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Valentine, Nicholee

From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Reed, Timothy Thursday, March 17, 2011 1:35 PM Inverso, Tara; Dudley, Richard Helton, Shana RE: Rescinding the Denial of PRM-50-76

I found Dick's email of June 10, 2010 -forwarding the same request. I also do not recall NRC doing anything with it. Frankly we do not have any substantive data out of Japan to change any of our previous decisions on this. Unfortunately the data we do get - assuming we get some - will be confused by things like - adding seawater and: no instrumentation and hydrogen explosions etc.

From: Inverso, Tara , , .x Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2011 1:20 PM To: Dudley, Richard; Reed, Timothy Subject: RE: Rescinding the Denial of PRM-50-76 Dick, Tim, To the best of my knowledge, the staff was never directed to respond to the original e-mail (back in June, 2010)...unless SECY somehow responded to him... I think this is the first of many similar submittals. I'm expecting a lot of public comments when 50.46(b) is published... Tara From: Dudley, Richard % Sent: Thursday, March 17,'2d11 1:17 PM To: Collins, Timothy; Reed, Timothy; Bajorek, Stephen; Scott, Harold; Mizuno, Geary Cc: Helton, Shana; Inverso, Tara Subject: FW: Rescinding the Denial of PRM-50-76 I think we were all expecting something like this. Tim Reed -See the requested revisiting of PRM-50-76. Dick Dudley



Sent: Thursday, March 17,2011 1:04 PM ' To: CHAIRMAN Resource; CMRSVINICKI Resource; CMROSTENDORFF Resource; CMRMAGWOOD Resource; CMRAPOSTOLAKIS Resource; Burns, Stephen Cc: Inverso, Tara; Helton, Shana; Tregoning, Robert; Miller, Barry; Carlson, Robert; Dudley, Richard; Clifford, Paul; Herr, Linda; Voglewede, John; Bell, Hubert Subject: Fwd: Rescinding the Denial of PRM-50-76

Furthermore, you must cease delaying the review of PRM-50-93. The recent production of hydrogen in Japan was initiated well below 2200 degrees Fahrenheit.

Bob Leyse
Fromi (b)(6)


To: chairman(dnrc..ov, cmrsvinickicnrc.qov, cmrostendorffOnrc.qov, cmrmaqwood(anrc..qov, cmrapostolakis(,nrc.qov, stephen.burns(,nrc..ov CC:, Shana.Helton cnrc.aov, Robert.Trec onin acg nrc. ov, baarr.millerDnrc. E ov, Robert.Carlsoncnrc.qov, Richard. Dudley@,nrc.qov, Paul.Cliffordtonrc.qov, Linda. Herr(,nrc.qov, John.Vocqlewede(cnrc.aov Sent: 6/10/2010 9:42:37 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time Subj: Rescinding the Denial of PRM-50-76

To the Commissioners:

You are urged to direct the NRC staff to promptly write a document for your approval that rescinds the denial of PRM-50-76 that was published in the Federal Register on September 6, 2005 (NRC-2002-0019-00130). The attachment to this e-mail, Rebuttal SECY-05-0113 Leyse R, has Leyse's rebuttal in 14 point type interspersed within the NRC's draft notice, SECY-03-0113, dated June 29, 2005.

Rescinding the denial of PRM-50-76 is vital. Under current regulations at 1OCFR50.46(b)(1) and Appendix K to 1OCFR Part 50, our nuclear power plants lack sufficient measures to prevent runaway to meltdown when blowout occurs during a loss-of-coolant accident. The Baker-Just equation does not accurately and conservatively indicate the conditions under which an autocatalytic (runaway) oxidation reaction of Zircaloy begins. Reference: Appendix K to Part 50--ECCS Evaluation Models
I. Required and Acceptable Features of the Evaluation Models 5. Metal--Water Reaction Rate. The rate of energy release, hydrogen generation, and cladding oxidation from the metal/water reaction shall be calculated using the Baker-Just equation (Baker, L., Just, L.C., "Studies of Metal Water Reactions at High Temperatures, III. Experimental and Theoretical Studies of the Zirconium-Water Reaction," ANL-6548, page 7, May 1962).

Robert H. Leyse

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