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====================================================== KotOR II: TSL MODIFICATION ====================================================== AUTHOR: 90SK EMAIL: cyanelectric@gmail.

com NAME: 90SK's SUPER Content Mod CREDITS: For Scripting tutorials: tk102, Stoffe, Darth333 For Inspiration: Nequam, T7nowhere, Redhawke, Achilles For tutorial on VO recording: Gsccc For general niceness: Everyone at Holowan

FILENAME: 90SKsuper.7z FILE SIZE: around 47 mb --------------------------DESCRIPTION: This is a massive content mod that revamps the armor and robe content in the game. It also adds new encounters, merchants, items, and general gaming experience. For a complete list of changes, see below. HOW TO PLAY: The new features of this mod have been integrated into the game in such a way that they should all show up in a normal play-through. Just be sure to start a new game if you want to experience the full effect of the mod. I cannot guarantee compatibility with other mods. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: First, install these inside a folder in your override called 90SK: and What that does is fix the collars of the robes, so my skins will work. It's very important that you put all the files (aka all the mdl's and tga's) inside the 90SK folder that you create in your override folder. DO NOT PUT THEM IN A SUBFOLDER INSDIE THE 90SK FOLDER. After you've installed those, make sure that if you have appearance.2da in any subfolder in override, you move it to the main override folder. Don't worry, your other mods will still work. Now, go back to my mod and run Install.exe. If you encounter a warning about appearance.2da already being in override, it only means the installer is working, so don't worry. After that, you're done! So, just to run through what to do step by step: 1 Download two files above 2 Extract them and take the files out of the folders 3 Put the files inside a folder named 90SK inside your override folder in the SWKOTOR2 directory 4 Make sure that if you have appearance.2da in any subfolder in Override (i.e. In the TSLRP folder), you move it to the main Override directory. 5 Run Install.exe from this mod 6 You're done! UNINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Delete the folder 90SK from your Override folder. BUGS: -Female Versions of new heavy armors: I think they suck. Sorry. -Spelling: I'm sure I've missed some errors -Compatibility: there's bound to be some issues that I've missed. Adjust your version of the mod accordingly. -Hunter in green armor: you better talk to him, because otherwise he'll stay there forever, which isn't right.

PERMISSIONS: If you'd like to use something in this mod in your own mod, I'd like to be contacted first, or at least given proper credit for my work.

Changes made by this mod: - Icons: All icons for armor classes F, G, and H use the TSL format, WITH arms, like the new armor. The icons for classes C, D, and E remain in KotOR style,WITHOUT arms. - Ludo Kressh's Tomb Artifacts ~ New Heavy Armor: Rusted Sith Armature w/. unique texture. ~ Ludo Kressh's Armband: Unique Icon - Heavy Battle Armor has a new texture based off it's original from KotOR, so it isn't identical to the Mandalorian Heavy Armor. - Echani Heavy Armor has a unique icon finally, instead of using the one from PMBH06. Also white and brown cloth scheme instead of blue (so it doesn't look exactly like Mandalorian armor, which doesn't make any sense since it's supposed to be Echani in design) - Powered Battle Armor has a new texture based off it's original from KotOR, because Obsidian reused the Cinnegar armor texture way too many times. - Mandalorian Heavy Armor now uses the PMBH06 texture, so the presence of a Cassus Fett type armor makes sense, to stay in keeping with KotOR (note: the original texture for this armor is not relocated by this mod). - Verpine Zal Alloy Mesh now uses its original texture from KotOR, instead of looking like Calo Nord's armor. - Vogga's Hoard New Items: ~ Calo Nord's Armor, as "Deluxe Battle Armor", with a description that explains why a unique armor is showing up again. ~ Glitterstim Injector (because the original absence of drugs in Vogga's hoard seemed odd) ~ Barab Ore Ingot (cool rare item that I'd never heard of, so into the hoard it goes) - Mandalorian Assault Armor now has a description that explains the armors appearance, and why we don't see any Mandalorians wearing it. - M'uhk'gfa now has a unique texture based off the Verpine Zal Alloy armor. - Felenar Armor: now Fenelar Armor, like it should be (look it up). Also, Description explains why it looks like Jergan Kalta's Power Suit from KotOR. - Matrix Armor now has a unique texture. - Masks With Different Models ~ Arkanian Blinders

~ Combat Sensor ~ Multi-spectral Target Assessor - New Flight Suit: "Shielded Flight Suit". Replaces Bindo's Band, which has been relocated (so you wont see doubles of a unique item) - Armored Flight Suits ~ They have better, more detailed alpha channels ~ They're more spread around the game ~ Addition of previously unused brown texture variation, as "Beast-Rider Armor" ~ Ubese varition has a new texture - Echani Shield Suit now uses more appropriate texture, previously Ulic Qel-Droma's armor. - Zabrak Field Armor isn't so damn expensive anymore. - Deneban Armor replaces Ulic Qel-Dromas armor. It uses a modified version of the original texture used for Ulics armor in KotOR. It looks a little different because it isnt the same armor, but Ive set it up in the description where it explains the difference by pointing out that both armors were built on Deneba. Ulic visited Deneba during the Sith War, and he would have procured the armor and customized it there. - Sith Battle Suit is now light armor, has improved stats, and has a new texture based off its original medium variant. - New medium armor Corsair Jumpsuit, replacing the odious light powered armor. - Arkanian Bond Armor finally makes an appearance in a KotOR game, replacing Exar Kuns armor (which has been relocated. This way you wont see doubles of a Unique armor). It has a new texture based off its original. - Jal Shey Neophyte Armor: Im actually not sure what Ive changed here. I think it uses another texture, another default. I cant remember. - New Heavy Armor: Eriadu Reinforced Armor, w/. unique texture. Azkul is wearing it. Kill him to get it. - Zherron now has unique armor that matches generic militia armor. Kill him to get it. - Khoonda Militia Armor ~ Female version looks normal ~ Armor can be found on female mercs corpse in Crystal cave - New Icon for Nihilus Mask, replacing the god-awful original one. - Mandalorian Combat Suit now has darker, less goofy texture.

- Reinforced Fiber Armor is now Alderaanian Combat Suit, and has improved alpha channels. - New Encounter With Masked Hunter: Youll first find the hunter on Telos, after your initial encounter with those thugs ruffing up that Sullustian. You can chat with the hunter briefly: hell explain that he has a flight to catch, and then he walks off. Make note of what hes wearing. Later, when youre on Dxun exploring the jungle, youll come across his corpse, which contains a new weapon: Cortosis Rapier, a new armor: Deneban Heavy Armor, with a new texture based off the Deneban armor mentioned previously, and a datapad explaining how the hunter died. - New Encounter With Bounty Hunters on Onderon: When you first enter the bar on Onderon, notice the two armor clad individuals in nearby corner within the central room. One of them is drunk: he cant be spoken to. The other will apologize for his friends behavior. Theyll remain there throughout your stay on Onderon. However, once the final meeting occurs and youre fleeing, they make a surprise appearance in the Iziz hangar where youve landed. Revealing themselves as bounty hunters, they demand that you lay down your weapons and leave with them. When you refuse, they attack you. Once you defeat them, you get a new heavy armor: Krath Heavy Armor w/. unique texture, and some credits and weapons. - New Merchant on Onderon: near Ponlar and his mob, therell be an armor clad merchant standing between two holding containers. If asked, hell explain that he has an agreement with the Onderonian military that allows him to sell weapons and armor unmolested. Notable items found in his inventory are: ~ Ubese Environmental Suit (flight suit) ~ Arca Jeths robe ~ Exar Kuns Armor ~ Fenelar Armor ~ Onderon Repeating Carbine - New Merchant on Nar Shaddaa: behind Tien Tubbs shop, there is a small office that now contains a droid and several containers. When spoken to, the droid asks if youd like to see his inventory. If asked, hell explain that he is a proxy for an off-world merchant. Notable items found in his inventory are: ~ Systech Heavy Armor (new heavy armor w/. unique texture) ~ Massassi Armor (previously replaced) ~ Mandalorian Combat Suit ~ Zabrak Tystel Mark III heavy blaster (the one from KotOR) ~ Bindo Band (previously replaced) ~ Droid Parabolic guides - Party Clothing: Atton and Miras unique clothing items now have matching icons. Disciple and Handmaiden now have unique clothing items with matching icons as well (Ive included an icon to match Stoffes handmaiden reskin as well). Mandalores Armor now has an icon, and will no longer show up as default Mandalorian heavy armor in the upgrade screen (instead therell just be nothing thereor at least, close to nothing). - Visas can now wear Jedi robes. Her neck looks a little funky, but whatever. Better than no robes at all.

- Some text errors have been corrected. - Atton and all the other party member can wear Revan armor. Only handy if you have a mod installed that uses the J armor slot (like me). - Bao-Dur's head is a bit more pronounced, and his eyes are a different color. - Light Combat Armor is now Fiber Armor, with slightly different texture. - Male Version of Echani Heavy Armor now looks more like the female version - Powered Battle Armor, Iotran Braceman Armor, and M'uhk'gfa now have gauntlets similar to the female versions. - Systech Heavy Armor has more realistic looking alpha channel, and is now found solely on Geravick's person. Kill him to get it. - New Portraits for all the characters - Mandalores Armor is slightly different: more pronounced. - The Das'kar Hunting Mask now has a new texture and icon. - TSLRP Compatibility: It should work. Install this mod OVER the TSLRP: it should work then. If not, I'll release a patch for the mod.

No more out of place Star Forge banners. I've replaced the copious misused Star Forge Banners found in the Mandalorian camp, among other places, with flags bearing the Mandalorian Neo-Crusader emblem. It'll probably still be out of place in some areas, but at least it'll be an out of place that makes more sense. Ive updated the loading screens to accommodate the new banners as well. Unique robe appearances for the Jedi Masters Shiny / different looking more realistic Mandalorians Shiny G0-T0 and HK droids New Tunics and robes spread throughout the game. You'll see.


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