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1. Various passwords of Elastix.

A: During the process of Elastix 2.3.0 installation, there are three passwords will be set up. a. System password: 111111 b. MySQL password: 111111 c. Elastix GUI password to admin: 111111 (111111 is a default password that setup by OpenVox, we strongly suggest changing to a safer one before you put it to a public network)

2. How to set up trunk with OpenVox G400?

A: Click the PBX option on the top of the page, and you will see there is navigation column on the left.

Then click Trunks, and you will see it like this:

Select Add Custom Trunk, and input some basic information to the textbox.

At the step 5, I just set up all the gsm channels to be a group 0. Group 0 settings are located at /etc/asterisk/extra-channels.conf.

Of course, you can also specify a channel to route the outbound calls. At the step 5, for esample, we specify the first channel to route the calls, Custom Dial String should be set up like this: extra/1/$OUTNUM$. Once you have this done, click Submit Changes to confirm it.

3. How to set up outbound Route?

A: Click the Outbound Routes in the navigation.

And you will see this:

At step 3, I just set up a simple dial pattern _X., it will match any digits.

4. How to set up inbound Route?

A: Click the Inbound Routes in the navigation, and input the information as the following:

Then, specify a destination to receive the incoming calls.

At the step 2, I just route the incoming call to ring the extension 8087.

5. Why my Elastix CDR doesnt work after recompiling chan_extra?

A: As you know, elastix-2.3.0 has integrated chan_extra, its version is 2.0.0. Actually, 2.0.0 is able to use, including inbound, outbound calls and sms. But we suggest using the higher version the better. At present, the version is chan_extra-2.0.7( And it fixes many bugs and supports more features. Once you update chan_extra to a newer version. Chan_extra will download the same versions of Asterisk and DAHDI rpm packages for Elastix official website. Meanwhile, it will patch the chan_extra and update libgsmat library. But some Add-ons modules (for example: app_mysql and cdr_mysql) do not be selected during the chan_extra installation. And this is the cause of the CDR issue. Therefore, please re-compile Asterisk again, and remember to select the necessary add-ons by `make menuselect`. The details are: a. Go to directory /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/asterisk- b. Execute: ./configure c. Execute: make menuselect and enable the options:

Save and Exit. d. Execute: make && make install. e. Stop asterisk by `asterisk rx core stop now`. And unload opvxg4xx by `modprobe r opvxg4xx` f. amportal stop && amportal start

6. Why my inbound calls are failed after recompiling chan_extra?

A: Because context definition has modified if you re-complied chan_extra to a higher version. You have to modify context definition from-gsm to from-pstn in /etc/asterisk/extra-channels.conf. It should be like this:

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