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MICHEL THOMAS SPANISH (ADVANCED) COURSE, 4 CDs TRANSCRIPT This is an approximate transcript of the course, since Michel often

changed his mind in the middle of a sentence to be translated, or adapted his sentences for the students. The booklet that accompanied Michel's courses was wholly inadequate, so I have written this transcript. I have found it useful, so maybe other people will, too. Naturally, it would be foolish to try to learn the language using this transcript, without buying the recordings. Note that English is my native language, so I don't guarantee that there are no mistakes. Tracks and track times in the recording are shown in brackets. Version 2, Aug 16th 2006 Transcribed by JK CD 1 (74.10) (1) 6.43 to buy comprar I am buying it lo compro I don't buy it because it is very expensive no lo compro porque es muy caro why don't you buy it? por qu no lo compra? why aren't you buying it? por qu no lo compra? to understand comprender, entender I understand comprendo I understand it lo entiendo you understand comprende, entiende why don't you understand me? por qu no me entiende? why don't you understand me? (friend) por qu no me entiendes? why don't you understand me? (plural) por qu no me entienden? they don't understand me no me entienden he is preparing it for me lo prepara para m (2) 2.39 he is right now preparing it for me est preparndolo, lo est preparando why don't you do it? por qu no lo hace? why aren't you doing it? (friend) por qu no lo haces? why don't you do it? (plural) por qu no lo hacen? he is right now in the process of doing it est hacindolo, lo est haciendo he is leaving right now est saliendo he is leaving tomorrow est saliendo maana (3) 6.05 I don't understand what you are saying no comprendo lo que dice to say, to tell decir they are telling me me dicen you are telling me me dice

why don't you tell me? (plural) por qu no me dicen? why don't you tell me? (friend) por qu no me dices? we are telling you le decimos to understand entender, comprender why don't you understand me? por qu no me comprende? why don't you understand me? por qu no me entiende? to start, to commence empezar, comencar why don't you start? por qu no empieza? why don't you start? (plural) por qu no empiezan? I am starting now empiezo ahora why don't you start? (friend) por qu no comiencas? why don't you start? (friend) por qu no empiezas? to buy comprar I don't buy it no lo compro why don't you buy it? (friend) por qu no lo compras? why don't you buy it? (plural) por qu no lo compran? we are buying it lo compramos (4) 8.08 you are not buying the house, he is not buying the house no compra la casa buy the house! compre la casa! don't buy it! no lo compre! don't buy it! (friend) no lo compres! don't buy it! (plural) no lo compren! buy it! comprelo! don't buy it! no lo compre! buy it! (plural) comprenlo! don't buy them! (plural) no los compren! don't buy them! (friend) no los compres! (for a positive command, talking to a friend, you don't switch tracks and you drop the -s) buy it! (friend) compralo! to call llamar I am calling you le llamo I am calling you (friend) te llamo he is calling me me llama why don't you call me? (friend) por qu no me llamas? why don't you call me? (plural) por qu no me llaman? we are calling you le llamamos we are calling you (friend) te llamamos call me tomorrow! llameme maana! don't call me today! no me llame hoy! don't call me today! (friend) no me llames hoy! call me! (friend) llamame! call me! llameme! (5) 4.37 to have tener you have tiene

why don't you have it for me? por qu no lo tiene para m? we don't have it no lo tenemos I have tengo I have it lo tengo I don't have it no lo tengo I have to see it tengo que verlo to say, to tell decir you say, you tell dice I tell digo I am telling you le digo I am telling you (friend) te digo why don't you tell me? (friend) por qu no me dices? why don't you tell me? (plural) por qu no me dicen? I have tengo I am telling, I am saying digo to have tener to come venir he is coming with us viene con nosotros we are coming venimos I am coming vengo to do, to make hacer what are you doing? qu hace? (6) 2.28 to know saber do you know it? lo sabe? do you know it? (friend) lo sabes? why don't you know it? (plural) por qu no lo saben? we know it lo sabemos I know it lo s I don't know it no lo s to know (general knowledge) saber to know, be acquainted with (somebody, somewhere) conocer I know conosco I don't know him no lo conosco I don't know her no la conosco (7) 1.19 do you know Pedro? conoce a Pedro? do you know my friend? conoce a mi amigo? do you know Madrid? conoce Madrid? I don't know him no lo conosco I don't know it no lo s (8) 3.53 I have tengo I am saying, I am telling digo I am doing, I am making hago I am doing it lo hago

I have it lo tengo I am telling you (friend) te digo I am coming vengo to leave salir I am leaving salgo I am leaving tomorrow salgo maana at what time are you leaving? a qu hora sale? I have tengo I come vengo I am doing hago I am telling digo I am leaving salgo to put poner I am putting pongo I am putting it here lo pongo aqu where are you putting it? dnde lo pone? why don't you put it here? (friend) por qu no lo pones aqu? to compose componer to oppose oponer to suppose suponer I suppose supongo to bring traer I am bringing it lo traigo to hear or I hear oigo (9) 12.18 come with me! venga conmigo! don't leave! no salga! don't leave! (friend) no salgas! don't leave! (plural) no salgan! tell me! digame! don't tell me! no me diga! tell it to me! dgamelo! don't tell it to me! no me lo diga! tell it to him! dgaselo! tell it to her! dgaselo! tell it to them! dgaselo! don't tell it to him, tell it to me! no se lo diga, digamelo! don't do it! no lo haga! don't do it! no lo haga! don't do it! (friend) no lo hagas! don't do it! (plural) no lo hagan! do it! (plural) hagalo! to put poner I am putting it here lo pongo aqu I want to do it quiero hacerlo

I can do it puedo hacerlo I cannot do it no lo puedo hacer I am right now in the process of doing it estoy hacindolo, lo estoy haciendo do it! hgalo! don't do it! no lo haga! I am doing it lo hago I am not doing it no lo hago why don't you do it? por qu no lo hace? why don't you do it? (friend) por qu no lo haces? why don't you do it? (plural) por qu no lo hacen? do it! (plural) hgalo! don't do it now! (plural) no lo hagan ahora! put it here! pngalo aqu! don't put it there! no lo ponga all! bring it! trigalo! bring me something! trigame algo! bring it to me! trigamelo! don't bring it to me today because I don't need it today no me lo traiga hoy porque no lo necesito hoy I hear it lo oigo hear it! igalo! tell it to me, don't tell it to him! dgamelo, no se lo diga! tell it to him! digaselo! but don't tell it to him today! pero no se lo diga hoy! (10) 4.14 (for positive commands to a friend, you drop the -go ending completely) tell me! (friend) dime! tell it to me! (friend) dmelo! don't tell it to me! (friend) no me lo digas! don't tell it to me! (plural) no me lo digan! tell it to me! (friend) dmelo! come with me! (friend) ven conmigo! have it! (friend) tenlo! put it here! (friend) ponlo aqu! don't put it there, put it here! (friend) no lo pon gas all, ponlo aqu! leave! (friend) sal! don't leave! (friend) no salgas! don't leave! (plural) no salgan! (11) 5.34 (we'll now turn the imperative into a command tense, namely the subjunctive. In English, we hardly use the subjunctive; e.g. "I want you to be here" means "I want that you be here", and not "I want that you are here". "at what time and do you want me to be there?" means "at what time do you want that I be there?"; this is the equivalent to giving a command of "be there!") (12) 5.15 (in Spanish, the subjunctive is used quite a lot. It expresses an element of doubt and

uncertainty, e.g. "it is necessary that you be here" expresses some doubt that you will be here) (Verbs in the subjunctive, like the imperative, switch tracks. For -go verbs, the -ga ending is used with everyone, including "you friend") it is important that you be here es importante que est aqu (in the subjunctive, there is no -o ending for "I") it is important that you call me es importante que me llame it is important that you all call me es importante que me llamen it is very important for you to call me later (friend) es muy importante que me llames ms tarde it is not necessary for you to wait for me no es necesario que me espere to write escribir (13) 2.32 (in Spanish, no words begin with st-, sc-, sp-. Spanish speakers have to insert an ebefore those letters) to study estudiar student estudiante school escuela to write escribir Spain Espaa why don't you write to me? por qu no me escribe? write to me! escribame! because it's very important that you write to me porque es muy importante que me escriba (14) 1.23 (in Spanish, you cannot say literally "I want you to write to me". In Spanish, "I want you" means "I love you") I love you (I want you - friend) te quiero (15) 6.54 what do you want me to write to him? qu quiere que lo escriba? I want you to do it, I want that you do it quiero que lo haga I want you to do it (friend) quiero que lo hagas I want you to do it (plural) quiero que lo hagan what do you want me to do? qu quiere que haga? why don't you want me to tell it to him? por qu no quiere que se lo diga? I think that he can do it pienso que puede hacerlo (that sentence is not subjunctive, but the next one is because there is an element of uncertainty) I don't think that he can do it pienso que pueda hacerlo I want you to call me later quiero que me llame ms tarde I want you to write to me quiero que me escriba he wants me to send it to him quiere que se lo mande (end of recording)

CD 2 (74.44) (1) 5.09 I will buy it lo comprar we will buy it lo compraremos he will buy it lo comprar they will buy it lo comprarn you will buy it (friend) lo comprars I will write to you le escribir he will write to you le escribir we will write to you le escribiremos you will write to me me escribir you will write to me (friend) me escribirs they won't write to me no me escribirn to take tomar I won't take it no lo tomar we will take it lo tomaremos they won't take it no lo tomarn (2) 2.34 I have tengo I will have tendr I leave salgo I will leave saldr we will leave saldremos they will leave saldrn you will leave (friend) saldrs I come vengo I will come vendr we will come vendremos you will come (friend) vendrs to sell vender I will sell it lo vender I will come vendr I put pongo I will put pondr I won't put it here no lo pondr aqu (3) 4.30 I will call you tomorrow le llamar maana I am going to call you tomorrow voy a llamarle maana I call you tomorrow le llamo maana I call you tomorrow (friend) te llamo maana to stay quedarse I am staying me quedo we are staying nos quedamos he is staying se queda they are staying se quedan you are staying (friend) te quedas

I am going to stay voy a quedarme I want to know how long you are going to stay quiero saber cuanto tiempo va a quedarse I will stay here a few days me quedar unos das (4) 2.32 I am telling digo I am doing hago I will tell dir I will do har I won't do it no lo har I will tell you later why we won't do it le dir ms tarde por qu no lo haremos he won't tell me no me dir he won't tell me why he won't do it no me dir por qu no lo har (5) 2.11 tell me! dgame! tell me! (friend) dime! put it here! (friend) ponlo aqu! make a reservation! haga una reservacin! (the imperative of "make, do" to a friend is haz) make a reservation! (friend) haz una reservacin! do it! (friend) hazlo! don't do it! (friend) no lo hagas! (6) 6.52 river ro I will leave saldr I would leave saldra we would leave saldramos he would do it lo hara he will do it lo har I wouldn't do it no lo hara they wouldn't do it no lo haran we wouldn't do it no lo haramos I wouldn't tell you why we wouldn't do it no le dira por qu no lo haramos to wait esperar he won't wait no esperar he will wait esperar he wouldn't wait no esperara to prepare preparar I will prepare it lo preparar he wouldn't prepare it no lo preparara I like me gusta I like to see it me gusta verlo I don't like to do it no me gusta hacerlo I would like to see it, it would please me me gustara verlo I would like to see you me gustara verle (7) 3.19

I have spoken he hablado I have bought he comprado I have bought it lo he comprado we have bought it lo hemos comprado they have bought it lo han comprado he has sold it lo ha vendido we have eaten hemos comido he has left ha salido (8) 5.44 (now here is a simple past tense, called the "past historic") I spoke habl to take tomar I took it lo tom I called llam I accepted acept I didn't accept it no lo acept I bought it lo compr I will buy comprar I bought compr to wait esperar I waited esper I will wait esperar I spoke habl he spoke, she spoke, you spoke habl I speak hablo I am buying it lo compro he bought it, she bought it, you bought it lo compr (that is the -ar track. On the other track, you use the ending - for "I", and the ending -i for "you, he, she") I sold vend I left sal he left, you left sali I understood comprend he understood, you understood comprendi (9) 10.45 he sold it lo vendi I didn't sell it no lo vend I bought it lo compr why didn't you buy it? por qu no lo compr? why did you sell it? por qu lo vendi? I didn't sell it no lo vend why did you sell it? por qu lo vendi? why didn't you sell it? por qu no lo vendi? to lose perder I lost it lo perd when did you lose it? cundo lo perdi?

at what time did you leave? a qu hora sali? when did you arrive? cundo lleg? yesterday ayer last night anoche I called you yesterday le llam ayer he called me last night me llam anoche I call myself..., my name is... me llamo... I call you tomorrow le llamo maana he called you le llam I spoke habl did you speak? habl? to start empezar, comencar I started empez at what time did you start? ?a qu hora empez? I left sal I am leaving salgo he is leaving sale at what time are you leaving? (plural) a que hora salen? at what time did you leave? a que hora sali? I didn't eat no com why didn't you eat? por qu no comi? I called you this morning le llam esta maana at what time did you call me? a qu hora me llam? I call you tomorrow le llamo maana he is calling you le llama he called me me llam why didn't you call me? por qu no me llam? I wrote to you le escrib he wrote to me me escribi why didn't you write to me? por qu no me escribi? to see ver I saw it lo v I didn't see it no lo v did you see it? lo vi? I didn't understand it no lo entend (10) 1.32 (for "they", on the -ar track you use the ending -aron) they spoke hablaron they called me me llamaron at what time did you call me? (plural) a qu hora me llamaron? they arrived llegaron at what time did you arrive? (plural) a qu hora llegaron? (11) 1.41 I arrived here two hours ago lleg aqu hace dos horas at what time? a qu hora? two hours ago hace dos horas

(12) 3.23 they didn't arrive yet, they still didn't arrive todava no llegaron they left salieron at what time did you leave? (plural) a qu hora salieron? they didn't eat no comieron they wrote to me me escribieron they talked to me, they spoke to me me hablaron I am staying me quedo I am not staying no me quedo I stayed me qued he stayed se qued he didn't stay no se qued they stayed se quedaron (the ending for the other track is -ieron) (13) 4.45 (for "you friend", the ending is -aste on the -ar track) you spoke (friend) hablaste at what time did you call me? (friend) a qu hora me llamaste? why didn't you call me? (friend) por qu no me llamaste? at what time did you leave? (friend) a qu hora saliste? why didn't you sell it? (friend) por qu no lo vendiste? why didn't you sell it? por qu no lo vendi? why didn't you sell it? (plural) por qu no lo vendieron? they sold it lo vendieron I didn't sell it no lo vend I bought it lo compr he didn't buy it no lo compr they bought it lo compraron they sold it lo vendieron (on the other track, the ending is -iste) why didn't you sell it? (friend) por qu no lo vendiste? why didn't you call me? (friend) por qu no me llamaste? (14) 3.47 I spoke habl they spoke hablaron you spoke (friend) hablaste (for "we", the ending in the present and the past historic is the same) we spoke hablamos we speak hablamos we spoke hablamos we are arriving, we arrive llegamos we arrived llegamos we arrived yesterday llegamos ayer we arrive tomorrow llegamos maana he left sali they left salieron

you left (friend) saliste I left sal we left salimos we leave, we are leaving salimos to sell vender (with -er verbs, there is a distinction between "we" past and "we" present) we sold vendimos we are selling vendemos we sold vendimos we eat, we are eating comemos we ate comimos (15) 8.37 (the -go on verbs are a little different. However, they all follow the same pattern, on both tracks) I am doing hago I am doing it lo hago I am not doing it no lo hago I did, I made hice he did, he made hizo I did it lo hice he did it lo hizo he didn't do it no lo hizo why didn't you do it? por qu no lo hizo? I didn't do it no lo hice he made a reservation for us hizo una reservacin para nosotros I say digo I said dije I told dije I told you le dije he told me me dijo to do hacer I did hice he told me that he didn't do it me dijo que no lo hizo I told you le dije he told me me dijo he told me that he didn't do it me dijo que no lo hizo why didn't you tell me? por qu no me dijo? why didn't you tell it to me? por qu no me lo dijo? why didn't you tell it to him? por qu no se lo dijo? I did, I made hice I told, I said dije he told me me dijo to put poner I am putting pongo I put (past) puse he put (past) puso

where did you put (past) it? dnde lo puso? (16) 7.16 to be able poder ("to be able" in the past is pud-) I couldn't do it no pude hacerlo he couldn't do it no pudo hacerlo I did hice I said, I told dije I put (past) puse I could pude to want querer I wanted quise I wanted it lo quise he wanted it lo quiso I did hice I said, I told dije I put (past) puse I could pude I wanted quise wine vino he came vino he came with wine vino con vino I came vine I have tengo I had tuve he had tuvo I was estuve he was estuvo (for "they", the ending for all these verbs is -ieron, and for "we", the ending for all these verbs is -imos) I put (past) puse he put (past) puso they put (past) pusieron you put (friend, past) pusiste we put (past) pusimos I did, I made hice he did, he made, you made hizo they did, they made, you all made hicieron you did (friend) hiciste we did hicimos he came vino they came vinieron you came (friend) viniste we came vinimos (end of recording)

CD 3 (76.12) (1) 3.21 I could pude they could pudieron we could pudimos you could (friend) pudiste he couldn't no pude he told me me dijo they told me me dijeron why didn't you tell me? (plural) por qu no me dijo? they didn't tell me no me dijeron they came with me venieron con m they didn't have it no lo tuvieron I wanted it lo quise he didn't want it no lo quiso they wanted it lo quisieron you wanted it (friend) lo quisiste we didn't want it no lo quisimos (2) 3.53 (now back to the "diving" past) I have bought it lo he comprado I have not bought it no lo he comprado we have bought it lo hemos comprado they have bought it lo han comprado where have you bought it? (friend) dnde lo has comprado? where did you buy it? dnde lo compr? he has sold it lo ha vendido he sold it lo vendo why didn't you sell it? por qu no lo vendi? why didn't you sell it? (friend) por qu no lo vendiste? he has not sold it no lo ha vendido (3) 2.04 he would buy it lo comprara I wouldn't buy it no lo comprara they wouldn't buy it no lo compraran you wouldn't buy it (friend) no lo compraras we wouldn't buy it no lo compraramos (4) 4.07 (for "will" and "would", there are some contractions in the stem, but never in the endings) I will leave saldr he won't leave no saldr he wouldn't leave no saldra we won't leave no saldrimos we wouldn't leave no saldramos I would put it here lo pondra aqu

I won't put it here no lo pondr aqu we will put it here lo pondremos aqu we wouldn't put it here no lo pondramos aqu he wouldn't come with us no vendra con nosotros he wouldn't sell it no lo vendera he would come here with us and he would sell it vendra aqu con nosotros y lo vendera (5) 2.44 I will do it lo har I won't do it no lo har I wouldn't do it no lo hara we wouldn't do it no lo haramos we won't do it no lo haremos I will tell you later le dir ms tarde he wouldn't tell me no me dira we wouldn't tell you no le diramos I will have it for you lo tendr para usted (6) 2.02 to go ir I am going to do it voy a hacerlo he is going to do it va a hacerlo they are going to do it van a hacerlo we are going to do it vamos a hacerlo to go ir I will go ir I will go to see it ir a verlo I wouldn't go no ira we wouldn't go no iramos (7) 0.57 to be able poder I will be able to do it podr hacerlo he won't be able to do it no podr hacerlo he wouldn't be able to it no podra hacerlo (8) 2.40 (in English, "could you" means "would you be able to") can you tell me, will you tell me puede decirme can you tell me where it is, will you tell me where it is puede decirme dnde est could you tell me where it is, would you be able to tell me where it is? podra decirme dnde est? could you come with me? podra venir conmigo? can you wait for me, will you wait for me puede esperarme could you wait for me? podra esperarme (9) 4.54 (dever can mean "must", "have to", "shall/should", "to owe") I must have it devo tenerlo I speak hablo

I understand entiendo I am eating como I must devo I must do it now devo hacerlo ahora you must do it deve hacerlo I have to do it tengo que hacerlo how much is it? cunto es? how much does it cost? cunto cuesta? how much do I owe? cunto devo? I will have to do it tendr que hacerlo I will have to do it dever hacerlo I would have to do it tendra que hacerlo I would have to do it devera hacerlo (devera is also used in the sense of "I should do something", meaning "I ought to do something") you should tell me (friend) deveras decirme (10) 1.37 I have sold it lo he vendido (after any form of haber, there is nowhere to go but to dive) I would have sold it lo habra vendido I wouldn't have sold it no lo habra vendido (11) 5.19 made in Spain hecho en Espaa I have done it lo he hecho I haven't done it no lo he hecho I wouldn't have done it no lo habra hecho I have told you le he dicho he has told me me ha dicho I would have told you le habra dicho to see ver I haven't seen it no lo he visto we would have seen it lo habramos visto I would have gone habramos ido (in diving, estar becomes estado, and ser becomes sido) it is possible es posible it would have been possible habras sido posible it wouldn't have been possible that way no habras sido posible as (12) 4.08 (for the English -ing tenses, in Spanish use the endings -ando and -iendo) I am right now doing it estoy haciendolo I am doing it every day lo hago todos los das (the English past -ing is expressed in Spanish with -aba on the -ar track, and -a on the other track) I was speaking hablaba he was speaking hablaba she was speaking hablaba

you were speaking hablaba they were speaking hablaban they were calling llamaban they were buying compraban they were selling vendan they were doing it lo hacan they were telling me me decan we were telling you le decamos we were doing it lo hacamos (13) 3.57 (there are only two or three exceptions in Spanish language) I was going iba I was going to iba a I was going to do it iba a hacerlo I was not going to tell you that I was going to do it no iba a decirle que iba a hacerlo he was going to be here iba estar aqu you haven't told me that you were going to arrive today no me ha dicho que iba a llegar hoy I would have waited for you le habra esperado (14) 3.39 I told dije you told me me dijo you didn't tell me no me dijo you didn't tell me (friend) no me dijiste you didn't tell me (plural) no me dijeron I did, I made hice I said, I told dije I came vine I put (past) puse I wanted quise I had tuve (15) 0.55 I was estuve (in the past historic, haber is hub- and "could" is pud-) (16) 4.08 I made, I did hice he did hico they did hicieron you did (friend) hiciste we did hicimos I put puse they put pusieron you put (friend) pusiste we put pusimos they had tuvieron you had (friend) tuviste

we had tuvimos I said, I told dije he said, he told dijo they said dijeron they told me me dijeron you didn't tell me (plural) no me dijeron we told you le dijimos you didn't tell me that you were going to arrive today no me dijo que iba a llegar hoy you didn't tell me that you were going to arrive today (friend) no me dijiste que ibas a llegar hoy I would have waited for you le habra esperado I would have waited for you (friend) te habras esperado (17) 7.23 I was waiting esperaba I was waiting for you le esperaba I was waiting for you (friend) te esperaba he is waiting from me me esperaba (the "was -ing" and "were -ing" could be called the "wing" tenses, in Spanish, -aba and -a) he was doing it lo haca I was telling you le deca (in Spanish, the wing tense expresses a straight line in the past, maybe a short line or maybe a long line, but a straight line. On the other hand, "I did it" is not a straight line.) (In Spanish, the wing tense can also express a broken line: "I did it very often", "I did it all the time", "I used to do it". In English, you don't make a distinction) he did it every day lo haca todos los das he is speaking habla he was speaking hablaba he spoke (this morning) habl he spoke (every day) hablaba (18) 5.22 to do, to make hacer I did it (it is done) lo hice he did it (this morning) lo hizo he did it (every day, very often) lo haca he told me me dijo he told me (every day) me deca he put it here lo puso he put it here (every day) lo pona and I cannot see it y no puedo verlo I don't know where it is no s dnde est he put it here (this morning) lo puso aqu he put it here (every day) lo pona aqu he told me me dijo he was telling me me deca he told me (all the time) me deca

(19) 4.08 ("I knew" is rarely used, except in the context of finding something out) I knew supe I knew it, I found out lo supe he knew supo they knew supieron you knew (friend) supiste we knew supimos (fui- is the past of two separate verbs) to go ir I went fui I went to see it fui a verlo he went to see it fue a verlo they went fueron you went (friend) fuiste we went fuimos I went fui he went fue they went fueron you went (friend) fuiste we went fuimos we went to see it fuimos a verlo I went fui he went fue she went fue you went fue they went fueron you went (friend) fuiste we went fuimos (20) 2.21 (fui- is also the past of ser) I went fue I was fue it was possible fue posible ("was" as a straight line is era) I was going iba I was going to iba a it was important (straight line) era importante (21) 4.11 (it is in the nature of some verbs to express a straight line in the past, for example "to know") I knew, I found out supe I knew, I used to know saba I didn't know no saba I didn't know you were going to arrive today no saba que iba a llegar hoy I didn't know that they were going to arrive today no saba que iban a llegar hoy

I didn't know that you were going to arrive today (friend) no saba que ibas a llegar hoy (the same for "to have the time") I didn't have the time no tena el tiempo I was very busy no estaba ocupado (22) 2.11 I wanted (dot) quise I wanted (line) quera I wanted to do it quera hacerlo ("I would want" contracted from querera to querra) I wanted quera I would want querra (end of recording)

CD 4 (76.04) (1) 1.13 I would want, I would like me gustara, quisiera I wanted quise they wanted quisieron I wanted to do it quise hacerlo he wanted to do it quiso hacerlo they wanted to do it quisieron hacerlo (2) 4.03 (the "they - past" ending, -ron, when changed to -ran is the past subjunctive, meaning "I might...") they wanted quisieron I might want quisiera I might want, I would like quisiera I want to do it quiero hacerlo I wanted to do it quera hacerlo I would like to do it me gustara hacerlo I would like to do it me gustara hacerlo I would want to do it querra hacerlo I may want quisiera they wanted quisieron I would like to do it quisiera hacerlo (3) 4.38 I can do it puedo hacerlo I could do it podra hacerlo I will tell you le dir I will do it lo har I will tell you le dir will you please tell me where it is puede decirme dnde est (4) 5.19 you have to wait here tiene que esperar aqu you have to wait for me tiene que esperarme you don't have to wait no tiene que esperar (in English, "you have to wait" means "you must wait", but "you don't have to wait" means not "you must not wait", but "you don't need to wait") it's not necessary that you wait no es necesario que espere I need necesito you don't need to wait no necesita esperar (5) 6.56 (it is in the nature of some verbs to express a line, not a dot, in the past) I knew it lo saba I found out supe I didn't know no saba I wanted quera ("I could" can be in the past, meaning "I was able"; or it might not be in the past, meaning "I would be able")

I would be able, I could podra could you tell me? podra decirme? could you wait? podra esperar? can you wait, will you wait puede esperar can you tell me puede decirme could you tell me? podra decirme I couldn't find it, I was not able to find it no pude encontrarlo I couldn't see it no pude verlo I couldn't (line in past) poda I couldn't do it no poda hacerlo I couldn't (at that moment in the past) no pude (6) 5.31 I wanted quise he wanted quiso they wanted it lo quisieron I would like quisieria (after "if", you use the subjunctive in both Spanish and English, e.g. "if I were" not "if I was") I knew supe they knew supieron if I knew si supiera (the form of "they knew" gives you the subjunctive) if I had the time I would do it si tuviera el tiempo lo hara if I were there I would tell you si estuviera all le dira I had (straight line, broken line) tena to have tener I was having, I used to have, I had tena I had (dot) tuve they had tuvieron if I had si tuviera (7) 6.30 I have sold it lo he vendido I would have sold it lo habra vendido I had sold it lo haba vendido I would have sold it lo habra vendido I have sold it lo he vendido I had sold it lo haba vendido I would have sold it lo habra vendido they had hubieron if I had sold it si lo hubiera vendido if I had seen it I would have bought it si lo hubiera visto lo habra comprado if I had known it si lo hubiera sabido if I had bought it si lo hubiera comprado if I had known it I would have told you si lo hubiera sabido le habro dicho (8) 2.14 if I told you si le dijera

I said, I told dije they said, they told dijeron they did, they made hicieron I might do it hiciera I knew supe they knew supieron if I knew si supiera if I knew it I would tell you si lo supiera le dira (9) 3.50 (we must distinguish in English between "would" and "would have") I would -ra I would have habra I would do it lo hara I would buy it lo comprara I would have bought it lo habra comprado (10) 7.57 I was buying it lo compraba he was selling it lo venda he sold it lo vendi they sold it lo vendieron he was selling it lo venda he used to sell lo venda he sold it lo vendi he has sold it lo ha vendido we have sold it lo hemos vendido they have sold it lo han vendido they were selling it lo vendan they sold it (all the time) lo vendan he sold it (dot) lo vendi they sold it lo vendieron if I sold it si vendiera I have sold it lo he vendido I had sold it lo haba vendido if I had sold it si lo hubiera vendido (you could use hubiera for "I might have") I might have sold it lo hubiera vendido I would have sold it lo habra vendido if I had been there last night I would have seen it and I would have bought it si hubiera estado all anoche lo habra visto y lo habra comprado I might have bought it lo habiera comprado (11) 2.09 I don't know that you will come no s que venga I don't think that he may come no pienso que venga I know that he will come s que venga (if you are in the past, you must use the past subjunctive) I didn't know that he might come no saba que viniera

(12) 1.25 (after the expression ojal, meaning "I hope that", "hopefully that" you use the subjunctive) (13) 6.41 to look for buscar I was looking for it lo buscaba to lose perder I lost it and I was looking for it but I couldn't find it lo perd y lo buscaba pero no pude encontrarlo I couldn't do it no pude hacerlo (14) 2.52 if you had called me last night si me hubiera llamado anoche I have bought it lo he comprado I have bought it lo haba comprado I would have bought it lo habra comprado if you had called me last night si me hubiera llamado anoche and if you had told me y si me hubiera dicho that you were going to arrive today que iba a llegar hoy (15) 2.30 if you had told me that you were going to arrive today si me hubiera dicho que iba a llegar hoy I would have waited for you le habra esperado I would have made a reservation habra hecho una reservacin we would have had dinner (would have dined) at the restaurant habriamos cenado al restaurante we would have gone to see it habriamos ido a verlo and it would have been very interesting y habra sido muy interesante (16) 3.43 if I had known it I would have done it si lo hubiera sabido lo habra hecho I might have done it lo hubiera hecho ("I could have" means "I would have been able") I could have done it, I wouldn't have been able to do it habra podido hacerlo (17) 5.12 could you come with me? podra venir conmigo should devera; deve could have, would have been able habra podido should have habra devido you should have told me habra devido decirme, me habra devido decir you could have told me habra podido decirme he would have told me me habra dicho you should have done it habra devido hacerlo you could have told me habra podido decirme, me habra podido decir he would tell me me dira he would have told me me habra dicho (18) 3.14

(end of recording)

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