Chapter 11 MKTG MGMT Quiz

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In a(n) _____ only one firm provides a certain product or service in the area. Your Answer: pure monopoly Correct


In a(n) _____ a small number of large firms produce products that range from highly differentiated to standardized. Your Answer: oligopoly Correct


Firms often face _____ such as legal or moral obligations to customers. Your Answer: ethical barriers Correct Answer: exit barriers exit barriers


The firm with the largest market share in the relevant product market is called the _____. Your Answer: market leader Correct


In a pure _____ attack, the attacker matches its opponent's product, advertising, price, and distribution. Your Answer: frontal Correct


A(n) _____ attack can be directed along two strategic dimensions,

geographic and segmented. Your Answer: bypass Correct Answer: flank flank


A(n) _____ attack attempts to capture a wide slice of the enemy's territory through a "blitz." Your Answer: guerilla Correct Answer: encirclement encirclement


A(n) _____ duplicates the leader's product and package and sells it on the black market or through disreputable dealers. Your Answer: cloner Correct Answer: counterfeiter counterfeiter


A(n) _____ emulates the leader's products, name, and packaging with slight variations. Your Answer: imitator Correct Answer: cloner cloner


The _____ takes the leader's products and improves them. Your Answer: innovator Correct Answer: adapter adapter


When 3M typically enters new markets by introducing a product improvement, this strategy is called ___________ . Your Answer: product innovation Correct


A _____ consists of a few companies producing essentially the same commodity. Your Answer: pure oligopoly Correct


A _____ consists of a few companies producing products partially differentiated along lines of quality, features, styling or services. Your Answer: differentiated monopoly Correct Answer: differentiated oligopoly differentiated oligopoly


A _____ defence involves occupying the most desirable market space in the minds of consumers. Your Answer: position Correct


In a _____ defence the market leader erects outposts to protect a weak front. Your Answer: preemptive Correct Answer: flank



_____ is a bypass strategy practiced in high-tech industries. Your Answer: Technological leapfrogging Correct


A _____ strategy is another name for identifying shifts in market segments that are causing gaps to develop then rushing in to fill the gaps and develop them into strong segments. Your Answer: flanking Correct


The most indirect assault strategy is the _____. Your Answer: bypass Correct


In _____ the smaller firm launches a barrage of attacks in random corners of the larger opponent's market in a manner calculated to weaken the opponent's market power. Your Answer: guerilla warfare Correct


In _____ the challenger introduces a product improvement or breakthrough. Your Answer: product innovation Correct


A challenger can attack the leader by launching a larger product variety, thus giving buyers more choice. This strategy is called _____. Your Answer: value-priced strategy Correct Answer: product proliferation product proliferation


Which of the following, according to Carpenter & Nabanob, is not a good strategy for launching a new product into a market dominated by one brand? Your Answer: Flank defence Correct

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