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82-mm mortar BM-37

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82-mm mortar BM-37 arr. 1936 Type: Country: mortar The USSR History of Service Years of service: Used by: Wars and Conflicts: 1936 - 1970s (USSR) The USSR Fighting in the KhalkhinWorld War II The history of Developed by: 1931-1933 Features Weight, kg: Length of barrel , mm: Caliber , mm: Recoil device : Elevation: Rate , rds / min: Maximum range, m: 67.7 1220 82 bedplate 45 .. 85 to 30


MP-37. At the muzzle of the fuse has been installed on the double charging

82-mm mortar BM-37 ( index of GAU -52 M-832SH) - Soviet battalion 82-mm mortar model 1936. This mortar was developed by H. A. Dorovleva after studying Soviet military specialists, 81-mm mortar Stokes-Brandt , captured during the border incident on the border with China in 1929 The choice of caliber is because the mines are 81-mm mortars foreign armies could be used in the shooting of the Soviet mortars, while the 82-mm mortar shells domestic were not suitable for the mortars firing from foreign armies. Working drawings 82-mm mortar rounds were sent to NA Dorovlevym in the management of the Red Army Artillery November 29, 1931. January 7, 1932 was given an order for five 82-mm mortars, their field testing began 17 June 1933 . Weapons fired combined the adequate performance with the ability to carry Marines: Mortar weighed 61 kg, and understood to carry into three parts - the barrel (the weight in the pack - 19 kg), bipod (20 kg) and the base plate (22 kg). In addition to the calculation of carrying mortar ammunition - a tray with three mine weighed 12 kg pack with two trays - 26 kg. Range is 3.1 km at an initial rate of Mines 211 m / s. Firing mortars up to 25 rounds per minute, and an experienced account could hit the target with 3-4 shots. Comparative tests with 81-mm mortar Czechoslovakia showed the superiority of Soviet arms.

Small scale production of 82-mm mortar rounds began in 1935 - 1936 (to November 1, 1936 was made 73 pcs.), the volume of production increases since 1940 - in accordance with the Decree of the CPSU (b) "Increasing the production of mortars and mines "from 30.01.1940. However, the extent of the required 82-mm mortars, the army began to receive just before World War II

In the production process in one thousand nine hundred thirty-five - 1943 years in the design of some changes were made to improve manufacturability and combat performance. By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War the Red Army, there were 14,200 units. 82-mm mortars [2] After the Second World War, 82-mm mortars consisted in the armies of a number of socialist countries , in particular:

in service of the National People's Army of the GDR (under the name of 82-mm-Granatwerfer Modell 37/41 )

in service with the army of Czechoslovakia

In the early 1970s, the mortar was removed from service and replaced by the Soviet army in the new lighter weight mortars arr. 1981 2B14 "Tray" .However, during the Chechen war of this type of mortars got back from our warehouses.
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A tactical and technical data 2 Ammo 3 Options 4 Interesting Facts 5 Notes 6 Links

[ edit ]Tactical

and technical data

Type: 82-mm mortar arr. 1936 The angle of the MT at work rotating mechanism, degree: 3 The angle of the MT when moving bipeds, hail: 30 Weight of packs with three trays (9 min), kg: 47 Weight of bagged trunk, kg: 19.0 Weight with a two-legged pack, kg: 24.5

Weight of base plate with bagged, kg: 24.2

[ edit ]Ammunition
For the shooting of 82-mm mortar used high-explosive, fragmentation, and Shestiperov desyatiperye mines and smoke Shestiperov mines, as well as agitation mine.

82 mm fragmentation mine Shestiperov O-832 weighs 3.31 kg (curb additional charges - 3.4 kg) and was carrying 400 grams of explosives. Blast mines gave 400-600 fragments, ensured the defeat of manpower within six meters from the place of rupture.

82 mm fragmentation mine desyatiperaya O-832D and weighed 3.31 kg (curb additional charges - 3.4 kg) and was carrying 400 grams of explosives.

82-mm smoke bomb Shestiperov D-832 weighs 3.67 kg. 82-mm agitation mine A-832 weighs 4.6 kg.

In practice, during World War II mortar shell fired from not only the regular 82-mm Soviet, but also captured the German 81-mm, and also comes under the Lend-Lease 81-mm American mines (only required to compile a table with an amendment to this sight )

[ edit ]Variants
Soviet Union - was produced in several versions: 82-mm mortar arr. 1936; 82-mm mortar arr. 1937; 82-mm mortar arr. 1941; 82-mm mortar arr. 1943; China - 82-mm mortar "type 53" ( Type 53 ) Egypt - 82-mm mortar "Helwan M-69" ( Helwan M-69 )

[ edit ]Trivia
during the fighting in the Crimean isthmus in October 1941 as a mobile reserve of fire fighters of the 106th Infantry Division of the Red Army used a 82-mm mortars mounted on trucks. " Mortars are installed in the car VMS bodies, placing them under the cushioning during transport and shooting old tires. Tires firmly attached to the bottom of the body as well

as to the actual mortar ... This innovation was born of practical necessity, and it paid off in heavy defensive battles , " [4]

82 mm mortar MF-37

82-mm mortar "type 53"


Shells and Shestiperov desyatiperoy mines

[ edit ]Notes

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