Metamorphosis Yang-Sheng 2013-01 PDF

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Yang-Sheng (Nurturing Life) Volume 3, Issue No.


By Doc Zatamata
Peisonal Netamoiphosis is
usually tiiggeieu by some
event in life often a jaiiing
event that shatteis what we
thought the pictuie woulu
be- a uivoice a majoi illness
a ueath of someone close 0i
it coulu be the opposite It
coulu be that we iealizeu all
of what we thought weie oui
uieams but somehow weie
still not happy
If youie feeling incieuibly
confuseu anu ie-evaluating
absolutely eveiything you ev
ei thought you knew you aie
exactly wheie you aie sup
poseu to be You aie not lost
youve not wasteu any time
anu youve not uone anything
wiong You neeueu eveiy sin
gle expeiience anu eveiy sin
gle thought to get you to this
point iight now
If the foimei cateipillai
lookeu aiounu in miu-
tiansfoimation within that
cocoon he woulu be in foi a
shock All heu known all his life woulu be uemol
isheu not a single thing that he was ceitain of ie
maineu It woulu look like well a big mess
But the big mess is the necessaiy ueconstiuction
that has to happen befoie taking all those pieces
anu putting them togethei in an entiiely new en
tiiely fiee anu wonueiful foim
So take this time in youi cocoon Re-evaluate
things meuitate bieathe
Youie well on youi way to emeiging into a hap
py fulilling awaie anu fiee life If you have any
thing fiom youi past holuing you back in teims of
self-woith love foigiveness now is the time to
bieak uown all those limiting beliefs anu let them
go Youll neeu all those paits to foim youi bianu
new wings Life is about to become bettei than it
evei was befoie Focus on giatituue focus on ap
pieciation both foi goou things anu foi the wis
The Happiness in Your Life

Jan-Feb 2013

Yang-Sheng (Nurturing Life)

uom you gaineu thiough bau things Leain about
who you ieally aie what you ieally love anu ap
pieciate youi unique anu wonueiful selfeven if
its the iist time youve evei uone so This stage
is uificult anu you may lose patience at times
but stick with itit will all be so veiy woith it
Doe Zantamata an in
spiiational authoi photog
iaphei anu giaphic ue
signei Be has wiitten sev
eial books anu is also
woiking on a book seiies
entitleu Bappiness in
Youi Life Boe woulu ia
thei not have a uetaileu
uesciiption about himself heie since he thinks the
most impoitant infoimation about him is that
eveiyone shoulu iecognize hishei own innei
teachei Theie aie a lot of iecognizable names in
self help anu spiiituality unfoitunately people
lose sight of themselves as wise people anu in
steau tuin to teacheis outsiue Bappiness in
Youi Life is maue up of a book seiies uaily moti
vational blog animateu shoit movies anu inspi
iational posteis Theie is a little something foi
eveiyone Whethei a peison is enuuiing tiying
times oi has ueciueu to fully live theii uieams
thehiyL seeks to fan that innei spaik within all of
us anu help us to iealize oui full life potential
Bappiness in Youi Life is wiitten by Boe Zan
tamata Please visit the uaily blog foi aiticles anu
web posteis at wwwthehiyLcom oi please vis
it wwwhappinessinyouilifecom to leain moie
about the books anu piinteu posteis

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