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Patrick Haertel 10 -11

My elbows and knees carry the scars of sixteen years of childs play. My colorblind eyes search faces and environments, but can scarcely see their own color. My callused hands grasp hold a pen or a book, but my mind cannot understand the hugeness of the universe around it. Pain flashes, now and again, just below the surface of the waters of my heada familiar, despised sign of an oncoming migraine. And despite all this, I still have the nerve to ask one simple question of myself: What Am I? Middle class, sixteen-year-old self-styled intellectual with a love of campfires and an affinity for bad fashion sense searches for love, reason and, above all, vivacity.

Into the Wild

Patrick Haertel cant wait for his CIT Summer at Camp Piomingo
will change you. It will make you a man. For me, it was a right of passage. Spending time in the woods with other people whom youve often never met before is a great way to make friends and learn to cooperate with other people, Patrick said. Its also an amazing way to learn about yourself. You learn your strengths and weaknesses and you end up improving yourself when its all said and done. Among the things Patrick has learned while spending time at Piomingo is his joy of working with kids. While he initially had doubts about the kids liking him, Patrick soon found that he actually enjoyed working with them. This past summer I hung out with a younger camper named Trey Ashley, Patrick said. It turned out that I actually ended up learning a lot from him. Little kids have a completely different view of the world. Created in 1938, Piomingo has a After ten weeks over five summers of attending YMCA Camp Piomingo in Meade County, KY, Patrick Haertel excitedly awaits his final summer as a camper. This coming summer will be Patricks CIT Summer, a time in any Piomingo fanatics life that they never forget. The term CIT Summer refers to the four weeks in which a CounselorIn-Training spends learning to work with kids, lead camp activities, tell camps many horrific ghost stories and sing ridiculous songs. More important is the bonding participants experience with other campers and counselors, not to mention the comradery they have already developed with other campers who return year after year. No matter how you approach it, you will remember that summer forever, Ryan Simpson, a new counselor at Piomingo said. There is probably a 100% chance that being a CIT at camp rich history and maintains an American Indian theme, with campfires, war paint and ceremonial dress having an integral place in camp history and ceremony. This can be at least partially attributed to Injun Joe Friday, an early counselor who was an Algonquin Indian. Joe Friday also helped form the YMCAs Indian Guides Program. Piomingos history is full of legend and myth, but many former counselors remember their glory days a little differently. It could get pretty crazy, Spencer Martin, Sr., a counselor in the mid-1980s remembered. We used to borrow horses from the barn and ride around camp. One time we shot arrows into the side of a counselor cabin and scared the [heck] out of them. I never shut up about camp. People must think Im nuts, but they just dont understand. Piomingo is my home, Patrick said.

Hot chocolate, frozen toes and even snow characterized Winter Camp 2010. Patrick enjoyed board games, a gift exchange and short excursions into the elements to hike, slide and zipline. Patrick, Cooper Whaley, Abby Morguelan and I got really close during Winter Camp. We had all known each other from before, but we were the oldest kids there and so we ended up hanging out a lot, camper Hannah Diehl said.

1. Showing Off | Camper Trey Ashley shows off his Winter Camp gift- a set of toy cars and signs. Each camper recieved one gift during the Winter Camp gift exchange, which Piomingo provided for free. I dont know how they knew I liked cars so much! Trey said. 2. Koalas at Kamp? | A camper hangs upside down on a tree after being placed their by laughing counselor Alex Sehlinger. It just seemed like a good idea at the time, Alex said. 3. Christmas Spirit | A young camper sits on Abby Morguelans lap. Abby is one of Patricks best friends and also aspires to be a counselor. Rosie wouldnt leave my side for all of Winter Camp, Abby said.

Playin It Cool | Cooper Whaley rides his sled out of Pipeline Slide at YMCA Camp Piomingo.



The woods is the best aspect of it. No wireless, no cell phones, nothing to distract you. Just being outside for that long is fantastic. -Ryan Simpson, Counselor

Totem | Cooper Whaley and Patrick form a human totem poll as they pose for a picture. Only at camp...

4. Motley Crew | Camper Ian McKinley shows off his duct-taped boots after crossing a creek during CampCrafter outpost. Participants backpacked around Otter Creek Park for the weekend. This was one of Patricks favorite parts of camp. 5. Lady Gaga | Camper Hannah Diehl plays Gaga, a dodgeball-like camp game. Gaga tournaments make up a large amount of time at camp. 6. Hay Is For Rides | Counselor Alex Sehlinger stood on the back of the trailer during the hay ride at Winter Camp. Alex has been Patricks counselor for two years running. 7. Camper Ian Mckinley takes a dramatic break towards the end of the Outpost hike. The hilarity of this image will forever be engrained in Patricks brain.

Come forth into the light of things, let nature be your teacher. -William Wordsworth


Down and Dirty

Embrace Your Fate | Cooper Whaley decide to express that he does, in fact, love nature and YMCA Camp Piomingo.

Situated in the middle of Otter Creek Recreational Area, Camp Piomingo is by no means city living. Campers live in cabins during their stay, anddepending on the programspend various amounts of time outdoors. Ive always been an outdoorsy person, and camp gives me the opportunity to show that side of me, Patrick said. I really loved backpacking for the weekend and constantly having a fire going. It smells so good and I immediately miss it when I get home.



That was

Bye Bye | Patricks friends Matt Martin (left), Jacob Linde and Richard Stottman will not be returning to camp.


This isNow
Many of Patricks friends that have been going to camp with him for years have decided to end their Piomingo career. Among these are campers Matt Martin, Jacob Linde and Richard Stottman, along with counselors Grant Snowden and Andrew Spalding. I wont be going back next year, Matt Martin said. I feel like Ive already learned all there is to learn from camp. I already know though that not going back will be something I regret for the rest of my life. [Note: Matt doesnt always say the brightest things.]

International Language
Soccer is both an international pasttime and an unexpected multicultural experience
The diversity of soccer players and soccers reputation as an international sport brings with it a multicultural experience that many people in the U.S. never experience. Patrick switched to LSA 95A, which had four Kenyan players who moved to the U.S. through refugee programs. Over the years, Patrick has developed friendships with teammates and coaches from far-off places like Senegal, Kenya, Bosnia, Iran and Iraq. On the field, many of these players are talented from spending their childhood with nothing to do but play soccer. My dad grew up in Iran, Kayvon Ghayoumi said. When they had a soccer ball, they played soccer. When they had a tennis ball, they used it as a soccer ball. When they had only rags, they kicked rags into garbage can goals. Kayvons dad, Mehdi Ghayoumi, coached Patrick in the past. I really liked playing for Mehdi. Only very rarely did I have any trouble understanding him or anything, and I got to be close friends with Kayvon, Patrick said. Going over to their house taught me a lot about Iranian culture. LSA 95As four Kenyan players are foster children here in the United States. All have different backgrounds, but none of them are particularly happy. Abas Isgowe, a midfielder, lost both of his parents to civil unrest in Kenya when he was a young child. He and the other children ended up in a refugee camp where the only food they got was from the UN. When I graduate high school, I want to go back to Kenya. We didnt have to go to school. We could run free on the streets, Hussein Darbane said. I want to go back and start a shop. Or maybe Ill buy a movie theatre and run it. Id like that. When asked about the violence in Kenya, Hussein shrugged. There was always an element of violence. You got used to it, he said. Usually it was just kids fighting. We always used to fight Sudanese kids in the refugee camp a lot. They were everywhere and we hated them. Patricks first club coach, Joseph Basse at United 1996 FC, was born and raised in Senegal and coached three professional clubs there. Joseph used to like to yell No grapes! No grapes! referring to how wed bunch up, Patrick said. Although I initially had some problems working with Joseph as a coach, I really got to respect him. He helped me a lot. Perhaps one of the most interesting people Patrick has played with was Qamar Shaker. Qamar originally lived in Baghdad, Iraq, but when American soldiers invaded his parents started looking for a new place to live. When American soldiers wrongly shot Qamars uncle and shot his dog, his parents packed up and moved to Syria, where he lived until he was 10. Then they moved to the United States. Playing soccer with people from all over the world has given me a totally new perspective, Patrick said. Most people never get to meet people like this and learn these things.

5. Kickin it old school | Patricks great-grandfather (left) stands with his soccer team in 1919. 6. RAWWWR! | A young Patrick ferociously guards a goal in his early days of soccer at HYR (Highland Youth Recreation.) Patrick now referees for HYR.

Patrick is the third generation of soccer players in his dads side of the family. His great-grandfather played soccer on a club team in Germany after World War One. When Germany was ordered to disperse its army, Patricks great-grandfathers unit stuck

Rolling throughTime
together as a semi-professional soccer team. When Patricks dad visited Germany as a teenager, his grandfather instilled a love of soccer in him and sent him to a boys soccer camp. He then passed on his love of the game to Patrick.

1. Thirsty? | Musa and Abas gulp water at half time. Record highs made KY State Cup a little too warm. It was so hot that Musa couldnt play our last game, Abas said. 2. Wet and Muddy | LSA 95A pose for a picture after a particularly muddy tournament game in Birmingham. Three inches of water stood on the field. Youd kick the ball and it wouldnt go anywhere, Goalkeeper Alex Gossen said. 3. Close, but no cigar | Kayvon Ghayoumi nearly makes a goal when the goalie slides out and saves it. Also pictured is Tyler Beckmann (LSA 95A) on right. I almost had it, Kayvon said. Just a second earlier and it was mine. 4. Clear the Ball! | Patrick Haertel takes a goalkick in a mid-season LSA game. (#1 and #4 are by Amanda Vance)

It aint easy being greenor being a soccer player. For a few months every year, soccer takes up all my time. Im pretty sure my friends forget who I am,

Ball and Chain

Patrick said. In addition to soccer, Patrick must complete schoolwork, likes to hang out with friends and, of course, send eighty million text messages a day.

Game new Name on the


Sports come with injuries, and soccer is no exception. Patrick has sprained his left ankle three times and had innumerable other small injuries like bruises and scrapes from playing soccer. You should see how many scars I have on my legs. Ive got so many scars that my scars are scarred, Patrick said. My ankles? Theyre giant scars. People arent very careful about kicking you. Soccer isnt for sissies.

No No Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch

7. Heavy Use Abuse | The embroidery of Patricks LSA jersey is already coming undone after just one season. A total of over 20 soccer games in one season means kits get torn up.

Pain Game
8. Butt to Gut | Patrick shields the ball from an oponent in the corner near his goalline. Contact play such as this often leads to injury, which commonly comes in the form of getting frogged. (Photo by Amanda Vance)

I would not be bothered if we lost every game as long as we won the league. -Mark Viduka



Switching to a new team isnt always easy, as Patrick knows well. Patrick switched to LSA 95A due to the dissolution of his previous team, and it took some time to get used to playing with his new teammates. People have their quirks and problems, and it takes

time to get used to them and learn how to work with them, Patrick said. It seems like this always happens. Guys can be jerks, and you really have to carve out your spot on the team before you get any respect. Maybe its just me.

TheGamemust go on.

Picture This!
A newfound interest in photography grows into something bigger
A glimmer of interest in photography had always hid in the back of Patrick Haertels mind, but he never thought much about it. I guess some of it was my colorblindness and some of it was my lack of artistic prowess, Patrick said. And, of course, it really isnt a cheap hobby. The longer he stayed in CMA, the more he realized he actually was very interested in it. I mowed a lot of yards last summer, and it paid off. Now I have my own camera and Im working on lenses, Patrick said. Ive actually earned the money for every piece of photographic equipment I own, be it through lawn mowing, refereeing or working for my dad. A lot of people have helped Patrick with photography, but none more so than Seth Fischer. I wanted to help Patrick out because I thought he had an interest in photography and I recognized him from the Brown School, Seth said. I felt a sort of connection with him because we went to middle school together, and I wanted to teach another photographer the things that I know so he can continue to pass it on to future yearbook photographers. Seth has taught me a lot, especially about equipment and how to learn photography for yourself. He really knows what hes talking about, and Im sure Id have handed over lots of money for things I didnt need had he not been around to help me, Patrick said. Id go



as far as saying hes mentored me. Every new photographer should have a mentor. Patrick has also learned a lot on his own. He practiced at Farmington Historic Home (which is near his house,) around his neighborhood, at multiple parks and in multiple cities. He also shot the Pegasus Parade and the Balloon Glow, and has taken pictures of concerts of live local bands like Beady and Think Harder. I really like nature photography, but Im still trying to figure out how to make it all look good. Anyone can take a picture of a duck, but only some people can make it a good picture of a duck, Patrick said. Thats what I have to figure out how to do. I like ducks.

6. Pride and Joy | Rebecca Woodburn displays Manuals 2011 Yearbook Canvas.

1. We have liftoff! | A seagull takes off of the beach on Hatteras Island in North Carolina. This was the first trip that Patrick took his camera on. Although I didnt really get very many good pictures, I learned a lot about photography, Patrick said. 2. Happy Spring | A flower peeks out of Patricks front garden in the spring. Patrick took this picture to put on the City of Strathmoor Village blog. 3. Hey Ladies | A peacock at Henrys Ark flies his colors since he cant fly himself. 4. Natural Weather Notifications | Patricks mother likes to hang windchimes. This was one of the first pictures Patrick ever took.

Yearbook club was an interesting experience. Patrick got to know other CMA students and explored the different facets of CMA. I think that the best part of yearbook club was getting close to some other students, Patrick said. I didnt really think I wanted to be on yearbook until I was in yearbook club.

3 4


Take it.

Patrick grew to enjoy graphic design in Desktop Publishing class, but eventually realized design wasnt where he wanted to go. I like design, and Im good with Indesign, but I dont want to be a Design Editor for yearbook anymore, Patrick said. Im just not a visually artistic person.


Patrick has always been interested in computers and current events, so CMA has been a good fit. It really fits my interests and I love both the freedom and expectations were given, Patrick said. I also love the people in CMA. Ive made a lot of friends and Ive gained a lot of respect for both the people in my magnet and professional journalists and designers.
5. Hard at Work | Allison Traylor works feverishly to complete her personal yearbook project for Desktop Publishing.

7. Music Control | The main mixing console in the large studio at TNT productions.

Patricks dad, Tim Haertel, is an audio engineer and runs his own studio. Much of Patricks interest in communications likely stems from having been exposed to different types of communications technology throughout his childhood. My dad took me to his studio a lot when I was younger, Patrick said. I figured Id take over his studio when I graduate for a long time.

You dont take a photograph. You ask, quietly, to borrow it.



I could write a long, dramatic piece for my closing, but it wouldnt mean anything. Not to me, not to you, and not to Prissy (pictured in background.) Instead, Im just going to reiterate one of the biggest things Ive learned this year. Life doesnt always go the way you want it to, but you have to keep living it. Life is short. Lets have fun. Lets jump in those puddles. Lets take some risks and be ourselves. Lets use pictures of our cats as backgrounds for school projects. Frankly, I think its 100 times more personable than some unnamed, far-off landscape that looks nice but has no character. Meet Prissy. Shes vivid. You just have to look at her right. Meow.

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