2 - Executive Summary

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Executive Summary



E-1 INTRODUCTION National Transmission and Despatch Company (NTDC) is a public limited utility company responsible for transmission of electric power. The NTDC has prepared an overall power development programme for the improvement of transmission system and its expansion. The present project is to be funded through Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is a part of NTDCs overall power development programme. It is proposed to strengthen the power transmission system in HESCO Area (Sindh). 500 kV Shikarpur Project will comply with JICAs guidelines relevant to environmental and social safeguard policies as well as GOP applicable laws and regulations. The Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA/EIA) Study of this Project has been awarded to M/s EnMasse Consultants, Lahore. This EIA study presents the environment assessment for a 500kV G/S and Allied T/L part of power transmission is Shikarpur (Sindh). NTDC intends to upgrade the existing 220kV G/S to 500kV at Shikarpur. E-2 THE PROJECT OVERVIEW AND OBJECTIVES The prime objectives of this Project are to help in increase the efficiency, reliability, and quality of electricity supply in terms of the overall technical and commercial losses reduction, continuous availability and the improved voltage profile of electricity in this part of Sindh. The Project shall also facilitate electricity sector reforms, investment planning, financing and technical assistance in this SEPCO area. After the up gradation of existing 220kV G/S to 500kV G/S at Shikarpur, the industrial & commercial activities of the project area will get a considerable up lift. E-3 POLICY, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORKS The National Environmental Policy had been announced by Government of Pakistan in the year 2005. Pakistan Environmental Protection Council is the apex decision making body of the country. Submission of the Environmental Impact Assessment report to the concerned Environmental Protection Agency is mandatory under the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997. Similarly the international financial institution and donor agencies like JICA also demand for the undertaking the EIA / ESA studies in respect of the developmental projects. To carryout this EIA study the environmental
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Engineering & Management Advisory Services 239-P, Model Town Ext, Lahore. Tel: 042-35162687, 35164338 Fax: 042-35179451 Email: enmasse.pk@gmail.com Web: www.enmassepakistan.com


Executive Summary

legislation and guidelines enforced by Pakistan EPA & JICA have been followed. E-4 PROJECT ENVIRONMENTS Base line conditions for physical, ecological and socio-economic environment were studies for Shikarpur. The project area occupies almost level alluvial plain. The soils are free from physical and chemical hazards and do not present any problem for foundation construction. The area is not prone to earthquakes. The climate of the area is sub-humid, sub-tropical and continental and has no negative impact on the performance of electrical insulations. The ground water is also fit for irrigation and construction purposes. For drinking it needs treatment. Mostly there are agricultural fields outside this G/S. Some wildlife exists in the project area. No forest is found. Total number of project affectees families falling within the ROW (30 meter i.e. 15 meter or the centre line of T/L on each side) of transmission lines is 62. Census of these affectees was carried out on 100 percent survey level to account for their type of assets, loss of assets, number of dependents, affected incomes, etc. The project area is one of the hottest region with sever climate. In summer May, June and July are the hottest months and December and January are the coldest months. The project area is irrigated by Guddu Barrage canal system. Water table is higher in project area and various from 3 to 20 m at certain locations. For industrial activity the area demands reliable voltage supply. The objective of the survey was to have an overall assessment of the socio-economic profile of the people of area, their dependence on electricity, income and expenditure patterns and their vulnerability status. The women and old people have been found to be the most venerable people having no means of livelihood. E-5 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACTS ASSESSMENT Various environment & social impacts due to proposed project have been studied under change of land use, soil erosion, air pollution, noise resettlement, flora and fauna etc. As a first step, the screening of the Project was done considering the JICAs guidelines and provisions of Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997. The project falls in Environmental Category B for which environmental and socio-economic impact assessment was required. Which is studied in details chapter 5 for developing base line informations about the affectees of this project. To ensure participation of local communities and Project stakeholders, consultative meetings, scoping sessions and group discussions were held. The participants were of the view that Project should be implemented as early as possible. The main concerns of the participants were that minimum trees / crop losses should be allowed, the transmission line should not pass over the private houses, provision of jobs to local people during construction,
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Engineering & Management Advisory Services 239-P, Model Town Ext, Lahore. Tel: 042-35162687, 35164338 Fax: 042-35179451 Email: enmasse.pk@gmail.com Web: www.enmassepakistan.com


Executive Summary

load shedding should be minimized and compensation to affected persons before the start of the project. The participants were of the view that improvement of electricity supply through up gradation of existing 220kv Shikarpur Grid Station to 500kv grid station and transmission lines is the need of the area. E-6 PROJECT ALTERNATIVES Different alternatives for T/L route and G/S site were analyzed. No project option was also considered the present site for G/S has been proposed inside existing 220kv NTDC grid station boundary where enough space is available for up gradation of existing 220kv G/S to 500kv G/S and no land acquisition & resettlement involved. T/L route will pass through such rural land away from any settlement and obstruction with least temporary loss to crops / trees which will be properly compensated as per satisfaction of A.Ps. E-7 MITIGATION MEASURES Mitigation measures proposed to eliminate / minimize negative impacts include proper compensation to Project Affected Persons for the loss of standing crops, trees and affected structures at agreed market rates. The noise can be mitigated by using silencers and earmuffs. The dust pollution can be mitigated by sprinkling water and controlling of speed of moving vehicles. For controlling the traffic, traffic management plan has been proposed in Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan (EMMP). The other mitigation measures include, planting of trees along transmission line route @ 10 plants against cutting of one tree and in grid station, careful driving in work areas, avoidance of unnecessary vehicle and machinery movements in the project area, careful transportation of equipment and machinery and proper collection and proper disposal of wastes, heath & safety of general public and equipment / labour should be ensured. Mitigation measure have been proposed for different stages of project implementation by considering environment & social impacts of the proposed project. E-8 RESETTLEMENT PLAN (RP) The RP provides the basis for the mitigation of social impacts. It has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the JICAs Guidelines. These Guidelines endorse the eligibility of all the categories of persons, whether with formal legal rights or without these rights, occupying project area prior to the cut-off date established. The governing legislation regarding land acquisition and compensation is the Land Acquisition Act (LAA), 1894. The LAA is limited to a cash compensation policy for the acquisition of land and built-up property, and damage to other assets such as crops, trees and infrastructure. The LAA does not take into account the rehabilitation and resettlement of displaced populations and the restoration of their livelihoods. The JICAs Guidelines, however, provide full
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Engineering & Management Advisory Services 239-P, Model Town Ext, Lahore. Tel: 042-35162687, 35164338 Fax: 042-35179451 Email: enmasse.pk@gmail.com Web: www.enmassepakistan.com


Executive Summary

protection to the people affected by a Project. Accordingly, the RP defines the compensation for the acquisition of land and other assets of the PAPs falling within the ROW of the transmission line. E-9 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING PLAN (EMMP) EMMP has been prepared. It includes actions proposed for mitigation of negative impacts and effective monitoring of the implementation of proposed mitigation measures during pre-construction, construction and operation phases. This will form part of contract document. NTDC will be responsible for its implementation. Environmental and social mitigation costs are estimated as Rs. 41.61 million. E-10 PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE EIA team identified stakeholders and PAPs of the proposed project. Their view and concerns have been reviewed and incorporated in this report as proposed mitigation measures. E-11 CONCLUSION The construction stage will face a few negative impacts in the form of dust, smoke and noise on account of employment of vehicles, machinery and equipment. The generation of construction waste, solid waste and oil spills/seepage will have negative impacts of land and air resources. All such impacts are temporary / minor in nature. The mitigation measures have been suggested in the EMMP for giving the due compensation. The project for upgrading existing 220kv G/S at Shikarpur to 500kv G/S in Shikarpur Sindh along allied T/Ls is an environmentally feasible, economical and sustainable power transmission project option. There will be significant improvement in reliability, stability of electric supply system and voltage profile will improve. Poverty will decrease and living standard of project area will certainly improve. The provisions of Resettlement Plan should be followed in letter and spirit. Environmental approval of the present report should be obtained from Environmental Protection Agency Sindh and environmental monitoring reports should be submitted to EPA Sindh in order to confirm compliances, which is main stakeholder. The affected families should be compensated for the loss of their crops, trees and other assets, as recommended in the Resettlement Plan as per prevailing market rate as per satisfaction of the PAPs.
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Engineering & Management Advisory Services 239-P, Model Town Ext, Lahore. Tel: 042-35162687, 35164338 Fax: 042-35179451 Email: enmasse.pk@gmail.com Web: www.enmassepakistan.com

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