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Even in this Atomic A ge a convenlional mililary re pea ling rifl e is still in de mand for certain us es as an individu a l weapon of the soldier.

Le nglh of th e w ea pon without bayo ne t, standard mod e l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1100 mm = 43.3" Length of the weapon with bayone t, standard mode l . .. ... ... . .. ... .. . . . . . ... . .. ......... . 1285 mm = 50.6" 23.4" 594 mm Length of the barre !, standard mode l . . .... . ... . . 4 grooved right twist Rifling . . ... . ................ . ... ... ... . . . .... . . W e ight of the weapon without th e bayonet, 8.48 lbs. standard mod e l .... . ... .. .......... . ..... .. . . 3.850 kg W e ight of th e weapon with the bayo ne t, 9. 16 lbs . standard model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.160 kg 5 or 10 cartridges Magazine contains . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ .. . . 825 m/sec. = 25 15 ft /5ec. Muzzle velocity: Vo for 7.62 mm cartridge The sights are: Foresight: A laying bar in a tube shaped guard. Backsight: A per ture sight mounted on a ramp wilh lea f. Gradnations from 100 to 900 metres. The sight is adjustable Jatera ll y for wind correclion. A slighlly shorter and Jighte r mode l available at special re qu e bt.

Th e MADSEN Lighlw eighl Military Rifle is a magazine rifle develope d for

purpose of g e tting a weapon of lighte r weight than the infa ntry generally in use, and of a size and form convenienl also fo r comparatively small stature. At specia l r equesl from a country in a rifle for thi s development requirement was des igned, and the became available in 1951.

rifl es most soldiers of the tropi cs first mod e l

The MADSEN Lightwei ght Military Rifle is a w ea pon in series production, which ca n be mad e to fire any ordinary military rifl e cartridge, inclusive of the 7.62 mm NATO carlridge, and th e maga zin c can be mad e to hold ei th er 5 or I 0 rounds.
It isasimp le bolt-ac tion rifle, easy to teach; th e parts to opero te the weapon

bei ng comfortably located , ide ntifiabl e by touch and eas il y handl e d a t night. Th e safety device is located at th e rear of the bolt and has a catch by means of which it can be turne d, and wh e n lhe safety device is in th e safety position, th e catch inte rferes with the aim thus reminding the firer that th e safety is in action. Tel esec pie sighls can be fitted to the rifle. A ba yo ne t can be secured to the rifl e. The MADSEN Lightweig ht Military Rifle is suificiently durabl e and robust to withsta nd the h a rd us es in the front line condi tion s and also th e not less hard uses in barrack areas. No tools are required for field stripping.


MADSEN Military Rille with Bayonet .

The Principal Assernblies :

A. B. C. D. E. F. The The The The The The Barrel with sights. Receiver w ith trigger gear. Bolt . Magazine and Trigger-guard assembly. Buustock-assembly. Bayonet and Rifle sling .

The sling serves as a means for supporting a nd steadying the rifle and is used by the firer when firing in the prone, kneeling or sitting position , and permits him to accomplish accu r ate shooting with minimum muscular fatique.

The MACSEN Lightweight Mil itary Rille available in 7. 62 mm NATO cartridge and in all other military cartridge calibres .

331 E.EH.

Prin T ed ln Denmorl
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