Natural Anxiety Cures

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Natural Anxiety Cures Common Solutions for Your Relief

By Dennis Manz

2007 Dennis Manz

Recommendations for this Quality Ebook:

"I like this E-Book very much and the personal touches lend some fun read-ability to it. Being a licensed and board-certified primary care naturopathic doctor, I find patients respond better when they think they aren't alone in their health concerns. I think this E-Book communicates that clearly and lays down an easy to understand foundation for eliminating anxiety through natural medicine. I highly recommend this E-Book to anyone suffering from anxiety or for anyone wanting to educate themselves about the perils of anti-anxiety pharmaceutical drugs and the benefits of naturopathic medicine."

Veronica E. Hayduk , N.D.

VERONICA E. HAYDUK, ND Second Nature Health 912 Thayer Ave. Suite 209 Silver Spring, Maryland 20810 Phone: (301) 395-9118 Email: Website:

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I thought the information was well presented, easy to understand, and provided some much needed information about the drawbacks of pharmaceutical interventions."

Valerie Balandra ARNP, BC

VALERIE BALANDRA ARNP, BC Email: Phone 941 371-7997

The Natural Anxiety Cures 2007 Dennis Manz 3

"Dennis Manz has done a great service by presenting information about naturopathic medicine and anxiety in a way that is accessible to many people."

Derva Krassner, N.D.

Devra Krassner, N.D. Maine Whole Health 4 Milk Street Portland, ME 04101 207-773-2517

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"Dennis has put together a very straightforward, no-nonsense book addressing some of the commonly used and very effective natural treatments for anxiety. His personal stories and comments convey his true passion for this subject and I am sure that many people will be able to identify with his observations and remarks. Ultimately, this book will help many in treating their anxiety via natural methods and will start them in the process of determining the underlying cause of their condition."

D. Andrew Neville, N.D.

D. Andrew Neville, N.D. Clymer Healing Center 5916 Clymer Road Quakertown, PA 18951 Phone: 215-536-8001; Fax: 215-536-9099; 800-300-5168;;

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"Highly recommended for anyone with anxiety."

Deborah A. Wianeck, N.D.

Deborah A. Wiancek, N.D. Riverwalk Natural Health Clinic & Natural Pharmacy LLC 280 Main St., Ste C-105 Edwards, CO 81632 970-926-7606

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Anxiousness. All of us suffer from anxiety in our lives, some more than others. Many of you reading this are looking for a fresh, natural and alternative way of alleviating your anxiety. This E-Book is for you. I have dedicated my years of experience to create this E-Book to help motivate you, or a loved one, to commit to a totally natural way of treating anxiety. As with all constructive endeavors, it will take effort. That is why I created this book, to help you reach results that far outweigh the effort.

There are wonderful and effective herbal remedies that have been used for centuries to treat illness and disease, including anxiety. More people today, than ever before, are seeking and using alternative, natural, and safe methods to heal their ailments. It is my hope that this book will help you choose a natural path to ensure your long-term health. This E-Book was organized to help you stay on track from start to finish, and at the same time educate and encourage you to take action. So please read through until the end and begin to see results in your own life, or in the life of a loved one. It's been my desire to create a thought provoking and educational E-Book for your benefit and hopefully your action. My intent is to help you find a safe and effective natural solution to eliminate your anxiety problems for good. I believe this E-Book is just what you need.

I wish you the ultimate in health and in your overall peace of mind. It's my desire to assist you in being happy and healthy in life, just like our Creator intended for us all to be. I believe this from the bottom of my heart, and that is why I created this E-Book. This E-Book will place you far along the road to good health and well-being.

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Table of Contents

Preface: (P.07)

Section 1: Introduction - Set Your Course. (P.10)

Section 2: Medications, the Answer for Anxiety? (P.23) Section 3: Natural Approach for Drug Weaning. (P.27)

Section 4: Take Action for Your Well-Being. (P.29)

Section 5: Common Causes of Anxiety. (P.36)

Section 6: My Story - Vitamins, Minerals & Herbs (P.43)

Section 7: Dealing with Anxiety (P.45)

Part 1: Preventing Anxiety Attacks (P.47)

Part 2: The Plan (P.68)

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Eliminating Anxiety (P.75)

Clinically proven herbs for helping to treat anxiety (P.78)

Conclusion: (P.83)

Thank You: (P.87)

Credits: (P.88)

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Section 1:

Introduction- Set Your Course.

Set your course and stick to it.

I want to start by saying that I am sorry for your personal struggles with anxiety or depression. I truly believe that you can and will heal yourself through a natural alternative medical approach, if you adhere to the recommendations of this E-Book (provided you don't suffer from serious medical complications). There is no doubt in my mind that you will benefit and find relief from applying what you learn from this E-Book.

Fast paced lives, jobs, families, and so on are stressful. Stress can lead to anxiety, depression, insomnia, irritability, and the list goes on. These issues, although external to our biochemistry and physical make-up, effect us each day and sometimes in different ways. We all experience these life issues in one form or another. Often it can lead to anxiety and depression. For some pharmaceutical drugs help them. For most, it just contributes to the problems they already have. For some a positive mind-set works, yet many overlook the power of thoughts and the importance of counseling. Having a healthy lifestyle may be the biggest factor, yet most people give little importance to natural supplements and herbal remedies. You may be one of many people looking for something other than mind-numbing drugs to help your anxiety or depression. With the right mind-set and the right information, a healthy solution can be reached. Natural and herbal supplements will help restore and balance your biochemistry and health. Let me show you how and why in this E-Book.

Key Point: You are unique. Everyone is different! Your biochemistry is unlike anyone else's. What works for one person might not work for another.

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Usually anxiety can be traced to your biochemistry. We all have different biochemical make-up, yet there can be similarities. Alternatives to pharmaceutical drugs, such as herbs, have been successful in eliminating anxiety throughout history. Biochemistry can best be described as the chemical composition of a particular living system or biological substance. What works for one person may not work for another. So, it is very important to consider your individual circumstances when dealing with your anxiety or depression problems. Its also very important that you stay committed to making a positive change and conquering your problems. Remember, your individual make-up and biochemistry is unlike anyone elses. Make sure you consult with a health care practitioner who is committed to understanding your desires to find alternatives to drugs to treat your anxiety.

Now I want to be clear here, I am not talking about a health care practitioner that will simply take your temperature, record your weight, and prescribe drugs. That is not what you need if you are seeking a new and alternative way of treating anxiety. You are unique in a very special way and your anxiety issues must be handled as an individual problem specific to you. It doesn't matter nearly as much what some friends and family might say, when they have little to no personal experience dealing with anxiety or depression. Stories of what other people have suffered from regarding anxiety or depression is not your situation. Yes, there might be similarities, but the core causes of your anxiety or depression are unique to you and you only. Your biochemistry is unlike anyone else's.

You are special and your anxiety should be treated from that approach. If you are suffering from serious anxiety or depression that has been affecting your life for six months or longer, only your health care practitioner is qualified to diagnose and treat the root cause of your problem. However, prescribing drugs to treat your anxiety or depression should only be used as a last resort.

Key Point: Prescription drugs do not fully treat or eliminate anxiety or depression. At best synthetic drugs can alleviate some symptoms, mask the cause of your anxiety, may cause serious side effects and are addictive.

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Another thing you need to be aware of is that the conventional approach to modern medicine has not worked for many that have tried. There are some people who found prescription drugs helpful. How about the majority? Isn't one of the key purposes of medicine to get rid of illness and pain problems? If the anti-anxiety and antidepressant drugs are so effective, then why are there twenty million plus people annually, in the United States, still suffering from some form of anxiety and a huge number from depression? There must be more answers and options out there and there are other options; natural alternatives such as herbal remedies and treatments.

The pharmaceutical drug giants.

What keeps alternative forms of anxiety treatment from gaining popular success and across-the-board acceptance? Why are avenues such as herbs, naturopathic medicine and counseling deemed less significant or even insignificant? Greed! There is little room for humanity anymore with the pharmaceutical corporations controlling the modern medical market. These drug companies operate with high priced and dangerous drugs that do not treat the root causes of anxiety or depression (outside of a mental imbalance disorder.) Doctors are too anxious to prescribe potentially dangerous drugs instead of finding out what may be truly wrong with you. Doctors should be prescribing safe and effective treatments that will work long-term to eliminate your problem. If doctors did that, it could run the pharmaceutical companies out of business. That is not going to happen. The good news is that you do have a choice to treat your anxiety safely and effectively. You are not bound to anyone or anything as far as making your own decision for the best options for your health.

Some people find what they need in pharmaceutical drugs. Many people take pharmaceutical drugs and find little to no help. Many people take these drugs and get Addicted to them. Over time, the body can develop a tolerance to the anxiety drugs rendering them ineffective.

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When you take into consideration the harm that synthetic drugs might do from long-term usage, harm from the terrible side effects, and the potential for withdrawals suffered when quitting these drugs, there is little justification for taking them in the first place. Even the newer synthetic drugs for treating anxiety and depression may not have as many serious side effects typical of the benzodiazepines (a type of anti-anxiety drug)

or SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors). However, none of the anti-anxiety drugs come without side effects. Most long-term potential side effects have yet to be determined. A few known side effects may include withdrawals and long-term consequences with memory loss and sexual dysfunction. These are issues you might not want or deserve. Antianxiety and anti- depressant drugs do not solve your problems and should only be prescribed as a last resort under the watchful care of your doctor.

Personal Note: A story from Dennis

From personal insight I can tell you that the drug Prozac is a terrible synthetic drug that my mom took for her depression. I was a caregiver for my mother after her double open heart surgery which nearly killed her. She was so traumatized by open heart surgery that she became seriously anxiety stricken over the thought of having to enter a hospital again. At that time my dad had also passed away so she was not only suffering from anxiety but also depression. Her physician prescribed Prozac to relieve her anxiety and depression. In her situation this made things worse. I knew the hell that she was going through trying to deal with the anxiety from her surgery and with my father's death. The negative reaction she had from the Prozac was short lived and she quit taking it. She recognized the damaging effects almost immediately and said that she did not like the way the Prozac made her feel. She stopped taking this terrible drug.

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Let me ask you, are you experiencing an anxiety that may be causing you to worry about certain things needlessly? Is your life being disrupting without any indication why you are feeling this way, except that you do? You are not alone. Millions of people are in the same boat and need help. I feel bad for you and want to help. There are effective alternatives (herbs) much safer than drugs that will help you eliminate your anxiety. So, if you are currently taking Prozac please speak to your health care practitioner about a safe and natural alternative treatment.

There are other ways.

There are safer and more effective alternative methods to treat your anxiety or depression. Be aware, that with the discontinuance of taking pharmaceutical drugs it is very likely that your anxiety or depression could return. This is because the root (physical and/or emotional) problem was never isolated or treated properly. Your anxiety may become even worse from drug withdrawal if you discontinue taking the drug.

I was reading a blog on the internet the other day focused on people suffering from anxiety and depression. The discussion was centered on peoples experiences with the drugs prescribed for anxiety and/or depression. I was flabbergasted by the stories of robotic like behavior and terrible nightmare withdrawals. There were stories about attempts to stop taking the prescribed drugs and about terrible withdrawals because they were too severe to handle. Does that sound like a good solution for dealing with your anxiety or depression problems?

There is sufficient evidence that points to the fact that the pharmaceutical drug approach to treating anxiety and depression is more hit and miss in effectiveness. One reason for this is that prescription synthetic drugs are prescribed generically rather than testing the patient to find out what the underlying cause of the anxiety or depression is. If you know what the core cause of your problem is, and how to fix it, then a natural

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and effective approach can be recommended to eliminate your anxiety or depression safely and permanently. More than likely you do not need, and may not want, to deal with pharmaceutical drugs at all.

More and more medical doctors are coming out with alternative recommendations such as naturopathic or holistic approaches for treating anxiety and depression. The most common (and some would say more effective) alternative method is the use of herbs. These natural substances have been used throughout human history and have more precedence and effectiveness than what is believed. Most of the so called fix-you-up drugs have side serious side effects. Alternative methods of treatment such as herbs offer better results with little to no side effects. However, it is important that the herbs or supplements are prescribed in the correct dosages to match individual needs for optimal effectiveness and safety. Key Point: Educate yourself before you think that natural and herbal supplements do not work for treating anxiety. Get the opinions of a few health care practitioners schooled in alternative medicine.

Personal Note: My Niece My niece suffers from anxiety attacks. Whenever she needs to do something she is uncomfortable with, or has a confrontation with someone, she gets so worked up that she feels like she is having a heart attack. Does that sound similar to something you have experienced, or someone you know currently has problems with?

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My niece's problem seemed to have started when she was in college and in a communications class where she had to give speeches in front of her class. She started out buying the herb Valerian Root and this worked fairly well for her at first. However, she was also going through a divorce and when she had to confront something the Valerian, by itself, did not work as well as she expected. At that stage she started taking the benzodiazepine drug Ativan. Although the Ativan seemed to work for her there were side effects. My niece's story is only one of many stories behind the use of a single herb or natural supplement to treat a cause which had not been properly identified. This is not her fault. She wanted to eliminate the problem just like you do without having to suffer anymore from the uncomfortable bouts of anxiety. My niece just hasn't found the right health care practitioner yet dedicated to solving her problem. How about you?

The purpose for explaining my niece's anxiety ties directly into the research done for this book regarding the use of single herbs versus herbs in combination.

Doctor's Advice.

I interviewed various NDs (Naturopathic Doctors) regarding the use of single or combinations of herbs for the treatment of anxiety. Naturopathic Doctors generally seek to improve health and treat disease chiefly by assisting the body's innate capacity to recover from illness and injury. Practitioners tend to emphasize a holistic approach to patient care, and typically use herbal and natural methods to help patients. The first thing the NDs told me was their first priority is to diagnose the cause of the patient's anxiety, so they are certain what to prescribe for supplements. Here is what they had to say about prescribing single herbs versus herbs in combination:

Dr. Wiancek said one herb alone might not work. Combinations of herbs work better together.

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Dr. Veronica Hayduk said she usually uses combinations of herbs and nutrients, depending on the patient.

Dr. Devra Krassner also uses combinations of nervine herbs (herbs that have a calming effect) to help people with anxiety calm down. Dr. Krassner also recommends nervine teas with various herbal combinations to relieve anxiety and also to help people sleep if they are having problems with that.

D. Andrew Neville, ND, uses combinations of the nervines to help his patients alleviate their anxiety, nervousness and insomnia.

If you have tried a single herb to alleviate your anxiety, and decided that herbs and/or natural supplements do not work, you are basing your decision on a shot gun approach and not necessarily on facts. With the proper frame of mind and guidance from your health care practitioner you can find the root cause of your problem. Then you can determine the correct combinations of supplements and dosages that will be effective, safe, and provide optimal long-term results.

Personal Note: Niece Continued

In my niece's situation perhaps the Valerian was not the right herb for her. Perhaps the potency was not of the highest quality or maybe she was not taking a dosage to fit her need. Additionally, a combination of herbs with prescribed dosages may have worked better for her. Maybe a combination of Passionflower, Lemon Balm and Chamomile, prescribed in the correct dosages, would have worked much better for her. More importantly, what is the root underlying cause of my niece's anxiety? To find that out first and then treat accordingly with natural supplementation would be the ideal situation. Make sense?

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F Ed Co

Ray Sahelian, M.D. has an interesting website,, with a lot of helpful information regarding all different types of natural nutrients and herbs for the relief of many different diseases, ailments, and disorders. He also responds to questions about dosages, side effects and the efficacy (effectiveness) of the nutrients and herbs in question. One question that Dr. Sahelian answered was, "What do you think of a product that has the combination of valerian and passion flower?" Dr. Sahelian's response was, "This may be an effective product for anxiety, but it really depends on the dosage and extract potencies of the valerian and passion flower that is used in the herbal combination."

In essence Dr. Sahelian is saying that Valerian and Passionflower appear to be a good combination of herbs for the alleviation of anxiety. However, the dosages and potency are key to the effectiveness of the herbs since each person is different in physical and chemical make-up. Once again, what works for one person may not work for the next. This is why it is important for you to find out through your health care practitioner and by educating yourself what the right combinations and dosages of natural supplements and herbs are for treating your anxiety or depression.

Personal Note: As a caution against misinformation about taking prescription drugs I will share a story about the side affects of the drug my niece took, Ativan. Ativan is a benzodiazepine or anti-anxiety drug used in the treatment of anxiety disorders. Here is what I found out:

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The most commonly noted side effects associated with Ativan (Brand or Trade Name) or lorazepam (Generic Name) are sedation (which is reported in approximately 1 in 6 people), dizziness (1 in 15), weakness, and unsteadiness. Other side effects include a feeling of depression, loss of orientation, headache, and sleep disturbance. Like all benzodiazepines, lorazepam can cause physical dependence. Suddenly stopping therapy after a few months of daily therapy may be associated with a feeling of loss of self-worth, agitation, and insomnia. If lorazepam is taken continuously longer than a few months, stopping therapy suddenly may produce seizures, tremors, muscle cramping, vomiting, and/or sweating. Does this sound appealing to you?

Natural alternatives? Herbs.

Herbs have provided a safe and effective way to eliminate anxiety and depression for many people for centuries. This alternative medical approach is focused on identifying the root cause(s) of anxiety or depression first, and than prescribing a safe and effective long-term treatment. This is the core reason for the success of naturopathic medicine. This is the right approach and truly the only approach that makes sense. Whenever you begin using nutrients or herbs for the treatment of any illness or disorder, it is crucial to identify the exact potencies, dosages, and combinations of herbs or other supplements that will work best for you as an individual. It is well worth the time and effort to do this properly instead of settling for prescription drugs that are not designed to cure your anxiety or depression. Of course, there is no replacement for seeking help from a Health Care Practitioner, like a Naturopathic Doctor, dedicated to diagnosing and identifying the root cause(s) of your anxiety.

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Personal Note: The use of Herbs

I have personally used herbs, nutrients, and multivitamins for years with very beneficial results. I can attest to many benefits I have personally realized from more energy to excellent immune system support. About three years ago I worked for an agency where the working conditions were nearly intolerable. The whole scenario was an environment of unnecessary pressure and chaos. Three people left during my time there because of the unnecessary pressure and chaos created by the management. I knew of one situation where a co-worker felt sick to her stomach whenever she would get in her car to drive to work in the morning. Sound familiar? Guess what? I eventually started feeling those same strong jolts of anxiety when I would get in my car and leave for work. It all ended (by the grace of God) in a conference room one day in November 2005 when I was told to pack my bags and leave. So, my message to you is that if you are feeling this type of anxiety or depression, you can change things. It does not matter whose fault it is or what the circumstances are, the important thing is that things need to change, right? It takes proper perception and action. Herbal supplementation and natural remedies are a very good step in the right direction toward eliminating your anxiety.

The point of my ex-employment story is that I suffered what seemed to be unbearable anxiety over this terrible job situation, yet the day I left I was able to stay poised and confident even though I was boiling mad on the inside. How was I able to keep poised and not make a scene? I attribute the use of supplements, including herbs, and a positive mindset for being able to leave this terrible place with dignity and poise. I needed to muster up all the patience and perseverance possible on that final day. I truly believe that if I had not been taking the supplements I would not have been able to leave that place in the positive frame of mind I was in. If your job is causing you anxiety you must take action to do something about that because anxiety and depression can be life altering problems. I cannot speak for you, but I will never allow any organization, job, or person to impose that kind of a negative impact on my life again. You do not have to either and for your sake and health I truly hope you do not let this happen to you or allow it to continue happening to you.

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Introduction Summary.

It is definitely important to talk to someone about your problems and you should do this especially with a health care practitioner you like and trust. However, talking about your problems is no replacement for getting to the root cause of the problem. Supporting your body and brain with the vital nutrients, herbs and supplements is essential to feeling on top of your game and living a healthy and complete life. So it is also very important that your health care practitioner is trained and qualified in the area of alternative complimentary medicine to be helpful to you. This cannot be emphasized enough.

Did you know that approximately 25% of all prescription pharmaceutical drugs are made from trees, shrubs, or herbs? Some are made from plant extracts while others are synthesized to mimic a natural plant compound. However, "herbal medicine uses plants in their natural form (containing all the naturally occurring chemicals that have biological activity). Their effects can be slower and less dramatic than purified drugs, but they have fewer side effects, are generally much safer, and work more effectively in the longterm healing process. Source:

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Personal Note: Minimal testing has been done to demonstrate the effectiveness of herbs. Confirmed instances of serious side effects associated with herbs are rare as compared to over 100,000 thousand plus people who die annually in the US from taking their synthetic drug prescriptions. These are the facts. Why aren't those harmful drugs taken off the market? One thousand plus people die each year from aspirin overdose. So, why doesnt aspirin get scrutinized and taken it off the market? Why is there so much focus on drugs that are harmful to people instead of an all out effort to further test herbal remedies for safety and effectiveness and to replace those harmful drugs? After all herbs have been growing naturally on earth since the beginning of mankind. What is it that needs to be tested that has not been applied safely and effectively in the past? Why have we not naturally evolved as a healthy and vibrant society? Why are excellent herbal remedies being overlooked or resisted by the establishment which have been proven historically and clinically to be very effective for treating anxiety disorders and depression?

It is time you took matters into your own hands instead of suffering needlessly at times, and in the end realizing you still have not found a solution to your anxiety. What are the alternatives and how do they work? These are a few of the questions that will be addressed and answered in the E-book written just for you.

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Section 2:


Pharmaceutical Drugs, the Answer?

Benzodiazepine and SSRIs.

You may be currently taking pharmaceutical drugs for your anxiety or depression, yet you are looking for something different. This brief section was developed to provide basic information for those not familiar with what benzodiazepine or SSRIs are and how they work.

It is very easy for your doctor or health care practitioner to prescribe a synthetic drug for your anxiety. One reason may be that they have never had to personally take such drugs. If they did perhaps they would understand the serious side effects associated with these drugs on a personal level. Maybe they would not be so quick to prescribe them to their patients. There is an undeniable ideology within our society that has caused great harm in arenas such as pharmaceutical drugs. That philosophy is to create high profit margins through rat race competition, and sometimes at the expense of the overall well-being of those who take these drugs. It is sometimes beyond comprehension why this happens.


What is Benzodiazepine? Benzodiazepines are psychotropic (mood altering) drugs that are defined as substances that act directly on the central nervous system, affecting mood, cognition, and behavior. They usually include anxiolytics (drugs that treat anxiety), sedatives and hypnotics, antidepressants, neuroleptics, anticonvulsants, and stimulants. Benzodiazepines are prescribed because they slow the central nervous system down, which is "good" for anxiety.
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Common benzodiazepines prescribed for anxiety are Ativan, Valium, Xanax, BuSpar, Centrex, Klonopin, Librium, Paxepam, Serax and Azene.

How does the Benzodiazepine work and what are the effects? Benzodiazepines intensify the actions of the inhibitor neurotransmitter, GABA. GABA sends a message from one brain cell to another instructing the neurons they come in contact with to either slow down or stop firing. GABA plays a very important role in slowing things down and producing a calming effect that can reduce anxiety and stress. Benzodiazepines enhance the natural actions of GABA. This creates an over exertion effect on the neurons which reduces the brain's output of excitatory neurotransmitters. The results are impairment or a slowing down of normal alertness, memory, muscle tone and co-ordination, emotional responses, endocrine gland secretions, heart rate and blood pressure. Short term usage is advised because if taken daily for two weeks or longer benzodiazepines can cause addiction and the longer they are taken the greater the risk of physical dependency. If you are taking benzodiazepines and want to stop, do not quit cold turkey. Contact your doctor and communicate to him or her your desire to stop, so they can assist you with a reduction tapering plan.

Other drugs like SSRIs can take as long as two to six weeks to start taking effect. Benzodiazepines take effect much faster and are often prescribed along with the antidepressants to counter the anxiety or depression until the antidepressants kick in. Neither Benzodiazepines or SSRIs balance or naturally produce neurotransmitters that may be deficient. Benzodiazepines and SSRIs should be used only as a last resort and certainly not as first choice.


Since research has confirmed that nutritional and chemical deficiencies play a role in the cause of anxiety and depression, along came the creation of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs.)

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What is a SSRI? It is a type of drug prescribed to treat anxiety and depression. SSRIs slow the process by which serotonin (a substance that nerves use to send messages to one another) is reused by the nerve cells that make it. This increases the amount of serotonin available for stimulating other nerves. However, SSRIs do not naturally replenish the supply of serotonin if there is a deficiency. Common prescription SSRIs includes Zoloft, Paxil, Prozac, Luvox, Lexapro, and Celexa.

How does a SSRI work? The brain is made up of neurons, which are interconnected brain cells. Messages travel along these cells. When a message reaches the end of a neuron, it has to jump a gap (called a synapse) to the next one. To do this, the neuron releases tiny amounts of a chemical (a neurotransmitter) into the gap between the nerve cells. Ideally, a nerve impulse starts in the new nerve, and thus the message gets from one nerve to the next. In order for the original nerve to recover and get the next message, it needs to replace its stocks of the neurotransmitter in the original neuron, so it is ready to send the next message. The "healthy" body thus takes the neurotransmitter back into the originating neuron (this is called "re-uptake"). In the case of depression, certain neurotransmitters such as serotonin are lacking, so they cannot be taken back in full to the originating neuron and therefore cannot send the next message. SSRIs slow down the process of returning serotonin to the end of the neuron it comes from (they inhibit the process of re-uptake). This makes it more likely that enough serotonin will build up to set off the impulse in the next neuron. Therefore, SSRIs work by allowing the body to make the best use of reduced amounts of serotonin.

How well do these drugs work? Or not work?

Neither Benzodiazepines nor SSRI drugs are capable of balancing or replenishing serotonin. Since a serotonin deficiency is only being manipulated by the SSRI drug, and not balanced or replenished, your anxiety or depression will persist or return after you quit taking the drug. If you take the drug for a long period there can be difficult

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withdrawal complications, the possibility of loss of memory and potential sexual dysfunction. Although the SSRI acts to make the best usage of the available serotonin, there may be nutrient deficiencies such as a vitamin B deficiency or maybe an amino acid deficiency or even a 5-HTP deficiency causing the low supply of Serotonin. If you have a condition where you need to balance a neurotransmitter, amino acid, nutrient or hormonal deficiency, taking a dangerous and addictive drug like Benzodiazepine will not treat the core cause of your anxiety or depression. As a matter of fact the anxiety drug could further aggravate the problem.

Research has found that the SSRIs don't work for up to 40 percent of the depressed or anxious people who try them -- the same failure rate as for older antidepressant drugs. Also, you should know that if you do suffer withdrawal symptoms your anxiety or depression maybe heightened by the withdrawal process. A recent headline on MSNBC news a featured report was titled "FDA urges an antidepressants alert". The FDA is urging new warnings on antidepressants. The article discusses young adults' risk of suicidal thoughts and behavior. Does that ring a bell regarding what is happening in our society today? Personal Note: Benzodiazepines and SSRIs

My friend, Benzodiazepines and SSRIs should only be prescribed and taken as a last resort. If you are already nutritionally, chemically or hormonally deficient the use of Benzodiazepines or SSRIs could make your anxiety or depression worse. It is time to try something natural that will address both the symptoms and the causes of your anxiety.

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Section 3:

Natural Approaches for Drug Weaning

A Natural Approach.

A ND, or Naturopathic Doctor, specializes in natural and holistic health. These natural medical doctors can help relieve your anxiety and reduce the discomfort associated with the anti-anxiety drug weaning or the tapering process. This section briefly illustrates how real NDs work with their patients during the weaning or tapering process. The purpose of these examples is to provide you with a brief insight as to what you might expect working with an ND. The examples are not intended to be recommendations or solutions for your specific anxiety problem. Remember, everybody is unique according to their biochemistry, diagnosis, and treatment.

Dr. Veronica Hayduk, regularly works with patients going through the tapering process to get off of anti-anxiety drugs. Dr. Hayduk states that the first thing she checks before beginning the tapering process is Thyroid levels. Dr. Hayduk explains that an impaired Thyroid can mess up brain chemistry and make tapering impossible. So make sure if you have Thyroid problems to meet with the medical professional who prescribed the drugs, and your naturopathic doctor, before starting any drug weaning action. Dr. Hayduk also said that green tea is awesome for the detox process. Green tea helps the liver and regulates blood sugar. Green tea is healthy and cleansing, without the caffeine of course.

Dr. Hayduk stresses to her patients the importance of avoiding caffeine, artificial sweeteners and sugar during the tapering process. Nutrasweet actually decreases the amount of serotonin in the brain. Dr. Hayduk said that she may prescribe some supplementing with the amino acids taurine and glycine, because they have a calming

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effect that helps with drug withdrawal. Green tea also has an amino acid in it called LTheanine which has a relaxing calming effect.

Dr. Hayduk was working on the tapering process with a couple of patients and they are doing great. There are dedicated and very knowledgeable professionals like Dr. Hayduk who can make your life a lot easier with much less pain and aggravation.

Dr. Deborah Wiancek also works with anxiety patients who wish to wean off drugs. Dr Wiancek said that after the patient's doctor who prescribed the drugs charts a withdrawal plan, she will prescribe a combination of gentle but very effective herbs like hops, passionflower, and valerian to minimize withdrawal anxiety and discomfort. If the patient is having a hard time sleeping during the weaning process, Dr. Wiancek might prescribe a tea with a blend of skullcap, hops, oats and chamomile to take before bedtime.

So, if you are taking anti-anxiety drugs or anti-depressants, and you have plans to discontinue, do not quit "cold turkey." That is the last thing in the world you want to do because of the serious complications that may occur. Always speak with the physician or psychologist who prescribed the drugs about your wishes to discontinue. After that, see your ND who will work with you through the weaning process and get you through that phase with minimal anxiety and discomfort.

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Section 4:

Take Action for Your Well-Being.

A health care practitioner that supports natural medicine as well as pharmaceutical should be able to help you identify the root cause of your anxiety and/or depression and then create a natural alternative plan for treatment. This will assure that you get the proper guidance, relevant information, correct supplement recommendations, and dosages to treat you, the unique individual, with your specific root problems in mind. If you desire long-term benefits and results, then start today! Do not wait because the longer you wait the longer it will take to get your problem under control. I do not want to see you suffer anymore, so please act now.

Key Point: Stop listening to whatever everybody else thinks and take action based on your own needs and priorities.

Personal Note:

My friend, please do not take what I have to say next in the wrong context. I love my family and the circle of friends I have. I am sure you feel the same way. However, the only person that is truly going to provide the best possible action for optimal health results is you! You are the one that needs to accept and embrace the attention and healing you need and deserve. If your friends and family support you that is fantastic. If they do not support you, just remember it is your health not theirs. Do this for yourself so you can be a happier, more sociable and a healthier person. By doing this you will greatly enhance your relationships with loved ones and friends. There are just too many preconceived notions about change and alternative thinking, so do not let yourself get caught up in that line of thinking. Do this for yourself because you deserve the very best health achievable, and I want you to have that. I know you want that too.

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As we discussed earlier, alleviating your anxiety temporarily with synthetic drugs can cause serious side effects, possible addiction to the drug, and the assurance that your anxiety will return if you quit taking the drug. Is that the result you truly want? Your common sense will tell you that long before modern medicine came along, herbs were used to treat every kind of imaginable ailment. Many of these herbs that have worked throughout history continue to work effectively today. Yet a large portion of our population accepts that modern medical solutions are superior to all natural remedies. While many pharmaceutical drugs are needed and have bettered society, many herbs work just as effectively, if not better, without the side effects. Both methods should be accepted by society, but are not because one (pharmaceutical drugs) method has enormous profits involved. In the case of anxiety (and depression) many pharmaceutical drugs cause dangerous side effects while not addressing the root cause. How is that possible? Isn't every man and woman's goal to have the best health possible during their short journey here on earth? I know that is your goal and this is why I wrote this E-Book to help you achieve that.

Personal Note: Natural cures in Creation A recent study revealed that 90% of our population believes in a God. If those findings are true then a huge portion of our population would know that our Creator provided us many kinds of natural plants and herbs to treat many diseases known to mankind. A Creator would, and probably did, intend mankind to find what he or she needs in his or her environment.

Why it's easier to get prescription drugs.

With all the information presented so far, why would you or anyone consider taking harmful synthetic drugs that do not serve as a permanent solution for alleviating your

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anxiety? After all, there is a safer and more effective option that has worked very effectively for centuries and for millions of people.

Let's take a look at six of the reasons why people choose the quickest and easiest solution, pharmaceutical drugs...

#1- The doctor can prescribe an antidepressant quickly and magically and the patient is taking drugs almost immediately. That is a good feeling in the sense that you want instant gratification with results and of course battling anxiety or depression is a terrible experience for anyone. So you want those terrible feelings to go away immediately. I am totally with you on that issue. Our society wants immediate results.

#2- Many people are just not educated as to the effects and dangers of the drugs that are prescribed to them, possibly even the doctor prescribing the drugs. This is not your fault, but there is something you can do about this; educate yourself.

#3- People do not want to discuss an alternative treatment to drugs with their doctor. This fact is most evident in the case of seniors.

#4- Negative publicity and economic greed has spread false information about nutritional supplements and herbs.

#5- The person may be concerned about what other people think, especially family and friends, if they are not open to discussion regarding alternative treatments for anxiety and/or depression.

#6- Healthcare insurance will not cover natural medicine the same way or to the same degree that it covers pharmaceutical drugs.

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Getting past the social stigmas regarding herbal remedies.

How can one avoid or overcome the obstacles and stigmas that are preventing him or her from seeking a safe and natural alternative to treat their anxiety or depression? Ok let's address these issues one at a time and see if we can identify a logical alternative to this thinking.

#1- Instant Gratification. This may feel like a good reason for taking pharmaceutical drugs at first. However, full relief is not realistic even with powerful antidepressants. Why? Because if you research the response time for synthetic drugs to kick in you will understand that it is not immediate. It is often two to six weeks before the anxiety symptoms start to fade. So you must first understand that there is no instant gratification keeping in mind that neither benzodiazepines nor SSRIs will eliminate your anxiety or depression. They are designed to manipulate your brain chemistry rather than replenish and maintain a balance. Consider that these drugs are dangerous and addictive. Ask yourself; is this what I really want, before pursuing that line of treatment? At best you will be put on benzodiazepines for more immediate effects and an SSRI which will take longer for results. Quite frankly no one really knows what the long-term effects may be using these drugs. Withdrawals as the result of addiction can actually increase anxiety (or depression). Does this sound like a good option for you? Even though anxiety drugs might work for some, pharmaceutical drugs are not "one size fits all." For most, other avenues and means must be addressed.

#2- Education. Educating yourself about natural alternatives for treating your anxiety is one of the best things you will ever do. The Internet is a wonderful tool for doing research if you know how to use it. You will find a huge amount of helpful information by surfing the net. If you don't like the Internet, and not everyone does, you can visit a local bookstore and find any number of useful books on anxiety, depression, herbs for anxiety and depression, etc.

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There are also many books and websites about natural nutritional supplements. Forums and blogs, or web logs, are another source of information, as long as you keep in mind that the people who post messages and replies have their own differing opinions. They are not experts on your specific condition. How can they be? Although forums and blogs might be good at times for moral support, I would recommend consulting with your health care practitioner first and foremost. Remember, the first vital step is to get an accurate diagnosis of your condition, so you can start the healing process as soon as possible.

By the way here are some reputable sites you might investigate for getting your questions answered and/or finding a naturopathic doctor to consult with: and to find a ND - get questions answered by a licensed ND - a professional publication for NDs which also - where you can get questions answered

enables you to reach or find a ND

#3- Consult your health care practitioner. If they do not have the capability of providing information regarding alternative natural treatments for your anxiety or depression, then ask them to refer you to another health care professional that can answer your questions. If they cannot do that for you, then take it upon yourself to find a ND and/or research information to discover your options. Eventually you will need the assistance of a health care practitioner to make sure you do not harm yourself. You also need professional assistance to get an accurate diagnosis, whether taking pharmaceutical drugs, natural herbs or any other substance. This is about you and not anyone else, so don't let anyone stand in the way of your plan of action including an uninformed and/or unqualified healthcare professional. #4- Negative press regarding nutrients and herbs. To overcome the negative image of natural remedies, you must take a step back and look at things in a new way. Your body and brain require vital nutrients to function.

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Without these vital nutrients you are in trouble. This is not a theory or my opinion. This is a fact. This is how God created mankind and the environment (for those of you that believe in God.) It is also a fact that we live in stressful times and lead very busy modern lives. The foods we eat are not nearly as nutritious as they used to be due to depletion of nutrients in the soil. It is also true that as we get older our bodies do not naturally produce as readily the nutrients we require. We are all nutritionally deficient in one way or another and require replenishment of valuable nutrients to have optimal health and a sense of well-being. Could some of the causes of anxiety and depression be traced to an imbalance in nutritional intake? Yes, this is true. Many cases of mild to moderate anxiety and cases of depression can be lessened and even fully relieved through nutritional and herbal supplementation. Don't let a media created bad rap on natural remedies deter you from doing research and finding relief. Educate yourself. Think for yourself. You will be way ahead of the game by doing this.

#5: What is best for whom? Does anyone opposed to or in disagreement with your desire to seek an alternative method for dealing with your anxiety problems have to experience of got through what you are going through? Of course not. Anyone truly interested in your well-being and recovery should only be interested in what is best for you. What is best for you is not necessarily best for the next individual. So, you can only deal with your own unique specific situation. Fortunately, some natural herbs will work for many people. If someone has a complete bias against natural supplements, be wary of their advice. Just as pharmaceutical drugs work for a few, herbal remedies and natural supplements work for many. It is important to find out (with professional help) what natural means could and will work for you.

#6: Alternative and Natural treatment - more cost and time efficient. The objective of alternative natural medicine is to treat the cause of your anxiety and put you in control of your health. The modern medicine drug approach supports dangerous drugs, many of which mask the root cause of your problem. The drugs control you and do not solve your problem long-term.

With alternative medicine you will understand what your body needs and will be in control of your health. There will be no need for running back and forth to the doctor for the rest of you life. Think about it. The cost is a lot less than the modern medicine drug approach and your time is well spent treating your anxiety through natural remedies because you will accurately identify and solve your problems. Are you solving your problems long-term through the use of anxiety drugs?

Personal Note: from Dennis-

Natural, or alternative, medicine is an economical, safe, and effective approach to treat the cause of your anxiety or depression that will eventually put you in control of your health. Isn't that what we all really want? My friend, anyone who makes the statement that alternative medicine is expensive is not looking at the whole complete picture or considering the facts. Alternative medicine is a whole lot cheaper than the modern medical approach in short and long-term, because it saves you from taking drugs that mask symptoms and from visiting the doctor several times over several years. Next, I will share with you the common causes of anxiety, then the benefits of natural medicine and the joy that you will find in natural herbs.

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Section 5:

Common Causes of Anxiety.

Key Point: Lack of protein and too many carbohydrates is the perfect nutritional predisposition for the onset of anxiety.

Nutrition Deficiencies.

I interviewed Deborah Wiancek, ND, who has 20 years of experience in the medical field. She is an esteemed author and a frequent health talk radio host. Dr. Wiancek stated that most of the people she treats for anxiety are protein deficient and are consuming too many carbohydrates. Dr. Wiancek maintains that the main cause of anxiety and depression is poor nutrition combined with chaotic lifestyle. She said that hypo-glaucemia is a big contributor to the onset of anxiety due to the stimulants people put into their bodies including excess intake of coffee, sugar, and alcohol.

Amino Acid Deficiencies.

Amino Acids play a very important role in balancing the brains neurotransmitters. Some of the amino acids that play an important role contributing to the balance of neurotransmitters are Tryptophan, GABA, Glutamine, Phenylalanine, Tyrosine, Cysteine, Thiamine, Histidine, SAMe, Glycine, and Taurine.

Dr. Wiancek also indicated that a lack of protein can also cause amino acid deficiency. She also said the most common amino acid deficiencies to be Tryptophan, Tyrosine and Glycine.
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All three of those amino acids can be taken as a supplement. However, Tryptophan should not be supplemented if you are taking a prescription anti-anxiety drug because of the potential for interaction problems with possible side effects.

Hormonal Deficiencies.

Dr. Wiancek stated that thyroid deficiencies are another common cause for anxiety and depression. Hormonal deficiencies are common especially with women with Thyroid issues. Dr. Wiancek works with acupuncture and the adaptogen herbs like Rhodiola Rosea, Siberian Ginseng, and Licorice for the treatment of Thyroid issues. Dr. Wiancek said that the adaptogens treat the thyroid, adrenals and stress and work on both the emotional and physical level.

Adrenal deficiency.

Dr. Wiancek said that another common condition she finds in her patients is adrenal fatigue. Dr. Krassner concurs with this assessment. D. Andrew Neville, ND, also agrees, testing patients' adrenal aspects first. Adrenal fatigue occurs when the person is trying to do too many things and is pumping way too much adrenal to the point where there is no reserve adrenalin. This is a predisposition for anxiety. When this occurs Dr. Wiancek will conduct a saliva adrenal test to determine when the body should be secreting adrenal cortisol. Vitamin C is recommended to help restore adrenals. Holy basil also helps adrenals as well as insulin resistance (always seek professional consultation from NDs or MDs.)

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Chemical imbalances and deficiencies.

David Wood, ND, said that over the last 24 years of practice he has found Theanine, GABA and nutritional Lithium to be reliably effective. Of course we have used adaptogens and relaxant botanicals as well, but working directly with the GABA receptor seems to work the best for most patients.

GABA is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter of the brain and is associated with the slowing down or calming of the excitatory neurotransmitters if they become too active. So a deficiency of GABA can result in the over exertion of the excitatory neurotransmitters resulting in anxiety and panic attacks.

Serotonin deficiency can also occur. Serotonin, as we discussed earlier, is associated with your good mood and a sense of well-being, which is why it is called the good mood neurotransmitter. Serotonin in the brain is independently synthesized from Tryptophan and transported across the blood-brain barrier. A deficiency in Serotonin is closely linked with anxiety and compulsive behavior.

The treatments or supplements mentioned in this section are not intended or recommended to treat your anxiety. The supplements mentioned are illustrations of how these NDs might work with patients based on a specific diagnosis and need. Remember, your biochemistry is unique from anyone else, but this should open your life up to a new awareness about new methods and options to help you overcome anxiety (or depression). This can be the start of your education for finding your own long lasting healthiness and happiness.

Vices, legal or illegal, are not the answers.

If the brain has chemical deficiencies, we experience anxiety, get depressed, and may choose to revert to alcohol, drugs, or whatever diversion makes us feel good again. Although it is understandable to have the need to feel good, you need to replenish and

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balance the chemicals in your brain naturally to sustain mood elevation. Drinking alcohol and doing drugs depletes the important chemicals the brain needs to function properly. That is why there are hangovers, mood swings, and feelings of depression after drinking and doing drugs. Plus, if you choose to use temporary quick fixes to elevate your mood the anxiety and depression will return and possibly to an even greater degree.

The importance of proper nutrition and supplementation-

I hope you are starting to see the relevance and importance of proper nutrition and supplementation and their relationship to potential deficiencies that cause anxiety. My friend, please do not overlook or underestimate the profound effect nutrition and supplementation has on maintaining balance in your moods and feelings of well-being. If your cylinders are not all firing in harmony, due to deficiencies or imbalances, you will have problems.

You have heard stories about how someone tried a single herb or supplement and it did not work for them, so they quit taking it. This is not the way anything works that is worthwhile in life. The issue here is not if the nutrients and supplements will work because they will. These natural substances have proven that they have worked effectively for centuries. The real issue here is were the supplements taken the correct ones for the condition of the person and were they taken in the correct dosages? Under the proper supervision of a health care practitioner your specific treatment will be dead on accurate and effective. My friend, the real relevant issue here is are you committed to the best health you can achieve and are you willing to take the appropriate steps to achieve maximum results? My friend, this is the only thing standing in your way.

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Proper Nutrition.

Fast paced lives, jobs, families, and so on are stressful. Stress can lead to anxiety, depression, insomnia, irritability, and the list goes on. These issues, although external to our biochemistry and physical make-up, effect us each day and sometimes in different ways. We all experience these life issues in one form or another. Often it can lead to anxiety and depression. For some pharmaceutical drugs help them. For most, it just contributes to the problems they already have. For some a positive mind-set works, yet many overlook the power of thoughts and the importance of counseling. Having a healthy lifestyle may be the biggest factor, yet most people give little importance to natural supplements and herbal remedies. Yes, this is a repeat of the second paragraph of this E-Book, but it is good to repeat it. Being balanced and healthy is the most important thing we can do with our lives. Herbs and natural supplements help us get there, and help us overcome anxiety or depression.

Some say that people are a product of what they say, do and eat. While some may not believe this, it is a valid thought to ponder. What we think and what we do defines who we are, in part. "Actions speak louder than words." In the same way, what we eat contributes to how we look and how we feel. Maybe you feel that your job causes you anxiety and driving in heavy traffic brings out the anger inside you. Maybe you are stressed out over finances and insomnia slowly creeps in to your life because of constant worry over financial matters. Whatever level of anxiety you feel and suffer from there is a core cause behind it. Everyone experiences anxiety and depression of some level at times in their lives, caused mentally, emotionally or physically. Most of us would find balance in proper nutrition and supplementation. Counseling may be required in some instances, but nutrition and wellness helps everyone.

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Personal Note: My Sister. Diagnosis-

My sister, Sandy, who is a registered nurse, said to me the other day, "I think that if one is honest with one's self, most people have issues with anxiety and get depressed about things. Life is hard. The difference is in how we handle these things. Some people have good coping skills and can work through life's speed bumps, while others just cannot get a handle on things.

I have a lot of admiration and respect for my sister and her life experiences come to me as valued and insightful information. I agree with her to an extent, however, I also believe that sometimes we just don't know how to help ourselves in the best way possible.

This factor can be due to a lack of information or even issues relating to selfdenial. How we cope with the inevitable pressures of life may not always be within our control when our nutritional, chemical, and hormonal levels are out of balance. Counseling is a good tool to help those who are really struggling. The best tool though, is proper nutrition through herbal remedies and natural supplements.

During an interview I conducted, Dr. Wiancek made the comment that we cannot treat ourselves. Dr. Wiancek even said that if she has a personal medical issue that needs to be treated, she does not self-treat herself and calls on the services of another professional. This is an interesting perspective, for at times we are not the best judges for what is better for us medically. Being treated by a qualified health care professional forces us to listen and take a look at any self-denial issues we may have, and alert us to things we may have missed.

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Common causes in closing.

Only a qualified health care practitioner can make an accurate assessment of your nutritional deficiencies, and help you to identify, replenish and balance any deficiencies. A serious neurotransmitter, nutritional, adrenal, amino acid, or even hormonal imbalance is not going to disappear through the use of some self-awareness, self-help ritual or through the use of harmful synthetic drugs. Although those things might help some, an overall diagnostic approach needs to be taken to get to the heart of the problem. Imbalances or deficiencies may be the result of the lifestyles we choose, but the issue of identifying what those imbalances are and how to treat them is of utmost importance for optimum health and well-being. We cannot do this on our own and the contemporary drugtherapy route has failed miserably because the pharmaceutical corporations are not the least bit interested in your improved health. It would be ideal if natural, pharmaceutical, and psychological approaches could be used in unison, but unfortunately that is nowhere near the case in today's medical atmosphere. So what choice or choices do you have since optimal health is essential for a happy and enjoyable life? There is only one correct choice and that has been available to you from the day you were born. That choice is a natural, safe, and effective healing of the mind and body through naturopathic medicine.

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Section 6: ection 6:
My Story Vitamins, Minerals& Herbs

I want to tell you my personal story regarding how I came to start using natural supplementation as a necessity to improve my health. In 1980 I had a near death experience from over exertion, not getting enough sleep, and just plain trying to live a twenty hour a day life with very little time to rest, eat right, etc. Prior to this event I was pretty much indestructible, or at least I thought. I ended up in the hospital with a temperature of 103 degrees. This is the first time in my life I felt out of control and helpless. I was so sick and had no control over any of my faculties. Well, I obviously survived but not without serious repercussions. I did not get off so easy. My immune system was highly compromised from this illness and I started experiencing more bouts of the flu, frequent colds that lasted longer, and an overall decrease in energy for some time. I knew I had to do something because I did not want to live a life of limitations. I started experimenting with vitamins, minerals, and herbs. I started taking what I considered to be the best multivitamins, and supplementing them on a day to day regimen basis. This helped put the vital nutrients back in my system that had been totally depleted. This made a noticeable difference over a period of time. I continued with the multivitamin regimen for a few years and also started experimenting with ginseng. My intent was to help strengthen my immune system and I had heard that ginseng was very good for increasing energy levels and building up the immune system. Later on in the early 90's I started using colloidal minerals and multivitamin whole food supplements. I cannot say that I was overly impressed with the colloidal minerals, but the combo multivitamin whole food supplements got my attention and really helped strengthen my immune system. The frequency of colds and the flu was greatly reduced. The multivitamin whole food supplements really made a difference in my overall health. In the late 90's I started taking a series of products called Sumacazon, Illumination, and Aquazon. The Sumacazon has two adaptogen herbal ingredients, Suma and Maca that balance and maintain stress levels reducing feelings of anxiety. The Illumination also includes the Suma. The Aquazon is an excellent immune booster.

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F Ed Co

These herbs have improved my concentration; balanced stress levels while reducing anxiety, protected my immune system and have had an excellent overall calming effect creating a true sense of well-being. When I am taking these herbs I feel great, have minimal feelings of anxiety or fear, and I never get sick. I occasionally take breaks from the herbal regiment. I have done this with good results. If I start having episodes of anxiety, periods of negative thinking, feel the need to increase my energy level, or build up my immune system, I start back up with the herbal regimen. I am very hard to please and can be a big skeptic when it comes to purchasing products. However, I am a big advocator of multivitamin whole food herbal supplements to manage stress and anxiety, increase energy level, and prevent illness. I want to help to empower you to achieve better health and make your own decisions as to how you will do this.

My message to you is to purchase a good quality multivitamin whole food herbal supplement and take daily. To help you get started I have included some links below that will take you directly to some excellent products. If you do not have a desire or need for purchasing products at this time, I encourage you to at least click on the links below and study the ingredients of these products. This will help educate you to identify and understand the ingredients that go into a quality multivitamin whole food herbal supplement. After all it is important to know what you are putting into your body and to understand the benefits you will gain from the various ingredients.

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Section 7:

Dealing with Anxiety

You might be thinking, fine, I hear what you are saying and I even agree with some things. My friend you already know that it takes time to experience life changing positive results. Often the solutions to our problems seem distant. This is simply a fact of life. As human beings we expect immediate resolution to our problems and we do not want to suffer or remain in agony another minute if we can help it. So, if you find yourself in a state of mind or in an environment which may be ripe for the onset of an anxiety attack, there are nine strategies that you can use to reduce your anxiety quickly and effectively. These strategies are simple yet very effective techniques for preventing and stopping anxiety and panic attacks. I am not going to suggest that you should actually allow yourself to invite anxiety or panic attacks into your life relying on your willpower to meet them head on. That strategy could be long and painful without complete resolution. No doubt willpower is something many of us could utilize more of in our lives. However, imposing your willpower to overcome and conquer anxiety or panic attacks seems like a last minute desperate approach. Why would you want to allow an attack to happen in hopes that maybe you can control or divert a full blown episode? The objective here is to stop or prevent the attack from ever occurring in the first place. There are in fact natural and safe strategies that do not require putting yourself through hell to alleviate or stop an anxiety or panic attack? It does not have to be that way unless that is what you want. I cannot imagine anyone looking forward to experiencing another panic attack, not knowing how bad the next one will be, and not understanding why they are happening in the first place. Willpower may be a good preventative tool or strategy associated with our actions practiced long before the onset of an anxiety or panic attack. However, it is only part of the equation for complete and permanent resolution of anxiety.

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Once anxiety and/or panic attacks Section are already 7: occurring in your life regularly, and with extreme prejudice, the first step is to find out what is causing the anxiety, so it can be treated accordingly for optimal results. Reading self-help self-awareness books for eliminating anxiety should not be the first step to healing. The self-help books and audios can be very helpful during the healing process once you have seen your ND and have started a safe and natural treatment program. Educating ourselves to learn more about and understand our problems is always a good thing. However, there is no replacement for finding out exactly what is causing your anxiety or depression as a first vital step under the guidance and consultation of your health care practitioner. The naturopathic approach also takes some time for complete healing, but there will be no guessing involved, no unnecessary suffering during the treatment and the treatment prescribed will be designed to meet your exact needs. In turn the treatment will be very effective and ensure your complete healing. Willpower is not going to balance a hormonal deficiency, replenish chemical deficiencies, or replace vital nutrients, which is why imposing your willpower to eliminate your anxiety will not work for the majority of people that try it. Naturopathic Doctors will tell you that the vast majority of people they treat for anxiety and/or panic are deficient in one or more areas.

I believe that it was Franklin Deleanor Roosevelt that said, "The Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself. I believe there is truth in that quote. I believe that being diagnosed and knowing the exact cause(s) of your anxiety, and what can be done to prevent and eventually eliminate the problem, is far superior to experimenting with different self-help approaches that may or may not solve anything. Yes, fear feeds on fear and the frenzy it causes in our minds make us feel out of control and sometimes desperate. Our bodies are telling us there is something wrong and we need to do something about it. Better yet, find out what exactly is causing the anxiety and treat it naturally, safely and effectively. Is there any better way? I do not believe there is.

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Part 1: Preventing Anxiety Attacks

The following strategies have been proven to quickly alleviate anxiety, divert the onset of an anxiety attack, and help prevent against having future anxiety and panic attacks. These strategies are commonly used and prescribed by health care practitioners trained in alternative medicine. These strategies will help you quickly curb the onset of an anxiety attack, not eliminate your anxiety. What works for one person may not work for the next. However, there are several solutions for the fast alleviation of anxiety attacks and you can find what works best for you. Reference a statement made by Dr Andrew Neville, ND: "The best part, and sometimes most challenging, is the fact that there are so many ways to counteract the detriments of an errant stress response. I talk to people about deep breathing, meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery, visualization, repetitive prayer etc. These can be, and should be practiced daily as a preventative however they can also be used in an acute situation, but often it doesn't have to be that elaborate. No one is saying that there is a single product, supplement, or drug that will cure your anxiety forever. At least that is not what I am saying. However, with the assistance of a trained health care practitioner in alternative medicine, you can find the root cause of your problem(s) and be treated safely and effectively for long-term results that will permanently remove anxiety from your life for good. Until you know exactly why you have the anxiety, the core cause(s), how can you truly understand how to treat it? When it comes to your health my friend, I will not waste your time or mine discussing shot gun techniques. You deserve much better than that. This next section is dedicated solely to help you quickly stem an anxiety or panic attack by empowering you with strategies that have been proven to work, and are recommended by Naturopathic Doctors. These strategies are not listed in order of most effective to least effective. They are all effective and fast strategies for stemming an anxiety or panic attack. However, you may have different preferences than the next person to suit your specific needs. For this reasoning I decided to offer you a variety of strategies that are safe, effective, and fast acting.

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Strategies to quickly and effectively stem an anxiety attack are:

Strategy #1: Exercise:

Exercise and physical activity can make a significant difference with your health and well-being. Go for a walk, ride your bike, jog around the block a couple of times, this exercise will serve you well and will have a quick effect reducing your anxiety. I believe that exercise is a critical part of every person's mental health status. If you start to incorporate a form of exercise that you enjoy it will be something you look forward to. If an unwanted anxiety or panic attack sets in you can do something about it by involving yourself immediately in that form of exercise.

You will be amazed at the effects a 30 or 40 minute walk will do for your physical and mental health. I have visited various anxiety forums on the Internet, have spoken to Naturopathic doctors across the U.S., and have drawn from my own life experiences regarding the subject of exercise. I cannot think of a better natural treatment for reducing anxiety. Exercise is good for the mind and body. If you are feeling stressed exercise can be very therapeutic. It does not have to be in the form of a sport or some elaborate activity you have to involve your self with. If you are having a rough day and your anxiety starts to escalate, put your tennis shoes on and go for a walk, jog, bike, or whatever moves you at the time. Exercise is not only a good strategy for the immediate relief of anxiety but an excellent preventative strategy. Incorporating exercise into your life will go a long way in reducing stress in your life and preventing anxiety. Exercise puts you in a different frame of mind that will turn your negative thoughts into positive ones.

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I personally use walking (hiking) and bicycling as exercise tactics for lifting my spirits and putting a positive charge into my life. I love to do both and whatever stress or anxiety I feel on a particular day I counteract with either a hike or a bike ride. I can never think of a time when walking or biking did not lift my spirits. I can think of numerous different times when I felt tired or out of sorts and went for a walk, shot some photos, and returned energized in a completely different positive frame of mind.

Recently I was under a lot of stress and pressure to get details organized and finalized for a business start-up. I had not been getting the exercise or sleep that I needed, so I decided to take a few days and visit some Indian ruins with friends, and get lots of exercise. I wanted to divert my attention away from obsessing about my new business. While I was walking through the Indian ruins I seldom thought about the pressures of my business. The walking and pondering of how the Indians must have lived retrieved their water, etc... took my mind away from the unnecessary thoughts of how things might be with my business. Maybe you cannot get away for a few days like I did, but the point is you can divert your attention and focus from negative racing thoughts to more uplifting and positive thoughts through the benefits of exercising and diverting your attention to things you enjoy.

If you are not crazy about exercising outside, get yourself a treadmill and just get on it and walk until your anxiety subsides. If you need additional intervention and cannot eliminate the racing negative thoughts, then just incorporate some music or television while you are on the treadmill. The point is if you just change your environment momentarily and start doing an exercise you can enjoy your thoughts will change too. If you teach yourself to do this when you feel anxiety or panic setting in you will develop an awareness and confidence for doing this whenever you need to. It will become a natural reaction to the oncoming stress or anxiety and you will automatically know what to do to calm your mind and body in a natural way. I am a believer in exercise for better mental and physical health fitness and this strategy has helped me over the years reduce anxiety and stress. You will be amazed at the results.

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Another thing you can do while walking, riding your bike or using the treadmill is to listen to your favorite songs or even your favorite audio book. This will help your mind focus on something much more pleasant and divert the racing negative thoughts and feelings of distress.

My sister, Sue Pohlman, likes to run and has participated in marathons. She said running and exercise help me to keep things in a more healthy perspective. I think that I could sometimes allow myself to get so bottled up with anxiety that I would have a hard time getting anything done. Exercise, especially running, is a great way for me to release that nervous tension. Sometimes I can just feel the tension leaving my shoulders as I run through the woods, seeing nature around me and feeling total peace. Running is my time to be alone with my thoughts. It seems like when I am active as I think, I am not getting worked up about things that are on my mind. I can see a clearer picture and nothing seems quite as overwhelming.

Strategy #2: Bach's 'Rescue Remedy':

Dr. Edward Bach formulated Rescue Remedy over 70 years ago and this is a phenomenal product that will alleviate your anxiety fast and effectively. This product comes in a yellow bottle and can be purchased in a liquid tincture or spray. The Rescue Remedy is considered safe for anyone to take anytime, anywhere. Rescue Remedy has been taken by millions of people in over 70 countries. It can provide you with an inner calm and help you balance your emotions. Rescue Remedy has an excellent track record and can be used by the whole family. This product can be carried in a handbag, backpack or briefcase and is very easy to carry and use anywhere and anytime. Since the Rescue Remedy formula works very fast you can easily apply when needed for quick results. The cost is about $10.

Dr. Veronica Hayduk recommends a few sprays or drops when you feel a panic or anxiety attack coming on. It's a flower essence product, (homeopathic) and works great.

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Dr. Hayduk said:

I had one lady dose a few drops before her surgery, it instantly calmed her down, dropped her blood pressure to normal and the surgery was successful. Some take it before going to see the dentist, or driving. Most people, experience an overall calming effect that's not sedating. It just takes the edge off (not like a shot of whiskey or whatever, just able to think clearly again and go back to doing what's necessary).

A public speaking patient of mine takes a few drops before going to speak to huge audiences. It's nice stuff, not that expensive and travels well.

Ann M. had 'road rage' (only angry in her car, around friends and family not so much, but I think she was short with them anyway and just didnt let me in on this) and then in the evenings would be so exhausted and admittedly 'whiny'. She would fret over her health (especially at night) and be worried about such simple things and the big things most people worry about never bothered her (I think she had OCD, but we never confirmed it). I gave her Rescue Remedy to try especially while driving. She reported back to me that after a few sprays she admitted to wanting to be angry that someone cut her off, but yet she never had the rage overcome her, as it usually did. Ann was impressed at the speedy results and continues to use the product for this and this has also shifted her outlook on what to worry about. We never did counseling and as far as I know, she never went on her own. I continue to see her for other health reasons and I am amazed at how much calmer and more relaxed she is. Her friends think she's smoking pot or doing other drugs, she's not, just using the spray.

Joey W. was on her way to a minor surgical procedure, the attending nurse took her blood pressure. She was obviously nervous over the procedure, but had to reschedule the surgery to get the BP under control. I asked her to pick up the Bach spray, and use it now and continue at a few sprays per day and just before going into the surgery center. The following day I received a call from

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her surgeon asking me how her blood pressure got normalized as she refused to take any meds and was not in a meditative trance and the time span was to short for any diet changes or other therapies to work. She was nervous over the surgery and the spray helped to calm her down.

Anyone can use Bach's Rescue Remedy for fast and effective anxiety relief. Bach's formula has no confirmed side effects and is safe to use with any other herbs, homeopathic remedies or drugs.

Bachs Rescue Remedy is a combination of five (5) flower remedies. The flower remedies are:

Cherry Plum - for irrational thoughts and lack of self control Clematis - for inattentiveness and to counteract faintness Impatiens - for irritation and impatience Rock Rose - for terror and panic Star of Bethlehem - for shock

Ordering Bach's Rescue Remedy spray or drops: The mouth spray will work faster since it absorbs into the blood quicker. Rescue Remedy can be purchased via the following website URL:

For Bachs spray click on the link below: For Bachs liquid drops click on the link below:

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Strategy #3: Kalmerite Glycerite It is a product that contains passionflower, chamomile, lemon balm, catnip, California poppy, and English lavender. Dr. Victoria Hamman said that for the immediate relief of anxiety, and to prevent the onset of a panic or anxiety attack, she recommends Kalmerite to her anxiety patients. Dr. Hamman said that she tells her patients to add this product to water, swish around in the mouth, and from absorption through the mucous in the mouth the effects are fast and effective.

Dr. Hamman's remarks about two of her patients:

Maria would be standing in front of her class, standing in line at the post office or be standing and waiting in line at the grocery store. Without warning her heart would start pounding accompanied by shortness of breath and she knew she knew a full blown panic attack was approaching. Maria's Naturopathic Doctor recommended that Maria always have the Kalmerite with her to stop the onset of a full blown panic attack. Maria could than dismiss herself from the location where she was standing and take the Kalmerite which worked very fast to alleviate her anxiety. This strategy has worked well for Maria and she no longer has to live with the fear that she could have an attack anywhere and not be able to prevent it from happening.

Trisha, was experiencing frequent anxiety attacks due to hyperthyroidism. Trisha would be sitting at her desk and start to feel the symptoms of a panic attack approaching. Trisha took the advice of Dr. Hamman and made sure the Kalmerite was always handy so she could use immediately whenever she felt the onset of a panic attack. The Kalmerite has worked well for Trisha to stem the unexpected panic attacks she was frequently having.

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Dr. Veronica Hayduk, ND also had this to say about Kalmerite

The Kalmerite is awesome and tastes fabulous. Please don't underestimate the power of homeopathic remedies! The right prescriber and right dosage is very powerfully effective!

Ordering Kalmerite:

Kalmerite can be purchased via the following website URL:

Strategy #4: Endo Plus or Endo Trex Liposome Sprays

Both Endo Plus and Endo Trex contain the amino acid theanine, Suntheanine, which has been widely studied for its ability to provide a calming effect and prevent overstimulation. L-Theanine is an amino acid found in green tea. L-Theanine also crosses the blood-brain barrier stimulating the production of alpha brain waves, which produces a state of deep relaxation and mental alertness, without the drowsiness.

While the Endo Trex contains only the Suntheanine, Endo Plus also contains 5-hydroxy tryptophan (5-HTP) which supports the production of serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter and for most people its effects are calming. Serotonin also enhances GABA function. GABA is the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain and regulates neurotransmitter activity to prevent over-stimulation.

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Endo Plus has a rapid effect and rarely causes gastrointestinal symptoms. It also lifts mood, reduces food cravings, and often resolves chronic constipation. It has a more potent calming effect than EndoTrex in those people who respond well to an increase in serotonin.

According to Eileen Wright, MD, most people under long-standing stress or who have chronic anxiety or depression have low serotonin activity and tend to improve with serotonin support.

With that said, it is also important to discuss a flip side to using any products with 5- HTP.

Caution with using 5-HTP products

Dr. Wright said there is a small but significant group of people that do not respond well to the up regulation of serotonin. For some of this particular group of people it is a dose related phenomenon where a little for some support is helpful and too much of it is agitating but for others any serotonin up regulation can be agitating. This group can feel more anxious and more depressed when they use products containing 5-HTP and the effect becomes more noticeable the longer they use the product, since 5-HTP can build up the body's stores of serotonin over time.

So, if you are in this small group of people that cannot tolerate the uptake of serotonin you may want to try the Endo Trex instead. Remember we said that not all products will work for everyone in the same way.

According to Dr Wright: The Endo Trex is packaged in liposomes so that it can be rapidly delivered across membranes (like the mucous membrane under the tongue) for a much

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quicker onset of action than when taken orally. The usual dose is 2 sprays Under the tongue and held there for 1 minute before swallowing. Endo Trex is especially good for most hyperactive children while working to solve their underlying issues and, my patients tell me, also very good for hyperactive dogs! In adults with anxiety it is very useful for acute, situational type of anxiety and in those with chronic anxiety is helpful to start while underlying issues are addressed. Because it is rapidly absorbed from under the tongue and therefore has little gastrointestinal effect, it is often helpful for those anxious people who have stomach upset or irritable bowel symptoms as part of their anxiety. It is root beer flavored, so I always ask if someone has an aversion to that flavor before suggesting it.

How convenient would it be to carry around a small spray bottle in your purse, pocket or briefcase?

Valerie Balandra ARNP, BC is board certified as a psychiatric nurse practitioner as well as a holistic health practitioner. Here is what she has to say about Endo Plus:

I would recommend Endo Plus for an effective fast acting spray. Endo Plus supports serotonin and GABA. This product is safe for the general population and free of known allergens.
Valerie Balandra specializes in adrenal fatigue and panic-anxiety in her practice and can treat patients via phone consultation as well as in her office. She can answer your questions and can also help you with adrenal and/or neurotransmitter testing via phone consultation. Email: Phone 941 371-7997 Fax 941 371-7667

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Ordering Endo Trex or Endo Plus

Endo Trex can be purchased by clicking on the following link:

Endo Plus can be purchased by clicking on this link:

Strategy #5: Deep Breathing:

If you cannot get out for a walk and are pretty well stuck inside during the onset of an anxiety or panic attack try to start breathing deep in and out immediately.

D. Andrew Neville, ND said:

I tend to focus on the breath quite a bit in my practice due to the very physical connection that the diaphragm, and thus deep breathing, has with the stress response. Just by fully activating the diaphragm a person can purposefully take themselves out of an anxiety attack (active stress response, sympathetic dominance, fight-or-flight.... whatever you want to call it.)

Doctor Neville has some of his anxiety patients close their office door if they have one, sit back in their chair, plant their feet firmly on the ground, close their eyes, and count slowly backwards from 10, breathing in and out deeply as they do so. It can be that simple.

You could do this in your office, in your bedroom or just about anyplace where you can create a private environment for yourself.

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Strategy #6: Power of Positive Thinking:

Friend, if you knew me you would know that I am a down to earth no bull sort of individual. I am not into laying heavy philosophical ideals on anyone. That is certainly not what this book is intended to do. However, from my own personal experiences there is power and a sense of freedom found in thinking positive. You have heard the old clich, "you are what you think you are"? I believe this to be true. If you do not think you are worthy of good things or good thoughts, than you have made the decision in your mind that this is your fate. You may have other voices and thoughts going on in your head that are bringing you down. The good news is that you can reverse that thinking by concentrating on more positive thoughts when you feel yourself falling in the negative thinking trap. Yes, this takes an effort on your part and a belief in yourself. However, if you put yourself into this mode of thought and transition from negative to positive thinking, the benefits will be life changing. Just try it. The best part is that you will empower yourself to do this with confidence. Confidence plays a huge role in regard to your actions and also plays a significant role regarding how you carry out those actions. Friend, I am referring to the confidence inside you that motivates and shapes your actions and opinions of yourself. Once you develop this new found level of confidence you will know what to do and understand how the power of positive thinking can change your life. You will no longer think about doing it, you will just do it. In turn your level of confidence will cancel out your unfounded fears allowing you to relax more and not be so worried about things that are really not that important. You will be more in control of your actions and thoughts and will have a new found confidence. So...if you feel a panic attack coming on or are in an uncomfortable state of mind or environment that may trigger an attack, you have the ability to redirect your thoughts and actions into a positive mindset that will create a new you avoiding a full blown anxiety or panic attack.

My mother, Gloria Manz (I call her grandma), taught herself to change her mindset about negative thinking and out of control racing thoughts by diverting those thoughts

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to pleasant things and things she enjoys doing. For instance she told me that when she starts to think about the death of my dad, which is often, she automatically changes her thinking to the good times rather than his departure from physical life. She does not always dismiss the subject matter; she just changes the thought process from depressing negative thoughts to uplifting positive ones. The process of doing this is easy for her since there are so many good things to remember and she has now conditioned herself to do this. She knows what to do now and instead of fearing the next episode, she does something about it. She said that if you sit around and let the negative thinking take over you will only suffer. On the other hand you have the ability to divert your focus into positive thoughts that will calm the mind and reduce feelings of anxiety. She also may divert her attention to a cross word puzzle, crocheting, television show or reading to stem feelings of anxiety and to stop the surging negative thought process. This has worked for her and can also work for you my friend.

The power of positive thinking works very well and will quickly stem the onset of anxiety attacks if you know what to do, when to do it and have belief in yourself that you can in fact change your thinking. Keeping our minds active and being able to change our negative thoughts into positive ones takes effort, but once you find the formula that works for you this process becomes second nature. Even better than that you will develop this strategy with confidence to stem those unwanted anxiety attacks.

Strategy #7: Power of Prayer:

You can ask for help from a higher consciousness through prayer. It does not matter whether your spiritual beliefs recognize Jesus, God, Allah, Buddha or whomever. The key is that you have a genuine belief in a higher level of consciousness in the universe and ask for help to overcome the negative thoughts to counteract the onset of an anxiety attack. So...if you are still in a situation where an anxiety or panic attack might be triggered, or you are already feeling the onset of an attack, redirect your focus immediately toward prayer.

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Veronica Hayduk, ND says that that "just a belief in a higher power and just asking for help and stopping ones racing thoughts for just 5 minutes, can be profoundly effective. Listen to the message your body relays and go from there! Think about journaling, especially during bouts. It is fascinating at what we repeat to ourselves, and what we believe as a result.

Janet had been suffering from bouts of anxiety for some time now and actually got to the point where she was fearful of going to bed because she could not stop the bombarding of negative thoughts from rushing through her mind. She believes in a higher power and started praying prior to bedtime every night asking for help. The Power of Prayer has helped her stop the out of control negative thinking and has allowed her to fall asleep and get the proper rest needed. The power of prayer has helped Janet eliminate her anxiety and fear of having an anxiety attack before bedtime and she has gained the confidence from prayer to realize that there is something she can do to stem the onset of anxiety.

Sometimes just redirecting your thoughts from negative to positive, and realizing that there is really nothing to fear, is all that you may need to prevent the onset of an anxiety or panic attack.

Strategy #8: Meditation

I have personally used meditation to focus on a more peaceful state of mind to divert my attention away from persisting negative thoughts and feelings of anxiety. You can do this too and very easily. Do not be intimidated by thinking that Meditation is some long involved trance like state or that there are numerous steps or things you have to learn to prepare for a meditative state. That is not the case. Meditation does take some discipline at first and of course requires the commitment and patience to follow through with it. However, all you really need is the mental commitment and discipline to meditate and a private location or place where there are no distractions. Find a place that is appealing to you since this is very important to your state of mind. This may be

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in your backyard, in your bedroom, near a stream, in the woods, in your garden or wherever you enjoy being in your own private sanctuary.

To practice meditating you can simply be still, close your eyes, and focus on a specific noise or thought appealing to you in the environment or place you have chosen. Notice by focusing on more pleasant thoughts or sounds the negative will fade from your thoughts and disappear.

So, first get to your private sanctuary and get into a comfortable relaxed sitting position. Than breathe deeply in and out until you feel more relaxed. Close your eyes and just focus on positive thoughts or a pleasant sound you have chosen to listen to. Just focus your attention to the thoughts or sound until all other unwanted thoughts disappear. This does take effort, at least in the beginning, but consider the consequences. Is this worth the time and effort? Absolutely considering the positive effect meditation will have on your state of mind versus the alternative, the onset of an anxiety attack.

My friend we all meditate at times unconsciously when we focus on certain things that we enjoy. For instance have you ever sat on the bank of a stream in a peaceful outdoor setting and after sitting there for a while observe the sound of water becoming louder and more pronounced? Maybe the sound of the water rushing made you think of other pleasant experiences you had in the outdoors? Possibly the sound of water became so pronounced that this is all you hear and voila you have essentially cleared your mind. Have you ever experienced this? That is a form of meditation. You may not be going through some formal ritual burning incense to prepare yourself for a deep meditative state, but instead you put yourself in a relaxed environment where the tension just fades away because of your surroundings and focused positive thoughts. Sometimes when we struggle to learn something new, which requires an undertaking of learning or formality, we either get bored or give up before we recognize any benefits or enlightenment. The discipline is to focus on something that is pleasant to you that you can embrace and just concentrate on those thoughts or sounds. Meditation works if you are willing to train your mind to focus and change the direction of your thinking. It really is not any more difficult or involved than that. The best part is that it really works.

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So, if you are under a lot of stress and may even feel the onset of an anxiety attack, get to your chosen place of tranquility quickly; get comfortable, breath deeply until you feel more relaxed and close your eyes focusing your mind on a pleasant sound or positive thoughts. You will feel the tension and stress fade away and prevent the anxiety from taking over into a full blown episode.

Strategy #9: Seriphos (Phosphorylated Serine)

Please be aware that Phosphorylated Serine and Phosphatidyl Serine are not the same product. Phosphatidyl Serine is recommended for improved memory and concentration while the Phosphorylated Serine is recommended to balance adrenal cortisol levels to reduce anxiety. Phosphorylated Serine also works quicker.

Adrenal Fatigue has become a huge problem over the last few decades due to the high activity and stressful lives we lead. Adrenal Fatigue is directly associated with anxiety according to the doctors I have spoken with and based on the research I have conducted. Basically, what happens is that the adrenal glands become exhausted due to prolonged chronic stress.

Phosphorylated Serine provides adrenal support, balances out high cortisol levels, and has a fast acting calming effect. Phosphorylated Serine has no known negative interactions with any other supplements or drugs, no known side effects, and is not addicting.

However, please keep in mind that there is also the possibility you could be diagnosed with low cortisol levels. If your cortisol levels are already low you would not want to take a supplement that would further lower your cortisol levels. So, it is always advisable that you consult with your health care practitioner first before taking any supplements, to ensure the root cause of your anxiety is accurately diagnosed and treated accordingly.

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If you are diagnosed with adrenal fatigue, it is relevant for you to know that the Clymer Healing Center in Pennsylvania has used Seriphos for many years with great success for the purpose of treating anxiety caused by adrenal fatigue.

D. Andrew Neville, ND from the Clymer Research Center said that in his patients that have a tendency for panic attacks and anxiety attacks he has them carry around the seriphos supplement and it tends to work wonders, as effective as benzodiazepines for most people. Dr. Neville goes on to say that seriphos is the main tool that he will use to stem an anxiety attack. The seriphos can be noticed within 10 to 15 minutes at times, depending on the dose. Dr. Neville made the following statement:

"My general recommendation is to take 2 every 15 minutes at the onset of symptoms and I rarely will have someone go over an hour with any significant symptoms. Once a patient knows how they tolerate the remedy and what effect it has on them, then most can self-manage.

My wife uses seriphos when she gets overwhelmed. One day, a typical day for the most part, my wife Kim was going through the morning routine, which is rather hectic on any normal day. However this day was atypical in that our 18 month old son was on her heels every second of the morning, nothing could console him, constant whining, nagging, he was both teething and sick and had been for a few days. This had been wearing her down over time. Add to that I was busier at work than I had been and hadn't been able to help out around the house, so the house was a bit chaotic and messy, and then my daughter decides to have a tantrum over the color of her sneakers. I walk in the kitchen to find Kim at the counter leaning over half way, holding on the edge with trembling hands and she's sobbing and shaking, hyperventilating. She says to me she doesn't know what's wrong but her heart is pounding out of her chest and fast (and sure enough it was). Now she had used the seriphos occasionally in the past in times like this, but it had

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never been this bad and she was scared to top it all off. I give her 2 seriphos, to her dismay, that's not going to work for this, she says. Just give it a chance I say. I leave her in the kitchen, and try to handle whatever issues that I can (although my son won't leave her side) and return in 10 minutes as breakfast is getting ready. I check in and she's doing better. I have her take 2 more and within 10 more minutes she is settled down enough to help my daughter and I out of the house and then to be able to handle the day. To say she was over her limit would be an incredible understatement.

Ordering Seriphos: Just click on the link below and you will be taken directly to the seriphos product page.

It makes sense to find out what your adrenal cortisol levels are so you know exactly what the problem is associated with your anxiety. To check your adrenal cortisol levels you can take a saliva test. A Naturopathic Doctor can do this for you. If you do not already have an ND you can contact a Doctor of Naturopathy who may consult with you via telephone and inform you how to get tested. How would you go about doing this?

Just go online to the following website

This website is called the AANP or American Association for Naturopathic Physicians and links you to a Doctor of Naturopathy ND. At the website you can choose the state you live in and the screen will bring up all the NDs in your state. Each ND will have a profile showing you what areas they specialize in. You can email them with any questions you may have or you can call them to get questions answered and set-up a phone appointment to speak with the ND.

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F Ed Co and is endorsed by the AANP

- This website allows you to get advice from an ND - Is a professional publication for ND's which also enables you to reach or find an ND

A few professionals that treat patients via phone consultation are:

VALERIE BALANDRA ARNP, BC Phone 941 371-7997 VERONICA E. HAYDUK, ND Second Nature Health 912 Thayer Ave. Suite 209 Silver Spring, Maryland 20810 Phone: (301) 395-9118 Email: Website: D. ANDREW NEVILLE, ND Clymer Healing Center 5916 Clymer Road Quakertown, PA 18951 Phone: 215-536-8001; Fax: 215-536-9099; 800-300-5168

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Conclusion to Part 1:

I have shared nine excellent strategies that are considered safe and effective by health care practitioners for the immediate relief of anxiety in many cases. Please remember that each strategy will not work for everyone in the same way. The fact still remains that most, if not all, people suffering from anxiety and anxiety attacks are looking for immediate relief. This is certainly very understandable. What I have attempted to do in this section is to identify a cross section of some of the most commonly used, safe, and effective strategies that Naturopathic Doctors recommend for their anxiety patients. These strategies will work most of the time for most people suffering from anxiety or panic attacks. You may find it more beneficial to use one or more of the techniques simultaneously, where others may benefit from just one strategy. However, it is also very important for you to understand there are more potent supplements and herbs for dealing with more long-term treatments for eliminating anxiety from your life for good. Some of those herbs are mentioned in the next section, Part 2 the Plan. The natural supplements and herbs prescribed by your ND will work to eliminate your anxiety providing you follow your NDs recommendations, are patient with your treatment and empower yourself along the way to manage your health long-term. So, it is advised that the nine best and most commonly practiced strategies for diverting or stopping anxiety attacks are temporary solutions not permanent solutions for eliminating your anxiety. My friend, the long-term solution for eliminating anxiety from your life is within yourself and the guidance of your health care practitioner. Nutritional supplements, including herbs, are the tools you need to balance deficiencies and stem the onset of anxiety attacks while commitment, patience, and perseverance are the vehicles required to totally eliminate your anxiety.

This book would not be complete without a plan that will help you eliminate your anxiety and achieve long lasting optimal health and well being.

I do not want to be in the least bit harsh with you since that is not my intention. You already have enough problems and things to worry about. However, if you do not follow my guidelines you will not achieve the results you deserve and absolutely need

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for maximum health and eliminating your anxiety. No one can offer you optimal results without your commitment, patience and perseverance. This is a crucial reality and fact.

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Part 2: The Plan.

This five step plan for you is not based on a new craze or a passing fad. This plan is based on tested natural approaches. This five step plan is designed for you, and for all of those who suffer from anxiety and depression, no matter the depth of the struggle. It is based on personal experience, extensive research, and conversations with professionals. It really works. If you follow these steps exactly as documented below, you will find a long lasting natural solution to eliminating your anxiety and gain personal control over you health and destiny. So if you want change, health and well-being, read on.

#1- Commitment. You must first make a commitment to yourself with a goal for achieving long-term health. You need to make this commitment to yourself and above and beyond any thing else, do not let anyone stand in your way. If you do not become passionate about your health, you will not be able to focus and achieve what is really important to accomplish your goals.

Long-term health means a long-term plan with follow-through. If you are concerned about what other people think this will only get in your way. Unfounded opinions are not what you need. So, forget what other people think and focus on what is the most beneficial and safest course of action for you! Remember, all the plans, theories and suggestions in the world are useless if there is no follow through.


My dear friend, once you have made an unwavering commitment and are solid in your goals the next ingredient is probably the most important in determining the

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success you will have in achieving maximum benefits and results.

#2- Patience. One of the NDs I interviewed touched on something important and how people can be and how they expect miracles in record time. Dr. Hayduk said her experience with anxiety and depression in people is that they are very impatient! They give the herb two days and then say it doesn't work. Dr. Hayduk ends up having to do a lot of encouragement coaching to get some of her patients to continue taking the herbs. You will find this typical of NDs, going the extra mile with patients.

Your ND health care practitioner may very well become your new best friend. They will assist you through your treatment period since they are the source of your improved health. Attaining health again and being able to handle your health are very positive things. Don't let negativity and impatience overcome your journey to optimal health. Your health care practitioner has enough things to worry about without having to deal with impatience. Remember, their job is to ensure you heal and rid yourself of anxiety for good. Your job is to follow their instructions and persevere gracefully and appreciatively with extreme gratitude. The results will make you thankful.

You will get the results you desire if you are grateful about where you are at and patient enough to run the full course of treatment. It takes time for your body to incorporate the herbs and supplements and to balance out. If you start finding yourself in the impatient mode, just stop for one minute to consider your alternatives. Please always keep in mind, if you start the road to natural healing you have taken the best step possible and you are definitely where you should and need to be. Bravo to you.

#3- Start eliminating or reducing caffeine, sugar and alcohol consumption. In every conversation I had with various NDs they confirmed that caffeine, sugar and alcohol are huge factors in the cause and onset of anxiety. If I did not tell than I would just be choosing to ignore something that is important for you to know.

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So please understand that by cutting back on caffeine, sugar (includes artificial sweeteners) and alcohol, you will have taken a very positive step toward reducing the anxiety you are suffering from. If you drink a lot of coffee, consume a lot of sugar and drink alcohol regularly you are in effect sabotaging and greatly minimizing your chances of healing. By drastically cutting down on these things, or quitting altogether, you increase your chances of lowering anxiety, being healthier, and feeling better. Temporary satisfaction from things like coffee, candy or even alcohol is truly not worth it, when they contribute to unhealthiness, anxiety, depression and more. You can't have your cake and eat it too and expect to be in perfect health or to fight anxiety. By reducing or eliminating caffeine, sugars and alcohol, you begin to decrease anxiety and increase well-being.

Persona Note:

I remember very clearly what my mother's doctor told her after her double bypass heart surgery. My mom was terrified of ever having to enter a hospital after this experience. I was there when she asked the surgeon, "what can I eat now that I have been through this devastating experience?" The doctor replied, "anything in moderation".

My friend, this is good sound advice if you truly want to achieve optimal benefits from treatment to alleviate your anxiety. Please stay focused on this issue of moderation if you cannot completely eliminate the bad things from your diet. A health care practitioner truly dedicated to helping you with your anxiety is going to tell you to eliminate these things from your diet anyway. So start a plan today to cut back or even eliminate caffeine, sugar and alcohol from your diet completely. You may find by just doing this that your bouts of anxiety become less frequent and possibly even eliminated.

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#4- Find a health care practitioner that is educated in natural alternative medicine such as a Doctor of Naturopathy (ND). Please keep in mind that a health care practitioner not properly trained in alternative and safe methods cannot be truly beneficial to you once you have decided to take a natural approach to healing. Seek the help of a Naturopathic Doctor for safe and complete healing. NDs are trained in natural medicine as it is an integral part of their curriculum. If your present health care specialist is not qualified in alternative medicine, and has no clue what is best for a natural and safe treatment, than you need to find a health care professional, like an ND, who can and will help you. This of course will be someone you like and respect. If you work with a qualified health care practitioner educated in natural medicine, whose focus and intent is to diagnose and treat your anxiety naturally and safely, you will avoid the pitfall of taking harmful drugs.

About Naturopathic Medicine:

"Naturopathic Physicians - doctors who listen"

Naturopathic medicine is a distinct system of primary health care that uses natural methods and substances to support and stimulate the body's self healing process. It provides a complete, individual and coordinated approach to health care integrating modern scientific knowledge with traditional and natural forms of medicine. Naturopathic medicine is an early American philosophy for natural health that is taught today as a four-year residential medical education. It is important to distinguish licensed naturopathic physicians from non-licensed practitioners who have completed only short-term course work, mostly by correspondence. Naturopathy is a traditional medical art that works with the vital force, using nature's laws and forces to achieve the adaptive balance we call health. Naturopathic practice does not include the primary use of most synthetic drugs and major surgery; although naturopathic physicians refer patients to specialists if these are needed. Complementary medicine (blending traditional medicine with that of a naturopathic philosophy) allows the healing journey to be more encompassing and effective. The naturopathic view
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sees the whole person in relationship to external and internal environments. Wellness can be achieved through the stimulation and support of the inherent healing abilities in all living bodies.

Mike Fitzgerald had this to say about his experience with a Naturopathic Doctor:

Both my wife and I are avid health conscious individuals who believe in the benefits of eating healthy, exercise, and the use of supplemental herbs and vitamins as needed to prevent physical ailments and to minimize the need and thus use of pharmaceutical drugs. Although generally healthy, we are both approaching an age when, in order to assist preventative measures, it is necessary to consult with a medical professional periodically to keep aware of personal issues before they become potential problems.

As a younger man, I had little faith in "doctors" probably more due to my mother's similar attitude than fully understanding the reasons. However, as time went on, I realized why she felt the way she did. Every one of us has heard some horror story of side-effects caused by pharmaceutical drugs. From my experience, seldom do they do more than masks the problem and often with harmful or unpleasant side-effects. For example, antibiotics are over-prescribed to where they are basically useless against most illnesses they were designed to resolve.

The general medical profession would rather just scribble a prescription rather than actually try to understand and help with an illness. It was for these reasons that I opted to go to a Naturopathic doctor for future consultation and advice.

Overall I was impressed with our NDs concern about each of us from all aspects of life. We were both asked questions individually relating to our eating habits, how we felt physically, mentally, and even spiritually. She probed our medical history, why we felt the need for her advice, and so on; a very thorough review

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of us as individuals, not just a ten minute chat about the immediate medical concern after waiting an hour in the waiting room or, worse yet, in the examining room. I no longer have to deal with just a nurse or nurse practitioner to get some basic answers prior to the quick chat with the doctor.

Other people that I have talked to since I started seeing an ND have reiterated a similar experience of genuine interest as well as concern for their patient's wellbeing in order to better help with diagnoses and solutions. NDs will always try to avoid pharmaceutical drugs if at all possible but will prescribe them as needed when necessary. A comforting feeling knowing my best interest is also hers. Try one near you, if there is one. Unfortunately, they can be few and far between especially in more remote locations. I'm sure you won't be disappointed.

Michael Fitzgerald Damascus, Oregon

How would you go about getting your questions answered and/or find an ND in your area that will help you? No problem. Just go online to the following websites where you can do both. This website is called the AANP or American

Association for Naturopathic Physicians and links you to a Doctor of Naturopathy ND at the website you can choose the state you live in and the screen will bring up all the NDs in your state. Each ND will have a profile showing you what areas they specialize in. You can email them with any questions you may have or you can call them to get questions answered and set-up a phone appointment to speak with the ND. This website allows you to get advice from an ND and is endorsed by the AANP you to reach or find an ND

Is a professional publication for ND's which also enables

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#5- Multivitamin Supplementation. Multivitamins are very important. Okay so let's face it, there is and always will be controversy about whether you should take vitamins or not. After all, we are all void of health problems and are all happy as can be, right? Wrong! It amazes me how the critics of vitamin supplementation never really point out the pros and cons. In my opinion saying that vitamins are not necessary is like saying you should use alcohol to treat your depression. Why do I say this? We live in a stressed out highly competitive society where rushing from one place to the next is the norm. This is a fact of life. There's no way you can casually and calmly adapt to this constant pressure. Stress in of its self, not to mention poor diet, heavy alcohol consumption and too much fast food, simply depletes our bodies of vital minerals and nutrients. It is a fact that the B complex and C Vitamins play vital roles in our overall health and well-being. Their function is essential to your mood and dealing with stress. Vitamins and minerals provide huge benefits on the cellular level. Both the B vitamins and C also play a huge role in alleviating anxiety and act as cofactors (substance that acts with another substance to bring about certain effects) in the production of the important neurotransmitters in the brain. So, if in fact a person is very healthy, has no history of health problems and is as happy as can be, fantastic! I believe in the clich, "if it ain't broke don't fix it. However, if you are suffering from anxiety for whatever reason, you are more likely than not vitamin and/or mineral deficient. You need to take a good multivitamin that includes B-Complex, C, Magnesium, Zinc, Potassium, Phosphorous, etc....Vitamins. Quality is essential yet the supplement does not necessarily need to be the most expensive. Naturopathic doctors have a reputation to uphold and since they are also very interested in helping you get rid of your anxiety they will only recommend what has worked the best for their patients.

Here are a few recommendations for multivitamin supplements:

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Eliminating Anxiety
Eliminating Anxiety

I interviewed various Doctors of Naturopathy and discovered that there are some common types of supplements they prescribe for their patients. However, for the most part they all work with different supplements to some degree based on their diagnosis of each individual patient. Although no single supplement or herb, or combination, will help every person the same way, there are herbs and combinations that will help most people. That is why it is important for you to consult with a ND and to be patient as you try herbs, and supplements in various combinations and dosages. Based on the research I conducted, my own personal experiences, and the conversations I had with various NDs, I can give you a direction or path to help steer you in the right direction. There are a variety of supplements that can relieve you anxiety. The herbs referenced below are the result of discussions with NDs and research I conducted. These herbs work quickly and effectively for reducing anxiety, feelings of nervousness and to assist patients that are having sleeping problems. However, please keep in mind I am not making recommendations for anyone since I do not know your condition. Only a health care practitioner, like an ND, can diagnose the root cause of your anxiety and than treat it according to your specific needs. That being said, some very good herbs to treat anxiety are available in tinctures (liquid form) combining kava, passionflower, lemon balm and chamomile. The three herbal ingredients passionflower, lemon balm, and chamomile (used in combination) can also work very effectively and safely for a person wanting to reduce their episodes of anxiety. Devra Krassner, ND, indicated that tinctures simply work better because they preserve the active constituents or ingredients. Freeze dried capsules also preserve the active ingredients better. Kava is another very good herb for treating anxiety and this has been clinically proven. Yet, there is still controversy surrounding kava and the potential for liver damage. I have researched the claims of liver damage and have not found any absolute confirmation that kava in fact causes liver damage. This makes me suspect that either a faction (group with self serving intentions) in our society does not want people suffering from anxiety to benefit from kava or maybe there are other agendas for capitalizing on kava.
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The combination of kava, passionflower, lemon balm and chamomile will work quickly and very effectively to alleviate your anxiety if prescribed in the correct dosages by a health care practitioner to match your specific needs according to your unique biochemistry. All of these herbs have been clinically tested to some degree and confirmed effective for the treatment of anxiety. Kava and passionflower have been clinically proven to be at least as effective (if not more effective) than the most potent anxiety drugs (benzodiazepines) for the treatment of anxiety. Factors determining the quality and effectiveness of herbs include dosages, when they were harvested (shelf life), what climate and conditions the herbs were grown in, what part of the botanical or plant the herb is extracted from, and the processes used to harvest, prepare, and package the herbs. There are a ton of herbs to choose from out there. There are also many pseudo-herbs and bad herbs being sold. Your job is to make sure you find and take only the best quality herbs, to achieve the best results. If you do not want to mess with the research or don't know how to go about doing that, contact an ND or Herbalist who can assist you. They will only recommend what is working well for their patients and customers, so you avoid any learning curve and also ensure safety. This is just another reason to consult with a health care practitioner that is qualified to help you, because they can ensure you get the best quality and correct dosages to match your needs and budget if that is an issue.


Basically, homeostasis is keeping the internal equilibrium of the neural and endocrine systems constant. When this fails illness sets in and even death. Some herbal medicines, known as adaptogens, have a stabilizing effect and act as metabolic regulators that can enhance metabolic homeostasis during stress. Some excellent adaptogens to help balance and maintain stress levels are rhodiola rosea, ashwaganda, licorice, holy basil, ginseng, and reishi. Adaptogens help create homeostasis balance in a natural way very effectively. Dr. Deborah Wiancek said that what she really likes about the adaptogens is that they treat the thyroid, adrenals and stress all at the same time.

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Two other powerful adaptogens are suma and maca. Sumacazon is a premiere formula that contains both the suma and maca. Suma is known as Brazilian Ginseng, and is classified as an adaptogen for facilitating hormonal balance and helping the body adjust to stress reducing anxiety. Suma root has been found to be very effective in treating chronic fatigue and has a concentration of 19 amino acids, vitamins, and trace minerals. Sumacazon helps you feel relaxed, stable, and strong. Maca, commonly referred to as Peruvian Ginseng, is known as a Superfood, and grows high in the Andes in mineral rich soil. Maca is Rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, sterols, alkaloids, and helps to sustain energy and maintain a healthy mind and body.

The point I am trying to make here is that adaptogens are very powerful stress busters and will help reduce your anxiety while balancing your stress levels. So, a health care practitioner, like an ND, may very well recommend an adaptogen to help balance and maintain your stress levels, in addition to prescribing other supplements or a combination of herbs for treating your anxiety.

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Clinically proven herbs for helping to treat anxiety

Kava, passionflower, lemon balm, and chamomile.

Kava, passionflower, lemon balm, and chamomile are herbs recommended and prescribed by NDs, Herbalists, and other alternative health care practitioners to treat anxiety. These herbs work well in combination, and without the side effects associated with anxiety drugs. However, it is very important the herbs are taken in the prescribed dosages. If you are already under the care of a health care practitioner and are taking prescription drugs you should always consult your health care practitioner first before taking any herbs or supplements. The reason for this is because of the possible interactions the herbs and supplements can have when combining with drugs. Some herbs can have a very powerful effect when combined with synthetic drugs triggering a negative interaction. If you are not taking any prescription drugs then you should have no problems taking these herbs in combination provided this is done in a responsible and prescribed manner.

Kava has been clinically demonstrated to be as effective as anti-anxiety drugs, like benzodiazepines. Kava is non-addictive, has a very relaxing effect, improves mood and may even improve memory. Kava has a calming effect on both the physical and emotional levels producing feelings of well-being. Taken in prescribed dosages kava should not make you drowsy or sleepy. It also may give you an alert, yet calm feeling as you go about your daily routine.

Caution. If you are taking anti-anxiety or antidepressant drugs you should not mix with Kava. Also Kava should not be mixed with alcohol. If you are taking anti-anxiety

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or antidepressants and are considering the use of Kava, you should only do so under the supervision of a health care practitioner. Although Kava is prescribed by some health care practitioners as an excellent alternative for the relief of anxiety, there is still a cloud of concern surrounding this herb based on reports regarding potential liver damage. Actually, to date, there are no absolute confirmed reported cases of liver damage or deaths as the result of taking kava. However, because of this halo of uncertainty it is recommended not to use kava if you have any sort of liver related problems. Kava extracted from the rhizome or root of the plant has been used for over 3,000 years in the South Pacific cultures in much larger dosages than you would need to take for your anxiety, and without any reported serious life threatening side effects or deaths. Not only are there no confirmed cases suggesting that kava is responsible for liver damage, a report was created in 2003 by a Berlin based Consulting firm that concluded kava is safe and an effective herb. The report also concluded that the ban of kava by the European Health authorities in 2001 was inappropriate and unjustified.

Additionally, since the ban of kava in Europe back in 2001 created a major impact on the kava market for exporters in the south pacific, this prompted testing at the University of Hawaii to establish the facts regarding the dangers of liver damage. The University of Hawaii testing revealed toxicity present within a major kava alkaloid, pipermethystine (PM) found mostly in leaves and stem peelings. This toxicity was not found in the kavalactones found abundantly in the root or rhizome of the kava. The conclusion of the test was PM may contribute to rare but severe hepatotoxic reactions to kava. So, as you can see there is no conclusive evidence linking kava to liver damage. Therefore, if you use kava play it safe and only use the herb extracted from the rhizome root which is what the South Pacific island culture has been doing for centuries.

It is very strange to me that natural remedies or herbs that prove to have good alternative health benefits are always scrutinized behind the reasoning of consumer safety. Yet thousands of harmful prescription pharmaceutical drugs are available today that were approved for consumer consumption through an expensive beaurocratic patenting process. Does this make sense to you? It surely does not make sense to me. Make your own educated decisions, do your research, speak with your health care practitioner or ND, and make your decisions as to how you will solve your anxiety problems. Base your decisions on long-term effectiveness and safety, not on beaurocratic self serving judgments. Remember, it is your right to choose.
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The herb passionflower has been used throughout South America for centuries to relax. Passionflower is more commonly known for calming the nerves and for its soothing effects to reduce anxiety and relieve depression. It is also known for its soothing effects and is widely used to reduce anxiety and relieve depression. It is also thought that passionflower can reduce the pain and suffering caused by withdrawals from drugs like benzodiazepines (anxiety drugs) and opiates. So if you are either in the process of quitting benzodiazepines, SSRIs or are thinking about quitting, passionflower could be a very gentle, yet effective herb, to help you better tolerate the withdrawal process. Passion Flower is also used to treat insomnia and to lower blood pressure. There are no known negative side effects of Passionflower. Source:

Lemon Balm.

Lemon Balm is a very safe, gentle and effective alternative herbal medicine that acts like a tranquilizer. This herb is very popular in Europe for the treatment of anxiety. Lemon Balm is an interesting herb in that it also has thyroid regulating properties. If you have an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroid) lemon balm may reduce the thyroid gland secretions. Lemon Balm is often used in combination with passionflower to alleviate anxiety.

Side effects. You should consult with your health care practitioner if you are suffering from anxiety due to an under active thyroid condition (hypothyroid) since lemon balm could further constrict hormonal secretion. It is also recommended that lemon balm not be used by pregnant or breast-feeding women. The only reason I could find for that recommendation is that insufficient clinical testing has been done to isolate all known potential side effects.

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Chamomile acts like a sedative and is a great herb for easing tension and relieving anxiety. Chamomile also makes a very good tea and is recommended before bedtime for anxiety effects and for a more restful sleep. A blend of chamomile, hops, skullcap and oats makes a great tea at bedtime for relieving anxiety and for people that are suffering from insomnia. Chamomile is also a good herbal preventative for stress and depression.

Side Effects. It is recommended that you speak with your health care specialist before using chamomile if you are taking the blood thinner coumadin and/or if you have any allergies. It is further recommended that you speak with your health care practitioner first before using chamomile if you are pregnant or nursing a child. The main reasoning behind these precautions has to do with the fact that the FDA has not tested chamomile for safety.

The following products Calmazon and Lunazon are excellent liquid products that will help alleviate your anxiety and can be found by clicking on the following links:

Caution should always be exercised when selecting herbs for treatment as their quality can vary and some imported herbs can be contaminated with toxic substances. Therefore, it is important to consult with experienced and knowledgeable professionals when seeking herbal remedies for medical problems. Source:

If you decide to take a botanical approach to alleviate your anxiety you can use natural and safe herbs like kava, passionflower, lemon balm, chamomile in combination and in tincture form. Using these herbs as single ingredients will not produce the desired effects and are not recommended taken that way. Using supplements in combination

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will provide better results as the active ingredients play off of each other and work better together in combination. Your health care practitioner may also recommend that you take an adaptogen to balance and maintain your stress levels.

What the experts say.

Veronica Hayduk, ND, says that herbs are like friends and combos tend to work better. Dr. Hayduk says that herbs are like people, they have their own personality that needs to be matched to the patient and their concerns and what's driving the anxiety. Deborah Wiancek, ND, agrees that herbs in combination prescribed to the correct dosages to match the person and cause of their anxiety works best. D. Andrew Neville, ND also uses combinations of herbs to help his patients alleviate anxiety.

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Please my friend, it is essential you understand that health care practitioners will have different methods of treatment using different types of supplementation designed specifically for each individual.

There is no single remedy for what ails people when it comes to anxiety or depression. That is why new products, no matter how good they sound or how good the salesmanship behind the product is, cannot help everyone. Each person's situation and biochemistry is different.

Self-treatment presents a "shot gun approach" at best that will not provide the results you are seeking. This is where you hear the stories like well I tried that herb or that supplement, but it did not work for me. So the answer to that statement is that drugs will solve your problems? No way! Lack of information, knowledge, self-denial, and bias are not good ingredients for treating ourselves. This is why it is critical for you to seek professional help to ensure the cause of your anxiety is diagnosed accurately, so that effective treatment can be prescribed. If you do not do this your chances for eliminating your anxiety are at best a long shot. Changing your eating habits and slowing your life down to smell the roses will also go a long way in reducing your anxiety. I can tell you this from personal experience after working in the high pressure corporate world for 25 years and at one time being the king of sugar intake. I just could not get enough of those donuts.

So, you don't have to take my word for it on this subject, but you should not ignore the comments of an ND or any other health care specialist dedicated to helping you resolve your anxiety problems. Why? Because they treat anxiety patients everyday successfully and only recommend anxiety drugs as a last resort.

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Deficiencies and proper supplementation play such an important role in balancing and maintaining the quality of our lives, only a health care specialist can effectively and safely help you put all the pieces of the puzzle back together.

The purpose of the E-Book was to make you, the reader, aware of the dangers of pharmaceutical drugs, understand there are other safe and effective methods of treatments and acknowledge that natural medicine is by far the best path to healing you can take. It is fully recommended that you consult with a health care practitioner, preferably a ND, to start the natural medicine or naturopathic approach to healing. This will save you money, time, and suffering in the long-term. If you have a serious case of anxiety (or depression) pharmaceutical drugs might be an option if all else fails. For most of us, the anxiety drugs do not work. Alternative natural medicine and natural remedies do work.

If the health care practitioner you are already seeing is intent on prescribing drugs for your anxiety and is not interested in helping you find the cause of your anxiety, or find a safer way to deal with your anxiety, I would immediately say no thanks and find another professional to work with. If this seems like an uncomfortable task for you, then take a friend or loved one with you to your next appointment that will help reinforce and support your wishes and desires. Remember you are in control of who you see and who treats you. A health care practitioner's job is to heal what ails you, not to dictate how you conduct your selection of health care practitioners or the means of treatment you receive. It is your right to say no to any treatment you feel is not right for you.

If you are already taking prescription drugs for your anxiety, a ND will be most helpful working with your current doctor to help wean you off the drugs you are taking. There is no need for you to be taking pharmaceutical drugs for your anxiety unless that is what you want to do (apart from some cases.) There are lots of NDs out there that can help you choose a safe, natural, and reliable treatment to eliminate your anxiety permanently. We are talking about your health and life here my friend. Is there anything more important than that? If you don't know what is wrong with you, how can you resolve your problem? Any ND you visit will first and foremost evaluate your condition and diagnose for a natural, safe, and effective treatment. All you need to do is

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make the commitment and have the patience to follow through and improve your life. That's it. If you allow pre-conceived notions, self-denial, or the fear of change to stand in your way, you are in effect cheating yourself from the chance to experience the best health and quality of life attainable. People who support harmful addictive drugs do not care about you or what happens to you. I care about you and want you to have a happy and satisfying life to the fullest.

Something to think about.

According to Dr. Devra Krassner another very effective treatment with a long-term benefit is homeopathy. Dr. Krassner specializes in homeopathic remedies. She has some very interesting information on her website that I thought you might like to read about. I am not making another recommendation here to confuse you with even more solutions to alleviate your anxiety. However, if you are serious about finding an ND to work with and are more interested in long-term health goal benefits that will treat the totality of your symptom picture, than you might want to check out Dr Krassner's website at There is a section dedicated specifically to homeopathy.

Dr. Veronica Hayduk also believes that homeopathic remedies really do wonders for anxiety and depression. Dr. Hayduk likes the Bachs Rescue Remedy for treating acute situations and these need a good homeopathic prescriber to find the right remedy and dosage. Dr. Hayduk says that those charts at stores aren't all that accurate. Dr. Hayduk uses the Biotherapeutic Drainage system in her practice which is a system of homeopathics that detoxify on a cellular level and clear a lot of mental problems.

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Final Note from Dennis-

Ok, now it is up to you. You have a chance to finally resolve your anxiety or depression problems without having to worry about taking harmful drugs or having to wonder how everything will turn out. So, I have brought you this far, now you need to take it from here, get your act together, and start your road to recovery today!

Here is a parting thought for you to ponder. Hope you enjoy!

"There is a whole group of men who are guilty of insanity, a crime or great ignorance the world is blind to. And they will continue to remain culpable because, like most insane people, the last thing they will ever become aware of and admit is their own insanity of purpose, thought, deed, and being. Just look at the fact that the present Secretary of Defense is responsible almost single-handedly for driving through the approval of aspartame into the world's food chain and you will begin to see the dimension of an inclination toward the chemical rape of humanity. What you see is a vast madness that has the FDA approving the most harmful toxic substances and drugs for public use while holding back and making illegal the safest most benign and useful substances like marijuana. And now even vitamins and other health products are under attack."
-- Mark Sircus Ac., OMD, Executive Director, International Medical Veritas Association

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Thank You

I would personally like to thank Veronica Hayduk, ND, Devra Krassner, ND, Deborah Wiancek, ND, D. Andrew Neville, ND, David Wood, ND, Valerie Balandra, ARNP & BC, Victoria Hamman, ND and Dr. Eileen Wright for their valued insight and for taking time out of their busy schedules to communicate with me. I found each interaction with these professionals to be truly interesting and extremely enlightening. I would also like to thank Dr Ray Sahelian for allowing me to reference content from his website.

I also would like to thank you, reader, for purchasing this E-Book. I hope you found it insightful and helpful.

To your health!

To finding your relief,

Dennis Manz
Dennis Manz

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VERONICA E. HAYDUK, ND Second Nature Health 912 Thayer Ave. Suite 209 Silver Spring, Maryland 20810 Phone: (301) 395-9118 Email: Website: Areas of Emphasis: Acupuncture, Botanical Medicine, Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Chronic Fatigue, Clinical Nutrition, Counseling, Dermatology, Diabetes, Environmental Medicine, Family Practice, Gynecology, Homeopathy, Infectious Disease, Neurological Diseases, Psychiatric Disorders, Women's Health.

I would especially like to than, Dr. Veronica Hayduk for her time and the genuine interest she showed in helping me with this project.

About Dr. Hayduk:

Dr. Veronica E. Hayduk is a licensed and board-certified primary care naturopathic doctor. She received her doctorate in naturopathic medicine from the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine & Health Sciences and graduated cum laude from the University of Arizona with dual Bachelor's degrees in Psychology and Religious Studies with specializations in Biology, Microbiology and Chemistry.

In addition, Dr. Hayduks residency was completed in Environmental Medicine and she has collaborated extensively to clinical research at the National Institutes of Health (Bethesda, Maryland) in the biopsychology & neuroendocrinology department. She has also teamed-up with Dr. Andrew Weil at the Integrative Medicine Department located in Tucson, Arizona, by working on several projects.

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While in practice in Arizona, Dr. Hayduk trained with the Cancer Treatment Centers of America who utilize a patient specific blend of allopathic and complementary medicine to treat cancer patients. Dr. Hayduk also contributed to peer reviewed journal articles exploring blood glutathione levels when taking certain herbal antioxidants. She also studied biotherapeutic drainage in Canada, a powerful and effective system of cellular detoxification, and continues to lecture to colleagues about this system of homeopathic medicine. She is also an active member of the National Association of Naturopathic Physicians and local naturopathic organizations. In Maryland, Dr. Hayduk continues to be on adjunct faculty for local community colleges lecturing on biology, health, nutrition and herbal medicine. She also lectures on various topics of natural health to the general public and through private venues for businesses. In addition to her private practice and lecturing schedule, Dr. Hayduk is a manufacturer of the highest quality and potent herbal salve found on the market today, with a distribution to medical doctors & surgeons; as well as local health food stores and on-line companies.

Complete healing always involves addressing the cause, giving the body the opportunity to heal itself and treating all levels of imbalance. Her interests include treating the body by using safe and non-toxic remedies such as botanical medicine, clinical nutrition, cellular drainage & detoxification, lifestyle advice, hydrotherapy, homeopathy, and makes use of bloodless laboratory diagnostic testing to assist patients in reaching their optimal wellness through education and empowerment.

Dr. Hayduk strives to integrate traditional centuries-old knowledge with cutting edge medical advances in the treatment of children and adults with colds/flues, skin ailments, hypertension, endocrine disorders, arthritis, immune deficiency, women's health, infertility, depression & anxiety, environmental toxicity, digestive disorders and offers oncological support. In this way, the whole person can be treated in a respectful and individualized context.

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Dr. Veronica Hayduk's passion as a physician is to work in a partnership with her patients by giving each of them what they need to heal themselves. By allowing the wisdom of the body to guide the healing process, she sees miracles happen every day.

Please call 301-395-9118 for a complementary phone consult to see how naturopathic medicine can help you!

Or by e-mail:

VICTORIA HAMMAN, ND 323 Clipper St. San Francisco, California 94114 Phone: 415-821-3656 Email: Areas of Emphasis: Anxiety, Botanical Medicine, Cardiovascular Disease, Clinical Nutrition, Depression, Endocrinology, Environmental Medicine, Family Practice, Gynecology, Homeopathy, Infectious Disease, Orthomolecular Medicine, Pain Management, Psychiatric Disorders, Weight Management, and Women's Health

DEVRA KRASSNER, ND Maine Whole Health 4 Milk Street Portland, ME 04101 207-773-2517 Areas of Emphasis: Botanical Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Family Practice, Gynecology, Homeopathy, Pediatrics, Women's Health

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DEBORAH WIANCEK, ND Riverwalk Natural Health Clinic & Natural Pharmacy LLC 280 Main St., Ste C-105 Edwards, CO 81632 970-926-7606 Email: Areas of Emphasis: AIDS, Attention Deficit Disorder, Botanical Medicine, Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Chronic Fatigue, Clinical Nutrition, Dermatology, Diabetes, Environmental Medicine, Family Practice, Gynecology, Homeopathy, Infectious Disease, Neurological Diseases, Pain Management, Pediatrics, Psychiatric Disorders, Women's Health. Dr. Wiancek authored The Natural Healing Companion: Using Alternative Medicines: What to buy, How to Take and When to Combine for Best Results and created one of the first CD-ROM's in natural medicine called The Complete Natural Medicine Reference.

D. ANDREW NEVILLE, ND Clymer Healing Center 5916 Clymer Road Quakertown, PA 18951 Phone: 215-536-8001; Fax: 215-536-9099; 800-300-5168;; Areas of Emphasis: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Adrenal disorders, Hormone Imbalance, Anxiety and Depression, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Insomnia, Dietary and Nutritional Counseling

DAVID WOOD, ND Trinity Family Health Clinic, PS 19031 33rd Ave. W. Ste. 301 Lynnwood, Washington 98036 Phone: 425-778-5673 Email:

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Website: Areas of Emphasis: Attention Deficit Disorder, Botanical Medicine, Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Chronic Fatigue, Clinical Nutrition, Dermatology, Diabetes, Family Practice, Gynecology, Infectious Disease, Neurological Diseases, Orthomolecular Medicine, Pain Management, Pediatrics, Psychiatric Disorders, Women's Health

VALERIE BALANDRA ARNP, BC Email: Phone 941 371-7997

EILEEN M. WRIGHT, M.D. Great Smokies Medical Center 1312 Patton Ave Asheville, NC 28806


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Disclaimer This publication provides the Author's opinion in regards to the subject matter contained herein. The Author does not intend with this publication to render legal, accounting, medical, psychological, or other professional advice. With regards to any of these matters, the Author recommends that the reader seek the advice of an appropriately licensed professional. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The Author disclaims any personal liability, both tangible and intangible, loss or risk incurred as a consequence of the use and application, either directly or indirectly, of any advice, information or methods presented herein. The information provided is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge information from the research and experience of the author and/or other sources. The Author encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. Furthermore, the Author strictly prohibits any unauthorized duplication or distribution of this material. Any violation of copyright will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Copyright 2007 All Rights Reserved

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