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31 MAY, 2013

2013 rst quarter
A look back to see what we have accomplished together...
greatest victims of such injustice. HDMI Designs is committed to supporting women and children both locally and internationally. We a r e c o m m i t t e d t o funding programs that empower women living in the developing countries to become economically self-sucient. A 2001 study by the World Bank states that gender equality is vital to combat world poverty. FROM HDMI DESIGNS Supporting programs of this type DWAYNE SMOLNICKY yields a double dividend; it PRESIDENT elevates women and that results I would like to take this time in a higher standard of living for to thank the clients weve had their families and communities. over the last year. Together we Please read further on page 2 h a v e b e e n a b l e t o a c h i e v e to s e e t h e p r o j e c t s H D M I amazing things here at home and D e s i g n s h a v e s u p p o r t e d across the world. throughout the 2012 an into 2013 We believe that everyone is and how weve made a dierence. entitled to a safe place to live, food for themselves and their family, and an education. It is a fact that women and girls are the A THANK YOU HDMI DESIGNS IS A TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE BUSINESS Triple Bottom Line Business is based on three pillars; People, Planet & Prot. This captures an expanded spectrum of values and criteria for mea suring organizational and societal success. The three measures include: prot - the economic value created by the company, or the economic benefit to the surrounding community and society, people - the fair and favorable business practices regarding labour and the community in which the company conducts its business, and planet - the use of sustainable environmental practices & the reduction of environment impact.

The Year Ahead

We are very excited about looking forward at this stage of our business. We have added full scale renovations this year to our business services. We offer a complete VIP ser vice. This includes taking care of all those incidentals that are most commonly forgot. Our goal is to help make your renovations as quick and easy as possible while delivering the highest quality ser vice and workmanship available. To make your life easier, our ser vices include; - packing, moving, storage during the renovation - unpacking & presentation after the renovation - assistance with temporary living or travel arrangements - full scale design & decorating of your home as requested - pick up, deliver and assembly of furniture - hooking up cable, TVs, computers, etc.



HDMI DESIGNS INC. PARTICIPATES IN THE FOLLOWING PROJECTS: education, self-employment a n d h e a l t h c a r e t o u n d e rprivileged children and women in Ranchi, India. The impact of THE BOMA PROJECT, literacy on the families of KENYA literate women is manifold. Women who are educated or vocationally trained have a higher likelihood of becoming nancially independent. Their attendance in Health awareness camps will lead to better health, hygienic and nutritional practices at home, leading to healthier and happier children The BOMA Project has a with better present and brighter proven track record, measurable futures. results and a transformative approach to alleviating poverty, e m p o w e r i n g w o m e n a n d FRIENDSHIP BRIDGE, building resiliency in the arid GUATEMALA lands of rural Africa. Our Rural Entrepreneur Access Project (REAP) replaces aid with sustainable income and helps women to graduate f rom extreme poverty by giving them the tools they need to start small businesses in their communities. With this new a n d d i v e r s i f i e d s o u r ce o f Friendship Bridges mission is to income, women can survive provide microcredit and drought, feed their families, pay e d u c a t i o n t o Gu a t e m a l a n for school fees and medical care, women so that they can create and accumulate savings for long their own solutions to poverty term stability. for themselves, their families and communities. Through the microcredit Plus Program MATRICHAYA, INDIA which combines small loans avera ging $ 250 for four- to twelve month loan terms and participator y education women start, expand or diversify their businesses and learn practical, applicable lessons on ever yday topics including business, health and self-esteem. The main objective of Matrichaya project is to provide

31 MAY, 2013

2012 Programs
Nepal Youth Foundation, Nepal programs/freedom/index.html Starsh One by One, Guatemala Womens Earth Alliance, Liberia & Sierra Leone Afghan Friends Network, Afghanistan Children of Vietnam Huru International, Kenya Maasai Girls Education Fund, Kenya Transitions Global, Cambodia Global Grassroots, Rwanda tag/rwanda/ Health In Harmony, Indonesia board-staff/ Anchal, India The Pachamama Alliance, Ecuador Girl Determined, Burma



ENVIRONMENTAL TIPS AND CONSCIOUSNESS: WET BRUSH STORAGE AND CLEANING The lea st exciting par t of painting has to be cleaning paint brushes. Most of us would rather step back and admire the newly painted surfaces after a long and tiring day of painting instead of launching into cleaning. In that state of mind, ensuring that our valuable brushes are refreshed and ready for the next session can also seem like more work than it really is. In fact paint brush cleaning can be such a drag that commercial painting outts all too frequently engage in the environmentally unsound practice of buying a complete new set of brushes at the start of a new job, undertake the minimum cleaning and maintenance eort then dispose of them at the end. While most people who paint are sympathetic to sustainability, the reality is that oceans of cleaning uid are consumed in paint brush cleaning every year. Further, the p a i n t t a i n te d f l u i d i s u s u a l l y released into the general environment where it contributes to pollution.

31 MAY, 2013

c l e a n i n g p r o ce s s . Re p e a te d l y, washing out paint from the bristles consumes cleaning uid and takes time. Wet brush storage systems aim to store the brushes in a wet condition between painting and thereby save cleaning uid, time and inevitably, money.

Painters at HDMI Designs use a technique to wrap the brush in cling lm or keep it in a knotted plastic bag to keep the air out. Sometimes we place it in a freezer or fridge to further slow the paint drying process. The other common alternative is to sit brushes in a jar or similar container of cleaning uid between painting. When using oil based paints, the brush can be submerged in water to keep the paint from drying overnight. These makeshift approaches are not always reliable and are only really applicable for relatively short-term storage. Also, keeping brushes on their bristles (ex. in the cleaning solution) will eventually permanently bend them, eectively ruining the brush. Here at HDMI, Wet br ush stora ge systems we are always looking for ideas keep mainly address the critical second costs down while respecting our s te p i n t h e t r a d i t i o n a l b r u s h precious natural resources

RECYCLING: Not only does waste overow landlls, but it also means that more raw materials must be processed to produce the replacements for what we've used. Recycling cuts down both sides of the equation -- less garbage in the landlls and less raw materials usage. It is possible to process most of what you throw away in a day, back to its original state, or into new material. During our garbage removal every attempt is made to separate all of the chemicals, all of the metals, and all of the recyclables so they do not end up in the landlls and can be recycled and reused.


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