Navi Dictionary

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Compiled by Taronyu (Richard Littauer) Last updated: July 13th , 2010

This is the denitive dictionary for Navi, the language created by Dr. Paul Frommer for the lm Avatar. The words within come directly from, or are derived from, Frommer. Thanks are certainly to be given to the following people for their monumental efforts: Dr. Frommer, Tuiq, and everyone on the IRC, Skype, TeamSpeak, and the Learn Navi site who uses this document. Some notes: The traditional Navi transcription in use by Frommer has been maintained throughout: the IPA transcription is given as well. Compound non-inected words and loan words from English have been noted. Some lenited words have been included if in the ofcial corpus. Some inected words are included here, if their inclusion is deemed particularly useful. Note that adpositions are free if before their modier, but are bound as a sufx if situated after it. Bold indicates Navi word. Italics indicate English denition. Plain text indicates grammatical categorisation: parentheses indicate x represents an inx, where tpre-rst1ar2on are the positions: I have included periods in the IPA to mark syllable divisions, and mid-dots to show inx positions (for beginners), as in [ta.Ron]. Irregular inxes are marked with (ii). Transitivity is marked if known: words marked v. are either unattested or ambitransitive, or their transitivity is unable to be deduced. Knowledge of lenition and other sound changes will be assumed. Note also that allomorphs, where specied, are subject only to personal preference, and not syntactic or morphological rules. There are several useful appendices that hold further information. Abbreviations: = morpheme boundary + = leniting morpheme boundary = inx morpheme adj. = adjective adp. = adposition adv. = adverb conj. = conjunction c.w. = compound word dem. = demonstrative intj. = interjection inter. = interrogative n. = noun num. = number part. = particle pn. = pronoun prop. n. = proper noun v. = verb svin. = stative intransitive verb vtr. = transitive verb vin. = intransitive verb

An English - Navi dictionary, and a Dictionary Categorised by Parts of Speech are provided, and may be helpful when searching fails. Translations are also available in German, Portugus, and Estonian. There are also other, unnished translations in other languages available. 1

I have sourced every word as best as I could. This sourcing is placed in a subscript after the IPA transcription, and tells where I, or the source from which I received a word, initially got their word from Frommer. In early March, Frommer sent us a list of words which he had: these are the denitive source now, and not the ASG. Some words are not present in that list, but have been conrmed by Frommer if they are here. Words that are modied by unproductive afxes are included here if Frommer has used them: words that have a modied semantic meaning due to a productive afx have also been included likewise. In order of canonicity, from most to least: PF = Paul Frommer M = The Movie JC = James Cameron G = the Avatar Games ASG = The Survival Guide

The Activists Survival Guide, a key early source of words, contained many words which are illegal - these are in the appendix. However, the plant names and songs are distinctly Frommerian, and are thus included in the dictionary proper. James Cameron himself made up many words, which Frommer then legalised. Frommer legalised some pronounciation errors made during lming: these, like osss, are now canon regardless. Finally, Frommer has deigned some constructions made by learners as good words, and so, occasionally there are extra sources. These sources are as follows: CP for CCH Pounder, LA for Laz Alonso, Prr for Prrton, RL for Richard Littauer, SW for Sam Worthington or Sigourney Weaver, ZS for Zo Saldana, and CM. Regarding the IPA, there are some other possible interpretations. Open syllables always use a tense [u] pronunciation, but closed syllables can be either tense [u] or lax [U]. There is no > > rule for which to use in closed syllables. So tsun, for example, can be either [tsun] or [tsUn], but lu is always [lu], never [lU]. Also, an alternate method of transcribing the diphthongs [Ej], [aj], [Ew], and [aw], not used here (for Frommer prefers the former), is [EI], [aI], [EU], and [aU]. been split in ac Concerning syllables, where not made clear by Frommer, the divisions have cordance with the Maximum Onset Principle. I have edited this dictionary too many times not to assume that it will have errors. Rutxe, if you note any, let me know here, and I will change them. As for version number, Ill change the rst digit when there is a big change. Ill update .0x0 when I make a signicant, but not large change. Finally, Ill edit the .00x number when Ive made tiny edits. Refer to the Change Log for explanation. Many, many thanks are to be given to Tuiq, who took the time and had the skill to put this dictionary into an online database, to help other translators and make the process of changing this dictionary much easier.

P ampi: ["Pam.pi] P F v. touch ango: ["Pa.No] P F adj. soft (of a sound) aw: [Paw] P F num. one awkx: [Pawk] P F n. cliff awlie: [Paw."li.E] P F adv. once (in the past) awlo: ["Paw.lo] P F adv. once awm: [Pawm] P F n. camp awpo: ["Paw.po] P F pn. one individual awsiteng: ["tEN] P F adv. together (c.w. from aw one and teng same, equal) awstengyem: [Paw.stEN."jEm] P F vtr. join two things together (ii) (c.w. from awsiteng together and yem put) awve: ["Paw.vE] P F adj. rst (ordinal) (derived from aw one) nsyem: [Pn."sjEm] P F adj. complete rp: ["P.RIp^] P F vtr. move eal: ["PE.Pal] P F adj. worst efu: ["PE.fu] P F vtr. feel, sense, perceive eko: ["PE.ko] P F v. attack ekong: ["PE.koN] P F n. beat (rhythmic) em: [PEm] P F vtr. cook engeng: ["PEN.EN] P F adj. level eoio: ["PE.o.i.o] P F adj. ceremonious eveng: ["PE.vEN] P F n. child A a: [a] P F adjectival attributive marker a: [a] P F pn. which, that alaksi: [a."] P F adj. ready alm: [a."lIm] P F adv. far away, at a distance (derived from lm far, be far) alo: [a."lo] P F n. time, turn, instance, one of a number of repeated or recurring actions alunta: [a."lun.ta] P F conj. because, from the reason apxa: [a."pa] P F adj. large asim: [a."sim] P F adv. nearby, at close range (derived from sim near, be near) atan: [a."tan] JC n. light atanvi: [a."] P F n. ray (derived from atan light) atokirina: ["Ri.naP^] JC n. seeds of the great tree (derived from rina seed) atxkxe: [at."kE] P F n. land au: ["a.u] JC n. drum (made of skin) au: [a."u] LA intj. exclamation of consternation aungia: [a."u.Ni.a] P F n. sign, omen awnga: [aw."Na] P F pn. we (derived from ayoeng we) ayfo: [aj."fo] or ["] P F pn. they (derived from po he, she) aylaru: [aj."la.Ru] P F pn. to the others (contraction of ay+laheru) aynga: [aj."Na] P F pn. you all, you (pl.) (derived from nga you) ayoe: [aj."o.E] P F pn. we (exclusive) (derived from oe I) ayoeng: [aj."wEN] P F pn. we (inclusive) (derived from oe I) (ayoenga base for sufxes) ayu: [a."ju] P F n. things (derived from u thing) (never plural u) evi: ["] P F n. kid (affectionate form of eveng child) ewan: ["PE.wan] P F adj. young ewll: ["PE.wl] P F n. plant " ] eylan: ["PEj.lan P F n. friend eyng: [PEjN] P F v. answer, respond eyt: [PEjt^] P F n. the symbol 8 (not the value eight) ia: ["PiP.a] P F vin. end, conclude ia: ["Pi.a] P F vin. lose oneself (spiritual sense) it: ["Pit^] P F n. bit, a small amount itan: ["Pi.tan] JC,P F n. son ite: ["Pi.tE] JC,P F n. daughter > itetsyp: ["Pi.tE.tsjIp^] P F n. little daughter (term of endearment) (derived from ite daughter) awn: [PI."Pawn] P F vin. remain, stay heyu: [PI."hE.ju] P F n. spiral ok: [Pok^] P F n. remembrance ong: [PoN] P F v. unfold, blossom opin: ["] P F n. color, colour ora: ["Po.Ra] P F n. lake u: [Pu] P F n. thing (object, fact, abstraction) uo: ["Pu.o] P F pn. something upe: ["Pu.pE] P F inter. what (thing) (c.w. from u thing and pe inter. marker) upxare: [Pu."pa.RE] P F n. message

ie: [."i.E] P F n. vision (spiritual) o: [".o] P F adp. below txle: [."t.lE] P F n. request E ean: ["] P F adj. blue, green ekxan: [E."kan] P F n. barricade, obstruction eltu: ["El.tu] P F n. brain eltu lefngap: ["El.tu lE."fNap^] P rr n. computer (c.w. from eltu brain and lefngap metallic) eltur ttxen si: [El.tuR tI."tEn si] P F vin. to be interesting, intriguing (c.w. from eltu-r brain (dative) and txen awake) eltu si: ["El.tu si] P F vin. pay attention, quit goong off (c.w. from eltu brain and si do, make) emzau: [Em."za.Pu] P F v. pass (a test), overcome (c.w. from em over and zau come) F fa: [fa] P F adp. with, by means of fahew: [fa."hEw] P F n. smell fay+: [faj] P F prex these (c.w. from f this and ay+ plural) fpa: ["] P F n. top fewi: ["fE.wi] P F vtr. chase f: [fI] P F prex this fu: [fI."Pu] P F pn. this (thing) (derived from u thing) ffya: [fI."fja] P F adv. this way, like this (derived from fyao path) fkem: [fI."kEm] P F pn. this (action) (derived from kem action, deed) fpo: ["fI.po] P F pn. this one (person or thing) (derived from po he, she) ftrr: [fI."tr] P F adv. today (derived from trr day) > ftseng(e)": [fI."tsEN(E)] P F adv. here, this place (derived from tseng place) ftxan: [fI."tan] P F adv. so, to such an extent (derived from txan great, much) ftxon: [fI."ton] P F adv. tonight (derived from txon night) fkarut: ["fka.Rut^] P F v. peel fkay: [fkaj] P F adj. hateful fkew: [fkEw] P F adj. mighty fkip: [fkip^] P F adp. up among fko: [fko] P F pn. one, it (unspecied agent) 4 fkxake: ["fka.kE] P F v. itch fkxen: [fkEn] P F n. vegetable (food) : [fl] P F vin. succeed ew: [flEw] P F n. throat fmal: [fmal] P F vtr. sustain fmawn: [fmawn] P F n. news, something to report fmetok: ["fmE.tok^] P F v. test fmi: [fmi] P F vtr. try, attempt (with the subjunctive) fne-: [fnE-] P F prex kind, type (derived from fnel kind, type) fnel: [fnEl] P F n. kind, type fnepe: ["fnE.pE] P F inter. which kind allomorph of pefnel fngap: [fNap^] P F n. metal fnu: [fnu] P F v. quiet, be quiet fo: [fo] P F pn. they (derived from ay+ deleted plural leniting morpheme and po he/she) fpak: [fpak^] P F v. hold off, suspend action fpe: [fpEP^] P F vtr. send fpeio: [fpE."i.o] P F n. challenge (ceremonial) fpi+: [fpi] P F adp. for the sake of, for the benet of fpl: [fpIl] P F vtr. think fplfya: ["fpIl.fja] P F n. thought pattern, way of thinking (c.w. from fpl think and fyao path) fpom: [fpom] P F n. well-being, peace, happiness eo: ["E.o] P F adp. before, in front of (place) etrp: ["Et.RIp^] auspicious

txle si: [."t.lE si] P F vin. request (with tsn clause for object) (c.w. from txle request and si make)

adj. favourable, favorable,

eyawr: [Ej."awR] P F adj. correct, right eyk: [Ejk^] JC,P F v. lead eyktan: ["Ejk.tan] eyk lead)

n. leader (derived from

Eywa ngahu: ["Ej.wa "] JC,P F intj. goodbye, Eywa (be) with you (derived from Eywa Gaia and ngahu with you)

fpomtokx: [fpom."tok] P F n. health (physical) (c.w. from fpom well-being and tokx body) fpxkm: ["fp.kIm] P F v. enter frau: ["fRa.Pu] P F pn. everything (derived from u thing) frakrr: ["] P F adv. always, all the time (derived from" krr time) fralo: [fRa."lo] P F n. every time, every instance, each time (derived from alo time) frapo: ["fRa.po] P F pn. everyone (derived from po he/she) frato: ["] P F superlative marker than all fratrr: [fRa."tr] P F adv. daily, every day (derived " ) from trr day > fratseng: ["fRa.tsEN] P F adv. everywhere (derived from tseng place) fratxon: [fRa."ton] P F adv. every night (derived from txon night) frp: [fRIp^] P F vtr. bite frrfen: ["fr.fEn] P F vtr. visit " ] frrtu: ["fr.tu P F n. guest, visitor " ftang: [ftaN] P F v. stop ftawnemkrr: [ftaw."] P F n. past (c.w. " (passive participle from ftawnem pass by form) and krr time) ftr: [ftR] P F adj. left (not right) fte: [ftE] P F conj. so that (with subjunctive verb in dependant clause) fteke: ["ftE.kE] P F conj. so that not, lest (c.w. from fte so that and ke not) (with subjunctive verb in dependant clause) H ha: [ha] P F adv. so, in that case hangir: [haP."NiR] P F n. afternoon hahaw: ["ha.haw] P F vin. sleep ham: [ham] P F adj. previous hamalo: [ha."ma.lo] P F adv. last time (c.w. from ham previous and alo time) hangham: ["haN.ham] P F vin. laugh hapx: [ha."pI] P F n. part hapxtu: [ha."pI.tu] P F n. member (c.w. from hapx part and tute person) hasey: [ha."sEj] P F adj. done, nished hawl: [hawl] P F v. prepare hawng: [hawN] P F n. overabundance hawnu: ["] P F v. protect, shelter hay: [haj] P F adj. next 5

ftem: [ftEm] P F vtr. pass by (something) ftia: [fti."a] P F v. study ftu: [ftu] P F adp. from (direction) ftue: ["ftu.E] P F adj. easy, simple ftxavang: ["fta.vaN] P F adj. passionate ftxey: [ftEj] P F vtr. choose ftxey: [ftEj] P F conj. whether, or ftx: [ftI] P F n. tongue ftxoz: [fto."z] P F n. celebration, happy occasion fu: [fu] P F conj. or fuke: [fu."kE] P F conj. or not (c.w. from fu or and ke not) furia: ["fu.Ri.a] P F conj. that (subordinate clause marker) (c.w. from furi this (topical) and a relative clause marker) futa: ["fu.ta] P F conj. that (subordinate clause marker) (c.w. from fu-t this (accusative) and a relative clause marker) fwa: [fwa] P F conj. that (subordinate clause marker) (c.w. from fu this (nominative) and a relative clause marker) fwel: [fwEl] P F adj. broken fwew: [fwEw] P F vtr. look for, seek, search fyao: ["fja.Po] P F n. path, way, manner fyape: ["fja.pE] P F inter. how allomorph of pefya fyawntxu: [fja.wIn."tu] P F vin. guide (with dative of thing guided) (c.w. from fyao path and wntxu show)

hayalo: [ha."ja.lo] P F adv. next time (c.w. from hay next and alo time) hewne: ["hEw.nE] P F adj. soft (of an object) heyn: [hEjn] P F vin. sit hiyk: ["hi.jIk^] P F adj. funny, strange hang: ["hI.PaN] P F n. insect (c.w. from hi small and ioang animal) hi: ["hI.Pi] P F adj. small, little (in size) hkrr: ["] P F n. second, very short time (c.w. from hi" little, small and krr time) hm: [hIm] P F adj. small (in quantity) hmtxampe: [hIm."tam.pE] P F inter. how much allomorph of pmtxan hmtxan: [hIm."tan] P F n. amount (c.w. from hm small and txan much)

hol: [hol] P F adj. few holpxay: [hol."paj] P F n. number (c.w. from hol few and pxay many) holpxaype: [hol."paj.pE] P F inter. how many (c.w. from holpxay number and pe how) I ien: ["iP.En] JC n. stringed instrument io: ["i.o] P F adp. above l+: ["I.l] or [I."l] P F adp. by, via, following K ka: [ka] P F adp. across kakrel: [kak."REl] P F adj. blind (derived from rel image, picture) kalin: [ka."lin] P F adj. sweet kaltx: [kal."tI] P F intj. hello kame: ["ka.mE] P F vtr. see, see into, understand, know (spiritual sense) kan: [kan] P F v. aim kangay: [ka."Naj] P F adj. valid (cognate with ngay true) kanu: ["] P F adj. smart, intelligent (for a person) kar: [kaR] P F v. teach karyu: ["kaR.ju] P F n. teacher (derived from kar teach) kato: ["] P F n. rhythm kavuk: [ka."vuk^] P F n. treachery kavuk si: [ka."vuk^ si] P F vin. betray (c.w. from kavuk treachery and si make) kawit: [kaw."Pit^] P F adv. at all, not at all (see ke...kawit all) (c.w. from ke aw not one and it bit) kawkrr: ["] P R adv. never (c.w. from ke " krr time) aw not one and kawng: [kawN] P F adj. bad, evil kawtu: ["kaw.tu] P F pn. no-one (c.w. from ke aw not one and tute person) kaym: [kajm] P F n. evening (before twilight), late afternoon k: [k] P F vin. go krp: [k."P.RIp^] P F vtr. push (c.w. from k go and rp move) 6

hrrap: ["hr.ap^] P F n. danger hu: [hu] "P F adp. with (accompaniment) hufwa: [hu."fwa] P F conj. although hufwe: [hu."fwE] P F n. wind hum: [hum] P F v. leave, depart

ioang: [i."o.aN] P F n. animal, beast irayo: [i."Raj.o] JC n., intj. thank you, thanks

ley: [I."lEj] LA intj. war cry

kmakto: [k."] P F v. ride out (c.w. from k go and makto ride) kpx: [k."pI] P F n. rear (part or section) (c.w. from k go and hapx part) > ksatseng: [k."sa.tsEN] P F adv. out there (c.w. from k go and tseng place) ke: [kE] P F adv. not keaw: [kE."Paw] P F adj. divided, torn apart, strife-ridden (c.w. from ke not and aw one) keu: ["kE.Pu] P F pn., adv. nothing, nothing at all, not at all (c.w. from ke not and u thing) kea: ["kE.a] P F adj. no (before a noun) keftxo: [kE."fto] P F adj., intj. unhappy, upset, How sad! kefyak: [kE."fjak^] P F,P rr part. isnt it?, right? (c.w. from kefya not the way and srak question marker) kehe: ["kE.hE] P F adv. no kelfpomtokx: [kEl."fpom.tok] P F adj. unhealthy (c.w. from ke not and fpomtokx health) kelku: ["kEl.ku] P F n. home, house kelku si: ["kEl.ku si] P F vin. live, dwell (c.w. from kelku home and si make) > keltsun: [kEl."tsun] P F adj. impossible (c.w. from ke not and tsun possible) kem: [kEm] P F n. thing (action), deed kemlu: ["kEm.lI.Pu] P F n. verb (c.w. from kem action and lu word) kempe: ["kEm.pE] P F inter. what (action) allomorph of pehem (c.w. from kem action, deed) kem si: [kEm si] P F vin. do (c.w. from kem action, deed and si do)

keng: [kEN] P F adv. even, so much as kenong: ["kE.noN] or ["kE.noN] P F v. model, represent, exemplify (ii) (c.w. from ke not and nong follow after) kerusey: ["kE.Ru.sEj] P F adj. dead (c.w. from ke not and rusey live (participial inx)) keteng: ["kE.tEN] P F adj. different (c.w. from ke not and teng same, equal) ketuwong: ["kE.tu.woN] P F n. alien kew: [kEw] P F num. zero kewong: ["kE.woN] P F adj. alien key: [kEj] P F n. face keyawr: [kE."jawR] P F adj. incorrect, not right (c.w. from ke not and eyawr correct) keyeung: [kE."jE.PuN] P F n. insanity kifkey: [ki."fkEj] P F n. world (physical, solid) kilvan: [kil."van] P F n. river kin: [kin] P F v. need kinam: [ki."nam] P F n. leg kinamtil: [ki."nam.til] P F n. knee (c.w. from kinam leg and til joint) kin: ["ki.n] P F num. seven kip: [kip^] P F adp. among kive: ["ki.vE] P F adj. seventh (ordinal) (derived from kin seven) kong: [kI."PoN] P F adj. slow km: [kIm] P F v. spin Kx kxa: [ka] P F n. mouth kxam: [kam] P F n. middle, midpoint kxaml: ["kam.l] P F adp. through (via the middle of) (derived from kxam middle) kxamtrr: ["] P F n. mid-day, noon (c.w. " and trr day) from kxam middle kxamtrrmaw: ["] P F n. the time " early afternoon (c.w. immediately after noon, from kxamtrr noon and maw after) > kxamtseng: ["kam.tsEN] P F n. center, place in the middle (c.w. from kxam center and tseng place) kxamtxomaw: ["] P F n. after midnight (c.w. from kxamtxon midnight and maw after) kxamtxon: ["kam.ton] P F n. midnight (c.w. from kxam middle and txon night)

kng: [kIN] P F n. thread ktee: [kI.tE."PE] P F n. service kyevame: [kI.jE."va.mE] P F intj. good-bye, see you again soon (c.w. from kame see and yev future subjunctive inx) kllfro: [kl."fRoP^] P F v. be responsible " kllk: [kl."k] P F v. descend (c.w. from k go) " kllkulat: [kl."^] P F v. dig up " kllkxem: [kl."kEm] P F v. stand " kllpa: ["] P F n. bottom " kllpxltu: [kl."pIl.tu] P F n. territory " kllte: ["kl.tE] P F n. ground > " klltseng: ["kl.tsEN] P F n. position (c.w. from ") tseng place ko: [ko] P F part. solicit agreement koak: ["ko.ak^] P F adj. old, aged (for living things) kop: [kop^] P F adv. too, also koren: [ko."REn] P F n. rule, guideline krr: [kr] P F n. time " krrnekx: [kr."nEk] P F v. take/consume time (ii) " krr time and nekx consume) (c.w. from krrpe: ["kr.pE] P F inter. when allomorph of pe" from krr time) hrr (c.w. kuup: ["ku.Pup^] P F adj. heavy (physical weight) kurakx: [ku."Rak] P F v. drive out

kxangangang: ["kaN.aN.aN] P F intj. boom (onomatopoeic) kxan: ["ka.nI] P F adj. forbidden kxawm: [kawm] P F adv. perhaps, maybe kxayl: [kajl] P F adj. high kxener: ["kE.nER] P F n. smoke > kxetse: ["kE.tsE] P F n. tail kxeyey: ["kE.jEj] P F n. error, mistake kxitx: [kit] P F n. death kxll: [kl] P F n. charge, running attack kxll si: "[kl si] P F vin. charge (c.w. from kxll " si make) charge and kxu: [ku] P F n. harm kxuke: ["ku.kE] P F adj. safe (c.w. from kxu harm and ke not) kxutu: ["ku.tu] P F n. enemy (derived from kxu harm)

L lahe: ["la.hE] P F adj. other, else lam: [lam] P F vin. seem, appear lapo: ["la.po] P F pn. other one (person or thing) (c.w. from lahe other, else and po he, she) laro: ["la.Ro] P F adj. clean latem: ["la.tEm] P F vin. change (leykatem vtr. change) > latsi: [la."tsi] LA v. keep up with someone law: [law] P F adj. clear, certain layon: [la."jon] P F adj. black le: [lE] P F adjective deriving afx lefngap: [lE."fNap^] P F adj. metallic (derived from fngap metal) lefpom: [lE."fpom] P F adj. happy, peaceful, joyous (not for people) (derived from fpom happiness, peace) lefpomtokx: [lE."fpom.tok] P F adj. healthy (derived from fpomtokx health) lehawng: [lE."hawN] P F adj. excessive (derived from hawng overabundance) lehrrap: [lE."hr.ap^] P F adj. dangerous (derived from hrrap" danger) lek: [lEk^] P F v. heed, obey lekin: [lE."kin] P F adj. necessary (derived from kin need) lekoren: [lE.ko.REn] P F adj. lawlike (derived from koren rule) lekyeung: [lEk."jE.PuN] P F adj. insane, crazy (derived from keyeung insanity) lemweypey: [lEm."wEj.pEj] P F adj. patient (derived from maweypey be patient) len: [lEn] P F vin. happen, occur leNavi: [lE."] P F adj. having to do with the Navi, the people (derived from Navi the people) lerk: [lE."RIk^] P F adj. leafy (derived from rk leaf ) lertu: ["lER.tu] P F n. colleague lesar: [lE."saR] P F adj. useful (derived from sar use) M ma: [ma] P F part. O (vocative marker) makto: ["] P F v. ride maw: [maw] P F adp. after (time) mawey: [ma."wEj] CM adj. calm 8 maweypey: [ma."wEj.pEj] P F svin. be patient (ii) (c.w. from mawey calm and pey wait) mawkrr: ["] P F adv. after, afterwards " after and krr time) (c.w. from maw letam: [lE."tam] P F adj. sufcient (derived from tam sufce) letrr: [lE."tr] RL adj. daily (derived from trr day) " letrrtrr: [lE."] P F adj. ordinary (derived " )" from trr day > letsranten: [lE."tsRan.tEn] P F adj. important (derived from tsranten matter) > letsunslu: [lE."tsun.slu] P F adj. possible (derived from tsunslu may, be possible) lew: [lEw] P F n. cover, lid lew si: [lEw si] P F vin. cover (c.w. from lew cover and si make) lfya: ["lIP.fja] P F n. language (c.w. from lu word and fyao way) lfyaolo: ["lI.fja.o."loP] P F n. language group, language users (c.w. from lfya language and olo clan) lfyavi: ["] P F n. expression, bit of language (derived from lfya language) lu: ["lI.Pu] P F n. word lupe: [lI."Pu.pE] P F inter. what (word, utterance) allomorph of pelu lm: [lIm] P F svin. far, be far lok: [lok^] P F v. approach lok: [lok^] P F adp. close to lonu: [lo."nu] P F vtr. release, let go lor: [loR] P F adj. beautiful, pleasant to the senses (non-human) lrrtok: ["lr.tok^] P F n. smile " lrrtok si: ["lr.tok^ si] P F vin. smile (c.w. from " and si make) lrrtok smile lu: [lu] P F vin., svin. be, am, is, are (predicative copula, existential verb) (signies possession with dative of possessor) luke: ["lu.kE] P F adp. without lumpe: ["lum.pE] P F inter. why allomorph of pelun lun: [lun] P F n. reason

meem: [mE."PEm] P F adj. harmonious mefo: ["] P F pn. they, those two (derived from me+ dual marker and po he/she) mekre: ["mEk.RE] P F n. supplies melo: ["mE.lo] P F adv. twice (derived from me+ dual marker and alo time) menari: [mE."na.Ri] P F n. eyes (two) (derived from me+ dual and nari eye) meoauniaea: ["E.a] P F n. harmony, living at one with nature meuia: [mE."u.i.a] P F n. honor (honour) meyp: [mEjp^] P F adj. weak mi: [mi] P F adv. yet, still, as before mikyun: ["mik.jun] JC n. ear mip: [mip^] P F adj. new m+: [mI] P F adp. in, on mfa: ["mI.fa] or [mI."fa] P F n., adv. inside mkam: [mI."kam] P F adp. between mn: [mIn] P F v. turn mnyu: ["mIn.ju] P F n. turner (derived from mn turn) N na: [na] P F adp. like, as narng: ["naP.RIN] P F n. forest nafu: [na.fI."Pu] P F adj. such (c.w. from na as and fu this) nang: [naN] P F part. surprise, exclamation, encouragement nari: ["na.Ri] P F n. eye nari si: ["na.Ri si] P F vin. watch out, be careful (c.w. from nari eye and si make) nawm: [nawm] P F adj. great, noble nawmtu: ["nawm.tu] P F n. great person (derived from nawm great) nayn: [najn] P F n. the symbol 9 (not the value nine) nk: [nk^] P F vtr. drink ne: [nE] P F adp. to, towards (direction) nem: [nE."PIm] P F adv. back (direction) nef: [nE."f] P F adv. up (direction) nekll: [nE."kl] P F adv. down (direction) " ne kllte: [nE "kl.tE] P F intj. get down (c.w. from " the ground) ne to and kllte nekx: [nEk] P F vtr. burn, consume nemfa: ["nEm.fa] P F adp. into, inside (c.w. from ne towards and mfa inside) 9

mso: [mI."so] P F adv. away (position) (derived from m into) mllte: [ml."tE] P F v. agree " ] moe: ["mo.E P F pn. we two (exclusive) (derived from me+ dual and oe I) mokri: ["mok.Ri] P F n. voice mowan: [mo."wan] P F adj. pleasing, enjoyable mrr: [mr] P F num. ve ""mr.vE] mrrve: [ P F adj. fth (ordinal) (derived " from mrr ve) mui: [mu."i.] P F adj. proper, fair, right, justied muni: [mun."Pi] P F v. cut mune: ["mu.nE] P F num. two munge: ["mu.NE] P F vtr. take, bring mungwrr: [muN."wr] P F adp. except muntxa: [mun."ta] P" F adj. mated muntxa si: [mun."ta si] P F vin. mate (with someone) (c.w. from muntxa mated and si do, make) muve: ["mu.vE] P F adj. second (ordinal) (derived from mune two)

neto: [nE."to] P F adv. away (direction) (derived from ne to) new: [nEw] P F vtr. want (with subjunctive verb) ni: [ni."] P F vtr. grab nikre: ["nik.RE] P F n. hair nitram: [nit."Ram] P F adj. happy (of people) n: [nI] P F adverbial deriving afx naw: [nI."Paw] P F adv. only (derived from aw one) nawtu: [nI."Paw.tu] P F adv. alone (as one person) (c.w. from aw one and tute person) nawve: [nI."Paw.vE] P F adv. rst (derived from awve rst) neoio: [nI."PE.o.i.o] P F adv. ceremoniously (derived from eoio ceremonious) neyng: [nI."PEjN] P F adv. back, in response, in answer (derived from eyng answer) nia: [nI."PiP.a] P F adv. nally, at long last (derived from ia end) nit: [nI."Pit^] P F adv. a bit, a small amount (abstract) (derived from it bit, a small amount) nul: [nI.Pul] P F adv. more nawnomum: ["no.mum] P F adv. as you know, as is known (derived from awn pas-

sive particple inx and omum know) nayoeng: [naj."wEN] P F adv. like us, as we do (derived from ayoeng us (inclusive)) nftue: [nI."ftu.E] P F adv. easily (derived from ftue easy) nftxavang: [nI."fta.vaN] P F adv. passionately, with all heart (derived from ftxavang passionate) nfyao: [nI."fja.Po] P F adv. in a manner (derived from fyao way) nhawng: [nI."hawN] P F adv. too, excessively (derived from hawng overabundance) nkong: [nIk."PoN] P F adv. slowly (derived from kong slow) nkanu: [nI."] P F adv. intelligently, in a smart way (derived from kanu smart) nkeftxo: [nI.kE."fto] P F adv. unfortunately, sadly (derived from keftxo unhappy) nlaw: [nI."law] P F adv. clearly (derived from law clear) nlkeftang: [nIl.kE."ftaN] P F adv. continuously, incessantly, without stopping (c.w. from luke without and ftang stop) > nltsan: [nIl."tsan] P F adv. well (derived from sltsan good) nmun: [nI."mun] P F adv. again nmwey: [nIm."wEj] P F adv. calmly, peacefully (derived from mawey calm) nmweypey: [nIm."wEj.pEj] P F adv. patiently (derived from maweypey be patient) nn: [nIn] P F vtr. look at nNavi: [nI."] P F adv. like the Navi, Navi-ly (derived from Navi the People) nngay: [nI."Naj] P F adv. truly (derived from ngay true) nprrte: [nI."pr.tEP^] P F adv. pleasurably, wel" zolau), gladly, with pleasure come (assumed (derived from prrte pleasurable) Ng nga: [Na] P F pn. you > ngatsyp: ["Na.tsjIp^] P F pn. little you, you little (derived from nga you) ngawng: [NawN] P F n. worm ngay: [Naj] P F adj. true ngaytxoa: [Naj."to.a] P F intj. sorry, my apologies (acknowledgment of guilt and regret) (c.w.

npxi: [nI."pi] P F adv. especially, pointedly, unambiguously (derived from pxi sharp) npxim: [nI."pim] P F adv. erectly, rightly (derived from pxim erect, upright) nrangal: [nI."Ra.Nal] P F adv. wish (contrary to fact) (derived from rangal wish) nsti: [nI."sti] P F adv. angrily (derived from sti angry) nswey: [nI."swEj] P F adv. optimally, best (derived from swey best) nsyen: [nI."sjEn] P F adv. lastly (derived from syen last) ntam: [nI."tam] P F adv. enough (after an adjective) (derived from tam sufce) nteng: [nI."tEN] P F adv. too, also, as well, likewise (derived from teng same, equal) ntut: [nI."tut^] P F adv. continually (derived from tut continuation marker) ntxan: [nI."tan] P F adv. much (abstract), very (derived from txan much) nwin: [nI."win] P F adv. fast (derived from win fast) nwotx: [nI."wot] P F adv. all (of), in toto, completely (derived from wotx totality, whole) nzawnong: [nI."zaw.noN] zong adv. safely (derived from awn passive particple inx) nong: [noN] P F v. follow, proceed after nulkrr: [nul."kr] P F adv. longer (time) (derived " ) from krr time nulnew: [nul."nEw] P F v. prefer (ii) (derived from new want) nume: ["nu.mE] P F v. learn numeyu: ["nu.mE.ju] P F n. student (derived from nume learn) > numtseng: ["num.tsEN] P F n. school (c.w. from nume learn and tseng place) > numtsengvi: ["] P F n. classroom, division of a school (derived from numtseng school)

from ngey your and txoa forgiveness) ngng: [NN] P F n. stomach ngenga: [NE."Na] P F pn. you (honoric (honouric) form) (derived from nga you) ngeyn: [NEjn] P F adj. tired ngian: [Ni."an] P F,SW adv. however ngim: [Nim] P F adj. long (physical length)


nguway: ["Nu.waj] P F n. howl, viperwolf cry (dengop: [Nop^] P F v. create rived from way song) ngopyu: ["Nop.ju] P F n. creator (derived from ngop create) ngrr: [Nr] P F n. root " O oe: ["o.E] P F pn. I, me oeng: ["wEN] P F pn. we two (dual inclusive), you and I (derived from oe I) > oetsyp: ["wE.tsjIp^] P F pn. little me (derived from oe I) oeyk: [o."Ejk^] P F n. cause oeyktng: [o."Ejk.tIN] P F v. explain (why) (ii) (c.w. from oeyk cause and tng give) ohakx: [o."hak] P F adj. hungry P pao: ["pa.Po] P F n. side pak: [pak^] P F part. for disparagement pam: [pam] P F n. sound pamrel: [pam."REl] P F n. writing (c.w. from pam sound and rel image) pamrel si: [pam."REl si] P F vin. write (c.w. from pamrel writing and si make) > pamtseo: ["pam.tsE.o] P F n. music (c.w. from pam sound and tseo art) > pamtseotu: ["pam.tsE.o.tu] P F n. musician (derived from pamtseo music) pate: ["pa.tE] ZS v. get to a place, arrive pawm: [pawm] P F v. ask pay: [paj] P F n. water, liquid payfya: ["paj.fja] P F n. stream (c.w. from pay water and fyao way) payoang: [paj."o.aN] P F n. sh (c.w. from pay water and ioang animal) phem: ["p.hEm] P F vin. arrive pngkxo: [pN."ko] P F vin. chat, converse, have a conversation pngkxoyu: [pN."ko.ju] P F n. chatter, converser (derived from pngkxo chat) pngkxoyu lekoren: [pN."ko.ju lE.ko."REn] P F n. lawyer (c.w. from pngkxoyu chatter and lekoren concerning law) pnu: [] P F n. promise pnutng: ["] P F vtr. promise (a thing to someone) (ii) (c.w. from pnu promise and tng give) > pts: ["p.tsI] P F n. badge pe+: [pE] P F afx inter. marker peun: ["pE.Pun] P F vtr. decide pefnel: [pE."fnEl] P F inter. which kind allomorph of fnepe pefya: [pE."fja] P F inter. how allomorph of fyape pehem: [pE."hEm] P F inter. what (action) allomorph of kempe (c.w. from kem action, deed) pehrr: [pE."hr] P F inter. when allomorph of krr" pe (c.w. from krr time) pelu: [pE."lI.Pu] P F inter. what (word, utterance) allomorph of lupe pelun: [pE."lun] P F inter. why allomorph of lumpe peng: [pEN] P F vtr. tell peseng: [pE."sEN] P F inter. where allomorph of tsengpe pesu: [pE."su] P F inter. who allomorph of tupe peu: [pE."u] P F inter. what (thing) allomorph of upe pewn: [pEwn] P F n. neck pey: [pEj] P F v. wait, wait for piak: [pi."ak^] P F adj. open piak si: [pi."ak^ si] P F vin. open (c.w. from piak open and si make) pizayu: ["] P F n. ancestor pmtxan: [pIm."tan] P F inter. how much allomorph of hmtxampe ohe: ["o.hE] P F pn. I (deferential or ceremonial form) osss: [o.I"s:] LA intj. angry snarl, watch it! olo: [o."loP^] P F n. clan oloeyktan: [o.lo."PEjk.tan] JC n. clan leader (c.w. from olo clan and eyktan leader) omum: ["o.mum] P F vtr. know (note inx) ontu: ["on.tu] JC n. nose


plltxe: [pl."tE] P F v. speak " pn. he, she po: [po] P F poan: [po."an] P F pn. he (derived from po he, she) poe: [po."E] P F pn. she (derived from po he, she) polpxay: [pol."paj] P F inter. how many (c.w. from holpxay number and pe how) pom: [pom] P F v. kiss pongu: ["po.Nu] P F n. group of people, party (derived from po he/she) prrkxentrrkrr: [] Skxawng n. day ti" " " me smoking pleasure, vibrating tongue (Navi idiom) (c.w. from prrte pleasure, kxener Px pxan: [pan] P F adj. worthy pxask: ["pa.sIk^] P F intj. screw that!, no way! (vulgar) pxasul: ["pa.sul] P F adj. fresh, appealing as food pxaw: [paw] P F adp. around pxawpa: ["] P F n. perimeter, circumference, border (c.w. from pxaw around and pao side) pxay: [paj] P F adj. many pxel: [pEl] P F adp. like, as pxey: [pEj] P F num. three pxeyve: ["pEj.vE] P F adj. third (ordinal) (derived from pxey three) pxi: [pi] P F adj. sharp pxim: [pim] P F adj. erect, upright pximaw: [pi."maw] P F adp. right after (c.w. from maw after (time) and pxi sharp) R

smoke, trr day and krr time) prrnen: ["pr.nEn] P F n. infant, baby prrnesyul: " ["pr.nE.sjul] P F n. bud (c.w. from prrnen baby" and syulang ower) prrte: ["pr.tEP^] P F adj. pleasurable (of an activi" ty) prrwll: ["pr.wl] P rr n. moss (c.w. from prrnen " ewll " baby and plant) pukap: ["pu.kap^] P F num. six pum: [pum] P F n., pn. possession, thing possessed puve: ["pu.vE] P F adj. sixth (ordinal) (derived from pukap six)

pxiset: [pi."sEt^] P F adv. right now (c.w. from set now and pxi sharp) pxisre+: [pi."sRE] P F adp. right before (c.w. from sre before (time) and pxi sharp) pxiswawam: [pi.swaw."am] P F adv. just a moment ago (c.w. from swaw moment and am past) pxiswaway: [pi.swaw."aj] P F adv. in just a second from now (c.w. from swaw moment and ay future marker) pxiyern: [pi."jEP.RIn] P F adv. immediately (not as soon as pxiswaway) (c.w. from yern soon and pxi sharp) pxm: [pIm] P F adv. often pxor: [poR] P F vin. explode pxun: [pun] P F n. arm pxuntil: ["pun.til] P F n. elbow (c.w. from pxun arm and til joint)

> reltseo: ["REl.tsE.o] P F n. visual art (c.w. from rel image and tseo art) ralpeng: [Ral."pEN] P F v. interpret (ii) (c.w. from > reltseotu: ["REl.tsE.o.tu] P F n. artist (derived ral meaning and peng tell) from reltseo art) ramunong: [Ra."mu.noN] P F n. well renu: ["] P F n. pattern rangal: ["Ra.Nal] P F v. wish rewon: ["RE.won] P F n. morning rawke: ["Raw.kE] P F intj. alarm cry, call to defenrey: [REj] P F vin. live se reyeng: [REj."PEN] P F n. the Balance of Life (der: [R."P] P F part. do not (for negative imperived from rey life) ratives, commands only) reypay: ["REj.paj] P F n. blood (c.w. from rey live reo: ["RE.Po] P F n. head and pay water) rel: [REl] P F n. image, picture rikx: [Rik] P F vin. move, shift position ral: [Ral] P F n. meaning 12

rim: [Rim] P F adj. yellow rina: [Ri."naP^] P F n. seed rk: [RIk^] P F n. leaf ro+: [Ro] P F adp. at (locative) rofa-: ["Ro.fa] P F adp. beside, alongside rol: [Rol] P F v. sing ronsem: ["Ron.sEm] P F n. mind S sanok: ["saP.nok^] P F n. mother(from saatenuk C ) sanu: ["] P F n. mum, mommy (affectionate form of sanok mother) > sanutsyp: ["^] P F n. little mommy (used for young girls) (derived from sanu mommy) saa: ["sa:] LA intj. threatening cry salew: [sa."lEw] P F v. proceed, go san: [san] P F adv. saying, quote sar: [saR] P F vtr. use sat: [sat^] P F pn. that (lenited form of tsat, irregularly lenited after ftu from) sau: [sa."u] LA intj. exclamation upon exertion, urgh s: [s] P F prex instrumental noun (derived from snume teaching and sspxin disease) sfpl: [s."fpIl] P F n. idea snume: [s."nu.mE] P F n. teaching, instruction (derived from nume teach) snumvi: [s."] P F n. lesson (derived from snume teaching) sspxin: [s."spin] P F n. disease, sickness (derived from spxin sick) > sspxintsyp: [s."spin.tsjIp^] P F n. minor ailment (derived from sspxin illness) sekrr: ["] P F adv. present (c.w. from set now " ) and krr time sempu: ["sEm.pu] P F n. daddy (affectionate form of sempul father) sempul: ["sEm.pul] P F n. father set: [sEt^] P F adv. now sevin: [sE."vin] P F adj. pretty (of people) seykxel: [sEj."kEl] P F adj. strong (emotionally, spiritually, not physical), condent seyri: ["sEj.Ri] JC n. lip si: [si] P F auxiliary verb, postpositional nonbound verb do, make deriving afx sim: [sim] P F svin. near, be near

rum: [Rum] P F n. ball run: [Run] P F vtr. nd, discover rusey: [Ru."sEj] P F adj., n. alive, living, living thing (c.w. from rey live and us active participle inx) rutxe: [Ru."tE] P F intj. please

s: [sI] P F conj. and (connects two things, can be attached as s: for clauses use ulte and) sk: [sIk^] P F adv. unquote slpey: [sIl."pEj] P F vin. hope (with tsn for thing hoped, unless in independent clause) (ii) (c.w. from sltsan good and pey wait) slronsem: [sIl."Ron.sEm] P F adj. clever, smart (thing) (c.w. from sltsan good and ronsem mind) > sltsan: [sIl."tsan] P F adj. good sn: [sIn] P F adp. on, onto skaa: [ska."Pa] P F vtr. destroy skepek: ["skE.pEk^] M adj. formal skien: ["ski.En] P F adj. right (not left) skxakep: ["ska.kEp^] P F adj., adv. probable, probably skxawng: [skawN] P F n. moron, idiot skxom: [skom] P F n. chance, opportunity sl: [sl] P F conj. but sleyku: [slEj."ku] P F vtr. produce (derived from slu become and eyk causative inx) slu: [slu] P F v. become sngap: [sNap^] P F vtr. sting sngi: ["sN.Pi] P F vin. begin, start sngikrr: ["] P F n. beginning, starting " time (c.w. from sngi begin and krr time) sngiyu: ["sN.Pi.ju] P F n. beginner (derived from sngi begin) sngel: [sNEl] P F n. garbage, trash, rubbish > sngeltseng: ["sNEl.tsEN] P F n. rubbish place, garbage dump (c.w. from sngel garbage and tseng place) snumna: ["] CP adj. dim (of a person) soaia: [so."a.i.a] P F n. family sok: [sok^] P F adj. recent som: [som] P F adj. hot sop: [sop^] P F vin. travel spaw: [spaw] P F v. believe sp: ["sp] P F v. jump


spee: [spE."PE] P F vtr. capture speetu: [spE."PE.tu] P F n. captive (derived from spee capture) speng: [spEN] P F v. restore spule: ["spu.lE] P F vtr. propel spuwin: ["] P F adj. old (not for people), former spxam: [spam] P F n. mushroom, fungus spxin: [spin] P F adj. sick srak(e): ["sRak(E)] P F part. inter. marker for yes or no questions sran: [sRan] P F adv., intj. yes (colloquial) srane: ["sRa.nE] P F adv., intj. yes sraw: [sRaw] P F adj. painful sre+: [sRE] P F adp. before (time) sre: [sREP^] P F n. tooth srekamtrr: [sRE."] n. the time before noon " and kxamtrr mid-day) (c.w. from sre before srekamtxon: [sRE."kam.ton] P F n. before midnight (c.w. from sre before and kamtxon midnight) srekrr: [sRE."kr] P F adv. before, already, ahead of " time (c.w. from sre before and krr time) sresea: [sRE.sE."Pa] P F v. prophetize, prophesize, prophesy (c.w. from sre+ before and tsea see)D sresrrong: ["PoN] P F n. before dawn (c.w. from sre before" and trrong dawn) sretonong: [sRE.ton."PoN] P F n. dusk, evening before sunset (c.w. from sre before and txonong night-fall) srew: [sREw] P F vin. dance T ta: [ta] P F adp. from (various uses) taem: [ta."PEm] P F adv. from above taleng: ["taP.lEN] P F n. skin tafkip: [ta."fkip^] P F adp. from up among (c.w. from ta from and fkip up among) tafral: [ta."fRal] P F adv. therefore, because of that takip: [ta."kip^] P F adp. from among (c.w. from ta from and kip among) takuk: ["ta.kuk^] P F vtr. strike talun(a): [ta."lun(a)] P F conj. because, from the reason (c.w. from ta from and lun reason) tam: [tam] P F vin., intj. sufce, do", OK tam tam: [tam tam] M,T intj. calm, be content, there there

srung: [sRuN] P F n. help, assistance srung si: [sRuN si] P F vin. help (c.w. from srung help and si make, do) stawm: [stawm] P F vtr. hear stn: ["stP.nI] P F vtr. catch steftxaw: [stE."ftaw] P F vtr. examine, check steyki: [stEj."ki] P F vtr. anger, make someone angry (derived from sti anger and eyk causative inx) sti: [sti] P F vin. angry, be angry sto: [sto] P F v. refuse (to do something) stum: [stum] P F adv. almost stxong: [stoN] P F adj. strange, unfamiliar, unknown sung: [suN] P F vtr. add sutx: [sut] P F vtr. track, follow, lock up swaw: [swaw] P F n. moment swey: [swEj] P F adj. best swir: [swi."R] P F n. creature swizaw: [swi."zaw] P F n. arrow swok: [swok^] P F adj. sacred swotu: ["swo.tu] P F n. sacred place syaw: [sjaw] P F vin. call, name syay: [sjaj] P F n. fate sy: ["sj.P] P F adj. bitter syen: [sjEn] P F adj. last, nal syep: [sjEp^] P F vtr. trap syo: [sjo] P F adj. light (physical weight), lightweight syulang: ["sju.laN] P F n. ower syuve: ["sju.vE] P F n. food

tangek: ["ta.NEk^] P F n. trunk (of a tree) tanh: [tan."hI] P F n. star, bioluminescent freckle taron: ["ta.Ron] JC,P F vtr. hunt taronyu: ["ta.Ron.ju] JC,P F n. hunter (c.w. from taron hunt and yu agent sufx) > taronyutsyp: ["ta.Ron.ju.tsjIp^] P F n. little hunter (derived from taronyu hunter) tatep: ["ta.tEp^] P F vtr. lose track, lose awareness of something tatlam: [tat."lam] P F adv. apparently (derived from lam seem) taw: [taw] P F n. sky taweyk(a): [ta."wEjk(a)] P F conj. because, based on the cause


tawng: [tawN] P F vin. duck, dive tftxu: [t."ftu] P F vtr. weave tftxuyu: [t."ftu.ju] P F n. weaver (derived from tftxu weave and yu agent sufx) ttxaw: [t."taw] P F vin. return te: [tE(P)] JC part. used in full names tei: [tE.i] G n. plain tel: [tEl] P F vtr. receive telem: [tE."lEm] P F n. cord tem: [tEm] P F vin. shoot teng: [tEN] P F adj. same, equal tengfya: ["tEN.fja] P F conj. as, same way as (c.w. from teng same, equal and fyao path) tengkrr: [tEN."kr] P F conj. while, same time as " same, equal and krr time) (c.w. from teng teri: [tE."Ri] P F adp. about, concerning terkup: ["tER.kup^] P F vin. die teswotng: [tE."swo.tIN] P F v. grant (ii) (c.w. from tng give) tete: ["tE.tE] P F adj. dull (as a blade) tewti: ["tEw.ti] P F intj. wow, expression of surprise and pleasure teya: [tE."ja] P F adj. full teya si: [tE."ja si] P F vin. ll (with dative of thing lled) (c.w. from teya full and si do, make) teyr: [tEjR] P F adj. white til: [til] P F n. joint, hinge tirea: [ti."RE.a] P F n. spirit tireafyao: [ti."RE.a.fja.Po] P F n. spirit path (c.w. from tirea spirit and fyao path) tireaioang: [ti."RE.a.i.o.aN] P F n. spirit animal (c.w. from tirea spirit and ioang animal) tireapngkxo: [ti."RE.a.pN.ko] P F v. commune (c.w. from tirea spirit and pngkxo chat) t: [tI] W noun. deriving afx tawm: [tI."Pawm] P F n. camping (derived from awm camp) tawm si: [tI."Pawm si] P F vin. camp (c.w. from awm camp and si make) tawpo: [tI."Paw.po] P F n. individuality (negative connotation), selshness (derived from awpo one individual) tefu: [tI."PE.fu] P F n. feeling (derived from efu feel) teylan: [tI."PEj.lan] P F n. friendship (derived from eylan friend) teyng: [tI."PEjN] P F n. answer, response (derived from eyng answer)

tiavay: [tI."PiP.a.vaj] P F adv. until the end (c.w. from ia end and vay until) tfmetok: [tI."fmE.tok^] P F n. test (derived from fmetok test) tfnu: [tI."fnu] P F n. quiet, silence (derived from fnu quiet) tftang: [tI."ftaN] P F n. stopping (derived from ftang stop) tftia: [tI."fti.a] P F n. study (derived from ftia study) tftia kifkey: [tI."fti.a kif.kE.j] P F n. science, the study of the physical world (c.w. from tftia study and kifkey world) tftxey: [tI."ftEj] P F n. choice (derived from ftxey choose) tfyawntxu: [tI.fja.wIn."tu] P F n. guidance (derived from fyawntxu guide) thawl: [tI."hawl] P F n. preparations, plan (derived from hawl prepare) thawnu: [tI."] P F n. protection (derived from hawnu protect, shelter) tkan: [tI."kan] P F n. aim, goal, purpose, target (derived from kan aim) tkangkem: [tI."kaN.kEm] P F n. work (derived from kem action, deed) tkangkem si: [tI."kaN.kEm si] P F vin. work (c.w. from tkangkem work and si do, make) tkangkemvi: [tI."] P F n. project, piece of work (derived from tkangkem work) tkanu: [tI."] P F n. intelligence (derived from kanu smart) tkawng: [tI."kawN] P F n. evil (derived from kawng bad) tkenong: [tI."kE.noN] P F n. example (derived from kenong model) tketeng: [tI."kE.tEN] P F n. difference (c.w. from ke not and teng same) tkin: [tI."kin] P F n. need (derived from kin need) tkusar: [tI.ku."saR] P F n. teaching (the act) (derived from kar teach) tkxey: [tI."kEj] P F n. incorrectness, mistakeness (derived from kxeyey mistake) tkxey si: [tI."kEj si] P F vin. mess up, foul, do wrong (c.w. from tkxey incorrectness and si make) tlam: [tI."lam] P F n. appearance (derived from lam seem)


tlor: [tI."loR] P F n. beauty (derived from lor beautiful) tm: [tIm] P F adj. low tmeem: [tI."mE.PEm] P F n. harmony (general sense) (derived from meem harmonious) tmuntxa: [tI.mun."ta] P F n. mating, marriage (derived from muntxa mated) tmweypey: [tIm."wEj.pEj] P F n. patience (derived from maweypey be patient) tng: [tIN] P F v. give tngay: [tI."Naj] P F n. truth (derived from ngay true) tng mikyun: [tIm "mik.jun] P F vin. listen (derived from tng give and mikyun ear) tng nari: [tIn "na.Ri] P F vin. look (derived from tng give and nari eye) tngop: [tI."Nop^] P F n. creation (derived from ngop create) > tng tseng: [tIN tsEN] vin. back down, give ground (derived from tng give and tseng ground) toeyktng: [tI."wEjk.tIN] P F n. explanation (derived from eyk cause (root)) tohakx: [tI.o."hak] P F n. hunger (derived from ohakx hungry) tpawm: [tI."pawm] P F n. question (derived from pawm ask) tphem: [tI."p.hEm] P F n. arrival (derived from phem arrive) tpngkxo: [tI.pN."ko] P F n. conversation, discussion (derived from pngkxo chat) > tpngkxotsyp: [tI.pN.ko.tsjIp^] P F n. little conversation (derived from tpngkxo conversation) tpeun: [tI."pE.Pun] P F n. decision (derived from peun decide) tprrte: [tI."pr.tEP^] P F n. pleasure (derived from prrte" pleasurable) tran: [tI."Ran] P F vin. walk trey: [tI."REj] P F n. life (derived from rey live) trol: [tI."Rol] P F n. song (derived from rol sing) tskaa: [tI.ska."Pa] P F n. destruction (derived from skaa destroy) tsop: [tI."sop^] P F n. journey (derived from sop travel) tspxin: [tI."spin] P F n. the state of being ill, sickness (derived from spxin sick) tsraw: [tI."sRaw] P F n. pain (derived from sraw painful)

tsraw seyki: [tI."sRaw sEj."ki] P F vtr. hurt (someone or something) (c.w. from tsraw pain and seyki make (causative)) tsraw si: [tI."sRaw si] P F vin. hurt, be painful (c.w. from tsraw pain and si make) tsresea: [tI."sRE.sE.Pa] P F n. prophecy (derived from sresea prophetize) tsti: [tI."sti] P F n. anger (derived from sti angry) ttakuk: [tI."ta.kuk^] G n. strike (derived from takuk strike) > ttslam: [tI."tslam] P F n. understanding, intelligence (derived from tslam understand) ttusaron: [tI.tu."sa.Ron] P F n. hunting (derived from taron hunt) ttxanew: [tI."ta.nEw] P F n. greed (derived from txanew greedy) ttxen: [tI."tEn] P F n. awakeness, the state of waking (derived from txen awake) ttxula: [tI."] P F n. construction, constructed thing (derived from txula build) ttxur: [tI."tuR] P F n. strength, power (derived from txur strong) t us: [tI us] P F gerund (verbal noun) deriving afx (Productive) tvawm: [tI."vawm] P F n. darkness (derived from vawm dark) tyawn: [tI."jawn] P F n. love (derived from yawne beloved) tyawr: [tI."jawR] P F n. correctness (derived from eyawr correct) tyusom: [tI.ju."som] P F n. eating (the act) (derived from yom eat) to: [to] P F superlative marker than (behaves like an adp.) tok: [tok^] P F vtr. be at, occupy a space tokx: ["tok] P F n. body toltem: [tol."tEm] P F vtr. shoot tompa: ["] P F n. rain toruk makto: [to.Ruk^] JC n. toruk rider (c.w. from toruk leonopteryx and makto ride) trr: [tr] P F n. day " trrawve: [tr."Paw.vE] P F n. Sunday (c.w. from " awve rst) trr day and trrong: [tr."PoN] P F n. dawn, sunrise (c.w. from " trr day and ong unfold) trrongmaw: [tr."PoN.maw] P F n. dawn after " sunrise (c.w. from trrong dawn and maw af-


ter) trram: [tr."am] P F adv. yesterday (derived from " and ham previous) trr day trray: [tr."aj] P F adv. tomorrow (derived from " and hay next) trr day trrkive: [tr."ki.vE] P F n. Saturday (c.w. from trr " kive seventh) day and trrmrrve: [tr."mr.vE] P F n. Thursday (c.w. from " mrrve " trr day and fth) trrmuve: [tr."mu.vE] P F n. Monday (c.w. from " muve second) trr day and trrpeve: [tr."pE.vE] P F inter. which day (c.w. from trr "day and peve which of the week) trrpuve: [tr."pu.vE] P F n. Friday (c.w. from trr day and "puve sixth) trrpxeyve: [tr."pEj.vE] P F n. Tuesday (c.w. from " pxeyve third) trr day and > trrtsve: [tr."tsI.vE] P F n. Wednesday (c.w. from " trr day and tsve fourth) Ts > tsa: [tsa] P F prex that > tsau: ["tsa.Pu] P F dem. that (thing) (c.w. from tsa that and u thing) > tsafya: [tsa."fja] P F pn. that way, like that (c.w. from tsa- that and fyao way) > tsa-hey: ["tsa."hEj] ZS intj. expression of warning or frustration, crap!, ah, hell! > tsaheyl si: [tsa."hEjl si] P F vin. bond with, establish a neural connection (c.w. from tsaheylu bond and si make) > tsaheylu: [tsa."] JC,P F n. bond (neural connection) > > tsakem: ["tsa.kEm] or [tsa."kEm] P F dem. that (action) (derived from tsa- that and kem action) > tsakrr: [tsa."kr] P F dem. then, at that time (deri" that and krr time) ved from tsa> tsakrrvay: [tsa."kr.vaj] P F adv. until then, in the meantime (c.w."from tsakrr that time and vay up to) > tsal: [tsal] P F pn. that, it (transitive subject) > tsalsungay: ["Naj] P F adv. nevertheless, even so > tsam: [tsam] P F n. war > tsampongu: ["tsam.po.Nu] P F n. war party (c.w. from tsam war and pongu party)

trrtxon: [tr.ton] P F n. the day and night cycle of " (c.w. from trr day and txon night) Pandora tu: [tu] direct object noun deriving afx, as in speetu captive T tukru: [tuk."Ru] P F n. spear tul: [tul] P F vin. run tung: [tuN] P F v. allow tungzup: [tuN."zup^] P F vtr. drop (ii) (c.w. from tung allow and zup fall) tup: [tup^] P F conj. instead of, rather than tupe: ["tu.pE] P F inter. who allomorph of pesu tut: [tut^] P F part. continuation marker tutan: [tu."tan] P F n. male (person) (derived from tute person) tute: ["tu.tE] P F n. person tute: [tu."tE] P F n. female (person) (derived from tute person) tuteo: ["tu.tE.o] P F pn. somebody, someone (derived from tute person) tuvon: ["tu.von] P F v. lean

> tsamsiyu: ["] P F n. warrior (derived from tsam si make war and yu agent sufx) > tsapalute: [tsap."] P F n. apology > tsapalute si: [tsap." si] P F vin. apologise (apologize) (c.w. from tsapalute apology and si make) > tsaria: ["tsa.Ri.a] P F conj. that (subordinate clause marker) (c.w. from tsau-ri that (topical) and a relative clause marker) > tsat: [tsat^] P F pn. that, it (as object) > tsata: ["tsa.ta] P F conj. that (subordinate clause marker) (c.w. from tsau-t that (accusative) and a relative clause marker) > > > > tsatseng: [tsa."tsEN] or ["tsa.tsEN] P F dem. there, that place (c.w. from tsa that and tseng place) > tsatu: ["tsa.tu] P F dem. that person (c.w. from tsa that and tute person) > tsaw: [tsaw] P F dem., pn. that, it (as intransitive subject) > tsawa: ["tsa.wa] P F conj. that (subordinate marker) (c.w. from tsau that (nominative) and a relative clause marker) > tsawke: ["tsaw.kE] P F n. sun > tsawl: [tsawl] P F adj. big (in size), tall > tsawlh: [tsawl."hIP^] P F n. size (c.w. from tsawl big (in size) and hi small (in size))


> tsawl slu: [tsawl slu] P F vin. grow (c.w. from tsawl big and slu become) > ts: [tsP^] P F v. squirt > tse: [tsE] P F part. well (conversation starter) > tsea: [tsE."Pa] P F vtr. see (physical sense) > tseng(e): ["tsEN(E)] P F n. place > tsengo: ["tsE.No] P F pn. somewhere (derived from tseng place) > tsengpe: ["tsEN.pE] P F inter. where allomorph of peseng > tseo: ["tsE.o] P F n. art > tsewtx: [tsEwt] P F adj. dirty > tsim: [tsim] P F n. source > tsng: [tsIN] P F num. four > tsve: ["tsI.vE] P F adj. fourth (ordinal) (derived from tsng four) > tskalep: ["tska.lEp^] P F n. crossbow > tsko: [tsko] P F n. bow (weapon) > tsko swizaw: [tsko swi."zaw] P F n. bow and arrow (c.w. from tsko bow and swizaw arrow) > tskxe: [tskE] P F n. rock, stone > tskxekeng: ["tskE.kEN] P F n. training, exercise > tslam: [tslam] P F vtr. understand > tsleng: [tslEN] P F adj. false > tslolam: [tslo."lam] P F intj. get it, I understand (derived from tslam understand and ol perfect aspect inx) > tsmuk: [tsmuk^] P F n. sibling > tsmukan: ["tsmu.kan] P F n. brother (derived from tsmuk sibling) > tsmuke: ["tsmu.kE] P F n. sister (derived from tsmuk sibling) > tsmuktu: ["tsmuk.tu] P F n. sibling (derived from tsmuk sibling) > tsngal: [tsNal] P F n. cup > tsngan: [tsNan] P F n. meat > tsngawvk: ["tsNaw.vIk^] P F vin. cry, weep > tsn: [tsnI] P F conj. that (function word) (with subjunctive verb in dependant clause) Tx txa: [taP^] P F adj. hard txal: [tal] P F n. back (of the body)

> tsop: ["tso.pI] P F n. lung > tspang: [tspaN] P F vtr. kill > tsranten: ["tsRan.tEn] P F vin. matter, be of import > tsray: [tsRaj] P F n. village > tsrei: ["tsRE.Pi] P F vtr. throw > tstal: [tstal] P F n. knife > tstew: [tstEw] P F adj. brave > tstu: [tstu] P F adj. closed, shut > tstunwi: ["tstun.wi] P F adj. kind, thoughtful, considerate > tstu si: [tstu si] P F vin. close (c.w. from tstu closed and si make) > tstxo: [tsto] P F n. name > tstxolu: ["tsto.lI.Pu] P F n. noun (c.w. from tstxo name and lu word) > tsuksm: ["tsuk.sIm] P F n. chin > tsulf: [tsul."f] P F n. mastery > tsulf si: [tsul."f si] P F vin. master (c.w. from tsulf mastery and si do, make) > tsulftu: [tsul."f.tu] P F n. master of an art, craft, or skill, expert (derived from tsulf mastery) > tsun: [tsun] P F vin. can, be able (with subjunctive) > tsunslu: ["tsun.slu] P F vin. may, be possible (c.w. from tsun be able and slu become) > tsurokx: [tsu."Rok] P F v. rest > tswa: [tswaP^] P F v. forget > tswayon: ["tswa.jon] P F vin. y > tswin: [tswin] P F n. queue, braid > > tswintsyp: ["tswin.tsjIp^] P F n. little queue (derived from tswin queue) > tsyal: [tsjal] P F n. wing > tsyo: [tsjo] P F n. our > tsyokx: [tsjok] P F n. hand > tsyosyu: ["tsjo.sju] P F n. food made from our (c.w. from tsyo our and syuve food)

txan: [tan] P F adj. great, much, many (in quantity)

txanew: ["ta.nEw] P F adj. greedy (c.w. from txtxampay: [tam."paj] P F n. sea, ocean (c.w. from an much and new want) > txan great and pay water) txantsan: ["tan.tsan] P F adj. excellent > txampx: [tam."pI] P F n. majority, most, large txantslusam: ["tan.tslu.sam] P F adj. wise (c.w. part (derived from txan much) from txan much and tslusam understand) 18

> txantstew: ["tan.tstEw] P F n. hero (c.w. from txan very and tstew brave) txantur: ["tan.tuR] P F adj. powerful (c.w. from txan much and txur power) txayo: ["] P F n. eld, open terrain txelan: [tEP."lan] P F n. heart txele: ["tE.lE] P F n. matter (subject) txen: [tEn] P F adj. awake txep: [tEp^] P F n. re > txeptsyp: ["tEp.tsjIp^] P F n. dear or cute little re (derived from txep re) txepvi: ["] P F n. spark (derived from txep re) txewk: [tEwk^] P F n. club (weapon) txey: [tEj] P F v. halt txm: [tIm] P F n. butt, rear end, ass txng: [tIN] P F v. leave, abandon txo: [to] P F conj. if txoa: ["to.a] P F n. forgiveness U uimi: [u.Pi.mi] ASG n. streamer, pendant ukxo: [u."ko] P F adj. dry ulte: ["ul.tE] P F conj. and (clausal conjunction) ultxa: [ul."ta] P F n. meeting ultxarun: [ul."ta.Run] P F v. encounter, meet by chance (ii) (c.w. from ultxa meeting and run nd) ultxa si: [ul."ta si] P F vin. meet with someone intentionally (use with) unil: ["u.nil] JC n. dream uniltrantokx: [u.nil.tI."Ran.tok] JC,P F n. avatar, dreamwalker body (c.w. from uniltranyu V vawm: [vawm] P F adj. dark vay: [vaj] P F adp. up to vaykrr: [vaj."kr] P F conj. until (c.w. from vay " time) up to and krr v: [vP^] P F adj. unpleasant to the senses, noisome venu: ["] P F n. foot venzek: ["vEn.zEk^] P F n. toe (c.w. from venu foot and zekw nger) vey: [vEj] P F n. food made from animal origin, esh

txokefyaw: ["to.kE.fjaw] P F conj. if not, or else, otherwise (c.w. from txo-ke-fyao-aw if not one path) txon: [ton] P F n. night txonong: [ton."PoN] P F,P rr n. night-fall, sunset, dusk, gloaming (c.w. from txon night and ong unfold) txonongmaw: [ton."PoN.maw] P F n. twilight, the time before dark, after sunset (c.w. from txonong sunset and maw after) txonam: [to."nam] P F adv. last night (derived from txon night and ham previous) txonay: [to."naj] P F adv. tomorrow night (derived from txon night and hay next) txopu: ["to.pu] P F n. fear txopu si: [to.pu si] P F vin. be afraid (c.w. from txopu fear and si do, make) txula: ["] P F v. build, construct txum: [tum] P F n. poison txur: [tuR] P F adj. strong (physically)

dreamwalker and tokx body) uniltranyu: [u.nil.tI."Ran.ju] P F n. dreamwalker (c.w. from unil dream and tranyu walker) uo: ["u.o] P F adp. behind utral: ["ut.Ral] P F n. tree > utraltsyp: ["ut.ral.tsjIp^] from utral tree) uvan: [u."van] P F n. game uvan si: [u."van si] P F vin. play (a game) (c.w. from uvan game and si make, do) n. bush (derived


vir: [vi."R] P F v. spread, proliferate vitra: [vit."Ra] P F n. soul vol: [vol] P F num. eight volve: ["vol.vE] P F adj. eighth (ordinal) (derived from vol eight) vrrtep: ["vr.tEp^] P F n. demon " vul: [vul] P F n. branch (of a tree) vur: [vuR] P F n. story vurvi: ["] P F n. summary, synopsis (derived from vur story)


W way: [waj] P F n. song waytelem: ["waj.tE.lEm] P F n. song chord (c.w. from way song and telem chord) w+: [w] P F adp. against (as in: ght against) wem: [wEm] P F vin. ght wempongu: ["wEm.po.Nu] P F n. squad, military clan, battle party (c.w. from wem ght and pongu group) wew: [wEw] P F adj. cold weyn: [wEjn] P F v. draw, illustrate win: [win] P F adj. fast Y ya: [ja] P F n. air yawne: ["jaw.nE] P F adj. beloved yawnetu: ["jaw.nE.tu] P F n. loved one (derived from yawne beloved) yawntu: ["jawn.tu] P F n. loved one (derived from yawne beloved) yayo: ["] P F n. bird (c.w. from ya air and ioang animal)D yn: [jn] P F vtr. fasten, tie down yern: ["jEP.RIn] P F adv. soon yem: [jEm] P F vtr. put, place yemfpay: [jEm."fpaj] P F n. dipping, immersion (into liquid) (c.w. from yem put) Z zarp: [za."P.RIp^] P F vtr. pull (derived from rp move) zau: ["za.Pu] P F vin. come zam: [zam] P F num. sixty four zamunge: [za."mu.NE] P F vtr. bring (derived from munge bring) zapx: [za."pI] P F n. front (part or section) (derived from hapx part) zawng: [zawN] P F vin. scream zekw: ["zEk.w] P F n. nger zene: ["zE.nE] P F vin. must (with subjunctive) zenke: ["zEN.kE] P F vin. must not (with subjunctive) (ii) (c.w. from zene must and ke not) zerok: ["zE.Rok^] P F v. remember zst: ["zI.sIt^] P F n. year zong: [zoN] P F v. save, defend > zongtseng: ["zoN.tsEN] P F n. safe place, refuge (c.w. from zong save and tseng place) zoplo: [zop."lo] P F n. offence, insult zup: [zup^] P F vin. fall zusawkrr: [zu."] P F n. future (c.w. from " krr time) zusau coming and yemfpay si: [jEm."fpaj si] P F vin. dip into liquid (c.w. from yemfpay dipping and si make, do) yey: [jEj] P F adj. straight ym: [jIm] P F vtr. bind yol: [jol] P F adj. short (of time) yom: [jom] P F vtr. eat yomtng: ["jom.tIN] P F vin. feed (with dative object) (ii) (c.w. from yom eat and tng give) yu: [ju] W nominative agent noun deriving afx, as in taron-yu hunter yur: [juR] P F v. wash win spi: [win s."pi] P F vin. hurry (c.w. from win fast and spi do (reexive)) win si: [win si] P F vin. rush something, make something fast (c.w. from win fast and si do) wiya: ["wi.ja] ZS intj. expression of warning or frustration, damn! wntxu: [wIn."tu] P F v. show wok: [wok^] P F adj. loud wotx: [wot] P F n. totality, whole wrrpa: ["] P F n., adv. outside > " tso wutso: ["wu. ] P F n. dinner, served meal


The Number System

The following are charts of Navi numbers. Note that it is not a decimal, but an octal system. Underlining indicates where the stress ought to fall. The numbers 8 and 9 are included for terrestrial number reference, such as in phone numbers. They do not signify the value of 8 or 9. Navi Numbers: 0 39 1 2 3 vol mevol pxevol volaw mevolaw pxevolaw vomun mevomun pxevomun vopey mevopey pxevopey vosng mevosng pxevosng vomrr mevomrr pxevomrr vofu mevofu pxevofu vohin mevohin pxevohin

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

0 kew aw mune pxey tsng mrr pukap kin

4 tsvol tsvolaw tsvomun tsvopey tsvosng tsvomrr tsvofu tsvohin

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Navi Numbers: 40 63 5 6 7 mrrvol puvol kivol mrrvolaw puvolaw kivolaw mrrvomun puvomun kivomun mrrvopey puvopey kivopey mrrvosng puvosng kivosng mrrvomrr puvomrr kivomrr mrrvofu puvofu kivofu mrrvohin puvohin kivohin

Ordinal Numbers Number + -ve 1 awve 2 muve 3 pxeyve 4 tsve 5 mrrve 6 puve 7 kive 8 volve

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

x1 aw mune pxey tsng mrr pukap kin

More Navi Numbers: combining x8 x64 x512 -aw vol zam vozam -mun mevol mezam mevozam -pey pxevol pxezam pxevozam -sng tsvol tszam tsvozam -mrr mrrvol mrrzam mrrvozam -fu puvol puzam puvozam -hin kivol kizam kivozam Non-Navi Numbers 8 eyt 9 nayn

x4096 zazam mezazam pxezazam tszazam mrrzazam puzazam kizazam



Here is a list of the Pandoran times of the day, as well as names made for the terrestrial week. Stress is again shown with underlining. Trrtxon trrong dawn trrongmaw after dawn rewon morning srekamtrr before noon kxamtrr noon kxamtrrmaw after noon hangir early afternoon kaym late afternoon sretonong before nightfall txonong nightfall txonongmaw after nightfall txon night srekamtxon before midnight kxamtxon midnight kxamtxomaw after midnight txon night sresrrong before dawn trrong dawn

Days of the Terrestrial Week Sunday trrawve Monday trrmuve Tuesday trrpxeyve Wednesday trrtsve Thursday trrmrrve Friday trrpuve Saturday trrkive

Navi Loan Words

puk: [puk^] P F n. book (loaned from Eng. book) > puktsyp: ["puk.tsjIp^] P F n. pamphlet, booklet (derived from puk book) pxir: [piR] P F n. beer (loaned from Deutsch bier) tawsp: ["taw.sIp^] P F n. sky-ship (loaned from Eng. ship) toktor: ["tok.toR] P F n. doctor (loaned from Eng. doctor) > tsynel: [tsj.nEl] P F n. TV channel (loaned from Eng. channel) > tsyrf: [tsjI.R.fI] P F n. giraffe (loaned from Eng. giraffe) wou: [wo.u] P F svin. to be amazing, fascinating (slang) (with dative subject) (loaned from Eng. whoa) Yu.E.Sey: [ju.E.sEj] P F prop.n. USA (loaned from Eng. USA)

ngls: ["PIN.lI.sI] P F n. English language (loaned from Eng. English) Rrta: ["Pr.ta] P F,P rr prop.n. Earth (loaned " Earth) from Eng. feyzrr: ["fEj.zr] W n. phaser, ray-gun (loaned from Eng. " phaser) > hamets: [ha.mE.tsI] P F n. leavened bread (loaned from Hebrew chametz) jakesully: [ZEjksu:li] M n. moron, toruk mak" Eng. Jake Sully) (not nortoyu (loaned from mally allowable under Navi phonotactic rules) kunsp: ["kun.sIp^] P F n. gunship (loaned from Eng. gunship) > matsa: [ma.tsa] P F n. matsa, crackers (loaned from Hebrew matsa) plok: [pI."lok^] P F n. blog (loaned from Eng. blog)


Navi Proper Nouns

Moat: ["mo.Pat^] JC prop.n. tsahk of the Omatikaya (also pronounced Moat) Moatite: [mo.Pat.Pi.tE] JC prop.n. daughter of Moat (derived from Moat a woman and ite daughter) Mukata: [mu.ka.ta] G prop.n. male of the Tawkami Navi: ["] P F prop.n. the People, indigenous Pandoran sentient race Neranak: [nE.RaP.nak^] G prop.n. female of the Tawkami Newey: [nE."wEj] P F prop.n. female Navi Neytiri: [nEj.ti.Ri] JC prop.n. female Navi of the Omatikaya Ninat: [ni.nat^] JC prop.n. female singer of the Omatikaya Nok: [nok^] G prop.n. male of the Tawkami Oloniwin: [] G prop.n. male elder of the Tipani Omati: [] G prop.n. male of the Tawkami Omatikaya: ["ka.ja] JC,S prop.n. Blue Flute Clan Onantu: [o.nan.tu] G prop.n. male of the Tawkami Otamu: [] G prop.n. male of the Tipani Otranyu: [ot."Ran.ju] JC prop.n. name Peyral: [pEj."Ral] P F prop.n. female of the Omatikaya Raiuk: [Ra.i.Puk^] G prop.n. male of the Anurai Raltaw: [Ral.taw] G prop.n. male hunter of the Tipani Ralu: ["] P F prop.n. male Navi Rini: ["] P F prop.n. female Navi Rongloa: ["RoN.lo.a] JC prop.n. a clan Snume: [] G prop.n. tsahk of the Tipani (derived from snume teaching) Seyvaro: [] G prop.n. male of the Tawkami Seze: ["sE.zE] ZS prop.n. Neytiris banshee Silwanin: [sil.wa.nin] JC prop.n. Neytiris sister Sorewn: [so."REwn] P F prop.n. female Navi Swawta: [swaw.ta] G prop.n. male of the Tipani Swotulu: ["] P F prop.n. sacred river (derived from swotu sacred place) Taantasi: [] G prop.n. Tantalus, rocky place on Pandora

Akwey: [ak."wEj] JC prop.n. male Navi Amanti: [] G prop.n. female of the Tipani Amhul: [am."hul] P F prop.n. female Navi nst: ["n.sIt^] P F prop.n. male Navi Anurai: [] G prop.n. clan name Ateyitan: [a.tEj.i.tan] JC prop.n. son of Ateyo (derived from Ateyo male name and itan son) Ateyo: [a."] JC prop.n. male Navi Ayvitray Ramunong: [aj.vit."Ra.j Ra."mu.noN] JC prop.n. Well of Souls (c.w. from vitra soul and ramunong well) Entu: ["En.tu] P F prop.n. male Navi Eytukan: ["Ej.tu.kan] JC prop.n. male leader of the Omatikaya Eywa: ["Ej.wa] JC prop.n. world spirit, Gaia (derived from Proto-Indo-European *aiw) T Eywaeveng: [Ej.wa."PE.vEN] JC,P F prop.n. Pandora (c.w. from Eywa Gaia and eveng child) Fmilam: [fmi.lam] G prop.n. female of the Tipani Hukato: [] G prop.n. male of the Tipani Ikalu: [] G prop.n. male of the Tipani Iknimaya: [""ma.ja] JC prop.n. Stairway to Heaven, the rite of passage for young Navi staw: [I."staw] P F prop.n. male Navi Kamun: ["ka.mun] P F prop.n. male Navi (affectionate form Kamtsyp) Kaoli Tei: [ tE.i] G prop.n. the plains of Goliath Kelutral: ["kE.lut.Ral] P F prop.n. Hometree (c.w. from kelku home and utral tree) Kusati: [] G prop.n. female warrior of the Tipani Liona: [] G,F prop.n. a clan Loak: ["lo.ak^] P F prop.n. male Navi Lompo: [lom.po] G prop.n. male of the Tawkami Lungoray: [lu.No.Raj] G prop.n. shaman of the Tipani Malimi: [] G prop.n. male of the Tawkami Marali: [] G prop.n. female of the Tipani Maweytakuk: [ma.wEj.ta.kuk^] G prop.n. male Navi Mekanei: [mE.ka.nE.i] G prop.n. male of the Tipani


Tasun: [ta.sun] G prop.n. male hunter of the Lona Tawkami: [taw.ka.mi] G prop.n. a clan (c.w. from taw sky and kame see) Tawtute: ["taw.tu.tE] P F prop.n. Sky-person, human (c.w. from taw sky and tute person) Tilikaru: [] G prop.n. a Tipani village Tipani: [] G prop.n. a clan > Tsalaw: [] G prop.n. male of the Tawkami > Tsahk: ["tsa.hIk^] JC prop.n. matriarch, high priestess, interpreter > Tsaro: [tsa.Ro] G prop.n. male of the Tipani > Tsenu: ["] P F prop.n. female Navi > Tskaha: ["tska.ha] JC prop.n. a tribe or clan > Tsmuke: [tsmu.kE] G prop.n. a Tipani village > Tsutey: [tsuP."tEj] JC prop.n. male of the Omatikaya

> Tsumongwi: [tsu.moN.wi] JC prop.n. original name for the Omatikaya Tuke: ["tu.kE] P F prop.n. female Navi Txew: ["tE.wI] P F prop.n. male Navi Txilte: ["til.tE] P F prop.n. female Navi > Ukamtsu: [u.kam.tsu] G prop.n. male of the Tipani Umkansa: [] G prop.n. a Tipani village Uniltaron: [u.nil."ta.Ron] P F prop.n. Dream Hunt (c.w. from unil dream and taron hunt) Unipey: [] G prop.n. female of the Tipani Utral Aymokriy: ["ut.Ral aj."mok.Ri.j] JC,P F prop.n. Tree of Voices (c.w. from utral tree and mokri voice)(from utraya mokri J C ) Vaer Ramunong: [va.PE.R] G prop.n. Vaderas Hollow Varu: ["vaP.Ru] P F prop.n. male Navi Vayaha: [va.ja.ha] G prop.n. a Tipani village

Flora and Fauna

Flora o: ["P.Po] P F n. pitcher plant ampirikx: ["Pam.pi.Rik] P F n. leaf pitcher plant (c.w. from ampi touch and rikx move) elewll: ["PE.lEP.wl] P F n. thorny paw, cactus " (derived from ewll plant) anheyu: [a.nI."hE.ju] P F n. bonacci, blue spiral plant (c.w. from ean blue and heyu spiral) apxangrr: [a."pa.Nr] P F n. delta tree (c.w. from " apxa large and ngrr root) awaiei: [a.wa.i."E.i] P F n. banshee of paradise eanean: [""] P F n. cheadle, herbaceous plant (c.w. from ean blue) eyaye: [E."ja.jE] P F n. warbonnet fkxakewll: ["fka.kE.wl] P F n. itch plant (c.w. " ewll plant) from fkxake itch and ee: ["flE.flE] P F n. Sols delight, magnetotrophic plant fngapsutxwll: ["fNap.sut.wl] P F n. metalfollowing plant (c.w. from" fngap metal and sutx follow) fwkwll: ["fw.kI.wl] P F n. mantis orchid (c.w. " and ewll plant) from fwk mantis hrumwll: [hI."Rum.wl] P F n. puffer plant kllpxiwll: [kl."pi.wl] " P F n. lionberry (c.w. from " " kllte ground and pxiwll sharp plant) kxaylte: ["kajl.tE] P F n. cillaphant (derived from kxayl high) loreyu: [lo."RE.ju] P F n. helicoradian, beautiful spiral (c.w. from lor beautiful and heyu spiral) mnyu: ["mIn.ju] P F n. turner, twisted lily (derived from mn turn) mulpxar: [mul."paR] P F n. roosterhead plant paliwll: ["] P F n. direhorse pitcher plant (c.w. from pali" direhorse and ewll plant) > pamtseowll: ["pam.tsE.o.wl] P F n. cat ear, mu" sic plant (c.w. from pamtseo music and ewll plant) paywll: ["paj.wl] P F n. water plant, dapophet " water and ewll plant) (c.w. from pay penghrrap: [pEN."hr.ap^] P F n. binary sunshine, " from peng tell and hrrap fringed lamp (c.w. danger) pxayzekw: [pay."zEk.w] P F n. spiny whips (c.w. from pxay many and zekw nger) pxiut: ["pi.ut^] P F n. razor palm, sharp tree (c.w. from pxi sharp and utral tree) pxiwll: ["pi.wl] P F n. hermit bud plant (c.w. " and ewll plant) from pxi sharp


pxorna: ["poR.naP^] P F n. episoth, exploding seed (c.w. from pxor explode and rina seed) pxornalor: ["poR.naP."loR] P F n. sari, beautiful exploding seed plant (c.w. from pxorna exploding seed and lor beautiful) rawp: [Rawp^] P F n. bladder polyp rumut: ["Rum.ut^] P F n. ball tree (c.w. from rum ball and utral tree) seze: ["sE.zE] P F,ZS n. blue ower smaoe: [sma."o.E] P F n. phalanxia, heavily thorned plant sngukx: [sNuk] P F n. grub plant somtlor: ["som.tI.loR] P F n. popsicle, hot beauty (c.w. from som hot and tlor beauty) syeptute: ["sjEp.tu.tE] P F n. hyneman, person trapper (c.w. from syep trap and tute person) tautral: ["ta.ut.Ral] P F n. sky tree (c.w. from taw sky and utral tree) > tawtsngal: ["taw.tsNal] P F n. panopyra, sky cup (c.w. from taw sky and tsngal cup) thawnuwll: [tI."] P F n. spartan, protection plant (c.w. from" thawnu protection and ewll plant) tompawll: ["] P F n. geode, rain plant " and ewll plant) (c.w. from tompa rain torukspxam: ["to.Ruk.spam] P F n. octoshroom, great leonopteryx fungus (c.w. from toruk great leonopteryx and spxam mushroom) > tsawlapxangrr: ["] P F n. unidelta " tree, lit. tall large root (c.w. from tsawl large Fauna > angtsk: ["PaN.tsIk^] P F n. hammerhead eltungawng: ["El.tu.NawN] P F n. brainworm (c.w. from eltu brain and ngawng worm) fpxafaw: ["fpa.faw] P F n. medusa fwk: ["fw.kI] P F n. mantis ikran: ["ik.Ran] JC n. banshee ikranay: ["ik.Ra.naj] ASG n. forest banshee(nonF) T kaliweya: [ka.liP.wE.ja] ASG n. species of poisonous arachnid lonataya: [] ASG n. medusa

and ngrr root)(for short, tsawlapx) > tstxaa: ["tsta.Pa] P F n. canalyd > tsyorinawll: [tsjo.Ri."naP.wl] P F n. cycad, our " seed and ewll seed plant (c.w. from rina plant) txllu: ["tl.Pu] P F n. hookagourd " txumpaywll: ["tum.paj.wl] P F n. scorpion " (c.w. from txum thistle, poison water plant poison and paywll water plant) > txumtswll: [tum."tsP.wl] P F n. Baja tickler, " from ts squirt poison-squirting plant (c.w. and ewll plant) utral utu mauti: [ut.Ral u.tu ma.u.ti] ASG n. push fruit tree (c.w. from utral tree and utu mauti push fruit) utu mauti: [u.tu ma.u.ti] ASG n. banana fruit, push fruit vfewll: ["v.fE.wl] P F n. Centipede, bad-smell " v unpleasant and fahew plant (c.w. from smell) vrumut: ["v.Ru.mut^] P F n. vein pod (c.w. from v unpleasant and rum ball) Vitrautral: [vit."Ra.ut.Ral] P F prop.n. Tree of Souls (c.w. from vitra soul and utral tree) yomhang: [jom."hIP.aN] P F n. small animal/insect eater, dakteron (c.w. from yom eat and hang insect) yomioang: [jom.i."o.aN] P F n. chalice plant (c.w. from yom eat and ioang animal)

nantang: ["nan.taN] JC,P F n. viperwolf Caniferratus costatus, striped armored wolf pali: ["] P F n. direhorse palulukan: ["lu.kan] JC n. thanator riti: ["Ri.ti] JC n. stingbat talioang: ["tal.i.o.aN] JC n. sturmbeest (derived from ioang animal) teylu: ["] JC n. beetle larva toruk: ["to.Ruk^] JC n. great leonopteryx, last shadow yerik: ["jE.Rik^] P F n. hexapede zize: [zi."zEP^] P F n. hellre wasp


Useful Phrases

These are some useful idiomatic phrases that generally have a single semantic meaning. Often the word order can be changed, although the morphemes are probably invariable. efu ohakx: ["PE.fu o."hak] P F phrase be hungry (c.w. from efu feel and ohakx hungry) ftxey...fuke: [ftEj fu."kE] P F phrase whether...or (c.w. from ftxey whether and fuke or not) hayalo ta oe (oeta): [ha."ja.lo ta "o.E ("wE.ta)] P F phrase next time from me (derived from hayalo next time and oeta from me) ke pxan: [kE pan] P F phrase Im not worthy (derived from ke not and pxan worthy) ke...kawit: [kE kaw."Pit^] P F phrase all (c.w. from ke not and kawit at all) kea tkin: [kE.a tI.kin] P F phrase no need (for thanks) (c.w. from kea no and tkin need) kefya srak: [kE."fja sRak^] P F phrase isnt that so? right? no? (c.w. from fya way and srak yes?) krro krro: ["kr.o "kr.o] P F phrase at times, on occasion (derived from krr time) > " tsul."f ngaru tsulf:" ["Na.Ru ] P F phrase to your the mastery (derived from ngaru to you and tsulf mastery) oeru meuia: [wE.Ru mE.u.i.a] P F phrase an honor to me, it was an honour (derived from oeru to me and meuia honor) pum ngey: [pum "NE.j] P F phrase yours, I should thank you (derived from pum possession and ngey your) seykxel s nitram: [sEj."kEl sI nit."Ram] P F phrase strong and happy!, congratulations (derived from seykxel strong and nitram happy) tefum oey: [tI."PE.fu.mI "o.E.j] P F phrase in my opinion (c.w. from tefu feeling and oey my) tiavay krr: [tI."PiP.a.vaj "kr.] P F phrase forever, until the end of time (c.w. from tiavay until " the end and krr time) tkxey ngaru: [tI."kEj "Na.Ru] P F phrase youre wrong (derived from tkxey incorrectness and ngaru to you) tyawr ngaru: [tI."jawR "Na.Ru] P F phrase youre right (c.w. from tyawr correctness and ngaru to you) zolau nprrte: [zol."a.Pu nI."pr.tEP^] P F phrase come pleasurably, welcome (c.w. from zolau come and nprrte pleasurably")


Illegal Words

These are illegal words that are not from Frommer: I have included them as they are in the corpus, but they are not to be regarded as Navi words. The following words, or their roots, either break syllable rules that Frommer set forth, or have at least one of the following illegal sounds, spellings, or digraphs: h [Ph], b [b], c [k], ch [tS], d [d], g [g], h [hP], ii [i:], j [Z], sh [S], uu [u:] arlek: [arPlEk^] G n. a seed-bearing plant Beydaamo: [bEjdaPamo] G prop.n. male warrior of the Tipani chantu gorek nuuto: [tSanPtu gorPEk^nuuto] ASG n. stone jar chey: [tSEj] ASG n. possesions rack (derived from Pah sivil chey rack) Eywa ksey nivibrista: [Ejwa kPsEj niviPbriPsta] ASG n. hammock, from Eywa cradles everyone Eywa silivi maskit nivi: [Ejwa sPilivi masPkit^nivi] ASG Ewyas wisdom is revealed to all of us Eywa te _ tansey makta: [Ejwa tEP tanPsEJ makPta] ASG n. ikran queue harness, lit. the love of Eywas embrace is gifted to (personal name) feru mpreduk: [fEru mPpREduPk^] ASG n. basket Grolryc: [gRoPlRjc] G prop.n. a series of caves iveh knivi sdir: [ivEh kPnivi sPdir] ASG n. baby sling ksey nivi: [kPsEj nivi] ASG n. group sleep > Koo Tsura: [ko: tsu.Ra] G prop.n. a Tipani village Kyuna: [kjuna] G prop.n. female of the Anurai lenayga: [lEnajPga] ASG n. slinger, predatory animal mreshtuyu: [mPRESPtuju] or [mPREshPtuju] ASG n. shield malmoks: [malmoks] G n. rings of stone maskit nivi sanok: [masPkit^nivi saPnok^] ASG mother loom Mendala: [] G prop.n. male of the Tipani mereshti caupla: [mERESPti kauPpla] or [meReshPti kauPpla] ASG n. banshee catcher, bola, lit. nothing to see mreki ulito: [mREki uPlito] ASG n. re pit nahla bukne: [naPhla bukPnE] ASG n. direhorse lead, lit. face pull Naalot: [na:.lot^] G prop.n. male of the Tipani > niktchey: [niktPtshEj] or [niktPtSEj] ASG n. small bit of food, packed lunch nivi: [] ASG n. hammock (informal), us (derived from Eywa ksey nivibrista Ewya cradles everyone) omati sampta: [omati sPampta] ASG n. blue ute Pah sivil chey: [pPah sPivil tSEj] SAG n. personal belongings rack pxtxawng: [ptawN] JC n. douchebag shah-tell: [Sah.tEl] ASG n. shuttle (loaned from Eng. shuttle) (not normally allowable under Navi phonotactic rules) sushiri tacto sa: [suPshiri tPacto sa] or [suPshiri tPacto sa] ASG n. toy ikran sumin jiitluy: [sumin ZiitPluy] ASG n. leaf plate suminsey hulleh: [suminPsEj hulEh] ASG slee" ping outside of the group triti so jahmka: [tPRiti so Zahmka] ASG n. pendulum drum Tan Jala: [tan jala] G prop.n. male of the Tipani tmi natsey: [tmi natPsEj] ASG n. bladder lantern, from food here Uimi huyuticaya: [uPimi hujutikaja] ASG prop.n. a clan > ulivi maritsey makdinito: [Ulivi mariPtsEj makPdiniPto] ASG loom, lit. branches of the tree look to each other for strength, or many branches together are strong ulutah inibsey mulsi: [uluPtah inibPsEy mulsi] ASG n. leaf plate



Verbal Inxes alm: [al.m] W perfective past tense verbal inx in position 1 (PERF. PAST), derived from am + ol: Oe tsngalmawvk. I wept. aly: [al.j] W perfective future tense verbal inx in position 1 (PERF. FUT.), derived from ay + ol: Oe halyangham. I will have laughed. am: [am] W past tense verbal inx in position 1 (PAST.): Oe tswamayon. I ew. ng: [N] W pejorative affect verbal inx in position 2 (PEJ .): Oe srngew. I dance (ugh!). p: [p] F E reexive verbal inx in the pre-rst position (REFL .): Oe stpeftxaw. I check myself. arm: [aRm] W imperfective past tense verbal inx in position 1 (IMPF. PAST.), derived from am + er: Oe tsngarmawvk. I was weeping. ary: [aR.j] W imperfective future tense verbal inx in position 1 (IMPF. FUT.), derived from ay + er: Oe haryangham. I will be laughing. asy: [asj] P F future tense with determination verbal inx in position 1 (FUT. D .): Oel tspamasyang palulukanit. I will denately kill the thanator. > ats: [ats] F E inferential, indicating uncertainty or indirect knowledge verbal inx in position 2 (INFR .): Oel tspatsang poanit. I killed him (I think.) awn: [awn] P F passive participle verbal inx in the pre-rst position (P. PART.): Oe tawnarona tte lu. I am a hunted person. ay: [aj] W future tense verbal inx in position 1 (FUT.): Oel yerikit tayaron. I will hunt the yerik. ei: [Ei] W laudative affect verbal inx in position 2 (LAUD .): Oe sreiew. I dance (hooray!). er: [ER] P F imperfective aspect verbal inx in position 1 (IMPF.): Oe terran. I am walking. eyk: [Ejk] F E causative verbal inx in the pre-rst position (CAUS .): Oel teykerkup pot. I caused him to die. lm: [Il.m] W perfective recent past tense verbal inx in position 1 (PERF. REC . PAST.), derived from m + ol: Oe tlmtxaw. I just now returned. ilv: [il.v] F E present perfective subjunctive verbal inx in position 1 (PRES . PER . SUBJ .): Oe new tslilvam. I want to understand. ly: [Il.j] W perfective immediate future tense verbal inx in position 1 (PERF. IMM . FUT.), derived from y + ol: Oe hlyahaw. I will have slept soon. m: [Im] W recent past verbal inx in position 1 (REC . PAST.): Oe tswmayon. I just ew. imv: [im.v] F E past subjunctive verbal inx in position 1 (PAST. SUBJ .): Oe namew tslimvam I wanted to understand. rm: [IRm] W imperfective recent past tense verbal inx in position 1 (IMPF. REC . PAST.), derived from m + er: Oe trmtxaw. I was just now returning. irv: [iR.v] F E present imperfective subjunctive verbal inx in position 1 (PRES . IMPF. SUBJ .): Oe new tslirvam. I want to be understanding. ry: [IR.y] W imperfective immediate future tense verbal inx in position 1 (IMPF. IMM . FUT.), derived from y + er: Oe hryahaw. I will be sleeping soon. sy: [Isj] P F immediate future tense with determination verbal inx in position 1 (IMM . FUT. D .): Oel tspsyang palulukanit. I will denately kill the thanator soon. iv: [iv] W subjunctive mood verbal inx in position 1 (SUBJ .): Ngal new futa oe wivem. You want this thing: for me to ght. y: [Ij] W immediate future tense verbal inx in position 1 (IMM . FUT.): Oel yerikit tyaron. I will hunt the yerik soon.


yev: [I.jEv] F E future subjunctive verbal inx in position 1 (FUT. SUBJ .): Oel kyevame ngati. I will see you soon. iyev: [i.jEv] F E future subjunctive verbal inx in position 1 (FUT. SUBJ .): Oel kiyevame ngati. I will see you soon. ol: [ol] P F perfective aspect verbal inx in position 1 (PERF.): Oe tolran. I walked (nished action). us: [us] W active participle verbal inx in the pre-rst position (A . PART.): Oe tusaron-a tte lu. I am a hunting person. uy: [u.j] P F honoric (honouric) or ceremonial verbal inx in position 2 (HON .): Naviy, luyu hapx. You are part of The People. Noun Case and Plurality Inections : [] P F genitive sufx for nouns ending in a everything but a, , e, and (allomorph of y): Oel yom ikran yerikit. I eat the ikrans yerik. l: [Il] P F ergative case sufx for nouns ending in a consonant, dipthong, or pseudo-vowel (allomorph of l): Ikranl taron yerikit. The ikran hunts the yerik. ri: [IRi] P F topical sufx for nouns ending in a consonant, dipthong, or pseudo-vowel (allomorph of ri): Fskxawngri tsapalute sengi oe. I apologise for this moron. it: [it^] P F accusative sufx for nouns ending in a consonant, dipthong, or pseudo-vowel (allomorph of t, ti): Oel taron yerikit. I hunt the yerik. l: [l] W ergative case for nouns ending in a vowel (ERG .): Oel taron yerikit. I hunt the yerik. ri: [Ri] P F topical for nouns ending in a vowel (TOP.): Ayngari zene hivum You must leave. ru: [Ru] W dative sufx for nouns ending in a vowel (allomorph of ur): Oel slpeyit ngaru tng. I give hope to you. t: [t^] W accusative sufx for nouns ending in a vowel (allomorph of it, ti): Oel ngat kame. I see you. ti: [ti] W accusative for pronouns and nouns (ACC .): Ngati taron torukl. The toruk hunts you. ur: [uR] P F dative sufx for nouns ending in a consonant, dipthong, or pseudo-vowel (allomorph of ru): Ayeylanur oey. To my friends. y: [j] P F genitive for pronouns ending in a or e (casual speech) (GEN .): Ngey toruk sltsan lu. Your toruk is good. y: [j] W genitive sufx for nouns ending in a a, , e, and (allomorph of ): Oel yeiom Neytiriy yerikit. I happily eat Neytiris yerik. (Causes vowel fronting of a in pronouns: may look like ey) ya: [ya] P F,M vocative sufx for collective nouns: Mawey, Naviya. Calm, you Navi. ay+: [aj] P F plural for nouns (PL .): Ay+horen . The rules succeed. me+: [mE] W dual for nouns (DU .): Oel new me+olet. I want two lakes. pxe+: [pE] P F trial for nouns and pronouns (TRI .): Pxoeng Pxe+veng lu. We are three children. (Note that e + e cannot be together, and so ellision occurs, and that oe is a pronoun which often undergoes ellision) Other Inections Not all Navi inections are productive. Here (0) indicates unproductivity, which means it cannot be freely applied and each Frommerian form is in the lexicon, while (4) indicates complete productivity. All verbal inxes, case and plurality markers are entirely productive.


a: [a] P F (4) adjectival attributive marker: Oel txantsana ikranit aean tswayon. I y the excellent blue ikran. an: [an] W (1) masculine sufx for certain nouns: Oe poan lu. I am a dude. e: [E] P F (1) feminine sufx for certain nouns: Oe poe ke lu. I am not a girl. lo: [lo] P F (3) multiplicative number sufx for nouns: Awlo oe ramol. Once I sang. ng: [N] W (0) clusivity for pronouns (CLUS .): Ayoeng rol. We all sing. o: [o] P F (4) indenite sufx: Oel tspamang tuteot. I killed someone. > tsyp: [tsjIp^] P F (4) diminutive sufx for nouns, pronouns: Zau ftseng, ma itetsyp. Come here, little daughter. tu: [tu] P F (4) direct object noun deriving afx Oe tarontu lu. I am prey. ve: [vE] P F (4) ordinal sufx for numbers (irregular but predictable from the ordinals from one to eight): Koren aawve trusey awsiteng. The rst rule of living together. vi: [vi] P F (2) partitive relationship marker: Oe nume m numtsengvi. I learn in the classroom. yu: [ju] W (4) agent noun deriving afx Oe skaayu ke lu. I am not a destroyer. le: [lE] P F (0) adjective deriving afx Poan lehrrap lu. He is dangerous. n: [nI] W (0) adverbial deriving afx Oe nNavi plltxe. I speak navi-ly. (Like a Navi.) ((4) Productive for adjectives only - otherwise modify nfyao with appropriate adjective or relative clause) pe+: [pE] W (4) afx inter. marker what: pe+hrr nga lrrtok sayi. What time (when) will you smile? s: [s] P F (0) instrumental noun deriving afx Oel snumet nume. I learn the teaching. si: [si] W (0) postpositional verb deriving afx Oe kelku si Kelutralm. I live in Hometree. (lit. I home make in Hometree.) t: [tI] W (0) noun deriving afx Tngay sltsan lu. The truth is good.

The Changelog

This is the changelog. Ive kept it in, not for translators, who should contact Tuiq, but for the reader, who would presumably like to know what Ive done. 11.24 Added pxir beer. Edit prologue. Added many plants and proper nouns in the appendix. Added lehrrap, keyawr dangerous, incorrect. Edited eltur ttxen si, added ttxen awakeness. Updated the stress information and sourcing for all of the plant names from Frommer. Added fratxon - adv. every night, hkrr - n. second, very short time, kefya srak phrase. isnt that so? Right? no?, mawkrr - adv. before, ngeyn - adj. tired, ngopyu - n. creator, nkong - adv. slowly, pamtseotu - n. musician, sat - pn. that (after ftu only), tsal - pn. that, it (transitive subject), tsat - pn. that, it (object), tsaw - pn. that, it (intranstive subject), tsawlh - n. size, changed the stress for keyawr, lefpomtokx, Otranyu, tsa-hey. And two new words: lfyavi - n. expression, bit of language, nafu - adj. such. Fixed some small errors. Added subjunctive note to tsn, fteke and fte. Corrected teachings. Added 15 proper nouns from Frommer. Changed tstu to an adj. Moved Entu, added ne + mfa to nemfa, edited reypay. Added in a table for ordinal numbers, days of the week, and times of the day. tng mikyun, tng nari now intransitive. Changed denition of uimi to singular streamer, pendant. Added lfyaolo language group. Added the rest of the inx combinations, deleted the trilinear gloss appendix, edited to. Edited some example sentences, changed some c.w. to derivations. Provided derivation for zarp. Added everything I could from the new blog post: dimunitives, phrases. Deleted am, ay, changed all derivations to hay, ham. Added fuke, ftxey...fuke again. Deleted some changelog, changed formatting for new phrase appendix. IPA error. IPA, derivation for atanvi, txepvi, and pxe- example error. Edited prologue. Marked productivity for derivational inections.


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