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Name Mark Ruest DESCRIPTION Shadow Play WU Grid 20 x 36 Two teams each with a pile of 7 soccer balls by their

ir goal. Each team has four players in each half of the grid (front / back) Get ball from pile -> Get ball to someone in "attacking half" -> Finish ball 1 touch passing only Front and back groups switch -> Get new ball from pile and repeat. If ball is finished it stays in goal. If GK saves then ball is given to shooter outside of grid to put back in pile. If Shooter misses, they get ball and place back in pile. Relay - First to empty their pile wins * Players finish balls on ground and progress to driving balls

Topic Finishing ORGANIZATION

Date 3/20/08 KEY COACHING POINTS Body shape / positioning to pass efficiently or get a shot off. Taking responsibility for shooting Framing goal / Getting rebounds Passes that make it easy to shoot Speed of play - Finish Quickly and Get Another Ball Technical Elements of Shooting / Finishing

Flying Changes Each team has three lines of players First set comes to play 3 vs. 3 If ball goes off anywhere on Red Team's Half, the Red Players Leave and the next three Reds come on with a new ball to challenge the current Blue Group. If ball goes off field anywhere on Blue Team's side, they leave and are replaced by new Blues with a new ball. First to seven wins

Speed of play Transition from attack to defense and vice versa Taking half chances Dealing with rebounds Creating shooting opportunities for yourself or others Combination play, etc. Technical aspects of shooting / finishing

Finishing in Halves Each team has four players on the field Each team has two goal line targets (1 touch only) in their attacking half and two flank targets (2 touch only) All inside players must be in the half of the field where the ball is located. Teams win possession and must pass to one of the four targets before getting into the attacking half of the field First to ~3 wins

Transition from defense to attack Taking responsibility for shooting Runs (organizing the box) Service (passes) to goal scoring options Technical aspects of the "final pass" Technical aspects of shooting / finishing All points listed in the activities above

Five vs. Five Free Play Use restraining (offsides) lines *We didn't get to this phase

Open play All the points listed above Can teams score in a variety of ways?

Jogging / Movment Cool Down

Physical and Mental Recovery Incorporate Static Stretching

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