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8 theSun | TUESDAY APRIL 21 2009

news without borders

Singapore minister warns against twins’ surgery

SINGAPORE: Singapore’s health Straits Times. on conjoined twins. he asked. Last year, Ganga died from respira-
minister has cautioned against a A Singaporean neurosurgeon, “To change the course of nature In 2001, Goh was involved in a tory problems at a hospital in Kath-
planned surgery in the city-state to Keith Goh, has said he had been may do more harm than good,” he 97-hour operation that separated mandu, where she was being treated
separate Indian twin sisters joined asked by the state government of was quoted as saying. 11-month-old Nepalese twins Ganga for pneumonia and meningitis.
at the head, citing the risks involved, Andhra Pradesh in India to surgically In some cases, surgeons also have and Jamuna Shrestha who were born Goh was also involved in the tragic
a report said yesterday. separate five-year-old Indian twin to pick one twin to die in order to save with fused skulls. operation of 29-year-old Iranian twins
The operation is more likely to sisters Vani and Veena, possibly later the other, the health minister said. The surgery left Ganga with brain – Ladan and Laleh Bijani – in July 2003.
harm the patients than improve their this year. “Even those who survive would damage and Jamuna unable to walk. Both women, joined at the head, died
situation, Health Minister Khaw Boon But Khaw said that in certain situ- often be left with brain damage. So, It also left a hole in Jamuna’s skull from severe blood loss following a 52-
Wan said in remarks carried by the ations, it may be better not to operate to what extent is this quality of life?” covered only by a layer of skin. hour operation. – AFP

Jackie Chan’s comments

Sri Lanka gives Tigers criticised in China
BEIJING: Comments made by Hong- edge of China’s current situation.

24 hours to surrender
kong movie star Jackie Chan that “The comments made by Jackie Chan
Chinese people “need to be controlled” show that he is ignorant of democracy,”
drew criticism in China’s press as it be- said a commentary on the Huamei web-
latedly reported his views yesterday. site, which is run by journalists.
Chan, best-known for his martial- “(His) statement is based on the
arts comedies, told an annual meeting discriminatory view that Chinese
of governments and business leaders people cannot manage themselves
COLOMBO: Sri Lanka noon,” defence spokesman fleeing LTTE areas this on Saturday that China should be wary and is built on the idea that Chinese
yesterday gave the Tamil Keheliya Rambukwella said year at near 100,000, started Local of allowing too many freedoms. are like a herd of sheep that lack self-
Tigers 24 hours to surrender at the air force battle man- after soldiers fought past an Counsel: “I don’t know whether it is better to discipline and self-restraint.”
or die after troops breached agement centre in Colombo. earthen berm blocking the have freedom or to have no freedom,” A commentary on the news website
a huge earthen defence and “Thereafter will be a biggest land route in and out An numerous mainland news websites of the Liaoning government in north-
unleashed an exodus of tens military course of action.” of the no-fire zone. unfinished quoted Chan as saying at the Boao east China said Chan had ignored
of thousands of civilians held The LTTE could not be Live video the military journey Forum for Asia. China’s efforts to build the rule of law
there by the rebels. reached for comment, but the said was being beamed from “With too much freedom ... it can and improve people’s lives through
Sri Lanka’s quarter- pro-rebel an unmanned aerial vehicle pg 11 get very chaotic, could end up like in economic reforms.
century separatist war has reported “hundreds of dead into the battle management Hongkong or like in Taiwan ... I’m “The Chinese people have risen
come down to a tiny strip bodies and wounded civilians centre showed thousands gradually beginning to feel that we up and become the masters of their
of coastline, where the were still lying in Matthalan thronging around temporary Chinese need to be controlled.” nation, we are no longer slaves. But it
Liberation Tigers of Tamil and Pokkanai”, two villages in reception centres set up by The remarks drew wide comment seems that this kind of free life is not
Eelam (LTTE) are making the no-fire zone. the army less than a kilome- in the state media, with commentaries appropriate for our Mr Chan.”
a last stand while urging a “A large number of the tre outside the no-fire zone. criticising Chan for a lack of knowl- Other news articles reported on the
ceasefire to protect civilians civilians fled towards LTTE- “All of these small dots negative reaction
they have refused to free. held areas while around you see are human beings amongst Chinese
With so many civilians 8,000 were trapped and waiting to be checked,” air communities in the
now outside the 17sq km no- captured by the (Sri Lankan force operations director, region.
fire zone that is the only bat- army),” it said, quoting its Vice Air Marshal Kolitha “I haven’t met
tlefield left, Sri Lanka warned own correspondent. Gunatilleke, told reporters . anyone who thinks
LTTE founder Vellupillai Pra- Between 25,000 and 35,000 That process is designed Hongkong is in
bhakaran to surrender or face people fled yesterday, said to weed out LTTE suicide chaos. I think he
a last military showdown. Lakshman Hulugalle, director bombers. should make an
“We have given a final of the military’s Media Centre Nonetheless, three explod- apology and stop
warning to Prabhakaran and for National Security. ed themselves and killed at talking such non-
his terrorist group to surren- The largest single-day least 17 people and wounded sense,” Hongkong
der to the government forces exodus so far, which should 200 yesterday. – Reuters lawmaker Emily
within 24 hours from 12 put the number of those Lau said. – AFP

South Korea’s ‘prophet of

doom’ blogger acquitted
SEOUL: A South Korean the local currency and caused on cyber slander.
court acquitted a blogger financial authorities to inject The Lee government has
yesterday of spreading billions of dollars to stabilise also been backing media
false information, in a the Korean won. reforms that would lift restric-
case that triggered debate “Even if there was recog- tions on big business from
about freedom of speech nition that it was false infor- owning broadcast networks,
in cyberspace and crtics mation, he cannot be seen as which have led to protests at
said was only launched having acted on purpose to TV networks whose union
because his economic harm public interest consid- members feel the move would
doom postings angered ering the situation at the time lead to cuts in press freedom.
The authorities.
Defendant Park Dae-
including the special nature
of the foreign exchange mar-
Park’s lawyer said the
case arose from a misguided

fairest sung, who went by the

pseudonym “Minerva”
after the Greek goddess
ket,” the court said.
As the markets tumbled last
year, the main financial regu-
attempt by the government
to control public opinion in
cyber space.
of all ... of wisdom became a
household name last
lator warned it would crack
down on what it considered
“The law itself is unconsti-
tutional, and it is a dead law
Miss North Carolina year for his predic- malicious rumours. Some where the computer cannot
Kristen Dalton tions of sharp falls in economic analysts said they be the subject of regulation,”
reacts after being the won and the local had come under pressure from lawyer Park Chang-jong, who
crowned Miss stock market and the authorities not to voice nega- is not related to the defendant,
USA 2009 during collapse of US invest- tive views on the economy. told reporters after the verdict.
the Miss USA ment bank Lehman Korean markets appeared Park has been identified
Pageant at the Brothers. to have passed their worst tur- by prosecutors as an unem-
Planet Hollywood “He’s been found moil in a decade at the time of ployed 30-year-old man who
Resort and Casino not guilty,” a court Park’s arrest in January but kept to his modest apartment
in Las Vegas, Nevada official said by tel- suffered another setback in in Seoul and learned of the
on Sunday. The ephone. The court March on lingering concerns financial markets with books
22-year old aspiring threw out charges about the country’s ability to he ordered online.
motivational speaker that he purposely secure dollars to repay debt. Since his detention, reports
from Wilmington harmed market sen- Since the arrest, legal ex- have flooded local media say-
surpassed Miss timent by posting perts have questioned whether ing he was a quiet man with a
California 2009 Carrie false information on authorities had legal grounds humble education background,
Prejean and Miss his blog. to prosecute individuals on which experts said may be an
Arizona 2009 Alicia- Prosecutors views aired in online media. attempt to discredit him in a
Monique Blanco. said a posting Park The conservative party of society that places high value
made in December President Lee Myung-bak has on elite education and prestig-
led to volatility in been pushing for a tough law ious jobs. – Reuters

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