Syria Politic Under Hafiz Al Asad

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Drs. Riza Sihbudi, Jurnal Ilmu Politik vol.6, PT. Gramedia 1990

Name ID Course Lecturer

: Nadia Ayu Safitri : 108083100001 : Islam and Foreign Policy : Eva Musstofa, MHSPS.




This article review title Syiria Politic Under Hafiz Al- Asad is an article in bahasa that has the original title Politik Suriah di Bawah Hafiz Al- Asad. It written by Drs. Riza Sihbudi. He was born in Pekalongan, june 28th 1957. He earned his Bachelor of Art from faculty of social and political science University of Indonesia on 1984. Now he working as secretary of politic science journal editorial board. In this article, the author discuss about how Asad run his foreign policy in Middle East and Soviet where some of his policies made him isolated from internasional world. But because of his cleverness, Asad successed managed this isolation problem.



There is no other Arab country leader after the death of Jammal Abdul Nasser made Asad obessed to become the subtitute of Nasser as the leader. Asad started his career from the buttom and it made him as an exelent politician who will do anything to get what he wants. There are many glorious accomplishments achieved by Asad in his career. One of them is since Asad lead Syiria, the economy and political stability can be managed well by him. For example, Asad succeed to abolised many of military coup that happened in previous goverment by used coercive power to maintained his rule. Asad desire to become determinant factor in Middle East can be seen from his statement on bbc radio broadcast stating that in any international event there is always a power that became the final breaker and to achieve his desire, he built a strong

military sector with US and USSR assistances. Because of this, the military sector grown rapidly with the increase of troops and weaponry in Syiria. Lebanon that became the military trial place for Syiria also became the part of Asads obsession to be considered as 'determining factor' in the Middle East. Another purposes of Asad in Lebanon was want to returned the Lebanese territory into the great Syiria and as well to create a buffer state that can detected the thereat of Israeli ground attack more easily. In carrying out his politic, Asad received a serious challenge from Iraq because since Iraq-Iran war ended, Iraq began to involve themselves in the Lebanon war by providing military aid to Lebanon. Iraq considered Syiria as bad as Iran because of its hostility between Asad and Saddam that wanted to be the great leader in Bath social party in Arab country. The most important thing of Asads Middle East foreign policy is his approached to the Palestine problem which considered by Asad as a part of a Great Syiria territory, the same case like Lebanon. Because of this, he didnt want to admit Palestine as an Independent state caused by Asad didnt believe the principles of Arafat about freedom and lasting peace. Besides Middle East, Asad also played his political role with Soviet. He has a good relationship with Soviet marked by the diplomatic relations between two countries which is Syiria is the most important Soviets ally in the Middle East. This very good relationship exists also because Russia become a main supplier of military weapons Syria. Both countries monumentalize their cooperation by signed the threaty of friendship which contains a covenant that allows the soviet military to send troops and weapons to Syria, where appropriate.

In the relation between Syiria and Soviet, there are some problems that less favored by Soviet to Syiria, that is Asad's involvement in the problem of countries that also became Soviet allies in the Middle East. For example, when the Parsi war happened, Asad supported Iran with the weapon aids of Soviet assistance, whereas the opponent of Iran itself is Iraq which is an ally of Soviet. Asad intervened to Lebanon also made some difficulty to Soviets to be involved in the Middle East conflict. There is no relation between the Soviet and Israeli caused by Syria politic under Asad that non compromise through Israel. Asad considered by Soviet, bloked their steps in an effort to achieve world peace in the Middle East. US deputy foreign minister stated that the relations between Soviet and Israel can be restored and braided back if Israel willing to released, at least, some paet of the Golan Heights as part of Syirian territory before occupied by Israel on 1967. Even though some of problems happened between both countries, the relations bertween Soviet and Syiria remain intertwined in harmony. The differences in perception did not interfere with the relationship. It was because of interdependence relation that cannot be avoided between Syiria and Soviet. Syiria still need a great assistance and cooperation of Soviet in economic and military sector in his country. On the contrary, Soviet also still need Syiria to maintained its strategic interest in the Middle East. Beside the foreign policy and the relationship between Suriah and Soviet, there was also some problems caused by Asad own policies that persued by noncompromise way made Suriah isolated from the Arab countries. With his ingenuity, Asad successfuly take some advantages of existing opportunities. Slowly but sure, the countries that isolating Syria began to remove the insulation and opened again the relationship. One of the example is when Syria wanted and dis not preclude the

inclusion of Egypt as a member of the Arab league which was opposed by Asad on the past. The changes that made by Asad was because the economic difficulties and also because the decreased aid from oil-rich Arab countries caused by the Asad alliance with Iran. The political problems also colored Syiria. Syiria setback occurred because of the great rebellion against the regime ba'th party.



In this article, the author wrote his ideas in narrative by described and explained Asads governance from time to time starting from the early history of Asad's political career until he became the leader of Syria. The author also explains in detail about the politics and foreign policies conducted by Asad and his objectives. In my opinion, this is a good way to explain because it can facilitate the reader to know the history and character of Asad also to understand that lack of political compromise in carrying out his foreign policies. Beside that, the language that he used lightwight language that easy to understand by the reader because i did not find the difficult words on his article. The article that i review use bahasa and its realy easy for me to digest and catch the points. Many footnotes also availabe as important additions that can help us to find out more idea or things that he doesnt explain on the article. But there are some weaknesses contained in this article. On the problems and prospects, I understand less about the political problems experienced by Asad because I think there are a few ideas that confusing when the author explains about the fundamentalist insurgency problem.



Overall, the author has made a good article which can be read and used as references in academic interests. The background of the writer also sufficient to guarantee that the ideas presented by the author can guarantee academically. Number of footnotes in the quotation by the author proves that the author gets inspiration from various books and journals but the author could further improve this article by another deeper problems and also provide examples of cases more than the previous.

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