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10 theSun | TUESDAY APRIL 21 2009

speak up!

Antidote for comprehensive health care

MANY administrations have for a country that boasts of will see that it is benefits a few, Finance Ministry and Eco- his or her family or life-sav-
recited this oft-repeated man- the world’s tallest twin tow- more of a case of and yet salaries nomic Planning Unit, sleep ing dialysis for oneself.
tra of putting the people first. ers to face overcrowding in putting corpora- of government soundly knowing that the If every district and
The present premier is no ex- hospitals. tions first instead doctors are not lack of priorities could have township had its own public
ception, and while one lauds For example, the Kuching of people. revised, causing cost lives? medical centre, the queues in
his earnestness in doing this, Hospital has only 800 beds What other many to flee to It is gut-wrenching to see government hospitals will be
making the rakyat a priority to cater to 630,000 residents. conclusion can the private sector that in spite of our wealth, shorter and people will have
is easier said than done. This How do we claim to put one come to or even abroad? people still need to run to access to quicker consulta-
is because everyone needs to people first when hospital when a single Instead of newspapers with a begging tion and treatment.
be on the same page and put buildings can be declared entity is given spending hun- bowl to raise funds for heart There would not be a
self-interest aside. unsafe as was the case with the monopoly to dreds of millions surgery or bone marrow need for patients undergoing
While the prime minister the Queen Elizabeth Hospital import and dis- Down2Earth on white el- transplant when a national chemotherapy to wait from
and those before him have in Kota Kinabalu, causing tribute medicines ephants such as health fund could easily pay 5am for queue numbers as
been sincere in wanting the bed-ridden patients to spill to government by Terence Fernandez underused stadi- for their treatment and retain the hospital has only four
best for the rakyat, somehow out onto the parking lot. hospitals, where ums and sports their dignity? facilities to cater to 48 people
other priorities tend to over- Do we really need an un- the price is hiked by almost centres, the government A proposal for such a in a day, as is the case with
take the basic needs of the dersea power cable project 50% by the time they land in should spend a fraction of fund where consultants from University Hospital Medical
people as we are all caught that costs RM15 billion when the hands of patients? that to equip all government Australia were recruited two Centre.
up with “economic progress” our infant mortality rate is The attempted privatisa- hospitals with MRI (magnetic years ago, sadly still remains Datuk Seri Najib Abdul
and “development”. 16.39 deaths per 1,000 live tion of the National Heart resonance imaging) ma- just that – a proposal as the Razak must take stock of this
Anyone who claims that births? Many of these babies Institute is also a stark chines, PET (positron emis- government continues to grave situation and apply the
the people’s welfare is be- die in rural communities in reminder of how vulner- sion tomography) scanners, drag its feet in the imple- correct antidote. All it takes
ing looked into needs only Sabah and Sarawak where able our public health care chemotherapy equipment or mentation of this life-saving is political will. The money
study our public health-care the project is generated is. Who or what is stopping dialysis machines. scheme. is there, the resources are
system. from. another bright spark from It is a sin when someone What has happened to there.
Thus one hopes that the In this day and age it is putting up a proposal to put has to wait for a month due the Sihat Malaysia scheme To borrow the prime
Najib administration at least unforgivable that deaths from the Kuala Lumpur Hospital to the long lines and lack of which was launched with minister’s motto, putting the
will go back to basics in dengue are rising. So far this in private hands? equipment, to find out if he much fanfare four years people first means perform-
fulfilling the people’s aspira- year, we have recorded 33 Where are the priorities has cancer. Many find out ago? ance now.
tions. deaths – a 50% rise from last when hundreds of millions too late. So as part of the rakyat’s
There is no need for mega year’s total. can be spent on a fast rail Can those who draw up wish list to the new admin-
projects and economic cor- And allocating just 3% service to Singapore which our budget, including the istration, please put in place Terence is upset that we can
ridors if at the end of the day of the annual budget to a national health plan build cars and skyscrapers
they do not benefit the people health care underscores that takes care of the but yet cannot accord our
whose hard-earned money is where the general public most vulnerable of our people basic cheap and ef-
used to fund these schemes. stand in the pecking society. ficient medical treatment.
One is sure that taxpayers order. The man and woman He is deputy editor (special
would rather their money If a detailed study is in the street should not reports & investigations) and
be spent to improve public carried out on our phar- have to decide between can be reached at terence@
health. It is in stark contrast maceutical industry, we buying provisions to feed

letters Steer kids away
from racism
ISA: To review inflame communal violence and
Many opposition leaders and
others dedicated to non-violent,
peaceful activities.”
Last year, Gerakan’s president
I REFER to “Are we truly Malaysian?” (Down2Earth, April
17). I am of Malay and Chinese descent, and a Muslim.
This helps me understand the concerns of others when

or repeal? NGOs which are not accountable

for the safety and welfare of citi-
zens find it convenient to use the
proposed the setting up of a
parliamentary select committee
on ISA to prevent future abuse,
it comes to sensitive matters.
For instance, as much as Muslims are sensitive to-
wards issues relating to “pork” or even the word “pig”,
RECENT events add urgency Further, the detainee has a right ISA to make baseless allegations as well as to protect national we too have to respect our Hindu friends’ sensitivities
to reconsider the need for the to make representation to an merely to seek publicity. security. However, Chief Minister about beef. I would not share the utensils I use for my
Internal Security Act. The prime advisory board, consistent with Similarly, many government Lim Guan Eng opposed the idea meal with my Hindu friends because I respect them as
minister ordered the release Article 151 of the constitution. MPs are abusing their power and as he prefers to repeal the Act. much as I want my non-Muslim friends to understand
of 13 detainees on April 5 and Failing this, the detainee can making unnecessary remarks for I am strongly against indefinite that I am not supposed to use any utensil used for their
promised to review the law. He appeal to the King. Although selfish agendas. detention without trial. When non-halal food.
also made clear that abolishing there had been ridiculous ar- On the other hand, in op- we study the Act, it may not be My late father was close to his family. And family gath-
the law would not be a reality rests, the ISA is applied only posing the Act, many will state that bad after all. Unfortunately erings meant eating together at a roundtable especially
yet. when peace and unity in the issues of violation of human it is often used to suit the police during Chinese New Year. I remember my mum had to
So, should we amend or abol- country is threatened. Peace and rights (such as deprivation of or Home Ministry to gather evi- slaughter the chicken so that everyone could enjoy the
ish it? Ultimately it is a question harmony are vital ingredients for civil liberty, freedoms guaranteed dence to make out a case against meal. I kept my old granny company when she had to stay
of justification. Arguments for socio-economic development. In under the constitution and prin- someone which is unjustifiable. It up on the eve of Chinese New Year to “welcome” the God
the Act state that it is a strong another words, action can only ciples of Universal Declaration of simply means that they are inef- of Fortune. I even accompanied her on many occasions
mechanism to prevent extrem- been taken against persons who Human Rights), draconian laws, ficient and abused their power when she laid out the offerings during the “hungry ghost
ism and terrorism, and ensures take part in unlawful acts against inhumane treatment, irrelevance to deny a human being his right month” but all that never made me any less Muslim. I
peace and stability. The Act pro- public order and in subversive in today’s society, abuse and un- to freedom for no good reasons. have kept my faith.
vides for legitimate preventive activities. lawful arrest – arbitrary detention, Hopefully, our prime minister Now I have two growing girls, aged seven and three,
detention during peacetime to For practical purposes, it disappearance and “brainwash- really walks his talk and looks and it’s important to me that I raise them to respect other
enable the authorities to carry is not that the government ing”. More importantly, the gov- into this matter constructively people’s beliefs, accept their differences and at the same
out their responsibilities effec- refuses to prosecute an offender ernment uses it as a tool to deter as it touches the life of many time uphold our religion.
tively in countering activities under the normal parameters of political freedom and freedom Malaysians to have confidence in My daughter often imitates a scene from a cartoon she
prejudicial to national security, criminal laws. The very character of expression. There are always his pledge and 1Malaysia ideals. watches, Word World, where the “frog” says that the “pig”
economic livelihood and mainte- of covert activities sometimes other laws, such as the Penal To repeal or not to repeal, is eating almost everything and along comes the ant and
nance of essential services. makes disclosure of intelligence Code, Sedition Act, etc. The late that is the question… says “Well, after all he is a pig!” She even has a character
It is to be emphasised that collected as evidence in an open R. Hickling, who drafted the ISA of the animal on her water tumbler which she takes to
the ISA has the necessary trial a threat to the sources of once wrote, “I could not imagine Andy K.S. Yong sekolah agama. When her schoolmate teased her, she
safeguards for legal recourse intelligence. In cases involving then that the time would come Bureau Chairman came back and relayed the story to me and conveyed
such as the concept of judicial racial and religious extremism, when the power of detention … Legal, Public Complaints the impression that the “teasing” was not right because
review, wherein a detainee can the trial itself would provide the would be used against political and Social Welfare to her a pig is just an animal. Of course, I would have to
apply for writ of habeas corpus. accused with a public forum to opponents, welfare workers and Parti Gerakan Malaysia explain about the do’s and don’ts when the time comes
but for now I would like it to be as it is.
I remember her first two days at school when she felt
awkward sitting with some Indian girls her age eating
Toll burden heavier on inter-city highways thosai with coconut chutney. Coincidentally, that is also
one of my favourite foods! At first she refused to sit with
I REFER to the prime minister’s travel on the NSE is a burden ger amount compared to what is trips. Therefore, priority should them but changed her mind after I explained “it’s not the
request to the Economic Plan- financially. However, the urban paid on the NSE. be given to tolled links which ring colour of your skin but the heart that matters.”
ning Unit to seek a comprehen- highway issue is more pressing. In addition, the NSE is not a the Klang Valley. A few weeks later when I phoned her from the office
sive solution to the toll issue and The government should look highway that the average con- By only privatising PLUS, what she told me that she had made friends and spent her
to look into various proposals on into SPRINT, NKVE, NPE and the sumer uses regularly. The big- message is the government recess with several Indian girls. And she sounded really
the takeover of highway conces- SMART tunnel where urbanites gest beneficiary of lower toll or sending if it does not have a fol- proud. Children will not have “skin issues” unless adults
sionaire PLUS Expressways Bhd, have to pay toll everyday, some- abolition of toll on the NSE would low-up plan for other toll roads? teach them otherwise.
operator of the North-South times three or four times a day. be businesses rather than the
Expressway (NSE). The amount of toll paid at man in the street who does not Concerned Urbanite Liza Masrina Ibrahim
Everybody keeps saying that these highways adds up to a big- frequently go on long-distance Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur

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