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on thin ice Award winning newspaper
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No. 4742 PP 2644/12/2009 (023092)

April 21, 2009

» MB to pay logging firm RM63mil pg2 » Super Pippo sends Milan second pg30 sports


Najib warns BN
men against
political rhetoric
Way to a cleaner RTD
JOHOR BARU: Leaders of the Barisan
by Giam Say Khoon admitted that he had received many committed to not limiting the online service
Nasional (BN) component parties have been complaints from the public and stake– provider to only one company to create a level
reminded that political rhetoric could erode
holders. “It is painful, but it is the fact and playing field.
public confidence in the party.

UALA LUMPUR: The Road Transport reality that must be handled by the depart- “If we give only to one company, it is a
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Ra- Department, an agency long associ- ment,” he said. monopoly and we have decided it should be
zak said the people would be most unhappy ated with negative comments related He said the department had been working liberalised,” he said.
if what had been promised to them were not to service delivery and corruption, on the plan since October to compile feedback Another important step is the formation
fulfilled. yesterday embarked on a six-year- and categorise the weaknesses in the system of a monitoring body for Puspakom (vehicle
“If we make a certain promise, we must long journey to clean itself up and win public and to identify the root causes. inspection body) and an RTD stakeholders
deliver the promise and our administration confidence. And the outcome is this set of measures: committee, which will involve all players
will ensure that the people’s aspirations are
met in the best possible way,” he said.
Thirty-six programmes have been arranged » Setting up of integrity units in all states in the transport industry. This will act as a
based on five strategies in an integrity plan to get daily feedback from the public, so that constant review of the RTD’s effectiveness,
Najib said this at a dinner with leaders of the launched yesterday, and will be implemented complaints can be checked and action taken as any area of weaknesses will be brought up
Johor BN component parties, here last night. from this year to 2015. immediately; and acted on.
He said BN should be helming whatever
transformation that was going on in the coun-
Eight main programmes will be imple- » Signing of a memorandum of understand- Asked if other agencies like Puspakom
mented within this year to among other ing with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption will also launch an integrity plan, Ong said
try. As such, he said the BN could no longer things, strengthen integrity, service delivery Commission (MACC) to prevent corruption; Puspakom was a separate entity and the
afford to treat the present situation as “busi- system, the department’s image, competency, and monitoring board will function to keep an eye
ness as usual”.
The changes that the BN should be carry-
and partnership with stakeholders. » Implementing online services such as the on the company.
Transport Minister Datuk Seri Ong renewal of road tax, insurance and transfer of Asked about Puspakom’s monopoly on
ing out included breaking the wall that divided Tee Keat, who launched the integrity plan, ownership to reduce the chances for bribery. vehicle inspection, he said: “I have said it
the various ethnic groups in the
Ong said the RTD was before that five years later, the exclusive right
country and turn the party into
of Puspakom would come to an end.”
one that fully represented all
On the signing of the MoU with the MACC,
the ethnic groups, he said.
RTD director-general Datuk Solah Hassan
“I believe the dividing wall
said the cooperation with the commission
between the ethnic groups
was a form of early preventive measure.
can be demolished,” he said,
For example, officers who were qualified
expressing his confidence that
for promotion must first undergo screening
such efforts would be fruitful.
by the commission to ensure that they were
Earlier, Mentri Besar and
state BN chief Datuk Abdul
He said new RTD staff will also undergo
Ghani Othman expressed the
anti-corruption courses prepared by the
solid support of the Johor BN
commission to raise awareness in fighting
for Najib’s leadership and
pledged to strive to preserve
“We will also conduct our own
the state as a BN stronghold.
investigation on complaints and we will
– Bernama
forward the complaints to the commission if
the case is a serious one,” he said.
Solah said the RTD had been instructed to
Eco-friendly review the inspection list of Puspakom to cut
red tape for commercial vehicle inspection.
Coco ... “There are some items that we can tolerate
HONGKONG-BORN singer without compromising the safety aspects. A
Coco Lee poses with new standard operating procedure (SOP) will
children during an Earth be used by Puspakom in two weeks.”
Day promotional event Solah also said that 110 SOPs had been
entitled “Bring Your Own formulated under the integrity plan for

Bag” (BYOB) in Taipei the department’s core business such as

yesterday. Earth Day will enforcement, vehicle and driver licensing as
be celebrated tomorrow. well as automotive engineering.

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