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WORKSHOP NOTES Name: Date: Present: Written By: Radu 28th and 29th January 2004 Radu, Christina,

Damain, Alina, Laur, Raluca, Paul, Anca and Liz Liz Shew (UKYAP- Consultant)

CURRENT PROGRAMMES 1) Matching Words Radu is picking these words up at a rate of one a day. This is fantastic and means that we can turn this programme into WORD TO OBJECT. Therefore just check that Radu can match the word a couple of times and the teach word to object. Mass trial alone, then with distracter objects. Then introduce your second target and Mass trail alone and then with distracters. Then bring the two targets together. Switch between the two in the same sitting. Then introduce a distracter so it is a field of three. Then teach your third word to object. Mass trial alone then add distracters and then random rotate with the first two targets. When 100% over two sessions with 2 different tutors it is mastered. Then introduce more targets in the same way. Remember to only have one on acquisition at a time. He will learn faster this way. This programme is designed to teach Radu some basic written names of objects. We will have a clearer idea of how many he should have when he goes into kindergarten and we can see what his peers are doing. When he has mastered matching word to object, check object to word (i.e. the other way around). It should just be a matter of checking this but teach any systematically that he finds difficult. Do this programme twice in a four-hour session. When a word is mastered check receptive i.e. touch car and just have words out and not the object. This is called receptive sight reading. If Radu can do this then ask him to read the word i.e. read. This is called expressive sight reading. Therefore words need to move through the following stages within this programme: 1. Word to object 2. Object to word 3. Receptive sight reading 4. Expressive sight reading 2) Receptive Verbs Continue with this. When this is mastered introduce expressive verbs i.e. whats he doing from the picture. When these are mastered introduce receptive verbs in vivo: SD: e.g. show me clapping/jumping/blowing etc. R: Radu does action P: Imitation When this is mastered introduce expressive verbs in vivo: SD: Do action and say what am I doing? R: Radu labels your action e.g. clapping P: verbal 3) Receptive Colours We worked on this a lot today and it has greatly improved. We all decided that it was a problem with reinforcement. Therefore you are to continue in the way you have been but making sure you have an appropriate reinforcer. When receptive colours is mastered introduce expressive colours: SD: Whats the colour? R: e.g. red P: Verbal or receptive When expressive is mastered put this into generalization.

4) Verbal Imitation You need to now split this programme into 3 parts. Still do it every third sitting. The three parts are: 1. Sounds (this can include blends) 2. Words 3. Sentences (2 and 3 words) We demonstrated how to get Radu to articulate sounds that he finds difficult. Use oral motor imitation for this. Break down the sound into the mouth position and then create the sound. Then you can work on shaping the sound. Refer to the Shaping part of the Theory pack for a refresher. 5) Receptive Letters Continue as you are. You have already covered half the alphabet, which is excellent. Continue through the rest of the alphabet and then put this into generalization (concentrating on changing the font of the letters etc). When this is mastered as a current programme introduce Expressive Letters: SD: Whats the letter? R: e.g. a P: verbal or receptive e.g. touch a then ask expressive 6) Line Imitation Continue with this. You do not need to be so strict with how Radu draws the line. Follow the targets in the logbook. Fade the dots that he draws the line from so it is completely freehand. 7) Puzzles Put this into generalization. Make sure that Radu is sometimes doing puzzles in his downtime. 8) Receptive Instructions Move onto 2-step receptive instructions. This is where you are now going to give Radu two instruction and he is required to remember them both. Therefore he cannot respond until the whole SD has been given i.e. both instructions have been said. Work through the following steps: 1. Go to (room) and do/get something 2. Action without object and action with object 3. Action with object and action without object 4. 2 actions with objects 5. 2 actions without objects 9) Lego Imitation You need to generalize to smaller pieces of Lego. Make Radu attend to the colours as well as the shapes. Work through Radu actually making some representations of toys and playing with them. So for example get Radu to build a car, a plane etc. For example: SD: Build a car (have a car already built for him to copy and the appropriate pieces out for him to use) R: Radu imitates the structure with his Lego and plays with it P: Step by step Lego imitation or physical. You need to fade the pre-built structure so that you can say to Radu build a car without him copying it. At this stage Radu doesnt need to remember the structure exactly as he is very imaginative with his play. He may like to create a different car himself but as long as it looks like a car this is fine. When you have done 6 or 7 structures and faded the pre-built structure put this into generalization. 10) Expressive categories Continue as you are until the rest that are on the list are mastered. Then move onto the following:

SD: Whats a ? R: e.g. animal P: Present the visual category. You do not need a field of three for this, as the distracters are the other categories in his head! When the above is mastered move on to the following: SD: Tell me a R: e.g. cow P: Present the array of the category for him to choose one. When this is mastered put the whole prorate into generalization. 11) Follow the leader Include actions I this that you have done in receptive instructions, imitation and verbs. You then need to fade your SDs. Do this by forward chaining the responses. Give 1 SD and two actions. Radu imitates simultaneously. (You dont move onto the next action until he imitates the one you are doing). Then give an SD for the following 8 actions (10 in total). When this is consistent give one SD for the first 3 actions and an SD each for the following 7 etc. You need to get to the stage where you dive one D at eh start and then 10 actions and Radu imitates simultaneously, staying on task for all the actions. This will help him sty on task following other children at kindergarten. Introduce Factual yes/no when this is mastered. 12) Self Help This is excellent. Radu is now putting each part of his clothing on independently. Now chain then together so that he is getting dressed independently. Place his clothes in a pile in the order that he should take them. Prompt Radu to get dressed quickly by making him stay on task. Do this by blocking him from moving away from the situation. Use physical blocking and pointing. Just give the SD get dressed once at the beginning. Give the reinforcement at the end when he has completely dressed but socially reinforce him throughout. 13) Receptive Shapes Continue with this. It is going really well. When you have mastered all the shapes, introduce expressive shapes. SD: whats the shape? R: e.g. square P: Verbal or receptive e.g. touch square then ask what is it again very quickly. 14) Expressive Labels Finish off the one you have left to transfer from receptive labels. Then put this programme into generalization and introduce Respond to name. 15) Receptive Environmental Sounds Use the tape that you have made and the pictures of the animals. SD: Play tape and say what can you hear? R: Radu touches the correct picture and verbalizes. P: Point to the picture and verbal When this is mastered introduce expressive environmental sounds: SD: e.g. what noise does a cat make? R: meow P: verbal When this is mastered put into generalization and introduce Pretend to be. GENERALISATION Your generalization folder should contain the following programmes.

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

Matching (3D, 2D, 2D to 3D, 3D to 2D, letters, numbers, colours, words) Body Parts (Receptive and Expressive) Receptive Labels Sound Discrimination Symbolic Play Functional Yes/No Turn taking

NEW PROGRAMMES 1) Social Questions This will teach Radu to respond to questions about himself in preparation for kindergarten. We started with whats your name? and Radu appeared to know this but it has not been mastered in discrimination with anything else yet so if he gets it wrong remember to prompt. Next work on what s your brothers name? Use the photo of Andi as the prompt and a verbal prompt. When this is consistent in mass trial put the photo of Radu and the photo of Andi on the table. Random rotate between the two SDs and then fade the visuals. Then introduce what is your dads name? Use the photos as with Andi. He appeared to be doing this today but then made some discrimination errors with Laur at the table so you need to work on it systematically. Continue with all the appropriate social questions you can think of. 2) Colouring Start this now. You have thought of using staples as the border, which is an excellent idea. Begin with a 1cm by 1cm Square. Then increase the size to about 3cm by 3cm. Then fade the staples as the border. Use hand over hand prompts to keep Radu colouring. Socially reinforce whilst he is colouring and then give him a primary at the end. Fade the borders to just a line. Then change what he is colouring from a square to different shapes and then more interesting characters. Then once again increase the area he is required to colour. Then work on switching to another colour. Prompt him to put his pen down, pick up another and colour a different part of the picture a different colour. Then work on 3 colours etc. 3) Receptive Numbers Introduce this in the same way as you have for receptive letters. Introduce it at the same time as expressive letters as he will need to start working on it for kindergarten. SD: Touch (number) R: Radu touches correct nu8mber card P: point When these are mastered introduce expressive numbers in exactly the same way as expressive labels. SD: Whats the number? R: e.g. one PO: verbal or receptive e.g. tough one and then ask what number straight away. 4) Counting Introduce this when expressive numbers is mastered. Work on counting to 10 by rote. Forward chain this. Start with 1,2,3 laid out on the table. Count and point and Radu imitates you. When this is consistent add 4 to the sequence etc. Fade your prompts so that Radu is pointing and counting himself. He should move very quickly through this as it s just expressive labeling of the numbers and he has already mastered this in expressive numbers. The only difference here is that he is expected to answer in a chain, eventually to 10. When you have mastered this to 10-turnover number 1. Point to it and prompt Radu to day one then he point and counts the rest, which are the correct way up. When this is consistent and you have faded your prompt, turn over one and two etc until he is counting to 10 with all

the numbers blank. Then remove the blank cards and test to see if he can do it just verbally without any visuals. SD: Count 5) Respond to name Radu is already responding to some people saying his name however it is not consistent across people or distances or volume. Therefore we need to work on it systematically. SD: Radu R: Radu gives you eye contact for 1 to 2 seconds P: Move his face so that he is looking at you Start at around 2 meters in one room. Then increase the distance so that you can call him from anywhere in the room. Make sure he can respond at a lower volume so that you dont have to raise your voice. When this is mastered call him from an adjoining room. You will need two people for this so that you can prompt him. He should come and find you and give you eye contact for 1 to 2 seconds. Then do it from any room to any room all on one level. Then do it from level to level, again using two people so one person can prompt. 6) WH Questions/Tell me about Introduce this when expressive shapes are mastered. This is a programme designed to increase Radus comprehension and expressive language. Work through all the what questions you can think of. You can do this in subjects so it could be questions about outside, school, the house, the family etc. Use verbal prompts. Where possible do this in context, e.g. in the bedroom if the questions are about the bedroom. Then do where and when questions. Each time you introduce a new question master it by random rotating it with mastered what questions etc. This is a very large programme that needs to run along side tell me. As soon as you have enough WH questions introduce tell me about. For example if you have been asking him questions about the house and he can discriminate between the different S about he house then give the SD tell me about your house. Use the WH questions as the prompt. These programmes can then run simultaneously. You need to be very clear in your notes about all the different targets so it might be a good idea to come up with some targets in your team meeting. 7) Factual Yes/No Introduce this when Follow the leader is mastered. This programme is designed to check that he can discriminate yes and no in terms of truth. Mass trial yes: SD: Is it a pen? And hold up a pen R: Da P: verbal Do this will objects, actions, shapes, people etc. Then mass trial no: SD: IS it a square and hold up a circle R: Nu P: verbal Do this with objects, actions, shapes people etc. Then mix yes and no in the same sitting with different objects/actions/people etc. When this is consistent mix yes and no in the same sitting about the same object/action/person etc. 8) Pretend to be Introduce this when expressive environmental sounds are mastered. SD: e.g. pretend to be a cat R: Radu pretend to be a cat and makes the sound

P: Imitation Work through animals, objects etc. When you have worked through as many as you can think of put this programme into generalization. 9) Observational Learning Introduce this when expressive verbs in vivo is mastered. This programme is designed to reach Radu to imitate his peers with distraction f other peers so tat he can follow the child that he is supposed to be imitating. Therefore you need atleast two people for this programme. SD: DO what (person is doing) and that person is doing an action) R: Radu imitate the correct person P: Point to person/physical Then introduce distracters so that Radu can imitate the correct person even though there is another person there doing a different action. When this is mastered put it into generalization. 10) I dont know This programme is designed to give Radu the language to deal with situations where he doesnt understand and the skills to find out. Introduce this when pretend to be is mastered. Start this programme with objects so you need a collection of objects that Radu doesnt know (if you can find any!). Ask him what it is and prompt him to say he doesnt know. You need to vary the objects so that he doesnt think that it means that it is called I dont now. Occasionally choose one of the objects and teach it so he does learn that it has a name. SD: What is it? R: I dont know P: Verbal When this is consistent do it with verbs and colours and shape he doesnt know. When this is mastered introduce Ask. 11) Ask Introduce this when I dont know is mastered. SD1: What is it? Etc R: I dont know Reinforce SD2: Go and ask (person) R2: Radu asks person what is it? P: Verbal SD3: what did he/she say? R3: Radu repeats what they told him P: verbal 12) Same/Different Introduce this when Radu has learnt 20 words in word to object. This programme will teach him the concept somethings being the same as each other and things being different. Have out 2 objects and hold up an object that is the same as one of them. SD: Give me the same R: Radu gives you the object that is the same as the one you are hold up P: physical When this is consistent across any objects introduce different. Have out 2 objects and hold up one that is the same as one of them. SD: Give me different R: Radu gives you the item that is different to the one you are holding up

P: Physical When this is mastered increase the field size. When this is mastered put it into generalization. 13) Opposites Introduce this when respond to name is mastered. Work through receptive opposites and keep checking to see if he is picking up the expressive for free. You made a list of all the opposites you are going to work through today. SD: Touch (opposite) R: Radu touches correct item P: Physical Remember to always have the comparison item out as this is a relative programme. When you get onto taste just do this expressively. Remember to cover texture as well. 14) Prepositions Introduce this when Lego imitation is mastered. Have out two cups, one turned upside down. Work on in, under, on, next to, infront, behind, between, around and over. SD: put (e.g. in etc) R: Radu puts item in correct place P: physical or have an object already in that place so he just has to match) When this is mastered introduced expressive: SD: place an item somewhere and say where is it? R: e.g. in P: verbal Then put into generalization and concentrate on generalizing the stimuli. 15) Multiple Discrimination Introduce this when expressive colours and expressive shapes have been mastered. This will teach Radu to respond on a two-word level. SD: touch e.g. yellow car R: Radu touches the correct item P: put then cars together and say yellow as he goes for the car (because the SD is reversed in Romanian). Remember to have out 3 objects so for the example above it will be a yellow car, a car of another colour and something else yellow. Work through colour /object and colour shape. Then adjective object (for this you will need 4 objects at a time as it is also relative as well as being multiply discriminative). 16) Sequencing Introduce this when expressive categories and expressive colours are mastered. It is designed to check that Radu is able to predict in a sequence. SD: have out a sequence of cubes, point and say the colours then whats next? R: Radu picks correct cube and places it in the sequence. P: Physical and verbal Work on a simple 121212 sequence first and then 123 123 123 etc. First work with colours then shapes then objects etc. 17) Receptive Emotions Teach this with 2D stimuli from the ABA CD you have. Teach it exactly as you have taught any other labels. SD: Touch happy

R: Radu touches happy picture P: physical Then introduce expressive: SD: How does he/she fell? R: e.g. happy P: verbal Then introduce receptive in vivo: SD: show me happy R: Radu makes a happy face P: Imitation and visual picture Then introduce expressive in vivo: SD: How do I feel? R: e.g. happy P: verbal/picture 18) Playground Games You need to find out what sorts of games children are playing at kindergarten and teach these to Radu. Use as prompter who can physically prompt Radu from behind and reinforce. OTHER 1) Toileting Take Radu to the toilet every half an hour. Say toilet and make him repeat this. Then prompt him through the process. Reinforce if he every pees on the toilet. Then increase the time between visits. If he ever has an accident make him clean it up and say you needed to go to the toilet. Continue to where nappies at night for the moment. 2) Reinforcement We talked for some time today about reinforcement. The main points that came up were that we cannot dictate to Radu what we think he might find reinforcing therefore we have to do a reinforcement sample at the beginning of every sitting. This is where you present a tray full of reinforcers and he chooses. You can represent the tray within the sitting if you think its absolutely necessary and he is not messing around. If he doesnt want anything from the tray, try to find something else or just use social reinforcement. Remember he might find something reinforcing one day and not reinforcing another. It is a good idea to have an in and out system whereby you have a bag of toys in the in box. When you have finished your session you put the ones you have used in the out box. When all the in toys have been used and are in the out box you start all over again. 3) Behaviour When Radu is engaging in verbal self-stimulatory behaviour prompts him to say something appropriate to the situation and highly reinforce this. 4) Shadowing in Kindergarten You are going to look for a Kindergarten and go and view it. Write down what Is expected of the children and email it to me and we can all decide when would be the best time to put him in. He will have a shadow with him at all times. You have received shadowing training today and seen a demonstration of it and will receive on going training at subsequent visits. 5) The next workshop will be 6) Well done everyone. I have been so impressed with the tutoring and everyones attitude over the past two days. Radu is doing really well and it is all thanks to you guys. Keep up the hard work!

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