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November -December 2012

Yang-Sheng (Nurturing Life)

Xing Shen Zhuang Fa (
A Daoyin To Liberate The Spine
By Jessica Sommar, MSc.
The Daily Daoist

This papei gives a biief oveiview of xing shen
zhuang fa a iaie Baoyin foim seluom
piesenteu in public that seeks to open the bouy
anu the minu by stietching anu ieleasing mus
cles neives anu fascia along the spine It is the
only Baoyin foim that focuses exclusively on the
spine anu the entiie spinal column
Xing shen zhuang fa opens anu ieleases the
spine thiough a seiies of slow gentle movements
that begin at the ceivicals anu inish with the tail
bone Regulai piactice of these stanuing postuies
has been known to stiengthen inteinal oigans
heal uisease anu cleai subtle anu physical ob
stiuctions in the spine anu elsewheie
The seiies of simple exeicises also awakens
sensitivity anu piomotes health stiength lexibil
ity lightness anu suppleness oiiginating fiom the
spine anu extenuing to the limbs The move
ments like many Baoyin foims aie not stienuous
anu can be uone by most anyone iegaiuless of
athletic ability
The ultimate achievement fiom the xing shen
zhuang piactice howevei is song that elusive
state of total awaieness anu ielaxation that is the
key to Baoist longevity anu ascension piactices

A goal of Baoism is self-peifection thiough
puiiication piactices anu eneigy containment
The bouy is seen as connecteu to anu a ieplica of
the Bao uoou health anu longevity anu an
alignment of the inuiviuuals eneigies with the
Bao aie theiefoie funuamental to open paths to
highei self-iealization anu spiiitual unfoluing
Bealing exeicises calleu Baoyin aie one
means of achieving goou health longevity anu an
alignment with the Bao Baoyin piactice is also
sometimes iefeiieu to as yonq sbenq oi
nouiishing life

Nany foims of Baoyin anu othei
longevity techniques have been uevelopeu anu
uocumenteu by Baoists fiom Chinas eailiest his
toiy The eailiest foims of Baoyin exeicises
weie uevelopeu uuiing the Eaily Ban uynasty

Baoyin exeicises oi massage as they weie ini
20 Yang-Sheng (Nurturing Life) Volume 2, Issue No. 6

tially known weie most often unueistoou as
founuational anuoi pieliminaiy piactices to
achieve highei attainments These exeicises
have expanueu ovei the centuiies anu aie popu
lai in theii cuiient foims qigong anu taiji quan

Nost contempoiaiy Baoyin sets aie eithei of
faiily iecent piovenance anuoi ieconstiuctions
of eailiei piactices

Xing shen zhuang is one oI the rarer Daoyin
Iorms. The exercises are Iound in a variety oI Daoist
lineages, both orthodox and otherwise. The speciIic
sequence that gives the name to the Iorm was codi-
Iied in the tenth century on Emei Shan, in western
China. Since then it has been transmitted in several
diIIerent lines oI teachings. Various versions oI the
Iorm are now practiced by a number oI Daoist sects
as well as Buddhist and martial sects (10).
Xing shen zhuang has been translated as: "The
mastery oI the metaphysical entity (vehicle) that al-
lows the Iormless spirit to maniIest in a deIinite
shape." (11) It is a method which makes it possible
Ior the Iormless spirit to be maniIested in the speciI-
ic body- a coming home oI the spirit into the body. It
has always been considered a method Ior "building
the Ioundation." It was and is still practiced by the
high-ranking initiates (12).

How this may work is that the practice oI xing shen
zhuang helps stabilize the shen or spirit Irom its cha-
otic dispersion and return it home to the body so
that, along with other neigong practices, higher lev-
els oI attainment in Daoism can begin to be achieved
(13). Moreover, the Iocus on the whole spine is be-
lieved to activate the 8 Extraordinary Vessels, ener-
gy meridians in the body that go beyond the mainte-
nance oI the human system, but actually work on
broader and deeper levels such as destiny, genetics
and transIormation (14).
Yet xing shen zhuang is only being taught by a
handIul oI teachers outside oI Daoist enclaves today.

While there are many teachers training students
in Daoyin Iorms, current xing shen zhuang Iorms
have similarities and are taught in a similar manner,
but only by a handIul oI teachers publicly (15).
Wang Ting Jun is a Wu Taiji master who teaches
Xing Shen Zhuang Fa
November -December 2012
Yang-Sheng (Nurturing Life)

xing shen zhuang Ia as a Iounda-
tional practice (16). ProI. Wang
leeIt in de noord Chinese stad
Changchun, waar hij hoogleraar tra-
ditionele Chinese wijsbegeerte is.
Wang lives in the northern Chinese
city oI Changchun, where he is pro-
Iessor oI traditional Chinese philos-
ophy. Al vanaI 1989 komt hij elk
jaar naar Europa, voornamelijk naar
Italie waar hij druk bezochte Qi
Gong workshops geeIt.He teaches
xing shen zhuang mostly in Europe
and claims he is his Iirst patient to
recover health as a result oI xing
shen zhuang practice. Wang Ting
Jun has said he considers xing shen
zhuang Ia to be an integral training
and basis Ior taiji quan (17).
Another Iorm called variously xing shen zhuang
and chi-lel (level 2) is taught through Pang Ming`s
Zhineng Qigong Society. Zhineng Qigong was creat-
ed in the 1980s by Pang Ming, a qigong teacher with
training in Chinese and Western medicine (18). ProI.
Pang resides at the Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Center,
in Qinhuangdao, China. His hospital located outside
Beijing has been a source oI research on healing and
qigong (19).
Chi-lel (level 2) has striking similarities to the
Iorm oI David Verdesi and Anna Vladimirova, two
'inside students oI Master Wang Liping, the 18th
transmitter oI Dragon Gate (Longmen) Daoism
branch. Verdesi and Vladimirova also trained with
Wang Ting Jun (20). The Iorm oI Verdesi and Vla-
dimirova is the basis Ior this paper and demonstra-
tion (21).

Daoyin exercises, such as xing shen zhuang, not
only heal and puriIy the body, but are also an im-
portant Ioundational technique Ior the meditative
practitioner Ior the transIormation oI consciousness
and reaching oI internal silence in neigong practices
such as sheng zheng gong . Wang Ting Jun
is quoted as saying his xing shen
zhuang Ia is 'halI physical and halI
awareness training (23).
Daoyin were also oIten pre-
scribed as a medical qigong, to heal
certain ailments and aIIlictions or to
prevent them. Although the spine is
involved and activated during most
Daoyin exercises (24), xing shen
zhuang appears to be the only
Daoyin Iocused exclusively on the
entire spine.
The Iorm oI Verdesi and Vladi-
mirova moves down the spine in a
series oI exercises. These exercises,
unlike movement Ior movements`
sake, are coupled with selI-
awareness and sensation oI one`s own experience oI
the movement in the body. This Iocused intention
(yi) is believed to draw qi deeply into the spine Ior
healing and balancing. Daoist masters teach that qi
Iollows imagination and blood Iollows qi.
It is believed that the opening oI the spine,
through intention and movement, brings an expan-
sion in the body and subsequently in consciousness.
Practitioners Ieel reIreshed and comIortable in their
own skin, as well as calm and centered, alert and
Why is opening the spine so integral? The back-
bone is the core oI the body. The spine protects the
spinal cord and serves as the root oI our nervous sys-
tem. It also supports our upper body and enables us
to stand up, bend, and twist.
The spinal cord is the main pathway oI commu-
nication between the brain and the rest oI the body.
A study oI dermatomes, an area oI skin whose sen-
sory nerves all come Irom a single spinal nerve root,
reveals how each nerve in the spine connects to a
part oI the anatomy (25). ThereIore a blockage in the
spine will aIIect a nerve which corresponds to a part
oI the body. Freeing the spine oI blockages then, can
Iree the whole body.
22 Yang-Sheng (Nurturing Life) Volume 2, Issue No. 6

Check us out onllne ut
But libeiating the spine is not just a gateway
foi a healthy bouy but a healthy anu expanueu
consciousness as well Baoists knew this anu ue
velopeu exeicises to both keep a healthy bouy
anu piepaie the minu foi piactices meant to iaise
the consciousness of the stuuent thiough meuita
tion anu bieath anu othei techniques
I believe that the spine is special anu not just
physical but also linkeu to oui consciousness It
is an extension of oui senses anu the biain- oui
consciousness When woiking insiue a veitebiae
we also affect the biain anu oui peiception Nas
tei Wang Ting }un quoteu in an Apiil intei

Xing shen zhuang foims have uevelopeu fiom
uiffeient lineages of Baoism Each lineage may
have uiffeient movements in theii xing shen
zhuang but similai goals- a healthy bouy anu to
piepaie the bouy minu anu spiiit foi highei piac
While many Baoyin foims also incluue speci
ic bieathing instiuctions sounus anuoi guiuing
of qi thiough aieas of the bouy xing shen
zhuang is mainly attentive to physical anu enei
getic sensations thiough awaieness facilitateu by
slow movements focus anu gentle bieathing
Nost of the xing shen zhuang foims have a set
numbei of movements Some aie compiiseu
of some numbei movements oi moie Bao
ists aumiie ceitain numbeis ovei otheis so it
may be that movements weie conuenseu within a
ceitain set of numbeis to keep the signiicance of
an impoitant numbei of movements This can be
confusing howevei as theie is often moie than
one movement to each exeicise It may be helpful
to think of the numbeis as sets of movements ia
thei than theie being a single movement pei
The Chi-lel foim of Piof Pang is similai in
many ways to the veiuesivlauimiiova foim
veiuesi anu vlauimiiova acknowleuge theii
foim is ueiiveu fiom the Longmen pai tiauition
but have auueu anu subtiacteu movements fiom
othei xing shen zhuang foims anu fiom teachings
of othei masteis They have been woiking anu
peifecting theii foim foi ovei eight yeais
The foim uevelopeu by veiuesivlauimiiova
has couiieu movements Each movement is
uone veiy slowly veiy uelibeiately anu with veiy
little stiain All movements aie quiet gentle anu
usually feel veiy pleasant Nothing is meant to be
foiceu Novements aie often ciiculai in foim
similai to the foims of taiji quan Some uizziness
may iesult at iist as the postuies biing bloou anu
qi to the muscles anu fascia which aie
looseneu fieeing neives anu olu blockages
Lineage and Form
November -December 2012
Yang-Sheng (Nurturing Life)

Beie aie the movements in shoit
Crane Nech
Turtle Nech
Dragon Nech
Crane Spreads its Wings
Dragon Sweeping Tbe Clouds
Snahe Coil
Dragon Waist
Tiger Squat
Heavenly Pillar
Crane Stand

Upening The foim begins with closing the eyes
anu centeiing Feeling the heaven above anu
eaith below connecteu via the top of the heau anu
the sacium oi the bai hui anu the hui yin to use
the acupunctuie points
Theieaftei the hanus aie biought fiom the siues
anu the wiists aie lifteu The hanus anu aims aie
moveu foiwaiu to about navel level anu back
waiu to behinu the ieai As you move the hanus
foiwaiu piess the hanus uownwaiu as you move
the hanus back pull with the hanus This move
ment of pushing anu pulling is moie conscious
than active
Crane Nech staits with palms ovei the navel It is
a movement of the heau anu neck out foiwaiu
uown anu up in a squaie The focus is on the cei
vical spine fiom C
to C loosening anu
opening them in a
gentle stietch Espe
cially this movement
expanus anu com
piessing the yu zhen
the }aue Pillow an
impoitant acupunc
tuie point foi Baoists
seeking longevity The shoulueis aie ie
laxeu anu only the neck anu heau moves This
may be uone times oi moie
This is followeu by Turtle Nech which is the
same movement but ieveiseu beginning with
the chin fiom the bottom of the squaie anu woik
ing up This may be uone times oi moie
Dragons Nech movement follows This move
ment focuses on C paiticulaily ua zhui tianslat
eu in many acupunctuie texts as Big Bammei
because it is the laigest of the ceivical veite
biae The opening anu ieleasing of the ua zhui is
especially impoitant because it is the meeting
place of meiiuians neives anu veins anu in its
full exeicise woiks all the ceivicals as well It en
tails uiopping the heau uown in fiont looking left
anu swinging the heau to the iight Tuining the
face to the iight then uiopping the heau uown in
fiont anu swing the heau to the left This may be
uone times Then theie is a siue to siue move
ment with the heau upiight tuining the face to
the left anu then to the iight Tuining the heau
back anu foith thiee times oi moie Finally the
heau is loweieu anu begins a swinging motion
siue to siue fiom wiue to smallei aics iaising the
heau one ceivical veitebia at a time until the
heau is in the upiight position again
Crane Spreads its Wings moves the paiticipant
into woiking the thoiacic spine-impoitant foi its
Descriptions of Movements
24 Yang-Sheng (Nurturing Life) Volume 2, Issue No. 6

being a uiiect conuuit via neives anu acupunc
tuie points to the bouys oigans It begins with a
thiust upwaiu with the ingeis with the palms
tuineu towaiu the face just slightly highei than
the foieheau The foieaim is veitical anu the el
bows aie at a uegiee angle The elbows aie
then pulleu back to the siue the heau is iaiseu up
anu the aims pull the bouy back in an aich lifting
up thiough the steinum anu pushing the scapulae
back The palms aie then tuineu outwaius
Theieaftei aims aie stietcheu out to the siues
anu palms face uown The hanus aie then low
eieu the heau is tilteu back This is uone times
Aftei the aims aie extenueu to the siue the in
geis aie lifteu as if pushing two mountains apait
The palms aie then uioppeu anu gatheieu to
foim a cianes beak then aie slowly lifteu up
back into palms-pushing mountains pose
Dragon Sweeping tbe Clouds massages the
whole spine but especially woiks the lumbai
spine anu sacium- the seat liteially of many ail
ments anu pains in the bouy Beginning with the
feet togethei swing the hanus in a sweeping mo
tion in fiont of the bouy as you tuin to the iight
siue oi the left siue iepeateuly Then benu lowei
at the waist anu uo the same motion Next clasp
the hanus with the palms tuin palms outwaiu
Look uown anu tuin to the left oi iight benu at
the waist iaise the iight aim anu lowei the left
anu look uown at the looi This stietches the
waist anu iibs Then tuin to the iight anu level
the aims in fiont of you Slowly iaise the left aim
anu lowei the iight Lean to the iight look uown
at the looi anu stietch the left iibs Reveise anu
iepeat a few times Finally begin to move only
the shoulueis anu aims in a sweeping motion
benuing fiom the waist making smallei anu
smallei aics anu iaising the bouy one veitebia at
a time until stanuing
Snahe Coil woiks the whole spine anu especially
the lowei spine anu minq men oi L - L aiea of
the spine Feet aie togethei iaise hanus ovei
heau slowly uiop neck thoiacic anu lumbai one
veitebia at a time loweiing entiie bouy until
hanus aie touching looi oi ieaching foi the
looi uepenuing on lexibility Reveise anu iaise
the bouy one veitebia at a time staiting with the
lumbai anu going up the thoiacic anu then the
ceivicals When stanuing biing hanus oveiheau
benu backwaius allow aims to fall back anu
sweep aims foiwaiu anu back as if embiacing
someone unuulating the spine in waves fiom top
to bottom When stanuing again place the palms
togethei stietch them out in fiont of you anu
move them fiom siue to siue When tuining to
the left the left palm is ovei the iight When
tuining to the iight iight palm is ovei the left
This will begin to look like a iguie
Dragon Waist again woiks the lumbai spine anu
sacium by holuing the uppei bouy still anu iotat
ing the lowei bouy in small ciicles fiom the lum
bai spine only Nay be uone times clockwise
anu counteiclockwise
Tiger Squat begins to lowei the focus fiom the
spine to the hips anu legs Feet aie spieau wiue
toes pointing outwaius hanus in piayei position
at chest Lowei knees into a squat holu anu iaise
up focusing on sacium as a piston pushing up
waius The hip moves in a clockwise oi countei
clockwise ciicle
Heavenly Pillar woiks the whole spine anu is
moie like stanuing postuies ieminiscent of tiaui
tional qigong Stanuing with hanus in piayei po
November -December 2012
Yang-Sheng (Nurturing Life)

sition toes pointing towaiu each othei benu at
the waist foiwaiu anu stietch with a lat back
pulling sacium anu hanus away fiom one anoth
ei Reach uown to the looi anu iaise one veite
bia at a time Seconu movement biing knees in a
knock-kneeu postuie stanu stiaight with hanus
ovei heau lowei knees as fai as possible keeping
bouy aligneu Lowei hanus to belly close feet
anu knees anu soften knees as if kneeling iaise
up fiom top of heau oi bai hui
Crane Stand woiks hips anu legs uown to ankles
In a stanuing postuie hanus on waist lift one leg
making the knee anu thigh peipenuiculai to the
looi Allow foot to hang natuially anu tuin the
ankle in ciicles to times left anu iight Extenu
leg anu tuin entiie leg anu foot in small ciicles
fiom insiue the hip wheie the femui meets to
times Then uo the othei leg Finish in a stanuing
postuie biing hanus in fiont of bouy seveial
inches apait as if holuing an invisible ball benu
knees holu ball anu swing aims iight oveiheau
anu lowei uown the left anu back in fiont of
knees Rotate to times left anu iight
Closing With hanus ovei heau a few inches
apait lowei hanus in fiont of face anu bouy as if
stioking a pillai of light put hanus back on navel
again feel the connection of the bouy in-between
heaven anu eaith the top of the heau anu the feet
Bespite the lack of eviuence to uate iegaiuing the
exact oiigins of xing shen zhuang this iaie
Baoyin foim is compelling in that it focuses exclu
sively on the spine anu is intenueu as a founua
tional piactice foi highei levels of attainment in
Baoist inteinal aits Noieovei auuitional health
beneits such as the ielief of scoliosis anu othei
spinal uefoimities cuiiently being stuuieu by vla
uimiiova at hei centei in Noscow may peisuaue
scholais anu the meuical community to exploie
moie thoioughly the simple anu gentle piactice
of xing shen zhuang
26 Yang-Sheng (Nurturing Life) Volume 2, Issue No. 6

1. The author is a teacher oI tai ji quan and practi-
tioner oI Daoist internal arts (neigong) including
xing shen zhuang Ia, sheng zheng gong and zhan
zhuang. She had limited access to scholarship on
xing shen zhuang while in China. Today she
teaches Taijiquan and Daoyin, including the
Iorm, at Kripalu Center Ior Yoga and Health in
the Berkshire Mountains oI Massachusetts.
2. Anna Vladimirova is compiling research on xing
shen zhuang and the healing oI some scoliosis oI
the spine in students attending her teaching cen-
ter in Moscow. See her web site:
3. A discussion oI Daoism and the Dao is beyond
the scope oI this paper. Please see leading west-
ern Daoist scholars such as Kristopher Schipper,
Eva Wong, Livia Kohn and Thomas Cleary.
4. Livia Kohn, 2008. Chinese Healing Exercises.
the Traaition of Daoyin, University oI Hawai`i
Press; pg. 3.
5. Not all scholars believe qigong is Daoist. For a
typical viewpoint, see Louis Komjathy in his es-
say "Qigong in America" in Livia Kohn (editor),
2007, Daoist Boay Cultivation. traaitional moa-
els ana contemporary practices, Three Pines
Press, New Mexico.
6. The Center Ior Daoist Studies. See their web
7. For a discussion oI internal alchemy, neigong
and other spiritual attainments as a goal oI Dao-
ists see authors: Chao Pi Ch'en, Thomas Cleary,
and Mantak Chia.
8. Ibid., Livia Kohn, pg. 1.
9. The Center Ior Daoist Studies. See their web
10. Much oI the inIormation in this section is taken
Irom David Verdesi`s web site: and Anna Vladimiro-
va`s web site: Both are my
teachers oI the Iorm and have studied with vari-
ous masters, including Master Wang Liping,
Daoist lineage holder oI the Quanzhen Longmen
pai .
11. Ibid., David Verdesi`s web site.
12. Ibid., David Verdesi`s web site.
13. From a lecture by David Verdesi, inner disciple
oI Master Wang Liping oI the Longmen pai, re-
garding xing shen zhuang as a Ioundational prac-
tice to Iurther neigong methods.
14. From a discussion with acupuncturist and healer
Rene J. Navarro regarding the Iorm and its im-
pact on prenatal or yuan qi. For inIormation on
acupuncture and the 8 extraordinary vessels
please see JeIIrey C. Yuen, 2005, Channel Sys-
tems of Chinese Meaicine. The Eight Extraorai-
nary Jessels, incluaing Selectea Characters,
Charts of Channels as Describea, Sequences ana
Protocols, New England School oI Acupuncture
Continuing Education Department. Yuen is an
ordained Taoist priest oI the Longmen Pai (18th
generation) and Jade Purity Lineage (88th gener-
15. There may be more teachers oI this Iorm than
my recent research has uncovered.
16. Master Wang Ting Jun passed away in 2010.
17. Sources Ior ProI. Wang were hard to come by.
This English translation provided some inIor-
18. Zhineng Qigong Society web site For a complete reIer-
ence to his Iorm, with pictures please see http://
19. See the Chi-lel web site:
The medical research was not available online
and the hospital may no longer be in service.
20. The author`s primary teachers Ior xing shen
zhuang Ia are: David Verdesi and Anna Vladimi-
rova, inner disciples oI the Longmen pai and Lei
Shan Dao, who have researched and developed a
xing shen zhuang Ia that is thorough and produc-
tive oI results and Rene J. Navarro, who has
shared with me his practices and studies with
Wang Tin Jun and other masters on this Daoyin
21. Verdesi and Vladimirova have not read this pa-
per, but with their permission I have taken inIor-
mation Irom classes with both teachers and Irom
the materials on their web site.
November -December 2012
Yang-Sheng (Nurturing Life)

22. For a discussion oI sheng zheng gong ibid David
Verdesi`s Traditional Tao web site.
23. From a short interview in April, 2005 with Wang
Ting Jun on xing shen zhuang http:// in Swedish.
24. Ibid., Livia Kohn, pg. 45.
25. For a brieI outline on the spine and dermatomes
see the online Merck manual at
26. Ibid., Livia Kohn, pg. 8, pg. 92.
27. For a short interview Irom April 2005 with
Wang Ting Jun on xing shen zhuang please see, but it
is in Swedish.
28. Ibid., Livia Kohn, pg. 4, pg. 75, pg. 78.
29. This can be seen Ior example in Taijiquan
where the Iorm is called 108 and yet there are
many more movements than 108.
30. For a complete reIerence to the chi-lel Iorm, with
pictures, please see http://
The basis oI the chi-lel Iorm, or what tradition or
lineage it is Irom, is not revealed on the web site.
But its movements and patterns have similarities
to Verdesi/Vladimirova`s. There is no record
online oI Wang Ting Jun`s Iorm.
31. For a discussion oI qi see Livia Kohn, ibid., pg.
32. Dennis Wilmont, 2001, Energetic Physiology in
the Acupuncture Pointnames, Willmountain
Press: MA, pg. 546.
33. Anna Vladimirova is compiling research on xing
shen zhuang and the healing oI some scoliosis oI
the spine in students attending her center in Mos-
cow. See her web site:

Author Acknowleagements. special thanks to Rene J.
Navarro, Dipl. Ac. (NCCAOM), Manny Maramara
ana Myles Dunlop for their help in proviaing eait-
ing, translations, meaical unaerstanaing ana materi-
al references.

-HVVLFD6RPPDUM.Sc. is an author/instructor in Classical Yang Family Style Taijiquan and Daoyin at
Kripalu Center Ior Yoga and Health in the Berkshires. She has trained in Daoist alchemy, Taijiquan Iist
and weapons Iorms and daoyin and apprenticed in TCM acupuncture and eastern herbs Ior six years,
including living two years in Hangzhou, PRC. In the past two decades her training includes western herbs,
western astrology, various energy healing modalities and she is a clinically trained and CPE-certiIied Inter-
Iaith Chaplain. She is currently undertaking the 200-hour certiIied Yoga Teacher Training at Kripalu and is
marketing and administrative coordinator Ior the Schools oI Yoga and Ayurveda there as well. She is
currently writing a manuscript on Daoyin. Learn more at

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