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Postal Registration No : TN/CNI GPO / 051 / 2012 to 2014

National Unity Communal Amity Cultural Identity Social Justice Rule of Law Dignified Democracy


Issue - 5 Jammathul Akkir 1433 May - 2013 Pages - 8 Monthly Price : Rs. 10/Annual Subscription : Rs. 120/-

Volume : 4

Tamil Nadu Police Volte face What undue urgency in arresting Muslim youth, while observing caution on marakanam caste riots?
The Tamil Nadu Police acts with undue urgency in arresting Muslim Youth from Melapalayam while observing atmost caution in dealing with the Marakanam caste riots charged the IUML National General Secretary and Tamilnadu Party President Prof. K.M. Kader Mohideen in a press meet held in Thirunelveli District in Tamil Nadu. He annouced a cash help of Rs. 4,000 to the affected families of kitchen Buhari, Peer Mohideen, Basheer and Saliq on humanitarian ground. The affcted family members met him in the Tirunelveli IUML Headquarter and narrated their sufferings. Thereafter he met the press and briefed the initiatives the party had taken to address the grievances of the Muslims. The following is the text of his briefing. IUML National Working Committee meeting National working committee meeting of the party will be held on May 11, 2013 at Hotel Abu Palace Chennai. The party National President and the Minister of State for External Affairs E. Ahamed, the party Treasurer Kunhali Kutty, party Ministers from Kerala, party Presidents and Secretaries from all the States and working committee members totaling 125 persons will attend the meeting. The meeting will discuss the future course of action to address the grievences of the Muslim Community. Police Vendetta The Tamil Nadu Police is persuing a vendetta against Muslim youth acquited by the court. Inocent people are harresed and confessions are obtained

Prof. K.M. Kader Mohideen Questions

under duress. Such confessions are often rejected by the Courts. It has become a riddle as to why Muslim Youth from Melapalayam, Tamilnadu are arrested for Bomb Blast in Karnataka. Punish the real culprits Mr. E. Ahamed and myself met the Congress President Ms. Soniya Gandhi, Prime Minister and the Home Minister after the Batla House Bomb Blast and fake Delhi encounter and briefed them about the incidents. This resulted in the arrest of Hindutva Terrorists for Bomb Blast in Melagon, Ajmer, Samjuda and Makka Majid Bomb blast in Hyderabed. We want that the real culprits should be arrestted and they should be brought to Book. We demand the Police should act justly without any prejudice. We demand all the innoccent people on whom cases have been falsely framed should be released immediately. The Tirunelveli District President Thurafsha, Secretary LKS Meeran Mohideen, Propaganda Secretary Kayal Mahaboob and other party office bearers participated in the Press meet.

Indian delegates meet Minister of Labour Saudi Arabia

Honble Minister of Overseas Indian Affairs, Shri Vayalar Ravi and Honble Minister of State for External Affairs, Shri E. Ahamed alongwith other members of the Indian delegation consisting of Shri T.K.A. Nair, Advisor to Honble Prime Minister, Ambassador of India in Saudi Arabia, Shri Hamidali Rao, Consul General of India Shri Faiz Ahmed Kidwai, Joint Secretary, MOIA Shri Manoj Kumar called on H.E. Mr. Eng. Adel Bin Mohammad Fakeih, Minister of Labour, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Jeddah on 28th April, 2013.

May - 2013

E. Ahamed a beacon of light to the Muslim Minority

Mr. E. Ahamed graduated from Govt. Brennen College in Tellicherry, Kerala and later obtained a law degree from the Government Law College in Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala. He was elected to the Kerala Legislative Assembly in 1967, 1977, 1980, 1982 and 1987. From 1982 to 1987, he served as Cabinet Minister for Industries, Government of Kerala. From 1971 to 1977, Mr. Ahamed was the Founding Chairman of the Kerala State Rural Development Board. From 1979 to 1980, he was the Executive Chairman of the Kerala State Small Scale Industries Development Corporation. From 1981 to 1983, he was the Chairman of the Municipal Council in Kannur, Kerala. He was elected to the Lok Sabha in 1991, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2004 and 2009. During 2004-2009, he served as the Minister of State for External Affairs. From April 2009 to January 2011, he was Minister of State for Railways. He assumed charge again as Minister of State of External Affairs on January 24, 2011. Mr. Ahamed is currently the National President of the Indian Union Muslim League. During his tenure in the Parliament, he has been a member of several parliamentary committees including External Affairs, Railways, Civil Aviation and Tourism, Public Undertakings, Science and Technology, Environment and Forests. Mr. Ahamed was also the Chairman of the Government Assurance Committee. Mr. Ahamed is widely travelled and has represented India in the United Nations six times between 1991 and 2009. In 1984, he was sent to GCC countries as an Emissary of the then Prime Minister late Mrs. Indira Gandhi. Born on 29 April, 1938, Mr. Ahamed has performed Hajj seven times - five times as Member of Government of India Haj Goodwill Delegation. He has also authored 3 books in English and Malayalam. He was married to Late Mrs. Zuhara Ahamed. Mr. Ahamed has two sons and one daughter. His hobbies include reading, writing and watching sports. Countries Visited: Widelly travelled; Chairman, Meeting of Heads of Indian Missions of GCC countries, Doha, 18th & 19th March 2006; Special Emissary of the then Prime Minister Late Smt. Indira Gandhi and met Heads of States of the Gulf Countries, 1984;Leader of Indian Delegation to : (i) Trade Meeting on Human Rights and Cultural Diversity, Tehran, Iran, 3-4 September, 2007; (xix) Heads of State Council meeting of the Member & Observer States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, Tashkent, 1-3 November , 2007; (xx)62nd Session, UNGA, New York, 29 November-3 December, 2007; (xxi) 31st Session of SAARC Council of Minsiters meeting, Colombo, 27 February, 2009;(xxii) NAM Ministerial Meeting, Havana 29-30 April, 2009; (xxiii) League of Arab States Summit, Algiers, 2005; Khartoum, 2006; Riyadh, 2007; Damascus, 2008; Doha, 2009; Leader, Fact Finding Team, Mina Fire Tragedy, Saudi Arabia, 1997;Member: (i) Indian Delegation in the UN General Assembly, 1992-97; (ii) Indian Delegation to World Social Summit Copenhagen, 1995; (iii) Indian parliamentary Delegations to various countries, 1994-2001;and (iv) Indian World Parliamentary Conference, Amman, Jordan, 2000;Represented, Indian Parliament in Commonwealth Parliamentary Joint Colloquium at Buckinghamshire, U.K., 1998; Accompanied: (i) Former Vice President, Shri Bhairon Singh Shekhawat in the funeral of ruler of Dubai H. H. Sheikh Makhtoum Rashid Al-Makhtoum on 5 January 2007; (ii) Hon`ble Vice President of India to Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan, April 4-10, 2008; (iii) Prime Minsiter of India to Oman and Qatar, 8-9 November, 2008; Other Information: Founder Chairman, Kerala State Rural Development Board (Statutory Board of Govt. of Kerala), 197177; Executive Chairman, Kerala State Small Scale Industries Development Corporation, 197980; Chairman, Crisis Management Group during Iraq hostage crisis, August-September, 2004 President: (i)Muslim Educational Foundation, Panur, Kannur, Kerala; (ii) Kannur Deenul Islam Sabha Regd. Kerala; Member: (i) Board of the Medical College, Pariyaram, Kerala; (ii) Managing Committee, MEA Engineering College, Malappuram, near Perinthalmanna, Kerala; (iii) Executive Council, Aligarh Muslim University; and (iv) Central Haj Committee, 2003


delegation of government of India to Gulf Countries, 1984; (ii) Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Co-operation Ministerial Meeting, Colombo, August, 2004; (iii) Signing of Sudan Peace Agreement, Nairobi, January 2005; (iv) Small Island developing States Meeting, Mauritius, January, 2005; (v) League of Arab States Summit, Algiers, March, 2005; (vi) Sudan donors Conference, Oslo, April, 2005; (vii) South Summit/ G-77 Ministerial Confernce at Doha, Qatar, June, 2005; (viii) Review Conference on Financing for Development, United Nations General Assembly, June, 2005; (ix) Regional Ministerial Meeting of Asia and Pacific on Millennium Development Goals, Jakarta, August, 2005; (x) Lebanon and Syria on a Bilateral visit from 27 Sept. 2005-1 Oct. 2005; (xi) 26 Session of SAARC Summit, Dhaka, 10-13 November, 2005; (xii) International Donors Conference, Islamabad, 18-22 November, 2005; (xiii) 6th Indian Ocean Rim Associaton for Regional Cooperation Ministerial and Senior officals meeting, Tehran, 20-22 February,2006; (xiv) Eighteenth Summit of League of Arab States, Khartoum, Sudan, 28-30 March, 2006; (xv) 10th Session of IndiaTunisia Joint Commission meeting, Tunisia, 5-8 February, 2007; (xvi)7th Council of Ministers meeting of Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation (IOR-ARC), Tehran, 3-8 March, 2007; (xvii) 6th Asia Cooperation Dialogue Ministerial Meeting, Seoul, South Korea; (xviii) NAM Ministerial

May - 2013


Iuml Malda District Panchayat Sammelan

The malda district panchayati sammelan was held in malda town hall on tuesday 16th april,2013 . The district meeting was presided by janab dawood hossain sahib .Janan shahanshah jehangir, national secretary and west bengal state president was the chief guest . The district panchayati sammelan was also attended by myl west bengal president sabir ghaffar, iuml malda district general secretary dr.Farooque hossain , myl malda leader janab badruddin sahib, and other malda district iuml and myl leaders . Dr.Farooque hossain sahib spoke about the issue of river erosion and displacement of the local villagers . He also spoke about the role of iuml in raising the local issues of malda district. Sabir ghaffar spoke about the illegal traffiking of women from malda district and poverty forcing muslim parents to sell their daughters for a meagre sum of rs.5000/-. Sabir ghaffar also demanded social security and pf etc for construction about the continuous deprivation of muslim by all the so called mainstream secular parties and said kerala was an example and tamil nadu an inspiration for the indian muslims in organizing themselves politically . Shahanshah jehangir also appealed to the women to organize themselves under the platform of muslim mahila league as well as prepare themselves for the coming panchayat elections in west bengal , where 30% seats would be reserved for women. Shahanshah jehangir also said that iuml was open to electoral alliance with like minded political parties and he had spoken to congress and tmc leaders regarding same. However , he asked the muslim leaguers to be prepared to fight it alone , in case there was no electoral alliance in the panchayat polls. All the leaders and speakers hailed and praised the leadership of janab e.Ahamed sahib and janab kader mohiuddeen sahib whose recent visit to west bengal had motivated and awakened the spirit of iuml workers through out the sate. They also appealed to leaders and ministers from iuml kerala to keep visiting west bengal as that would motivate the bengal muslims to organize themselves under iuml platform .

and other labourers from malda travelling outside west bengal for work. Sabir ghaffar also said that iuml condemns the harassment of bengali muslim workers in mumbai and delhi by calling them illegal

infiltrators from bangladesh. Sabir ghaffar appealed to the youth to organize themselves under the platform of muslim youth league and hold the flag of iuml strong. Mr.Shahanshah jehangir spoke

IUML rally in the National Capital demanding Reservation for Muslims Delhi District President Kurram Anees Omar leads the rally

May - 2013



this modern era, we are constantly being bombarded by unhealthy and unethical media (videos and photos). So therefore, if you witness such matter, quickly scroll away without having a second look! Many would assume and treat that lowering ones gaze only applies in real life, but thats not the case- it applies on the net life too (and the fact is, it is a much harder challenge). And remember, this law does not only applies to men, but to women as well. With that, Brothers: Try looking away and not stare at Sisters profile pictures or female entertainers on that screen of yours! And Sisters: Watch out for those Korean pop stars and male models on your screen, too! Related verses from the Quran: - Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their private parts, that will make for greater purity for them. Indeed Allah is well acquainted with all that they do [An-Nur 24:30] - Verily, the hearing, and the sight, and the heart, of each of those ones will be questioned (by Allah) [Al-Isra 17:36] Related hadith: - Narrated by Abu Hurairah (r.a.): The Prophet (s.a.w) said : Allah has written the very portion of Zina which a man will indulge in. There will be no escape from it. The Zina of the eye is the (lustful) look, the Zina of the ears is the listening (to voluptuous songs or talk), the Zina of the tongue is (the licentious) speech, the Zina of the hand is the (lustful) grip, the Zina of the feet is the walking (to the place where he intends to commit Zina), the heart yearns and desires and the private parts approve all that or disapprove it. [ Bukhari & Muslim] 02: SubhanaAllah, how wonderful is the Internet? It has millions and millions of information, and with some few clicks, you are ready to collect and obtain your desired data or information. But hold up! NOT everything on the net is believable or LEGIT! Thats why, dear Brothers and


Sisters, do not simply believe what you see or read. Look up for more information, do second or third readings, ask your local Ustad or Sheikh to authenticate Quranic verses or hadiths, or enquire from related Organizations or Support Groups. Dont be afraid to ask! Related verse from the Quran: - Therefore, if there is a difference of opinion among you in any matter, refer it back to Allah and His Prophet, if you do believe in Allah and the Last Day [AnNisa 4:59 03: How careful are you online? Perhaps youre (kinda) new to a certain social network site, and youre on the mission to search, Befriend, Follow or Subscribe new friends or trends, or even influences and inspirations! But hold your horses and excitement! Be cautious of those you befriend, follow and subscribe to! They might lower your morale (from pressure) or worse, lower your Deen. Related hadith: - The Prophet (s.a.w.) said A person is upon the Deen of his close friend, so look to whom you befriend [Abu Dawud] 04: Every Muslim should take this matter seriously, for the consequences of spreading false news or fitna are gravely devastating! It would not only hurt yourself, but it would hurt others as well. In this modern era, sin is easily accessible- and worse, Fitna is EVERYWHERE! People can easily talk and spread bad rumours about others, so be wise and do not be involved in the Fitna Circle. Remember, every click counts-

and Allah the Al-Mighty Knows. If you are doubtful of that source, leave it. Related hadiths: - The Prophet (s.a.w.) said Whoever fabricates lies against me, let them assume their abode in Hellfire [Bukhari & Muslim] -The Prophet (s.a.w.) said Leave that which makes you doubt for that which does not make you doubt [A-Tarmidhee] 05: Have you got your social networks up and running? Great! Try going through your lists of friends, Likes, Subscribes and the ones you Follow (basically the ones who appear in your Newsfeed- you get the idea) Ask yourself: Do they bring benefit to you in Dunya or Akhirat? Do they make your Deen go higher, or lower? Do they make you closer to Allah or further from Allah? Do they make you smile, or angry? If you answer the latter- you should probably remove or DELETE them from your real life, AND net life! Such influences should not let you stray away from Allah and His Messenger! It would be hard to Delete them, but inshaAllah, try doing it bit by bit and make loads of duas; Allah will surely guide you. (Take note that worldly matters that can benefit you are very much permissible as long as they are within the Islamic laws; eg: Health matters, Parenting, Relationship, Culinary, etc) Related hadith: -The Prophet (s.a.w.) said : The case of the good companion and the bad companion is like that of the seller of musk and the blower

of the bellows (iron-smith) . As for the seller of musk, he will either give you some of the musk, or you will purchase some from him, or at least you will come away having experienced its good smell. Whereas the blower of the bellows will either burn your clothing, or at least you will come away having experienced its repugnant smell. [Bukhari & Muslim] 06: So youve got your fancy gadgets and smart phones- be a Khalifah and use technology to do good! Spread good words, take photos of Allahs wonderful creations and show it to the world, start an I Prophet Muhammad (saw) Blog, forward Quranic verses and hadiths to friends and families and so many more. Many others would surely follow this good trait, inshaAllah. Related hadith: - The Prophet (s.a.w.) said : Convey from me even if one ayah (verse) for it may be that the one being informed will comprehend better that the one listening (at present). [Bukhari] 07: One thing that we have to be always aware of is Shaitaans Evilness and Shrewdness! It will always find ways to trick you into believing that there is always time for social network and our social friends! And thus, we would neglect our duties as a Muslim! (Oh no!) In Islam, time is super crucial! So discipline yourself, put your social networking aside and prioritize your religion and your real life people (ie: Family and friends). Lets try our best to not delay our prayers because of technology, okay? :D Related verse from the Quran: - By time, indeed mankind is in loss, except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience [Al-Asr 103: 1-3] Related hadith: - Narrated by Abu Hurairah (r.a.) :The Prophet (s.a.w.) said : There are two of Allahs favours that are forgotten by many people; health and time [Bukhari ] Mr. Ahamed Riaz.,M.B.A

May - 2013


College Education to the Muslim Women

women in Tamil Nadu, the Muslim community is slowly realising the importance to be given to them in the fields of modern higher education in addition to equip them with the Islamic Deeniyath education given at the Makthabs and Niswan Madrasas started and run by the individual Philanthropists and Mohallah Jamaths at various urban and rural Islamic centers. Only a few years ago the Individual Muslim Educationists and Industrialists have taken serious efforts to put up Muslim womens Colleges at some Muslimdominated areas like Chennai, Vaniyambad, Thiruchirapalli, Thirunelveli, Keelakarai and Kayalpattinam. Muslim women who reside in these areas found it easier to pursue Higher Education as well as Deeniyath education simultaneously at these institutions. Certain Muslim womens colleges have now started teaching Deeniyath Niswan subjects also along with the regular degree courses and award them the Alima and the Muballiga certificates to the Muslim women students which is generally welcomed by the Muslim community. A Good Opportunity awaiting the Muslim Community: With a distance of about 320 kms lying apart in between the Capital city of Chennai and the Rock city of Thiruchirapalli, almost passing across all the six or seven districts on the way, you will be surprised to know the fact that neither a single womens college is organized nar run by the Muslim

In educating the Muslim young

An open letter to those concerned

M.Abdul Hadhi
community in this vast area of length and breadth that can boast of many influential Muslim Personalities, Rich merchants, Rice-mill owners and politicians. The Result? The Medium-Income group Muslim women students of other districts are put to face many hardships and additional expenses if they desire to for higher education fruitfully at these distant colleges. Under these circumstances, a non-Muslim organization has come forward to offer a chance to utilise its educational resources and establishments towards the cause of upliftment of Muslim Womens Education at a short span of time early. The area of location of the Institution is well-planned and developed on the Modern National High ways suitably with spacious play-grounds, architecturally designed buildings and graciously constructed class rooms imposing a grand look of appearance even when seen from a fair distance. The Institution accommodating the big computer lab class rooms fitted with all amenities and accessories and furnished elaborately with a vast courtyard at the frontage, the magnificent structure presents a serene and peaceful atmosphere on-looking a very busy, alive and ever-bustling traffic high way. The Institution is sure to bring many accolades of success, name and

fame to all concerned when it is set on the journey of achieving many marvelous stories of success promising a bright and prosperous future to all concerned! The Merits of the grand Project: With more than 15 acres of fertile land situated on the long High way, at s short distance of about 10 kms from the citys hubcentre just 10 minutes of travel to reach the place ! Easily accessible central location to reach from all the directions! A large number of women students waiting at the busstoppings that will soon exceed 1000 numbers in a couple of years! Expensive transport facilities to draw the urban and the rural women students from all corners and places of Muslim pockets in a couple of hours time! Experienced Principal and the Faculty staff members to assure Quality Education! Affiliated to the Thiruvalluvar University Vellore and recognized by Tamil Nadu State Government Well-planned Hostel facilities to come up early!

Special provision to offer the Daily prayers for the Muslim students! A grand sylvan surrounding to enjoy the Sports events along with the Learning activities! The Golden Steps to achieve success at the end: The Mega project is estimated to cost a stipulated amount of Twenty cores of money ! Will the Muslim community is prepared to meet the challenge? If it is so willing, an easy way to solve the puzzle or a small arithmetic calculation just sufficient to pluck the fruit and taste the juice! Ten Philanthropists or, Rich Businessmen or Industrialists or any Capable Muslim Institution can join together and avail this golden opportunity at the least delay of time! When all the ten fingers are ready to cooperate and catch the ball, the whole Muslim community is sure to win and reap the benefits! Will the Muslim community listen, come forward, raise to the occasion and realise to lead at the progressive path of achievement and success? I am earnestly eager to hear the story of achievement keeping my faith on Almighty Allah! Ameen! Note: To contact the author please write to Alminar Academy, Dr. Abdul Kalam Street, T.V.N Road, Ulundurpet-606 107, Villupuram District. Phone: (04149) 221454/222404, Cell: 9443292124 (Saleem)

Karnataka IUML Candidates contesting on the party Ladder Symbol

Moulana Mohammed Nuhu - Gulbarga South, Moulana Abdul Hammed Baqvi - Gulbarga North, Ajas M. Lodi - Belgam North, Anees Nas T Momin - Hubli Dharvar Central - Adthaur Rahman - Bijapur City May - 2013

Peer Mohammad Munis:


An organic intellectual activist of the Champaran Satyagraha

The Champaran Satyagraha (1917) occupies significance in the history of Indias anti-colonial struggle because of many reasons. One, it was Gandhis most spectacular and first experiment of non-violent Satyagraha in India; two, Bihars prioritized engagement with regional patriotism to become a separate province from the Bengal kept the reach of the Congress very limited in Bihar till Gandhi visited Champaran to intervene into the inhuman oppression to which the peasantry was subjected by the European planters. The indomitable peasant resistance however started manifesting more visibly since 1860s. The scholars like Jacques Pouchepadass, Girish Mishra (1978), Razi Ahmad (1987) and few others have paid adequate academic attention to the issue. Still, the name of Peer Md. Ansari Munis (1882-1949) remained much less known (except for the passing mention in such works). Hats off to Shrikant, a Patnabased journalist working with the Hindi daily Hindustan, (and co-author of two major, well-researched Hindi language academic books on contemporary Bihar), who delved into archival documents and the much scattered newspaper files to bring Munis profound roles into the popular and academic domain. This essay draws substantially upon Shrikants Hindi booklet, Peer Mohammad Munis: Qalam Ka Satyagrahi (Patna: Gandhi Sangrahalaya, 2000,/a>. Note: This useful book has got some proof-errors and inadequate, unprofessional referencing. One hopes, its revised edition will take care of all these). Razi Ahmads work (1987) tells us that in the first wave of the Champaran peasant movement (1867-77 ), which was sticking more to legalities, one Meer Enayat Kareem of the village Siswa Ajgurreah, besides many others, had represented the ryots grievances to the local authorities and also to the Lt. Governor of Bengal, W. Gray, praying to appoint a Commission of Enquiry into the causes of peasant discontentment. In the second significant wave of the peasant protest in Champaran (1907-09), which was defiant and violent too, one Shaikh Gulab (1858-1943) of the village Chand Barwah and Shaikh Rajab Ali of the village Kala Barwah had supported the cause of ryots asking them not to grow indigo and to assault the planters if they forced them to grow indigo. Shaikh Gulab was tried on charges of unlawful assembly, arson, loot, and causing fatal attacks upon the planters and their property; the agitators were united in their opposition to the [European] planters irrespective of caste, creed, and religion. The Muslims took oath of loyalty with the Quran in their hands; the Hindus did so in the presence of their idols, cows, and under the sacred Pipal trees. It was widely believed that the reign of the English was over, and the leaders collected fund to fight the factory owners, which in their eyes, represented the British raj. Much before the advent of Gandhi on the Champaran scene, Peer Md. Munis had played a very important and significant role as a local correspondent of the Hindi weekly, later daily, Pratap (Kanpur) edited by Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi (1890-1931). Munis was a fearless journalist, and creative writer in Hindi literature, one of the founders of the Bihar Hindi Sahitya Sammelan (founded in Sonepur in 1919; and President of its 15th session, 1937, Arrah; his presidential address was reported in the Indian Nation, 25 December 1937). For his relentless efforts at exposing the horrific sufferings of the Champaran peasantry at the hands of the European planters, he was dismissed (1915?) from the services of teaching in the Bettiah Raj High English School, even though many such exposes were made by Munis inPratap (Hindi weekly, Kanpur, later daily, edited by Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi, 1890-1931) with pseudonyms. It was through his essays/reports in Pratap that the horrific tales of Champaran became known to the world at large, and narrated eye witness account of those horrific tales. Munis is considered as the founder of fearless anticolonial Hindi journalism in Bihar. The colonial dossiers referred to him as dangerous, and notorious, and bitter man writing doubtful literature. Munis

- Mohammad Sajjad
Lucknow session of the Congress (1916) to apprise Gandhi of the Champaran issue was the brain child of the peasant leaders, Shaikh Gulab and Munis, etc. When Gandhi visited Champaran, he made it a point to meet Munis mother, and met her on 23 April 1917. After Gandhis intervention, despite the theoretical abolition of the tinkathiya system, the peasantry continued to suffer at the hands of the European indigo planters; Munis then started, Raiyati Sabha. For which Munis further earned the colonial wrath, and in a falsely implicated case of June 1918 he was sentenced to be imprisoned in September 1918 and was put behind bars for six months besides some financial punitive fines (SeePratap, 30 September 1918). The Bettiahs Sub-Divisional Officer, W. H. Lewis, in his letter to the Tirhut Commissioner, called him a connecting link between the raiyat and the educated class. (Pol. Spl. 1511/1917, Pt.II). In his essay, Champaran Mein Phir Nadirshahi, Munis protested against extraction of tax by the planter in the name of purchasing motor for a new born son of the planter. He subjected the Tehsildars and Jamadars of the Lauriya Kothi, as also the Court of Wards etc., to criticism for extortions. In 1930 he was imprisoned in the Patna Camp jail for three months for his participation in the Salt Satyagraha of the Civil Disobedience Movement (Ashraf Qadri, 1992; Qadri lists many types of taxes extracted from the raiyats). In 1937 he provided leadership to the sugarcane producers protesting against the intermediaries who were pocketing bulk of the income accrued from this (KW 14/34, Report of the Commissioner, Tirhut, Muzaffarpur; The Searchlight, 29 December 1937). He addressed the public rally of the Harijan employees of the Bettiah municipality who were on strike protesting against few issues (The Searchlight, 19 December 1937). He was also elected member of the Champaran Zila Parishad (District Board) on the Congress ticket, and became President, Bettiah Local Board, from which he resigned and

was a correspondent for Pratap; he also wrote stories for children in Baalak, Hindi monthly edited by Rambriksha Benipuri (1899-1968), and published his patriotic poems in Hindi monthly,Gyanshakti, Gorakhpur (launched in 1915 it continued till 1935. See Arjun Tiwari, Swatantrata Aandolan aur Hindi Patrakaarita. Varanasi: BHU). In Champaran, some sadhus used to distribute leaflets (of the reports/columns published in Pratap). The Shikarpur police and the Motihari police had seized such leaflets in February 1916. Besides, he was also on the editorial board ofDesh launched and edited by Dr. Rajendra Prasad. Munis had also written, A History of Champaran, the manuscript of which was with one of his comrades and a teacher in a Bettiah school, Harivansh Sahay, whose death made the manuscript traceless (probably in 1960s). Munis had also collected his newspaper columns, stories, etc., to publish its compilation in a volume; it was sent to the Pustak Bhandar, Darbhanga for publication, but these were destroyed in the massively devastative earthquake of 15 January 1934. Usually, the text-books as well as the reference books, mention the role of Raj Kumar Shukla who invited Gandhi to intervene into the Champaran issue. The fact is that even the first letter written to Gandhi by Shukla was drafted by Munis. Apprising Gandhi of the miseries of Champaran Peasantry, Munis wrote, Our sad tale is much worse than what you and your comrades have suffered in South Africa. Shuklas visit to the

May - 2013


subsequently jumped into the Individual Civil Disobedience Movement. His presidential address in the 15th session of the Bihar Hindi Sahitya Sammelan (24 December 1937, Arrah) reported in the Indian Nation, 25 Decemebr 1937) reveals that he was against sanskritised Hindi (panditon ki bhasha) and urged upon to make it simple so that it could be made popular (aam jan ki bhasha); he proposed to form Ramayan Mandalis for this purpose. In his address he welcomed the government decision to open a new department of rural development and he hoped that its newly appointed commissioner Prajapati Mishra and the education minister (Syed Mahmud) would undertake development works as well as would make efforts towards popularizing Hindi, in which he promised that the Sahitya Sammelan would extend all possible cooperation. He also proposed that the rural primary schools should be involved in popularizing Hindi on large scale. He also praised the creditworthy works done by Chhabinath Pandey (this Hindu Mahasabha leader has published his autobiographyApni Baat) for strengthening the Bihar Hindi Sahitya Sammelan. He also acknowledged the Muslim contributions in development of Hindi language and literature, viz., Amir Khusrau, Kabeer Jayasi, Raheem, Mubarak, Ras Khan, Nazeer, Meer, Zahur Bakhsh, etc. He also took stock of the development of Hindi literature and periodicals in Bihar; acknowledged the roles of the weeklies like Navashakti, Yogi, Pataliputra, Jivan, and Vibhakar; he was sad about absence of appreciable monthlies except Baalak (Laheria Sarai); he appreciated Sahitya, the quarterly journal of the Sahitya Sammelan. Munis was strong advocate of Hindustani, simple Hindi with word-stock and diction from local languages/dialects; and refused to consider Hindi and Urdu as two separate languages. Various presidential addresses of the Bihar Hindi Sahitya Sammelan since 1919 generously acknowledge the contributions of Munis in strengthening it. His essays and creative writings: Shart Bandhi Ghulami Ke Virudh Kharhey ho Jaao,Pratap, 6 September, 1915 Prarthana, Ek Dukhi Aatma, Letter to Editor, Pratap, 17 February 1916 Champaran Mein Atyachar, Pratap, 28 February 1916 Champaran Mein Andher, by Dukhi, Pratap, 13 March 1916 Bihar Sarkar Ka Ek Anuchit Karya, Pratap, 3 April 1916 Champaran Ki Durdasha, by Dukhi Hridaya, Pratap, 16 April 1917. Champaran Mein Phir Atyachar, Pratap, 4 August 1919 Champaran Mein Karmveer Gandhi Ka Aagaman,Pratap, 30 April 1917 Champaran Mein Mahatma Gandhi, Pratap, 7, 14, 28 May 1917 Champaran Mein Tinkathiya Pratha, Pratap, 21 May; 4, 11, 18 June 1917. Hindu-Muslim Ekta, Misr [Egypt] mein Parivartan Mazhar-ul-haq Se Baat Cheet, Pratap, 11 October 1920 Champaran Mein Phir Nadirshahi, by Dukhi Aatma,Pratap, 30 August 1920 Munis translated Tota Ram Sanadhyas Hindi memoir, Fiji Dvip Mein Merey 21 Varsh into Urdu. This memoir had inspired many creative pieces of Hindi literature like Maithili Sharan Gupts Kisan, Lakshman Singh Chauhans (husband of Subhadra Kumari Chauhan) drama Quli Pratha. Jayaprakash Naran was also much inspired by this memoir. His Stories for Children published in Baalak: Mahabharat Ka Yudh Kshetra, vol. 2, no. 8, year ? Aurangzeb Ki Veerta Waqt Ki Barbaadi, vol. 2, no. 9, year? Hazrat Muhammad Sahab, vol. 3, no.1., year? His Poems/Couplets: Ranj ki ghahiyan hain lekin shaadmaani hai mujhe Qaum burhi hai magar josh-e-jawani hai mujhe Naa-ummeedi se zyada kuchh kaamraani hai mujhe Laazim hai Hinduon ko tan man nisaar karna Hindustan ko Rashk-e-Bagh-oBahaar karna (used in his essay, HinduMuslim Ekta, written after the Shahabad riots, 1917) Ai qaum dekh teri haalat ko kya hua Hairat hai aaina ki surat ko kya hua Ham ko zaleel sust o majboor dekh kar Pratap keh raha hai hamiyyat ko kya hua Jis ne barhey barhon ke the chhakkey chhurha diye Us shoor veer qaum ki surat ko kya hua Ironically, this hero of freedom struggle spent a life of abject poverty; one of the founders of the Bihar Hindi Sahitya Sammelan, Ramdhari Prasad, kept extending financial help to him till very last. Acharya Shivpujan Sahay, while writing on Munis, said, Vidyarthis killing in the communal riots of Kanpur in 1931 was a terrible shock to Munis which he could never overcome, and then Sahay adds about Munis, Having forgotten such an ideal litterateur and patriot the heartless people [of independent India] is immersed in its own luxury. I am also intrigued why didnt the Congress bank upon the leaders like Munis in the face of the Muslim Leagues onslaught during 1938-46? Mohammad Sajjad is the Asstt. Prof. at Centre of Advanced Study (CAS) in History, Aligarh Muslim University. May - 2013

IUML Dharna in National Captial

Indian Union Muslim League Delhi State Committee is organizing a Dharna at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi on Saturday, 27 April 2013 at 10 am. This dharna is part of the National Campaign of IUML being organized in all state capitals of the country for demanding immediate release of innocent Muslim youth who are languishing in various jails of the country without any evidence or charge sheet as terror suspects. The investigating agencies have failed to bring out any evidence against them but they are still detained since many months and in many cases for years. The government

of India is urged to look into these cases immediately and make arrangements not only for the release of these innocent youth but also compensate them properly for the loss of their livelihood, their dignity and time they had spent in jails without any fault of theirs. Apart from this as part of the campaign for reservation for Muslims in State and Central Government jobs IUML is conducting a nationwide signature campaign in support of their demand. Today this campaign was held at Delhi Jama Masjid, where more than 2000 people gathered and signed and pledged for their long pending demand. The campaign was conducted by the National Secretary and Delhi State President, Janab Khorrum Anis Omer, National Assistant Secretary, Dr. Mateen Khan and UP State Secretary Mohd. Ateeq, who came to Delhi specially to be part of the campaign today at Jama Masjid and tomorrow morning at Jantar Mantar. Other party leaders who were part of the signature campaign were State Vice President Janab Moinuddin, State Treasurer Janab Abdul Hameed Ansari, Janab C.H. Abdul Rahman, Secretary Noor Shams, Maulana Rahmatulla Nadvi, Waseemur Rahman, Mohd. Zubair and other party workers from old Delhi district.

Pl read The Times of League - E- Paper www.indianunionmuslimleague.in www.muslimleaguetn.com

Published : 4th of Every Month.


Ph.D. holder jobless after eight years in prison

There have been some famous prison memoirs, but Dr. Anwar Ali Javed Ali Khans took an educational tack. His book Learn Urdu in 30 days, now into its third edition, is quite popular and he gets requests from as far as the U.S. for this primer of sorts. If Dr. Khan didnt pour out grim reminiscences of his eight years in prison after his arrest on terror charges, thats because hes the man he is. He completed his PhD while in jail by getting a court order to give his viva at the University of Pune under police escort and helped fellow under-trials draft their bail and other applications. I helped so many people with my drafting skills and they were released on bail, says Dr. Khan, 47, a former lecturer in Urdu at the National Defence Academy (NDA), which terminated his services a day after his arrest on May 11, 2003, for his suspected involvement in the Mulund bomb blast in March in Mumbai. He was later charged with the Ghatkopar and Vile Parle blasts too. He was discharged, along with eight others, from the Ghatkopar case on March 4, 2004, by the special judge to try cases under the Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA) for want of sufficient grounds to proceed against them. The prosecutor submitted that they could not be connected with sufficient material so as to furnish sufficient ground to prosecute them. However, Dr. Khan says as soon as he was released from jail, he was re-arrested for the Mulund and Vile Parle bomb blasts case which has been dragging on. He managed to secure bail only in February 28, 2011, after eight bail applications which he drafted himself. I knew my case, it was so easy to prove how baseless it was, he points out. Despite an unforgettable stay in prison, he still has faith in the judiciary, but his chances of getting a job are dim. He was denied one as an Urdu lecturer due to his terror connections and he has little hope now that he will ever be employed. He and his family, a struggle too. The University of Pune refused to conduct it till I wrote to the Minority Commission. They didnt give me bail finally I went with police escort, he says. It was in 2007 that he was awarded his doctorate and he was permitted to attend the convocation. Lord Meghnad Desai was the chief guest, he recalls. While the police say the three meetings of the Foundation were linked to the blasts, they havent been able to produce evidence as yet to link Dr. Khan to the conspiracy. He says the NDA terminated his services for absenteeism. I didnt have an opportunity to explain, he adds. When he went to jail, Dr. Khan remembers that no one believed the police and people were very supportive. In fact, one policeman told me that since I had a lot of respect in Pune, I should be paraded on the streets with handcuffs, he says. I wasnt expecting to be arrested and arraigned. It took time for me to adjust and I tried to mentally prepare myself for the ordeal. Jail is a life of deprivation. I missed everything my family, teaching he says. But the one thing he did catch up on was reading fiction. They were allowed newspapers and he would mark the top fiction books and ask his wife to bring them. His favourite author is Dan Brown and now he reads thrillers when he gets time. He still has to report to the local police station every 15 days but for one and a half years, he used to mark daily attendance. After his release on bail, Dr. Khan and others filed for Rs. five lakh compensation each, but the POTA judge told them to approach the State government. He has to get around to doing that. The NDA has not yet responded to emailed questions seeking clarification on the issue. Courtesy : The Hindu, Chennai 30.4.2013

including three children and his mother, subsist on proceeds from his bestselling book, tuitions and odd jobs. Teaching is a passion for me; even in jail I missed it so much. I like to teach in a classroom environment, he says. He was appointed as a lecturer in Urdu in the NDA in 1996, but on a temporary basis. All was well till 2003. Some policemen came to my house and left a message asking me report to Mumbai I went on May 9 and they questioned me for many hours. They asked my advocate to leave and formally arrested me on May 11, he says. Dr. Khan and another suspect Saqib Nachen, who was released after 10 years in jail, had decided to form a legal aid cell the Muslim Legal Aid and Welfare Foundation in 2002 and it was in the initial stages of planning. We wanted a board of patrons and had three meetings. During the initial questioning, the police wanted to know about the meetings. I told them we didnt plan any bomb blast, Dr. Khan says. Obviously the police thought otherwise. Dr. Khan says the police accused him under the Arms Act as well because they recovered a pistol from his flat in Pune. That flat was locked for over a year and they took the keys from my mother who was living with me after my father died. They claim the pistol was in the kitchen, he says. After writing his book, he got permission from the court to get it published in 2009. His PhD thesis, a critical analysis of Allama Mehvi Siddiqui a poet from Lucknow was ready in 2002. I was only waiting for the viva and that was

The Times of League - English Monthly - R.Dis. No. 1765/10 published by Mohamed Ismail on behalf of Muslim League Publication Trust, published at 36, Maraikayar Lebbai Street, Mannady, Chennai - 600 001 and printed by K.A.M. Muhammed Abubacker at Madras Media Press No, 36, Maraikayar Lebbai Street, Mannady, Chennai - 600 001. Editor : Prof. K.M. Kader Mohideen,

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