Plan Lectie Engleza

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Lesson Plan

Date: 04.06.2013 School: Georghe Titeica Secondary School, Craiova Practice Tutore: Mihaela Moanta Traininee Student: Anca Tranca Class: VII C Lesson: Tomorrows World; Future Continuous Textbook: English Scrapbook Level: intermediate Timing: 50 AIMS: To read for specific information To guess the meaning of some words from the text To ask questions To listen to specific information To have fun while learning English

SKILL FOCUS: Listening Reading Speaking

CLASS MANAGEMENT: frontal, individual work MATERILAS: textbook, blackboard

STEP 1 Warm-up The teacher greets the students and makes sure the conditions are proper to start the lesson ( the students on duty name the absentees if necessary). Interaction: T-Ss, S-T Timing: 2 Techniques: discussions


Introducing the new lesson(Pre-reading)

T. writes on the BB the title Tomorrows World and asks the students how do they imagine the future will be like. T. helps the students when they need it. Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T Timing: 10 Techniques: discussion

STEP 3 Reading T. asks the students to read the text at page 70 and to translate it. The students do so. T. provides help, when needed and explains the new words, while writing them on the blackboard. Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T Timing: 15 Techniques: discussion, reading, translating Materials: Textbook, blackboard, chuck

STEP 4 After-reading T. asks the students to solve exercises 2 and 3, page 70 and provides help when needed. T. monitors and asks for the results. T. explains the new terms in exercise 2. Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T, Ss-Ss Timing: 10 Techniques: discussion

STEP 5 Grammar T. explains the grammar issue, which is Future Continuous. T. asks the students about this grammar issue and writes down examples, while explaining them. T. asks the students to give their own examples. Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T Timing: 10

Techniques: discussion, writing Materials: Textbook, blackboard, chuck

STEP 6 Grammar exercises T. asks the students to solve exercise 3c, page 71. T. monitors and checks the answers Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T. Ss-Ss Timing: 5 Techniques: discussion, writing Materials: Textbook

STEP 7 Homework Ss have to solve exercise 8 in their Activity Book, page 31. T. greets the students and leaves the class. Timing: 2

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