The Genial Piscean Rabbit Personality

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The Genial Piscean Rabbit Personality

html Within Chinese Astrology the Rabbit has a character of a kind, intelligent and caring creature. A person born in the Year of the Rabbit is thought to gain some of these balanced and positive influential characteristics from this gentle natured animal. The Rabbit's astrological influence on those born under the Western sun sign Pisces is strong and steadying. It creates individuals who appear to possess very genial dispositions as the delicacy of the usual Piscean emotions is somewhat strengthened. This produces people who are emotionally well adjusted and very thoughtful in their mannerisms. The overall blend of these Piscean Rabbit personalities is often just right for creating people who can usually get along with almost everyone. These individuals do not like loud or overly extroverted friends, they prefer companions who are calm and enjoy along with them the quieter activities in life. In work choices the Piscean Rabbit will often opt for occupations that make use of their nice and happy persona's and challenge their intelligence. They are rather good at integrating a fine work and free time equilibrium so they rarely suffer from stress. They are expert at planning their time to fit everything in. A Piscean Rabbit will look for a strong reliable partner, with whom they can talk freely and take pleasure in the same simple things in life. The dreamy imaginitive flair of the Piscean often surfaces when they are in love. This makes the Piscean Rabbit highly romantic and sentimental in adult relationships. They can sometimes be a little too trusting of other people's intentions. They tend to think that everyone is as agreeable and considerate as they are and are disappointed to discover that this is not always the case. They can frequently rush into relationships without thinking compatibility through first. Piscean Rabbit's like to go with the flow and hardly ever provoke arguments. They are fond of a peaceful carry on and will avoid rather than encourage arguments. This can sometimes making them infuriating as many of these Piscean Rabbit's flatly refuse to argue when sometimes a debate is needed to clear the air. These people do not like any kind of confrontation and usually do all they can to avoid it. In the workplace these personalities are versatile. While they dislike too much responsibility they will usually be flexible and capable of doing more than one thing at a time. They get along finely with work colleagues and are prepared to work hard. Self indulgence and a tendency to be a little idle are the primary weaknesses of the Piscean Rabbit personality. These are not immensely troublesome faults if they do not occur too frequently. If they are a regular occurrence then they can lead to self pity. As the Piscean rabbit seldom gets stressed then these negative traits and their influences do not often materialize. This weakness will sometimes just simply manifest as the need for a shopping binge, a nice meal or night out, or the luxury of an extra few hours in bed.

Pisces and Scorpio love compatibility This may be a love at first sight combination. There is a strong mutual attraction between them. Pisces are ready to rely on Scorpio to compensate their indecision, and will agree with the Scorpio's aspiration to dominate. Scorplo's jealousy and possessiveness won't bother Pisces-in fact, it makes Pisces feel loved. Pisces's dependency is just what Scorpio is looking for. These two share a special communion, much of it on a sensual, unspoken level. Both have intense feelings, are loyal, intuitive, interested in the mystical and the unusual. Their sexual life should be delightful. The Pisces are inventive. The Scorpio is persevering. Both - affair and marriage are successful.

People born specifically on the 24th of February are believed to have a selfless, sympathetic nurturing nature with heaps of the typical Piscean intuition. This particular day is ruled in astrological sense by the planet Venus creating your abundance of charm, creativity, diplomacy and youthful outlook. If you have this birthday an idealistic but indecisive approach is within your nature that others can find a little confusing. You know what you want from life but sometimes cannot decide the directions to take to acquire or accomplish things. In everything you do your kind heart seeks harmony, usually glossing over negatives and trying not to let them hold you back. Individual's with a February the twenty fourth birthday are free minded spirits who revel in their independence but value highly family and friends. You are quite sociable and emotionally receptive yet tend to prefer the company of a few rather than the noisy bustle of a large crowd. Work and Finances Work options are not often a top priority for those born on the twenty fourth of February as you are happy to try any task. You may be naturally attracted to humanitarian type jobs due to your caring disposition but are prepared to consider anything interesting. A decent rate of pay is important to you but it will not be your primary consideration. This is because you are very good with budgeting your personal finances and so able to manage adequately on any income. When it comes to saving for large purchases you are equally as skilled and would rather wait and save up than rely on borrowing. Personal Relationships For a Pisces, the person born on the twenty fourth day of February is unusually extremely sociable and prone to fall in love easily. You are likely to have lots of friends and not be in any great hurry to settle down. When you decide to search for the ideal partner your list of requirements is more often than not a little unrealistic. You seek someone who fulfills your high expectations of an intense physical, intellectual and emotional attachment. As you are so perceptive tuning into others needs is natural and effortless but you wish everyone possessed the same insightfulness about you.

Once you are committed to a soul mate you will expect the sweet talking seduction to be a permanent part of the partnership. In a long term relationship you are inclined to be romantic, like to please and will be considerate and nonconfrontational. Health Any health related problems experienced by those born on February 24th can be due to your somewhat lazy attitude in caring for yourself. Your self sacrificing mannerisms can sometimes take its toll on your well being. Those around you may often have to prompt you to slow down and take some time out to relax. You should ideally aim to adopt a commonsensical view of what your body requires to function when under such pressures. By eating as healthily as possible, taking regular exercise and listening and responding to bodily messages for rest you should be able to keep your healthiness in tact. Strengths and Weaknesses Your main strengths are predominantly displayed within your giving, open, kind and accepting characteristics. Other admirable strong points are in your openmindedness, fairness and modern perspective. These qualities help you look at the world from a positive stance and give you moral ideals. Personality weak spots for those born on February 24th are that you have a tendency to be occasionally self absorbed or demanding if particularly tired or stressed. This is accompanied by your proneness to indecision. You generally learn to deal with these negative traits as you mature. Dreams and Goals Being born on the 24th of February gifts you with many wonderful talents as well as your loveable character. It ordinarily takes you a while to recognize the versatility and usefulness of your best attributes. As you are slow to identify your finest abilities you are not really a person who makes goals and especially where they concern material gain. Your dreams and wishes in life are usually straightforward and tend to focus on the acquisition of someone to love, a nice home and general domestic contentment. Not forgetting probably your biggest aspiration, to be better at making decisions. Birthday Luck and Significance As you were born on the twenty fourth day of the month the two and the four in your birth date add up to a Root number of Six. This numerical reference to your birthday has the associated keyword 'Social' and describes perfectly your amiability and good will towards others. The Tarot deck card linked to your birthday is the 6th in the Major Arcana, the Lovers. This highlights your strong appreciation of loved ones and keenness for companionship. The gemstone considered luckiest for February the twenty fourth birthdays is Turquoise, wear it for increased happiness and prosperity. Summation As a Piscean your personality is thought to be determined by the astrological

influence of the planet Neptune. The actual day you were born on, the twenty fourth of February is imagined to be governed by the celestial body Venus. As a result the intricacies of your individuality are shaped by the cosmic forces of these 2 planets. Your charismatic and creative side assists you in expressing yourself and is a fine accompaniment to the helpfulness you naturally have. Your high level of perspicacity and the tactful, harmonious manner you present are other assets that will help you through life. The only aspect that appears to hold back your progress is your inability to put one's feet up once in a while. A final advisory thought for people born on February the 24th is to try and be familiar with your fortes and utilize them. Pisces 2013 you will be getting things done, discipline is suddenly easy for you. You can move past wishey-washy straight into forward movement, this is going to feel good. A major area of concern of Pisces 2013 horoscope is your fourth house, ruler of home and family, the subconscious, our roots and family, sometimes the Mother can be seen here too. Expect in 2013 year of the black Snake a lot of action in these areas of your life; for you however it will be easy to know what to do. Luckily in your Pisces 2013 horoscope Saturn is in a harmonious Trine aspect with, Neptune, Mars, Mercury and the Sun. These planets are standing together, arms around each others shoulders in a huddle. In Astrology we call this a stellium. It's a team effort really. All these planets are bringing their different energy in 2013 year to the table to create something. Neptune is your ruling planet, you are heavily influenced by Neptune and its illusive energy, it rules the subconscious and our connection to the collective soup. Nothing is as it seems in Neptune's domain. Neptune rules the unseen spiritual world, that sense of things that can't easily be described to others. Mars is also influenced by Neptune in Pisces 2013 horoscope chart, which is not ideal for Mars considering it is the action planet. Expect your energy to fluctuate from exhaustion to inspiration. It is important to really go with the flow and honor the needs of your body as they come up. If you are tired, nap. If you are hungry choose nourishing natural foods and avoid anything processed. Walking beside large bodies of water is a very charging activity for a Pisces, if you are in the prairies try long baths. Neptune is a flowing watery energy, subtle and powerful. If you do not honor the needs of your physical self right now there is risk of getting sick. If you take the nudge when you are tired you won't need the shove. Put your energy and drive into spiritual pursuits and you can't go wrong. This 2013 year of Snake natives of the sign Pisces are able to feel and connect with your guides now more than ever. If you ground yourself in the physical world with self care you can have even more sublime spiritual experiences. Mercury is the ruler of communications. Connecting is important to Mercury and with Neptune also ruling this planet now you will find your thoughts and ideas are rather divine. This 2013 year of the Snake you may be suddenly aware of a

much richer reality, one with many layers and dimensions. Perhaps you experience bleed-through from past lives, or start sensing Angels and energies you were not aware of before. Guard your thoughts with an open and discerning heart. Being Pisces you are susceptible to picking up the energies of others. Emotions, fears and thoughts that are not originally yours can get caught up in you. Owners of the zodiac sign Pisces absorb things like a sponge. Saturn will help you develop a discipline to protect your energy. The simple act of intending to shield yourself from all negative energy is often all you need to do. Imagine a bubble of light around you that allows love and light through in both directions, but repels lower vibrations. Another great practice for a Pisces is to wear a crystal that can absorb energy for you. Choose something darker in color that calls to you. Obsidian or blue lace Agate. With how the planets are aligned in Pisces 2013 horoscope I would not be surprised to see sudden discoveries. Maybe you find your Soulmate and get pregnant within a short period of time. Expect the unexpected. Saturn is lending a hand this year. Teaching you the importance of commitment and follow through. Saturn is helping teach you responsibility and acceptance. You may feel at times that things are unfun, as Saturn can be a taskmaster. If you think of him as a father, there to guide you, and teach you the ways of the world, you will be using this energy as it is intended. This Loving fatherly energy is really there to help you stand on your own two feet and make changes in your world. The 2013 will bring many opportunities through Pisces home and family. Perhaps you will buy or sell land. Be open to discoveries about your past and childhood that could release you from unhealthy patterns. You will be very intuitive this year, more so than usual and it would be wise to honor your ideas with action. Remember, what you want is not outrageous, what is outrageous is what you are willing to settle for. Take action in the direction of your heart's desires this year and you will be richly rewarded. Celebrate the simple pleasures in you everyday and you will draw more.

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