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H. S.

Forecasting Homeroom plans and Counselor Visits

On March 18th, all eighth grade students will complete a yellow form (Forecasting Invitations sheet and High School Forecasting Appointment sheet). As the Homeroom teacher, you will tell students their assigned appointment times from the master list provided. Please have them complete the yellow forecasting invitation for their parents based on their pre-assigned times. This should be taken home to parents. Additionally, teachers will share this information with eighth grade parents during conferences. Finally, each student should complete the half-page forecasting appointment pass. Please collect these passes. You will then distribute them to your Homeroom students on the day of their appointment. Thank you for your help! On April 8th, during Homeroom, all eighth grade students will be viewing a forecasting video. On April 9th (Extended Homeroom), Students will check into Homeroom and then be sent to the assigned alpha areas. DDHS counselors will be distributing the forecasting materials to our 8th graders in preparation for high school forecasting. Please see the attached schedule for alpha locations and teacher supervision locations during this extended homeroom. We will follow the extended homeroom schedule in the staff planner. On April 16th, 17th, and 18th, you will give students their Forecasting appointment sheets so they can attend their appointment at the assigned time.

March 18thstudents:

8th grade Homeroom Teachers say this to your

Beginning today, you will have the chance to prepare to forecast for the courses you want to take at DDHS next school year. It is really important that you complete the whole forecasting process. Even if you are not sure if you are going to DDHS in the fall, we want you to fill out all the paperwork today for your forecasting appointment. Please complete the forecasting invitation for your parents when I tell you your pre-assigned time. After you finish, you will be taking this home to your parents In addition, you need to complete the top portion of the High School Forecasting Hall Pass (yellow half-sheet) and give it back to me today before you leave.

On April 16th, 17th, 18th, your high school counselor will be here at Alice Ott to meet with you. Your parents are invited to come so they can meet your counselor too. It is important that you get this home.

Alice Ott Forecasting Invitation

Dear ___________________________________________________________________ I would like to invite you to attend an appointment with me on ____________________________ at ____________________________. My counselor for DDHS will be here to meet with me to go over my high school forecasting for next year at David Douglas. If you cant come to this appointment, but you want to meet my counselor you can fill out this form and we can meet my counselor in June right after school gets out.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------I cannot attend the forecasting appointment. I would like to meet with you in June though. Please contact me to set up an appointment. Name: _________________________________________________________________ Students Name: ______________________________________________________ Phone Number (s): ____________________________________________________ _________________________________________

The best time to call is: ________________________________________________

Alice Ott Forecasting Hall Pass

________________________________________ is excused to attend his/her high school forecasting appointment on ____________________________ at ____________________________. Please excuse to the library

Alice Ott Forecasting Hall Pass

________________________________________ is excused to attend his/her high school forecasting appointment on ____________________________ at ____________________________. Please excuse to the library!

Alice Ott Forecasting Hall Pass

________________________________________ is excused to attend his/her high school forecasting appointment on ____________________________ at ____________________________. Please excuse to the library!

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