DR Saraf Paper Tumescent Anaesthesia

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Vol 49 No 4 AB

October -
December 2004
Atop ic;_diathes~j!L_here.dR~rv.j~blbYQ$l$p~tie.J:lj:~L!,'It
tertiary health care center in Saudi Arabia
Omar M AI-Amro AI-Akloby

The occurrence of atopic diathesis in hereditary ichthyosis (HI) has not

Saudi patients. The atopic manifestations in histopathologically co
attending the dermatology clinic of King Fahad Hospital of the Univers
Saudi Arabia is discussed in this study. From the dermatology OPD
patients with cOr;JfirmedHI seen between January 1990 to December 1
the study. The findings regarding atopic manifestations were extractel
forms and analyzed.
During the 5 year study period, 10,455 new cases were seen in our (
these, 61 had hereditary ichthyosis, with 37 males and 24 females w
ratio of 1.5:1. Thus, the frequency of HI among Saudi hospital attenc
new cases. The type of HI was ichthyosis vulgaris in 25 (41 %) patient
ichthyosis in 11 (18%), lamellar ichthyosis in 4 (7%), bullous ichthyosif
2 (3%) and non bullous ichthyosiform erythroderma was seen in 19
pruritus was present in 49 (80%) cases, atopic dermatitis in 7, elevatec
noted in 27 and bronchial asthma in 3 cases. Dandruff was reported il
pilaris in 15, recurrent skin infection in 7. Combination of hereditary ic
pruritus and high serum IgE level was reported in 27 (44.3%) patients.
Indian J Dermatol 200,
Key Words: Ichthyosis, Atopic diathesis, Atopic der.

TQ_picaI $Y~r~lf~te._Ye.r.~I,t$_bydIQ~Qrti$Qne.~I~a_rn..ilttJ
management of diaper dermatitis: a randomized, d(
clinical trial
Fariba Iraji, Asadolah Kiyani, Marzieh Rezazadeh

Topical corticosteroids are currently used for treatment of diaper

studies have shown the efficacy of sucralfate in the treatment of d
contact dermatitis in peri-stomal areas. To evaluate the efficacy of
comparison with hydrocortisone cream in the treatment of diaper de
study was under taken. In a double-blind randomized clinical trial, 64
dermatitis were treated with sucralfate cream 4% or hydrocortisone (
duration of the treatment was 8 weeks and the patients were evalual
until complete healing. The results were evaluated by chi-square te:

http://www.e-ijd.org/oldsite/oct_dec_2004_abstracts.html 22/0212009
Indian Journal of Dermatology ... Page 2 of 5

(more than 50% improvement) occurred in 90.6% and partie

improvement) in rest of the patients in each group (p>0.05). Top
effective, cheap therapeutic intervention for diaper dermatitis. which hi
topical hydrocortisone cream.
Indian J Dermatol 200,
Key Words: Diaper rash, Sucralfate, h

Tu mescent a nesthesiCt_;ma_Y$JITYl te~h ni.g!l~fQxtuU:Y4

thickness skin graft
Sanjay Saraf, Prashant Goyal, Pankaj Ranka

Tumescent anesthesia is now an established technique for regional al

and the subcutaneous fatty tissue. The unsurpassed simplicity and saf
M - have opened up the gates for newer indications. We have employe
harvesting split-thickness grafts in various conditions. We have found I
extremely simple in which large areas can be anesthetized for harvestin
grafts safely. The good passive resistance achieved facilitates easy
thickness grafts along with minimal bleeding and long lasting pain relief
an inexpensive, safe and simple technique with elimination of risks and
Indian J Dermatol 200,
Key Words: Tumescent anesthesia, Split

Prognostic valu-e of immunoglobulin E in atopic den

S P Chattopadhyay

Atopic dermatitis (AD) constituted about 6% of total dermatological ca

new cases (165877) attending the outpatient of a hospital. Serum IgE 1
patients with AD. It was observed that IgE level Was raised in 84%,
below normal in 4% of cases. In the present study the family history 01
found in 66% of the cases. IgE level fell in 14 of 16 patients during fall
free from active disease for six months or more.
Indian J Dermatol 200,
Key Words: IgE Level, Atopic (

-' 'm

Pattern of dermatosis among pediatric patients attE

medical.colleg,e hospital in the nortl1:_eastern regiol1
M M Huda, Pranab Kumar Saha

A total of 500 children from first day of life to twelve completed ye

Dermatology OPD of Assam Medical College Hospital were analyzed for
disorders and modalities of pre-hospital care received. School-age
major segment (45.0%) followed by pre-school age children (37.8%).
were 63.2% and non-infective 34.4%. Bacterial infections (34.4%
scabies (11.8%), fungal infections (8.8%), nutritional dermatoses
(3.8%), viral infections (2.2%), urticaria (2%), and a miscellaneous
twenty four categories (8%) were seen. About 65% had not received a
attending hospital. Those who received pre-hospital treatment incl
18.8%, treatment from primary care physician 7.8%, from pedial
applications 3%, rituals by faith healers 1.6%, and treatment from der
Indian J Dermatol 200,
Key Words: J

Irj~J:lQ-9r~.mtQ__mooitoLll:t~r~p~utic J)enefit i nMir I(J

http://www.e-ijd.org/oldsite/oct_dec_2004_abstracts.html 22/02/2009

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