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ER 2 (2009-2010) Duration: 75 minutes I. PRONUNCIATION ( 10 points, 1 for each correct answer) A. Which word has a different stress pattern? 1. A. currency B. dividend C. deposit B. infrastructure C. initiative 2. A. resilience B. tactic C. asset 3. A. exchange 4. A. domestic B. corruption C. computer C. department 5. A. tourism B. revenue B. Which underlined part is pronounced differently from the others? 6. A. innovate B. corporate C. negotiate 7. A. liability B. debtor C. subsidiary B. encourage C. expensive 8. A. trend B. company C. America 9. A. attempt 10. A. markets B. exports C. earnings
II. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.


D. turnover D. competitor D. labour D. shareholder D. industry D. differentiate D. global D. percentage D. manager D. groups

VOCABULARY (15 points, 1 for each correct answer) Choose the best answer for each sentence. Some countries lack a suitable economic _______. C. infrastructure D. manufacturer A. company B. market You shouldnt talk about your clients business in front of everyone, it is _________. A. unethical B. dishonest C. illegal D. unfair Among UK supermarkets, Tesco sells more than any of the other chains. It has the highest market _______. A. share B. arrangement C. leader D. stock I phoned to check on my _______, but they said they had already hired someone. C. application D. qualifications A. referees B. curriculum vitae A _______ is a symbol used by a company to identify and advertise its goods. A. trademark B. tactic C. franchise D. supremacy _______, making your products seem very special in the market place, is one of the strategies companies employ to become a market leader. B. Differentiation C. Acquisitions D. Marketing A. Cost focus Im afraid we cant pay now. Our accounts department is moving offices at the moment. This could be an example of _______. D. using delaying tactics A. charging interest B. overcharging C. submitting an invoice Ive given the latest sales _______ to Mr. Allen but he hasnt had a chance to look at them yet. B. figures C. worksheets D. facts A. systems Ian has to be very organised as his work involves meeting tight _______. D. deadlines A. problems B. responsibilities C. challenges Paul enjoys working at Small World because he finds the _______ stimulating. B. environment C. application D. opportunity A. installation Most governments now _______ paper money in the form of notes. D. issue A. deliver B. pass C. spread A dividend is the share of the _____ that the shareholders receive. B. profits C. liabilities D. debts A. assets Annual reports include profit and loss accounts which show _______, or the total sum of money which is coming into the company. C. turnover D. net profit A. base rate B. tax year Anyone can buy shares in a public company and become a _______. B. shareholder C. creditor D. debtor A. dividend Many _______, (people who use their money to earn more money), choose foreign or offshore bank accounts because they are tax-free. A. investors B. customers C. consumers D. taxmen

III. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

GRAMMAR (15 points, 1 for each correct answer) Choose the best answer for each sentence. Companies know that good practice involves _______ good working conditions. A. providing B. provided C. provide D. to provide Companies agree _______ stricter measures to reduce pollution. A. to introduce B. introducing C. introduce D. introduced Companies must _______ a profit. If they dont, there will be no jobs for the workforce. A. make B. made C. making D. to make If a company _______ irresponsible marketing, customers _______ its products. A. conducts/ will not buy B. conduct/ do not buy C. conducts/ not buy D. conduct/ will not buy Many customers _______ products if companies _______ them on animals. A. wont buy/ test B. wont buy/ tests C. wont buy/ tested D. dont buy/ will test Coca-Cola has been the number one soft drink in France _______ 1966. B. since C. in D. ago A. for Coca-Cola and Pepsi have been in competition _______ many years. B. for C. since D. to A. ago The Coca-Cola recipe hasnt changed _______ 1886. B. since C. at D. in A. for I dont mind which one you buy, _______ cotton _______ silk is fine. A. either/ or B. both/ and C. either/ nor D. neither/ or _______ Cafdirect _______ Traidcraft pay first world prices for third world products. A. Both/ and B. Either/ nor C. Neither/ or D. Either/ and Like Finland, Norway _____ showed strong growth last year. D. also A. too B. as well C. in addition It was a great success to the company last year. Its operating profit increased by_______. C. three quarters D. three quarter A. third quarter B. third quarters The bank _______ our overdraft. A. raised B. rose C. arose D. rises Vauxhall cars _____ in Zaragoza. C. are made D. made A. to make B. is making The same problem might _______ on the new account. A. arise B. raise C. rose D. be raising

IV. READING (40 points) Part 1: Choose the best answer to complete the following passage. (20 points, 2 for each correct answer) My name is Peter Gill. I manage the One World (41) _____ investment fund. We follow a very clear (42) _____ of conduct when we choose stocks. We only (43) _____ in companies that are socially (44) _____ so we dont put money into tobacco companies or arms manufacturers. Green (45) _____ are very important to us. We check that our companies are not damaging the (46) _____. We invest in some companies that make their products in countries where (47) _____ is cheaper, and we make sure that they do not (48) _____ their workers. Some expensive, famous brand clothing is made in (49) _____ where people work long hours for very low wages. We think that is completely (50) _____. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. A. honesty A. note A. produce A. responsible A. issues A. neighbours A. work A. export A. sweatshops A. moral B. ethical B. list B. make B. spectacular B. actions B. environment B. job B. employ B. sweatshirts B. unethical C. rights C. code C. enter C. interested C. indexes C. local C. labour C. expect C. sweetshops C. social D. perfection D. paper D. invest D. luxurious D. points D. events D. career D. exploit D. sweatpants D. fair

Part 2: Read the following article and choose the best answer for each question (10 points, 2 for each correct answer) A massive banking crisis occurred in the United States in 1933. In the two preceding years, a large number of banks had failed, and fear of lost savings had prompted many depositors to remove their funds from banks. Problems

became so serious in the state of Michigan that Governor William A. Comstock was forced to declare a moratorium on all banking activities in the state on February 14, 1933. The panic in Michigan quickly spread to other states, and on March 6, President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared a banking moratorium throughout the United States that left the entire country without banking services. Congress immediately met in a special session to solve the banking crisis and on March 9 passed the Emergency Banking Act of 1933 to assist financially healthy banks to reopen. By March 15, banks controlling 90 percent of the countrys financial reserves were again open for business. 51. The passage states that all the following occurred prior to 1933 EXCEPT that __________. A. many banks went under B. many bank patrons were afraid of losing their deposits C. a lot of money was withdrawn from accounts D. Governor Comstock canceled all banking activities in Michigan 52. The word moratorium in line 3 is closest in meaning to which of the following? C. Temporary cessation D. Slow decline A. Death B. Murder 53. The passage indicates that the moratorium declared by Roosevelt affected __________. B. all the banks in the United States A. the banks in Michigan C. only the financially unhealthy banks D. the banks in most of the United States 54. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? A. Congress did not give any special priority to the banking situation. B. The Emergency Banking Act helped all banks to reopen. C. Ninety percent of the banks reopened by the middle of March. D. Ten percent of the countrys money was in financially unhealthy banks. 55. Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage? A. Opposing viewpoints of an issue B. A theme followed by an example D. A problem and a solution C. A problem and its causes Part 3: Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each question (10 points, 2 for each correct answer) It is the role of the Federal Reserve, known simply as the Fed, to control the supply of money in the U.S. through its system of twelve regional Federal Reserve Banks, each with its own Federal Reserve District Bank. Many commercial banks belong to the Federal Reserve System and as members must follow the Feds reserve requirements, a ruling by the Fed on the percentage of deposits that a member bank must keep either in its own vaults or on deposit at the Fed. If the Fed wants to change the money supply, it can change reserve requirements to member banks; for example, an increase in the percentage of deposits required to be kept on hand would reduce the available money supply. Member banks can also borrow money from the Fed, and an additional way that the Fed can control the money supply is to raise or lower the discount rate, the interest rate at which commercial banks borrow from the Fed. An increase in the discount rate would reduce the funds available to commercial banks and thus shrink the money supply. In addition to using reserve requirements and the discount rate to control the money supply, the Fed has another powerful tool: open-market operations. 56. This passage is mainly about __________. A. the functions of the Federal Reserve B. the organization of the Federal Reserve C. reserve requirements D. the effect of lowering the discount rate 57. According to the passage, the main purpose of the Federal Reserve System is to __________. A. increase reserve requirements B. increase or decrease the amount of money available C. increase the number of Federal Reserve Banks D. increase the money kept on deposit by member banks 58. When the Fed controls the percentage of deposits kept on hand by member banks, it controls __________. A. district banks B. the discount rate C. the reserve requirement D. borrowing by commercial banks 59. The passage implies that a lowering of the discount rate would lead to __________. A. an increase in the money supply B. a decrease in borrowing from the Fed by commercial banks C. a decrease in the money available D. an increase in the reserve requirement 60. The word shrink in the passage could best be replaced by __________. D. reduce A. increase B. inflate C. support

V. BUSINESS COMMUNICATION (20 points, 2 for each correct answer) Choose the most appropriate question/statement for each situation.
61. Woman: ___________________________ Man: Yes, of course. Go ahead. A. Do you ever work at home? B. Excuse me. Can I ask you a few questions? C. Have you traveled for business? D. Do you have time for a social life? 62. Peter: ___________________________ Ann: Just one moment. Im afraid that line is busy. A. Could you put me through to her secretary? B. Can you give me your number? C. How may I help you? D. Can I leave a message? 63. Mary: ___________________________ Tom: It doesn't matter right now, either one would be OK. A. Can you work part-time or full-time? B. What kind of job would you like? C. If you would like to do that, sign here, OK? D. I was wondering if you could help me use the Student Job Center. 64. Richard: ___________________________ Ann: I am probably best at researching for marketing purposes. A. What is your biggest weakness? B. Did you find your way here OK? C. What would you consider your strengths? D. Now, do you prefer group projects? 65. Joe: ___________________________ Susan: No, I need directions, please. A. Are mornings or afternoons best? B. I lost track of time, am I late? C. Is there anywhere else we can get these supplies? D. Do you know how to get there? 66. Barry: ___________________________ Brett: I need all of my supplies right away. A. How do I order the office supplies that I need? B. How quickly will you need your supplies? C. How much do you have for office supplies? D. Would you like these supplies delivered or would you like to pick them up? 67. Stephen: ___________________________ Tim: Down the hall. I'll show you when the interview is over. A. Do we get paid time off? B. What type of professional development do you offer? C. Where do I sign up for my benefits package? D. What does the benefits package include? 68. Nick: ___________________________ Joe: How about the new Chinese place next door? A. How is it going with you today? B. Sounds like a plan. Where would you like to meet? C. Good morning, this is Ray speaking. Is Lee in? D. I am doing well. How can I help you? 69. Russel: ___________________________ Sandy: I would love to have an eleven o'clock appointment. A. Thursday is available; would ten or eleven be best? B. Certainly, what day would be best for you? C. I was wondering if I could reschedule my appointment to a later date? D. Do you need it for the whole weekend? 70. Mr. Sorensen: ___________________________ Richard: Tomorrow night would work for me. A. Should we just meet here? B. What would be the best time for you to help me? C. Would you like to meet at the coffee house next door? D. How about meeting in my office?

-THIS IS THE END OF THE FINAL TEST______________________________________________________________________________________________ ANSWER SHEET Students full name: ______________________________________Students code: ___________________ Blacken the A, B, C or D for each answer.

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