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A study on how teenagers cope up with depression, How to prevent it and what

we can do about it.

Submitted to the Economics, English and Cle facilitators of YS11 as a partial

fulfillment of the requirements.

Luzon Valentine Josey-Beth C. Kildoyle

Alyssa Erika Flamiano

Table of contents

Chapter Page

I. Introduction-----------------------------------------------------

Background of the study--------------------------------------

Importance of the study----------------------------------------

Objectives of the study-----------------------------------------

Statement of the problem-------------------------------------

Scope and delimitation of the study---------------------------

II. Theoretical and conceptual framework------------------------

Review of related literature-------------------------------------

Theoretical Framework----------------------------------------


Definition of terms----------------------------------------------

III. Methodology-------------------------------------------------------

Research design


The instruments

Data collection procedure

Data analysis Procedure

IV. Presentation and analysis of Data

V. Summary,conclusion,and Recommendations



Background of the study

Being a teen is not as easy as you think, as you grow older life becomes more

complicated. Sometimes, you get lost. You don’t know what do, you don’t know who to

trust anymore and unsure of the path you wish to cross. You find it hard to enjoy the

things you once find pleasurable to do.And then you realize, your no longer happy. As

time passes by the feeling doesn’t stop and then there will come a point that you’ll

discover something terrifying. You’re depressed. The world doesn’t seem to be livable

anymore. Both of the researchers experienced this feeling already. One was when her

father died and when the other researcher got pregnant, yes it felt like hell. You feel as if

you’re cursed. You don’t anybody else to help you. You become an introvert now. You’ll

feel as if you don’t have a worth in this world anymore for months. And then something

good came. The pain felt lighter now. And why was that? It’s because time heal all

wounds.We were very luck that for us we got passed our depression but it worries us

that we know that there are many depressed teens today. We chose this topic because

we both know what it feels like to be depressed and honestly speaking, it’s not easy. We

know that this research will be used to many people.

Importance of the study

We believe that this study should be done because of many reasons. First, for

parents to know what to do in case their child face teenage depression. It is very

important for parents to know what to do and what to say when they know their teen is

depressed. Also, they should know that depression is something that should never be

ignored. Second, for everyone to be aware that they should be willing to help a person

who is depressed. They should be informed that they shouldn’t think of depression as a

joke put instead take it very seriously and make an effort to help the person who is

depressed. Lastly, for depressed teens to know that they are not alone because many

teens today already experience depression and they got over depression because of

many factors. They prayed and asked strength from the Lord. We should be able to tell

them that it is never too late for them. They can still cure depression and start living the

life they once almost lost because of depression.

Objectives of the study

The primary objective of this paper is to identify the factors that cause teenage

depression. Also, for us to spot a teenager who is struggling with depression. This

paper is also intended to help the teens nowadays who are struggling with teenage

depression. We will show them who to talk to and why they should let other people help

them. We will show that depression should just be a phase in a teen’s life. They can

overcome it, because many did already. We will also show them that they shouldn’t

make suicide as an option because there will always be hope for everyone and that

their life can still change. This paper intends to provide explanations as to why

teenagers may acquire teenage depression. Also, this is to inform everyone what to do

in case they would face a depressed teen. They should learn to be more sensitive,

patient and understanding when a depressed teen would approach them. Lastly, to

show that teenage depression is not just a simple but instead it is a dangerous disease

because many teenagers life ended because of this and that until today many are still

struggling with it.

Statement of the problem

“When does teenage depression become a dilemma?”

Scope and delimitation of the study

The respondents of the study were the high school students of Angelicum

College, all of them were under the home study program.The study examined

teenagers only; all of them were between 13-17 years of age.Some teens who are not

matured enough for the question was no longer asked to answer the questionnaire.

The survey was conducted at the month April at the home study learning station. The

study tackled about teenage depression. What we can do about it and what causes it.

Also, in this study we showed that depression can lead to many things.

Review of related literature

Theoretical Framework


Definition of terms

➢ Angst: A feeling of anxiety or apprehension often accompanied by


➢ Melancholy: Sadness or depression of the spirits; gloom

➢ Juvenile delinquents: A juvenile guilty of antisocial or criminal behavior.

Insomnia: Insomnia is the inability to obtain an adequate amount or quality

of sleep. The difficulty can be in falling asleep, remaining asleep, or both.

People with insomnia do not feel refreshed when they wake up. Insomnia

is a common symptom affecting millions of people that may be caused by

many conditions, diseases, or circumstances.

➢ Psychiatrist: A psychiatrist (also archaically called an alienist) is a

physician who specializes in psychiatry and is certified in treating mental


➢ Antidepressants: Are drugs that are medicines that relieve symptoms of

depressive disorder

➢ Unipolar depression: A major depression, also called as unipolar

depression is a combination of symptoms that interfere with one’s ability

to eat, sleep & enjoy activities. It can occur several times in a lifetime.

➢ Dysthymia is a type of low-grade depression. Harvard Health Publications states

that, “the Greek word dysthymia means ‘bad state of mind’ or ‘ill humor’. As one

of the two chief forms of clinical depression, it usually has fewer or less

serious symptoms than major depression but lasts longer.

Research design

Surveys were used to as a tool in documentary analysis in gathering the

data. We analyzed the results of the surveys given to the high school students

of Angelicum College.The study discovered that majority already experienced



The population which constituted sample of the respondents in this

study are consists of thirty-nine (39) high school students at Angelicum College,

112 M.J Cuenco St., last April school year 2008-2009

The instruments

The data gathered for this research was taken from the results of the

survey. We, the researchers were the one who administered the test. Multiply

questionnaires were made for the high school students to answer.

Data collection procedure

We asked the learners to take some time off to answer our survey. We

made sure we approach only those who are not too busy so that we would not

disturb anyone

Presentation and Analysis of Data

 Most of them already experienced teenage depression; they were able to

get over it by praying, keeping their selves busy, doing something they

love and getting some strength from their family and friends. Most of these

things can keep your mind off depression.

 Some still haven’t experienced it, most of them are guys. We think this is

because girls have a tendency of being more sensitive.

 Most of them also think that depressed teens are more inferior to others

because they are not in their proper thinking if they are depressed.

Personally, we think that it depends upon the situation because people

have different outlook so it just basically depends on how that person

deals with depression.

 95% said they would be willing to help depressed teens because they

know how it feels like to be depressed. Well, that’s absolutely true

because if you know how it feels like to be you wouldn’t want anybody

else to feel what you felt.

 5% said they would not like to be involved in something like this.


Depression is a normal phase that teenagers encounter in their journey of life.

But unlike adults, teenagers usually don’t handle the situation very well. There are 2

types of depression: Minor depression and Major depression. If minor depression will

not be treated it can lead to major depression while if major teenage depression is not

treated properly it can lead to suicide. Most teenagers think that depressed teens are

more inferior to others; they look at them as if they are crazy. This can also be another

reason on why depressed teens feels more depressed. It is also our duty to understand

the situation of the teenagers who are depressed; we shouldn’t laugh at them or make

them feel worthless. Some of the signs and symptoms of depression are loss of weight,

problems in school, not always in the mood and having problems talking to other

people. If you see these symptoms to your teen you shouldn’t ignore it. You should

make an effort to do something about it. Parents should be the first one to help their

child. If talking to your teen doesn’t make any difference it is best if you would bring your

child to a doctor because teenage depression is not a simple fever, it is a dangerous

disease. It can make a great impact to a teenager. It can affect the social relation of the

teen, it can affect the education of the teen, the worst thing it can do is it can end the life

of the teenager.


Out of 39 people we interviewed most of them already experienced

teenage depression. Someone even answered the she goes to the doctor for

medicine and she also under goes monthly treatment. When I asked how they

got over their depression most of them answered they ask for help from their

family and friends. They also pray to the Lord while others keep their selves

busy so that they would forget the depression they are facing. It just goes to

show that most teens have encountered teenage depression. Some of them got

pass through it will others are still struggling with it. Depression is inevitable. So

once we encounter this we should make sure that we find a way to get over it.

Depression is also not just simple fever; According to the researched I made

Depression is a dangerous disease. It can lead you to suicide. It can also make

or break a teenager.


We think that the first thing you should do if you suspect depression is to

talk to your teen about it. In a loving and non-judgmental way, share your

concerns with your teenager. Let him or her know what specific signs of

depression you’ve noticed and why they worry you. Then encourage your child

to open up about what he or she is going through. You should offer your teen

support. Be gentle but persistent. And listen without lecturing.You should also

visit your family doctor to make sure that your teen is really depressed. If there

are no health problems that are causing your teenager’s depression, then seek

Out for a specialist. A mental health professional with advanced training and a

strong background Treating adolescents is the best bet for your teenager’s best

care. Expect a discussion with the Specialist you’ve chosen about treatment

possibilities that may help cure teenage depression.


Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General [online] from the

Nemours Foundation, “Understanding Depression” [online]

Center for Mental Health Services, SAMHSA, A Family Guide, Keeping Youth

Mentally Healthy and Drug Free, “Depression Hurts” [online]

U.S. National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health, Medline Plus

Medical Encyclopedia, "Depression signs in Teenagers” [online]

Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General, “Depression and Suicide in

children and adolescents” [online]

15 Depression in Childhood and Adolescence [online] WebMD/The

Cleveland Clinic “Seasonal Depression” [online]



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