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Name:Roll No:Subject:-Advanced Digital Signal Processing Class :- M.E.(Signal Processing) Date of Conduction:Date of Completion:Signature of Staff Incharge:_____________________________________________________________________________ Aim:- To design IIR filter with given specification using TMS320C6713 Digital Signal Processing Starter Kit. INTRODUCTION TO CODE COMPOSER STUDIO Code composer is the DSP industry`s first fully integrated development environment(IDE) with DSP-specific functionality. With a familiar environment like MS-based C++TM, Code Composer lets you edit, build, debug, profile and manage projects from a single unified environment. Other unique features include graphical signal analysis, injection/extraction of data signals via file I/O, multi-processor debugging, automated testing and customization via a Cinterpretive scripting language and much more. CODE COMPOSER FEATURES INCLUDE: IDE Debug IDE Advanced watch windows Integrated Editor File I/O, Probe Points and graphical algorithm scope probes Advanced graphical signal analysis Interactive profiling Automated testing and customization via scripting Visual Project management system Compile in the background while editing and debugging Multi-processor debugging Help on target DSP

Procedure to work on Code Composer Studio

1. To create the New Project Project New (File Name.pjt, Ex:- Vectors.pjt) 2. To Create a Source file FileNewType the code (Save and give filename Ex:- sum.c) 3. To add source files to project ProjectAdd files to projectsum.c 4. To add rts.lib file &Hello.cmd ProjectAdd files to projectrts6700.lib Library Files:rts6700.lib (Path:c:\ti\c6000\cgtools\lib\rts6700.lib) ProjectAdd files to projecthello.cmd CMD file-Which is common for all nonreal time programs. (Path :c\ti\tutorial\6711\hello1\hello.cmd) Note:- Select Linker command file(*.cmd)in type of files 5. Reset CPU 6. To Compile Project Compile 7. To Rebuild Projectrebuild, Which will create the final.out executable file(Ex:-Vectors.out) 8. Procedure to Load and Run program: Load the program to DSK: File Load program Vectors.out 9. To execute project: DebugRun

SNO 1 Apparatus used TMS320C6713 DSK Board +5V Universal Power Supply AC Power Cord USB Cable Code Composer Studio Version 3.1 Quantity 01

2 3 4 5

01 01 01 01


GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS: In the design of frequency Selective filters, the desired filter characteristics are specified in the frequency domain in terms of the desired magnitude and phase response of the filter. In the filter design process, we determine the coefficients of a causal IIR filter that closely approximates the desired frequency response specifications. An Infinite impulse response (IIR) filter possesses an output response to an impulse which is of an infinite duration. The impulse response is "infinite" since there is feedback in the filter, that is if you put in an impulse,then its output must produced for infinite duration of time. In this part, you will design an IIR filter with J-DSP. The filter will be designed using four different IIR methods (Butterworth, Chebychev I, Chebychev II and Elliptic) so that results of the 4 different methods can be compared. The specifications for the filter are shown below. Filter Type = Low-pass Cutoff frequencies: p1 = 0.4 and s1 = 0.6 Tolerance in pass-band = 1.0dB Tolerance (rejection) in stop-band = -45.0dB The design can be done using the IIR block under the filter blocks menu in J-DSP. This block will automatically calculate the filter coefficients based on the filter specifications provided, using a bilinear transformation for any of the four design methods mentioned above. Attach the output of the IIR block to a Freq-Resp block to get a plot of the filter's frequency response or to a PZ-Plot block to see a plot of its poles and zeros, or both through a junction block. Note that

the IIR block will calculate filters with a maximum of 10 filter coefficients. Enter the cutoff frequencies into the IIR block as fractions of the sampling frequency. For p1=0.4 simply enter 0.4. For each of the four filter designs, do the following: 1. Plot the filter's frequency response. 2. Create a pole-zero plot of the filter. 3. Note the order of the filter. 4. Examine the filter's frequency response in the pass-band and in the stop-band. 5. Observe the phase response of each design. Design the filter using each of the following four methods. 1. Design an IIR Butterworth filter according to the given specifications. 2. Redesign the filter using the Chebyshev I method. 3. Repeat the process using a Chebyshev II filter. Plot the frequency response on a dB scale. 4. Finally, design using an Elliptic filter. Observe its frequency response in the passband on a linear scale and its response in the stop-band on a dB scale

RESULT :- Using TMS320C673 DSK and Code Composer Studio V 3.1 IIR filter is designed
and waveforms are verified.

PRECAUTIONS:1. Perform System Diagnostics before starting the practical 2. Check all the connection carefully.


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