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Service Management And Reselling Tool


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SMART v2.0 2010

INDEX 1.0 2.0 3.0

TOPIC Introduction to SMART.. Home Page Tariffs / Products 3.1 Add Tariff / Product... 3.2 Mapping to Master Tariff / Buy Product..

PAGE 03 04 05 05 08 10 10 12 13 15 15


Clients. 4.1 Accounts 4.2 Account Groups.. 4.3 Resellers

5.0 6.0

Reports.. Settings..

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SMART v2.0 2010

1.0 Introduction to SMART

SMART stands for Service Management and Reseller Tool. This is the comprehensive tool for the resellers to manage their business effectively. It enables them to create their own rate sheet with their own margin, mange their sub resellers or agents, create end user accounts, and reports on billing & call details (CDR)

This document explains the features and functions of SMART 2.0 required for the reseller to be familiar with and get started.

[1.1] Reseller Log in Page

The below URL will open the login page

The reseller has to enter the Username and Password provided to log in

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SMART v2.0 2010

2.0 Home Page

The homepage provides the following information: Account Name Logo Account Summary Account Balance : The available balance in the reseller panel, which when it reached Zero the reseller would not be able to make calls will be required to make a pre-payment Credit Limit : In case you have been given a credit limit it will show that amount Available Balance : This is the total of the Account Balance and Credit Limit Account Status : It shows either Enabled or Disabled On the top right hand corner shows Logged in as [account name] You can insert your Logo

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3.0 Tariffs Tariffs / Products

This feature allows the resellers to add the tariff plans to his business. And this menu will show the available tariffs as shown below:

Buy Product will be your buying rate

[3.1] Add Tariff / Product

Initially you have to create a Tariff sheet for you to resell

To add a new Tariff sheet, click on the Add Product then you will see your panel as shown below:

Type will be always Accounts Enter a Name & Description for your new rate sheet, which will be your selling rate

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After you enter a name your panel will be shown as below:

Now click on the Name which you have entered to create a rate sheet, and your panel will shown as below:

Click on the Create link which is highlighted on the above image. Then you have to enter on Add Rate Table, when you enter that your panel will shown as below:

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Here you have to Enter the name you entered previously and Click on the Copy And you have to select the Master Tariff / Product which is assigned to you Then you can decide your own mark up percentage and assign to your selling rate, and click save. (E.g. If you want to add 10% mark up, enter 110% as shown in above image)

After saving the rate sheet, you can click on the Rate sheet / Product and you will see your panel as shown below:

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[3.2] Mapping to Master Tariff / Buy Product

This is an important step in creating a Tariff sheet, because unless you Map your newly created Tariff to your Master Tariff you wont be able to make any calls.

You have to go back to products, and you will see your product List / your selling tariffs. Like shown below:

Now click on the rate sheet you have created, and you will see the panel as shown below:

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Now click on Add Mapping and you will see the panel shown below:

Here you will see your rate and now you have to select your Parent Rate and save. And you will see your panel as shown below.

IMPORTANT NOTE! - If you wish to use the GoSSIP PC2Phone Dialer with SMART, please do the following: - Add a SECOND MAPPING by clicking "Add Mapping" - Map your rate sheet to the "Master Tariff (prefix 888)" & Save.

Finally you have done with creating your Selling rate and you can start creating end user accounts

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4.0 Clients [4.1] Accounts

This feature will enable the reseller to create end user PIN for the use of PC2Phone, Mobile2Phone, Device2phone and Calling card services.

You have to click on Add new Account and then you will get a display as shown below:

Account/Number/Alias : Enter a username with only numerical values (e.g. 112233) Password : Can be entered in both alpha numerical values (e.g. 11ac@3) IP Address : The IP address of Resellers switch can be entered and added so that the traffic can be sent from the switch. Authentication Type: You have to select Username/PIN/ID if you wanted to create an end user PIN or You can select IP Address if you want to use for send traffic via your switch

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Enable Web Login : IF you wish to give your end users with web access to check their balance and CDR, you can select and enter a different Username & Password or you can re-enter the previous username & password you entered.

Currency : you can select a currency you wish Starting Credit : Enter the amount you wish to give to this particular PIN Credit Limit : If you want to give your customer a credit limit you can enter that amount Account Status : Has to be always Enabled, but in case you want to inactivate this PIN you can select Disabled Product : Here you have to select the rate sheet, from which you have to assign this PIN Expiry Date : You can select a Fixed expiry date or select Days since first use option

After you create an account it will shown as below:

You can go to Info tab and enter the contact information for that PIN You can Link another end user account to this account using Aliases tab You can see the Call details with CDR tab If you wish to add further payment you can go to Payment tab and select Add Payment option

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[4.2] Account Groups

This feature enables the resellers to create a group of accounts, where this will give the flexibility of creating multiple end user accounts. You need to go to Generate Batch tab and it will look as shown below:

Group Name & Description : Enter a name & description for the group Number of Accounts : You can select how many accounts you want to create simultaneously Initial Credit : Here you can add the amount, which will be allocated for each PIN along with the currency Assigned Product : Select a respective rate sheet from the listed Expiration Date : You can select an expiration date for this batch PIN Length : You can select the length of the PIN should be PIN Prefix : You can enter a prefix for these batch of PINs (e.g. 222), therefore all the PINs which create on this batch will be start as 222XXXX Serial Serial Number : This is an optional feature Password : You can select same as username or random or fixed value (same password for all), but recommended is to select Random option

After entering all the above details enter the Generate

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[4.3] Resellers
This feature will enable the resellers to create their Sub-resellers or Agents, here you have to select Add Reseller option and it will be shown as below:

Enter a name for your Sub reseller/Agent Select a rate sheet under the Product Column Select a currency Tick on the status to make this Active Enter Save

After entering save, now you will see a window with the list of resellers

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Now select a particular reseller to enter other relevant information, then you will see a the panel as shown below:

You can enter his Information in this page Go to Web account and assign him a Username & Password, Select the access group and save You can check his CDR using this option Go to the Payment tab and enter the funds for this particular reseller and click on the Add Payment option, then the window will be shown as below:

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5.0 Reports [5.1] Billing

This will generate the billing summary for a particular time period based on what you request

[5.2 [5.2] Calling Details

Here you can see the call duration for a particular time period

6.0 Settings [6.1] My web Account

You can reset your password with this option

[6.2] [6.2] Customize Customize

You can enter/edit your company details and also you can set your Logo and Top Banner Text as an extra value added feature

[6.3] [6.3] My web Account

You can select your default product & currency

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