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Name: Robu Diana Date: School: C.N. Vasile Alecsandri, Bacu Grade: 11 B Book: Upstream Level: Advanced Lesson: Formal and informal letters Type of lesson: teaching writing; Aim: - SS learn how to write formal and informal letters; - SS identify many types of formal an informal letters; - SS learn new expressions related to writing letters; - SS learn how to properly express themselves in English; Objectives: a) cognitive: At the end of the lesson students will be able to: use the new words correctly; learn the differences between different types of letters; develop their reading and writing skills; express freely their ideas;

b) Affective: - be confident in the ability to use a foreign language; - use English while playing; - create interest in the topic. Methods and techniques: a) Methods: Communicative Approach, Direct Method b) Techniques: conversation, pair work, simulation. Materials: blackboard, textbook.

Stages of the lesson I. Warm-up

Teachers activity 1. T greets the students

Students activity 1. Students answer

Interactio n T-S

Skill speaking

Time 1

Purpose - to create a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere - to introduce students into the topic; - to introduce students into the topic;

1. T asks students if they are used to send letters and how offten they do it. II. Introducing the new material

1. Students listen 2. Students answer


listening speaking

2. T asks students to open their books on page 161, Unit 7, and announces the title of the lesson T writes the title on the blackboard and asks students to write it in their notebooks. 3. T asks students to look at the first exercise and read the job advertisement. T asks students to underline the key words. 4. T asks students to do exercise 1a on page 161. (S work individually and answer the questions) 5. T asks students to do exercise 2b on page 162. (They have to choose

1. Students listen 2. Students write


listening writing

1. Students listen 2. Students answer


listening reading

-to reinforce knowledge about the topic;

1. Students listen 2. Students read 3. Students answer 1. Students listen 2. Students read


reading writing speaking writing speaking

- to activate the vocabulary and knowledge about the topic; - to encourage students to 2


which of the language functions are necessary to do exercise 1a.)

3. Students answer


express their opinions; listening speaking writing listening reading speaking - to introduce students into the topic;

6. T asks students to do exercise 2.b. 1. Students listen on page 162. T asks students to match 2. Students answer the phrases with the language functions from ex. 2.a. 7. T asks the students to read and analyze the model given at page 162(exercise 3.a) And answer the questions. 1. Students listen 2. Students read 3. Students answer.



- to help students understand how to write; - to check comprehension of specific information; - to learn how to write a recommendation letter; - to reinforce vocabulary and knowledge about the topic;

8. T asks students to work in pairs and choose the appropriate items from the group in order to write a plan for a recommendation letter.(exercise 3.b)

1. Students listen 2. Students answer


speaking writing

9. T asks students to complete the 1. Students listen opposite model with the phrases given. 2. Students read and (exercise 3.c) complete the gaps.


reading Writing

V. Feed-back T offers feed-back evaluation

Students listen



VI. Homework

T asks students to do exercise 4 b on page 164 and explains the homework.

Students listen and ask questions


- to let students know how well they performed; - to encourage them; - in order to make sure they know what they have to do.

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