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Technology and Livelihood Education Industrial Arts- Electrical Technology 1 Quarters 1 & 2 Module 3: Production of Basic Electrical Gadgets





Electricity is one of the greatest discoveries of our time. It is an invisible energy yet, its visible effect is evident as it powers up thousands of inventions and devices making our life on earth easy and convenient. Electricity and technology are partners of innovations. To be at par, as technology becomes the epicenter of life and in the world of work, the teaching of Electrical Technology is emphasized, making every young individual skillful and productive. Thus, in this quarter you will be introduced to the assembly and production of quality basic electrical gadgets that later become your source of income. Among these gadgets are; extension cord, lamp shade, water heater and continuity tester and test light.

Assuring the quality of basic electrical gadgets guarantees marketability and profitability

EXPLORE your understanding

The inventions, manufacturing, development and innovations of different electrical gadgets play an important role to make basic household task convenient, easier and faster. Electrical gadgets are current medium or conducting path and also current consuming devices. They are available in a variety of types depending on the needs of the consumer. In this module you will be acquainted with the proper functions, application and learn the proper ways of assembling it. These are extension cord, lamp shade, water heater and continuity tester and test light. Having the knowledge, skill and available materials you can assemble quality and marketable products. To improve the quality and appearance of the gadgets you can innovate using different resources to suit the needs of the costumer or user. With enough knowledge and skills in doing these gadgets you can be employed as an electrical shop aide in your locality. Guide Questions: Why are tools and materials important in the assembly of basic electrical gadgets? What is it important to prepare a project plan in the assembly of basic electrical gadgets? Why is there a need to know the capacity of the wire used in assembling an extension cord? Why is it necessary to provide underwriters knot on the male plug of an extension cord/appliance cord? Why is there a need to follow the procedures in assembling basic electrical gadgets? What are the similarities and differences among extension cord, lamp shade, water heater and continuity tester/test light? Based on the knowledge and skills you had acquired in the assembly of four basic electrical gadgets. What other gadgets can you assemble? Given the list of household appliance, how would you determine the appropriateness of materials to be used in the assembly of an extension cord? Can you assemble a product/gadget out of these electrical materials? o 5 meters Flat cord #18awg o 1 piece Convenience outlet flush type o 1 piece Male plug o 1 piece Utility box o 2 pieces Eyelets

Why does one need to assure the quality, profitability and marketability of basic electrical gadgets?

Pre-assessment A. Production of basic electrical gadgets:

Set A- Directions: The pictures below are common electrical gadgets. Select the gadgets that are currently used in your own house. Write your answers in your notebook.

Continuity Tester

Lamp Shade

Extension Cord

Rechargeable Lamp

Water Heater Cellular Phone Charger

Set B Directions: The following items listed below are basic knowledge and skills needed in the production of basic electrical gadgets. Use the format below. Write the answers in your note book. assembling extension cord, lamp shade, water heater and continuity tester & test light electrical safety measures project plan simple circuit assembly soldering techniques tools, materials and equipment used in electrical works tying underwriters knot

B. Diagnostic Test Multiple Choices:

Directions: Each item consists of four choices, choose the appropriate answer and write the letter of your answer in your notebook. 1. Which of the following element of electric circuit served as current consuming device? a) Control (switch) c) Path (wire conductor) b) Source (battery) d) Load (lamp) 2. There are four possible conditions in electric circuit, which is considered the most dangerous because it might cause fire? a) Short Circuit c) Grounded Circuit b) Closed Circuit d) Open Circuit 3. Suppose you want to check the continuity of the flat cord, what particular part of test light and continuity tester indicates the condition of the cord? a) Neon Lamp c) LEDS b) Toggle Switch d) Battery 4. Water heater is one of the basic electric gadgets in this module, which is not an application of this gadget? a) Cooling c) Cooking b) Heating d) Sterilizing 5. You encountered difficulties in driving screws in tight location which is the appropriate driving tools to the job? a) Standard/ Flat Screw Driver c) Allen Wrench b) Stubby Screw Driver d) Philip Screw Driver 6. What part of the project plan includes selling cost of the project? a) Purpose c) Materials Needed b) Sketch/Drawing d) Procedures


It is an alloy or mixture of tin and lead used for soldering electrical joints. a) Sponge c) Soldering Iron b) Soldering Lead d) Nipple 8. An electrical material used to turn ON or turn OFF the circuit conveniently. a) Switch c) Convenience Outlet b) Lamp Holder d) Male plug 9. One of the steps in extension cord assembly is tying process of wire conductor, what is the appropriate knot or tie? a) Lock Knot c) Western Union Long Tie b) Underwriters Knot d) Western Union Short Tie 10. What is the appropriate size of flat cord if the total power rating of the appliances to be connected to extension cord is 1,600 watts? a) # 12 c) # 16 b) # 14 d) # 18 11. An electrical tool used for removing wire insulator from gauge #10 to gauge #16. a) Long Nose Pliers c) Combination Pliers b) Wire Stripper d) Knife 12. Which of the following items is not the function of a lampshade? a. Direct or focus the light in desired direction b. Cover the lamp hardware for better appearance c. Cover the surface of the entire room d. Reduces the glare of the light source 13. An electrical tool used to drive screws with hexagonal slot head. a) Allen Wrench c) Long Nose Pliers b) Philip Screw Driver d) Side Cutting pliers 14. A type of electrical circuit used in Christmas light. a) Series Circuit c) Complex Circuit b) Parallel Circuit d) Simple Circuit 15. Which of the electrical appliances has the highest power rating? a) Radio c) Electric Fan b) Television d) Flat Iron

C. Electrical Tools and Materials used in Assembling Basic Electrical Gadgets. Text Twist: a. Directions: Inside box A are jumbled letters. Form words related to electrical
tools and materials used in assembling basic electrical gadgets. Then write the words in box B. Write your answer in your notebook. Box A 1. SRWEC VREIDRS 1. 2. EIRW RSTPPRIE 3. LEAM LGPU 4. MPLA LHOERD 2. 3. 4. Box B

b. Directions: Describe at least two of your answer. Write it in your notebook. 1.____________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________

D. Preparing a Project Plan

a. Directions: Inside the circle are unarranged parts of a project plan. Arrange them and write your answers in your notebook. You may use the graphic organizer below as reference.

o o o o o o o o

Purpose Sketch/Drawing Name of the project Criteria for Assessment Tools and Equipment Materials Needed Procedure Remarks

Graphic Organizer b. Directions: One of the parts of a project plan is procedures. Why is it important in achieving the desired output? Write your answer in your notebook.

E. Common Electrical Symbols

a. Directions: Match the electrical symbols in Column A with the corresponding description in column B. Write the letter of your answer in your notebook. Column A Column B

1. 2.

a. Switch b. Wires not connected


c. Wires connected


d. Incandescent lamp


e. Battery

b. Directions: Aside from the electrical symbols in the previous task. Draw at least seven other electrical symbols that you know, and label each. Write your answer in your notebook.



You are already finished with the exploratory phase of this module. Did you enjoy the different activities in electrical tools, materials and symbols used in assembling an extension cord? What about in preparing a project plan? Well that is not enough, let us now firm up your understanding.

FIRM-UP your understanding Quarter 1 & 2 Lesson 1: Assembly of Extension Cord

Electrical gadgets are product of modern technology to make our life better. The number of electrical gadgets available at home and offices may exceed the existing convenience outlet installed in every room. The best remedy to address the insufficiency of available outlet is to use an extension cord especially if the electrical gadgets need to operate at the same time. Extension cords come in several varieties to suit the needs of the user. One of the most important considerations is the power handling capacity to make it safe and functional. Some of the available extension cords in the market do not have the Product Standard (PS) or Import Commodity Clearance (ICC) markings. They are sub-standard; this may cause over loading and in worst case may result to fire. PS or ICC marks are markings approved by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) for quality product. PS mark for locally made products and ICC mark for import products. So, to be safe you should buy the extension with PS or ICC marks. To be practical every household should have at least two or more extension cords at home. The prices of the quality extension cords available in the market are quite high, production of quality assembled extension cord will be a good business opportunity for you. Quality assembled extension cord will be possible even with the beginner, provided proper specifications of materials are strictly followed. Sample pictures of extension cord that you can produce . Picture A Picture B Picture C

An extension cord is a span of flexible electrical power cable with a plug on one end and multiple sockets on the other end. The size of the cord depends upon the specifications of the load or electrical gadgets to be used. The thicker the cord used the higher the power capacity. Heavy duty extension cords are well insulated and fitted to outdoor use. It can withstand the heat of sunlight and also safe to use in damp place. An extension reel is an extension lead that rolls up, usually into the socket end. These are the extension cords available in the market. Sample Pictures of Extension Cords Available in the Market

Sample Extension Reels

Suggested Activity:
Based on the sample pictures of extension cords, can you cite the differences and similarities between the extension cords that can be produced by you from the sample extension cord available in the market? Use the table as your reference. Write your answer in your notebook. Extension Cord that you Extension Cord available can produce in the Market Differences Similarities Differences


Directions for proper use of Extension Cord

Completely extend the cord before using. Insert fully the plug to the convenience outlet. Use within the electrical rating mark on the extension cord set. Do not plug more than the total of 1,250 watts for #18 flat cord and 1,625 watts for #16 flat cords. Cover unused outlets. Never place extension cord under the rugs. Do not use damaged extension cords. Inspect periodically. Unplug when not in use. Unplug by holding and pulling the male plug not the wire. Keep away from children. Do not store in wet or dump place. Use indoors only.

Reminder Please make it a habit to always check the watts marked on the appliance found in the instructions manual or on the package. Add the watts for each of the plug-in appliance or load to determine the total watts being used for a particular extension cord.

Suggested Activity:
Using actual extension cord, demonstrates the proper way of using it. Demonstration should be done in front of the teacher.




BLENDER AIRCON 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200


Suggested Activity:
Based on the graph above, determine the name of appliance with the lowest power consumption and the appliance with highest power consumption. Specify the power rating; write the answer in your notebook. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________


Suggested Activity:
Based on the sample power consumption table, list down some possible combinations of appliances that can be plug-in to a #18 flat cord? ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ _______________________________

You are now familiar with the different extension cords; commercial and assembled together with the application and limitation of it. Prior to actual assembly we need to know the electrical tools and materials. Let us move on to be acquainted with them.


Sub-Lesson 1A: Electrical Tools and Materials used in Assembling Basic Electrical Gadgets
Electrical task can be accomplished systematically to save time, effort and resources. Most of the work cannot be done using our bare hands. To do the task, electrical tools are needed as aid in performing the task. This lesson, will tackle the function/use of each tools and materials used in assembling basic electrical gadgets. The following electrical tools are needed in the assembly of basic electrical gadgets. They are classified according their uses and functions: Screw Drivers- These are made of tool steel hardened and tempered at the tip. They are used to loosen or tighten screws with slotted heads and come in various sizes and shapes.

Pictures of the types of screw drivers and sample screws with different slots of the heads o Standard/Flat Screw Driver- The blade tip is wedge shaped and resembles a negative (-) sign. This is used to drive screws with a single slot head.

Standard screw driver and proper usage


o Philips Screw Driver- This has a cross tip resembling a positive (+) sign. This is used to drive screws with cross slot heads.

Philips screw drivers and proper handling o Stubby Screw Driver-Comes in both Standard or Philips screw driver with short shank or blade and a shorted handle used to turn screws in tight spaces where standard screw drivers cannot be used.

Stubby screw driver and proper handling

o Allen Screw Driver/Wrench- This could be in the shape of screw driver or a wrench, its function is to drive a screw with hexagonal slot head.

Allen screw driver and wrench


o Pliers are made out of metal with insulators in the handle. Used for cutting, twisting, bending, holding and gripping wires and cables.

Pictures of the set of pliers used in basic electrical gadgets Assembly o Combination Pliers (Linemans Pliers)- This is used to grip, hold, cut electrical wires and cables and even small nails. Usually used by linemen in doing heavy tasks.

Combination pliers and blowup view o Side Cutting Pliers- This type of pliers is used for cutting fine, medium and big wires and cables.

Side cutting pliers and proper use


o Long Nose Pliers- Used for cutting and holding fine wires. This can reach tight spaces or small openings where other pliers cannot reach and also used in making terminal loops of copper wires.

Long nose pliers, used in making loops and inserting loops to the screw o Wire Stripper is a tool used for removing insulation of medium sized wires ranging from gauge #10 to gauge #16.

Wire stripper and proper use The following are electrical devices and materials used in the assembly of basic electrical gadgets such as extension cord, lamp shade, etc. These are developed and constructed for a special purpose such as to: Control the flow of current in an electrical circuit Carry electrical current from the source to the load or current consuming apparatus Hold and secure wires to its fixtures inside and outside houses and buildings Protect the houses, buildings, appliances and instruments from any destruction and damage. These devices and materials are intended just to carry, hold, secure and protect but not to utilize electric current. The following are the most commonly used electrical devices and materials:

o Convenience Outlet- is a device that acts as a convenient source of electrical energy for current consuming appliances. It is where the male plug of an appliance is inserted and usually fastened on the wall or connected in an extension cord. It maybe single, duplex, triplex or multiplex and could be surface type or flush type.

Sample pictures of duplex, triplex and quadruplex convenience outlets o Male Plug- is a device inserted to a convenience outlet to conduct electric current. A flat cord is attached to it on one end and the other end is connected to a current consuming instrument or appliance .

Sample pictures of male plugs


o Lamp Holder is a device that holds and protects the lamp and is also called as Lamp Socket/Receptacle. These come in many designs and sizes. They are classified as flush, hanging (weather proof/chain) and surface types.

Flush type

Hanging chain type

Surface type

Weather proof type

o Switchis a device that connects and disconnects the flow of electric current in a circuit. There are many shapes, designs and types and are classified as hanging, flush and surface types.

Hanging type

Flush type

Surface type

o Junction Box is an octagonal shaped electrical material where the connections or joints of wire are being done. It is also where the flush type lamp holder is attached. This could be made of metal or plastic (PVC) Polyvinylchloride.

PVC Junction Box

Metal Junction Box

Utility Box is a rectangular shaped metallic or plastic (PVC) material in which flush type convenience outlet and switch are attached.

Metallic Utility Box

PVC Utility Box

Flat Cord- Is a duplex stranded wire used for temporary wiring installation and commonly used in extension cord assembly. It comes in a role of 150 meters and with sizes of gauge # 18 and gauge # 16 awg (American wire gauge).

Flat Cord

A role of Flat Cord


Electrical Wire/Conductor- This electrical material could be: a. Stranded wire which is made of multiple strands joined together to make a single wire. b. Solid wire is made of a single strand of copper or aluminum wire. These are used in wiring installation inside and outside the buildings.

Electrical wires or conductors

Suggested Activity:
Directions: Given are the set of activity and the corresponding picture. Perform them using the appropriate tools and materials. Your performance will be graded using the following criteria: Accuracy Workmanship Proper handling of tools Speed



Images of the Activity

1. Tighten and loosen screws of different head slots using different types of screw drivers.

2. Cut different sizes of wires using side cutting and long nose pliers.

3. Practice removing insulators using side cutting and long nose pliers.

4. Use a wire stripper to remove wire insulators of different sizes of wires (solid/stranded).

5. Using long nose pliers practice making terminal loops.


6. Practice inserting the loop to the screw and tighten it to the convenience outlet.

Reminders Never tease your classmates while working. Use the right tools for a specific task. Do not use tools with a broken insulator in the handle to avoid accident. Work with your heart and always focus to your work. Always think that youre working with a live wire.

Suggested Activity:

Directions: Answer the following questions. How do you find the activities?

______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________.

What particular activity did you enjoy the most? Why?

______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________.


Which activity do you find difficult? Why?

______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________. What activity can you now confidently do? Why?

______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________. Tools and materials are needed in actual assembly of extension cord. To make the assembly successful you need to learn and follow the standard requirements. Another thing to be considered to produce quality and marketable extension cord is to use underwriters knot which is the next topic.

Sub-Lesson 1A: Tying the underwriters Knot

Underwriters knot is one of the skills needed in the assembly of an extension cord and lamp shade. It is neither a joint nor a splice but a KNOT that is made in extension cords and lamp cords. Its purpose is to relieve the strain on small wires of the cord and binding screws of convenience outlets, bulb sockets and male plugs For you to make a quality and safe output you have to strictly follow the given procedure in making an underwriters knot. Listed below are sketch and given procedures.

Picture of underwriters knot


Procedures in Tying the Underwriters Knot:

Split the end of the flat cord about 8 centimeters long then bend the left strand of the cord and place it at the back of the main cord following the arrow as shown in figure 1.

Insert the right strand cord inside the loop made by left strand cord following the arrow as shown in figure 4.

Bend the right strand of the cord and place it at the back of the left strand following the arrow as shown in figure 2.

Pull both strands of the flat cord to tighten the knot as shown in the picture below.

Pull the right strand of cord and place it over the main cord following the arrow as shown in figure 3.


Pictures below show some uses of Underwriters Knot.

Used in connecting wire to the plug

Used in lamp shade assembly

Used in hanging bulb socket


Suggested Activity:
Directions: Perform the tying of underwriters knot using the materials and tools given below and following the procedure. Your performance will be rated based on the following criteria: Accuracy Correct usage of tools Safety work habits Speed

Materials: meter Flat cord gauge # 18 1 pc. Hanging lamp holder or surface type convenience outlet 1 pc. Male plug Tools: Side cutting pliers Ruler Wire stripper/electricians knife

Procedures: Insert one end of the flat cord to the plug. Perform the tying of underwriters knot following the procedure. Insert the other end of the flat cord to the hanging lamp holder then perform the same procedure. If youre using a surface type convenience outlet apply the same procedure in tying an underwriters knot and then remove the cover of the convenience outlet and insert the flat cord. Make sure it is anchored against the cover.

Now youre thru with the underwriters knot features, advantages and application. To make the project works as expected it should be done with a plan. Come on! Proceed to the next lesson which is preparing a project plan.


Sub-Lesson 1C: Preparing a Project Plan

You might be wondering why there are several projects which are not completed. Well, there are several reasons why this happens. It might be out of budget or not properly planned. So, this lesson will help you accomplished the desired and quality project. A plan is essential before undertaking any project because it serves as your guide in accomplishing an activity. It will give you an idea on what is to be done, how much to spend and what procedures to undertake. A well prepared project plan saves time and cost of materials. Below is a sample project plan of an extension cord. This format can also be used in preparing a plan for other projects in the future.

Sample Project Plan

Name of Student:____________________________ Year & Section:______________ I- Name of Project: Extension Cord Assembly Date Started: _______________ Date Finished: ______________

II- Purpose: to acquire knowledge and develop skills on how to assemble an extension cord, assemble a quality and marketable extension cord, observe safety measures while doing the project. III- Sketch/Drawing:


IV- Materials Needed: Qty. 1 3 1 2 Unit pc. Description Convenience Outlet (surface type duplex) meters Flat Cord # 18 AWG pc. Male Plug Pcs. Eyelet Wire Connectors TOTAL COST OF MATERIALS + cost of labor (approximately 20%-30% of cost of materials) = selling cost Unit Cost Php 45.00 Php 13.00 Php20.00 Php 1.50 Total Cost Php 45.00 Php 39.00 Php20.00 Php 3.00 Php 107.00 Php 25.00 Php 132.00

Sample Pictures of Materials needed

Flat Cord

Male Plug

Eyelet wire connectors V- Tools and Equipment Needed: Standard/Flat Screw Driver Philips Screw Driver Long Nose Pliers Side Cutting Pliers Pocket knife Continuity Tester or Multi-tester

Convenience Outlets


VI- Procedure in assembling an extension cord: Prepare the plan. Gather all necessary materials, tools and equipment needed. Insert cord into the male plug, split the cord wires about 8 centimeters long. Remove insulation of both wires 1 centimeter long with a pocket knife as if sharpening a pencil. Be careful not to cut any strand. Scrape bare wire with the back of the knife until shiny. Twist the wire stands. Tie the underwriters knot. Make a loop on terminal wires and connect the wires to the screw of the male plug. The loop should go with the thread clockwise direction. Split the cord wires at the other end about 4 centimeters long, then follow procedure no. 4. Connect the wires to the connectors. Open the convenience outlet then remove the screw. Insert the wire connectors to the screws, tighten it and return the cover. Check the continuity and test the extension cord. Sample Rubrics Criteria Functionality 5 points Extension cord is 100% functional. Terminal wires are properly twisted & secured, output is presentable. Followed the given step from start to finish, using appropriate tools for each task. No injury happened while doing the task. Finish the given task within20 minutes 3 points Extension cord is functional but intermittent. Terminal wires are not properly twisted and secured, output is not presentable. Followed the given step, noted once incorrect usage of tools. Noticed one incidence of injury while doing the task. Finish the given task within 21 -30 minutes. 1 point Extension cord is not functional. Terminal wires are loose, output is not presentable.

VII- Criteria for Assessment:



Followed the given step, noted more once incorrect usage of tools. Noticed more than one incidence of injury. Unable to finish the given task.


Time Management


RATING SCALE: Points earned 21 - 25 16 - 20 11- 15 6 - 10 1 - 5 VIII- Remarks:

Numerical 91 - 100 86 - 90 81 - 85 76 - 80 71 - 75

Descriptive Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Needs Improvement

______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

Suggested Activity:
Directions: In your own opinion, is project plan important in assuring quality, profitability and marketability of extension cord? Why? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

Suggested Activity:
Directions: Prepare a project plan for a quality and marketable extension cord. ________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Always bear in mind the importance of a well-prepared project plan. Did you perform well in lesson 1? Well, you will find more enjoyment in lesson 2 because of the attractive features of lamp shade.


Lesson 2: Assembly of Lamp Shade

There are times that fixed lightings within the room particularly if the light source is visible can contribute to make our eyes tired. This can trigger headache and may affect our concentration. One of the appropriate solution is to use lamp shade to diffuse the glare or strong intensity of the light source. It can also improve the appearance of the room. It has three major functions namely: It softens the light from a light bulb or other light source and reduces the glare. It covers the lamp hardware for a better appearance. It serves to focus or direct the light from a lamp in a desired direction.

There are different types of lampshades as to its function and mounting such as: wall, floor, hanging, and table top lampshade. The most common type of lampshade is the table top. It is usually made of a wire frame covered with fabric, sea shell, plastic or paper. The shape may be cylindrical, conical or square.

Sample pictures of the different types of Lampshades




Variety of table top lampshades


How to measure the shade

Make a pattern using cartolina or Manila paper. Put a mark for the specific desired measurement. With the use of compass make a half circle following the marking of the exact measurements. (2 and 6) Cut the pattern. Take note of the allowance for over lapping. Then fold the pattern in a cylindrical form.

Shade Pattern



Suggested materials needed for the assembly of lamp shade:

1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 2 meters 1 pc 1 pc Incandescent Bulb/ Compact Fluorescent lamp (CFL) 5-10 watts Bulb Socket Single Pole Switch PVC pipe or other pipes (1 foot long and diameter) Male Plug Flat Cord #18awg Lamp Shade Base out of recycled materials (plastic container, bottle, flower base, etc.) Shade (out of any available materials in the community such as: fabric, sea shell, abaca fiber, plastic or paper ) Any decorating material such as: pebbles, beads, sequence, etc

Sample pictures of lamp shades


Procedures for the assembly of lamp shade: Secure all the materials needed. Prepare the tools and instruments needed. Analyze the wiring diagram. Mount the bulb socket at one end of the pipe. Insert the flat cord along the pipe and connect it to the bulb socket.(do the underwriters knot) Bore appropriate hole for the base of the lamp shade. Insert the other end of the wire to the hole. Install the switch somewhere in the middle of the flat cord. Install the male plug at the end of the wire. (dont forget do the underwriters knot) Position the pipe at the center of the base. Place the pebbles inside the container so that the pipe can stand alone Make the frame of skeleton of the lamp shade using the wire considering the dimensions of the shade. Put decorating materials like beads, sequence, glitters and other materials available to enhance the physical appearance. Insert the shade at the frame after connecting the lamp to the socket. Apply voltage to the lamp shade and observe performance. Troubleshoot the circuit if necessary.

Reminder It's very important to choose the right size of lampshade. Light bulbs emit a lot of heat. A paper or fabric lampshade that is too close to the light bulb can become a fire hazard. Likewise, cylindrical lampshades should always have enough clearance and venting to allow heat to escape. Never cover the top of a lampshade with a scarf or other fabric, as this can cause a fire.


Suggested Activity:
Directions: Discuss the three major functions of the lampshades. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

Suggested Activity:
Directions: Among the different types of lampshades what do you think is the most practical and convenient to use? Why? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ _______________________


Sub- Lesson 2A: Common Electrical Symbols

Electrical Symbols are small drawings or icons, used to signify various electrical devices in a diagram or plan of an electrical circuit. Electrical devices, materials and even instruments can be represented by means of standard electrical symbols. Analysis and interpretation of electrical diagrams will not be possible if you are not familiar with these symbols. These symbols are very useful in electrical circuit assembly, installation, trouble shooting and servicing. The following are common electrical symbols used in a wiring plan and diagram.


Description Conductor/Wire


Description Ammeter







Connected Wires

Wires Not Connected

Circuit Breaker

Push Button










Male plug



Description Ground


Description Service Entrance (3 wires)

Lightning Arrester

Duplex Convenience Outlet Range Outlet

Kilowatt-Hour Meter

Power Panel Board

Special Purpose Outlet

Lighting Panel Board

Weatherproof Outlet

Incandescent Lamp

Floor Outlet

Fluorescent Lamp


Single Pole Switch

Heating Element


Three-way Switch

Suggested Activity:
Why is it important to study the common electrical symbols? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________


Suggested Activity:
Draw and label the electrical symbols that you know. Symbol Description Symbol Description


Sub-Lesson 2B: Electrical Circuit

An electrical circuit is simply a continuous path for current to flow. A simple electric circuit consists of four important elements the source, path, load and control. Source (power supply) the force or energy to provide electric current along the circuit. This can be classified as - AC Voltage source comes from AC generator and Power Company the current is bidirectional - DC Voltage source comes from dry cell, wet cell, battery and DC power supply the current is unidirectional Paths or lines source are the conducting path where the current flows Load (Current Consuming device)- it could be a bulb or any electrical appliance. Control (switch) this is used to turn ON or turn OFF electrical circuit conveniently. An electrical circuit can be presented in two different ways one is through a pictorial diagram and the other is through a schematic diagram. A Pictorial Diagram is a sketch of electrical circuit that shows the external appearance of each component. It is much like a photograph of the circuit and uses simple images of parts.

Sample pictorial diagrams


A Schematic Diagram is a sketch showing the components of the circuit using standard electrical symbols. It shows the actual number of components, how the wiring is routed but not the actual location.

Sample schematic diagram

Types of Circuit
o Simple Circuit-is a wiring circuit which has a single load, switch and a source that could be either direct current or alternating current. This is the circuit used in lampshade assembly.

Pictorial diagram of a simple circuit


Schematic diagrams of simple circuit

o Series Circuit-is a type of circuit wherein loads or current consuming devices are arranged like a chain, there is only one path, and therefore the current is constant or the same in any part of the circuit. If one bulb or load becomes defective, all the rest will not operate like in the case of Christmas lights.

Pictorial diagram of Christmas light in series circuit

Schematic diagram of series circuit


o Parallel Circuit- is a type of circuit where the loads such as bulbs are connected across the power source. Each bulb receives the same amount of voltage. If one bulb becomes busted, the remaining bulbs will not be affected. This is the most common electrical circuit used in household and offices.

Pictorial diagram of lamps connected in parallel

Schematic diagram of parallel circuit


Electrical Circuit Defects

Open circuit- the circuit is said to be open if there is an interruption to the flow of current. There is no current flow due to the following reasons, broken or cut wire conductor, blown fuse or defective switch.

An example of an open circuit

Shorted circuit- this condition happen if line 1 gets in contact with line 2 wherein the current did not flow along any load or current consuming device. The result is excessive or high current and high temperature that can cause tripping off circuit breaker and blown fuse. In worse cases it can cause fire and damage to life and properties.

An example of shorted circuit


Grounded circuit- this condition occurs when the wire conductor accidentally gets in contact with a metallic object, you will experience electric shock if you touch the metallic object.

An example of grounded circuit

Suggested Activity: Directions: The table below shows two common types of electrical circuit.
Write their advantages and disadvantages under each corresponding column.






Suggested Activity:
Based on your answer in the previous activity between series and parallel circuits, which is more advantageous to use? Why? ________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

Suggested Activity:
Draw the schematic diagram of the circuit used in the assembly of a Lamp shade.


Suggested Activity:
Directions: As a student, how will you contribute to avoid circuit defects to happen in your own house? Use the graphic organizer below as reference. Answer should be written in your notebooks.

Suggested Activity:
Based on the suggested materials and procedures given, prepare a project plan of quality and marketable lampshade. You can also use other materials that are abundant and available in your community.


Lesson 3: Assembly of Water Heater

Human activities are directly affected by existing climate. If the weather is cold routine activities like taking a bath in the early morning becomes a problem. You need to keep water lukewarm to finish your routine on time. One of the appropriate solutions is to use a water heater. This is a basic electrical gadget which is handy and user friendly. This is used for boiling, sterilizing and cooking. It is readily available in the market today. They come in different forms, shapes, designs and models that would fit the type of water to be boiled or heated. For example: Soft water- is well filtered and chlorinated. It does not contain minerals and impurities. This water is supplied by the local water district like NAWASA. Hard water- is water with light and heavy mineral content. This water is coming from the deep well. Note: Always refer to the instructions/manual available in the package before using the gadget to determine its appropriate use.

Pictures of portable water heater


Uses of Water Heater

1. For Boiling, Cooking and Heating (Immerse the water heater completely)

Sterilizing feeding bottles, kitchen utensils and surgical/medical instruments.

Boiling water in a kettle.

Boiling water in pitcher for coffee and tea

Cooking Siopao or Siomai in a steamer

Cooking eggs and corn

Heating water in a pail for bathing.


2. For Steaming (Immerse the water heater at about to in order to produce more steam)

Steaming for rheumatic treatment.

Steaming for vapor inhaling.

Outdoor steam bathing

Steaming for hot towel.

Facial treatment in beauty shop


Directions on how to use the water heater

Note: To the users, you should strictly follow the directions to avoid accident. First, insert the plug to 110 or 220 volts AC outlet, then dip the water heater gradually into the water. No need to use transformer. (Do not dip the water heater before plugging to avoid spark in the plug and outlet). Never touch the water while heating is in progress especially if you are barefooted. (You might be grounded) After using, lift the water heater from the water to drain then unplug. (Do not unplug while the water heater is still dipped on the water to avoid spark). Allow the water heater to dry first before keeping in safe place.

Assembling a Water Heater Note: Assembly of water heater is optional depending on the availability of
materials in your locality. Materials Needed: o o o o o o 1 piece 1 piece 1 set 1 set 1 set 2 meters Male Plug Heating Element (any design/form) Plastic/rubber insulator (use as handle) Bolt and nut Metal strip Flat cord #18

Materials for water heater assembly


Tools Needed: Soldering iron/gun Long nose pliers Screw driver Pocket knife/any substitute Procedure: o Prepare the plan o Gather the tools and materials needed. o Insert cord into the plug. Separate the cord wires about 8 centimeters long. Remove insulation of both wires 1 centimeter long with a pocket knife as if sharpening a pencil. Be careful not to cut any strand. o Tie using an underwriters knot. o Make a loop on terminal wires and connect the wires to the screw of the male plug. The loop should go with the thread of the screw clockwise direction. o Separate the cord at the other end about 4 centimeters long. Remove the insulation of both wires 1 centimeter long. Scrape bare wire. Twist the wire strands and solder it to the terminals of the heating element. o Cover the soldered part with the handle and close it with the use of bolt and nut. o Check the connections and test the water heater.

Sample Rubrics Criteria Functionality 5 points Water heater functions Terminals are properly soldered and secured, output is presentable Followed the given procedure from start to finish, observed correct usage of tools Finished the work on/before the given time 3 points Water heater functions but intermittent Terminals are not properly soldered and secured, output is not presentable Followed the given procedure, noted once using incorrect tools Finished the work after the given time 1 point Water heater failed to function. Terminals are loosely soldered output is not presentable Followed the given procedure, noted more than once using incorrect tools. Unable to finish the work





RATING SCALE: Points Earned 1 7 - 20 13 16 9 12 58 14

Numerical 91 - 100 86 - 90 81 85 76 80 71 75

Descriptive Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Needs Improvement

Suggested Activity Discuss the importance of water heater in our daily activity and how they are properly used. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

Suggested Activity
Based on the given materials and procedures prepare a project plan on the assembly of a quality and marketable water heater.


Sub-Lesson 3A- Soldering Techniques

As an electrical technology student, you must remember that the normal operation of an electrical circuit depends on how an electrician performs the proper circuit connections. Loose connection will result to abnormal or intermittent operation. Soldering is one of the effective solutions needed in the assembly and repair of electrical gadgets. You need to learn and practice proper techniques in soldering to attain good soldered joints. In performing this process, you will need a soldering iron or soldering gun and soldering lead. The soldering lead is an alloy or mixture of tin and lead with a ratio of 60 percent tin and 40 percent lead. A hardened melted solder becomes permanent and durable electrical wire connections. The connection can withstand strong and vibrations and movements. Soldering tools are readily available in the market. They are classified according to wattages rating, shape and size of the tips.

Tips of Soldering Iron




The following are the tools and materials used in soldering techniques. Soldering Iron- is a tool used to apply heat to the metal joint and to melt the solder/soldering lead to make a permanent joint. Its wattage ratings vary from 30 watts, 45 watts, 60 watts and 75 watts.

Pictures of Soldering Irons


Exploded view of Soldering Iron

Soldering Gun- a soldering tool that has fast heating tip applicable for heavy duty applications. The contour shape is similar to that of a hand gun with a trigger that serves as the switch. The wattage rating of this tool varies from 60 to 100 watts.

A picture of a soldering gun and its parts


Other varieties of Soldering Guns

Soldering Stand- is used to hold the soldering iron when not in use or at rest. It keeps the hot soldering tip away from any object to avoid burning.

Sample picture of soldering stand

Sample pictures of soldering irons at rest


Soldering Lead/Solder- is an alloy that is a mixture of tin and lead. This is usually made in hollow form with center hole filled with rosin flux. The rosin flux makes the solder melt quickly and cleans the joints being soldered.

Sponge- is a damp cloth used for cleaning the tip of soldering iron or gun and also used for wiping excess lead on the tip of the soldering iron.

Soldering Techniques
Remove the insulator of the wire you want to connect together.

Twist the stands of wire to be soldered so that it becomes one and it will be easy to solder.


Cross the twisted ends of the wires to be soldered.

Position the tip of the soldering iron underneath the work. Then place the tip of soldering lead on top of the twisted wires. Keep the soldering lead melt slowly until it wraps the whole twisted wires.

Starting at the cross section, twist the wires together around themselves.

Preheat your soldering iron. Tin the tip of soldering iron by applying thin layer of melted solder. Tinning is the process of coating small amount of melted solder on the tip of the soldering iron/gun.

Keep it cool. It should be smooth, shiny and no sharp edges, as shown in the picture. Then have it insulated with the use of electrical tape.


Reminder Clean the tip of the soldering iron gun regularly. Tin the tip of soldering iron. Maintain the pointed tip of soldering iron and reshape it, if necessary. Apply right amount of solder on the preheated metallic surface and not directly to the tip of the soldering iron. Let the melted solder flow freely around the joint surface. Solder the joint as quick as possible to avoid extreme heat on the components. Reheat the cold soldered joint. Use a soldering stand to avoid the tip to get in contact with combustible materials or your skin. Hold the excess terminal lead while cutting to prevent being hit by flying excess terminal wires.

Suggested Activity
Directions: Using actual soldering iron and soldering gun compare the features and characteristics of the two soldering tools.



Differences o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

Similarities o o o o o o o



Based on the results of the previous activity, which do you prefer to use? Why? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

Suggested Activity
Directions: Perform the soldering techniques using the following: Materials: o 1 meter o meter o sheet

Solid wire #22 awg Soldering lead Pad paper

Tools: o Soldering Iron (30 watts) o Long Nose Pliers o Side Cutting Pliers o Soldering Stand Procedure in Soldering: o o o o o Clean the tip of the soldering iron or gun using sand paper, file or knife. Remove the insulator of the wire. Clean the bare wire conductor using sand paper. Divide the wire into ten (10) equal lengths. Arrange the wire in sheet of paper. (The illustration below will be your reference.) o Connect the plug of the soldering iron to the power source. o After two to three minutes tin the tip of soldering with the soldering lead.

o Heat the intersection of wires for few seconds.


o Apply appropriate amount of soldering lead on the free heated surface of the wire and not directly to the tip of the soldering iron.

o Allow the melted solder to flow evenly around the joint surface.

o Remove the tip of soldering iron and allow it to cool naturally.

o Check the soldered joints it should be smooth and shiny. o Reheat the joints if necessary to avoid cold soldered joints. o Finish all intersection following the same procedures.

You have to solder all wire intersections Note: Your output will be judged using the given Criteria: Quality Distance Speed


Sample Rubrics Criteria Quality 5 points All solders are smooth, shiny and with no sharp edges. All squares are equal. 3 points One to three solders are not smooth, shiny and have sharp edges. One to three squares are not equal. Finished the task after the given time. 1 point Four or more solders are not smooth, shiny and have sharp edges. Four or more squares are not equal. Unable to finish the task.



Finished the task before the given time.

RATING SCALE: Points earned 13 - 15 10 - 12 7 - 9 4 - 6 1 - 3

Numerical 91 - 100 86 - 90 81 - 85 76 - 80 71 - 75

Descriptive Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Needs Improvement


Lesson 4: Assembly of Continuity Tester and Test Light

Continuity Tester and Test Light is a simple electrical gadget which is very useful in checking and monitoring electrical circuit conditions. This is a two in one gadget which has a toggle switch to indicate the particular mode. o A Test Light is used to check the presence of power within the circuit. The Neon lamp which serves as the power indicator glows or produces light if the circuit being tested has power. Electric current in single line can also be detected using this gadget. o A Continuity Tester is used to check the continuity of conductor, switch, fuse and other electrical devices. This can also be used to check the line cord of electrical appliances such as; flat iron, electric stove, bread toaster, electrical fan, and many more. It has light emitting diodes (LED) that serves as an indicator. If the LED lights, the wire or conductor tested has continuity.

Pictures of Continuity Tester and Test Light

Interior view of Continuity Tester and Test Light


The diagrams below show the schematic and pictorial views of the circuit. These will help you become familiar with the circuit of continuity tester and test light. You may use these in assembling your project.


Materials needed in the Assembly of Continuity Tester and Test Light o o o o o o o o o o 1 piece 1 piece 1 piece 1 piece 1 piece 3 pieces 1 meter 1 set meter 1 piece Neon lamp 220 volts Resistor 820 ohms watt Dry cell 9 volts DC Toggle switch Battery holder Light Emitting Diodes (LED) jumbo Hook up wire #22 awg stranded Test Probe (black and red) Soldering lead Cassette casing or any other casing fitted for the project

Tools and Instruments needed in the Assembly of Continuity Tester and test Light o Soldering Iron o Long Nose Pliers o Side Cutting Pliers o Mini electric drill o DC Power Supply o Multi-Tester Procedures in assembling Continuity Tester and Test Light o Secure all the materials needed to save time. o Check the condition of all components using multi-tester. o Analyze the wiring connections and orientation of parts to determine the proper position of parts. o Clean the electrodes or terminals of components to insure quality solder. o Bore appropriate holes for light emitting diodes, neon lamp and toggle switch. o Perform the wiring installations and solder the wiring connections. o Connect the battery holder. o Fix all parts and wirings on its casing o Set the toggle switch to continuity tester mode (CTM). o Short the test probe, the LEDs should light which is a normal response of the continuity tester. o Set the toggle switch in opposite position or test light mode (TLM). To avoid the LEDs to be busted. o Check the power of the convenience outlet, the neon lamp should light if it has power.

Reminder In assembling the continuity tester and test light, you must strictly follow the wiring diagrams because the light emitting diodes and battery have polarity. Which means that there is positive and negative terminals that should not be interchanged. Another thing is you must be extra careful in using the gadgets. You have see to it that the toggle switch is in its correct mode. For example you want to check if the particular convenience outlet has power what you should do is to set the toggle switch to test light mode (TLM) to avoid damaging the gadget. This gadget is comparable to a multi- tester which is too delicate. Proper care and maintenance is necessary because this is a significant instrument that you will be using for the next quarters.

Suggested Activity
Directions: Discuss the importance of a continuity tester and test light in providing quality and safe electrical servicing jobs. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________


Suggested Activity
Directions: Draw the schematic diagram of the continuity tester and test light circuit.

Suggested Activity
Directions: Based on the given diagram, materials and procedures prepare a project plan for a quality continuity tester and test light.

After firming up your understanding on the concept and underlying principles of basic electrical gadgets assembly, we will now proceed with its applications.


DEEPEN your understanding A. Electrical Tools and Materials used in Assembling Basic Electrical Gadgets
Aside from the screw drivers and flat cords mentioned earlier. Here are sophisticated tools and materials that could be used in assembling quality and marketable basic electrical gadgets. Compact Screw Driver is a type of screw driver that can be manually operated or with the used of electrical energy. It could be with the used of dry cell or battery of dry cells-(DC) direct current or (AC) alternating current. It is automatically plug into a 220 volt supply of electrical energy or with a built in battery.

DC operated screw drivers AC operated screw driver Flexible cord- is a round flexible conductor which is also used as an extension wire. This comes in a variety of sizes, colors and number of conductor inside the cord depending on desired wattages capacity and its purpose. The third wire is connected to the third terminal that is intended for grounding.


Pictures of two, three and more wires conductors inside a round flexible cord

Pictures of extension cords using round flexible cord

B. Water Heater
Other portable water heaters available in the market are those permanently installed in the bath rooms or hanged in outdoor places. Like the handy water heater for coffee it has a heating element that serves as the heart of the unit. It has control switches that regulate the temperature of water that comes out from the unit. Other manufacturers produce water heaters that are installed indoors only inside the bathrooms. This type of water heater are commonly installed in residences, apartments, hospitals, hotels, resorts and others buildings.

Portable water heater for bathing hanged on the fence outdoor.


Suggested Activity:
Directions: Based on the pictures of water heaters, describe each in terms of features and characteristics.

Suggested Activity:
Directions: Visit a nearby hardwares, workshops and malls with electrical hardware. Then observe, examine and take pictures of the different variety of extension cords sold there. Show pictures or present your observation to the class.


Suggested Activity:
Directions: Explore industries within your community to find out when and where these sophisticated tools are used.

Turning screws using compact screw drivers

Summative Assessment (six facet of understanding)

Discuss the importance of assembling quality basic electrical gadgets as possible entrepreneurial activity. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________


Given extension cords A, B and C, determine which one is innovative? Justify your answer. Figure A Figure B Figure C

______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ In a scale of 1 to 5. What is your level of confidence in assembling basic electrical gadgets? Why?

______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

Compare the features of extension cord A and B the given criteria below.

Extension Cord A

Extension Cord B

Criteria Quality Durability Functionality Cost of production Safety

Extension cord A

Extension Cord B

How would you feel if the extension cord you prepared was rejected by your teacher?____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

Self- assess your level of confidence in assembling a heavy duty extension cord.

______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

TRANSFER your understanding

Are you ready to demonstrate to others your gained knowledge and skills? Perform the following activities.

Suggested Activity 1: Extension Cord Assembly

Directions: Assemble Innovative and a Marketable Extension Cord based on the project plan you have prepared and follow step by step the procedures: Prepare the plan. Gather all necessary materials, tools and equipment needed. Insert cord into the male plug, split the cord wires about 8 centimeters long. Remove insulation of both wires 1 centimeter long with a pocket knife as if sharpening a pencil. Be careful not to cut any strand. Scrape bare wire with the back of the knife until shiny. Twist the wire stands.

Tie the underwriters knot. Make a loop on terminal wires and connect the wires to the screw of the male plug. The loop should go with the thread clockwise direction. Split the cord wires at the other end about 4 centimeters long, then follow procedure no. 4. Connect the wires to the connectors. Open the convenience outlet then remove the screw. Insert the wire connectors to the screws, tighten it and return the cover. Check the continuity and test the extension cord.

Your performance and product will be judge by the following criteria: Functionality Product design (creativity, innovativeness) Quality (accuracy, workmanship) Use of appropriate tools and materials Observance of safety measure Time management Note: Each of you will assemble at least three extension cords. See to it that you did an innovation in the second and third extension cords. Criteria Functionality Sample Rubrics 5 points 3 points Extension Extension cord/lamp shade is cord/lamp shade is 100% functional. functional but intermittent. Two or more With only one innovations made innovation made Terminal wires are Terminal wires are properly twisted not properly twisted &secured, output is and secured, output presentable. is not presentable. Followed the given Followed the given step from start to step, noted once finish, using incorrect usage of appropriate tools for tools. each task. No injury happened Noticed incidence while doing the of injury while doing task. the task. Finished the task on Finished the task or before the given after the given task. time. 1 point Extension cord/lamp shade is not functional. No innovation made Terminal wires are loose, output is not presentable. Followed the given step, noted more once incorrect usage of tools. Noticed more than one incidence of injury. Unable to finish the given task.

Design Quality


Safety work habits

Time Management


RATING SCALE: Points earned 24 - 30 18 - 23 12- 17 7 - 11 1 - 6

Numerical 91 - 100 86 - 90 81 - 85 76 - 80 71 - 75

Descriptive Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Needs Improvement

Suggested Activity 2: Lamp Shade Assembly

Directions: Assemble marketable lamp shade based on the project plan you have prepared and follow step by step procedures: Secure all the materials needed. Prepare the tools and instruments needed. Analyze the wiring diagram. Mount the bulb socket at one end of the pipe. Insert the flat cord along the pipe and connect it to the bulb socket.(do the underwriters knot) Bore appropriate hole for the base of the lamp shade. Insert the other end of the wire to the hole. Install the switch somewhere in the middle of the flat cord. Install the male plug at the end of the wire. (dont forget do the underwriters knot) Position the pipe at the center of the base. Place the pebbles inside the container so that the pipe can stand alone Make the frame of skeleton of the lamp shade using the wire considering the dimensions of the shade. Put decorating materials like beads, sequence, glitters and other materials available to enhance the physical appearance. Insert the shade to the frame after connecting the lamp to the socket. Apply voltage to the lamp shade and observe performance. Troubleshoot the circuit if necessary. Your performance and product will be judge by the following criteria: Functionality Product design (creativity, innovativeness) Quality (accuracy, workmanship) Use of appropriate tools and materials Observance of safety measure Time management Note: Please refer to the sample rubrics in activity 1.

Suggested Activity 3: Water Heater Assembly

Directions: Assemble quality and marketable water heater based on the approved project plan. Steps below will serve as your guide. Prepare the plan Gather the tools and materials needed. Insert cord into the plug. Separate the cord wires about 8 centimeters long. Remove insulation of both wires 1 centimeter long with a pocket knife as if sharpening a pencil. Be careful not to cut any strand. Tie the under writers knot. Make a loop on terminal wires and connect the wires to the screw of the male plug. The loop should go with the thread of the screw clockwise direction. Separate the cord at the other end about 4 centimeters long. Remove the insulation of both wires 1 centimeter long. Scrape bare wire. Twist the wire strands and solder it to the terminals of the heating element. Cover the soldered part with the handle and close it with the use of bolt and nut. Check the connections and test the water heater.

Your Performance or product will be judged based on the following criteria: Functionality Quality Method Speed Sample Rubrics Criteria Functionality 5 points Water heater is functional Terminals are properly soldered and secured, output is presentable Followed the given procedure from start to finish, observed correct usage of tools Finish the work on/before the given time 3 points Water heater is functional but intermittent Terminals are not properly soldered and secure, out is not presentable Followed the given procedure, noted once incorrect usage of tools Finish the work after the given time 1 point Water heater is not functional. Terminals are loose output is not presentable Followed the given procedure, noted more than once incorrect usage of tools. Unable to finish the work





Points Earned 1 7 - 20 13 16 9 12 58 14

Numerical 91 - 100 86 - 90 81 85 76 80 71 75

Descriptive Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Needs Improvement

Suggested Activity 4: Continuity Tester and Test Light Assembly

Directions: Assemble quality continuity tester and test light based on the approved project plan. Given steps below will serve as your give. Secure all the materials needed. Check all components using multi-tester. Analyze the wiring connections and orientation of parts to determine the proper position of parts. Clean the electrodes or terminals of components. Bore appropriate holes for light emitting diodes, neon lamp and toggle switch. Perform the wiring installations and solder the wiring connections. Connect the battery holder. Fix all parts and wirings on its casing Set the toggle switch to continuity tester mode (CTM). Short the test probe, the LEDs should light which is normal response of continuity tester. Set the toggle switch in opposite position or test light mode (TLM). Check the power of the convenience outlet, the neon lamp should light if it has power. Your Performance or product will be judged based on the following criteria: Functionality Quality Method Speed Sample Rubrics Criteria Functionality 5 points Continuity Tester & Test Light is functional Terminals are properly soldered and secured, output is presentable 3 points Continuity Tester & Test light is functional but intermittent Terminals are not properly soldered and secure, out is not presentable 1 point Continuity Tester &Test Light is not functional Terminals are loose output is not presentable





Followed the given procedure from start to finish, observed correct usage of tools Finish the work on/before the given time

Followed the given procedure, noted once incorrect usage of tools Finish the work after the given time

Followed the given procedure, noted more than once incorrect usage of tools. Unable to finish the work

RATING SCALE: Points Earned 1 7 - 20 13 16 9 12 58 14 Numerical 91 - 100 86 - 90 81 85 76 80 71 75 Descriptive Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Needs Improvement

Suggested Activity 5:
Put your product on display for sale or established linkage with the school cooperative to market your product.

Suggested Activity 6:
Market the assembled extension cord and lamp shade in your nearby community.

Post Test:
Multiple Choices: Directions: Each item consists of four choices, choose the appropriate answer and write the letter of your answer in your notebook. 1. Which of the following element of an electric circuit is a current consuming device? a) Control (switch) c) Path (wire conductor) b) Load (lamp) d) Source (battery) 2. There are four possible conditions in electric circuit, which is considered the most dangerous because it might cause fire? a) Short Circuit c) Grounded Circuit b) Closed Circuit d) Open Circuit 3. Suppose you want to check the continuity of the flat cord, what particular part of test light and continuity tester indicates the condition of the cord? a) Neon Lamp c) LEDS

b) Toggle Switch d) Battery 4. Water heater is one of the basic electric gadgets in this module, which of the following is not the function of this gadget? a) Cooling c) Cooking b) Heating d) Sterilizing 5. You encountered difficulties in driving screws in tight location. Which is the most appropriate driving tools to use for the job? a) Standard/ Flat Screw Driver c) Allen Wrench b) Stubby Screw Driver d) Philip Screw Driver 6. What part of the project plan indicates the selling cost of the project/products? a) Purpose c) Materials Needed b) Sketch/Drawing d) Procedures 7. It is an alloy or mixture of tin and lead used for soldering electrical joints. a) Sponge c) Soldering Iron b) Soldering Lead d) Nipple 8. An electrical material used to turn ON or turn OFF the circuit conveniently. a) Switch c) Convenience Outlet b) Lamp Holder d) Male plug 9. One of the steps in extension cord assembly is the tying process of wire conductor, what is the most effective tie or knot to use? a) Lock Knot c) Western Union Long Tie b) Underwriters Knot d) Western Union Short Tie 10. What is the appropriate size of flat cord if the total power rating of the appliances to be connected to extension cord is 1,600 watts? a) # 12 c) # 16 b) # 14 d) # 18 11. An electrical tool is used in removing wire insulator from gauge #10 to gauge #16. a) Long Nose Pliers c) Combination Pliers b) Wire Stripper d) Knife 12. Which of the following items is not the function of a lampshade? a. Cover the surface of the entire room b. Reduces the glare of the light source c. Direct or focus the light in desired direction d. Cover the lamp hardware for better appearance 13. An electrical tool used to drive screws with hexagonal slot head. a) Allen Wrench c) Long Nose Pliers b) Philip Screw Driver d) Side Cutting pliers 14. A type of electrical circuit used in Christmas light. a) Series Circuit c) Complex Circuit b) Parallel Circuit d) Simple Circuit 15. Which of the electrical appliances has the highest power rating? a) Radio c) Electric Fan b) Television d) Flat Iron


After this module how do you feel?






Reference Materials www.shutterstockcom.1128464


Attachment A
Key to Correction Diagnostic Test/Post Test 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. D 11. B 12. A 13. A 14. A 15. D


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