulb.3Umm ~

Provided 400 x 800 section with 6$22 (A, = 1888.4 mm2 > 1846.38mm2)in one layer at d = 760
Curtailment and Detailing of Tension Reinforcement

If three out of six bars are curtailed, then moment of resistance of the section with continuing 3920,

Let x be the distance of theoretical cut-off point from the L.H. supports. then from

or, 147.74 or,

= R.x - w ux2 where R = Reaction at L.H. support

= 172.13 x -54 x2/2 = 1.02 m and 5.355 m from L.H. support

i.e. 2.17 m from either side of mid point of the span. Actual cut-off point'from mid section = 2 . 1 7 + ( > o f 129ord)
= 21.7

+ 0.76 = 2.93 m

Lengtm available beyond the actual cut-off point towards supports

Provision of Shear Reinforcement

(a) Shear reinforcement at the face of the support

Dcslgn and DetaUlng of Bunu

(0.46 - 0.35) Accordingly, 'c = 0.35


x (0.3 1

(0.5 - 0.25)

N - 0.25) = 0.38 --i-


tc< tn : hence shear reinforcement shall be provided for

or sV= 357.52 c/c

Check for minimum shear reinforcement sVshall be the least of

(i) (ii)

0.75d = 0.75 x 760 = 570 450, and o.87fy$v - 0.87 x 250 x 100.53 = 136.65 0.4b 0.4 x 400


Hence f 8-2 legged vertical stirrups 8135 dc may be provided.

(b) d e a r reinforcement at the cut-off section

This shear reinforcement shall be provided over a distance of

from the cut-off section.

Limit State Method





- 190 8x0.5

C/C ( where fib =

Area of bars cut-off Total area of bars

= 0.5)

Hence provided 4 8 - 2 legged vertical reinforcement @ 110 c/c towards both supports. As the distance 570 > ( 3000 - 2930 = 70), the same reinforcement shall continue upto the face of support. The shear reinforcements may be provided in an usual way (Unit 3) beyond cutoff point towards centre of beam.
Detailing Near the Supports



= 1088

Length of bars inside the support for L, beyond the cut-off point

= 1088 - ( 3000- 2930) = 1018

The bars shall be bent up with a standard hook of 9 8 bend. (ii)
L34 Again L , =-

v +L,

where M, = 147.74 kNm

or, i080 =

1.3x 147.74 x lo6 172.13 x lo"

+ Lo

or, Lo= (-) 27.8 This means that Lois not required for the diameter of bars provided. , (iii) Minimum length of bar inside the support

Side Face Reinforcement

on each face Provided 2910 bars (A, = 156 mm2> 30412 mm2)
The details have been shown in Figure 6.3.

! rA

r 2 0 10 (Hmgcrbars)


Figure 6.3 : Details of the Beam Deslgned

Design and detail a simply supported R.C. beam of 5m clear span supported on walls 380 thick to cany a total dead and live load (excluding self load) of 25 kN/m. Use M 15 concrete and Fe 415 steel.



Design a cantilever beam for the superimposed dead and live loads shown in Figure - 6.4 below. Use MI5 concreate and Fe 250 steel.

Example 6.2


Depth (D)


From Control of Deflection Criteria

where K,, =7

For MI5 concrete and Fe 250 steel, the balanced section steel area = 1.32% for which

Limit State Method

K,=1.3 K2 = K, = 1 Substituting above values

= 439.56 rnm 7 ~ 1 . 3 ~ 1 ~ 1



6 =850 at fixed end and b = 400 throughout.

Figure 6.4 : A Cantilever Beam


From Moment of Resistance Consideration


Superimposed Load Total load Design loads, w, = 1 . 5 ~ 4 6

= 69 kNlm

w 1 69x4' Design Moment, MU = K L =2 2

= 55.2 kNlm

Effective depth (6) for resisting applied moment is obtained by


= 0.1484, bd2

552x lo6 = 0 . 1 4 8 ~ 15x400xd2 or, d=788.43

Assuming effective cover 50, d = 850- 50 = 800 > 788.43 Check for b from lateral stability consideration

Design and Detailing of Beams

or. or, or,

55.2 x lo6 = 0.87x 250 x Ast x 800 (I

- 4oo

ASt x 250


9.06A s :

- 174000Ast + 552 x lo6 = 0

All = 4009.46 mm2

Hence provided 400 x 850 section at fixed end with 5$32 ( A , = 4021.24 mml) Curtailment and Detailing of Tension Reinforcement
Let 2$32 be curtailed at x from the free end, then moment of resistance of the section of cqntinuing 3402 with 50 cover throughout the length

where de = effective depth at free end

= 1.0467x 10'

+ 65596.456 x

Applied B.M. at x from free end

Equating M, with M u

34.3 x2 = ( 1.046x
or x= 1.74m

lo8+ 65596.456~) x

Llmit State Method

Actval cut-off point fromfixed end

The tensile reinforcement will extend both sides of the face of the support, a length 2 L,, and the continuing 3g32 towards free end from cut-off section shall also extend 2 L, (Figure 6.5).

Provision of Shear Reinforcement


At support

where tan

850.- 350


= 0.125

Taking 0 8 - 2 legged vetical stirrups as shear reinforcement


At cut-off section Actual cut-off section from free end = 4 - 2.78 = 1.22 m

: .

Shear force and B.M. at cut-off section,

Design and Detailing of Beams

@ 135

s a -2 leg.

Figure 6.5 : Details of the Designed Beam

Provided @S 2 legged stirrups @ 135 throughout

Limit State Metbod


From Control of Deflection Criteria

Design and Detailing of Beams

support and the other is continuous.

C .

For M15 and Fe 250, pB% = 1.32 % and correspondingly, K , = 1.3



.: d 4

6000 23x1.3xIxI


I Assuming D = 600 ; d = 600 - 55 = 545 and taking b (between - rd to 3

- rd D) = 300

Check b from Lateal Stability Consideration

Let the beam be laterally supported at 6 m interval i.e. at supports,

ze, < 60b; or lef(6m) < 60 x 300(= 18m)

Loads Self
DL Total DL

= 0.6 x 0.3 x 1 x 25

= 4.5 kN/m

Total (DL + LL) Design DL Design LL Design (DL + LL)

= 1.5x 14.5 = 1.5 x 12.0

= 1.5 x 26.5

= 21.75 kN/m
= 18.0 kN/m

= 39.75 kN/m

* Evaluation of Design B.Ms & S. Fs. at Critical Sections

M s= Ks wu 1,; and M n = Knwu 2,:
where M Sand M,, are span and support B.Ms and Ksand Knare their corresponding moment coefficients respectively. Similarly VU = S.F. at the centre of support ( Figure 6.7 (a) to (f)).

* Refer Appendix A.

Limit State Method

Due to DL only

(a) Span and Support B.Ms.

.38~21.75~6 1 VU= 049.59,



Maximum S.Fs. at the Supports for DL

Due to LL only

(c) Span and Support B.Ms. for LL

(d) Maximum S.F. at the Supports for LL

Due to DL+LL only

(e) Span and Support B.Ms. for DL+LL

(f) Maximum S.F. at the Supports for DL+LL

Figure 6.7 : Evaluation of B. Ms and S. Fs at Critical Sections


Ffom Moment of Resistance Consideration

xu, max 1 - 0.42 d

and Detailing of Beams

M u = Mu,iirn = 0.36





(where adoted d = 600 - 25 - 20 - 12.5 = 542.5 for main reinforcement of $20 in two layers and a clear spacing of 25 between two layers of bars) Moment of resistance for balanced secion

Mu,lim= 0.36

%d?E d I - 0.42


Xu rnax


= 0.36x053(1-0.42x0,53)x 3a)x 542.5' x 15 x 1 0-6

= 196.01 kNm > 178.87 kNm

Hence the section is under-reinforced.

Hence provided 6 Q 16 (A, = 1206.37 mm2)in two layers

At Intermediate support

Llmlt State Metbod

Provided 10 Q, 16 (A,, = 2010.62 mm3 in two layers Detaling of Main Reinforcement

At Simple Support Let 4 4 16 be curtailed and the remaining 2616 be continued in the simple support. Moment of resistance of the section with 2416,

Let xmbe the distance of curtailment of 4@16from the outer support, then

or- 19.875 xZ

- 97.47 x + 45.49 = 0

or x = 0.52 m and 4.38 m From centre line of end support, the actual cutloff point

= 0.52 - ( > o f 120or d)



- 0.5425 = - 0.0225 m

The continuink bars must extend into the support by a distance

V at the centre line of support

= 97,47 kN

or Lo> 263.28 Maximum straight length available from centre line of support to the outer face of the bent bars 375 --1

25 = 162.5 (Figure 6.8)

Now 263.28 = 162.5 + 8 0 + x or x =- 27.22 Hence only standard hook of 90" bend shall be sufficient (Figure 6.8).

Design and Detailing of Beams

Standard 90" bend

Figure 6.8 : Detailing of Positive Reinforcement at End Support

Positive Bending Moment Reinforcement at Intermediate support

Actual cut-off section from centre line of end support

= 4.38

+ ( >12 0 or d) = 4.38 + 0.5425

4.923 m

i.e. 1.077 m from intermediate support. The continuing bars shall extend into the support by at least

- = -- 290
3 3



Let point of inflexion be at x from end support, then

0 = 97.47~ - 39.75 -2


;or x = 4.9 m

S.F. at point of inflexion,V = 97.4- 39.75 x 4.9

= 97.305 kN
M I + Lo L', > -

or 870 >

45.49 x l o 6


97.305 x 1 0 "

or Lo > 0.402 m < 1.18 m (Figure 6.9)

Negative B.M. Reinforcement at Intermediate Support

Let half of the (-) tive B.M. reinforcement be curtailed, then moment of resistance of the section with remaining 5 016

M u = 0.87.fyAstd[1 - hd.


Limit State Method


x 250 x 5 x - x 16' x 542.5 4

3 0 0 ~ 5 ~ 5 4 215 . 5 ~

Let this B.M. occur at x from centre line of end support then 39.75x2 -106.41 = 97.47~ - -; or, x = 5.824 m 2 i.e. theoretical cut-off point from centre line of intermediate support

= 6-5.824=0.176m
Therefore, actual cut-off point from centre line of intermediate support = 0 . 1 7 6 + ( > o f 124)ord)

= 0.176 + 0.5425 = 7 19 m < 0.87 m (L,)

Hence, all (-)tive B.M. reinforcement shall extend upto 0.87 m from intermediate support. The remaining 5 $16 must extend beybnd the inflexion point for a distance greater of d = 542.5 or l a @ =12 x 1 6 = 192 or
= - ( 6000-375) = 351.56



Therefore remaining 5 Q16 shall extend upto (1.077 + 0.5425) m = 1.62 m (Figure 6.9)

Figure 6.9 : Showing Details of Reinforcement Near Intermediate Support

Detailbng of Transverse Reinforcement at Intermediate Support

S.F. at the face of support,

Desiw:and Detailing of Beams

100 x 10 x - x 16'


300 x 542.5


2, =

0.6 +

V,,, = V ,

- 0.6) x 0.235 = 0.C38 (1.25 - 1.0) -~ , b d = 140.45 - 0.638 x 300 x 542.5


= 36.616 kN


0 8-2 leg. stp


or;sv =

0.87 x 250 x 100.53x 542.5

36.616 x lo-" = 323.95 < 450 < 0.75d(406)

From minimum shear reinforcement consideration A,, 2bsV


0.87 fy

100.53 x 0.87 x 250 0.4 x 300

1 182.21 < 323.95

Shear reinrbrcement of cut-off point of (+) tive B.M reinforcement near intermediate support

S.F. = V,,= 147.9- 39.75 x 1.077 = 105.0 kN

7, =

105.09 x I000 300 x 542.5

= 0.65 7

ni m -



100 x 2 x 201

Accordingly T ,

= 0.35 NlmmZ

IfuS= Vu- tcbd = 105.09- 0.35 x 30Q x 542.5 x

Limit State Method

0 . 8 7 f yA , , d



"us s

, 1



A,, =


0 . 4 0 ~ ~

: . Total area of transverse reinforcemeti

A, = As,

+ A,,

= 10b.53 =

or; S , =

100.5 3

= 0.5

48.12 x l o 3 0.87 x 250 x 542.5

d 542.5 ... - - - --


- 135.625 > 1 13.5

8x0.5 542.5 = 406.87

3 -(I


Hence provided 48 -2 legged step @ 110 for a distance 406 from the cutoff point. (Figure 6.9)
Shear reinf~rcements for other portion of the beam may be provided in usual way (Unit 3)

Design and detail a continuous tieam of two spans each of 6m between their supports fob a total load (excluding self weight) of 30 kN/m. The beam is rnonolithicallly supported on columns. Use M 20 concrete and 415 steel



Design an overhang beam loaded with a dead load of 16 kN/m and a live load of 12 kN/m shown in Figure 6.10. Use M 15 concrete and Fe 415 steel.

Design and Detailing of Beams

Example 6.4

Figure 6.10 : An Overhanging Beam

Depth (D)


From Thumb Rule For simply supported position

1 . 6000 Taking D = A- = -- 600 at the start 10 10


From Deflection Criteria For simply supported portion

= 23 since one of the supports is simply supported

and the other is continuous.

pmax = 0.72% for M 15 concrete and Fe 415 steel accordingly K,= 1.05

K2= K, = 1
Substituting these values in the above equation

For cantilever portion

where K, = 7

As maximum (+)tive bending moment in simply supported portion is, to some extent, balanced by the overhang, the depth required will not be the same as that for simply supported beam (Example 6.1). Thus adopted D = 600 and b = 300

Check for b from Lateral Stability Consideration Let the beam be laterally supported at supports For simply supported portion 60 b = 6 0 x 300x lo-'= 18 > 6m

For cantilever portion 25b = 25 x 300 = 7.5 m > 2m

Hence O.K. (iii)

D from Moment of Resistance Consideration Loads

Self = 0.6 x 0.3 x 1 x 25 DL Total DL
= 4.5 kN/m

Total (DL + LL) Design Load, wU=1.5 x 32.5
= 48.75 kN/m

Analysis of Beam

EM, = O

(Figure 6.1 1)

or, 48:75 x 8 x 4- R , x 6 = 0 .or, R, = 48.75 x 8 x 416 = 260 kN

: . R, = 48.75

x 8 - 260 = 130 kN

(a) Beam Loaded With @L+LL) on Both Spans

(b) S.F.D.

(c) B.M.D.

Figure 6.11 : S. F . D and B. M. D. for the Beam

Let Mu,_x occur at x from A in the span, then S.F,at that section will be zero i.e., 130- 48.75 x = 0


x = 2.67 m

Thus MU,MI = 1 30 x 2.67 B.M. at support section

48.75 ~ ' 2 . 6 7 " = 173.33kNm 2

Let the point of inflexion be at x from simple support i.e.

Llmrt ,State Method

or x r 5.33 m i.e. 0.67 from support B. The resulting S.F.D. and B.M.D. are as shown in (Figure 6.11)

or, d = 528.38 Assuming two layers of # 16 steel,

d = 600- 25- 16-2512 = 546.5 > 528.38

Hence, provided b x D = 300 x 600 Provision of Main Reinforcement (i) For span

or, 173.33x 1 o6 = 0.87 x 4 15 x or, 33.296833 A,2

4, x 546.5

300 x 546.5 x 15
106= 0

- 197313.83 Ant + 173.33



5925.9 As, + 5205600.1 = 0 5925.9 t J 5 9 2 5 . 9 ~ - 4 x 1x 5205600.1 2

or, A,, =

or,.As, = 1072.6 mm2

Hence provided 6 # 16 ( A , = 1206.37 mm2 > 1072.6 mm2)


At support B
M u = 0.87.

Astd(l - bd. fCk


or, 97.5 x l o b = 0.87 x 415 x A,, x 546.5 or, As> 5925.9 Ant + 2928206.8 = 0 or, A,,

A,, x 415

300 x 546.5 x 15


+ d5925.9? - 4 x 1 x 2928206.8

or; Ast =

5925.9 f 4837.7

= 544.lmrn

> 368.67(A


Hence provided 3#16 ( A , = 603.2 mma) Curtailment and Detailing of Tension Reinforcement (i) At simple support If three out of six (+)tive reinforceing bars are curtailed, then moment of resistance of the section with remaining three bars,

Design, and Detailing of Beerm

= 106.904 kNm
Let this B.M. be at x from L.H. support, then 106.904 = 130 x - 48.75 x2/2 or x2 - 5.33 x

+ 4.3858 = 0

or; x = 1.017 m and 4.317 m (a) (b) These curtailed bars will be extended on both ends by greater of 120 (192) or d(546.5) The curtailed bars have length greater than L, ( 903) towards the maximum bending moment i.e. towards the critical section The continuing bars, from cut-off point should have total length encluding Lo greater than L, and must extend into the support by (d)


- = -= 30 1


903 3

The length of straight portion of into the support

= 380-25- (4 + 1) x 16 = 275 < 301

Hence, the bars shall be bent with 90 bend. (e)

Ld >


+ Lo at L.H. support


M, = 0.87&~,,d


Limit State Method

V = 130 at centre line of support

or; Lo <

1.3 x 106.904 130

- 0.903 = 0.1 66m

Let Lo = Equivalent length of 90 bend or; 166= 8 x 1 6 + x or; x = 38


The detailing on L.H. support has been done as shown in (Figure 6.12).

Figure 6.12 : Detailing of the Simple Support

Curtailment of (+)tive Reinforcement towards R.H. Support (a) (b) The continuing three bars shall extend upto 6 - 4.317 - 0.5465 = 1.1365 m > 0.903 m (L,)

(vide Figure 6.13)

These three bars must extend into the support at length not less than

upto [ ? d l -


= 11 1 beyond the centre line of the support.


As the point of inflexion is away from the support, factor 1.3 multiplication for M ,l V will not apply



M, = 106.904 kNm as before, and

V = S.F. at point of inflexion i.e. at 0.67m from centre line of support = 97.5 - 0.67 x 48.75 = 64.838

Substituting M, & V in the above equation.

The detailing of positive reinfo~cement of R.H. support is shown in (Figure 6.13).

Figure 6.13 : Detailing of Positive Reinforcements at R. H. Supports

Curtailment of (Stive Reinforcement at R.H. Support

1#16 is curtailed out of 3#16,


The continuing 2#16 shall extend beyond the point of inflexion for a length greater of (i)

d = 546.5



- th of clear span = -(6 - 0.38) x lo3 = 35 1


i.e. the continuing bars shall extend ( 0.67 + 0.5465 ) centre line of R.H. support (vide Figure 6.14).

1.22 m from

Figure 6.14 : Detailing of Fegative Reinforcement over R. H. Supports

out of 3#16 let 1#16 bar be curtailed then M.R. of the section with 2#16

300 x 546.5 x 15

If x be the distance from free end to the point where M y= -76.652 kNm, then

or; 24.375 x2 - 260 x

+ 443.348 = 0

= 2.131 from free end i.e. (2.131m - 2m) = 0.131 from centre line of R.H. support.
The curtailed bars 2#16 shall extend greater of 12$(196) or d (546.5) beyond the theoretical cut-off point i.e. the bars will extend ( 0.131 + 0.5465 ) m = 0.6775m from centre line of support into the simple span or Ld(0.903m)from face of support whichever is greater.

Curtailment of Bars in Cantilever Portion

(a) Let 1#16 be curtailed at x from free end then from eqn.

Design and Detailing of Beams

or x = 1:254 m i.e. 2-1.254 = 0.746 m from support. The 2#16 bars must extend greater of

(ii) (iii)

1241= 196, and

d = 546.5

froin centre line of R.H. support. (b) The continuing 1#16 shall extend beyond cut-off point a distance equal to Ld The detailing has been shown in Figure 6.15.

Figure 6.15 : Details of Cantilever Portion

The shear reinforcement for the beam shall be designed as done in the previous examples.

Design and detail an overhang beam of 5.5 m clear span between the supports and 1.75 m of cantilever portion beyond the centre line of support. It is loaded with 20 kN/m of superimposed load. The supports consists of walls 380 thick. Use M 15 concrete and Fe 4 15 steel.



Design and detailing of a R.C. rectangular beam is a process of fixing size of concrete section, determination of area of tensile and sheer reinforcements of its different cross sections to resist different internal forces due to applied loadings keeping in view its serviceability requirements. The various components of design such as design of beams for flexure, shear, bond & anchorage as well as detailing to meet the serviceability requirements discussed from Unit 1 to 5 have been knitted together to get a complete design and details for beam elements. Design of various types of beams of rectangular cross section have been illustrated with detailed drawings in this unit so that a student may be able tlo design a beam in a systematic manner and put forward a comprehensive drawing for execution.


Refer Section 6.2


Refer Section 6.3


Refer Section 6.4. Since the supports are monolithic with the beam, the end supports must be provided with the (-)tive reinforcement and detailed as per rules. The maximum bending moment and shear forces may be calculated as per C 21.4.1
( as of BIS : 456

- 1978)


Refer Section 6.5

SP 16 : 1980 "Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete to IS :456-1978 BIS : 456-1978, "Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete". Bureau of Indian Standard$, Manak Bhawan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi - 110 002. Ashok K. Jain, "Reinforced Concrete Limit State Design", New Chand & Bros, Roorkee. S. K. Mallick & A. P. Gupta, "Reinforced Concrete", Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. Sinha S. N. "Reinforced Concrete Design", Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited.14112Asaf Ali Road, New Delhi - 110 002. SP : 24-1983, "Explanatory Handbook on Indian Standard Code of Practice of Plain and Reinforced Concrete (IS :456-1978)", Burau of Indian Standards, Manak Bhawan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi - 110 002. SP : 3 4 4 s & T)-1978, "Handbook on Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing", Bureau of Indian Standards, Manak Bhawan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi - 110 002. Ram Chandra, "Limit State Design", Standard Book House, 1705-A, Nai Sarak, Delhi - 110 006. Arthur H.Nilson & George Winter, "Design of Concrete Stfuctures", McGraw-Hill, Tnc.


Table A.1 Maximum Bending Moment and Shear in Continuous Beams of Equal Span

Design and Detailing of Beams



A11 beams freely supported at ends For incidental load causing For all spans equally loaded simultaneously the worst effect
,125 11.096 D.096

. " a .-



c .i! 3 2k o .c

$ 8 .' " 3

'5g T~

,125 D.070 D.070 D .lo0 .lo0 D.080 D.025 D.080 D ,107 ,071 .I07 D.077 D.036 D ,036 D .077 d ,105 ,080 ,080 ,105 D.078 D.033 D.046D.033 D.078

. 1 17 ,117 U.101 D.075 D . I O ID ,121 ,107 . I 2 1 D.099 D.081 D.081 D.099 L) . I 2 0 ,111 .I11 .120 ~ . i o o D.080 D.086 D.080 D . 1 0 0

Note : Bending moment

= =

coefficient x w x 1 Total load on one span effective span


The coefficients written above the span are for negative moment at supports and those written below the span are for positive moment at midspan.

Table A.2 : Maximum Shear Force in Continuous Beams of Equal Span


All beams freely supported at ends For incidental load causing For all spans equally loaded simultaneously the worst effect

Note : Shear force = coefficient x total load on one span

Note 1. S.F. coefficients above line apply to SF. at right hand side of support. S.F. coefficients below line apply to S.F. at left hand side of support.

limit State Method


Bending Moment in Continuous Beams of Equal Spans Freely Supported at Ends due to Unit Moment Applied at Ends
Bending moment = coefficient x applied moment
Bending Moment Coeficients

Unit moment applied a t one end o n l y

Unit moment applied at each of the two ends




' b W O

.267 -.067





DJ '


0 ,268 -.072



1 .




,286 .ID D ,263 -.053 -.053


D ' D


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