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Business Communication – Individual Assignment II


‘The Keyboard Syndrome’

Presented to : Submit By:

Mr. Dhurva Chak Hitesh

FT – 08 - 658
Section – B
Executive Summary

The report on ‘The Keyboard Syndrome’ has been prepared after

surveying 50 clerical staff members with help of Questionnaire,
where few questions were asked related to their health, work,
infrastructure, breaks etc. Data entry operators were found
suffering with different syndromes like carpal tunnel syndrome,
video display terminal disease. In order to check the conditions &
to find out what are the causes for this improper condition I
sandeep kaul has prepared this report & present it to Ramesh

In this report I found that experienced (3 – 4 years) data operators

are more in the grip of these diseases. These employees have
been found with extra work load which is the main cause of their
stress level & these syndromes. As per the findings, I have made
some recommendations to overcome this problem like adjustable
furniture (chairs & desks), latest software (‘speech to text’), more
data operators can be employed & a health check up program can
be started, which will make their functioning smoother in the

Our company is very big manufacturing company & to keep data

related to production, personnel, & inventory in computers we had
hired three data operators. But last year Rajiv Sen, one of our
operators was absent from his work for two weeks. He was found
with carpal tunnel syndrome1 & his doctor treated him with anti
– inflammatory medicine & a few injections. After a week, another
data operator experienced similar symptoms, his doctor named
his ailment as RSI (repetitive stress injury) & informally as VDT
(Video display terminal) disease.

As, our manufacturing company anticipates more computerization

in future, with more data operators to be hired, A survey has been
conducted on 50 clerical staff members in Mumbai in order to
know their different preferences on work environment, furniture,
working habits, rest breaks & the like.

Nueromuscular disorder of the tendons & tissues in the wrists caused by repeated hand

• Monitors should be covered with anti – ray screen in order to

prevent eyes from harmful rays coming from monitor.
• Proper furniture can be provided like adjustable chairs &
• Data operators can be provided with latest technologies &
software like ‘speech to text’.
• Internal ‘Organization health check up program’ can be
started & regularized between the intervals of 3 to 4 months.
• Data operators can be asked to work for 6 months in one
process & another 6 months in related process, in a year.
• More data operators can be employed in order to distribute
their work.
• Human resources staff could be told to hire data operators
with some maintained ratio between new & experienced
people and part time data entry operators as well.

• Some employees don’t find chairs & desks which can be
properly adjusted.
• Sever ache in wrist & pain in the neck, shoulder & eyes, has
been found in maximum no. of data operators due to regular
work with keyboards.
• Some of the employees found layup with the diseases like
survical, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Video display terminal
• Smoking habits has generated among employees as stress
• Due to these diseases, employees are taking frequent off
from their work.
• Diagnosis fee is very expensive for the employees.
• Many of the data operators found themselves overloaded
with work, in comparison to other employees.
• More than 25 people from 50 people surveyed found
themselves stressed & the same lead to mental imbalance.
• Employees, who have the experience of more than 3 – 4
years in this field, have been found with these symptoms.
• Freshers to this field found not being hit by these symptoms.
• Regular work on computer for a year or more can give rise to
these unwanted diseases.


This report concludes that extra attention is needed towards the

data entry operators & other employees who do their work on
keyboard all day. I Sandeep Kaul have recommended some
important measures which can help the organization to run in a
smoother way & to stand socially strong.

As our company is growing & expects good mechanization for

which we need more data entry operators. The recommended
measures will help us in overcoming the current problems &
avoiding the future ones.

This survey is completely for the internal purpose of the organization. Purpose of the
survey is to determine the working habits of data operators & other employees at
different designations with a view to make organization better & to provide better
working environment and facilities.


Q1. For how many years you have been in this profession & using computers?

0 to 1 year 1 to 2 years 2 to 4 years 4

years above

Q2. How many hours do you work for the organization in a day (excluding breaks)?

4 to 5 hours 5 to 6 hours 6 to 7 hours 7

hours above

Q3. What among the followings do you use frequently?

• Mouse
• Keyboards
• Touch buttons
• Headphones

Q4. Do you think that the furniture like adjustable chairs & desks provided to you
are comfortable? If No then what are the changes you would like to bring?

Q6. Do you smoke during your breaks? If yes then how many cigarettes?

Q7. No. of breaks required in a shift?

A) Lunch + 2 breaks (15 min each)
B) Lunch + 3 Breaks (10 min each)

Q8. Suppose, A software is provided to you which enable you to change your
speech into text, would you prefer it even if the software commit mistakes
sometimes & Why? (2 reasons)

Q9. Do you find any change here from your previous organization? (2 changes)

Q9. Have you ever found any severe ache in your wrist, neck, shoulder or in your
eyes & consulted the same with your Doctor? If yes then give brief information on

Q10. Have you ever diagnosed the above mentioned diseases? If yes then please
mention how much off you have taken & money spent on the same?

Q11. When you feel stress what do you do to wipe it out?

• Do you smoke
• Have coffee/tea
• Relax yourself for some minutes
• Other (mention)

Q12. Any suggestion you want to make for the organization?

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