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Leandro Vigna HFT Stuttgart Applicant

UNC - Argentina


Leandro Emanuel Vigna Crdoba - Crdoba - Argentina leovigna_7@hotmail.com

Table of content

Pages 4 - 9

Pages 10 - 15

Pages 16 - 21

Pages 22 - 23

Urban Arts School


Landscape Design

Other Works

Location Argentina - Crdoba

The project is part of an integral renewal of the neighborhood by incorporating specific urban facilities. It is done from a comprehensive view of spatial unity that arises from the intersection of three spheres: the sphere of youth, the sphere of education for the job, and the sphere of the neighborhood.

Urban Arts School

bodies of the actors, from the murga and from the walls. With humor, irony and physical skills they could change Cordobas landscape. In our project, we retrieve and add value to the space street as a coordinator and main condenser within the entire system of public spaces, retrieve and add value to the squares as reference nodes and recover and to value the linear spaces urban fronts as internal and external structuring in relation to the rest of the city. A new public or semi-public space trying to improve living conditions and relationships, where urban is the sustainability. The project will be the second home of the urban artists that will work in the streets, and because of that our main idea was to bring the street into the school. This explains why we worked the cero plan as the most important one, and why it blends with the vehicular street in front that is next to the project.

Young people in this neighborhood are living a more or less problematic insertion in a country emerging from a deep crisis and that cannot contain them yet.

San Vicente

San Vicentes Neighborhood Fast information

San Vicente is an old Neighborhood of Crdoba. It was one of the first town city to be constructed. In its beginings this neighborhood was used for the rich families to locate their weekend house. Then, the town grew up and turn into the industrial pole of the city, emerging lots of factories and warehouses. Nowadays, the factories are gone and the situation there is of marginity and a degradated urban environment.

So it raises an Urban Arts School as a youth center for encounter, expression and work. A school with the goal of developing a social inclusion program that integrates education, art and social organization as a means of promoting the group and individual development . Oriented in addition to facilitate the strengthening of identity and their insertion in the labor market, through the acquisition of knowledge and development of new capabilities. Urban arts on the street looking for the citizen to speak from the

There is no architecture without action, no architecture without event, no architecture without program. Bernard Tschumi

Architecture IV B Professor: Arch. de Marco, Ignacio

Vigna, Leandro - Merlo, Silvio - Chort, Guillermo

1 Auditorium 2 Circus 3 Main Hall 4 Classrooms 5 Workshops 6 Lower courts

Activities distribution Main zoning of the schools program PROGRAM

1590m2 - Extension Area - Auditorium - Incubator - Bar 420m2 - Research - Research centre - Documentation centre - Urban scenic arts production centre.

255m2 - Administration - General administration - Public attendance - Management


1740m2 - Teaching - Common areas - Music / Dance - Theatre - Circus



495m2 - Services - Bathrooms - Dressing room

- Cleaning rooms

Providing education with fast job prospects and generating work places to beneficiate almost 20 families of the Neigbourhood.

Transversal Cut - Passive ventilation and others environmental tasks


Aereal view

Natural lighting - Natural Cross ventilation - High insurance windows - ##efecto chimenea## - Rainwater recollection system - All facades well protected with ##parasoles## from the solar rays## - Mass heating effect (large grunge### surfaces) - Green roof that provides insulation and absorvs## storm water - Prefabricated constructions implicates lots of saved resources and less construction debris.

Circus , patio & workshop section The projects soul

The Auditorium links with the Circus area and its connection is given by a great stage with plaques as backdrop. This relation enables the possibility of expanding the Auditorium in this direction or, depending the intended show, the Circus area can expand in the other direction as well. The entire school was concieved to be built with prefabricated materials. The structure itself is made of prefab concrete. Using this constructive method we ensure a fast construction of the entire facility, while this resistant materials will face the hard social environment where it is located.

The indoor hall/street is a social place where all the students can gather and interact. It also provides the opportunity of taking the classroom out, as each of them has an expansion to this central area. For those who walk along in the school, it would be like witness a live show performed by the students, because of the great windows in almost every artistic and expression classrooms. 7

Cero Plan


1 - Auditorium 2 - Circus 3 - Bar 4 - Scenography room 5 - Research centre 6 - Production centre 7 - Library 8 - Dance room 9 - Theatre room 10 - Artists bathroom and showers 11 - Dressing room 12 - Public square 13 - Main square 14 - Future densification 15 - Espansion areas 16 - Meeting room 17 - Music room 18 - Multipurpose room 19 - Administration area 20 - Common classroom 21 - Practice room 22 - Services

The school area blends with its surrounds and is integrated to the housing complex next to it. A slope between the outside lower court of the school and the intern alley of the housing complex is what delimitates it, eventhough both areas can be used by the students and the residents. The interior have plenty of natural lighting in order to reduce the energy consumption produced by artificial lights. The complex arises with 4 floors in order to achive the requirement of triplicate the residential density of the area, but this was not part of our project.



11 14



18 2

3 20 4 22 20 20




5 7 8 6

16 7 17

22 21 21

20 20 20






12,55 ,40 11,90

10,10 3,90





2.05 ,20

2nd Floor

3rd Floor

Indoor - Hall area

1 5 2 1

3 6 7

4 8



Longitudinal section
Strong materials contrasts with the colourful panels and the lower courts to represent the joyful soul and the emerging happyness of all of the urban arts students. The panels between the doors (colour panels) are made of OSB panels, and can be intervened by the artists. Proceeding this way, the school would be fully covered by the art that student make. 9

Location Argentina - Crdoba

The neighhbor has grown always turning its back to the river. This caused the complete desolation of all the river front. In addition, factories and big warehouse used to function there and nowadays everything is abandoned and in terrible conditions. Developing in such a way also caused an extense densification of the neighboors center (on San Jeronimo street) and the crowd of all urbans equipments in a few city blocks, inducing the neglections in the distant zones. Those zones that are remote from the center, does not count with any equipment - landmark - etc. that represents them.
San Vicente X

in this neighborhood, and subsequent work in Architecture IV B) -Overruns into the neighborhood blocks by opening green passages and lungs. This way, neighborhood residents would be motivated to do progressive renewal batch to batch (proposed in the non-operated area as a possible gesture to start taking advantage of it). -Opening of internal passages intervened squares and green areas respecting existing withdrawals as basis for their design. So continue with the typical residential typology given in San Vicente through these passages. -Conform of the squares edges throughout the intervention area (except in front of the waterfront, by having distinct in character). -Ambrosio Olmos street as an axis with commercial socle. -Expansion of existing sidewalk withdrawals. -Linear-Park at the edge of the waterfront. -The proposed residential density increases towards the river (urban scale) and is progressively reduced as it moves into the neighborhood. -Formation of internal courtyards, lined with semi-public passages.

Our project constisted in a master plan for the entire neighborhood, and listed below are the punctual actions: -Prioritise Ambrosio Funes street axis by incorporating green and sidewalk widenings to link the market (historical building, now refunctionalized as a cultural centre) with the new facilities proposed in the waterfront: Urban Arts Center and Center Chariots armed-warehouse (by the strong influence of the carnival

Cordoba San Vicente

The metropolitan region is now the functional unit of our environment, and it is desirable that this functional unit should be identified and structured by its inhabitants. The new means of communication which allow us to live and work in such a large interdependent region, could also allow us to make our images commensurate with our experiences. Kevin Lynch

Urbansim I B Professor: Arch. Repiso, Mariana

Vigna, Leandro - Merlo, Silvio - Mariscotti, Eugenia

Structure Physical, Functional and Spatial

Project surface 4 - 8 hectares

Residential area Structure Perceptual landscape Individual Grouped Colective Other uses Structure Road network Green areas Commerces Services & equipments Parking lots

60% - 70% 120-150 inhab/hec 180-200 inhab/hec 300-500 inhab/hec 30% - 40%

5% - 10%

All residences should have a parking. 70% must be located underground and 30% on surface.


Urban structure purposed

Low residential density Low-average residential density Average residential density High residential density Layer 1

Commercial premises Urban equipment Layer 2

Green areas Green areas - squares Layer 3 River Services - Urban equipment Commercial premises Low residential density Average residential density High residential density Green areas

Main axis Secondary axis Alleys Train track Layer 4

Main streets Secondary streets Train track

Urban structure purposed

- Hierarchization of axial and parallel roads to the San Jeronimo street. - New poles of equipment. - New business. - Improve accessibility to the neighborhood: new linking roads. - Connection of green dots, squares and coast railroads. - High density decrease at the edges and the same to San Jeronimo. - Generation and connection of nodes and milestones. - Entailment with greens. - Restoration of the edges. - Revaluation of available places.

Paths Nodes Milestones Layer 5

7 Blocks zoom Densification projected

The highest densification goes along the riverfront, and because of the widht and openess of its location, a higher number of floors can be assembled.

Average density starts at the 2nd front line square and it goes progressively reducing its density in direction of the center axis of the neighborhood.

Internal pathways and semi public yards allows the residents an access to a greener and better environment, away from the streets pollution.

Aereal view


Sector Zoom

Housing disposal zoom Typologies plans.

1 2 3

1 2

Duplex with 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a diningroom and a kitchen are thought for small families and young people. Located up to 2nd floor.

Single bedroom apartments are thought for the students demand and for single people.

Vehicular access: Single houses


Vehicular access: Viviendas agrupadas y colectivas Commercial premises access

1 2

Pedestrian access: Low Dens. Houses Pedestrian access: Mid. Dens Houses Pedestrian access: High Dens. Houses Commercial premises are sized as the ones in the main street of the neighborhood.


Location Argentina - Crdoba

The project location is in the banks of the Suquia river, covering the zone in front of San Vicente (a neighborhood next to the central area of Crdoba city). The Suquia river runs across the entire city and gives a particular environmental quality to its fronts. In the past, this area was neglected by the city because the citizens considered it to be dangerous (sometimes the river flood its proximities) and a very contaminated area (all the industries threw their waste directly to the river). In response of that, the city grew up with its back to it. This behaviour changed when all the industries were moved to the periphery, and the local authorities started to construct the neccesary infrastructure to contain the river. In a very slow proccess, this zone turned into a new green area and started to adquire a higly environmental and economic value. Within the past few years, this zone was the chosen one by the greatest companies. Here, all the biggest endeavors are constructing theirs Head-buildings and is a tendency that goes far away from the central area, expanding to the west neighborhoods. The area where we worked does not runs the same fortune. In San Vicente the situation is the same as in the center zone in its worst time. Even though the river is (more or less) contained, abandoned industries, precarious houses and wastes are the

Landscape design
landscape of the area. For the projects, we proposed widening the coastal avenue, adding new bike lanes and an exclusive lane for public transport, as this is a great artery that connects the center of the city with the highway. In response of a systemathic analise of the whole neighborhood and its proximities, we plan a social and eco friendly program for their inhabitants. The plan consisted in recycling the abandoned warehouses and turning them into kindergartens, recyling centers (for the urban recolectors), a chariots assembly warehouse and a murga learning center. The two last named facilities were done because the Murga of this neighborhood is the most famous of the city and is a cultural and artistic mark of them. A Urban Arts School, a senior recreation center and an organic garden were also in the proposal. To renew and to take advantage of the riverbed, smooth terraces and filtering pods were purposed. These will allow a green extension that goes into the river proximities, and has a direct access to the walkside that goes along the river. For the vegetation, only indigeous and adaptive plants were selected. And for the filtration pods and paths, phytodepurative plants were chosen.

San Vicente

Cordoba San Vicente

Landsape Architecture B Professor: Arch. Trettel, Paola
Vigna, Leandro - Merlo, Silvio - Torres Semovilla, Vanesa

Photos Sequence of the riverside

General Plan


Layers explosion

Recycled warehouses and factories accomodating recycling centers, nursery, environmental education society, Youth museum, carriages ensambling and the Urban Arts School.

The river runs in its ordinar riverbed.

0 Plan - Equipments

Phase 1

Movement system

New lanes are incorporated to the strategy, the same as new pedestrian pathways, cycling paths and filtration ponds. A lane becomes public transports exclusive, and a reestructuration of the streets directions is planned.

Progressive rising of the river level.

Phase 2

New expansions above the riverbed are created, as to take advantage of the low level of the river the most time of the year. Green areasVegetation Phyto purification plants are planted aside the pathways and in the filtration ponds. RiverDepuration paths and docks

Extraordinary rainfall. Overflow of the river.

Phase 3
Lowering the waters level. Stormwater depuration paths and ponds retains-filtrates the stormwater from the pollutants it drags.

Phase 4
Base plan Phyto purification plants are planted aside the pathways and in the filtration ponds. Evaporation and filtration. The river recovers its normal level and remain clean, with less polutants than before the ponds.

Phase 5

Riverfront area

Recycled warehouses

Filtration ponds Main Square Zoom - Landscape desing

As an important point of all the riverfront intervention, this square is a major gathering space. The School of Urban Arts (developed in Architecture IV B) is located in front of the square. This proximity was exploited as an expansion of the Schools Auditorium. The trees planted were carefully selected in order to keep the identity of the neighborhood, to ensure enought shadow in the hottest seasons, and to give a sense of continuity all along the riverfront and the green spaces of the city. All trees are indegenous or adaptive species, as to reduce the water consumption and to front the dry months. 19

Transversal section City to river

Pedestrian path

1st Depuration barrier

2 lanes street

Linear depuration pond (when it rains) Pedestrian path

Bus lane

Section A-A



e + 2 common lanes

Walk - Cycle path Stormwater depuration pond

Section B-B




Various Works
Architecture II - Second year

Constructions III - Fourth CONSTRUCCIONES III: year SISTEMA CONSTRUCTIVO H.A.G.A Architecture III - Third year
D4 D3 D1


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

25 26 27 28 29 30

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Despiece estructuras principales 31 32 27 30 33 34 20 21 22

23 24 Perfiles W Estructura de los modulos 1:10

Architecture II - Second year Architecture II - Second year


0 1 3

1. Cubierta superior con pendiente 30% chapa trapezoidal tono oscuro / 2. Per l 2UPN 70 / 3. Per l C 1 UPN 70 / 4. Volumen escalera / 5. Cubierta inferior de chapa de zinc trapezoidal con pendiente minima / 6. Goma espuma de alta densidad: evita in ltraciones de agua desde el exterior y sella la chapa con la estructura del mdulo / 7. Per l C 1 UPN 80 soldado al aro superior de la estructura: funciona como mnsula para sostener las cargas de la cubierta / 8. Per l 2 UPN 70 cada 50cm / 9. Per les W estructurales / 10. Aislante trmico y acstico lana mineral con recubrimiento de papel kraft y polietileno (barrera corta vapor): 2 capas de 50mm cada una / 11. Cielorraso de durlock pintado color claro 25mm espesor / 12. Aberturas de aluminio marco negro / 13. Acabado exterior chapa de zinc trapezoidal tono oscuro / 14. Tapa de entrepiso de aluminio tono claro / 15. Barandas metalicas / 16. Per l L de 40mm funciona como lengua entre la estructura de per les y el solado / 17. Per les W estructurales / 18. Acabado interior durlock 25mm espesor / 19. Per leria para los paneles de durlock 50mm / 20. Aislante Trmico y acstico lana mineral con recubrimiento papel kraft y polietileno 1 capa 50mm / 21. Acabado exterior chapa trapezoidal / 22. Tornillos autoperforantes para per leria durlock / 23. Platea de hormign estructural 1.3.3 como fundacion / 24. Armadura interna de la platea con hierros segn clculo / 25. Acabado solado interior linleo color blanco 25mm espesor / 26. Conglomerado de madera de pino 1 / 27. Per l 1 IPN 120 estructura entrepiso cada 60cm / 28. Per leria durlock para entrepiso 50mm / 29. Cielorraso yeso (durlock) blanco 25mm espesor / 30. Per l C 1 UPN soldadas al aro estructural como mnsula de las vigas doble T / 31. Conglomerado madera pino 1 / 32. Per l L de 40mm funciona como lengua entre la estructura de per les y el solado / 33. Planchuela metalica soldad a la estructura metalica / 34. Buln Fisher 20mm empotrado en platea de hormigon: vincula la estructura con la fundacion

1:25 Union cubierta inferior con aislantes, estructura y terminaciones

1:25 Panel durlock - aislante T + BCV - acabado exterior chapa

1:25 Estructura metalica Planchuela soldada -

1:25 Linleo - Conglomerado - Lengua L - Perfil doble T - Mnsula perfil C

Constructions III - Fourth year

Chapa trapezoidal terminacion exterior cubierta con una pendiente del 3%.

ALUMNO Leandro Vigna MATRICULA 36053382

JTP Arq Gatani, Mariana

TITULAR Fernandez, Eduardo


Aislacin trmica lana de vidrio

Aislacin hidrofuga membrana de polietileno de alta densidad e=2mm Clavaderas metlicas para dar la inclinacin al techo Placas de OSB 1


Parasoles metlicos verticales como proteccin climtica. Terminacin exterior placas de fibrocemento color piedra caliza a junta tomada con masilla de color similar. Aislacin hidrfuga film de polietileno de alta densidad e=2mm Placas de OSB 1 Vigas reticuladas estructurales Estructuracin de durlock a base de perfiles de aluminio Terminacion interior de paneles de durlock enmasillados y pintados. Planchuela metalica vinculando la columna (pernos de por medio) con la fundacin

Offices and residential building in height

ALUMNOS Leandro Vigna - Silvio Merlo JTP Arq Gatani, Mariana

TITULAR Fernandez, Eduardo

Constructions III - Fourth year

Architecture II - Second year


Architecture II - Second year ESC: 1.100


Architecture II - Second year

Architecture II - Second year

Architecture II - Second year

Architecture II - Second year



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