Thesun 2009-04-22 Page10 Sri Lanka Troops Move in On Tigers 52000 Flee

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10  theSun | WEDNESDAY APRIL 22 2009

news without borders

Two Koreas end rare talks

after just 22 minutes Sri Lanka troops move in
on Tigers, 52,000 flee
SEOUL: Rare talks between North and The North gave no indication of
South Korea ended without agreement what it wanted to discuss when it
late yesterday after just 22 minutes, proposed the meeting last week.
Seoul’s unification ministry said. It only said it had an “important no-
A spokesman had no immediate tice” to announce regarding the Seoul-
details on what happened at the talks, funded Kaesong estate, built as a symbol
which had been delayed for some 12 of reconciliation between two countries,
hours by procedural disputes. which have remained technically at war minority and Sinhalese
The meeting at the Kaesong joint since their 1950-53 conflict. majority, and boosting an
industrial estate just north of the heav- Pyongyang is angry at Seoul’s an- economy suffering on many
ily fortified border was the first formal nounced intention to join a US-led fronts including a weakening
one since a conservative government initiative against shipments of weap- rupee.
took office in Seoul 14 months ago. ons of mass destruction. The United Nations and
Relations are at their worst in a It says any move by its neighbour Western governments have
decade after President Lee Myung-Bak to join the Proliferation Security urged the military to renew
abandoned his predecessors’ policy of Initiative (PSI) would be seen as a a brief truce to negotiate
providing almost unconditional aid to declaration of war. the civilians’ exit, a plea the
the communist state. “The Lee group of traitors should government has rejected on
Regional tensions are also rising never forget that Seoul is just 50km the grounds the Tigers have
after the North’s purported satellite away” from the border, the North’s dismissed all entreaties to let
launch on April 5, widely seen over- military spokesman said Saturday, sug- the people out.
seas as a disguised missile test. gesting the city is vulnerable to attack. Sri Lankan President Ma-
The North, angry at UN censure Analysts believed the North would hinda Rajapaksa also again
of the launch, has announced it is try to force the South to choose be- turned down Britain’s attempt
quitting nuclear disarmament talks tween PSI and the future of Kaesong, to send a special envoy and
and restarting its atomic weapons using the detainee as a bargaining ruled out any pause in mili-
programme. It has expelled US and chip. EPAPIX tary action during a phone
UN nuclear inspectors. Cho Bong-Hyun, an analyst with Tamil civilians call with Prime Minister
In yesterday’s talks the seven- South Korean bank IBK, said the North in the No Fire COLOMBO: Sri Lankan casualties among civilians, Gordon Brown on Monday,
member Seoul delegation was seeking would likely bring charges against Zone arrive soldiers battled into the last saying hundreds had been the president’s office said.
access to a South Korean worker being the detainee to raise tensions and may into military redoubt of the Tamil Tigers killed in the past 48 hours. “President Rajapaksa
held by the North at Kaesong for alleg- even demand that all South Korean controlled yesterday, and an exodus of The neutral agency did not observed that this movement
edly criticising its political system. workers quit the joint venture. – AFP areas after people trapped by the rebels assign blame to either side. of civilians had evoked a
troops overran in the coastal strip hit 52,000, Sri Lanka’s military, in completely new situation and
the last the military said. what it dubbed the world’s he had instructed that addi-
Thai state of emergency to earth bund
The operation gathered
speed after the military’s
largest hostage rescue op-
eration, moved in to keep the
tional consignments of food,
medicine and other essentials
their path at noon (2.30pm in Malaysia) stream of people moving and be dispatched,” a statement
be extended by new rally Puthumattalan deadline for the Libera- give troops a clear shot at the released yesterday said.
in Mullaitivu. tion Tigers of Tamil Eelam LTTE and its elusive leader Puleedevan, the LTTE
BANGKOK: A fresh rally planned by the state of emergency,” Satit said. (LTTE) to surrender passed Vellupillai Prabhakaran. peace secretariat head, again
anti-government protesters will pro- “This is bad news for our country without any word from the “The number of people urged a permanent ceasefire
long a state of emergency in Thailand’s because it will worsen the crisis. separatists, in what appears is up to 52,000 and we and accused the government
capital Bangkok and surrounding areas, They should rely on parliament as the to be the final act in Asia’s have reached the beach,” of killing 1,000 people and
a government minister said yesterday. government is implementing charter longest-running war. military spokesman Udaya wounding 2,000 on Monday
Supporters of ousted premier amendments as demanded by the The LTTE hours later Nanayakkara said, indicating via shelling.
Thaksin Shinawatra have announced protesters,” he said. vowed no surrender despite troops had cut the Tiger’s last The government has
they will regroup on Saturday outside On Monday Jakrapob Penkair, a being massively outgunned remaining area in half. denied that and accuses
the emergency zone after rallies in senior member of the so-called “Red by a military built up to wipe He denied civilians were the Tigers of creating a
Bangkok ended last week following Shirt” protest movement loyal to fugi- them out. being harmed. The Tigers’ humanitarian crisis to build
street battles between demonstrators tive Thaksin, said that the group would “LTTE will never surren- Puleedevan said Prabhaka- international pressure for a
and armed soldiers. continue their campaign against Prime der and we will fight and we ran, the 54-year-old guerrilla ceasefire to try and rearm, as
But Satit Wonghnongtaey, the minis- Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva. have the confidence that we who since the 1970s has sin- they have done in the past.
ter attached to the prime minister’s of- “We have developed some strate- will win with the help of the gle-mindedly led a fight for The Red Cross said it
fice, said the protests in Samut Sakhon gies,” said Jakrapobn. The Red Shirts Tamil people,” Seevaratnam a separate nation for Tamils feared the operation could
province, 36km outside Bangkok would shut down an Asian summit in Pattaya Puleedevan, secretary-general – which became full-blown lead to a drastic increase in
worsen the kingdom’s political chaos. on April 11 and then clashed with of the LTTE peace secretariat, war in 1983 – was directing the number of casualties.
“The government is ready to deal troops in Bangkok on Monday. Two told Reuters by telephone. the fight in what the army had “The situation is nothing
with any chaos but the rally will affect people were killed and 123 injured in The International Com- set up as a no-fire zone, but is short of catastrophic. Ongo-
the government’s decision when to lift the unrest in the capital. – AFP mittee of the Red Cross now a last battleground. ing fighting has killed or
(ICRC) warned the situa- After the conventional wounded hundreds of civil-
tion was “nothing short of end of the war, Sri Lanka will ians who have only minimal
catastrophic” and urged both face the challenges of healing access to medical care,” it
sides to prevent further mass divisions between the Tamil said in a statement – Reuters

Obama gets euphoric CIA

welcome despite terror revelations
LANGLEY (Virginia): Presi- in with CIA director Leon waterboarding, sleep depri-
dent Barack Obama heaped Panetta. vation and even a proposal
praise on the CIA on Monday, “Don’t be discouraged by to use insects to frighten a
vowing his “full support” and what’s happened the last few detainee, endorsed by the
telling employees not to be weeks. Don’t be discouraged previous administration of
discouraged by his release that we have to acknowledge George W. Bush.
of stunning details on the potentially we have made The move, which came
agency’s harsh terror inter- some mistakes – that’s how in response to a court order,
rogations. we learn,” Obama said. exposed Obama to fierce
The president reassured “But the fact that we are attacks from across the politi-
the embattled spies at their willing to acknowledge them cal spectrum.
Virginia headquarters amid and then move forward, that Former Bush administra-
a heated controversy over is precisely why I am proud tion officials warned he had
his release of secret memos to be president of the United tied the hands of the agency
detailing Bush-era inter- States and that’s why you for the future, damaged
rogations of terror suspects should be proud to be mem- individual agents who car-
denounced as torture by bers of the CIA.” ried out the questioning or
critics. Obama’s visit coincided offered a propaganda tool to
If there were hard feel- with fresh revelations about US enemies.
ings, they weren’t on public the repeated use of water- Human rights groups
display at the Central Intel- boarding, or near drowning, were furious that Obama
ligence Agency. on up to 266 occasions by simultaneously ruled out
Hundreds of agency CIA interrogators against two prosecutions of CIA opera-
employees packed the lobby top Al Qaeda terror suspects. tives who carried out inter-
of the original headquarters Last week, the president rogations viewed as torture,
building to hear Obama released a series of Justice by reasoning that they were
and exploded in cheers and Department memos detailing acting on orders to defend
applause when he strode harsh techniques, including their country. – AFP

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