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Vehicle System Dynamics

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Influence of the aerodynamic forces on the pantograph-catenary system for high-speed trains

J. Pombo a; J. Ambrsio a; M. Pereira a; F. Rauter b; A. Collina c; A. Facchinetti c a IDMEC/IST - Technical University of Lisbon, Av. Rovisco Pais, Lisbon, Portugal b SNCF - Division of Innovation and Research, Paris, France c Department of Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

To cite this Article Pombo, J., Ambrsio, J., Pereira, M., Rauter, F., Collina, A. and Facchinetti, A.'Influence of the

aerodynamic forces on the pantograph-catenary system for high-speed trains', Vehicle System Dynamics, 47: 11, 1327 1347 To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/00423110802613402 URL:


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Vehicle System Dynamics Vol. 47, No. 11, November 2009, 13271347

Inuence of the aerodynamic forces on the pantographcatenary system for high-speed trains
J. Pomboa , J. Ambrsioa *, M. Pereiraa , F. Rauterb , A. Collinac and A. Facchinettic
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Technical University of Lisbon, Av. Rovisco Pais, Lisbon, Portugal; b SNCF Division of Innovation and Research, Paris, France; c Department of Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Via Giuseppe La Masa Milan, Italy
(Received 8 September 2008; nal version received 8 November 2008 ) Most of the high-speed trains in operation today have the electrical power supply delivered through the pantographcatenary system. The understanding of the dynamics of this system is fundamental since it contributes to decrease the number of incidents related to these components, to reduce the maintenance and to improve interoperability. From the mechanical point of view, the most important feature of the pantographcatenary system consists in the quality of the contact between the contact wire of the catenary and the contact strips of the pantograph. The catenary is represented by a nite element model, whereas the pantograph is described by a detailed multibody model, analysed through two independent codes in a co-simulation environment. A computational procedure ensuring the efcient communication between the multibody and nite element codes, through shared computer memory, and suitable contact force models were developed. The models presented here are contributions for the identication of the dynamic behaviour of the pantograph and of the interaction phenomena in the pantographcatenary system of high-speed trains due to the action of aerodynamics forces. The wind forces are applied on the catenary by distributing them on the nite element mesh. Since the multibody formulation does not include explicitly the geometric information of the bodies, the wind eld forces are applied to each body of the pantograph as time-dependent nonlinear external forces. These wind forces can be characterised either by using computational uid dynamics or experimental testing in a wind tunnel. The proposed methodologies are demonstrated by the application to real operation scenarios for high-speed trains, with the purpose of dening service limitations based on train and wind speed combination. Keywords: multibody dynamics; pantographcatenary interaction; contact forces; cross-wind



The behaviour of the pantographcatenary system, which plays a key role in the railway transportation reliability, is strongly inuenced by deviations from the theoretical conditions that are usually foreseen in simulations, in which disturbances are generally not considered. For instance, extreme environmental conditions lead to limitations of train operation and/or damage of components of the pantograph and catenary in the short or long run. In the worst
*Corresponding author. Email:

ISSN 0042-3114 print/ISSN 1744-5159 online 2009 Taylor & Francis DOI: 10.1080/00423110802613402


J. Pombo et al.

cases a complete service interruption may take place due to the need to repair equipment and restore the normal operating conditions. Therefore, from the designers and operators points of view, it is required that, after a pantographcatenary system is optimised, its sensitivity to singularities and deteriorated conditions that occur in real operation scenarios is identied. The evaluation of these effects, prior to a test run on a network, provides important indications concerning the problems that are more likely to occur while contributing to the identication of suitable solutions. A class of problems that requires analysis relates to the climatic conditions of the pantographcatenary systems operation, among them temperature and cross-wind are the most inuencing on service limitations and restrictions. Temperature has the effect of modifying the static position and the tension of the catenary wires. This condition is more pronounced in a curve and less important in a straight track. In case of very low temperature, the formation of ice on the wires changes their mass modifying the static position of the overhead contact line. The effect of the additional mass may also be relevant for the dynamics of the coupled pantographcatenary system. For the cross-wind action the three relevant effects are the direct effect of the wind on the overhead contact line; the direct effect on the pantograph components; and the indirect effect due to the additional motion of the carbody imparted to the base of the pantograph. In the work presented here, the wind forces are applied on the catenary by distributing them on the nite element mesh and are applied to each body of the pantograph as timespace dependent nonlinear external forces. The third effect is not considered here explicitly but can be applied as a perturbation of the motion on the basis of the pantograph. For the evaluation of the lateral wind effects on the current collection, it is thus necessary to dene in some way both the wind forces on the catenary and on the pantograph. Up to now these topics have been generally treated separately, with different specic goals. In particular, considerable investigation has been developed for the denition of cross-wind effect on the safety running of high-speed trains [1,2]. The effect of cross-wind on safety, in these studies, is based on the combination of wind tunnel test, for the denition of aerodynamic coefcient used for the calculation of aerodynamic forces acting on the carbody of the rail vehicle, and on multibody simulation of rail vehicle dynamics running on a track. Other topics of investigation concern the eld of incoming ow around the carbody, which represents the environment in which the pantograph is inserted, on the top of the carbody of the locomotive [3,4]. Wind tunnel investigations have also been carried out with the purpose of dening the aeroacoustic aspects of pantograph aerodynamics in terms of local effects at relatively high frequency, in particular concerning the base insulators [5] and lateral horns of the collector head [6]. Consideration of steady and low frequency effects have been made dening the aerodynamic uplift on the articulated frame, and drag and lift forces on the collectors, in order to take into account the effects of turbulence of the ow incident on the pantograph in the dynamic simulation [7], as well as the unbalance of mean contact forces created by the aerodynamic forces acting on the collectors. As far as the catenary is concerned, apart from the consideration of a mean wind speed for the design of catenary and its supporting structure, according to wind maps [8], investigations have been carried out for the consideration of galloping instability of catenary wires motion, due to wind action in particularly exposed areas. Mitigations of such phenomena based on wind shield or increase damping of catenary have been considered [9,10]. Clearly, the motion of the catenary induced by wind has an effect on the current collection, whereas on the other side the aerodynamic forces acting on the pantograph induce supplementary motion, which in turns modies again contact force. The aim of the article is to combine both effects on the catenary and on the pantograph in order to dene realistic scenarios for lateral wind. The wind eld is considered dependent on space and time and characterised

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through its main statistical characteristics, such as its mean value, turbulence, integral scale and lateral cross-correlation. The direct action on the pantograph is calculated considering the instantaneous relative ow speed, resulting from the combination of train speed with lateral wind. In order to calculate the aerodynamic forces acting on the elements of the pantograph, the aerodynamic coefcients of the different pantograph components are necessary. This is done through the elaboration of wind tunnel tests, or by means of a computational uid dynamics simulation. Although wind tunnel identied forces are used in this work, the methodology presented here to characterise the pantographcatenary dynamics is general and independent from the source of the wind force data. The catenary and pantograph subsystems are modelled and analysed in this work using linear nite element and multibody codes, respectively. The forward dynamics solution of the problem is obtained through the co-simulation of these codes according to the strategies described in [1113]. Other approaches to solve the dynamics of the catenarypantograph interaction recently reported in the literature include modelling the catenary as a nonlinear exible body, using a nite element procedure, and the pantograph as a multibody system in the same software being the contact between these two elements represented by a sliding joint [14]. In one hand, the sliding joint representation of the catenarypantograph interaction does not allow for the separation between the contact wire and contact strips [14,15], and on the other hand, the use of nonlinear nite elements to represent the catenary adds unnecessary complexity to the methodology while it does not allow for the use of realistic catenary models. Consequently, in this work the contact interaction uses continuous contact force models, such as those described in [1619], which are based on penalty formulations and allow for the separation of the components in contact. The multibody description of the pantograph, in itself, also requires that contact between its mechanical components is accounted for and that the stick-slip phenomena are also represented [20,21]. In the work presented here the effect of the wind eld forces is investigated by means of suitable models developed in this work which include the effects of the aerodynamic forces on the behaviour of the pantographcatenary interaction. The methodologies proposed are demonstrated by their application to real operation scenarios of a high-speed train on a straight track. The results are discussed against those obtained for standard running conditions, i.e. without aerodynamic forces.

2. Aerodynamic forces on pantographcatenary system Cross-winds have a direct effect on the pantographcatenary dynamics for two main reasons: (i) on the catenary, it causes a mean lateral displacement of the wires and a lateral/vertical dynamic motion induced by turbulence; (ii) on the pantograph, it causes a variation of the uplift force according to the relative wind angle of incidence, and additional vibration due to the turbulence of the incoming wind. The catenary is represented here by a nite element model of the complete system, whereas the pantograph is described by a detailed multibody model. The wind forces are applied on the catenary by distributing them on the nite element mesh. Since the multibody formulation [2224] does not include explicitly the geometric information of the bodies, the wind eld forces are applied to each body of the pantograph as time-dependent nonlinear external forces. The nite element and the multibody models are evaluated by separate codes that use different time integration algorithms. Therefore, an extra difculty that arises in the study of the complete pantographcatenary interaction concerns the need for the co-simulation of the two independent codes. In order to be computationally efcient, the communication between


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the multibody and nite element codes, which ensures the co-simulation procedure, is achieved by using shared computer memory. The gluing mechanical element between the two codes is the contact model. It is through the representation of the contact and of the integration schemes applied to the referred models that the co-simulation is carried on. An integrated methodology to represent the contact between the nite element and multibody models, based on a continuous contact force model that takes into account the co-simulation requirements of the integration algorithms used for each subsystem model is proposed in [11,12,25], and therefore, it is not discussed here any further. 2.1. Wind eld forces acting on the catenary Cross-winds inuence the dynamic behaviour of the overhead contact line because the catenary exhibits vertical and lateral motion due to the turbulent wind forces acting on the wires. The lateral displacement of the catenary is generally prevailing, modifying the location of the contact point between contact wires and pantograph collectors. Unless there is a direct action along the longitudinal axis of the line, motion of the contact wire along this direction can be neglected. A brief description of the procedure used to calculate the forces acting on the catenary, and the corresponding vector of generalised forces referred to its degrees of freedom (d.o.f.), is presented. The wind is considered as an ergodic phenomenon, which enables it to be described by means of signicant statistical characteristics, i.e.: Mean speed (1015 period mean) u in the y direction, w in the vertical direction. Index of turbulence I U , dened as IU,W = U,W /U , being U,W the standard deviation of the wind speed and U the mean value of the horizontal component. Integral scale L U , LW , which are related to the dimension of the wind vortex. Spatial correlation coefcient C Ux , C Wx related to the correlation of the U and W components along the x -direction. Power spectral density (PSD) of the wind, which establishes the distribution of the power along the frequencies. Various formulations can be used to interpret the real wind PSD. The Von Karman formulation is adopted, which has the following formulation, for the horizontal and vertical components: PSDU = 4 2 /f (f LU /U ) [1 + 70.8(f Lux /U )2 ]5/6 PSDW = (1 + 188.8(f LW /U )2 ) 2 /f [1 + 70.8(f Lwx /U )2 ]5/6 (1)

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In both expressions f is the frequency, expressed in Hz. Wind is generated according to its timespace distribution along the line, related to the horizontal and vertical dynamics variation of wind speed occurs. A time-varying wind eld is then articially generated, and the forces acting on the wires are calculated with the quasi-static theory (q.s.t.). The overall procedure for the side wind simulation on the catenary follows several steps. First, a subdivision of the line along x intervals spaced according to dropper distance is made, then the time history of wind in the rst section, based on integral scale, index of turbulence, mean wind speed for the horizontal U and (eventually) for the vertical component is carried out:

u1 (t) = Um +

un cos(n


+ 1n )


where the amplitude un of the generic harmonic is in accordance with the PSD, and the phase is randomly generated. The PSD in the subsequent sections is dened according to

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Figure 1.
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Drag and lift wind force components according to relative wind speed.

Davenports [26] expression: = e(Cfn

x/Um )


considering a coherent part and a non-coherent part following the procedure already used for other structures with longitudinal prevalent dimension, such as suspended bridges, and for investigation of cross-wind on trains [2729]. The generation of the time histories for each wind section is carried out by means of the wave superposition method. Once the wind time histories are dened in all sections, the aerodynamic force per unit length on the catenary are calculated considering the drag F D and lift F L force components, represented in Figure 1, as function of the relative wind speed v rel , and according to fD = 1 2 CD vrel 2 fL = 1 2 CL vrel 2 (4)

where is the air density and C D and CL represent the drag and lift coefcients of each wire (contact wire and messenger wire). Using the principle of virtual work, the distributed aerodynamic forces are then converted into generalised forces associated with the nite element d.o.f. of the wires. These forces are function of time t, of their longitudinal location along the catenary and of the catenary nodal , being described as velocities x ) fwind = fwind (u(, t), w(, t), x (5)

where u and w are, respectively, the lateral and vertical components of the wind velocity. The wind force vector f wind is assembled in the nite elements formulation together with the force vector resultant from the contact with the pantograph. 2.2. Wind forces acting on the pantograph With the cross-winds the pantograph uplift is modied since the relative ow speed incident on the pantograph is composed of longitudinal and lateral components, being the vertical component induced due to the geometry and orientations of the pantograph mechanical components. Generally, the main direct effect of the cross-winds on the pantograph is the increase of the uplift forces, which lead not only to a higher, and sometimes unacceptable, vertical motion of the contact wire but also to a wider range of its variation. This problem can be aggravated due to the wind-induced perturbation of the suspension of the catenary.


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Figure 2.

General view of the CX pantograph installation in the wind tunnel.

The pantograph used in this work for the study of the wind effects on the dynamics of the electric power collectors is the Faiveley CX pantograph, shown in Figure 2. In order to study the effect of the wind eld forces on the pantograph, time-dependent nonlinear external forces are applied on the bodies that compose the pantograph model. These forces represent the aerodynamic forces expressed by means of drag, lift and couple coefcients. The effect of turbulence is also included by considering the time-varying features of the wind velocity and the fact that the pantograph is moving into the wind eld, where it experiences a wind time history that depends on the instantaneous wind speed and on its position along the line. The evaluation of the aerodynamic forces acting on the elements of the pantograph requires the calculation of the aerodynamic coefcients of the different pantograph components, retaining only the forcing effects: FDi = 1 2 (CD A)i VP ,rel 2 FL i = 1 2 (CL A)i VP ,rel 2 CM i = 1 2 (CM Ah)i VP ,rel 2 (6)

with V P,rel representing the relative ow speed incident on the pantograph, (C D A)i , (C L A)i and (C M Ah)i being the pressure coefcients, respectively, for drag, lift and couple for the ith element into which the pantograph has been divided. This is done here by using wind tunnel experimental tests, carried out in the wind tunnel located at Politecnico di Milano, which has a section with 4 4 m duct. Figure 2 shows a general view of the CX pantograph installed in the wind tunnel, in the open chamber conguration, recommended for use in this kind of tests. Drag, lift and couple coefcients have been estimated for the following elements: xed frame; lower arm of the articulated frame; upper arm of the articulated frame; knee.

The coefcients for the secondary lever of the articulated frame, for which only the drag and lift components have been evaluated, are deduced from a CFD analysis on the pantograph, and graphically shown in Figure 3. For all the elements into which the pantograph has been divided into, drag, lift and couple coefcients have been considered for a total of 12 unknowns. Four relationships hold at each speed, considering the global drag, lift and moment aerodynamic actions on the entire pantograph, calculated from the contributions of the different sub-elements, and the aerodynamic uplift S, evaluated also, respectively, for the drag, lift and aerodynamic couple, through the Jacobian Xi , Yi and i of each component expressed

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Figure 3.

Drag and lift wind equivalent forces and moments on the pantograph components.

with respect to the rotation angle of the lower arm of the articulated frame:

FD =
i =1 N

FD i ;

FL =
i =1

FL i

CM =
i =1

FDi (hb + Yi ) +
i =1 N 1

FLi (Xi XCB ) +

i =1

CM i



FD i


+ FL i


+ CM i

YC i =1

where Y i and X i describe the location of the application point of the aerodynamic force for each pantograph element, and hb and X CB are the reduction point of the dynamometric balance used in the tests. The pressure coefcients are presented in Figure 4 as function of the yaw angle. Since four speeds have been considered for each conguration, 16 measured values are available, so that a minimisation process can be undertaken considering the 12 coefcients (C D A)i ,

Figure 4. Pressure coefcients of drag longitudinal components of the sub-elements of the pantograph, identied from the wind tunnel tests.


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Figure 5.

Forces on the collector bow for a train speed = 300 km/h, wind speed = 20 m/s, turbulence = 15%.

(C L A)i , (CA A)i , which through the denition in Equation (6) are implied in Equation (7). Once the pressure coefcients are determined, the aerodynamic forces can be extrapolated to a different ow speed, from the range of the wind tunnel test (1550 m/s) to the considered value around 83 m/s (300 km/h), provided that the pressure coefcients do not depend on the Reynolds number. This hypothesis can be conrmed considering that the aerodynamic uplift force acting on the pantograph, determined from trial tests on the train according to EN50317 procedure available from SNCF, indicates a dependence on the square of the train speed, which implies that formulation of Equation (6) is valid. Figure 5 illustrates the forces obtained in the bow for a train speed of 300 km/h, wind speed of 20 m/s and turbulence of 15%. The drag forces on the upper and lower arms act in the same way for the global drag on the pantograph and act on the opposite way on the uplift. The same occurs for the couples, whereas the inverse occurs for the lift forces. This different effect of the singular forces on the global drag, lift, uplift and couple on the pantograph allows to bind the values of the coefcients to be identied and improves the numerical stability when using the least square minimisation.

2.3. Wind input data for the pantograph The pantograph is loaded with the wind eld forces with the characteristics measured experimentally. A possible cross-wind loading situation is represented in Figure 6 for the CX pantograph. The pantograph model is based on a multibody methodology in which each component is treated as a rigid body [2224]. The wind load f i (t ) over component i of the pantograph is represented by a force and applied at its centre of mass. Because the location of the component centre of mass is not necessarily coincident with the point of application of the resultant of the wind forces, which is generally the aerodynamic centre of the component, a transport moment ni (t ) needs to be applied on the component. The loading of each of the pantograph mechanical

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Figure 6. Wind-loaded CX pantograph.

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Figure 7. Equivalent wind loads on the pantograph mechanical elements: (a) lower arm loading; (b) top arm loading; (c) registration strip loading.

components is schematically presented in Figure 7. Notice that the body-xed coordinate system ( , , ) associated to each rigid body is attached to the body centre of mass. Note that the equivalent loading procedure that is referred to here only applies for pantograph models made of rigid bodies. For exible multibody models the force (or pressure) distribution and the respective area of application must be known and, consequently, the data must have a different format from the one considered here. The wind load on the pantograph and catenary, obtained experimentally, are supplied in data les for application on the nite element and multibody modules. According to this methodology, for each loading case there are two consistent les generated: one that contains the description of the wind forces on the catenary and another that contains the values of the wind equivalent forces in each mechanical component of the pantograph. The structure of the data le that contains the description of the equivalent wind loading on the pantograph is described in Figure 8. For each mechanical component of the pantograph the values for the force and for the transport moment are dened for prescribed instants in time. Note that forces and moments are vectorial quantities, and therefore, each has three components. The inertial frame (x, y, z) is used to express the force and moment vectors. At this point it must be emphasised that the importance of the clear denition of the inertial frame (x, y, z), which is not to be confused with the body-xed coordinate frames ( , , ) that generally have orientations that vary in time and that are not coincident with that of the inertial frame. The components of the wind forces and moments are inserted in the data le for a discrete number of time instants. Such time instants may be uniformly or non-uniformly spaced. Furthermore no time-stepping strategy is suggested for this table. Any nonlinear load applied in any body of the system must be continuous in time, i.e. it must be readily available at any time step of the dynamic integration procedure. Because the force data contained in the data les, represented in Figure 9a, is not only discrete but also


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Figure 8. Structure of the data les with the wind forces on the different elements of the pantograph, as if applied in the centre of mass with the transport moments.

Figure 9. Conversion of the nonlinear force database: (a) data le with irregular time stepping; (b) data le with small constant time step.

follows a non-constant time stepping with no particular time step size limit, an interpolation procedure must be used to generate intermediary data. Instead, another data le with a very small and constant time step is produced from the original nonlinear force/moment data le, with the structure described in Figure 9b. The methodology used in the software program to create the new nonlinear force/moment database starts by reading the data le with the original information of the wind forces, depicted in Figure 9a. Despite the number of control points provided to dene the nonlinear curves, represented in Figure 10a, a pre-processing procedure is implemented in order to interpolate the data points with shape preserving splines [30,31]. This procedure allows continuous timedependent forces and moments to be obtained, as represented in Figure 10b. The advantage of using shape preserving splines is that this interpolation scheme is consistent with the concavity of the data, which is rather useful when it is important to preserve the convex and concave regions implied by the control points. This interpolation scheme also ensures C 2 continuity between spline segments, i.e. it guarantees that the parameterised curves have continuous curvatures. With the continuous description of the wind loads, the new database with a small constant time step can be created. In this way, during the dynamic analysis the multibody program interpolates linearly the rened database in order to obtain all required characteristics to

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Figure 10. Interpolation of the nonlinear forces from a data le with irregular time stepping: (a) data points provided; (b) spline interpolation; (c) data points in the rened database.

dene the nonlinear forces and moments, with a marginal increase of computer cost. As shown in Figure 10c, if the renement of the new data le is suitable, i.e. it has the magnitude of the normal integration time step, then only a few number of interpolations, if any, will be performed in between two successive lines of the table. It should be noted that the interpolation and creation of the new data les are done automatically by the software in a pre-processing phase without any user intervention.


Multibody model of the CX pantograph

The construction details of the multibody model of the CX pantograph are presented here. In this application example, the CX pantograph is constrained to follow a prescribed trajectory and subjected to aerodynamic forces. 3.1. General description

Consider a general multibody model composed of one CX pantograph constrained to follow a reference path, which represents the trajectory of the pantograph base. Also assume that the pantograph is acted upon by wind eld forces w (x, y, z, t ), as represented in Figure 3. Since the multibody formulation does not include explicitly the geometric information of the bodies, the aerodynamic forces are applied to the bodies of the pantograph as nonlinear external forces, as previously described. A schematic representation of the CX pantograph in such conditions is depicted in Figure 11. Notice that the reference frame (x, y, z) represents the global inertial frame of the general multibody system and (x, y, z ) represents the reference frame associated to the pantograph subsystem. 3.2. Rigid bodies data

The construction of the multibody model of the CX pantograph, represented in Figure 12, involves the denitions of the data for the rigid bodies, kinematic joints, linear force elements, nonlinear external applied forces, prescribed motion constraints and registration strips for


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Figure 11.

Representation of the CX pantograph subjected to aerodynamic forces.

Figure 12. Table 1.

Multibody model of the CX pantograph. Rigid bodies data for the CX pantograph multibody model. Inertia properties (kg m2 ) Initial position (m) x 0 /y0 /z0 0.00/0.00/0.00 0.57/0.00/0.41 0.39/0.00/1.06 0.89/0.00/0.28 0.36/0.00/1.00 0.55/0.00/1.42 0.55/0.00/1.51 Initial orientation e1 /e2 /e3 0.00/0.00/0.00 0.00/0.17/0.00 0.00/ 0.18/0.00 0.00/0.21/0.00 0.00/ 0.16/0.00 0.00/0.00/0.00 0.00/0.00/0.00

ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Rigid body Pantograph base Lower arm Top arm Lower link Top link Stabilisation arm Registration strip

Mass (kg) 32.65 32.18 15.60 3.10 1.15 1.51 9.50

I /I /I 2.76/4.87/2.31 0.31/10.43/10.65 0.15/7.76/7.86 0.05/0.46/0.46 0.05/0.48/0.48 0.07/0.05/0.07 1.59/0.21/1.78

pantographcatenary contact. Seven rigid bodies are used to represent the CX pantograph dened according to the data presented in Table 1. The information presented in Table 1 includes the mass, the inertia properties with respect to their principal axes ( , , ) and the initial position and orientation of each body. In the rst column of the table the reference numbers that identify the bodies in the model shown in Figure 12 are presented. A local reference frame ( , , ) is rigidly attached to the centre of mass of each body in such a way that the axes are aligned with the principal inertia directions of the bodies, as depicted in Figure 7. In this way, the inertia tensor of the bodies is completely dened by the inertia moments I , I and I . Also notice that the initial position and orientation of each body in the subsystem are given, respectively, by the location of its centre of mass and by the

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orientation of its local reference frame ( , , ) with respect to the subsystem reference frame (x, y, z ). When dening the input data for the rigid bodies that compose the CX pantograph, it is also necessary to provide information about the external constant forces and moments that are associated to each one of the bodies and that remain constant during the dynamic analysis. The only value that is not null is the vertical force (F Static ) on the stabilisation arm, as represented in Figure 12. This force represents the static force that is applied to ensure the pantographcatenary contact. 3.3. Kinematic joints data After the description of the data for the rigid bodies, it is necessary to dene the information about the kinematic joints that compose the multibody model of the CX pantograph. In a multibody system, the kinematic joints are used to connect the bodies in order to restrain some of their relative motions. Such joints are expressed as algebraic constraint equations that introduce kinematic relations between the coordinates that describe the system [2224,32]. In the case studied here three revolute joints (RJ) and four spherical joints (SJ) are used, as represented in Figure 13. The revolute joints [2224,32] restrain the motion between two bodies i and j, allowing only a relative rotation about the joint axis, as depicted in Figure 13a, representing mechanical components such as roller bearings. As input data, the revolute joint requires the positions of points P and Q in bodies i and j. These points must be dened in such a way that they are aligned with the rotation axis of the revolute joint, where points Pi and Pj must be coincident and points Qi and Qj are dened anywhere along the joint revolution axis. Notice that the pair of points Pi and Qi is dened in the body i coordinate frame, whereas the pair Pj and Qj is dened in the body j coordinate frame. The spherical joint [2224,32] is a ball and socket type of joint that constrains the relative translations between two bodies i and j, only allowing three relative rotations, as represented in Figure 13b. As input data, the spherical joint requires the position of point P in bodies i and j coordinate frames. Notice that point Pi must be coincident with point Pj and dened as the centre point of the spherical joint. In Table 2, the data required to dene the kinematic joints for the multibody model of the CX pantograph is presented. The quantities in the rst column of the table are references that identify the kinematic joints in Figure 12. 3.4. Linear force elements data The next step for the construction of the multibody model is the denition of the linear force elements that compose the CX pantograph. These elements represent the internal forces that

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Figure 13.

Kinematic joints: (a) revolute joint; (b) spherical joint.

1340 Table 2.

J. Pombo et al. Kinematic joints data for the CX pantograph multibody model. Attachment points local coordinates (m) Connected bodies Body i i /i / i (0.02/0.00/0.13)P (0.02/1.00/0.13)Q (0.82/0.00/0.00)P (0.82/1.00/0.00)Q (1.01/0.00/0.00)P (1.01/1.00/0.00)Q (0.26/0.00/0.00)P (1.19/0.00/0.13)P (0.78/0.00/0.00)P (0.96/0.00/0.00)P Body j j /j / j (0.82/0.00/0.00)P (0.82/1.00/0.00)Q (1.01/0.00/0.00)P (1.01/1.00/0.00)Q (0.00/0.00/0.00)P (0.00/1.00/0.00)Q (0.69/0.00/0.00)P (0.62/0.00/0.03)P (1.00/0.00/0.00)P (0.00/0.00/0.10)P

ID RJ-1 RJ-2 RJ-3 SJ-1 SJ-2 SJ-3 SJ-4

Kinematic joint Revolute joint Revolute joint Revolute joint Spherical joint Spherical joint Spherical joint Spherical joint

i 1 2 3 1 3 2 5

j 2 3 6 4 4 5 6

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Table 3.

Linear force elements data for the CX pantograph multibody model. Attachment points local coordinates (m)

Spring element k (N/m) 1000 3600 3600 10000 L 0 (m) 1.51 0.12 0.12 0.10 c (N s/m) 3000 13 13 300 i 1 6 6 6

Bodies j 2 7 7 7

Body i i /i / i 0.57/0.00/0.00 0.00/0.34/0.00 0.00/ 0.34/0.00 0.10/0.00/0.09

Body j j /j / j 0.00/0.00/0.00 0.00/0.34/0.00 0.00/ 0.34/0.00 0.00/0.00/0.00

develop between the bodies that are connected by linear springs and dampers, and depend on the relative motion between the bodies. In Table 3 the data required to dene the four linear force elements that exist in the CX pantograph model is presented, where k is the spring stiffness, L 0 is the undeformed length and c is the damping coefcient. The undeformed length of each spring is calculated in such a way that the bodies are in static equilibrium when the dynamic analysis starts. This means that the spring increment, resultant from the difference between the undeformed length and the assembled length of each spring, produces an elastic force that balances the gravity forces of the bodies that are supported by the spring. 3.5. Nonlinear external forces representing the wind forces In the studies performed here, the CX pantograph is acted upon by aerodynamic forces. In the multibody formulation these loads are represented by nonlinear forces and moments acting on the bodies of the model as a consequence of the interaction of the wind eld forces with the pantograph. The data required to dene the ve nonlinear external forces applied on the pantograph model are presented in Table 4. In Table 4, the identier nonlinear force data le indicates the lename where all data necessary to dene the nonlinear characteristic curves associated to each external load is stored, such as those shown in Figure 5. All the nonlinear external forces dened here to represent the aerodynamic forces are time dependent and dened with respect to the global reference frame. For reasons of conciseness, the contents of these data les is not presented in this work.

Vehicle System Dynamics Table 4. Nonlinear external forces on the CX pantograph multibody model. Application point local coordinates (m) // 0.0/0.0/0.0 0.0/0.0/0.0 0.0/0.0/0.0 0.2/0.0/0.132 0.820/0.0/0.0


Nonlinear external force applied Wind force lower arm Wind force top arm Wind force pan head Wind force low lever Wind force knee joint

Nonlinear force data le Wind_Lower_Arm.DAT Wind_Top_Arm.DAT Wind_Pan_Head.DAT Wind_Low_Lever.DAT Wind_Knee_Joint.DAT

Body 2 3 6 1 2

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Prescribed motion constraint

During the dynamic analysis the CX pantograph must be guided along a trajectory that represents the reference path of the pantograph base. In the multibody formulation this is achieved by using a prescribed motion constraint [3336]. The prescribed motion constraint enforces a certain point, of a given body, to follow a reference path. Consider a point P, located on a rigid body i, that has to follow a specied path, as represented in Figure 14. The path is dened by a parametric curve g(L ), which is controlled by a global parameter L that represents the length travelled by the point along the curve from the origin to the current location of point P. Furthermore, the prescribed motion constraint also ensures that the spatial orientation of body i, dened by its local reference frame ( , , ), remains unchanged with respect to the moving Frenet frame (t, n, b) associated to the reference path [37], as depicted in Figure 14. The only requirement to use the prescribed motion constraint is to dene the threedimensional parametric curve g(L ) that represents the path to be followed by one or more bodies of the multibody model. For this purpose, a pre-processing tool [3336] is used in order to dene the reference path g by a set of control points that are representative of the trajectory and parameterise it as a function of the curve length parameter L. Also the roll angle of the trajectory is parameterised as function of the curve length and the principal unit vectors (t, n, b), which dene the moving Frenet frame [37] associated to the reference path, are calculated. Then, a database is created and all quantities necessary to dene the geometric characteristics of the reference trajectory are stored in it. These geometric quantities are organised in columns as a function of the curve length parameter L, measured from curve origin up to the actual point. Each reference path database has a length parameter step L as small as desired by the user. At this point, a remark should be made on the necessity of building reference path databases for the prescribed motion constraints. In fact, the direct use of the geometric equations that dene a reference trajectory is neither practical nor efcient from the computational point of

Figure 14.

Prescribed motion constraint.

1342 Table 5.

J. Pombo et al. Prescribed motion constraint for the CX pantograph multibody model. Attachment point local coordinates (m) Body 1 // 0.00/0.00/ 1.709069

Filename of the reference path database DB_Panto_Base.PMC

Curve parameter L Initial value (m) 5.0 Initial velocity (m/s) 83.3333

view. As the prescribed motion constraint is to be used in the framework of a dynamic analysis program, where the multibody models may have a large number of bodies constrained to move in spatial curves, the solution of the resulting nonlinear equations at every time step would be an heavy burden on the code. An alternative implementation to the direct use of these equations is the construction of lookup tables where all quantities required for the construction of the prescribed motion constraints are tabulated as function of the curve length parameters. During dynamic analysis, the multibody program interpolates linearly each reference path database in order to obtain all required geometric characteristics of the trajectories to set up the constraints. If the size of the length parameter step L is set to be similar to the product of the vehicle velocity by the average integration time step used during dynamic analysis, then only a few number of interpolations, if any, will be performed in between two successive lines of the table. In the application case studied here, the prescribed motion constraint is dened in order to enforce the CX pantograph to travel on a straight track with a null roll angle. The data required to dene the prescribed motion constraint applied on the pantograph base are presented in Table 5. It should be emphasised that the features of the prescribed motion constraint allow studying railway dynamic problems with straight or curved tracks, or to perform pantographcatenary studies with full three-dimensional trajectories imposed on the pantograph base. Notice that the le DB_Panto_Base.PMC contains the pre-computed database of the reference trajectory where all quantities [3336] required for the construction of the prescribed motion constraint are tabulated as function of the curve length parameter L. This parameter represents the length travelled by the pantograph along the reference path, from the origin to its current location. The initial value of L is 5 m which corresponds to the initial position of the pantograph base on the prescribed trajectory. The initial velocity of the curve parameter L corresponds to the initial velocity of the CX pantograph, which is 300 km/h (83.3 m/s) for this particular case. 3.7. Registration strips data The last step for the construction of the multibody model of the CX pantograph is the denition of the registration strips, i.e. the bodies that touch the catenary and to which the contact forces, resultant from the pantographcatenary interaction, are applied. In Table 6 the data required to dene the registration strip that exists on the CX pantograph are presented, where points P and Q represent the start and end points of the registration strip.

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Table 6. Body 7

Registration strip data for the CX pantograph multibody model. Point P local coordinates (m) P /P / P 0.000/0.335/0.000 Point Q local coordinates (m) Q /Q / Q 0.000/ 0.335/0.000

Vehicle System Dynamics


Figure 15. Wind-loaded pantographcatenary system on a straight track.

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Study of wind-loaded pantographcatenary system

With the objective of evaluating the effect of the aerodynamic forces on the behaviour of the pantographcatenary interaction and, consequently, on the operating conditions, the methodologies proposed here are demonstrated by their application to real operation scenarios for high-speed trains on a straight track. For this purpose, the complete overhead electric power system is modelled for the SNCF catenary 25 kV LN5 and for the Faiveley CX pantograph. The simulations are performed for a train velocity of 300 km/h, wind speed of 20 m/s and air turbulence of 15%. The simulation conditions are pictured in Figure 15. In order to evaluate the deviation on the contact forces, from the nominal operation conditions, and study the inuence of the wind loading on the different components of the overhead electric power system, four dynamic analyses are performed. First, a nominal case with a train velocity of 300 km/h and no wind is simulated. Then the same case is simulated with the wind loads, with a wind speed of 20 m/s and a turbulence of 15%, applied on the catenary only. The third simulation corresponds to the same wind conditions but the wind loading is applied on the pantograph only. Finally, a fourth simulation is performed with the wind loads applied in the complete overhead system. The contact force results obtained on the simulation of the pantographcatenary interaction for the nominal conditions (train speed of 300 km/h and no wind) are displayed in Figure 16 for a train run of about 1000 m. In Figure 17, the contact force is reported for the case in which only the catenary is subjected to cross-wind loading with a speed of 20 m/s and a turbulence of 15%. The simulation of this particular case intends to understand the contributions of the different overhead system components for the total contact force. It is noticeable that only small deviations on the contact forces with respect to the nominal conditions are observed. Therefore, the inuence of the catenary wind perturbations on the quality of the contact seems to be negligible. The contact force results obtained on the simulation where the wind loads are applied only on the pantograph are shown in Figure 18. It is clear that a large perturbation on the contact forces is observed for the wind-loaded pantograph. Due to the pantograph head uplift, the mean contact force increases by about 50 N. In Figure 19, the contact force is reported for the case in which the wind load is applied in the complete overhead system; that is, in the catenary and pantograph. The results are obtained for a train moving with a velocity of 300 km/h, a wind speed of 20 m/s and a turbulence of 15%. In all simulations described here the contact forces exhibit a rather periodic characteristic for the length travelled after 300 m. During the rst 300 m of the train displacement, the


J. Pombo et al.

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Figure 16.

Contact force for the nominal case: train velocity = 300 km/h and no wind.

Figure 17. Contact force for the nominal case with wind forces only on catenary: train velocity = 300 km/h; wind speed = 20 m/s; turbulence = 15%.

Figure 18. Contact force for the nominal case with wind forces only on pantograph: train velocity = 300 km/h; wind speed = 20 m/s; turbulence = 15%.

Vehicle System Dynamics


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Figure 19. Contact force for the nominal case and wind forces on the catenary and pantograph: train velocity = 300 km/h; wind speed = 20 m/s; turbulence = 15%.

Figure 20.

Details of the contact force with wind forces on the catenary and pantograph and without wind.

pantograph is raised and the contact force reects such transient behaviour. Therefore, all the contact forces for the rst 300 m of the run should not be considered in any kind of analysis since they do not correspond to realistic system conditions. In order to have an appraisal for the contribution of the different components of the overhead electrical collector system to the catenarypantograph contact forces, details of the contact force while the pantograph registration strip travels between four catenary registration arms are presented in Figure 20 for all simulations considered before. The observation of Figure 20 clearly shows that the wind loads have the tendency to raise the pantograph and increase the contact forces. Not only the average contact force increases but also the peak forces observed when the pantograph passes under the droppers increases signicantly. However, the lowest contact forces do not seem to change due to the loading, except for some of these peaks on the case when only the catenary is loaded with wind forces. Generally, it is observed that all components of the overhead system have an incremental contribution to the increase of the contact force due to wind loads. However, it is the wind on the pantograph that has the most noteworthy inuence on the force, as expected.


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Generally the effect of cross-winds on the catenary is considered as a static load, not considering turbulence effects or its action on the pantograph itself. This work presents one of the rst numerical studies on the effect of the cross-winds on the dynamics of the pantograph catenary contact quality. Simulating extreme condition scenarios in railway operation allows the impact of the most important variables/events on operating conditions to be assessed. Alarm values for the environmental variables (such as wind speed) can be dened, inducing operating limitations, for instance limitations on the train speed. Additionally, computer simulations promote the development of the diagnostic activity, i.e. the early detection of problems, allowing proper counter-measures to be taken before a dramatic event takes place. In this work, the pantographcatenary dynamic interaction has been studied considering, as external inputs for the pantograph and catenary models, the wind forces acting on both subsystems. The aim was to model and study the effects of the aerodynamic forces on the behaviour of the pantographcatenary interaction and, consequently, on the operating conditions. The results obtained show that the wind loads have the tendency to raise the pantograph and increase the contact forces. It is also observed that all components of the overhead power system have an incremental contribution to the increase of the contact force due to wind loads, the pantograph having the most noteworthy inuence. It is also observed that the range of variation of the contact forces, in windy conditions, is much wider than if no wind forces are considered. This suggests that a detailed evaluation on the wind forces over the pantograph and catenary is required to allow improving the predictive capabilities of models to detect loss of contact conditions or exaggerated contact forces. Acknowledgements
The work presented here has been developed in the framework of the European funded project EUROPAC (European Optimised Pantograph Catenary Interface, contract no STP4-CT-2005-012440). The support of Fundao para a Cincia e Tecnologia (FCT) through the grants with the references BPD/19066/2004 and BD/18848/2004 made this work possible and it is also gratefully acknowledged.

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