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View Profile Howto: Browse Tor Hidden Service sites (update 21.07.

05) on: April 03, 2005, 10:37:39 PM

1.First we needTor client Install the latest release and open Port 9050 for TOR Windows/Mac/Linux 2.DownloadPrivoxy and Install it to use for Tor Hidden sites Windows Linux: Debian SUSE RPM REDHAT RPM Mac You should install privoxy, which is a filtering web proxy that integrates well with Tor. Add the line forward-socks4a / localhost:9050 . (don't forget the dot) to privoxy's config file (you can just add it to the top) save the config.txt. after you must restart Privoxy. 3. Set the Browser to Tor Hidden Service Then change your browser to http proxy at localhost port 8118. (In Mozilla, this is in Edit|Preferences|Advanced|Proxies.) You should also set your SSL proxy to the same thing http proxy and SSL Proxy to Localhost 8118

4. Start to run Tor

5.To test if it's working Tor go to junkbusters or network-tools and see what IP it says you're coming from. 6. Browse Hidden Sites

we open mozilla Browser and give http://6sxoyfb3h2nvok2d.onion/tor/SocatHelp or copy it. you must wait a few minutes for open this site. its possible that you can become a error , look screenshot you click on try again to browse this hidden sites again. look screenshot when the Hidden site is opend you can use findpage to find for hidden Service sites or you take Frontpage there is many Hidden Service sites listed

Hidden Service links(You need Tor and a proxy like Privoxy to access it): http://6sxoyfb3h2nvok2d.onion/ The hidden Wiki

http://l6nvqsqivhrunqvs.onion/ onionforum - semi anonymous discussion forums. Di scuss TOR, Games, Politics, and anything else. http://balrqba4x57ofa6s.onion/torque.php - Torque: A secondary proxy to make .on ion addresses friendly. http://poec7dm3rdyxqnze.onion/ - htDig-Index of some known, reachable *.onion-Si tes. http://ekumwfbsatmvt3o4.onion/ - Choose your own adventure is up at Legolas' Lai r http://4ha7nlx3shi5gcty.onion/ - KIRA 'torsite' resource. Tracks updates, age, a nd reliability. http://zfp44lbek54utuch.onion/ - Tormail webmail and e-mail (and a simple Exim+T OR howto, to DIYS) http://ovqdp2whqxovlplg.onion/ - A place to upload files http://jpf3zntbjrfaf34r.onion/ duck.i2p, includes http://jpf3zntbjrfaf3 4r.onion/alexandria/ an e-book library the rest of tor hidden sites you can see on http://6sxoyfb3h2nvok2d.onion/tor/

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